22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary August ... · 22nd Annual Family Gathering...

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Transcript of 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary August ... · 22nd Annual Family Gathering...

What does our Logo mean?

YEAR OF MERCY Pope Francis has called for the Catholic Church from December 8 through

November 20, 2016 to focus on the boundless nature of God’s mercy and he declared year 2016 the Jubilee year of mercy. The door indicates Jesus himself who said: “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) Going through the Holy Door is the sign of our trust in the Lord Jesus who did not come to judge, but to save. The darker blue color suggests the impenetrability of the love of the Father

who forgives all. The white color represents the light and purity. Year of Mercy logo: The logo and the motto Merciful Like the Father, serves as an invitation

to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.

Mary, Mother of Mercy: Virgin Mary, as Mother of our merciful Savior, plays a unique and unequalled role in God's plan to shower His mercy upon us all. She is the true "masterpiece" of God's mercy in the world, through the gift of her

Immaculate Conception. When Mary humbly accepted the angel Gabriel's call, she actually conceived in her womb, and brought to birth into our world, the

merciful God made flesh, Mercy Incarnate, Jesus Christ. Mary is Mother of Mercy because her Son, Jesus Christ, was sent by the Father as the revelation of

God's mercy. Christ came not to condemn but to forgive, to show mercy. The divine mercy image: The Image of The Divine Mercy represents the risen Christ whose hands and feet bear the marks of the Crucifixion. The pale ray stands for the Water, which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which

is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of Jesus tender mercy when His agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross.

These two rays signify the sacraments of mercy (Baptism and Penance), and the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the blood of souls, carrying life-sustaining food for our spiritual journey. The water is analogous to the sacraments of Baptism

and Penance, in that through these sacraments our souls are cleaned.

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 A Word from our Archbishop

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

Dear friends,

I greet you in the Peace of Our Lord,

With great pleasure, I join you, year after year, at the Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary. It is an opportunity for family ties renewal and friends gathering within the church encounter.

With this message I would like to address 2 ideas:

Our world needs good and strong families to overcome threats. In spite of profound historical changes, the family remains the most complete and the richest school of humanity. In it, one lives the most significant experience of unselfish love, fidelity, mutual respect and defense of life. Keep protecting and handing on virtues and values, in such a way as to build up and promote the good of individuals. Then, your families remain what Saint John Chrysostom calls “the domestic church”.

The Maronite family is an heir of a solid and missionary Maronite spirit which is still alive in its journey along the paths of life. It is so important to raise our children in faith, sound values and teach them to contribute to society; so they become a blessing in our world. Do not hide your faith. Keep Jesus in front of you, and carry Him with you into the world.

I entrust our families to the Holy Family of Nazareth, model and ideal of every Christian family. I deeply thank all of you, whom are giving generously, and ask the Lord, during this year of the Jubilee of Mercy, to protect and help you to walk united in love and in caring for one another.

أيها األعزاء، أحييكم بسالم الرب يسوع،

. اللقاء العائلي السنوي حول العذراء مرريرمأنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أنضم إليكم، سنة بعد سنة، في إنها فرصة لتجديد الروابط العائلية والصداقة الواحد مع اآلخر ومع الكنيسة.

مع هذه الرسالة أود أن أشّدد على فكرتين:فررهنرره إن العالم بحاجة إلى عائلة جيدة وقوية صوب. للتغلب على التهديدات المحدقة من كل

على الرغم من التغيّرات التاريخية العميقة، ال تزال األسرة هي مدرسة اإلنسانية األكمل واألغنى، حيث يعيش كل فرد فيها أهم اختبار للحب غير األناني، واإلخالص واالحترام المتبادل والردفراع عرن الرحريراة. استمرّوا إذن في حماية الجيل الجديد وتسليمه الفضائل والقيم بشكل بنّاء يعّزز مصلحرة األفرراد. أبرقروا

