2021 REDFIELDMAY REVIEW - Redfield, IA – A community ...

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Transcript of 2021 REDFIELDMAY REVIEW - Redfield, IA – A community ...


MAY 2021

REDFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARYSubmitted by Lori Stonehocker


The Summer House by James Patterson

Hit List by Stuart Woods

We Must Be Brave by Francess Liardet

The Missing and Endangered by J.A. Jance

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

Walk In My Combat Boots by James Patterson in memory of Fred Hill


Digging Up the Dirt by Miranda James


A Quiet Passion with Cynthia Nixon & Keith Carradine

Love, Weddings & Other Disasters with Diane Keaton and Jeromy Irons

An Unfinished Life with Robert Redford & Jennifer Lopez

Let Him Go with Diane Lane & Kevin Costner

Wild Mountain Thyme with Emily Blunt & Christopher Walken

Voices with Ryan Reynolds & Anna Kendrick

Greenland with Gerard Butler


The Croods A New Age



June 12th at the American Legion Hall in Redfield.

Benefit and Supper starts at 5:00 p.m. with silent auction (ends at 7:00 p.m.).

Live auction starts at 6:30 p.m.–auctioneered by Nehring Auction Services.

The live auction will include a dessert auction of pies and such.

The supper will be a free will offering, your choice of beef burger or pulled pork sandwiches. There will also be side dishes and desserts. We will do door prizes during the event.


Jay Means (515) 480-5090 | Mae Means (515) 480-5064 | Devin Means (515) 250-8320

Submitted by Katie Schlitter, oakacres1984@gmail.com, @KatieSchlitter on Facebook, (515) 401.3785

The 2021 Redfield City Wide Garage Sale is June 11-13. To be included on the map, please send Katie Schlitter your address by May 20th.

The map will be published in the June edition of the Redfield Review.

SUMMER LIBRARY PROGRAMSSubmitted by Lori Stonehocker

Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. Masks required.








REDFIELD CLINIC NEWSSubmitted by Ed Friedmann

COVID-19 vaccinations are now available to all individuals 18 years of age and older (16 and older for the Pfizer vaccine). Getting your COVID shots protects yourself and your friends and relatives from the ravaging of the COVID-19 virus. To ensure the fullest protection this vaccination is recommended even if you had COVID-19.

COViD-19 vaccinations are endorsed by Republican Chris Christie, former New Jersey Governor and former president Trump aide. On October 2020 Christie tested positive for COVID-19 after attending Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment announcement at the White House. This happened one day after former president Trump, his wife Melania and son Baron were found to be infected with COVID-19. Subsequently, Governor Christie spent seven days in a hospital Intensive Care Unit recovering after receiving monoclonal antibodies and the antiviral drug Remdesivir. Christie notes “No one should be happy to get this potentially deadly virus and no one should be cavalier at being infected or infecting others.” Former President Trump’s young White House aide Hope Hicks who ran four miles a day was the third most seriously ill after ex-president Trump and Christie. Christie said “I was wrong not to wear a mask.” He thought the White House was a safe zone due to daily COVID-19 testing. It was not.

MODERNA COVID-19 vaccinations are available at the Redfield Clinic to all persons over 18 years of age. There is no cost to anyone to get this vaccination even if you have no health insurance. The vaccination is paid for by our income taxes. It is provided to the clinic to give to anyone who wants one. These vaccinations have been given to millions and proven to be safe and effective. We have given more than 500 Moderna vaccinations so far this year with no serious reactions. All of the staff at our clinic have received the both Moderna shots because we don’t want to contract the virus or pass it to our patients. You can call the Redfield Clinic (515) 833-2301 to schedule a time for your vaccination. It is normal to feel reluctant to get immunized but necessary if we are to stop the spread of the virus and restore the economy.

If not vaccinated you are still a danger to yourself and your loved ones. And if vaccinated you protect them; and may begin to resume some more normal activities such as visiting your immunized friends and relatives, and travelling.


