2022 Budget Assumptions Notes

Post on 03-Jan-2022

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Transcript of 2022 Budget Assumptions Notes

2022 Budget Assumptions & Notes 

General Overview  

Staff Involvement 

o Managers from every department were involved in the payroll/staffing, operational expense, and the capital

reserve budget build. The executive team reviewed the budget with each manager to ensure all information,

trends and considerations were captured.  We met with certain members of the B&F committee to discuss

progress and obtain advice about the budget deliverable.

o Capital Projects were toured & inspected by managers & staff to determine the need for the project


o Some capital projects were moved into OPEX for repair/maintenance/updating completion rather than a

complete replacement.

Budget Development  

o The budget has been assembled with the assumption that we have full staff in every department.

o Each GL Code/Line Item was forecasted to where the business is anticipating on finishing for 2021 based on

year to date spend.  (Budget shows year over year +/‐ as well as the forecasted +/‐)

All Departments  


o Payroll has been budgeted for a 3% increase in wages for all employees. This is once again based on the

Consumer Price Index (CPI).

o Employment Cost Index Summary: Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 2.9 percent for the

12‐month period ending in June 2021 and increased 2.7 percent in June 2020. Wages and salaries

increased 3.2 percent for the 12‐month period ending in June 2021 and increased 2.9 percent for the 12‐

month period ending in June 2020. Benefit costs increased 2.2 percent over the year and increased 2.2

percent for the 12‐month period ending in June 2020.


o The incentive payout structure has changed. HGA will now give incentive to employees on their paychecks.

The bonus will be grossed up on the paycheck so that the employee receives the full bonus after taxes.

Grossing up is roughly a 50% increase on the dollar amount given for bonus. To ensure that the

incentive/bonus is more exclusive, in various departments the payout has been lowered.


o Custodial

o Moved from 9 FTE to 8 FTE – During 2021 part time staff was converted to full time w/ benefits to

make the job postings more attractive to entry level talent. Overall staffing requirements are now 10

FTE (8FT & 4 PT). With the change from 7 day a week cleaning and upkeep in the buildings to 5 (back

to pre‐covid) we felt we could reduce FTE.

o Roads & Grounds

o Moved from 12 FTE to 15 FTE – During 2021 part time staff was converted to full time with benefits

to make the job postings more attractive to entry level talent. Overall staffing requirements are now

16.5 FTE (15 FT & 3PT).


9/29 B&F Work Session 1

o Fuel/Gas budgeting has increased in all departments with vehicles, equipment and tools requiring gas. Per 

the U.S. Energy Information Administration fuel in West Coast less California Areas is sitting around $3.60 a 

gallon. CPI for Urban Consumers estimates a roughly 40% ballpark increase so far in 2021. Estimates for 2022 

are across the board that pricing may go down or possibly continue to increase due to supply and demand.  

o Based on Department – there will be roughly a 3‐30% increase of the fuel line expenses.  


o Gas & Electric – We are anticipating a relatively flat year over year. A small decrease of 2%. We included a 3% 

increase for gas and electric, but we did not budget for the $71K surcharge that we incurred in February 2021 

o Water & Sewer – We are anticipating an increase of about 4% based on information provided to us by the 

City of Aurora. 


o HGA Insurance expense is budgeted at 9.5%based on the estimate provided by McGriff, HGA’s Insurance 

Broker, at a meeting on September 7, 2021. McGriff believes this increase is the best and final offer from the 

insurance providers.   

o With a 9.5% Increase, 2022 Budget is sitting @ $1,747,313 which is about $150K Increase over 2021 forecast.  

Outside Contractors  

o Custodial – In 2022, Custodial will not have an outside contractor’s budget. During COVID mitigation, 

abatement and additional outside support was charged to the department however, as things have changed 

and we know more about the COVID virus, we do not foresee the need for the department to have budget 

going forward.  

o Paint – In 2022, the Paint Department will not have an outside contractor’s budget. Projects requiring 

outside service/3rd party would be the larger capital reserve project.  

o Maintenance –  

o Misc. Outside Contractors – 5.8% Increase roughly $1K, increased slightly based on inflation.  

o Glass Replacement Contractor ‐ Based on the 2021 YTD forecast we have cut this category by $8K 

compared with the 2021 budget, which is a 20% decrease. 

o HVAC/Boiler Contractor ‐ We have left this flat compared to the 2021 budget. For the 2021 YTD 

Forecast, we anticipate not spending any of this category. This category may fluctuate, we primarily 

use our internal Maintenance team to perform the labor; however, there are instances that have 

come up historically that require contractors.  

o Roof Repairs Contractor – Roughly a 7% increase year over year, $500. Increased based on inflation. 

Our internal maintenance team perform most of the labor however there are instances that have 

come up historically that require contractors. 

o Electrical Contractor ‐ This line item is relatively flat year over year compared to budget. A slight 

decrease of 8% compared to the 2021 budget of about $2800.  

o Concrete Repairs – Increased 33% compared to the 2021 budget due to additional small projects that 

will require vendors to come in and fix. Most repairs are completed under the Cap Res Concrete and 

Rail Project.  

o Siding Repairs Contractor ‐ We have not increased this line‐item year over year. Most repairs can be 

completed in‐house.   

o Sewer/Plumbing Contractor – We have increased this budget by 50% for 2022 compared to the 2021 

budget. The 2021 expenses will exceed the allotted budget for sewer & plumbing replacement work. 

We have had several sewer line replacements so far this year. We added $30K to the 2021 forecast 

line that will put us over the budget. Due to the conditions of some pipes/lines throughout the 

property Maintenance is anticipating more work next year for outside contractors.  

o TV/Antenna Contractors – This line has no budget; repairs are handled in‐house.  

9/29 B&F Work Session 2



o Roads & Grounds  

o Outside Contractors – General – Decrease of 20% in this line item from last year. $7k drop is 

deferring the CP‐1 retaining wall project, due to the material cost increase. Hoping the wood/stone 

comes down in price in 2023. Also, the patch/fix is holding – so it went from important to Medium on 

the project list scale. 

Stump removal  

Mosquito abatement  

Repairs & Equipment 

o Clubhouse – Doing Repairs/Labor not replacement. Regrout & cleaning of tiling within locker rooms. Possible 

refinishing of the auditorium floor rather than replacement.  

o Custodial – Custodial van, added $1K to get the van painted – paint is peeling off the van and the brand looks 

terrible. The expense line was flat except for the addition of van paint. 

o Maintenance – will have a significant increase in 2022 for Sewer/Plumbing Repair. We have seen an uptick in 

repairs needing to be performed in 2021 which may exceed budget. These types of repairs must be 

completed. Maintenance will see a significant decrease In the Repairs‐Equipment Supplies. Units were fixed 

as needed this year and most of the equipment is in very good shape.  

o Restaurant – Department will have some non‐capital equipment needs in 2022 that include microwave, 

sandwich table, range, and a waffle machine. 

o Roads & Grounds – Completed many repairs on equipment in 2021, especially with trucks from the record 

snowstorm in March 2021. This line item has decreased roughly 25% year over year.  

Software & IT 

o We will continue to use current programs that are in place through most all departments. We will be 

researching Accounting/Community Mgmt. Type Software – researching vendors to understand options we 

have and gaps we may consider covering. 

o The Security Department will also be researching and potentially implementing a new software that includes 

report platforms and patrol tracking etc. They are looking for a web‐based software that would be under the 

OPEX budget. (This may be covered by Community Mgmt. Software) 


o Custodial – This department will see a 20% increase in supplies from 2021 budget, or about $5K. We are still 

seeing in some instances increases for specific products and supplies from COVID impacts. The increase 

keeps us slightly lower than the 2021 usage.  

o Maintenance – Supplies, line M684, will see a significant reduction to the budget. Moving from $24,000 

budget in 2021 to $7,200. The 2021 forecast has the department finishing at around $5,000 for the year.  

o Paint – Supplies will be nearly flat year over year  

o Roads & Grounds – Supplies will increase roughly 30% in 2022. Rock, wood mulch, and general items have 

increased nearly 15‐30% due to availability.  

o Security – Department will see a slight uptick in the supply line. 

Dues from 2020 

o With the elimination of the annual year‐end refund, the savings in 2020 from Insurance, Gas & Electric, and Maintenance have been applied against total expenses for these categories for 2022.  The deficit for Water & Sewer has been added to the expense for this category for 2022. The following are the surpluses and deficits by category from 2020 that have been applied to the 2022 budget: 

Insurance       $  20,471  Surplus 9/29 B&F Work Session 3

Water & Sewer   ($118,472)  Deficit  Gas & Electric     $151,518  Surplus 

       Maintenance     $166,333  Surplus Total      $219,850    Total Surplus 

 The total surplus from the 2020 budget year allows for credits to the 2022 budget.  If there had not been a 

surplus in 2020, the total funding amount for the 2022 budget would have had a budget increase of 


By Department Information & Notes  



o Contracts department will remain relatively unchanged outside of the typical increases that we will see from 

payroll/benefits and inflation impacts items such as fuel reimbursement.  

o The staffing will remain the same with Manager of Contracts and Facilities Maintenance Engineer still being 

booked at the department.  


o Custodial department will see a significant decrease in Part Time Payroll year over year. Roughly a 60% 


o Repairs/Equipment – We have budgeted for a repaint of the carpet cleaning van – paint is flaking off the 


o We are continuing to see supply pricing increases from covid/availability etc. We have increased this line 

item roughly 20% from last year. We are tending to exceed what was budgeted in 2021 due to this issue.  


o Paint will remain relatively the same in 2022 – we will see an increase in fuel expense.  


o Maintenance has seen an increase in many services in 2021 and we will continue to see these expenses in 

2022 rise as the property ages with plumbing lines and repairs required for the upkeep of the buildings. We 

will see increases with both Contractor & Internal Services/Supplies 

o Sewer/Plumbing 

o HVAC/Boiler  

Roads & Grounds 

o Roads & Grounds is showing an increase in Payroll/Benefits, they are sitting with 15 FT & 3 PT employees. 

OPEX has been decreased by roughly 9% year over year.  

Capital Expenditures 

o All recommended expenditures were reviewed and carefully inspected by the departments & management 

to determine if the labor was required, could be deferred and or/repaired/maintenance rather than 


o The number of projects, timing, and the ability to complete all projects within the calendar year was also a 

consideration when building the recommended list. Our goal in 2022 will be to complete all projects and not 

have carry over into 2023. (We do know there might be extenuating circumstances that may impeded this 

goal, but these will be the exception and not the rule.) 

9/29 B&F Work Session 4


o We are anticipating that all the HGMD departments (Golf, Club, Restaurant) begin returning to pre‐covid type 

sales and numbers. This is an assumption as currently the Delta Variant is the wild card for these businesses. 

o Legal information & threat of suit by a resident about the liability waiver in the Clubhouse – we may want to 

consider increasing legal/professional services lines.  

9/29 B&F Work Session 5

2022 2021 Diff % Change

Maintenance 6,477,035              6,065,680          411,355           6.78%

Water & Sewer 1,325,468              974,552             350,916           36.01%

Gas & Electric 955,938                 1,044,914          (88,976)            ‐8.52%

Insurance 1,708,273              1,713,054          (4,781)               ‐0.28%

Capital Reserve 3,401,830              2,489,691          912,139           36.64%

Capital Adjustment  107,330             (107,330)          ‐100.00%

Total 13,868,544            12,395,221        1,473,324        11.89%

Avg Monthly Dues* 476.39$                 425.78$             50.61$              11.89%

2022 2021 Diff % Change

Rec Fee 1,496,739              1,409,428          87,311              6.19%

Capital Adjusment 107,330             (107,330)         

Total 1,496,739              1,516,758          (20,019)            ‐1.32%

Avg Monthly Dues* 51.41$                    52.10$                (0.69)$               ‐1.32%

2022 2021 Diff % Change

HGA 13,868,544            12,395,221        1,473,324        11.89%

HGMD 1,496,739              1,516,758          (20,019)            ‐1.32%

15,365,283            13,911,979        1,453,304        10.45%

HGA Avg Dues 476.39$                 425.78$             50.61$              11.89%

HGMD Avg Dues 51.41$                    52.10$                (0.69)$               ‐1.32%

Total Avg Monthly Dues 527.80$                 477.88$             49.92$              10.45%

Analysis of Dues

% of the 


2022 2021 Diff % Change Increase

HGA Operating Expense 359.53$                 336.57$             22.96$              6.82% 46%

HGA Capital Reserve ‐ Parking Structures Repairs 38.65$                    7.21$                  31.44$              435.79% 63%

HGA Capital Reserve ‐ All Other Proj. 78.20$                    81.99$                (3.79)$               ‐4.62% ‐8%

HGMD Operating Expense 37.77$                    38.92$                (1.15)$               ‐2.95% ‐2%

HGMD Capital Reserve 13.65$                    13.19$                0.46$                3.50% 1%

527.80$                 477.88$             49.92$              10.45% 100%

*The average monthly dues is a calculation of taking the total

budget amount, divide that by 2426 (total number of units), then divide

by 12 (to get the monthly amount).

*Total does not include other revenue sources outside of the above 5 fees.