".كنيسة بيتيةعائالتكم، كما يصفها القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، ". لررذا، العائلة المارونية هي وريثة روح رسولية راسخة ال تزال حيّة في مسيرة حياة كل عائلة

من المهم جداً تدريب أطفالنا على اإليمان والقيم الدينية الصحيحة، وتعليمهم الرمرسراهرمرة فري برنراء المجتمع، بحيث يصبحون نعمة في عالمنا. ال تخفوا إيمانكم! أبقوا يسوع نصب أعينركرم واحرمرلروه الرى

!العالم أوكل عائالتنا إلى عائلة الناصرة المقدسة، النموذج األمثل لكل عائلة مسيحية.

أشكركم بعمق جميعاً، أنتم الذين تعطون بسخاء. وأسأل هللا، في هذه السنة، يوبيل الرحمة، حمايتركرم ومساعدتكم على السير متّحدين في المحبة ورعاية بعضكم البعض.

A Word from Mayor Jim Watson

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

A Word from our Archbishop


22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 A Word from our Archbishop

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

Dear friends,

I greet you in the Peace of Our Lord,

With great pleasure, I join you, year after year, at the Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary. It is an opportunity for family ties renewal and friends gathering within the church encounter.

With this message I would like to address 2 ideas:

Our world needs good and strong families to overcome threats. In spite of profound historical changes, the family remains the most complete and the richest school of humanity. In it, one lives the most significant experience of unselfish love, fidelity, mutual respect and defense of life. Keep protecting and handing on virtues and values, in such a way as to build up and promote the good of individuals. Then, your families remain what Saint John Chrysostom calls “the domestic church”.

The Maronite family is an heir of a solid and missionary Maronite spirit which is still alive in its journey along the paths of life. It is so important to raise our children in faith, sound values and teach them to contribute to society; so they become a blessing in our world. Do not hide your faith. Keep Jesus in front of you, and carry Him with you into the world.

I entrust our families to the Holy Family of Nazareth, model and ideal of every Christian family. I deeply thank all of you, whom are giving generously, and ask the Lord, during this year of the Jubilee of Mercy, to protect and help you to walk united in love and in caring for one another.

أيها األعزاء، أحييكم بسالم الرب يسوع،

. اللقاء العائلي السنوي حول العذراء مرريرمأنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أنضم إليكم، سنة بعد سنة، في إنها فرصة لتجديد الروابط العائلية والصداقة الواحد مع اآلخر ومع الكنيسة.

مع هذه الرسالة أود أن أشّدد على فكرتين:فررهنرره إن العالم بحاجة إلى عائلة جيدة وقوية صوب. للتغلب على التهديدات المحدقة من كل

على الرغم من التغيّرات التاريخية العميقة، ال تزال األسرة هي مدرسة اإلنسانية األكمل واألغنى، حيث يعيش كل فرد فيها أهم اختبار للحب غير األناني، واإلخالص واالحترام المتبادل والردفراع عرن الرحريراة. استمرّوا إذن في حماية الجيل الجديد وتسليمه الفضائل والقيم بشكل بنّاء يعّزز مصلحرة األفرراد. أبرقروا

".كنيسة بيتيةعائالتكم، كما يصفها القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، ". لررذا، العائلة المارونية هي وريثة روح رسولية راسخة ال تزال حيّة في مسيرة حياة كل عائلة

من المهم جداً تدريب أطفالنا على اإليمان والقيم الدينية الصحيحة، وتعليمهم الرمرسراهرمرة فري برنراء المجتمع، بحيث يصبحون نعمة في عالمنا. ال تخفوا إيمانكم! أبقوا يسوع نصب أعينركرم واحرمرلروه الرى

!العالم أوكل عائالتنا إلى عائلة الناصرة المقدسة، النموذج األمثل لكل عائلة مسيحية.