As noted last month in the Redfield Review: Remember to practice the three W’s to avoid the spread of COVID-19 virus: 1) Wear your mask, 2) Watch your distance (6 feet from the next person), 3) Wash or sanitize your hands, and now get the COVID-19 vaccination. To find locations for the vaccination contact your medical clinic or pharmacy or call


Spring is here and the depot is open! Stop in and greet the local volunteers who staff the depot. Also view the improvements in the brick walkway design the Conservation Board did last year and the fun and colorful plants—thanks to volunteer Dodie Davis and friends! And in a fun nod to the day (May 1st), Mary McCulloch, long-time volunteer, opened the depot on Saturday morning not only with depot traditional homemade cookies, but with May baskets as well! The trail is open to Adel—with all of the bridge and trail improvements made last year ready to enjoy this year! There will be some minor repair work between here and Linden this summer, so there will be some closures at times— watch for the DCCB signs.

It’s time to get out on feet or wheels to enjoy the RRVT—in our hometown of Redfield—a RRVT community!

Questions? Interested in volunteering? Call 833-2594

Surprised Raccoon River Valley Trail riders with May Baskets!

211 or vaccineIA.gov. For further information contact the Iowa Department of Public Health or the Dallas County Public Health Department 993-3570, or cdc.gov and click on COVID-19.

The Redfield Clinic: the clinic has given more than 550 COVID 19 MODERNA vaccinations during the past three months. With the MODERNA vaccine all 10 plus shots in each vial must be given within 12 hours of opening the vial. So please call the clinic to check vaccine availability and schedule your vaccination. To be fully protected a booster shot is needed 28 or more days after the initial one. The COVID-19 vaccines have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective. It is much safer to get the shot than to get COVID-19 infection.


DATE: Monday, April 19, 2021LOCATION: Redfield American Legion, Redfield IA

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tiawny Meyers, Jim Baker, Jim Eide, Shane Murphy, Bud Price, Cathy Price, Jerry Kuttler, Louise Kipping, Obie Meyers

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Craig Pote, Martha Bosomworth, Dallas Bosomworth, Cathy Price, Dustin Lantz, Darci Alt, Heather Godwin-Pote

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM

GUEST: Amber Baker

REDFIELD REVIEWAmber attended to let everyone know that she will be handing off the editorial responsibilities.

She ran through a list of the items that she works on each month before submitting it for print.

TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurers report was read and reviewed. Motion to approve Treasurers Report by Jim Baker. Second by Cathy Price. Motion passed.

BIKE DEPOT GARDENINGLouise Kipping spoke with Curt from Dallas County Conservation and he mentioned that they could assist with some mulch and some flowers.

Louise also spoke to Dodie Davis and has already purchased mulch and flowers.

The largest need are volunteers to assist with watering the flowers.

BIKE DEPOT Cleaning scheduled on Tuesday, April 27th at 1PM.

There is a need for someone to assist with scheduling volunteers. If you are willing to assist with this need, please contact Louise Kipping.

BINGOBingo continues to have a nice turn out with fun participation.

Discussed logistics and what works best with this new process using disposable cards and daubers.

Bingo will be held April 25th, May 9th and May 23rd 2-4pm.

RDC SECRETARY Bud Price will be assuming secretary responsibilities from Tiawny Meyers as of May 2021 RDC committee meeting.

REDFIELD SADDLE CLUBTerry Jones approached Shane Murphy with some needs for the Saddle Club at their arena. Picnic tables, benches, etc.

A motion to fund seating by Tiawny Meyers and second by Jim Baker. Motion passed

NEW IRELAND PARKDiscussed 2 sign needs for this park.

Louise Kipping will work on one sign and Obie Meyers will work on the other sign. Both will bring their proposals and budgets to the next meeting.

ADJOURN: 8:08 PM Motion to adjourn by Obie Meyers. Seconded by Jerry Kuttler.