HGA & HGMD Combined

HGA & HGMD Combined


2022 Fee Summary & Comparison


Heather Gardens Association

Heather Gardens Metropolitan District

9/29 B&F Work Session 6

Budget Budget Forecast Actual Budget Budget Forecast Actual

2022 2021 2021 2020 2022 2021 2021 2020

Custodial 8.00               9.00          8.00          10.00        6,032        15,080      9,211        16,055     

Contracts 2.00               2.00          2.00          2.00          ‐            ‐            ‐           

Maintenance 24.00             24.00        24.00        24.00        ‐            ‐            ‐           

Admin 11.00             11.00        11.00        9.00          ‐            240           ‐            357          

Paint 5.00               5.00          5.00          6.00          ‐            ‐            ‐           

Roads & Grounds 15.00             12.00        15.00        14.00        1,909        6,563        1,534        2,465       

Security 8.00               8.00          8.00          7.00          ‐            ‐           

HGA Total 73.00             71.00        73.00        72.00        7,941        21,883      10,745      18,877     

Club House 2.00               2.00          2.00          1.00          5,810        7,281        6,843        6,479       

Teachers ‐                 ‐            ‐            ‐            3,294        5,304        1,951        1,083       

Golf 5.00               5.00          5.00          5.00          6,492        5,254        6,343        6,946       

Restaurant 3.00               2.00          3.00          2.00          12,007      15,875      5,535        5,629       

10.00             9.00          10.00        8.00          27,603      33,714      20,672      20,137     

Grand Total 83.00             80.00        83.00        80.00        35,544      55,597      31,417      39,014     

Full Time Employees Part Time Hours

Headcount Summary

Operating Budget 2022

9/29 B&F Work Session 7





Operating Expenses

(Surplus)/Deficit Prior Year


Interest Income

Interest Income RJ Oper

RJ Premium Amort

RJ advis Fees Operating


Insurance (Surplus)/Deficit

Water & Sewer

Water & Sewer (Surplus)/Deficit

Gas & Electric

Gas & Electric (Surplus)/Deficit


Maintenance (Surplus)/Deficit

Late Charges to Residents

Interest to Residents

Laundry Commissions

Miscellaneous Income

Comcast Revenue

Heather 'N Yon Profits


Sale of CP4 Units

COGS CP4 Units

Total New Revenue

Surplus/(Deficit) Revenue from 2020


Water & Sewer

Gas & Electric


Total Surplus/(Deficit) Revenue







Roads & Grounds


Vacancy Adjustment

Total Wages/Benefits

Operating Expense

General Association






Roads & Grounds


Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


10,629,222      9,945,864        6.87% 10,079,976      1.35% 5.45% 10,007,810     

4,930,564        4,805,065        2.61% 4,680,987        ‐2.58% 5.33% 4,874,763       

5,918,511        5,608,167        5.53% 5,566,013        ‐0.75% 6.33% 5,281,638       

(219,853)         (467,367)         ‐52.96% (167,024)         ‐64.26% 31.63% (148,591)        

‐                    1,752               ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% ‐                   

7,572               ‐                    7,569               0.05% 3,928              

(5,040)              ‐                    (6,345)              ‐20.56% (3,302)             

(740)                 ‐                    (740)                 0.00% (481)                

1,728,744        1,611,807        7.26% 1,611,984        0.01% 7.24% 1,365,464       

(20,471)            101,247           ‐120.22% 101,247           0.00% ‐120.22% ‐                   

1,206,996        1,156,001        4.41% 1,159,545        0.31% 4.09% 1,300,137       

118,472           (181,449)          ‐165.29% (181,449)          0.00% ‐165.29% ‐                   

1,107,456        1,035,279        6.97% 1,037,319        0.20% 6.76% 952,018          

(151,518)          9,635               ‐1672.58% 9,635               0.00% ‐1672.58% ‐                   

6,643,368        6,462,483        2.80% 6,476,467        0.22% 2.58% 6,227,811       

(166,333)          (396,803)          ‐58.08% (396,803)          0.00% ‐58.08% ‐                   

7,200               7,200               0.00% 12,697             76.35% ‐43.29% 17,683            

1,500               1,500               0.00% (480)                 ‐132.00% ‐412.50% 14,528            

42,016             42,016             0.00% 42,741             1.72% ‐1.70% 43,485            

32,400             32,400             0.00% 31,810             ‐1.82% 1.85% 24,104            

72,000             48,000             50.00% 73,457             53.04% ‐1.98% 56,314            

5,600               14,796             ‐62.15% 5,215               ‐64.75% 7.38% 5,041              

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    1,080              

‐                    ‐                    979,000           ‐100.00% ‐                   

‐                    ‐                    (882,893)          ‐100.00% ‐                   

10,629,222     9,945,864        6.87% 10,079,976     1.35% 5.45% 10,007,810    

20,471             (101,247)          (101,247)         

(118,472)          181,449           181,449          

151,518           (9,635)              (9,635)             

166,333           396,803           396,803          

219,850           467,370           467,370          

386,235           517,565           ‐25.37% 354,246           ‐31.56% 9.03% 486,468          

219,007           207,554           5.52% 208,450           0.43% 5.06% 85,186            

1,555,982        1,434,216        8.49% 1,466,054        2.22% 6.13% 1,612,897       

1,135,664        1,102,698        2.99% 1,056,387        ‐4.20% 7.50% 1,029,644       

288,636           288,228           0.14% 237,747           ‐17.51% 21.40% 190,524          

925,828           872,452           6.12% 875,253           0.32% 5.78% 843,537          

522,213           482,352           8.26% 482,849           0.10% 8.15% 499,868          

(103,000)          (100,000)          3.00% ‐                    ‐                   

4,930,564        4,805,065        2.61% 4,680,987        ‐2.58% 5.33% 4,874,763       

4,361,134        4,121,488        5.81% 4,195,087        1.79% 3.96% 3,869,460       

59,769             54,234             10.21% 60,613             11.76% ‐1.39% 69,688            

6,524               6,708               ‐2.74% 4,539               ‐32.33% 43.72% 7,677              

889,842           843,977           5.43% 750,196           ‐11.11% 18.61% 780,269          

211,397           232,583           ‐9.11% 250,670           7.78% ‐15.67% 221,381          

59,328             61,211             ‐3.08% 45,975             ‐24.89% 29.04% 39,960            

235,350           258,642           ‐9.01% 227,859           ‐11.90% 3.29% 255,601          

95,167             29,325             224.53% 31,073             5.96% 206.27% 37,602            

5,918,511        5,608,167        5.53% 5,566,013        ‐0.75% 6.33% 5,281,638       


9/29 B&F Work Session 8

Revenue Summary





% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


A404 Interest Income ‐                    1,752                ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100% ‐                   

A404.2 Interest Income RJ Oper 7,572                ‐                    7,569                0% 3,928               

A404.3 RJ Premium Amort (5,040)               ‐                    (6,345)               ‐21% (3,302)              

A404.4 RJ advis Fees Operating (740)                  ‐                    (740)                  0% (481)                 

A408 Insurance 1,728,744        1,611,807        7.26% 1,611,984        0.01% 7.24% 1,365,464       

A408.4 2020 Insurance Surplus (20,471)             101,247           ‐120.22% 101,247           0.00% ‐120.22% ‐                   

A409 Water & Sewer 1,206,996        1,156,001        4.41% 1,159,545        0.31% 4.09% 1,300,137       

A409.4 2020 Water & Sewer Deficit 118,472           (181,449)          ‐165.29% (181,449)          0.00% ‐165.29% ‐                   

A410 Gas & Electric 1,107,456        1,035,279        6.97% 1,037,319        0.20% 6.76% 952,018          

A410.4 2020 Gas & Electric YE Suplus (151,518)          9,635                ‐1672.58% 9,635                0.00% ‐1672.58% ‐                   

A411 Maintenance 6,643,368        6,462,483        2.80% 6,476,467        0.22% 2.58% 6,227,811       

A411.4 2020 Maintenance YE Surplus (166,333)          (396,803)          ‐58.08% (396,803)          0.00% ‐58.08% ‐                   

A414 Late Charges to Residents 7,200                7,200                0.00% 12,697              76.35% ‐43.29% 17,683             

A414.5 Interest to Residents 1,500                1,500                0.00% (480)                  ‐132.00% ‐412.50% 14,528             

A415 Laundry Commissions 42,016              42,016              0.00% 42,741              1.72% ‐1.70% 43,485             

A416 Miscellaneous Income 32,400              32,400              0.00% 31,810              ‐1.82% 1.85% 24,104             

A416.2 Comcast Revenue 72,000              48,000              0.00% 73,457              53.04% ‐1.98% 56,314             

A417 Heather 'N Yon Profits 5,600                14,796              ‐62.15% 5,215                ‐64.75% 7.38% 5,041               

A422 Violations ‐                    ‐                    0.00% ‐                    1,080               

A423 Sale of CP4 Units ‐                    ‐                    0.00% 979,000           ‐100.00%

A424 COGS CP4 Units ‐                    ‐                    0.00% (882,893)          ‐100.00%

Total Revenue 10,629,222     9,945,864        6.87% 10,079,976     1.35% 5.45% 10,007,810    

Surplus/(Deficit) Revenue from 2020

Insurance 20,471              (101,247)          (101,247)          20,471             

Water & Sewer (118,472)          181,449           181,449           (118,472)         

Gas & Electric 151,518           (9,635)               (9,635)               151,518          

Maintenance 166,333           396,803           396,803           166,333          

Total Surplus/(Deficit) Revenue 219,850           467,370           467,370           219,850          


9/29 B&F Work Session 9

General Expenses

A622 Payment In Lieu Of Taxes

A624 Personal Property Tax

A626 Income Taxes

A628 Bad Debt Expense

A640 Electric ‐ High Rises

A641 Electric ‐ Parking

A642 Electric ‐ Town Homes

A643 Gas ‐ High Rises

A645 Engineering Evaluation

A652 Insurance Coverages

A652.1 Insurance ‐ Claims

A653 HRA Admin Costs

A660 Legal Fees

A671 Outside Services

A672 Communications

A673 Annual Meeting/Election

A675 Employee Appreciation Program

A698 Water & Sewer

Total General Expense





% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


25,000             18,000             38.89% 50,000             177.78% ‐50.00% 0                      

4,300               5,300               ‐18.87% 4,270               ‐19.43% 0.70% 3,784              

55,000             31,000             77.42% 55,000             77.42% 0.00% 53,185            

7,500               7,500               0.00% 7,500               0.00% 0.00% 1,918              

346,118           326,854           5.89% 335,510           2.65% 3.16% 291,039          

10,777             11,829             ‐8.89% 10,256             ‐13.30% 5.08% 12,610            

12,765             10,478             21.83% 12,990             23.97% ‐1.73% 13,255            

737,792           686,119           7.53% 779,425           13.60% ‐5.34% 653,625          

‐                    14,004             ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% 34,463            

1,728,745        1,611,804        7.26% 1,593,773        ‐1.12% 8.47% 1,387,708       

93,600             100,000           ‐6.40% 85,327             ‐14.67% 9.70% 49,666            

16,612             20,040             ‐17.11% 16,130             ‐19.51% 2.99% 12,748            

50,400             50,400             0.00% 49,061             ‐2.66% 2.73% 65,085            

4,732               0                       8,143               ‐41.89% 9,739              

22,904             23,900             ‐4.17% 16,322             ‐31.71% 40.33% 20,667            

20,000             20,000             0.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% 26                    

17,888             28,260             ‐36.70% 7,891               ‐72.08% 126.69% 5,378              

1,207,000        1,156,000        4.41% 1,163,488        0.65% 3.74% 1,254,564       

4,361,134        4,121,488        5.81% 4,195,087        1.79% 3.96% 3,869,460       


9/29 B&F Work Session 10




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


J500 Salaries ‐ FTP

J510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

J520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

J540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

J550 Retirement Expense

J553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

J574 Recruit/Train/Services

J575 Employee Bonuses

J580 PEO Administration

J588 Workers Comp Insurance

J588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

2% Vacancy Adjustment

J675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

J675.3 Salary Charge Out‐Residents

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

J621 Fuel Expense

J621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

J639 Software & IT

J645 Uniforms

J671 Outside Contractors

J680 Radio Communications

J683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

J684 Supplies

J691 Licenses

J699 Window Cleaning

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


386,235           517,565           ‐25.37% 354,246           ‐31.56% 9.03% 486,468          

59,769              54,234              10.21% 60,613              11.76% ‐1.39% 69,688             

446,004           571,799           ‐22.00% 414,859           ‐27.45% 7.51% 556,156          

295,918           316,795           ‐6.59% 252,922           -20.16% 17.00% 275,099          

93,044              209,827           ‐55.66% 112,773           -46.25% -17.49% 185,558          

8,072                8,513                ‐5.19% 5,553                -34.78% 45.37% 7,975               

35,282              45,471              ‐22.41% 33,606              -26.09% 4.99% 40,964             

5,982                8,601                ‐30.45% 4,977                -42.14% 20.20% 6,118               

52,201              62,143              ‐16.00% 31,812              -48.81% 64.09% 47,181             

2,050                1,600                28.13% 2,095                30.93% -2.14% 1,919               

2,800                2,000                40.00% 4,005                100.23% ‐30.08% 1,522               

5,400                8,040                ‐32.84% 5,314                ‐33.90% 1.61% 6,910               

11,685              4,571                155.62% 10,262              124.48% 13.87% 5,183               

‐                    ‐                    83                     

512,434           667,563           ‐23.24% 463,318           ‐30.60% 10.60% 578,512          


(126,199)          (149,998)          ‐15.87% (109,071)          ‐27.28% 15.70% (92,044)           

‐                    0                        0.00%

386,235           517,565           ‐25.37% 354,246           ‐31.56% 9.03% 486,468          

8.00                  9.00                  8.00                  10.00               

6,032                15,080              9,211                16,055             

329                   370                   228                   338                  

575                   557                   3.25% 465                   ‐16.58% 23.77% 387                  

8,250                8,244                0.07% 6,156                ‐25.33% 34.02% 8,048               

720                   2,040                ‐64.71% 833                   ‐59.16% ‐13.58% 680                  

3,250                3,252                ‐0.06% 2,513                ‐22.72% 29.33% 2,663               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    10,935             

350                   350                   0.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% ‐                   

2,700                1,716                57.34% 941                   ‐45.15% 186.89% 1,912               

32,780              27,000              21.41% 38,633              43.09% ‐15.15% 36,416             

144                   143                   0.70% 72                      ‐49.65% 100.00% 42                     

11,000              10,932              0.62% 11,000              0.62% 0.00% 8,605               

59,769              54,234              10.21% 60,613              11.76% ‐1.39% 69,688             

446,004           571,799           ‐22.00% 414,859           ‐27.45% 7.51% 556,156          


9/29 B&F Work Session 11

CUSTODIAL 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

J574 ‐ Recruiting & Training

New Hire Screening 1,730                1,350               

CPR  320                   250                  

2,050                1,600                28.13% 2,095                1,919               

J588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 10,407             4,071               

Deductible 1,278                500                  

‐                    ‐                   

11,685             4,571                155.62% 10,262             5,183               

J621 ‐Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Unleaded Gas 575                   557                  

Diesel Price Per Gallon

Total Diesel Gas ‐                    ‐                   

Total Unleaded & Diesel ‐ Budget 575                   557                   3.25% 465                   387                  

J621.1 ‐ Mileage

Zone 1 432                   432                  

Zone 2 660                   660                  

Zone 3 660                   660                  

Zone 4 660                   660                  

Zone 5 1,129                1,128               

Zone 6 1,129                1,128               

Zone 7 1,129                1,128               

Zone 8 1,129                1,128               

Zone Floater 660                   660                  

Full Time Mileage 660                   660                  

8,250                8,244                0.07% 6,156                8,048               

J639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS ‐ Computer 424                   1,200               

Phone 296                   840                  

720                   2,040                ‐64.71% 833                   680                  

9/29 B&F Work Session 12

CUSTODIAL 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

J691 ‐ Licenses

2013 Trailer (046IAQ) 42                     42                    

2003 Dodge Van (321QLG) 102                   101                  

144                   143                   0.70% 72                     42                    

9/29 B&F Work Session 13




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


K500 Salaries ‐ FTP

K520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

K540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

K550 Retirement Expense

K553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

K574 Recruit/Train/Services

K575 Employee Bonus

K580 PEO Admin

K588 Workers Comp Insurance

K588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

2% Vacancy Reduction

K675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

K621 Fuel Expense

K621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

K630 Reserve Study

K639 Software & IT

K645 Uniforms

K662 Office Supplies

K671 Outside Contractors

K683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

K691 Licenses

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


219,007           207,554           5.52% 208,450           0.43% 5.06% 85,186             

6,524                6,708                ‐2.74% 4,539                ‐32.33% 43.72% 7,677               

225,531           214,262           5.26% 212,990           ‐0.59% 5.89% 92,863             

178,437           167,695           6.41% 171,077           2.02% 4.30% 65,517             

‐                    0                        79                      ‐100.00% 775                  

14,706              14,221              3.41% 14,030              ‐1.35% 4.82% 5,274               