أشكركم بعمق جميعاً، أنتم الذين تعطون بسخاء. وأسأل هللا، في هذه السنة، يوبيل الرحمة، حمايتركرم ومساعدتكم على السير متّحدين في المحبة ورعاية بعضكم البعض.

A Word from Mayor Jim Watson

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

On behalf of Members of Ottawa City Council, it is my distinct pleasure to extend warmest greetings to Father Henri Imad, Pastor, along the parishioners and friends of St. Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish on the auspicious occasion of the 22nd Annual Family Gathering and celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, taking place in our nation’s capital from August 10th to 15th 2016.

As Head of Council, I want to acknowledge St. Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish for providing a valuable forum for parishioners and the wider community to enjoy a showcase of Lebanese and Maronite heritage with culinary delights and traditional entertainment.

I addition, I offer congratulations to Father Henri Imad, along with Tony Yaacoub, President, and the other members of the Parish Council, as well as the volunteers for dedicating efforts, expertise, talents and resources to the successful organization of this annual community celebration.

Allow me to convey my best wishes to everyone in attendance for a very memorable and festive gathering.


C’est avec grand plaisir que je salue, au nom des membres du Conseil municipal d’Ottawa, le père Henri Imad, pasteur, ainsi que les paroissiens et les amis de l’église catholique maronite Saint-Charbel, à l’heureuse occasion du 22e rassemblement familial annuel en célébration de l’Assomption de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, qui se déroulera notre capitale nationale, du 10 au 15 août 2016.

En tant que chef du Conseil, je tiens à remercier la paroissecatholique maronite Saint-Charbel d’offrir aux paroissiens et à la collectivité en général un cadre précieux mettant en vedette le patrimoine libanais et maronite et où les participants peuvent déguster des délices culinaires dans une ambiance traditionnelle.

De plus, je félicite le père Henri Imad, ainsi que Tony Yaacoub, président, et les autres membres du conseil paroissial, ainsi que tous les bénévoles, pour les efforts, le savoir-faire, le talent et les ressources qu’ils ont consacrés à l’organisation réussie de cette fête communautaire annuelle.

Je souhaite à tous les participants une réunion festive inoubliable.

Meilleures salutations.

Jim Watson, Mayor/Maire


On behalf of Members of Ottawa City Council, it is my distinct pleasure to extend warmest greetings to Father Henri Imad, Pastor, along the parishioners and friends of St. Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish on the auspicious occasion of the 22nd Annual Family Gathering and celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, taking place in our nation’s capital from August 10th to 15th 2016.

As Head of Council, I want to acknowledge St. Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish for providing a valuable forum for parishioners and the wider community to enjoy a showcase of Lebanese and Maronite heritage with culinary delights and traditional entertainment.

I addition, I offer congratulations to Father Henri Imad, along with Tony Yaacoub, President, and the other members of the Parish Council, as well as the volunteers for dedicating efforts, expertise, talents and resources to the successful organization of this annual community celebration.

Allow me to convey my best wishes to everyone in attendance for a very memorable and festive gathering.


C’est avec grand plaisir que je salue, au nom des membres du Conseil municipal d’Ottawa, le père Henri Imad, pasteur, ainsi que les paroissiens et les amis de l’église catholique maronite Saint-Charbel, à l’heureuse occasion du 22e rassemblement familial annuel en célébration de l’Assomption de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, qui se déroulera notre capitale nationale, du 10 au 15 août 2016.

En tant que chef du Conseil, je tiens à remercier la paroissecatholique maronite Saint-Charbel d’offrir aux paroissiens et à la collectivité en général un cadre précieux mettant en vedette le patrimoine libanais et maronite et où les participants peuvent déguster des délices culinaires dans une ambiance traditionnelle.

De plus, je félicite le père Henri Imad, ainsi que Tony Yaacoub, président, et les autres membres du conseil paroissial, ainsi que tous les bénévoles, pour les efforts, le savoir-faire, le talent et les ressources qu’ils ont consacrés à l’organisation réussie de cette fête communautaire annuelle.