NEXT MEETING: May 17th at 7:00pm at Redfield Legion


AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING MINUTESRedfield Unit 261, April 20, 2021 Submitted by Christie Dwyer

President Barb Horn opened the meeting with 6 members present.

Christie Dwyer took roll call and recorded 109.5 volunteer hours for the past months.

Minutes from the February meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Pat Griffith.

A donation was received from Larry Morrison in memory of Margaret Morrison and it was decided to donate this to the GAR building fund as Margaret was a leader in getting this project off the ground. Donations were made to the library in memory of Marguerite Ganoe and Margaret Morrison.

Scholarship applications were discussed and recipients chosen.

Girls State will be virtual as of this date.We will work on the memorial wreaths at our May 18 meeting.

We would love to welcome new members to our Unit. The American Legion Auxiliary is made up of the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Through its nearly 10,500 units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and its ideals. For more information on becoming a member, please call Janell Ketelsen at 515-238-6481, Linda Cope at 515-250-9012 or Pat Griffith at 515-201-6611.

The meeting was then closed with a prayer by Chaplain Linda Cope.


FB page to be viewed at any time. Parents were encouraged to review and discuss with members.

NEW BUSINESSPhoto contest with the County—Things that fly, for anyone who would like to do it. Entries need submitted to the Dallas County Extension Office.

Motion to Adjourn by Haylee, 2nd by Kennedy—all yes. Snacks were provided by Cael Godwin—Thank you.

REDFIELD LIONS CLUBSubmitted by Mae Means, Secretary/Treasurer

Redfield Lions Club held their regular meeting April 12 at 6:30 in the Legion Hall with 12 members present. President Matt opened the meeting by leaading the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Jerry giving the prayer.

Secretary report read with no corrections.

Congratulations to Marvin Coulter for receiving his award for being a Lions member for 15 years.

Treasurer report given and approved.

Thanks to Tom, Matt and Jay for painting the recycle barrels and eye glass drop box. They look really nice.

Lions Club voted on purchasing warning lights/signs for the Fire Station and will be meeting with the City Council in May.

Scholarship applications were sent out to Redfield and Dexter seniors and are to be back in by May 7.

The club discussed Old Settlers breakfast, bingo in the park, road-side clean-up and purchasing a bench for the new park.

New officers were voted on for the next year starting in July 2021: Matt Castello-President, Tom Berry-Vice President, Mae Means-Secretary/Treasurer, Marvin Coulter-Tail Twister, Frank Wagers-Lion Tamer and Wilda Orwilder-Club Caller.

The Lions Club is still recycling plastic grocery bags so if you wish to donate them, please droff off at the Can Shack.

Lions Club motto is “We Serve.” If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact one of our members.

BEST OF UNION MEETING MINUTESSubmitted by Heather Godwin-Pote

April 10, 2021, 10:00 a.m. Redfield City Hall

Meeting was called to order by Treasurer, Haylee Wachter as the President, and Vice-President were not in attendance. Secretary Cael Godwin led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call was answered by Kennedy, Asa, Cael, Christopher, Haylee, Jackson, Autumn, and Isiah. Secretary, Cael Godwin read the prior meeting minutes. Treasurer, Haylee provided the treasurer’s report.

UNFINISHED BUSINESSCommunity Project—Discussions were had on making the book worm planter for the walking park in Redfield. There was another idea, and we will get everything together before the May meeting.

YQCA Training—must do this to show animals at the county and state level fair.

Communication Day—6/12/2021 – Adel Library. We are hoping to have at least one entry.

Mascot Competition—Haley Wachter discussed more about the mascot, more information as available. Ideas were discussed and Heidi is going to check on some information for possible 3D printers. Members are to submit drawings.

Bacoon Ride—an opportunity has presented itself to possibly make some money for our group. June 19, 2021. We discussed last month, and will be doing garbage pick up as well, and will get donation to the group. Everyone needs to get pies donated.