8,573                7,784                10.14% 8,241                5.87% 4.03% 3,167               

13,555              13,810              ‐1.84% 13,274              ‐3.88% 2.12% 8,643               

1,000                1,000                0.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% 45                     

912                   600                   51.97% ‐                    ‐100.00% ‐                   

840                   960                   ‐12.50% 804                   ‐16.25% 4.48% 606                  

984                   1,484                ‐33.69% 946                   ‐36.23% 3.99% 1,129               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    30                    

219,007           207,554           5.52% 208,450           0.43% 5.06% 85,186             

‐                    ‐                    0.00%

‐                    ‐                    0.00%

219,007           207,554           5.52% 208,450           0.43% 5.06% 85,186             

2.00                  2.00                  2.00                  2.00                 

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    21                     

‐                    120                   ‐100.00% 0                        ‐100.00% ‐                   

960                   720                   33.33% 1,241                72.38% ‐22.65% 1,333               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

3,000                3,000                0.00% 2,069                ‐31.03% 44.99% 4,234               

500                   600                   ‐16.67% 0                        ‐100.00% 0                       

1,500                1,705                ‐12.02% 1,125                ‐34.04% 33.38% 2,049               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

480                   490                   ‐2.04% 0                        ‐100.00% ‐                   

84                      73                      15.07% 105                   43.25% ‐19.67% 61                     

6,524                6,708                ‐2.74% 4,539                ‐32.33% 43.72% 7,677               

225,531           214,262           5.26% 212,990           ‐0.59% 5.89% 92,863             


9/29 B&F Work Session 14

CONTRACTS 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


CPR training 50                     50

New Employee Screeing ‐                    0

Training Classes 900                   900

Lift Training 50                     50

1,000                1,000                0.00% ‐                    45                    

K588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 652                   984                  

Deductible 332                   500                  


984                   1,484                ‐33.69% 946                   1,129               

K639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS Computer Consulting 2,160                2,160               

Cell Phone Reimbursement 840                   840                  

3,000                3,000                0.00% 2,069                4,234               

9/29 B&F Work Session 15




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


M500 Salaries ‐ FTP

M510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

M520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

M540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

M545 Temporary Outside Labor

M550 Retirement Expense

M553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

M574 Recruit/Train/Services

M575 Employee Bonus

M580 PEO Administration

M588 Workers Comp Insurance

M588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

Vacancy Adjustment

M675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

M675.3 Salary Charge Out‐Residents

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

M621 Fuel Expense

M621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

M639 Software & IT

M640 Electricity

M643 Gas

M644 Elevator

M645 Uniforms

M646 Maintenance Shop Repairs

M654 Lamp Replacement

M655 Fire Extinguisher Repair

M659 Miscellaneous

M662 Office Supplies

M665 Rent ‐ Equipment

M671 Outside Contractors ‐ Misc

M671.1 Glass Replacement ‐ Contractor

M671.3 Boiler/HVAC Repairs ‐ Contractor

M671.4 Roof Repairs ‐ Contractor

M671.5 Electrical ‐ Contractor

M671.6 Concrete Repairs ‐ Contractor

M671.7 Siding Repairs ‐ Contractor

M671.8 Sewer/Plumbing ‐ Contractor

M671.9 TV Antenna Repair ‐ Contractor

M672 Door Repair

M680 Radio Communications

M683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

M684 Supplies

M684.1 HVAC/Plumbing

M684.2 Electrical

M684.3 Hardware/Fasteners

M684.4 Safety Equipment

M684.5 Doors & Door Hardware

M684.6 Roof & Sealant Materials

M684.7 Chemicals

M684.8 Tools

M684.9 Billable work orders

M685 TV Repairs

M691 Licenses

M694 Trash Removal

Total Operating Expense


2022     Budget 2021     Budget

% Change   2021 

Budget 2022 

Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 2021 

Budget  2021 


% Change 2021 

Forecast  2022 


2020 Actual 


1,555,982             1,434,216            8.49% 1,466,054            2.22% 6.13% 1,612,897           

889,842                843,977               5.43% 750,196               ‐11.11% 18.61% 780,269              

2,445,824             2,278,193            7.36% 2,216,250            ‐2.72% 10.36% 2,393,166           

1,251,926             1,207,209            3.70% 1,219,287            1.00% 2.68% 1,329,332           

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       

47,210                   33,266                  41.92% 31,593                  ‐5.03% 49.43% 26,721                 

110,779                105,403               5.10% 113,705               7.88% ‐2.57% 109,371              

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       

41,752                   42,186                  ‐1.03% 41,481                  ‐1.67% 0.65% 46,938                 

152,147                165,715               ‐8.19% 134,652               ‐18.74% 12.99% 151,994              

7,020                     7,220                    ‐2.77% 6,789                    ‐5.98% 3.41% 7,547                   

5,600                     4,400                    27.27% 7,203                    63.71% ‐22.26% 4,634                   

10,500                   11,520                  ‐8.85% 10,493                  ‐8.91% 0.07% 11,758                 

12,546                   12,536                  0.08% 11,163                  ‐10.95% 12.38% 13,314                 

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        334                      

1,639,481             1,589,456            3.15% 1,576,366            ‐0.82% 4.00% 1,701,943           

‐                         ‐                       

(33,499)                 (105,239)              ‐68.17% (39,602) -62.37% -15.41% (43,915)

(50,000)                 (50,000)                0.00% (70,711) 41.42% -29.29% (45,131)

1,555,982             1,434,216            8.49% 1,466,054            2.22% 6.13% 1,612,897           

24.00                     24.00                    24.00                    24.00                   

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       

1,256                     965                       895                       711                      

3,670                     3,406                    7.76% 3,168                    ‐6.98% 15.85% 2,850                   

25,400                   22,372                  13.53% 23,729                  6.07% 7.04% 22,612                 

30,000                   26,000                  15.38% 31,855                  22.52% ‐5.82% 27,650                 

4,080                     3,889                    4.92% 3,975                    2.23% 2.63% 3,914                   

2,556                     1,199                    113.23% 1,956                    63.18% 30.67% 1,348                   

144,000                138,102               4.27% 131,755               ‐4.60% 9.29% 142,385              

13,000                   11,750                  10.64% 18,713                  59.26% ‐30.53% 11,012                 

16,000                   14,365                  11.38% 13,173                  ‐8.30% 21.46% 16,250                 

15,000                   13,607                  10.24% 16,956                  24.61% ‐11.54% 13,423                 

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       

‐                         ‐                        221                       -100.00% 123                      

13,200                   13,500                  ‐2.22% 10,747                  ‐20.39% 22.83% 14,230                 

1,000                     1,000                    0.00% ‐                        ‐100.00% ‐                       

16,900                   15,960                  5.89% 2,103                    ‐86.82% 703.45% 16,940                 

30,000                   38,000                  ‐21.05% 19,613                  ‐48.39% 52.96% 26,274                 

6,300                     6,300                    0.00% ‐                        ‐100.00% 2,098                   

7,500                     7,000                    7.14% 10,443                  49.18% ‐28.18% 14,653                 

30,000                   32,844                  ‐8.66% 20,579                  ‐37.34% 45.78% 25,650                 

8,000                     6,000                    33.33% 7,500                    25.00% 6.67% 4,265                   

3,000                     3,000                    0.00% 3,000                    0.00% 0.00% ‐                       

90,000                   58,524                  53.78% 77,606                  32.60% 15.97% 19,444                 

‐                         ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       

12,000                   13,000                  ‐7.69% 12,922                  -0.60% -7.14% 2,312                   

1,560                     1,600                    ‐2.50% 561                       -64.96% 178.29% 987                      

3,600                     8,820                    ‐59.18% 2,391                    -72.89% 50.54% 3,013                   

7,200                     24,000                  ‐70.00% 4,800                    -80.00% 50.00% 34,465                 

104,196                84,420                  23.43% 100,781               19.38% 3.39% 109,723              

44,400                   50,400                  ‐11.90% 14,342                  -71.54% 209.59% 35,898                 

4,200                     4,608                    ‐8.85% 1,557                    -66.22% 169.82% 3,463                   

4,000                     5,000                    ‐20.00% 1,015                    -79.70% 294.14% 3,141                   

25,000                   24,152                  3.51% 24,238                  0.36% 3.14% 30,339                 

10,000                   11,200                  ‐10.71% 1,905                    -82.99% 425.05% 8,177                   

58,680                   57,300                  2.41% 46,269                  -19.25% 26.82% 55,031                 

10,800                   11,880                  ‐9.09% 8,460                    -28.79% 27.66% 12,051                 

‐                         0                            (1,833)                   -100.00% ‐                       

3,600                     3,600                    0.00% 1,920                    -46.67% 87.50% 1,776                   

47,000                   33,500                  40.30% 43,419                  29.61% 8.25% 28,272                 

94,000                   93,680                  0.34% 90,357                  -3.55% 4.03% 86,500                 

889,842                843,977               5.43% 750,196               ‐11.11% 18.61% 780,269              

2,445,824             2,278,193            7.36% 2,216,250            ‐2.72% 10.36% 2,393,166           


9/29 B&F Work Session 16

MAINTENANCE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


High lift Operations Cert. 438                   450                  

Craig's List Ads 972                   1,000               

Pre-employment qualifications 467                   480                  

CPR Training 729                   750                  

CPO Training 972                   1,000               

Asbestos Operations and Maint. Training 3,403                3,500               

Colorado A/C licences 39                     40                    

‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                   

7,020                7,220                ‐2.77% 6,789                7,547               

M588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 11,545             11,537            

Deductible 1,001                1,000               

12,546             12,537             0.07% 10,493             13,314            

M621 ‐ Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Unleaded Gas 3,670                3,406                7.76% 3,168                2,850               

M639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS 6,923                6,000               

Maintenance Connections 23,077             20,000            

30,000             26,000             15.38% 31,855             27,650            

M644 ‐ Elevator

Elevator Contract 79,905             76,632            

Overtime call outs 31,281             30,000            

Phone 20,958             20,100            

State Inspection  6,100                5,850               

State Pressure Relief Test  elevators 542                   520                  

Elevator Pads 5,214                5,000               

‐                    ‐                   

144,000           138,102           4.27% 131,755           142,385          

9/29 B&F Work Session 17

MAINTENANCE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

M646 ‐ Maintenance Shop Repairs

HVAC ‐                    ‐                   

Custodial Charge Outs 5,614                5,040               

Maintenance Charge Outs 7,769                6,975               

Locks ‐                    ‐                   

Paint  ‐                    ‐                   

Miscellaneous 2,617                2,350               

16,000             14,365             11.38% 13,173             16,250            

M654 ‐ Lamp Replacement

2017 Actual 16,682            

2018 Actual 14,203            

2019 Actual 15,935            

2022 Budget 15,000             ‐                   

15,000             15,607             ‐3.89% 16,956             13,423            


15,000             13,607             10.24% 16,956             13,423            

M662 ‐ Office Supplies

Supplies 8,624                8,820               

Copier Lease 3,051                3,120               

Printing ‐ Document Solutions 1,525                1,560               

13,200             13,500             ‐2.22% 10,747             14,230            

M671 ‐ Outside Contractors

Carpet & Pad Repair ‐                    ‐                   

Outside Engineering ‐ Post Tension Cable ‐                    ‐                   

Leak control equipment purchase Bld 213 ‐                    ‐                   

Miscellaneous* ‐                    ‐                   

16,900             15,960             5.89% 2,103                16,940            

M671.8 ‐Sewer/Plumbing

Plumbing Repairs 49,217             32,004            

Jet Sewer Lines 6,530                4,246               

Jet Garage Sewer Lines 9,787                6,364               

Leak Control 4 Buildings  9,788                6,365               

Misc Plumbing (Drain Line Replace) 14,679             9,545               

90,000             58,524             53.78% 77,606             19,444            

9/29 B&F Work Session 18

MAINTENANCE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

M672 ‐Door Repair

Trash Chute 1,292                1,400               

Repair Automatic Door Openers 369                   400                  

Entry Doors 1,846                2,000               

Garage Door PM Servicing ‐                    ‐                   

Garge Doors 2,215                2,400               

Garage Door Openers 6,277                6,800               

12,000             13,000             ‐7.69% 12,922             2,312               

M684.1 ‐ HVAC Supplies

Modutrol Replacements 6,213                5,034               

Expansion Tank  11,801             9,561               

Gas valves  1,296                1,050               

Water Storage Tanks  5,828                4,722               

Heat  coil 3,505                2,840               

Celdex Evaporator Coolers 7,127                5,774               

Air Filters quarterly 12,441             10,080            

Miscellaneous copper, fittings, sensors and 

valves 23,327             18,900            

Heat Exchange 11,271             9,132               

Pumps, motors, re‐build kits 21,386             17,327            

104,196           84,420             23.43% 100,781           109,723          

M684.7 ‐Chemicals

Green Gobbler 15,361             15,000            

Boiler chemicals  11,367             11,100            

Epoxy, spray paint ‐                    ‐                   

Leak Control Bldgs  31,951             31,200            

58,680             57,300             2.41% 46,269             55,031            

M694 ‐ Trash

Monthly Service 92,495             92,180            

Bulb Recycle 1,505                1,500               

TV & Electronics Recycling ‐                    ‐                   

94,000             93,680             0.34% 90,357             86,500            

9/29 B&F Work Session 19




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


O500 Salaries ‐ FTP

O510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

O520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

O540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

O545 Temporary Outside Labor

O550 Retirement Expense

O553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

O574 Recruit/Train/Services

O575 Employee Bonus

O580 PEO Admin

O588 Workers Comp Insurance

O588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Cost Savings Allowance

Total Wages/Benefits

O675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

O621 Fuel Expense

O621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

O639 Software

O639.5 IT Services

O656 Audit and Tax Fees

O659 Miscellaneous Expense

O661 Administrative Expense

O662 Office Supplies & Postage

O662.1 Bank/Credit Card Fees

O663 Publications (HGA Directory)

O681 Outsource ‐ Payroll/PEO

O683 Repairs - Equipment

O689 Telephone & Internet

O690 Equipment Leases

O695 Marketing

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


1,135,664        1,102,698        2.99% 1,056,387        ‐4.20% 7.50% 1,029,644       

211,397           232,583           ‐9.11% 250,670           7.78% ‐15.67% 221,381          

1,347,061        1,335,281        0.88% 1,307,057        ‐2.11% 3.06% 1,251,025       

919,003           887,380           3.56% 839,349           ‐5.41% 9.49% 849,018          

‐                    5,520               ‐100.00% 7,028               27.32% ‐100.00% 6,369              

11,400             2,400               375.00% 11,650             385.43% ‐2.15% 7,167              

80,456             76,021             5.83% 78,073             2.70% 3.05% 63,482            

‐                    ‐                    0                      

32,196             30,046             7.16% 25,765             ‐14.25% 24.96% 21,601            

67,110             75,953             ‐11.64% 61,442             ‐19.10% 9.22% 57,982            

9,600               9,350               2.67% 15,279             63.42% ‐37.17% 6,108              

2,000               1,400               42.86% 5,061               261.47% ‐60.48% 2,200              

4,920               5,400               ‐8.89% 4,783               ‐11.43% 2.87% 5,984              

8,979               9,229               ‐2.71% 7,958               ‐13.77% 12.83% 9,495              

‐                    ‐                    238                  

‐                    0                      

1,135,664        1,102,698        2.99% 1,056,387        ‐4.20% 7.50% 1,029,644       

‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

1,135,664        1,102,698        2.99% 1,056,387        ‐4.20% 7.50% 1,029,644       

11.00               11.00               11.00               9.00                 

‐                    240                   ‐                    357                  

311                   63                     419                   202                  

‐                    ‐                   

120                   120                   0.00% 99                     -17.14% 20.69% 29                    

22,320             21,480             3.91% 21,947             2.18% 1.70% 20,853            

31,200             24,000             30.00% 30,619             27.58% 1.90% 35,006            

59,700             66,700             ‐10.49% 83,977             25.90% -28.91% 85,251            

2,580               2,580               0.00% 4,229               63.92% -38.99% (39,049)           

6,185               7,145               ‐13.44% 5,923               -17.10% 4.43% 5,270              

36,250             39,250             ‐7.64% 35,112             -10.54% 3.24% 43,178            

‐                    17,004             ‐100.00% 17,436             2.54% -100.00% 11,439            

5,650               5,000               13.00% 5,485               9.70% 3.01% 4,730              

‐                    0                       ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

43,072             39,924             7.88% 41,631             4.28% 3.46% 45,229            

1,070               1,090               ‐1.83% 1,061               -2.66% 0.85% 1,066              

3,250               8,290               ‐60.80% 3,150               -62.00% 3.17% 8,379              

211,397           232,583           ‐9.11% 250,670           7.78% ‐15.67% 221,381          

1,347,061        1,335,281        0.88% 1,307,057        ‐2.11% 3.06% 1,251,025       


9/29 B&F Work Session 20



CPR training

Employment Law Update class

CAI Material & Membership

New Employee Screening

Staff Seminars

Computer Training (Microsoft Office)

Annual CAI Conferences

O588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct)


O639 ‐ Software

Jenark Qtrly Software fee

Jenark/Progress Operating Software

Miscellaneous Expenses

IP Address renewal and 2 Mail Hops

Association Voice 

Cloud Backup

Trend Anti Virus Renewal in August.

