Post on 07-May-2020

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“He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields;

and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock” – Deut. 32:13

The declaration of the mind of God to us, His treasures in CGM this year 2020, is to ride in the

high places of the earth. This is a prophetic declaration and the direction Jehovah is leading His

church this new year. In order to profit from this prophetic declaration, we must embrace it

whole heartedly. As many as are willing and obedient to this order, will eat the increase of the

fields and suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock in Jesus‟ name. Our

determination to run with this vision from the Lord this year will cause us to be established in the

purposes of God for our generation and in enduring prosperity and wealth. “…Believe in the

Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” – 2Chron.


You need to come into agreement with God and His servant by faith to begin to actualize the

fulfilment of the prophetic declaration of riding in the high places in every area of your life. It is

of serious importance as well, for you to know that before you can ride in the high places of the

earth, you must rise from unbelief, indifference, doubts, fatalistic lifestyle, worldly pleasures and

spiritual lethargy (stupor. Remember that the prodigal son arose, turned his back on his old

ways, sinful companions and pleasures and embarked on his voyage of repentance before he

could enjoy the warm em race of his father.

The dawning of this New Year affords you a beautiful opportunity to start afresh with your

heavenly Father and embark on an adventure of faith. He desires to stretch forth His mighty

hand and position you for greater heights; causing you to ride in triumph on the heights of the

land and to feast on the inheritance of Abraham. Get ready for the restoration of the wealth and

treasures the enemy has been depriving you, as you delightfully humble yourself with

consecrated fasting and prayers.

Rev Victor Ogunkanmi

General Overseer,

Christ Gospel Mission Int.

14 Akinsola Crescent,

Via Palm Avenue,

Papa-Ajao, Lagos State,


1st January, 2020.





BIBLE READING: Isaiah 55:1-13.

No one stumbles into loving, serving or pursuing God! You must exercise your individual

volition and intentionally approach unto Him by faith as you consciously walk in His precepts.

“… for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about His relationship

with you” – Exodus 34:14 (New Living Translation.) You cannot seek God in parts, He must be

sought with the whole heart. He is too precious to be sought partially.

As we begin this adventure of faith and consecration, be encouraged to fast faithfully, humble

yourself and be attentive to the voice of the Lord for He will speak clearly to you. From today,

stand in faith and declare the following prophesies as prayers over yourself:

1. I will rise from un elief to faith in Jesus‟ name.

2. I will rise from hopelessness to a lively hope.

3. I will rise from weakness to power.

4. I will rise from relegation to elevation.

5. I will rise from demotion to promotion.

6. I will rise from fewness to multitude.

7. I will rise from limitation to expansion.

8. I will rise from restriction to enlargement.

9. I will rise from obliviousness to cognizance.

10. I will rise from discouragement to encouragement.

11. I will rise from barrenness to fruitfulness.

12. I will rise from shame to honour.

13. I will rise from looking down to looking up.

14. I will rise from destruction to construction with beauty.

15. I will rise from deterioration to recovery, rejuvenation and revitalization.

16. I will rise from shame to glory.

Begin to shine and ride; riding and shining from glory to glory in the name of the Lord, Amen.


BIBLE READING: Psalm 95: 6&7; 148:13.

Prayer of adoration is the expression of our deep reverence, devotion and homage to God in

words of love, music and postures that express the adoring attitude of the creature in the presence

of his Creator. Postures such as prostration – Genesis 17:3; Matthew 26:39; Rev 1:17,18;

kneeling – 1Kings 8:54; Isaiah 45:23; Ephesians 3:14; standing – Genesis 18:22; and spreading

out/lifting up the hands toward heaven – Ezra 9:5; 1Kings 8:54; Psalm 63:4; 1Tim. 2:8.

Adoration prayers afford us an opportunity to think deeply and meditate on the names, nature

and characteristics of God. As we acknowledge His goodness and greatness, we are encouraged



to pour our hearts to Him in reverential worship. Acceptable adoration necessitates shifting our

focus away from our anxieties, needs and the challenges confronting us and setting it on God

alone. We cannot be anxious and at the same time focus on God to adore Him! When we

intentionally focus our attention on God in adoration, He pours His peace upon us in a way that

surpasses human understanding.


Adore the names of Jehovah, the Almighty Creator that was not created; the omnipresent,

omniscient and omnipotent God who created you for His glory and has preserved you to see this

new year in order to bless you and radiate His glory through you.

1. Abba, the Aramaic word of warm affection, intimacy and respect for one‟s father meaning:

Father – Matthew 6:9; Mark 14:36; Romans 8:15.