Leader Heather discussed the newsletter, and information on this for members to be informed. Advised they are also on the

The group went to Janel Ketelsen’s house to do some gardening and learn about soils. She gave out gloves to everyone.


REDFIELD CITY COUNCIL MEETINGSubmitted by Deb Light, City Clerk

The Redfield City Council met on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Mayor Reed called the meeting to order at 7 P.M. Present were council members Hoy, Baker, Stonehocker, Pote and Danielson, Attorney Doll and Clerk Light.

Pote asked to add two things, the “Welcome Wagon” under New Business and a “update” under the Public Works report. Danielson moved to approve the agenda with the additions, Stonehocker seconded. Roll call vote – all ayes.

Hoy made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda which included the minutes of the previous meetings, claims paid and the Library minutes and reports. Pote seconded approval. Roll call vote – all ayes.

Zoning Administrator Reed reported four permits in March. Two permits, one for the Dollar General Store and one for the DG sign. A permit for a pool/fence at 1608 First Street and the other for a shed at 1711 Taylor Street.

Reed asked Mike Finestead to come to the meeting, Finestead is an inspector and serves many communities as well as doing inspections for Dallas County. Reed explained after he and Danielson had discussions with contractors at the Dollar General Store, they feel an inspector is going to be needed going forward. Hoy moved to include Finestead on the Dollar General issues at a fee of $75 per hour not to exceed $1,000, which will include all inspections. Danielson seconded the motion. Roll call vote – all ayes.

Fire Chief Short reported 16 calls for the month, includes EMS calls. The Linden Fire engine 550 was placed in service. The Fire Department had many controlled burns, held drafting training, pumping training and tanker operations training. Short said they had a good turnout for the soup supper.

EMS President Meyers reported seven medical calls, two responders were recertified and two will be testing for EMT status. Training included sports injuries and asthma.

Sergeant Peterson was on hand to discuss the police report. Seventy-four hours of patrol time was logged with 16 hours spent on calls. Dangerous and vicious animals were discussed. Attorney Doll will draft a letter for the Mayor to sign and have it served by the sheriff’s office to the resident at 804 Clark Street. Many calls regarding a vicious animal at that residence have been received.

Visitors included three gentlemen from Aureon Technology. Todd Van Epps, Director of Growth for Aureon Technology, spoke with the council about allowing Aureon to run fiber optics through the City of Redfield. It starts in Waukee, would come through Adel, Redfield and on west and north to Panora. The plan engineer will be in contact with Danielson on this project and more information will follow.

PW Director Danielson spoke with Doug Jones at Marks Nursery about trees, Jones suggested White Swamp Oak trees be planted in the green space between the parking lot and sidewalk. Baker said she would like to see something more appealing. Danielson and Hoy said the oaks will be nice shade trees and are fast-growing.

Danielson asked about purchasing a Power Grader to be pulled behind the lawn tractor to grade the alleys, driveways and gravel roads. This item was tabled.

Danielson reported the VFD at the booster station still needs to be added and could be done within the next two weeks. Bids to install replacement heaters at the Water Treatment Plant were received from Miller Plumbing, Heating and Electric in Menlo and Tigges Comfort Services. Requirements for a new gas line is still needed, Danielson would like to get this done by next fall. Hick Electric looked at getting electric ran for the bollard at the depot. Should be done next week.

Clausen asked that the council to put the meter replacement program in place with a start date of July, 2021. Connection fees, Local Option Sales Tax dollars and a small meter fee put in place could help fund the project. There are also grants to assist cities with water system improvements as well as the sewer system project at Hanging Rock that was approved in March. The clerk will visit with Region XII about grant oppor-tunities. DVC Plumbing submitted a bid to help install the new meters as well as shut off valves if the homeowner does not have them. Clausen would also do the meter installations and will see that non-working curb stops are fixed before the project is done. Every homeowner is required to have a working curb stop. Mayor Reed stated he would like to see this water project be approved, getting accurate water usage readings will assure the city is getting paid for what was actually used.