Acrobat Adobe Subscription

Microsoft Office

O656 ‐ Professional Services

Attorney Fees

Year End Audit

401K Audit

Tax Return

Employers Council Annual Membership

O661 ‐ Administrative Expense

ARO picnic

Committee luncheon

Public meeting refreshments

HGA & HGMD Board dinner

State of Colorado Registration

Board Walk Around Lunch

2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

462                    450                   

205                    200                   

154                    150                   

770                    750                   

924                    900                   

513                    500                   

‐                     ‐                    

6,571                6,400               

9,600                9,350                2.67% 15,279              6,108               

8,006                8,229               

973                    1,000               

‐                     ‐                    

8,979                9,229                ‐2.71% 7,958                9,495               

10,000              9,160               

1,740                1,740               

‐                     ‐                    

55                      55                     

2,100                2,100               

6,000                6,000               

1,500                1,500               

180                    180                   

745                    745                   

22,320              21,480              3.91% 21,947              20,853             

‐                     ‐                    

51,000              58,000             

‐                     ‐                    

2,500                2,500               

6,200                6,200               


59,700              66,700              ‐10.49% 83,977              85,251             

1,000                1,000               

1,000                1,000               

400                    400                   

1,000                1,000               

95                      95                     

250                    250                   

9/29 B&F Work Session 21


Quarterly Events


O662 ‐ Office Supplies/Postage



CBS ‐ Printing

Inker ‐ Postage Machine

Toner Cartridge

New Printer & Computer


3 Part Paper for Coupons

First Aid

New Res Orientation Packets

EON ‐ envelopes, stationary, biz cards

Check Stock & Special Toner


Camera Receptionist area


O689 ‐ Telephone & Internet



Telephone‐ Employee

Block Labor Hours

O690 ‐ Equipment Lease

Postage Meter Lease

Copier Lease

O695 ‐ Marketing

Media time and space –  ad campaigns (Sept.‐


Media time and space – other 

Media – Google advertising

2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

‐                     ‐                    

2,440                3,400               


6,185                7,145                ‐13.44% 5,923                5,270               

4,200                4,200               

14,100              14,100             

5,400                5,400               

300                    300                   

1,400                1,400               

1,400                1,400               

3,000                3,000               

150                    150                   

400                    400                   

1,200                1,200               

3,000                3,000               

600                    600                   

500                    500                   

‐                     ‐                    

600                    3,600               

36,250              39,250              ‐7.64% 35,112              43,178             

30,120              28,116             

10,012              8,868               

2,940                2,940               


43,072              39,924              7.88% 41,631              45,229             

1,070                1,090               

‐                     ‐                    

1,070                1,090                ‐1.83% 1,061                1,066               




9/29 B&F Work Session 22


Organic SEO and Web Updates

Landing Page Fees

Radio, print or TV production

Design work/consulting

Seniors Blue Book

Aurora Chamber of Commerce

Miscellaneous expenses

2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual





3,250                3,400               

‐                     1,500               

‐                     3,390               


3,250                8,290                ‐60.80% 3,150                8,379               

9/29 B&F Work Session 23




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


P500 Salaries ‐ FTP

P520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

P540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

P550 Retirement Expense

P553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

P574 Recruit/Train/Services

P575 Employee Bonus

P580 PEO Admin

P588 Workers Comp Insurance

P588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

2% Vacancy Adjustment

P675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

P675.3 Salary Charge Out‐Residents

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

P621 Fuel Expense

P621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

P639 Software & IT

P645 Uniforms

P659 Miscellaneous

P671 Outside ‐ Contractors

P680 Radio Communications

P683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

P684 Supplies

P689 Telephone expense

P691 Licenses

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


288,636           288,228           0.14% 237,747           ‐17.51% 21.40% 190,524          

59,328              61,211              ‐3.08% 45,975              ‐24.89% 29.04% 39,960             

347,964           349,439           ‐0.42% 283,723           ‐18.81% 22.64% 230,484          

241,146           218,400           10.41% 199,491           -8.66% 20.88% 145,966          

‐                    3,600                ‐100.00% 552                   -84.67% -100.00% 265                  

21,596              18,870              14.45% 18,250              -3.28% 18.33% 13,132             

3,707                6,552                ‐43.42% 3,057                -53.35% 21.29% 4,133               

13,644              34,524              ‐60.48% 8,625                -75.02% 58.20% 17,914             

1,920                1,425                34.74% 1,860                30.53% 3.23% 2,948               

1,200                1,000                20.00% 1,248                24.80% -3.85% 396                  

2,400                2,400                0.00% 1,937                ‐19.29% 23.89% 1,954               

3,023                3,317                ‐8.87% 2,727                -17.77% 10.82% 3,771               

‐                    ‐                    45                     

288,636           290,088           ‐0.50% 237,747           ‐18.04% 21.40% 190,524          

‐                    (1,860)               0.00% 0 ‐100.00% 0                       

‐                    0                        0.00% 0

288,636           288,228           0.14% 237,747           ‐17.51% 21.40% 190,524          

5.00                  5.00                  5.00                  6.00                 

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    102                   15                      7                       

2,076                1,778                16.77% 1,260                -29.13% 64.76% 652                  

420                   1,008                ‐58.33% 348                   -65.48% 20.69% ‐                   

780                   859                   -9.18% 970                  

3,600                3,720                ‐3.23% 1,423                -61.75% 153.01% 3,071               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    1,800               

800                   804                   ‐0.50% ‐                    -100.00% ‐                   

4,000                4,200                ‐4.76% 651                   -84.49% 514.04% 198                  

46,656              48,196              ‐3.20% 40,927              -15.08% 14.00% 32,521             

288                   420                   ‐31.43% ‐                    -100.00% 210                  

708                   1,085                ‐34.75% 507                   -53.23% 39.53% 538                  

59,328              61,211              ‐3.08% 45,975              ‐24.89% 29.04% 39,960             

347,964           349,439           ‐0.42% 283,723           ‐18.81% 22.64% 230,484          


9/29 B&F Work Session 24

PAINT 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


New Hire Screening 404                   300

Asbestos 404                   300

Asbestos Refresher 842                   625

High Lift ‐                    0

CPR Classes 269                   200

1,920                1,425                34.74% 1,860                2,948               

P588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 2,567                2,817               

Deductible 456                   500                  

3,023                3,317                ‐8.87% 2,727                3,771               

P621 ‐ Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Unleaded Gas 2,076                1,778                16.76% 1,260                652                  

P691 ‐ License

2003 Ford (189WTL) 54                     83                    

2006 Chevy (588NNB) from R&G 70                     108                  

2003 Chevy (474HLD) from Inv 61                     94                    

Potential New Van 2020 522                   800                  

708                   1,085                ‐34.75% 507                   538                  

9/29 B&F Work Session 25




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


R500 Salaries ‐ FTP

R510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

R520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

R540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

R545 Temporary Outside Labor

R550 Retirement Expense

R553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

R574 Recruit/Train/Services

R575 Employee Bonus

R580 PEO Admin

R588 Workers Comp Insurance

R588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

4% Vacancy Adjustment

R675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

R675.3 Salary Charge Out‐Residents

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

R621 Fuel Expense

R621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

R635 Tree & Shrub Replacement

R639 Software & IT

R640 Electric

R643 Gas

R645 Uniforms

R647 Extermination

R665 Rent ‐ Equipment

R670 Asphalt Repairs

R671 Outside ‐ Contractors

R674 Irrigation ‐ Contractors

R680 Radio Communications

R682 Snow Removal Supplies

R683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

R684 Supplies

R684.1 Irrigation ‐ Supplies

R689 Telephone

R691 Licenses

R694 Trash Removal

Total Operating Expense


2022     Budget 2021     Budget

% Change   2021 

Budget 2022 

Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 2021 

Budget  2021 


% Change 2021 

Forecast  2022 


2020 Actual 


925,828             872,452             6.12% 875,253            0.32% 5.78% 843,537             

235,350             258,642             ‐9.01% 227,859            ‐11.90% 3.29% 255,601             

1,161,178         1,131,093          2.66% 1,103,111        ‐2.47% 5.26% 1,099,138          

706,878             575,434             22.84% 665,907            15.72% 6.15% 636,092             

31,765               105,008             ‐69.75% 26,482              -74.78% 19.95% 29,584                

10,231               17,747                ‐42.35% 11,931              -32.77% -14.25% 9,080                  

65,149               59,226                10.00% 63,895              7.88% 1.96% 57,483                

‐                     12,000                ‐100.00% ‐                    -100.00% 8,349                  

17,730               19,872                ‐10.78% 16,563              -16.65% 7.04% 22,283                

78,785               82,858                ‐4.91% 76,791              -7.32% 2.60% 76,352                

3,000                 1,530                  96.08% 2,889                88.80% 3.86% 3,339                  

2,400                 2,400                  0.00% 1,971                ‐17.86% 21.74% 1,991                  

6,540                 7,920                  ‐17.42% 6,350                ‐19.83% 3.00% 6,744                  

6,950                 7,368                  ‐5.68% 6,163                -16.35% 12.76% 7,755                  

‐                     ‐                      ‐                    155                     

929,428            891,362             4.27% 878,943           ‐1.39% 5.74% 859,207             

‐                     ‐                      ‐                      

(3,600)                (18,911)              ‐80.96% (3,691)               -80.48% -2.46% (15,670)

‐                     0                        

925,828            872,452             6.12% 875,253           0.32% 5.78% 843,537             

15.00                 12.00                  15.00                14.00                  

1,909                 6,563                  1,534                2,465                  

301                    551                     322                   272                     

20,650               17,729                16.48% 17,414              -1.78% 18.58% 25,526                

160                    180                     ‐11.11% 2,738                1420.95% -94.16% 20                       

5,500                 5,000                  10.00% 5,000                0.00% 10.00% 10,605                

3,600                 3,600                  0.00% 3,017                -16.19% 19.32% 3,212                  

2,850                 3,184                  ‐10.48% 1,562                -50.94% 82.49% 3,598                  

1,150                 899                     27.92% 1,467                63.22% -21.63% 1,011                  

8,450                 8,940                  ‐5.48% 9,545                6.77% -11.47% 8,263                  

11,000               10,800                1.85% 10,286              -4.76% 6.94% 10,925                

1,000                 1,700                  ‐41.18% 1,214                -28.61% -17.61% ‐                      

3,000                 3,000                  0.00% ‐                    -100.00% 4,295                  

30,000               37,000                ‐18.92% 28,683              -22.48% 4.59% 23,334                

‐                     14,400                ‐100.00% ‐                    -100.00% ‐                      

750                    800                     ‐6.25% ‐                    -100.00% ‐                      

15,000               20,000                ‐25.00% 21,511              7.55% -30.27% 20,642                

24,500               33,629                ‐27.15% 25,733              -23.48% -4.79% 25,155                

57,500               44,124                30.32% 48,444              9.79% 18.69% 92,586                

20,000               20,196                ‐0.97% 22,121              9.53% -9.59% ‐                      

840                    1,260                  ‐33.33% 840                   -33.33% 0.00% 805                     

3,000                 6,002                  ‐50.02% 4,389                -26.88% -31.64% 2,956                  

26,400               26,200                0.76% 23,895              -8.80% 10.48% 22,668                

235,350            258,642             ‐9.01% 227,859           ‐11.90% 3.29% 255,601             

1,161,178         1,131,093          2.66% 1,103,111        ‐2.47% 5.26% 1,099,138          


9/29 B&F Work Session 26

ROADS & GROUNDS 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


ALCC Membership 706                   360                  

Employment Screening/Ads 235                   120                  

CPR Training 490                   250                  

Pro Green Expo 1,569                800                  

3,000                1,530                96.08% 2,889                3,339               

R588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 5,859                6,212               

Deductible 943                   1,000               


6,802                7,368                ‐7.68% 6,163                7,755               

R621 ‐ Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Unleaded Gas 18,442             15,833            

Diesel Price Per Gallon

Total Diesel Gas 2,208                1,896               

Total Unleaded & Diesel ‐ Budget 20,650             17,729             16.48% 17,414             25,526            

R639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS 3,600                3,600               