Je souhaite à tous les participants une réunion festive inoubliable.

Meilleures salutations.

Jim Watson, Mayor/Maire


A Word Mayor Jim Watson


22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا


A Word from the Parish Council Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On behalf of Father Henry Imad and the Parish Council, it is my pleasure to welcome each and everyone of you at St. Charbel’s 22nd Annual Family Gathering in celebra-ting the Assumpton of the blessed Virgin Mary.

Year after year, thousands of people from across Canada, the United States and Lebanon gather with great enthusiasm at Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish to celebrate the Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary, particularly as it marks the day of Mary’s assumption into heaven. It is a true tradition in our com-munity and we are proud to host such an event with the generous help of our pa-rishioners!

This year, Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish of Ottawa will be marking the gathering’s twenty-second anniversary, where the tremendous work of hundreds of committed volunteers will come together over the period of six days! Join us this upcoming week as we celebrate Eucharist in an incredibly beautiful torchlight procession from our parish to the festival grounds. This religious and social event highlights the Lebanese-Maronite Heritage and gives the city of Ottawa the oppor-tunity to enjoy delicious Lebanese food, breathtaking performances by our talent-ed local community, while celebrating the parish’s’ grandest feast day of the year.

Since August 1994, under the leadership of the late Monsignor Raymond Hanna, whose legacy continues to live on within the greater Lebanese and Maronite com-munity, the annual family gathering continues to attract thousands of individuals from various backgrounds and ethnicities. With free parking and no admission fee, our Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary is sure to be an incredible way to spend time with family, friends and God.

In Christ,

Tony Y. Yaacoub Parish Council, President

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

General Information Free Admission & Free Parking from August 10 - 15 2016

Our parish will be open for prayers at all times as the Blessed Sacrament will also be exposed

Incense will be available at the parish main church entrance Every night from 7:30PM - 11:00PM

Family Prayers and

Eucharist Adoration

Torches will be sold for the daily procession

Food court will be open from 5:00 p.m. Wednesday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday all day until midnight

Annual Family Gathering T-Shirts will be for sale at the library stand

Raffle draw will be held Sunday, August 14th at 9:30 p.m.

M.C.s: Antoine Salim El-Hage & Mira Azzi Stage Manager: Georges Fares

Stage Décor: by Marwan Ammoun

Musical Band by Rabih Yazbeck Sound/Lights by D’Urbano Sound, Elie Bou Serhal & Dany Baroud

Cover Photo design by Moni Bou Khalil

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Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

A Word from the Parish Council


What does our Logo mean?

YEAR OF MERCY Pope Francis has called for the Catholic Church from December 8 through

November 20, 2016 to focus on the boundless nature of God’s mercy and he declared year 2016 the Jubilee year of mercy. The door indicates Jesus himself who said: “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) Going through the Holy Door is the sign of our trust in the Lord Jesus who did not come to judge, but to save. The darker blue color suggests the impenetrability of the love of the Father

who forgives all. The white color represents the light and purity. Year of Mercy logo: The logo and the motto Merciful Like the Father, serves as an invitation

to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.

Mary, Mother of Mercy: Virgin Mary, as Mother of our merciful Savior, plays a unique and unequalled role in God's plan to shower His mercy upon us all. She is the true "masterpiece" of God's mercy in the world, through the gift of her

Immaculate Conception. When Mary humbly accepted the angel Gabriel's call, she actually conceived in her womb, and brought to birth into our world, the

merciful God made flesh, Mercy Incarnate, Jesus Christ. Mary is Mother of Mercy because her Son, Jesus Christ, was sent by the Father as the revelation of

God's mercy. Christ came not to condemn but to forgive, to show mercy. The divine mercy image: The Image of The Divine Mercy represents the risen Christ whose hands and feet bear the marks of the Crucifixion. The pale ray stands for the Water, which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which

is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of Jesus tender mercy when His agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross.

