21st Century Innovative Teacher’s Development - PETE&C2014

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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A small minority become 21st century teachers with learner-centered classrooms. This study examines 7 of those teachers and their perceptions of development, coming from 4 ubiquitous computing schools with SES differences. Using findings, participants better understand innovative teacher needs and envisage further work on teacher development.

Transcript of 21st Century Innovative Teacher’s Development - PETE&C2014

21st Century Innovative Teacher’s Development

Beth Rajan Sockman PH.D & Regina Sayles

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Most teachers do NOT reach an “inventive stage” of teacher development, even with ubiquitous computing, the stage needed for teaching for the knowledge age.

Times are changing…

Industrial Age Vs. Knowledge Age

Industrial Age


Top-down organization



CEO as King

Knowledge Age


Team-based organization



Customer as King

Adapted from Duffy, 2010

Converging Dynamics

LEARNER Centered Classrooms!



Learning – Meta-Analysis

Learner-Centered Teacher-Student Relationships (Cornelius-White, 2007) examined 119 studies showing that learner-centered

strategies positively correlated to student affective, behavioral, and cognitive outcomes by reducing drop-out rates, resistant behavior, & increased student participation

Problem Based Learning (Strobel & van Barneveld, 2009) Reviewed 10 Meta-analysis students and teachers are

motivated in problem-based learning environments, and that long-term retention increases

Converging Dynamics

LEARNER Centered Classrooms!


Technology in Classrooms

What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis and Validation Study (Tamin, Borokhovski, Abrami, & Schmidv, 2011) 25 meta-analyses with minimal overlap in primary

literature, encompassing 1,055 primary studies Greater student achievement with technology Greater difference when students created rather than

merely viewed.

Converging Dynamics

LEARNER Centered Classrooms!

Global Needs

Converging Dynamics

LEARNER Centered Classrooms!

Global Needs

Learning Theory Technology

It is all about being fair…Picture from http://weknowmemes.com/tag/please-climb-that-tree/

What would it look like if teachers were teaching for the 21st Century?

Take Aways!

Describe 2 major developmental change models

Identify Internal & External forces that influence change

Evaluate the way this research extends what we know

Reflect on your own learning environment to describe the possible internal/external forces and/or where teachers are in developmental stages

How do we get there?


School – One to one? Doesn’t always work!

Teachers – The focus of this study

Extend-knowledge construction versus traditional education with Tech

ACOT, 1995

Technology as enabler for new paradigm of education

Most teachers do not reach, so What would it take for teachers to develop into a knowledge age educator?

Development Processes (stages) & Forces that influence


Internal External




PROCESS - Stages Forces

Stages of Technology Integration 10 Year Study 1 to 1(Sandholtz, Ringstaff, & Dwyer, 1997)







Entry and Adoption


Teachers gain confidence

Teachers have a positive attitude

Learn Computer Basics

Most common - Testing software.

Skill and Drill

Test score increase

Off load

Internet resources - play

Stage 3 Adaptation


In Daily lesson plans (word processing, spreadsheets, interactive white board, internet)

Increase Student productivity

Engagement increase

Students initiate learning

Teachers react differently to student initiation!

More entertainment

Student Initiation

Teacher excited

Teacher threatened

Stage 4 Appropriation




Interdependent Groups begin

More learner centered

May over compensate

Stage 5 - InventionClassroom BUZZES. Teacher sees the students and themselves as learning together! Students may challenge the teacher.

Project Based InterdisciplinaryTeam TaughtCustomizationLearner Centered

Roger – Adoption Innovation

Knowledge State – awareness Knowledge & How To knowledge



Confirmation with Invention

What are the things that affect the teacher moving through the stages?


Internal External

Internal Forces




Pedagogical Belief

Ertmer and Ottenbreitt (2010)


Belief Practice



Teacher centered

Brinkerhoff, 2006; Buehl & Fives, 2009; Hattingh & de Kock, 2008; Levin & Rivka, 2006-2007; Li & Ni, 2010; Palak & Walls, 2009; Sockman & Sharma, 2008

Belief Vs. Practice – Chicken or Egg

Inan & Lowther , 2010; Levin & Wadmany, 2007; Levin & Nevo,2009

Practice can influence belief

External Forces


School policy

Teacher Development - Customized

Distributed teacher



Anthony, 2012; Bonifaz & Zucker, 2004; Hanson & Carlson, 2005; Overbay, Mollette, & Vasu, 2011

Both External & Internal – Culture!

Collaborative culture & Situated learning (Caskey & Carpenter, 2012; Davis et al., 2009, Glazer, 2009)

Class size Inverse relationship (Ritzhaupt, Dawson & Cavanaugh,2012)


1. From an innovative teachers’ perspective and observations of the environment, what are the valuable experiences including the salient internal and external forces in the process of becoming an innovative teacher within a contemporary learning environment?

2. How do the experiences support, challenge or add perspective to what we know about teacher change especially, when looking at the need to develop teachers for the knowledge age?