3,600                3,600                0.00% 3,017                3,212               

R645 ‐ Uniforms

Uniform Cleaning 1,361                1,440               

Uniform Purchases 5,671                6,000               

Miscellaneous 1,418                1,500               

8,450                8,940                ‐5.48% 9,545                8,263               

R670 ‐ Asphalt Repairs

Asphalt 3,000                3,000               

9/29 B&F Work Session 27

ROADS & GROUNDS 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

3,000                3,000                0.00% ‐                    4,295               

R671 ‐ Outside Contractors

Waste Management 3,892                4,800               

Concrete Repair 2,432                3,000               

Retaining Walls ‐                    ‐                   

Tree Removal 8,108                10,000            

Pet scoop 973                   1,200               

Power Wash Garage 8,514                10,500            

Backflow Certifications 2,027                2,500               

Mosquito Control 4,054                5,000               

30,000             37,000             ‐18.92% 28,683             23,334            

9/29 B&F Work Session 28




Operating Expenses

Total Expense


S500 Salaries ‐ FTP

S520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

S540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

S545 Temporary Outside Labor

S550 Retirement Expense

S553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

S560 Employee Incentive

S574 Recruit/Train/Services

S575 Employee Bonus

S580 PEO Administration

S588 Workers Comp Insurance

S588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Operating Expense

S621 Fuel Expense

S639 Software & IT

S645 Uniforms

S659 Miscellaneous

S680 Radio Communications

S683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

S684 Supplies

S689 Telephone Expense

S691 Licenses

Total Operating Expense






% Change   2021 

Budget 2022 




% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


522,213         482,352         8.26% 482,849        0.10% 8.15% 499,868          

95,167           29,325           224.53% 31,073          5.96% 206.27% 37,602             

617,380         511,677         20.66% 513,922        0.44% 20.13% 537,470          

383,706         363,418         5.58% 361,987        -0.39% 6.00% 363,181          

10,766           3,600              199.04% 14,931          314.76% -27.90% 37,334             

34,083           31,184           9.30% 34,862          11.79% -2.23% 33,466             

‐                  ‐                  ‐                   

7,913              6,000              31.88% 6,922            15.37% 14.31% 6,016               

58,745           55,238           6.35% 41,079          -25.63% 43.00% 40,608             

10,200           7,000              45.71% 10,174          45.35% 0.25% 3,823               

7,500              7,500              0.00% 5,407            -27.91% 38.71% 6,813               

2,400              800                 200.00% 994                24.29% 141.38% 1,282               

3,420              3,840              ‐10.94% 3,322            ‐13.48% 2.94% 3,474               

3,480              3,772              ‐7.74% 3,170            -15.97% 9.79% 3,773               


522,213         482,352         8.26% 482,849        0.10% 8.15% 499,868          

‐                  ‐                 

522,213         482,352         8.26% 482,849        0.10% 8.15% 499,868          

8.00                8.00                8.00               7.00                 

‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐                   

328                 140                 463                1,021               


5,700              4,295              32.72% 7,195            67.52% -20.78% 5,086               

66,000           3,600              1733.33% 5,275            46.52% 1151.22% 7,981               

7,000              7,500              ‐6.67% 6,531            -12.91% 7.17% 13,150             

1,692              1,700              ‐0.47% 0                    -100.00% 119                  

3,375              1,500              125.00% 1,421            -5.26% 137.48% 202                  

4,692              4,550              3.12% 4,954            8.89% -5.29% 2,828               

3,600              2,500              44.00% 2,443            -2.29% 47.37% 4,450               

1,980              2,580              ‐23.26% 2,400            -6.98% -17.50% 3,194               

1,128              1,100              2.55% 854                -22.39% 32.13% 592                  

95,167           29,325           224.53% 31,073          5.96% 206.27% 37,602            

617,380         511,677         20.66% 513,922        0.44% 20.13% 537,470          


9/29 B&F Work Session 29

SECURITY 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


Shooting & Tactical Training  4,950                4950

CPR training 250                   250

New Hire Ad + Background Check 300                   300

Firearms Certification ‐                    0

Classes Misc. 2,000                2,000               

7,500                7,500                0.00% 5,407                6,813               

S588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 3,019                3,272               

Deductible 461                   500                  

3,480                3,772                ‐7.74% 3,170                3,773               

S621 ‐ Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Gas ‐ Budget 5,700                4,295                ‐32.72% 7,195                5,086               

S639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS ‐ Computer 66,000             3,600               

Computers ‐                    ‐                   

66,000             3,600                ‐1733.33% 5,275                7,981               

S659 ‐ Miscellaneous

Emergency Preparedness 498                   500                  

Signs ‐                    ‐                   

Masks and Gloves 199                   200                  

Other 995                   1,000               

1,692                1,700                0.47% ‐                    119                  

S683 ‐ Repairs Equipment

Charge Out from R&G ‐                    ‐                   

Auto Repair 4,692                4,550               

Auto Parts ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                   

9/29 B&F Work Session 30

SECURITY 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

4,692                4,550                ‐3.12% 4,954                2,828               

S684 ‐ Supplies

Toxology ‐ Urine Test ‐                    ‐                   

Office Supplies & Copies 3,600                2,500               

Narcan ‐                    ‐                   

Miscellaneous ‐                    ‐                   

Total 3,600                2,500                ‐44.00% 2,443                4,450               

S689 ‐ Telephone

Mobile Phone 1,658                2,160               

Manager Phone Reimbursement 322                   420                  

Total 1,980                2,580                23.26% 2,400                3,194               

S691 ‐ License

2015 Toyota Camry 308                   300                  

Rav4 SUV 820                   800                  

1,128                1,100                ‐2.55% 854                   592                  

9/29 B&F Work Session 31

Capital Revenues Budget

Home‐Owners Dues 3,401,830    

Capital Adjustment ‐                

Est Earnings Net of Costs 8,900            

Est. 30% Income Taxes (2,670)           Total 3,408,060    

Capital Expenditures

Carryover Projects ‐                

New 2022 Projects 3,086,508    

Contingency Items 637,513       

Total 3,724,021    

Contribution to Reserves (315,961)      

Total Capital Expenditures 3,408,060      

Heather Gardens Association

2022 Capital Reserves Report

9/29 B&F Work Session 32

CO Category BUILDING/AREALast Done

Cycle Offset Life

2022 Projects

SM Carpet Replacement All Buildings 2019 0 1 96,255$ SM Chair Rail Installation 214 1973 19 30 25,819$ SM Chair Rail Installation 219 1992 0 30 25,819$ SM Chair Rail Installation 243 1973 19 30 25,819$ SM Elevator Jacks 243 1982 0 40 65,000$ SM Elevator Jacks 244 1982 0 40 65,000$ SM Elevator Jacks 250 1980 2 40 40,163$ RG R&G Equipment Chipper, # 569 2007 5 10 20,188$ RG R&G Equipment Pickup, # 501 2013 0 9 54,258$ RG Road Sealcoat 231-236 2014 2 6 37,000$ RG Road Sealcoat CP 4 2016 0 6 44,975$ SM Roof Re-Coat 204 2011 0 10 50,546$ SM Roof Re-Coat 205 2011 0 10 50,546$ SM Roof Re-Coat 213 2011 1 10 48,836$ SM Roof Re-Coat 217 2012 0 10 62,951$ SM Roof Replacement 244 1999 -9 30 360,000$ SM FPE Electrical Pannel Replace CP & TH 1981 0 40 217,350$ BF Contingency Items One Time Projects 2019 0 1 110,872$ BF Contingency Items Other Unknown Projects 2019 0 1 526,641$ BF 0 Hot Water Recirculation Project 217 & 220 2009 0 15 39,000$ BF 0 Concrete Repairs 2019 0 1 196,920$ BF 0 Handrails 2019 0 1 27,718$ BF 0 Retaining Walls 2019 0 1 119,310$ BF 0 BC&E Parking Structure Recommended Repairs 2011 0 10 825,000$ BF 0 PS Post Tension Repairs 2019 0 1 300,150$ BF 0 Water Heaters 2019 0 1 40,163$ BF 0 Fire Alarm for Alpha 2019 0 1 180,018$ BF 0 City of Aurora Water Wise Program 2019 0 1 67,704$


CAPEX TotalTotal Projects

9/29 B&F Work Session 33




D504 Bank Interest Reserve Account

D505 Recreation Fee

D506 Food Sales

D506.1 Beer Sales

D506.2 Wine Sales

D506.3 Liquor Sales

D507 Golf Fees Daily

D507.1 Golf Simulator

D509.2 Golf Discount ‐ 40 Play

D511 Golf Cart Rentals 

D511.1 Merchandise

D511.2 Lessons

D511.3 Bag Storage

D511.4 Golf Pull Cart

D512 CH Building Rentals

D513 Events

D513.1 Trips Revenue

D514 RV Lot Income

D514.1 Garden Plot

D515 Classes

D515.2 Contribution Revenue

D516 Miscellaneous Revenue

D516.1 Coffee Revenue

D516.2 Insurance Proceeds

Total Revenue


Gross Profit


D550 Club House Expenses

D555 Golf Course Expenses

D557 Restaurant Expenses

D560 RV Lot Expenses

D565 Garden Plot Expenses

D522 Services ‐ Insurance 

D523 Services ‐ Audit

D523.5 Bad Debt Expense

D524 Services ‐ Professional Fees

D524.1 HVAC Clubhouse/Rest

D525.1 Election Expenses

D526 Miscellaneous Expense

D526.1 SDA Membership Dues

D521 Cost of Issue Amort

D519 Zion Bank Fee

D542.2 Non Capital Expense

D601 Capital Outlay

D601 Capital Outlay ‐ Insurance

D603 Interest Expense

D603.1 Marketing

D604 Insurance Claims

Total Expenditures



D529 Depreciation Expense

D605 Gain/Loss Asset Disposal

Total Non‐Operating Expense



Conservation Trust Income (Lottery)

D503 Conservation Trust Income (Lottery)

2022     Budget 2021     Budget

% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


1,620                10,800              ‐85.00% 1,600                ‐85.19% 1.25% 10,423             

1,496,739        1,516,758        ‐1.32% 1,516,758        0.00% ‐1.32% 1,382,809       

511,205            557,534            ‐8.31% 343,121           ‐38.46% 48.99% 227,426           

25,580              32,658              ‐21.67% 21,803              ‐33.24% 17.32% 11,720             

33,752              35,642              ‐5.30% 24,175              ‐32.17% 39.62% 16,437             

32,478              32,658              ‐0.55% 24,082              ‐26.26% 34.86% 15,807             

284,281            332,695            ‐14.55% 276,001           ‐17.04% 3.00% 260,230           

1,578                3,720                ‐57.59% 1,532                ‐58.83% 3.00% 1,158               

25,211              17,064              47.74% 24,477              43.44% 3.00% 12,450             

70,315              69,105              1.75% 68,267              ‐1.21% 3.00% 50,351             

24,266              30,955              ‐21.61% 23,559              ‐23.89% 3.00% 23,926             

8,900                4,090                117.60% 8,641                111.27% 3.00% 6,016               

6,705                6,525                2.76% 6,510                ‐0.23% 3.00% 5,970               

4,752                5,064                ‐6.16% 4,614                ‐8.89% 3.00% 4,774               

15,600              17,100              ‐8.77% 15,617              ‐8.67% ‐0.11% 7,242               

31,670              27,245              16.24% 19,220              ‐29.45% 64.78% 9,740               

33,000              15,996              106.30% 23,164              44.81% 42.46% 304                   

29,520              41,808              ‐29.39% 18,800              ‐55.03% 57.02% 35,231             

2,520                2,520                0.00% 1,500                ‐40.48% 68.00% 3,340               

86,880              43,438              100.01% 71,629              64.90% 21.29% 11,794             

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    ‐                    

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    26,823             

3,600                5,265                ‐31.62% 2,588                ‐50.85% 39.10% 1,170               


2,730,172        2,808,640        ‐2.79% 2,497,657        ‐11.07% 9.31% 2,125,141       

205,724           227,879           ‐9.72% 144,384           ‐36.64% 42.48% 108,971          

2,524,448        2,580,761        ‐2.18% 2,353,274        ‐8.81% 7.27% 2,016,170       

808,976            802,334            0.83% 654,199           ‐18.46% 23.66% 601,207           

675,123            624,560            8.10% 640,825           2.60% 5.35% 667,297           

498,106            513,123            ‐2.93% 376,218           ‐26.68% 32.40% 358,663           

3,050                3,050                0.00% 2,743                ‐10.07% 11.20% 4,263               

2,084                2,084                ‐0.02% 2,000                ‐4.03% 4.18% 3,502               

56,690              56,635              0.10% 49,294              ‐12.96% 15.00% 49,386             

34,025              44,750              ‐23.97% 44,750              0.00% ‐23.97% 41,750             

‐                     2,250                ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% ‐                    

45,000              36,000              25.00% 43,773              21.59% 2.80% 39,930             

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    6,910               

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    2,199               

1,200                ‐                     1,200                0.00% 62,797             

1,500                2,400                ‐37.50% 1,204                ‐49.83% 24.58% 1,650               

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    (33,526)            

1,400                1,400                0.00% 1,400                0.00% 0.00% 1,400               

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    ‐                    

397,293            545,101            ‐27.12% 545,101           0.00% ‐27.12% 240                   

‐                     ‐                    ‐                    

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    ‐                    

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    2,994               

‐                     996                    ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% ‐                    

2,524,448        2,634,683        ‐4.18% 2,362,707        ‐10.32% 6.85% 1,810,662       

‐                     (53,922)             ‐100.00% (9,433)              ‐82.51% 100.00% 205,508           

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    586,883           

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    4,272               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    591,155          

‐                    (53,922)            ‐100.00% (9,433)              ‐82.51% 100.00% (385,647)         

19,000              18,400              3.26% 19,830              7.77% ‐4.19% 17,406             


9/29 B&F Work Session 34


D504.3 Interest Income Lottery

Total Lottery Revenue

D530 Conservation Trust Expense


Foundation Fund

D515.1 Donation Revenue

D620 Foundation Expense

Net Foundation

Debt Service Fund Bond Issue

D517 Property Taxes

D518 Spec Ownship Tax Rev

D504.2 Zion Bank Interest

Total Revenue

D520 Debt Serv Interest 2017 Issue

D521.1 Original Issue Amort

D525 County Collection Fee

D700 Bond Principal Payment

Total Expenditures

Net Debt Service **


** ($60,000) are excess funds located in

2022     Budget 2021     Budget

% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 



12                      ‐                     12                      0.00% 50                     

19,012              18,400              3.33% 19,842             7.84% ‐4.18% 17,456             

‐                     ‐                     9,625               

19,012              18,400              3.33% 19,842              7.84% ‐4.18% 7,831               

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    7,806               

‐                     ‐                     ‐                    11,229             

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    (3,423)              

500,785            493,745            1.43% 493,745           0.00% 1.43% 548,743           

33,500              39,996              ‐16.24% 33,500              ‐16.24% 0.00% 39,858             

100                    966                    ‐89.65% 100                   ‐89.65% 0.00% 968                   

534,385           534,707           ‐0.06% 527,345           ‐1.38% 1.33% 589,569          

306,470            317,300            ‐3.41% 317,300           0.00% ‐3.41% 322,580           

‐                     ‐                   

7,915                7,407                6.85% 7,457                0.68% 6.14% 8,245               

280,000            270,000            3.70% 270,000           0.00% 3.70% ‐                    

594,385           594,707           ‐0.05% 594,757           0.01% ‐0.06% 330,825          

(60,000)            (60,000)            0.00% (67,412)            12.35% 11.00% 258,744          

(40,988)            (41,600)            ‐1.47% (47,570)            14.35% 13.84% 272,777          

Zion debt service bank account 

9/29 B&F Work Session 35





% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget



2020 Actual 


Club House

Revenue 170,750         109,044         56.59% 132,218         30,250              

Expenses 808,976         802,333         0.83% 654,199         601,207           

Total Subsidy Club House (638,226)        (693,289)        ‐7.94% (521,981)        (570,957)          