This project will pay for itself. Hoy moved and Danielson seconded to approve the meter replacement project. Roll call vote Hoy, Pote, and Danielson, ayes. Baker and Stonehocker, nay. Motion carried.

Continued next page.


Pote mentioned the Bacoon Ride is Saturday, June 19th and some street closures will be needed for this event. Pote will have more on this at the May meeting. The Rock n’ Ride event will also be held again in September.

The Annual Iowa Project AWARE, river clean-up event will take place from June 11-16th, on the Middle and South Raccoon Rivers. If interested, you can check out the website for more information. www.iowaprojectaware.org or contact Lynette@iowaprojectaware.org.

Members of the Redfield City Council will attend the Public Awareness Meeting at Northern Natural Gas on April 21st, 6 p.m. Fire and EMS will also be in attendance.

The City of Redfield will hold a tire pickup in the park on May 15th, from 8 A.M. till noon. The first five car tires are free, $1 each after five. Truck tires are $5 each. No rims please. A Shred-It Event could be held as well at the City Hall. Approval was made by Stonehocker and seconded by Baker to approve the Shred-it event. The clerk will line it up, watch for date and time to be posted. Roll call vote – all ayes.

Matt Ringgenberg with Access Systems was again in attendance. After discussion, Danielson moved and Baker seconded to approve a Total IT Care contract with Access Systems, the start-up fee is $5,153, which includes the assessment already done in March, SonicWall Firewalls, network support, monitoring services, cybersecurity protection, subscription services, backup and more. An account manager will be assigned to work directly with all employees. The monthly service fee on this contract will be $912, the budget will be amended to include this project which helps keep all city information safe. Roll call vote – all ayes.

Nuisances were discussed. Attorney Doll will draft a letter to the homeowner of 715 Bridge Street to remove the camper with tarp joined to the house which is not compliant. Letters will go out to homeowners to clean up their properties whether it be junk cars, appliances, trash, tree limbs, etc. Large items can be tossed out to the curb with your garbage any week. If you have an appliance to get rid of, contact City Hall for a sticker, cost is $25. This sticker needs to be placed on the appliance and set on the curb by your garbage toter. Please call City Hall 833-2512, if you have any questions.

Ordinance 2021-02, was read. An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Redfield, Iowa, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Stop or Yield Required. Vehicle traveling south on Armstrong Street will now stop at Thomas Street. Danielson made a motion and Hoy seconded to suspend the 2nd and 3rd readings and send Ordinance 2021-02,

on its final passage. Roll call vote – Hoy, Stonehocker, Pote and Danielson, all ayes. Baker abstained. Ordinance 2021-02 was passed and approved by the Redfield City Council on the 6th day of April, 2021. The stop sign on Thomas at Armstrong Street will be removed. The complete Ordinance 2021-02, will be published in the Stuart Herald.

Ordinance 2021-03 was read. This Ordinance to Amend the Code of Ordinances of the City of Redfield, Iowa, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Municipal Infractions. Chapter 3, Section 4.04, Civil Citations states any officer authorized by the City to enforce this Code of Ordinances may issue a civil citation to a person who commits a municipal infraction. Baker made a motion and Pote seconded to suspend the 2nd and 3rd readings and send Ordinance 2021-03, on its final passage. Roll call vote – Danielson, Hoy, Baker, Stonehocker, and Pote, all ayes. Ordinance 2021-03 was passed and approved by the Redfield City Council on the 6th day of April, 2021. The complete Ordinance 2021-03, will be published in the Stuart Herald.

Pote mentioned the Redfield Development Committee made up some Welcome Wagon baskets and will deliver to new homeowners. Businesses in town graciously donated items for the baskets. A newsletter will be added as well as a Redfield Brochure. Pote will meet with the City Clerk to see who recently purchased a home.

Baker moved that the meeting adjourn, Stonehocker seconded. Meeting adjourned.