Instrumental Case Study

(Yin, 2003 & Stake,2000)Interview

7 cases Teachers – 2.5 hours

ObservationsClassroom & School Document Analysis

Lesson PlansNCLB school statisticsWebsitesNewspaper

35 Hours of Interview and Observation Time


InterviewsQuestions Rationale

1. Please tell me about yourself, anything that might shed some light on your decision to become a teacher.

2. Could you go back in time for me? Do you remember when you and the students made the move to one-to-one computers? What was the story behind this for you?

3. Now that you have had ubiquitous computing, can you tell me what your classroom looks like now? How did you get there? If you were to compare your transition to something, some picture or analogy – what was it like for you?

4. What is your job now – as a teacher? What do you hope to do this year? Please tell me what this one-to-one computing meant for you and your students.

1. Rationale: Ascertain belief system and influencing internal/external forces (Kuhn, 1999; Palmer, 1997).

2. Rationale: Unearth the attitude and emotions in the transition to ubiquitous computing (Fullan, 1993; Sandholtz & Reilly, 2004; Saunders, 2012).

3. Rationale: Understand the current teacher role and then, uncover how he/she developed (Brookfield, 1990; Fullan & Stiegelbauer, 1992; Tondeur et al., 2012).

4. Rationale: Gain a sense of evolving philosophy – the paradigm that the teacher holds (Covey, 1989; F. M. Duffy, 2010; Senge, 2000).


Software HyperResearch©

Interviews transcribed

Approximately 250 open codes

Trustworthiness – participant checks

Findings - Valuable Experiences with Salient Forces in the Journey & Stages

Forces: Teacher Identity Growth

"Boring teachers.”

Identity growth: teachers comparing themselves to others.

Forces: Beliefs about Teaching and Learning & Teaching and Learning Skills Shaped with Technology

Beliefs: all teachers held a belief that there can be multiple representations of reality or identified within constructivism – research never said…

Praxis: Influence by undergraduate and graduate college, teacher workshops, formal colleague feedback, personal colleague feedback, and observation of students influenced the category.

Forces: Joy & Fear

JOY: when observing students who deeply understood information, displayed creativity, or self initiated extended learning

Fear: when students did not comprehend the content or waste time

What surprises or confirms your experience and why/

Findings - Stages

Entry& Awareness Knowledge

Adoption - Persuasion


Appropriation - Implementation

Invention & confirmation - reinvention

Stage 1 Entry – Awareness Knowledge.Theme 1: Dissatisfaction with the status quo influenced teachers’ perception of classroom needs to include authentic learning using technology.

“awareness-knowledge” (Rogers, 1995) - an awareness of societal needs

Boring past teachers

Stage 2 Adoption – Persuasion. Theme 2: Change evoked strong emotions that evolved over time with awareness of the technology needed

Stage 3 Adaption - Implementation.Theme 3: Small trials with computers opened doors to create options for pedagogical change.

One of the kids just flipped up his laptop, went on to Google and typed it in (the question) and he raised his hand.” The student yelled out, “I know the answer!” Wyatt was bewildered by the student’s responses and declared, “You know you cheated,” since the student used the Internet to find the answer. But, the student retorted, “I didn’t cheat!” Wyatt then realized that searching the Internet for an answer was what he did, and reflected, “I think that’s what we do now.”

Stage 4: Appropriation - Implementation.Theme 4: Technology influenced a disposition toward collaborative growth.

Stage 5 Invention – Confirmation with Reinvention – 3 THEMES

Theme 5: Technology aided in project-based learning while illuminating new challenges

Planning projects was more complex than traditional lesson planning.

“I could see the logic” of projects, but they were “more a spider web, intertwining and connecting in so many ways.”

Theme 6: Observations of engaged creative students reinforced various instructional methods in technology rich environments.

Direct instruction, project based learning, creativity

Theme 7: Experience with technology-integrated project based learning raised concerns for learning and traditional scheduling

Did anything surprise, confirm or concern you? Why?

Entry& Awareness Knowledge

Adoption - Persuasion


Appropriation - Implementation

Invention & confirmation - reinvention


Using stages & forces helped

Awareness knowledge - Key

Collaborative culture – Situated cognition


In the study, the beginning developmental stage was motivated by individual dissatisfaction which is more completely described with awareness knowledge based on Innovation-Decision Process (E. Rogers, 1995)

Collaborative Culture (stages 2,3,4)

Fears – wasting time, colleague disappointment

Joy – student creativity

Administrative support

Colleague Sharing

Teacher experimentation

Further Research:

How to use DissatisfactionWorkflow Activity/ learning alignment

Tech Courage

“You have to be, if not tech savvy, kind of tech courageous...not afraid to just go out there and experience…”

Where are your teachers?Where could you research?


Beth Rajan Sockman Ph.D. bsockman@esu.edu http://www.linkedin.com/in/rajansock https://twitter.com/rajansock 

Groups AECT – Systemic Change Division http

://systemicchange.wordpress.com/ ISTE Twitter #edreform Linked In - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Systems-

Thinking-Design-Change-in-4985248 Voices of Vision - William Spady vovspady@gmail.com 


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