21 Top Female Entrepreneurs

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Women in business gather from the 9-20th of July for a life and business transforming online conference. The Woman Unleash Your Potential Summit is an annual event which attracts participants from over 45 countries. This event is hosted by Placida Acheru one of UK’s Top Business Transformational Coaches. Target Audience For This Event : Women In business Professional Women Female Entrepreneurs Independent Practitioner Empowered women Women Start up Business Owners Mompreneurs Women Entrepreneurs

Transcript of 21 Top Female Entrepreneurs

Alexandra Watson is a sought after Happiness Expert and Success Mentor for women appearing on TV in The X Factor and globally on BBC World. She has also appeared in major magazines and national newspapers (including Good Housekeeping, Marie Claire, Eve, Psychologies, Now, The Independent, Daily Express and with a regular column in The Yorkshire Post) Also BBC Radio has Alexandra as an expert guest frequently, like Radio Five Live and The Jeremy Vine Show.

Pastor Abbiih Oloyede is a prolific speaker, with a unique anointing of connecting with women and encouraging them to reach full potential in their calling and purpose. She has a passion for people and is known for her ability to network and connect women from all walks of life.Her passion is to help women fulfil their purpose in God. Abbiih also was a regular presenter on Revelation TV’s “She Matters”. Presently she hosts Womenz World on OHTV

Cari Murphy’s mission to inspire millions became clear after a transformational near death experience in 1997. She has offered thousands of clients worldwide a unique blend of spiritual and intuitive counseling, business and lifestyle coaching, and energetic mindset mentoring that has served to promote powerful awakening, healing, and expansion in all areas of their lives.

She is also an Award Winning, Best Selling Author and Poet, having published 5 books in the fields of Spirituality, Personal Development and Inspiration, including her Best Belling book “CREATE CHANGE NOW: Reflections for Personal Transformation.

Cindy Schulson simplifies marketing for coaches and other solopreneurs so they can attract their favorite clients, earn more and market less.

Using her signature Package Your Passion system, Cindy helps her clients focus, share and package their unique gifts. She helps her clients build a business that leverages their strengths and passions, and create a powerful message that is true to who they are.

Cindy has a knack for taking complex ideas and turning them into easy to follow, step-by-step system. She is well known for her down-to-earth, no-hype approach – what you see is what you get!

Janet Beckers is the founder of Wonderful Web Women and Director of Niche Partners Pty Ltd. Virtually unknown, with no list and down to her last dollar but within 8 weeks of convincing the world’s most successful women to support her launch, she had matched her previous 12 months income, built a list of thousands & won an award for the best membership site on the Internet. Phew!

Janet also foundered a successful and dynamic online community, is an international speaker, best-selling author and mentor and has inspired & helped thousands to create their own on line success. She is a multi-award winner, including most recently, Australian Marketer of The Year.

Jennie Armato is definitely a woman to watch and learn from when it comes to building profitable, automated web businesses. No matter whether you’ve come from a conventional marketing and business background and/or you have no technical capabilities, the web business opportunity Jen has available to every entrepreneur can transform your business and your life - by focusing on getting results from blueprints that work.

Jennie sure knows how to unlock global web marketplace potential and turn it into web business opportunities that pay well. She is the REAL DEAL selling over 4000 products online in over 20 countries (last count). She also has taught and shared her most guarded strategies and secrets with thousands of clients all around the world helping them become successful web business owners through her training and support company - Web Business Academy

Jill Lublin is a 3 Time Bestselling Author of “GuerrillaPublicity”, “Get Noticed…Get Referrals”, and “Networking Magic”. An international speaker with morethan 2000 speaking engagements each year, Jill Lublin is an audience favorite for her lively and interactive keynotespeeches, seminars, and special programs.

Her unparalleled knowledge of publicity and networking has gotten the attention of ABC, NBC, CBS, The New YorkTimes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Fortune Small Business and a long list of media outlets worldwide. Having shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Richard Simmons, and Jack Canfield.