Revenue 426,008         469,218         ‐9.21% 413,600         364,875           

COGS 12,618            16,106            ‐21.65% 12,251            16,138              

Expenses 675,123         624,561         8.10% 640,825         667,297           

Total Subsidy Golf (261,734)        (171,449)        52.66% (239,475)        (318,560)          


Revenue 603,015         658,492         ‐8.31% 413,181         271,390           

COGS 193,106         211,773         ‐9.72% 132,133         92,833              

Expenses 498,106         513,123         ‐2.93% 376,218         358,663           

Total Subsidy Restaurant (88,197)          (66,404)          32.82% (95,170)          (180,106)          

Total Subsidy 3 Cost Centers (988,157)        (931,142)        6.12% (856,626)        (1,069,623)      


9/29 B&F Work Session 36

Classes Cost Per # Offered # of Avg # of

Classs Per Week Classes Students

Aqua Gentle Motion 35$             3.00               4 20 2,800           

Aqua Fitness I 30$             2.00               5 20 3,000           

Aqua Fitness II 30$             2.00               5 20 3,000           

Aqua Cardio 35$             3.00               5 20 3,500           

Aqua Function Motion 35$             3.00               5 20 3,500           

Water Early Birds 30$             2.00               5 20 3,000           

Water Warriors 30$             2.00               5 20 3,000           

Water Squawkers 30$             2.00               5 20 3,000           

Aqua Zumba 25$             1.00               4 20 2,000           

Aqua Zumba 25$             1.00               4 20 2,000           

Ballroom Dance 25$             1.00               2 10             500              

Bones & Balance 30$             2.00               2 15             900              

Bridge 30$             2.00               4 16             1,920           

Clay 35$             3.00               3 10             1,050           

Cooking 30$             2.00               3 12             1,080           

Creative Glass 35$             3.00               4 18             2,520           

Guided Autobiography 30$             2.00               4 10             1,200           

HG Fit Krew 35$             3.00               4 35             4,900           

Jazzercise 30$             2.00               4 35             4,200           

Knit & Crochet #1 30$             2.00               4 15             1,800           

Painting 35$             3.00               4 25             3,500           

Pilates 25$             1.00               4 15             1,500           

Pilates 25$             1.00               4 10             1,000           

Quilting #1 35$             3.00               4 10             1,400           

Quilting #1 35$             3.00               4 10             1,400           

Spanish Beginning 25$             1.00               4 10             1,000           

Spanish Continuing 25$             1.00               4 10             1,000           

Spanish Intermediate 25$             1.00               4 10             1,000           

Restore Rehab 30$             2.00               4 10             1,200           

Weight Strengthening 35$             3.00               4 50             7,000           

Wood Carving 30$             2.00               4 12             1,440           

Wood Intarsia 30$             2.00               4 10             1,200           

Yoga 25$             1.00               4 15             1,500           

Yoga Chair 30$             2.00               4 25             3,000           

Zumba 25$             1.00               4 15             1,500           

Zumba Chair 30$             2.00               4 25             3,000           

Line Dance 25$             1.00               4 15             1,500           

Line Dance 25$             1.00               2 10             500              

Tap Dance 25$             1.00               2 8               400              

Square Dance 30$             2.00               4 12             1,440           

Tai Chi 25$             1.00               4 10             1,000           

Locker Rental - Wood Shop 45 @ $25 1,125           

Locker Rental - Billiard 40 @ $10 400              

Total 86,875         43,438         100.00% 71,629         11,794           

2020 Actual


Heather Gardens Metropolitan District 2022 Class Budget

2022 Budget

2021 Budget

% Change 2021

Budget 2022


2021 Forecast

9/29 B&F Work Session 37





Operating Expenses

Net Income <Loss>

D512 CH Building Rentals

D515 Classes

D513 Events

D516.1 Coffee Revenue

D513.1 Trips Revenue

Total Sales


C500 Salaries ‐ FTP

C510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

C520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

C530 Salaries ‐ Teachers

C540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

C550 Retirement Expense

C553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

C574 Recruit/Train/Services

C575 Employee Bonus

C588 Workers Comp Insurance

C588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

C675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours

Teacher Hours

Operating Expense

C621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

C627 Pool Care & Supplies

C639 Software & IT

C640 Electric

C643 Gas

C662 Office Supplies & Postage

C662.1 CC & ActiveNet Software

C671 Outside ‐ Contractors

C672 Restaurant Hours

C673 Maintenance Hours

C676 Golf Charge In Hours

C677 Roads & Grounds Hours

C678 Custodial Hours

C683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

C684 Supplies

C684.1 Custodial Supplies

C684.2 Coffee Supplies

C686.1 Special Events Supplies

C686.2 Special Events Contractors

C687 Trips Expense

C688 Non Capital Equipment

C689 Phone & Internet

C698 Water & Sewer

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


170,750           109,044           56.59% 132,218           21.25% 29.14% 30,250             

324,741           278,508           16.60% 291,453           4.65% 11.42% 233,133          

484,236           523,825           ‐7.56% 362,746           ‐30.75% 33.49% 368,074          

(638,226)          (693,289)          ‐7.94% (521,981)          ‐24.71% 22.27% (570,957)         

15,600              17,100              ‐8.77% 15,617              ‐8.67% ‐0.11% 7,242               

86,880              43,438              100.01% 71,629              64.90% 21.29% 11,794             

31,670              27,245              16.24% 19,220              ‐29.45% 64.78% 9,740               

3,600                5,265                ‐31.62% 2,588                ‐50.85% 39.10% 1,170               

33,000              15,996              106.30% 23,164              44.81% 42.46% 304                  

170,750           109,044           56.59% 132,218           21.25% 29.14% 30,250             

108,305           107,607           0.65% 89,566              ‐16.77% 20.92% 102,747          

75,376              81,691              ‐7.73% 95,194              16.53% ‐20.82% 64,133             

‐                    ‐                    15                      ‐100.00% 106                  

89,935              49,003              83.53% 69,732              42.30% 28.97% 29,152             

26,803              20,249              32.37% 23,722              17.15% 12.99% 17,433             

5,234                2,045                155.96% 2,403                17.53% 117.79% 2,017               

14,338              13,810              3.82% 7,118                ‐48.46% 101.44% 13,868             

1,320                2,295                ‐42.48% 1,270                ‐44.65% 3.91% 834                  

600                   0                        281                   113.41% 0                       

2,829                3,608                ‐21.59% 2,529                ‐29.92% 11.88% 3,016               


324,741           280,308           15.85% 291,831           4.11% 11.28% 233,594          

‐                    (1,800)               ‐100.00% (378) (1) (461)                 

324,741           278,508           16.60% 291,453           4.65% 11.42% 233,133          

2.00                  2.00                  2.00                  1.00                 

5,810                7,281                6,843                6,479               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    4                       

3,294                3,600                1,951                1,083               

96                      96                      0.00% ‐                    -100.00% 17                     

19,738              19,138              3.14% 11,546              -39.67% 70.96% 14,513             

4,080                4,080                0.00% 7,099                73.99% -42.53% 3,482               

93,261              85,551              9.01% 90,538              5.83% 3.01% 87,763             

20,077              17,617              13.97% 18,748              6.42% 7.09% 15,958             

7,200                8,520                ‐15.49% 5,868                -31.13% 22.70% 5,253               

12,600              8,520                47.89% 6,180                -27.46% 103.88% 3,591               

19,662              19,980              ‐1.59% 16,509              -17.37% 19.10% 22,287             

‐                    ‐                    ‐                    6,991               

27,043              76,077              ‐64.45% 28,076              -63.10% -3.68% 33,596             

‐                    4,598                ‐100.00% ‐                    -100.00% 4,016               

‐                    13,393              ‐100.00% 451                   -96.63% -100.00% 6,507               

114,579           136,419           ‐16.01% 93,735              -31.29% 22.24% 75,587             

9,246                9,015                2.56% 5,162                -42.74% 79.13% 10,673             

18,750              22,875              ‐18.03% 9,603                -58.02% 95.24% 11,768             

24,000              24,000              0.00% 18,189              -24.21% 31.95% 14,559             

2,760                6,750                ‐59.11% 1,740                -74.22% 58.62% 1,675               

14,420              9,063                59.11% 4,761                -47.47% 202.90% 3,602               

17,250              7,225                138.75% 4,301                -40.47% 301.06% 6,779               

33,000              13,800              139.13% 15,406              11.64% 114.20% 5,205               

22,740              8,870                156.37% 2,743                ‐69.08% 729.06% 8,630               

4,440                4,440                0.00% 4,008                ‐9.73% 10.78% 4,444               

19,294              23,798              ‐18.93% 18,085              ‐24.01% 6.69% 21,178             

484,236           523,825           ‐7.56% 362,746           ‐30.75% 33.49% 368,074          

808,976           802,333           0.83% 654,199           ‐18.46% 23.66% 601,207          


9/29 B&F Work Session 38

CLUB HOUSE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


New Hire Screening/Ad 265                   460                  

Lift Training ‐ OSHA 173                   300                  

CPR Training 288                   500                  

Colo Parks & Rec Membership 49                     85                    

CASC workshop 86                     150                  

CPRA Conference ‐                    ‐                   

CPO Course  288                   500                  

Computer Class 173                   300                  

1,320                2,295                ‐42.48% 1,270                834                  

C588 ‐ Workers Comp Insurance

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 2,045                2,608               

Deductible 784                   1,000               

2,829                3,608                ‐21.58% 2,529                3,016               

C627 ‐ Pool Care Supplies

UV Services 1,815                1,760               

Chemicals 9,530                9,240               

Pool Perfect System/Maintenance 2,269                2,200               

Testing Kits/Supplies 701                   680                  

Recalibrate Palin Tester 340                   330                  

Leak Control Replacement 1,679                1,628               

Replace Socks & O Rings  3,403                3,300               

19,738             19,138             3.14% 11,546             14,513            

C639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS 4,080                4,080               

4,080                4,080                0.00% 7,099                3,482               

C662 ‐ Office Supplies/Postage

Misc Office Supplies 1,014                1,200               

Specialty Paper 203                   240                  

Copier Lease 2,637                3,120               

Copies 3,346                3,960               

7,200                8,520                ‐15.49% 5,868                5,253               

9/29 B&F Work Session 39

CLUB HOUSE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

C662.1 ‐ ActiveNet Software & CC Expense

Active Net 2.5% of all registrations 4,082                4,600               

Credit Card ‐ 100% of all Sales @ 3.5% 8,518                9,600               

  Covid adjustment (5,680)             

12,600             8,520                47.89% 6,180                3,591               

C671 ‐ Outside Contractors

Exercise equipment demo 236                   240                  

Resurface Auditorium Floor 2,952                3,000               

Tower Electric 984                   1,000               

Department of Labor ‐ Chemicals 25                     25                    

‐                    ‐                   

Tune pianos 315                   320                  

Test fire alarm system  590                   600                  

Glass replacement/mirrors 1,575                1,600               

Trash removal 4,133                4,200               

Pool window cleaning ‐ acid wash 236                   240                  

Window Cleaning 768                   780                  

Sound system preventative Maintenance 492                   500                  

Rose Sign Language Interpreting 177                   180                  

Fitness Equipment Service Contract 354                   360                  

Fire Alarm Monitoring 354                   360                  

Fire Extinguisher Testing 531                   540                  

Sprinkler Testing 236                   240                  

Backflow Testing 241                   245                  

Billiards Repair 148                   150                  

Elevator Maintenance 2,067                2,100               

HVAC Service Agreement 2,952                3,000               

Equipment Certification for lift  295                   300                  

19,662             19,980             ‐1.59% 16,509             22,287            

C673 ‐ Maintenance Hours

Maintenance Charge out 26,382             74,217            

Paint Charge  661                   1,860               

‐                    ‐                   

27,043             76,077             ‐64.45% 28,076             33,596            

C683 ‐ Repairs Equipment

Wood Shop equipment 1,723                1,680               

Exercise equipment repairs 2,461                2,400               

Kiln repairs 1,077                1,050               

9/29 B&F Work Session 40

CLUB HOUSE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

Piano 538                   525                  

Locks,keys, signage 646                   630                  

Locker Room ‐                    ‐                   

Stanley doors 2,585                2,520               

Patio Furniture ‐                    ‐                   

Tennis Club ball machine 215                   210                  


9,246                9,015                2.56% 5,162                10,673            

C684 ‐ Supplies

Electric, plumbing, hardware  6,393                7,800               


Stained Glass Tools 246                   300                  

Holiday Decorations 164                   200                  

First Aid Supplies 492                   600                  

Class Supplies 492                   600                  

Outdoor flowers 2,131                2,600               

Trees & shrubs 1,230                1,500               

Mulch 2,459                3,000               

Inventory Withdrawals 1,967                2,400               

Staff Shirts 410                   500                  

Clay 184                   225                  

Quilting  123                   150                  

Air Filters 984                   1,200               

Supplies 820                   1,000               

Fitness class 656                   800                  


18,750             22,875             ‐18.03% 9,603                11,768            

C686.1 ‐ Special Events Supplies

Movie License 3,294                4,140               

Movie Supplies 1,432                1,800               

First Sat Dance food 1,050                1,320               

Dance Supplies ‐ décor/table cloths ‐                    0

Monthly Concerts/Events 955                   1,200               

Resource Fair 509                   640                  

Fitness Fair 1,273                1,600               

New Year's Eve Party 398                   500                  

Poker Table Tops ‐                    ‐                   

Miscellaneous Expense 955                   1,200               

SESAC License 1,114                1,400               

BMI Music License 696                   875                  

Talent Show 119                   150                  

Popcorn Machine 159                   200                  

9/29 B&F Work Session 41

CLUB HOUSE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

Flea Market 318                   400                  

Craft Fair 557                   700                  

Clubhouse Showcase 159                   200                  

Fashion Show 318                   400                  

Travel Expo 398                   500                  

Texas Hold'em 716                   900                  

Covide Adjustment (9,062)             

14,420             9,063                59.11% 4,761                3,602               

C686.2 ‐ Special Events Contractors

First Sat Dance 4,200                4,200               

Volunteer Luncheon 1,500                1,500               

Monthly Concerts/Events 4,800                4,800               

New Year's Eve Party 1,000                1,000               

Miscellaneous Holiday Events 1,400                1,400               

Miscellaneous General ‐                    ‐                   

Memorial Day 200                   200                  

Smithtonians Bell Choir 400                   400                  

Denver Brass 450                   450                  

John Phillip Souza Band 500                   500                  

Covide Adjustment (7,225)             

14,450             7,225                100.00% 4,301                6,779               

C687 ‐ Trips Expenses

RTD Senior Ride Trips 11,478             9,600               

Chartered Coach Trips 21,522             18,000            

Covide Adjustment (13,800)           