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4JFarms Pet Nutrition (515) 490-3280

AJS Sanitation (515) 564-9058

Alliant Energy 800-822-4348

Backroads Recordkeeping - Pam Paardekooper (515) 833-2485

Baker Heating & Cooling (515) 559-6778

Blood Drive - Sue Rogers (515) 720-5416

Casey’s (515) 833-2990

Casey’s Pizza (515) 833-2983

Chance Electric Motor (515) 314-8132

Cindy’s Cleaning Service (515) 210-3889

Crosscut Construction - Corey Kramer (515) 326-4362

Dairy Shoppe (515) 833-2815

Dallas County 24 Hour Dispatch - Non-Emergent (515) 993-4567

DC Conservation Hanging Rock (515) 465-3577

DVC Plumbing - Dennis Clemetson (515) 720-5856

First State Bank (515) 833-2303

Hair Junction (515) 833-2323

Head Start - Christina Schalk (515) 987-7428

(712) 830-1327

Heartland Co-op (515) 833-2953

Hide It Here & Hide It Here 2 Mini Storage (515) 360-1695

Iowa State Patrol (800) 525-5555

Johnson Funeral Home (515) 789-4621

K & D Cleaning (515) 443-2487

Kate’s Salon (515) 473-4863

Keller Williams GDM - Dan Wilson (515) 371-1151

Light Brothers Trucking (515) 833-2365

Mediacom Cable (855) 633-4226

MidAmerican Energy 888-427-5632

National Investors - Home Office 515-833-2616

R&K Tire & Auto 515-207-2143

Raccoon River Retreats 515-833-2636

Raccoon Valley Plumbing 515-612-2666

Redfield American Legion Hall (Rental) - Al Carmichael (515) 833-2823

Redfield Christian Church (515) 833-2785

Redfield City Hall (515) 833-2512

Redfield Feed & Supplies (515) 833-2280

Redfield Medical Clinic (515) 833-2301

Redfield Post Office (515) 833-2741 Mon - Fri 8am-12pm & 1-3pm, Sat 9-10am

Lobby open 24hrs/day, 7 days/week

Redfield Public Library (515) 833-2200 Mon 1-6pm, Tues 9am-12pm & 1-6pm

Wed 1-6pm, Thurs 1-6 pm

Fri 1-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm & 1-4pm

Redfield City Public Works (515) 833-2600

Reed’s Bicycle Service and Repair (515) 344-7963

Roto-Rooter Plumbing (515) 278-5668

Salon B (515) 240-7807

Spracher Sewer Service 515-402-2598

T&T Auto Sales (515) 867-8032

Tigges Comfort Services, LLC (Coming Soon) (515) 219-0455

T K’s Auto (515) 833-2377

Valo-Biomedia (515) 993-3574

West Central Valley Schools

Dexter Elementary (515) 789-4480

Redfield Middle School (515) 833-2331

Stuart Elementary (515) 523-1018

Stuart High School (515) 523-1313

Windstream (800) 347-1991



1Legion Breakfast6-9am

2 35pmLibrary Board Mtg. (Library)

7pmRedfield Fire Dept. Mtg.

46:30pm Legion Mtg. (Legion)

7pmCity Council Mtg. (City Hall)

51:30-4:45pm Cottage Food Pantry - 117 N Sherman, Stuart

6 7Trash

8 Legion Breakfast6-9am


106:30pmRedfield Lions Club Mtg.(City Hall)

7pmRedfield EMS Mtg.


121:30-4:45pm Cottage Food Pantry - Stuart

13 14Trash

15 Legion Breakfast6-9am

16 177pmRedfield Development Mtg. (Legion)

186:30pmLegion Auxiliary Mtg.

191:30-4:45pm Cottage Food Pantry - Stuart

20 21Trash

22Legion Breakfast6-9am

23 24 25Recycle

261:30-4:45pm Cottage Food Pantry - Stuart

27 28Trash

29Legion Breakfast6-9am






30 31