Kathy Nelson is known as the “Big Picture Coach.” When you’re faced with feelings of being stuck, stress, fears, transitions, ambitions, Kathy has a “YOU-nique” way of helping you see the forest for the trees. While you are in an uncomfortable place, or in a position of amazing growth, she helps you develop your where you want to go “Big Picture” and identify do-able action steps to get there. With focus and accountability, you find yourself moving confidently in the direction of your dreams with a plan.

After achieving major success in the corporate world as a six-figure Business Development sales professional of San Diego Title companies, and as a San Diego County sales manager of a team of fifty, Kathy saw an opportunity to help other’s navigate the personal and professional stages of their lives–as she had successfully done.

Kelly O’Neil is the CEO of Kelly O’Neil International, Inc. and a bestselling author, speaker, and award-winning marketing expert who for the last 15 years has been providing coaching, training and consulting programs to service-based small business owners and conscious entrepreneurs who want to fulfill their life’s purpose, inspire global transformation and manifest greater wealth.

Over the course of her career, Kelly has worked with companies of all sizes from solo-prenuers to Fortune 500 companies to brand, launch, and market their products and services and to create buzz in their marketplace with their ideal clients.

Kim Duke is Founder of The Sales Divas, www.salesdivas.com and The Sales School For Women. She is an international sales expert who provides savvy, sassy sales training for women entrepreneurs (with a twist!)

Her extensive sales background was in the media – 15 years working with 2 of Canada’s largest national television networks in sales and management. She is also a national award winning salesperson – and was the second youngest sales manager in Canada for CBC Television (Canada’s oldest network).

Kim is an author, and sales speaker who’s had numerous interviews for international and national television, as well as radio and print across North America. (I’ve been featured on NBC Television – so much fun!)

LISA NICHOLS is CEO of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies in the world. A best-selling author of 6 books and one of the most sought-after transformational speakers whose global platform has reached and served millions.

Ms. Nichols' extraordinary story of transforming her own life from a struggling single mom on public assistance in South Central Los Angeles to now Millionaire Entrepreneur is the inspiration behind her bold mission to teach others that it is possible to do the same. Using her signature No Matter What! system (and based on her New York Times Bestseller by the same name), Lisa teaches people how to master accomplishing unfathomable goals and to tap their limitless potential.

Her featured teacher role in the self-development movie and phenomenon, The Secret catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on the "Oprah Winfrey Show," "Extra," "Larry King Live" and starred on NBC's Emmy Award-winning show, "Starting Over."

Loral Langemeier after creating her own financial freedom and reaching a net worth of $1 million, she decided to a coaching and Seminar Company to provide a catalyst that would allow others to reach this same level of success.

The company started small with one office in Novato, California in 2001 and within 5 years grew to a $21 million dollar company. During that time, the organization expanded to its current size which includes 3 locations: Novato, California, South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, and Salt Lake City, Utah.

Loral is a Millionaire Mentor

Marilyn Rodriguez is a transformation specialist, master energy therapist, spiritual adviser, ordained minister, author and key note speaker. She is the founder and CEO of Miracle Solutions.

With 15 years experience in sales and customer service and 10 years in the personal development field, Marilyn has combined her knowledge, wisdom and experience into Miracle Solutions, a guaranteed fast track to clear blocks and transform the lives of her clients.

Marquesa Pettway DTM is a Business Reinvention Expert and Business Coach that reinvents businesses! She primarily works with entrepreneurs that want to speak while building a six figure plus business. Marquesa provides the “how” in her Reinvention Roadmap™ and other  business boosting programs.

She is an Associate Producer for small business show, “Managing with Lou Dobbs” turned Biz Reinvention Coach to more than 400 entrepreneurs and hundreds of organizations since 1993. The New York Daily News quoted her as a “guru”. New York based expert, Marquesa helps entrepreneurs  and organizations  assess the problems that are blocking their results and implement a business reinvention plan that leads to new business and increased profitability

Sherry Mirshahi-Totten, founder/CEO of Make Your Brand in Demand, propels legacy-building entrepreneurs who are ready to shift out of being a small business to becoming a powerful Brand in Demand.