2. Ancient of Days – Isaiah 46:9,10.

3. El-Chuwl – The God who created thee – Isaiah 43:1-3b.

4. El Elyon – The Sovereign/God Most High – Genesis 14:18-20; Daniel 7:25.

5. Elohim – The Creator – Genesis 1:1-3; Isaiah 40:28; Psalm 19:1-6.

6. El Shaddai – God Almighty; Exod 6:2,3; Psalm 91:1.

7. El Roi – The God Who Sees – Genesis 16:1-13; Psalm 33:18,19.

8. El Kanna – The Jealous God – Exodus 20:5; 34:14.

9. Yahweh – The Self-Existent One – Exodus 6:1-4; Isaiah 40:3; John 6:35.

10. Yahweh Nissi – The Lord My Banner – Exodus 17:8-15.

11. Yahweh-Raah – The Lord My Shepherd – Psalm 23; John 10.

12. Yahweh- Rapha – The Lord that Heals – Exodus 15:26; 2Chron. 7:14; Is. 57:18,19.

13. Yahweh Shalom – The Lord Is Peace – Judges 6:22-24; Ps 29:11; 2Thess 3:16.

14. Yahweh-Shammah – The Lord Is There – Gen. 28:15; Psalm 139:7-12; Acts 17:24-28.

15. Yahweh-Tsabb- aoth – The Lord of Hosts – Is. 6:3; 2Sam 7:26,27; Rev. 1:8.

16. Yahweh-Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness – Gen. 15:6; Jer. 23:6; Heb.12:14.

17. Yahweh-Yireh - The Lord will Provide – Gen. 22:9-14.


BIBLE READING: Psalm 100:1-5.

The dawning of a new year gives a wonderful opportunity to pause our activities and thank God,

the Creator of heavens and the earth who sustains everyone by His power, for the blessings He

daily loads us with.

Thanking God for our lives in the midst of difficulty, trial and affliction breaks the power of the

enemy over us and works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. It helps us to

bring pleasure to God who loves and enjoys it while a spirit of contentment is cultivated in us.


1. Thank God for sending Jesus Christ to our pitiful and sinful world to pay the price for our

redemption – Romans 5:6-11.

2. Thank God for your daily food and shelter in the past years – 1Timothy 6:3-10.

3. Show gratitude to God for the gift of life, your salvation from eternal condemnation and your

glorious hope of reigning eternally with the Almighty.



4. Bless God for the great things He did for you last year by recounting seven special blessings

you received from Him.

5. Glorify the Ancient of days for making it possible for you to consecrate the first month of the

New Year to Him in fasting, worship and prayers.

6. Worship His Majesty for His presence with you last year that did not allow your enemies to

rejoice over you and ridicule you.

7. Delight yourself in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who shut the mouths of the lions that

would have devoured and swallowed you up. Instead, the Keeper of Israel who neither

sleeps nor slumbers, increased us greatly and made us stronger and wiser than our enemies –

Psalm 105:24; 119:98.

8. Pledge your allegiance to the Covenant-Maker who has prepared special blessings for you

this new year – Gal. 3:13,14,26-29.

9. Sing a favorite song of the mercies of the Lord with dancing and rejoicing unto the King over

all nations – Psalm 96.


BIBLE READING: Acts 16:31-34.

God created the family for his delight. It is his desire that every family grows in love and in the

knowledge of Him and His word. God desires parents to bring up their children in the way of the

Lord; husbands to love and cherish their wives, wives to respect and submit to their husbands,

and children to honour and o ey their parents. When we a ide y God‟s laws in uilding godly

homes, the church is edified and becomes stronger. The name of the Lord is glorified in our

churches when our homes are in right standing with God. And He loves it that way!


1. Thank you Lord, for my family and the beautiful plan you have for us.

2. Help us to always worship you together as a family, never neglecting our family altar day

and night. Grant us wisdom Father, to not get too busy for you this year.

3. Heavenly Father, use me as an instrument for your peace and love to reign in my family in

Jesus‟ name – Isaiah 54:13.

4. Oh Lord, let your mercy speak for my wife, husband, children and lift us up above the

schemes of the evil one in Jesus‟ name – Psalm 103:17,18.

5. Father, strengthen the bond of unity among families planted in Christ Gospel Mission Int.

6. Lord, less our men that they may leave an inheritance to their children‟s children - Proverbs

13:22; Isaiah 59:21.

7. Father, fill our homes with shouts of rejoicing and miraculous testimonies throughout this

year for you are our defense – Psalm 5:11; 118:15.

8. Lord, let our women be fruitful vines within our houses and our children like olive shoots

around our tables - Psalm 128:3.

9. May our children be taught of you and may their peace be great - Isaiah 54:13.

10. Father, bless our children with supernatural insight and understanding, make them wiser than

their teachers in Jesus‟ name – Psalm 119:99-101.