33,000             13,800             139.13% 15,406             5,205               

C688 ‐ Non Capital Equipment

Billiard Table Repair & Cover 3,846                1,500               

Pickleball/Tennis Equipment 5,127                2,000               

Projector 7,691                3,000               

Compressor 769                   300                  

Drill Press 3,846                1,500               

Tables 1,461                570                  

22,740             8,870                156.37% 2,743                8,630               

9/29 B&F Work Session 42

CLUB HOUSE 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

C689 ‐ Telephone & Internet

Comcast 2,400                2,400               

Telephone 840                   840                  

Internet 1,200                1,200               

4,440                4,440                0.00% 4,008                4,444               

9/29 B&F Work Session 43




Cost of Goods Sold

Gross Profit


Operating Expenses

Net Income <Loss>


D507 Golf Fees Daily

D507.1 Golf Simulator

D509.2 Golf Disc ‐ 40 Play

D511 Golf Cart Rental Income

D511.1 Golf Merchandise

D511.2 Golf Lesson

D511.3 Golf Bag Storage

D511.4 Golf Pull Cart

Total Sales

Cost of Goods Sold

G450 Merchandise

Total COGS

Gross Profit


G500 Salaries ‐ FTP

G510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

G520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

G540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

G545 Temporary Outside Labor

G550 Retirement Expense

G553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

G574 Recruit/Train/Services

G575 Employee Bonus

G588 Workers Comp Insurance

G588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

Vacancy Adjustment

G675.2 Salary Charge Out‐Operations

Net Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours





% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


426,008           469,218           ‐9.21% 413,600           ‐11.85% 3.00% 364,875          

12,618             16,106             ‐21.65% 12,251             ‐23.94% 3.00% 16,138            

413,390           453,112           ‐8.77% 401,349           ‐11.42% 3.00% 348,737          

486,822           452,164           7.66% 471,231           4.22% 3.31% 488,601          

188,301           172,397           9.23% 169,594           ‐1.63% 11.03% 178,696          

(261,734)         (171,449)         ‐52.66% (239,475)         ‐39.68% ‐9.29% (318,560)        

284,281           332,695           ‐14.55% 276,001 -17.04% 3.00% 260,230

1,578               3,720               0.00% 1,532 0.00% 3.00% 1,158

25,211             17,064             47.74% 24,477 43.44% 3.00% 12,450

70,315             69,105             1.75% 68,267 -1.21% 3.00% 50,351

24,266             30,955             ‐21.61% 23,559 -23.89% 3.00% 23,926

8,900               4,090               117.60% 8,641 111.27% 3.00% 6,016

6,705               6,525               2.76% 6,510 -0.23% 3.00% 5,970

4,752               5,064               ‐6.16% 4,614 -8.89% 3.00% 4,774

426,008           469,218           ‐9.21% 413,600           ‐11.85% 3.00% 364,875          

12,618             16,106             ‐21.65% 12,251             ‐23.94% 3.00% 16,138            

12,618             16,106             ‐21.65% 12,251             ‐23.94% 3.00% 16,138            

413,390           453,112           ‐8.77% 401,349           ‐11.42% 3.00% 348,737          

302,069           287,846           4.94% 295,044           2.50% 2.38% 308,756          

91,736             75,819             20.99% 89,165             17.60% 2.88% 87,692            

4,479               4,200               6.65% 4,361               3.84% 2.71% 4,265              

33,787             31,086             8.69% 34,920             12.33% -3.24% 32,729            

‐                    1,400               ‐100.00% 0                       -100.00% 2,681              

13,200             11,349             16.31% 13,181             16.14% 0.14% 12,617            

31,487             34,524             ‐8.80% 30,255             -12.36% 4.07% 32,804            

5,997               5,778               3.79% 1,641               -71.61% 265.53% 4,023              

2,000               1,000               100.00% 1,042               4.23% 91.89% 1,536              

3,567               3,760               ‐5.13% 3,154               -16.11% 13.08% 5,155              

‐                    0                       359

488,322           456,762           6.91% 472,764           3.50% 3.29% 492,617          

‐                   ‐                  

(1,500)              (4,598)              ‐67.38% (1,533) ‐66.66% -2.15% (4,016)

486,822           452,164           7.66% 471,231           4.22% 3.31% 488,601          

5                       5                       5                       5                      

6,492               5,254               6,343               6,946              

206                   191                   143                   124                  


9/29 B&F Work Session 44


Operating Expense

G621 Fuel Expense

G621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

G624 Contingency‐Water

G635 Tree & Shrub Replacement

G639 Software & IT

G640 Electric

G640.1 Electric ‐ Pump

G643 Gas

G645 Uniforms

G659 Miscellaneous

G662 Office Supplies & Postage

G662.1 Credit Card Expense

G664 Advertising

G665 Rent ‐ Equipment

G670 Asphalt Repairs

G671 Outside ‐ Contractors

G676.1 Golf Shop Supplies

G680 Radio Communications

G683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

G684 Supplies

G688 Non Capital Equipment

G689 Telephone

G697 Marketing

Total Operating Expense







% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 



6,375               6,189               3.00% 6,118               -1.14% 4.19% 5,716

165                   160                   3.00% 36                     -77.50% 357.78% 134

10,300             10,000             3.00% 8,400               -16.00% 22.62% 8,381

714                   700                   2.00% 0                       -100.00% 0

3,090               3,000               3.00% 2,707               -9.77% 14.15% 3,270

9,312               7,738               20.35% 9,087               17.43% 2.48% 8,516

46,243             34,545             33.86% 43,839             26.90% 5.48% 45,836

1,198               899                   33.25% 1,101               22.44% 8.83% 1,179

2,035               1,995               2.00% 473                   -76.28% 330.08% 1,483

‐                    0                       0.00% 0                       0

52                     50                     3.00% 50                     0.00% 3.00% 76

15,794             15,484             2.00% 14,249             -7.98% 10.84% 15,712

‐                    0                       0.00% 0                       255

1,442               1,400               3.00% 1,214               -13.31% 18.81% 1,208

4,896               4,800               2.00% 0                       -100.00% 0

19,511             18,877             3.36% 23,637             25.21% -17.46% 17,514

1,920               1,864               3.00% 3,113               67.01% -38.33% 1,296

206                   200                   3.00% 1,020               410.00% -79.80% 0

14,400             14,000             2.86% 12,763             -8.84% 12.83% 15,592

42,050             40,896             2.82% 34,973             -14.48% 20.24% 47,131

‐                    0                       3,655               -100.00% 1,769

3,600               3,600               0.00% 3,159               -12.24% 13.94% 3,628

5,000               6,000               ‐16.67% 0                      

188,301           172,397           9.23% 169,594           ‐1.63% 11.03% 178,696          

675,123           624,561           8.10% 640,825           2.60% 5.35% 667,297          

(261,734)          (171,449)          52.66% (239,475)          39.68% 9.29% (318,560)         

9/29 B&F Work Session 45

GOLF 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual


CPR Training 350                   350                  

Turf Seminar ‐                    ‐                   

Pesticide License ‐                    ‐                   

New Hire Screening/Ad 450                   450                  

Computer Class ‐                    ‐                   

National Golf Conference 3,888                3,888               

Rocky Mountain Association 165                   165                  

Golf Superintendents Association  784                   565                  

Colorado Golf Association 100                   100                  

United States Golf Association 110                   110                  

Mechanic Training  150                   150                  

5,997                5,778                3.79% 1,641                4,023               

G588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Oct) 3,093                3,260               

Deductible 474                   500                  

3,567                3,760                ‐5.12% 3,154                5,155               

G621 ‐ Fuel

Unleaded Price Per Gallon

Total Unleaded Gas 3,943                3,828               

Diesel Price Per Gallon

Total Diesel Gas 2,432                2,361               

Total Unleaded & Diesel ‐ Budget 6,375                6,189                3.01% 6,118                5,716               

G639 ‐ Software & IT

SOS 3,090                3,000               

3,090                3,000                3.00% 2,707                3,270               

9/29 B&F Work Session 46

GOLF 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

G645 ‐ Uniforms

Uniform Cleaning 734                   720                  

Uniform Purchases 1,301                1,275               

2,035                1,995                2.00% 473                   1,483               

G671 ‐ Outside Contractors

Pump and Well Service 1,034                1,000               

Tree Removal 10,336             10,000            

Sanolet Service 3,349                3,240               

Goose Service ‐                    ‐                   

Nat Sup Network  ‐                    ‐                   

Airvac Services 1,445                1,398               

Miscellaneous 3,090                2,990               

Aquatic Weed Control 258                   249                  

Deep Tine Contractor ‐                    ‐                   

19,511             18,877             3.36% 23,637             17,514            

9/29 B&F Work Session 47

GOLF 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

G684 ‐ Supplies

Irrigation parts 5,655                5,500               

Inventory supplies 370                   360                  

Top dressing  2,056                2,000               

Bunker sand 6,169                6,000               

Greens fertilizer 3,085                3,000               

Fairways & tee fertilizer 4,113                4,000               

rough fertilizer 4,113                4,000               

Fungicides/snow mold contorl 1,542                1,500               

Lake Dye 566                   550                  

Misc course accessories 1,806                1,756               

Tools 206                   200                  

Seed ‐ greens 514                   500                  

Seed ‐ fairways 4,113                4,000               

Drainage Supplies 514                   500                  

Herbicides 720                   700                  

Surfactants 2,571                2,500               

Sod 206                   200                  

Top Soil 514                   500                  

Tree Supplies ‐                    ‐                   

Safety Equipment 103                   100                  

Signage 206                   200                  

Ice Melt 823                   800                  

Shop Service 1,213                1,180               

Misc. Supplies 668                   650                  

Marking Paint 206                   200                  

Water Cooler Stand ‐                    ‐                   

Adjustments for Budgeting ‐                    ‐                   

42,050             40,896             2.82% 34,973             47,131            

9/29 B&F Work Session 48




Cost of Goods Sold

Gross Profit


Operating Expenses

Net Income <Loss>


D506 Food Sales

D506.1 Beer Sales

D506.2 Wine Sales

D506.3 Liquor Sales

Total Sales

Cost of Goods Sold

H450 Food 

H455 Beer 

H455.1 Wine 

H455.2 Liquor 

Total COGS

Gross Profit


H500 Salaries ‐ FTP

H510 Salaries ‐ Part Time

H520 Salaries ‐ Overtime

H540 Taxes ‐ Payroll

H550 Retirement Expense

H553 Insurance ‐ Personnel

H574 Recruit/Train/Services

H575 Employee Bonus

H588 Workers Comp Insurance

H588.1 Workers Comp Adjustments

Total Wages/Benefits

Full Time Employees

Part Time Hours

Overtime Hours





% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 


603,015           658,492           ‐8.42% 413,181           ‐37.25% 45.94% 271,390          

193,106           211,773           ‐8.81% 132,133           ‐37.61% 46.15% 92,833             

409,909           446,719           ‐8.24% 281,048           ‐37.09% 45.85% 178,557          

375,187           360,832           3.98% 281,573           ‐21.97% 33.25% 279,063          

122,920           152,291           ‐19.29% 94,645              ‐37.85% 29.87% 79,600             

(88,197)            (66,404)            32.82% (95,170)            43.32% 7.33% (180,106)         

511,205           557,534           ‐8.31% 343,121           -38.46% 48.99% 227,426          

25,580              32,658              ‐21.67% 21,803              -33.24% 17.32% 11,720             

33,752              35,642              ‐5.30% 24,175              -32.17% 39.62% 16,437             

32,478              32,658              ‐0.55% 24,082              -26.26% 34.86% 15,807             

603,015           658,492           ‐8.42% 413,181           ‐37.25% 45.94% 271,390          

173,810           189,562           ‐8.31% 116,661           ‐38.46% 48.99% 83,032             

7,674                7,185                6.81% 6,541                ‐8.97% 17.32% 3,172               

6,750                7,841                ‐13.91% 5,318                ‐32.17% 26.92% 3,375               

4,872                7,185                ‐32.20% 3,612                ‐49.72% 34.86% 3,254               

193,106           211,773           ‐8.81% 132,133           ‐37.61% 46.15% 92,833             

409,909           446,719           ‐8.24% 281,048           ‐37.09% 45.85% 178,557          

68% 68% 68% 66%

165,849           142,069           16.74% 147,975           4.16% 12.08% 164,137          

138,693           164,623           ‐15.75% 82,636              ‐49.80% 67.84% 60,783             

‐                    4,151                ‐100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% 606                  

31,329              27,544              13.74% 26,575              ‐3.52% 17.89% 23,233             

8,214                2,729                201.00% 6,026                120.80% 36.32% 5,439               

22,776              13,810              64.93% 10,394              ‐24.73% 119.13% 17,498             

3,280                1,720                90.70% 3,273                90.27% 0.23% 1,771               

1,600                ‐                    1,608                ‐0.50% 668                  

3,444                4,186                ‐17.73% 3,086                ‐26.28% 11.61% 4,576               

‐                    ‐                    352                  

375,187           360,832           3.98% 281,573           ‐21.97% 33.25% 279,063          

3                        2                        3.00                  2.00                 

12,007              15,875              6,343                6,946               

‐                    252                   32                      39                     


9/29 B&F Work Session 49


Operating Expense

H621.1 Mileage Reimbursement

H639 Software & IT

H640 Electric

H643 Gas

H644 Water

H645 Phone & TV

H646 Trash Removal

H651 Uniforms

H652 Discounts & Comps

H655 Linen Service

H662 Office Supplies

H671 Outside Contractors

H673 Maintenance Hours

H674 Custodial Hours

H675.2 Salaries‐Charged Out

H681 Credit Card Fees

H683 Repairs ‐ Equipment

H684 China/Glass/Flatware

H684.1 Restaurant/Kitchen Supplies

H684.2 Supplies ‐ Other

H684.3 Equipment

H685 Cleaning Supplies

H688 Non Capital Equipment

H689 Marketing

H690 Licenses & Taxes

Total Operating Expense






% Change   

2021 Budget 

2022 Budget 2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Budget  

2021 Forecast

% Change 

2021 Forecast  

2022 Budget

2020 Actual 



‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

6,000                3,600                66.67% 3,921                8.90% 53.04% 2,112               

23,315              22,167              5.18% 22,644              2.15% 2.97% 22,214             

5,019                4,404                13.97% 5,210                18.30% -3.66% 3,662               

1,858                2,367                ‐21.51% 1,860                -21.43% -0.10% 1,937               

3,600                3,600                0.00% 3,195                -11.24% 12.66% 4,255               

4,800                5,100                ‐5.88% 4,805                -5.78% -0.11% 4,855               

900                   960                   ‐6.25% 859                   -10.54% 4.79% 831                  

6,000                6,585                ‐8.88% 5,942                -9.77% 0.98% 3,315               

‐                    4,704                ‐100.00% ‐                    -100.00% 993                  

500                   660                   ‐24.24% (44)                    -106.67% 1236.36% 1,520               

6,000                6,730                ‐10.85% 3,619                -46.23% 65.80% 4,262               

2,551                10,234              ‐75.07% 3,214                -68.59% -20.64% 4,243               

6,300                7,560                ‐16.67% 3,641                -51.84% 73.02% 3,307               

‐                    0                        (10,078)           

13,200              19,755              ‐33.18% 15,010              -24.02% -12.06% 11,152             

3,600                4,910                ‐26.68% 45                      -99.09% 7976.92% 2,561               

2,400                3,000                ‐20.00% 1,298                -56.74% 84.94% 1,879               