She's on a mission to show that it's not only possible but also very profitable to bring all your passions into your business so it stands out beyond compare. She's landed international media exposure and mentions in The Chicago Tribune, AOL.com, MSN.com, and other outlets.

She uncovers the hidden gold in businesses--the overlooked opportunities, strengths, and untapped power--that creates a more profitable platform.

Melissa Carver is a Successful Business Owner, Speaker, Author, and most of all a Great Coach and Mentor! Ask Coach Carver what life is all about and she will tell you: “It isn’t about Money, It is about People”; “Take Care of the People and the Money will Come”! She has assisted a lot of individuals, businesses and recruiting firms become successful

Best known for her leadership, teaching and educating techniques, an ear to listen and assess any given situation with analytical ease. Coach Carver is easily approachable and is ready to meet and greet any challenge you may bring her way. Meet Coach Carver

Miki Strong - When it comes to teaching women how to create a business designed for and around personal freedom (a lifestyle business), Miki Strong is a bona fide master.

As a writer, speaker and sought-after consultant, she shows you how to connect to your voice, your value and worth, determine what your people (really) want, and to craft your most enticing offer (ever).

Her work is all about connection: no connection = no cash flow. Miki has a supernatural knack for identifying why people are connecting with her clients—or not. It’s the focus of her signature work with women in business. She stands for Bliss, Balance and Freedom. Now in her 25th year of entrepreneurship, Miki is thoroughly unemployable—and proud of it.

Mindy Gibbins-Klein, better known as The Book Midwife®, has helped hundreds of experts get their message out into the market by writing and publishing the best possible books, ebooks and articles, and through delivering high impact, relevant presentations and key note speeches.

Mindy established The Book Midwife® in 2001 so that she could fulfil her lifelong dream to provide personal and professional development services and she has helped over 500 people to achieve their goals in writing their own books, articles and whitepapers quicker.

Publisher and founder of Ecademy Press, Mindy is the UK’s leading authority on writing and co-operative publishing, and passionately believes that every book deserves to be written and published, but only if it is the best book it can be.

Diversity Business Strategist and Corporate Marketplace Mentor Shayna Rattler is quickly becoming recognized as a highly acclaimed authority in minority business development and the ultimate connector between minority and woman-owned businesses and Corporate America. She helps these small businesses and corporations cultivate leadership skills and achieve greater success through business development and organizational excellence.

Shayna Has Cracked the Code to Collaboration, Connection and Community Development. She has been featured in several print publications and interviewed on television and radio. Shayna has a BS from the University of Tennessee and is a certified Diversity and Inclusion facilitator. She has a certificate in Strategic Mindset Process in 2011. Shayna is also the published author of Higher: 5 Powerful Principles for Entrepreneurs to Reinvent Themselves and Redefine Success to Earn More.

Holly Chantal is the Founder of The Land of Brand a truly comprehensive and unique website design and branding company. And she is the creator of the revolutionary Branding Game, which is a whole new way for solopreneurs to experience brand creation.

Holly has taken what can be a hard, laborious process and made it fun for her clients. The brands she creates are truly unique because they are based on her client’s personalities making them relevant, remarkable and the right choice so their target audience only wants to work with them.

Placida Acheru is the Founder of Unleashed Women’s Network and the host of “Woman Unleash Your Potential Summit”.

Placida ‘s passion is seeing people discover their true calling, taking charge of their lives, breaking every road block to financial success and having an all round success.

She will work with you, showing you how to properly apply successful business fundamentals of running a company from Planning, Mapping, Financial strategies, Gaining the motivation to push forward, you will also acquire offline and online marketing strategies, discovering and maximizing the opportunities that come your way. She is a no nonsense straight talking Business Coach who will help you get laser focused on your goals and reach for financial freedom!