11. Lord, may our children be like arrows in the hand of a warrior - Psalm 127:3-5.

12. To be prayed simultaneously:



I. Men – Lord, help me to direct my children and household to keep your way by doing

what is right and just. Genesis 18:19

II. Women – Lord, bless me with wisdom to build my home and not tear it down.

Proverbs 14:1

III. Children – Lord, give me the grace to honour my father and mother, that my days

may be long in the land that you are giving me. Exodus 20:12.

13. The Pastoral Team present will bless every child and decree safety, protection, good success

and long life over them as they return to their institutions for the next Term/Session.

NB: A special offering shall be collected for the General Children‟s Ministry at the end of

today‟s prayers.


BIBLE READING: Deut. 32:13; Isaiah 58:3-14.

“He made him ride in the heights of the earth, that he might eat the produce of the fields; He

made him draw honey from the rock, And oil from the flinty rock;” (Deut. 32:13).

To ride over or drive over the heights of a country is figurative of conquering and taking

possession of that country - Deut. 33:29. An unprepared, lazy drone cannot tread down the high

places of enemies neither do enemies submit to a weakling that is not cultivated. A man who is

properly cultivated to ride on high places is a person whose mind is made up to live a life of

personal holiness by focusing on God. Such a person first sets himself apart from sin, the lust of

the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life unto God. Consecration involves the whole

being of a man, a voluntary act of submission to the full ownership of God, made possible only

in the place of prayer.


1. In Jesus‟ name, I consecrate my spirit, soul and ody to God.

2. Father, I lay my life on the altar of sacrifice. Purify me as gold, purge me and cleanse me

from all filthiness for your holy use in Jesus‟ name.

3. In Jesus‟ name, I consecrate my heart, thoughts, actions and lifestyle unto God every day of

my life.

4. O God, sanctify my spirit, soul and ody to fulfil your purposes for my creation in Jesus‟

name. I dedicate my life unto Jehovah in holiness.

5. O Lord, help me to daily exercise your love that you have poured all over my heart and to

produce works that will glorify your name – James 2:18.

6. Empower me heavenly Father, to take pleasure and delight in abiding in your presence and

worshipping you all the days of my life – Psalm 27:4.

7. Heavenly Father, enlighten the eyes of my understanding to know you more and pursue your

fullness daily.

8. I consecrate my life to be conformed to the glorious image of Jesus every day. Keep

changing me Father every day from glory to glory in Jesus‟ name – Romans 12:1,2.

9. Holy Spirit, help me to focus on heavenly things and not on worldly and lustful pursuits of

this wicked world and the cares of life.

10. As I fast this season O Lord, empower me to loosen the bonds of wickedness.



11. Strengthen me in the inner man to undo heavy burdens in others, to set the oppressed free and

reak every yoke in Jesus‟ name.

12. Father, help me to feed the hungry souls and satisfy those suffering affliction so that I shall

e like a watered garden in Jesus‟ name.

13. Let my love for you O God, your Word and the brethren increase daily.

14. Father, I thirst for fresh outpouring of the unction and gifts of the Holy Spirit in my life for

the edification of your church.

15. Father, we are passionate for more in-filling of your Spirit, impartation of diverse kinds of

gifts and the manifestations of the miraculous in greater dimensions in this church in Jesus‟



BIBLE READING: Proverbs 18:16,17; Jeremiah 29:11-13.

God created you for a specific purpose and He has equipped you with all you need to fulfill His

plan for your life and impact your generation for His glory. He loves when you trust Him and run

with His plan for your life, without doubting His promises. He loves when you dream big,

knowing that He is faithful to perfect it.

Jehovah has a portion for your inheritance here on the earth but not everyone discovers their

purpose for living! Cultivating an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit is essential to

discovering the high places meant for your inheritance. As you wait on the Lord with fasting and

prayers this season, be still in His presence and listen to hear what His purpose for your life is.

When you discover the Creator‟s purpose for your creation, your hope will be renewed, and you

will be strengthened in the inner man to passionately run the race of life with faith and patience.


1. O Lord God of the Patriarchs of faith, reveal the portion of my inheritance on earth to me this

year in Jesus‟ name.

2. My Father! open my eyes to see the high places you have appointed for me and direct my

path there in Jesus‟ name - Ruth 2:19-20.

3. Every demonic strategy to mislead me from God‟s direction for my life in CGM is cancelled

and nullified in Jesus‟ name.

4. Let every part of my being be alert to the directives and leading of God to my high places

now in Jesus‟ name.

5. Let my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, brain and my innermost being begin to cooperate with the

plan of my Creator with joy and great peace.