These two rays signify the sacraments of mercy (Baptism and Penance), and the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the blood of souls, carrying life-sustaining food for our spiritual journey. The water is analogous to the sacraments of Baptism

and Penance, in that through these sacraments our souls are cleaned.

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

What does our Logo mean?



A Word from the Parish Council Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On behalf of Father Henry Imad and the Parish Council, it is my pleasure to welcome each and everyone of you at St. Charbel’s 22nd Annual Family Gathering in celebratingthe Assumpton of the blessed Virgin Mary.

Year after year, thousands of people from across Canada, the United States and Lebanon gather with great enthusiasm at Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish to celebrate the Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary, particularly as it marks the day of Mary’s assumption into heaven. It is a true tradition in our com-munity and we are proud to host such an event with the generous help of our pa-rishioners!

This year, Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish of Ottawa will be marking the gathering’s twenty-second anniversary, where the tremendous work of hundreds of committed volunteers will come together over the period of six days! Join us this upcoming week as we celebrate Eucharist in an incredibly beautiful torchlight procession from our parish to the festival grounds. This religious and social event highlights the Lebanese-Maronite Heritage and gives the city of Ottawa the oppor-tunity to enjoy delicious Lebanese food, breathtaking performances by our talent-ed local community, while celebrating the parish’s’ grandest feast day of the year.

Since August 1994, under the leadership of the late Monsignor Raymond Hanna, whose legacy continues to live on within the greater Lebanese and Maronite com-munity, the annual family gathering continues to attract thousands of individuals from various backgrounds and ethnicities. With free parking and no admission fee, our Annual Family Gathering around the Virgin Mary is sure to be an incredible way to spend time with family, friends and God.

In Christ,

Tony Y. Yaacoub Parish Council, President

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

General Information Free Admission & Free Parking from August 10 - 15 2016

Our parish will be open for prayers at all times as the Blessed Sacrament will also be exposed

Incense will be available at the parish main church entrance Every night from 7:30PM - 11:00PM

Family Prayers and

Eucharist Adoration

Torches will be sold for the daily procession

Food court will be open from 5:00 p.m. Wednesday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday all day until midnight

Annual Family Gathering T-Shirts will be for sale at the library stand

Raffle draw will be held Sunday, August 14th at 9:30 p.m.

M.C.s: Antoine Salim El-Hage & Mira Azzi Stage Manager: Georges Fares

Stage Décor: by Marwan Ammoun

Musical Band by Rabih Yazbeck Sound/Lights by D’Urbano Sound, Elie Bou Serhal & Dany Baroud

Cover Photo design by Moni Bou Khalil

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Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

General Information


AcAdémie ProvidenceSoeurS AntonineS


22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا


All kinds of new rides for kids to enjoy! $85 for 5 Days or $90 for 6 Days*

*Daily Admission available for $35

PLAYLAND PASS available for purchase by contacting the Parish Office at Tel: 613-749-9494

Face Painting & Photo booth available!

Post your face painting designs /photo booth pictures and tag our Facebook and Twitter Page wearing our

#22VMG shirts too!

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

Our 22VMG Playland and Rides

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel


Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

5:00PM Food Court Opens (Come enjoy our delicious Lebanese Menu)

6:00PM Mass celebrated

by His Excellency Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet

Jubilee Celebration — 25th Marriage Anniversary

7:00PM Torchlight Procession from St. Charbel church to Rafqa

and Hardini grounds

7:30PM Official Opening Ceremony of the 22nd Annual Family

Gathering Around the Virgin Mary (by MC Antoine S. El-Hage)

7:45PM Canadian and Lebanese Anthems (by Samantha Ammoun

and the Fersan El-Adra)

8:00PM A word from the Parish Council

8:10PM Message of His Excellency Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet

8:40PM Opening with unique performance (by Samantha Ammoun)