18,000              19,755              ‐8.88% 12,538              -36.53% 43.56% 9,476               

‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

‐                    ‐                    ‐                   

3,600                12,600              ‐71.43% 2,820                -77.62% 27.66% 1,846               

6,000                3,000                100.00% ‐                    ‐100.00% 1,365               

6,000                6,000                0.00% 703                   ‐88.29% 753.66% ‐                   

3,276                4,600                ‐28.78% 3,366                -26.83% -2.67% 3,893               

122,920           152,291           ‐19.29% 94,645              ‐37.85% 29.87% 79,600             

(88,197)            (66,404)            32.82% (95,170)            43.32% 7.33% (180,106)         

9/29 B&F Work Session 50

RESTAURANT 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

H574 ‐ Recruiting Training

Craigslist 420              420

Employment Screening 2,760           1200

CPR Training 100              100

3,280           1,720           90.70% 3,273           1,771          

H588 ‐ Workers Comp

Monthly Insurance (renew in Aug) 3,444           3,186          

Deductible ‐               1,000          


3,444           4,186           ‐17.73% 3,086           4,576          

H671 ‐ Outside Contractors

Hood Cleaning 1,765           1,980          

Hood Inspection 847              950             

Grease Trap Pump 1,248           1,400          

BEC Gift Cards 535              600             

Entertainment 1,605           1,800          

‐               ‐              

6,000           6,730           ‐10.85% 3,619           4,262          

H684.3 ‐ Equipment

2 Drawer Bread Warmer ‐               ‐              

Microwave ‐               ‐              

‐               ‐               ‐               ‐              

H688 ‐ Non Captial Equipment

 sandwich counter. Range, microwaves, waffle 

machine  6,000           3,000          

‐               ‐              

‐               ‐              

6,000           3,000           100.00% ‐               1,365          

H689 ‐ Marketing

9/29 B&F Work Session 51

RESTAURANT 2022 2021 Percent 2021 2020

Budget Budget Change Forecast Actual

Heather n Yon ‐               ‐              

Heather Ridge ‐               ‐              

Miscellaneous 6,000           6,000          

Print Media ‐               ‐              

6,000           6,000           0.00% 703              ‐              

H690 ‐ Licenses & Taxes

POS Annual License 1,424           2,000          

Personal Property Tax 499              700             

Liquor License 1,353           1,900          

3,276           4,600           ‐28.78% 3,366           3,893          

9/29 B&F Work Session 52

Capital Revenues Budget

Home‐Owners Dues 397,293      

Capital Adjustment ‐              

Est Earnings 10                

Income Taxes (Exempt) ‐                 397,303      

Capital Expenditures

Carryover Projects ‐              

New 2022 Projects 339,123      

Total 339,123      

Contribution to Reserves 58,180        

Total Capital Expenditures 397,303        

Heather Gardens Metro Districts

2022 Capital Reserves Report

9/29 B&F Work Session 53

CO Category ComponentLast Done

Cycle Offset Life

2022 Projects

CR Club Exterior Paint Clubhouse 2012 0 10 52,672$ CR Club Flooring Management Office/Board Room 2012 2 8 20,960$ CR Club HVAC Two variable speed motors 2012 5 5 11,285$ CR Clubhouse Equip Auditorium sound system 2012 0 10 6,885$ CR Clubhouse Equip Kilns 2012 0 10 28,212$ CR Clubhouse Equip Security Cameras 2012 0 10 6,478$ CR Clubhouse Equip Storage Tank Domestic for Club House 2012 0 10 21,159$ CR Pools Indoor Pool Heater/Boiler 2012 0 10 32,704$ CR Pools Chemical control system, indoor pool/spa 2012 0 10 17,361$ CR Pools Pool, outdoor, plaster finish 2013 0 9 60,020$ CR Restaurant Storage tank Rendezvous 2012 0 10 21,159$ GC Golf Course Lake Fountain Large 2016 0 6 11,355$ GC Golf Equip Tractor w/forklift & backhoe 1987 5 30 48,873$


9/29 B&F Work Session 54



ALPHAB 85.07 46.58 45.53 42.72 161.54 29.56 411.00 374.00 37.00 9.9%E 90.98 47.50 45.53 45.69 173.26 31.04 434.00 394.00 40.00 10.2%

A (Base) 111.49 50.69 45.53 55.99 212.10 36.20 512.00 464.00 48.00 10.3%C 126.48 53.01 45.53 63.51 240.50 39.97 569.00 516.00 53.00 10.3%G 127.27 53.14 45.53 63.91 241.99 40.16 572.00 519.00 53.00 10.2%F 139.10 54.97 45.53 69.85 264.41 43.14 617.00 559.00 58.00 10.4%

BB 170.14 57.18 45.53 85.44 323.60 59.11 741.00 677.00 64.00 9.5%AE 202.48 62.20 45.53 101.68 385.87 67.24 865.00 788.00 77.00 9.8%AA 223.93 65.53 45.53 112.45 425.93 72.63 946.00 862.00 84.00 9.7%

SOMERSETB-77-6 85.31 46.62 45.53 42.84 162.08 29.62 412.00 374.00 38.00 10.2%

K-6 99.66 48.85 45.53 50.05 189.69 33.22 467.00 424.00 43.00 10.1%A-77-6 111.41 50.68 45.53 55.95 212.25 36.18 512.00 464.00 48.00 10.3%

J-6 126.48 53.01 45.53 63.51 240.50 39.97 569.00 516.00 53.00 10.3%C-6 126.48 53.01 45.53 63.51 240.50 39.97 569.00 516.00 53.00 10.3%F-6 139.10 54.97 45.53 69.85 264.41 43.14 617.00 559.00 58.00 10.4%

AB-6 196.72 61.31 45.53 98.78 374.87 65.79 843.00 769.00 74.00 9.6%AK-6 210.52 63.45 45.53 105.72 400.52 69.26 895.00 816.00 79.00 9.7%

AA-77-6 222.83 65.36 45.53 111.90 424.02 72.36 942.00 858.00 84.00 9.8%SEVILLE

B-S 78.36 45.54 45.53 39.35 149.35 27.87 386.00 350.00 36.00 10.3%K-S 90.12 47.37 45.53 45.25 171.91 30.82 431.00 391.00 40.00 10.2%A-S 100.37 48.96 45.53 50.40 191.34 33.40 470.00 426.00 44.00 10.3%C-S 112.44 50.83 45.53 56.46 214.30 36.44 516.00 468.00 48.00 10.3%F-S 120.96 52.16 45.53 60.74 230.03 38.58 548.00 497.00 51.00 10.3%

AB-S 178.73 58.51 45.53 89.75 340.21 61.27 774.00 707.00 67.00 9.5%BC-S 190.80 60.39 45.53 95.81 363.16 64.31 820.00 748.00 72.00 9.6%AK-S 190.49 60.34 45.53 95.66 362.75 64.23 819.00 747.00 72.00 9.6%

ATRIUMN-2 78.29 45.53 45.53 39.31 149.49 27.85 386.00 350.00 36.00 10.3%M-2 82.23 46.14 45.53 41.29 156.97 28.84 401.00 364.00 37.00 10.2%K-2 101.79 49.18 45.53 51.12 193.62 33.76 475.00 431.00 44.00 10.2%A-2 113.70 51.03 45.53 57.10 216.89 36.75 521.00 472.00 49.00 10.4%

A-2-3 118.35 51.75 45.53 59.43 225.02 37.92 538.00 488.00 50.00 10.2%C-2 126.95 53.09 45.53 63.75 241.60 40.08 571.00 518.00 53.00 10.2%L-2 126.95 53.09 45.53 63.75 241.60 40.08 571.00 518.00 53.00 10.2%F-2 140.20 55.15 45.53 70.40 267.30 43.42 622.00 563.00 59.00 10.5%

AK-2 215.49 64.22 45.53 108.21 410.04 70.51 914.00 833.00 81.00 9.7%AK-2-3 220.14 64.94 45.53 110.55 419.16 71.68 932.00 849.00 83.00 9.8%

OMEGAB-O 84.12 46.44 45.53 42.24 160.35 29.32 408.00 370.00 38.00 10.3%K-O 98.95 48.74 45.53 49.69 188.04 33.05 464.00 421.00 43.00 10.2%A-O 109.84 50.43 45.53 55.16 209.26 35.78 506.00 459.00 47.00 10.2%C-O 124.98 52.78 45.53 62.76 238.36 39.59 564.00 511.00 53.00 10.4%F-O 139.97 55.11 45.53 70.29 266.74 43.36 621.00 562.00 59.00 10.5%

AK-O 208.79 63.18 45.53 104.84 397.83 68.83 889.00 810.00 79.00 9.8%COUNTRY PLACES & TOWN HOMES

3BR 125.06 52.79 45.53 62.80 237.82 0.00 524.00 468.00 56.00 12.0%2BR 109.28 50.34 45.53 54.88 207.97 0.00 468.00 418.00 50.00 12.0%3B2 148.01 56.36 45.53 74.33 281.77 0.00 606.00 542.00 64.00 11.8%TH 147.62 56.30 45.53 74.13 281.42 0.00 605.00 541.00 64.00 11.8%MV 89.88 47.33 45.53 45.13 171.13 0.00 399.00 356.00 43.00 12.1%

HOMEOWNERS DUES BUDGET TOTAL DUESBY CATEGORY 3,401,830 1,496,739 1,325,468 1,708,273 6,477,035 955,938 15,365,283 13,911,979 1,453,304 10.45%

W/O GAS & ELECTRIC 14,409,345 12,867,065 1,542,280 11.99%

PREVIOUS YEAR'S BUDGET:BY CATEGORY 2,597,021 1,516,758 974,552 1,713,054 6,065,680 1,044,914 13,911,979 % CHANGE 31.0% -1.3% 36.0% -0.3% 6.8% -8.5% 10.4%

9/29 B&F Work Session 55

2022    Budget 2024 Forecast 2026 Forecast 2023 2024 2025 2026


Revenue* 14,031,052             15,714,954             17,444,619             6.6% 5.1% 5.3% 5.4%

Wages/Benefits 5,033,564               5,405,144               5,813,011               3.6% 3.6% 3.7% 3.7%

Operating Expenses 9,320,341               10,309,809             11,631,609             4.5% 5.9% 6.1% 6.3%

Total (322,853)                  ‐                            ‐                           


Custodial 334,033                   354,376                   375,957                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Custodial‐ Insurance 52,201                     63,164                     76,428                     10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Contracts 205,452                   217,964                   231,238                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Contracts‐ Insurance 13,555                     16,402                     19,846                     10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Maintenance 1,403,834               1,489,328               1,580,028               3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Maintenance‐ Insurance 152,147                   184,098                   222,759                   10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Administration 1,068,554               1,133,629               1,202,667               3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Administration‐ Insurance 67,110                     81,203                     98,256                     10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Paint 274,992                   291,739                   309,506                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Paint‐ Insurance 13,644                     16,510                     19,977                     10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Roads & Grounds 847,042                   898,627                   953,354                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Roads & Grounds‐ Insurance 78,785                     95,330                     115,350                   10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Security 463,468                   491,693                   521,637                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Security‐ Insurance 58,745                     71,082                     86,009                     10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Vacancy Adjustment ‐                            ‐                            ‐                           

Total Wages/Benefits 5,033,564               5,405,144               5,813,011              

Operating Expense

General Association 224,336                   237,998                   252,492                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Capital Reserve* 3,401,830               3,529,151               3,780,515               3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5%

Insurance 1,822,345               2,410,052               3,187,294               15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0%

Electric 369,661                   392,173                   416,056                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Gas 737,792                   782,723                   830,391                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Water & Sewer 1,207,000               1,305,492               1,412,020               4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0%

Custodial 59,769                     63,409                     67,271                     3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Contracts 6,524                       6,921                       7,343                       3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Maintenance 889,842                   944,033                   1,001,525               3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Administration 211,397                   224,271                   237,929                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Paint 59,328                     62,941                     66,774                     3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Roads & Grounds 235,350                   249,683                   264,888                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Security 95,167                     100,963                   107,111                   3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total Operating Expense 9,320,341               10,309,809             11,631,609            

Summary of HGA Dues

HGA Avg Dues 476.39$                   533.56$                   592.28$                   6.6% 5.1% 5.3% 5.4%

HGMD Avg Dues 51.41$                     54.54$                     57.87$                     3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total Avf Monthly Dues 527.80$                   588.10$                   650.15$                   6.2% 4.9% 5.1% 5.2%

*Forecasted increase for Capital Reserve is based on base amount of $2,576,830

Appendix A: HGA 3 and 5 Year Budget Outlook

Assumed annual rate increase

9/29 B&F Work Session 56










Forecast 2023 2024 2025 2026


Revenue      1,233,433       1,270,436        1,308,549        1,347,806       1,388,240  3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

COGS         205,724          211,896           218,253           224,800          231,544  3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Wages/Benefits      1,118,148       1,151,693        1,186,244        1,221,831       1,258,486  3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Operating Expenses      1,404,900       1,342,749        1,389,814        1,438,872       1,490,037  ‐4.4% 3.5% 3.5% 3.6%

   (1,495,339)    (1,435,901)     (1,485,761)     (1,537,697)    (1,591,827) ‐4.0% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5%

Club House

Revenue 170,750         175,873         181,149         186,583         192,181         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Wages/ Benefits 310,403         319,715         329,307         339,186         349,361         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Insurance Benefits 14,338           15,771           17,348            19,083            20,992           10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Operating Expenses 484,236         498,763         513,726         529,137         545,012         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total Subsidy Club House (638,226)       (658,377)       (679,232)        (700,823)        (723,184)      


Revenue 426,008         438,788         451,952         465,511         479,476         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

COGS 12,618           12,997           13,387            13,788            14,202           3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Wages/ Benefits 455,335         468,995         483,065         497,557         512,484         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Insurance Benefits 31,487           34,636           38,099            41,909            46,100           10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Operating Expenses 188,301         193,951         199,769         205,762         211,935         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total Subsidy Golf (261,734)       (271,790)       (282,368)        (293,506)        (305,245)      


Revenue 603,015         621,106         639,739         658,931         678,699         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

COGS 193,106         198,899         204,866         211,012         217,342         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Wages/ Benefits 352,410         362,983         373,872         385,088         396,641         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Insurance Benefits 22,776           25,054           27,559            30,315            33,347           10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%

Operating Expenses 122,920         126,607         130,405         134,317         138,347         3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total Subsidy Restaurant (88,197)         (67,383)         (69,404)          (71,487)          (73,631)        

Other Expenses & Revenue

Revenue 33,660           34,670           35,710            36,781            37,885           3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Insurance 56,690           58,391           60,143            61,947            63,806           3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Capital Outlay* 397,293         300,112         310,616         321,487         332,739         3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5%

Operating Expenses 86,859           89,464           92,148            94,913            97,760           3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%

Total  (507,182)       (413,297)       (427,197)        (441,566)        (456,420)      

*Forecasted increase on Capital Outlay is based on base amount of $339,123

Appendix B: HGMD 3 and 5 year Budget Outlook

Assumed annual rate increase

9/29 B&F Work Session 57