9:00PM Dance “Dabkeh Lebnaniyeh” (by Al-Arz Lebanese

Art Group) 9:20PM Recital (by St. Charbel Choir) and the competition (Jil El-Injil)

10:00PM Best music (Dance/Dabkah) entertainment (by DJ -

KVN/KRZ Entertainment)


Prayer of the Rosary

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 7:00PM to Midnight


Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

5:00PM Food Court Opens (Come enjoy our delicious Lebanese Menu)

6:00PM Mass celebrated

by His Excellency Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet

Jubilee Celebration — 25th Marriage Anniversary

7:00PM Torchlight Procession from St. Charbel church to Rafqa

and Hardini grounds

7:30PM Official Opening Ceremony of the 22nd Annual Family

Gathering Around the Virgin Mary (by MC Antoine S. El-Hage)

7:45PM Canadian and Lebanese Anthems (by Samantha Ammoun

and the Fersan El-Adra)

8:00PM A word from the Parish Council

8:10PM Message of His Excellency Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet

8:40PM Opening with unique performance (by Samantha Ammoun)

9:00PM Dance “Dabkeh Lebnaniyeh” (by Al-Arz Lebanese

Art Group) 9:20PM Recital (by St. Charbel Choir) and the competition (Jil El-Injil)

10:00PM Best music (Dance/Dabkah) entertainment (by DJ -

KVN/KRZ Entertainment)


Prayer of the Rosary

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 7:00PM to Midnight

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Wednesday, August 10th 2016


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E&C Accounting FULL PAGE

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

5:00PM Food Court Opens (Come enjoy our delicious Lebanese Menu)

6:00PM Mass Jubilee Celebration

25th First Communion Anniversary

7:00PM Torchlight Procession from St. Charbel church

to Rafqa and Hardini grounds 7:30PM Competition (Jil El-Injil)

8:30PM Fersan El-Adra Performance

8:40PM Talaeh El-Adra Performance

8:50PM The REVOLUTION group is back with Hip-Hop 9:00PM Unique performance (by Samantha Ammoun) 9:30PM LIVE PERFORMANCE WITH



11:00PM Prayer of the Rosary

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 7:00PM to Midnight

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Thursday, August 11th 2016




Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

5:00PM Food Court Opens (Come enjoy our delicious Lebanese Menu)

6:00PM Mass Jubilee Celebration —

25th Baptism Anniversary

7:00PM Torchlight Procession from St. Charbel church

to Rafqa and Hardini grounds

7:30PM Recital (by St. Paul Syriac Catholic Church Choir)

Competition (Jil El-Injil)


the “Longest Traditional Markouk-Labneh Sandwich”

in Ottawa (66 Loafs, 35 yards)

Sponsored by the Saghbini Family

8:40PM Live entertainment (by Singer Paula Hitti)

9:15PM Best of Lebanese Dance/Dabkeh

(by Al-Arz Lebanese Art Group)

9:30PM Live entertainment (by Singer Roger Helou)

10:30PM Prayer of the Rosary

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 7:00PM to Midnight

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Friday, August 12th 2016



22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

9:00AM Traditional Breakfast on the Saj: (Markouk, Zaatar, and Cheese Pies)

11:00AM Games (Backgammon, Card 400 and Football) Free participation so let’s see who will be champions this year!

2:30PM Spiritual games for the kids

4:30PM Enjoy the best music/remix show

(by DJ-KVN/KRZ Entertainment) 6:00PM

7:15PM Competition (Jil El-Injil)

7:30PM The play “Bent El-Jabal” (by St. Charbel Art Group) 8:15PM Live entertainment (by Singer Mireille Nohra) 9:30PM Live entertainment (by Singer Andre Ibrahim)

11:00PM Prayer of the Rosary

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 9:00AM to Midnight


Torchlight Procession from St. Charbel church

to Rafqa and Hardini grounds

Anointment of the SickMass

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

Saturday, August 13th 2016



Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

9:00AM Traditonal Breakfast on the Saj: (Markouk, Zaatar, and Cheese Pies)

11:30AM Ceremonial Mass in St. Rafqa’s Garden, followed by the torchlight procession for the Most Holy Virgin Mary

1:00PM Enjoy the tastiest Lebanese food while being entertained (by DJ Elie Abou Serhal)


Ottawa & Montreal competing for the #22VMG CUP) 3:30PM Fersan El-Adra Performance

3:45PM Talaeh El-Adra Performance

4:00PM Trophy distribution (for Saturday & Sunday competitions)

4:30PM “Fairouziyette” entertainment (by Fouad Zeinoun and unique

performance by St. Charbel Group)

5:15PM Recital (by St. Charbel Choir) and the Competton (Jil El-Injil)

6:15PM Special performance “Lebanese Mix Music” (by Danny Abdou and Georges Zaydan)

7:00PM Live entertainment (by Singer Raya Chammai)

8:00PM Live entertainment (by Singer Adel Kassab)

9:30PM 22VMG RAFFLE DRAW – Who will be the big winners? 10:00PM Closing Ceremony

(Joseph Zakhour & St. Charbel Choir members)

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 9:00AM to Midnight

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Sunday August 14th 2016


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22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016

Assumption Day • Lebanese Traditional Night - Monday, 15th 2016

22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


6:00PM Mass Jubilee Celebration - 25th Memorial Service

7:00PM Recital (by St. Peter & Paul Choir)

Competition Finale (Jil El-Injil)

7:30PM Competitions(Atyab Tabouleh/longest Zalghoutah/Offf)

while being entertained by DJ-KVN/KRZ Entertainment)

8:00PM Fersan El-Adra Performance

8:15PM Talaeh El-Adra Performance

8:30PM The Best of the Al-Arz Lebanese Art Group

9:00PM The play “Bent El-Jabal” (by St. Charbel Art Group)


Closing (Candle Light Procession)

Adoration of the Holy Sacrament from 7:00PM to 10:00PM

Food Court Opens (Come enjoy our delicious Lebanese Menu)


Mary Mother of Mercy

Monday, August 15th 2016Assumption Day - Lebanese Traditional Night

CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

















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22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary


رعية مار شربل المارونية الكاثوليكية أوتاوا


Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016 22nd Annual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

The Raffle draw will be held Sunday, August 14th at 9:30 p.m.

Thank you to our sponsors &

for their tremendous support! Our grand prizes this year include:

#1 Two Travel tickets to anywhere in the U.S.A by Delta Airlines - $2500#2 CASH - $2,000#3 Christmas decor for home or office - Beaudry Flowers (owner: Wadia Oneid) - showroom value - $1000 #4 Civic Motors Honda (compliments of General Sales Manager, Khalil Dagher) 4 deluxe car detail packages – $1000 value#5 CASH - $1,000#6 55” HD LED TV - value $1,000#7 Latest Smart Phone - iPhone or Samsung - $800#8 Gift Certificates - $50 per month for one year, by Mid-East Njaim - $600#9 Gift Certificates - $50 per month for one year, by Mid-East Njaim - $600#10 iPAD - $500

a n n i v e r s a r y

Bishop Paul-Marwan Tabet, Father Henry Imad, the Deacons, the Subdeacons, and the Parish Council of Saint Charbel

Maronite Catholic Parish - Ottawa would like to thank each and every one of the Volunteers and Supporters.

Your contribution, generosity and continuous support have brought us a successful 22nd Annual Gathering!

Thank you and Happy Assumption Day! We hope to see you all next year!

God bless you and your families!



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Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016

22ndAnnual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic Parish Ottawa

August 10-15 2016

22ndAnnual Family Gathering Around the Virgin Mary

• CONNECT WITH US Follow us: Facebook.com/stcharbelotttawa /@st_charbel

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