6. I send packing today, every stranger from the dark world, occupying the high places meant

for me. Pack your load and go in the mighty name of Jesus.

7. As from this moment, I possess my possessions. God has made me the head and not the tail. I

regain my rightful position in Jesus‟ name.

8. Every tree my Father has not planted in my life and home, you are uprooted never to thrive

again in Jesus‟ name.

9. Satanic depositor of poverty, debt, unemployment, stagnancy, sickness, delayed marriage,

delayed promotion, delayed admission to schools, barrenness, ancestral curses and evil



machinations and conspiracies, depart from my life by the power of the blood of the Lamb.

What are you waiting for? Move out in Jesus‟ name!

10. I shall not remain at the level of my ancestors. I am delivered and set free from every evil

snare in Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Gen. 39:15-23; Joel 2:12-17; Philip 2:5-11.

Brokenness is coming humble, as an empty vessel to the foot of the cross of Calvary, longing for

the Master‟s moulding and restoration. The Cross is a place of rokenness and life change. The

Cross is God's instrument for changing lives. If you are not broken you are not saved, if you are

not saved, you are not safe - Col.3:3, Zec.2:8.

Before Jesus rode into His high places, He first became obedient unto death and died on the

cross. "Let this mind be in you .....Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given him a

name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in

heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that

Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Phil. 2:5-11 . Ps.66:18.

If you are not broken you are not sane; no brokenness no release of virtue - Mk14:3. The

Prodigal son manifested his brokenness by abandoning his old way of life that held him bound to

retrogression; he chose to bury his pride and to return to his father admitting his unworthiness -


Joseph (Gen.39:15-23) was able to endure suffering for no offence in the hands of his brothers

and in Egypt and was found faithful before he received the crown of exaltation and honour in

Egypt. Job, King David 1Sam.17:20-58; 18:7-9; King Solomon; and the Apostles made their

marks in their generation before riding in the high places of their world. As we keep putting the

Cross before us continually this year, there will be no limit to our exploits - Col.2:12-15.

Consciousness of our brokenness helps us to die daily and to destroy the works of the flesh in our

lives - Gal.5:9-21. Then, it will be possible for us to carry in our bodies, the dying of our Lord

Jesus Christ and emit the aroma of the Fruit of the Spirit - Gal.5:22-24. Let us cultivate

rokenness as our life style this year as we ride into the high places of the earth in Jesus‟ mighty

name, Amen – Rom 6:15-18.


1. Thank you Lord Jesus, for laying the foundation of brokenness on the cross. Help us to

follow your example of brokenness with joy.

2. Father, as I passionately desire to ride unto the high places of the earth this year, help me to

hum le myself, that on no account shall my heart e lifted in pride or vanity in Jesus‟ name.

3. Father, as I come to the cross of Jesus, let every barrier and obstacle on my path be destroyed

in Jesus‟ name.

4. Let fire from the presence of God burn curses and hindrances from my ancestral lineage,

careless utterances, broken promises, past failures and disobedience to God and those that

have authority over me in Jesus‟ mighty name.



5. I receive the help of Holy Spirit this year, to live a broken life without bitterness, and

patiently endure until my elevation comes in Jesus‟ name, Amen.

6. O Lord, let the power of the cross of Calvary work signs and wonders in my life this year.

7. O Lord, help me to hope, watch and patiently wait this new year, until I reach the high places

of my calling and showcase your glory to my generation and the next in Jesus‟ mighty name,


8. Lord, I refuse to sow to the flesh any more in my life in Jesus‟ name.

9. Anything, practice, philosophy, idea or thought that arrogates itself against God‟s Word in

my life, DIE by fire.

10. As I surrender my life for brokenness, let me produce the sweet aroma of the fruit of the

Spirit that attracts the presence and power of God in Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Romans15:30-32.

Every minister of God has his own trials and tribulations. They are even more vulnerable and

susceptible to temptation and burn-out because of their spiritual calling. Some of us would be

shocked and grow weary if we know the battles they face every day! It is therefore necessary that

we, under their spiritual covering, be watchful for and with them. We should pray for our father

in the Lord, the General Overseer of Christ Gospel Mission Int., Rev Victor Ogunkanmi and his

family on a consistent basis.


1. Father we thank you for blessing the church with a dynamic leader with a deep spiritual

insight – Jeremiah 3:15.

2. Oh Lord we thank you for your grace in the life of our General Overseer that has helped him

through difficult times in the work of the ministry.

3. Oh Lord bless our General Overseer with more divine wisdom, knowledge and

understanding in Jesus name.

4. Let all members of CGM and others receive our G.O. and his wife with joy and hear their

hearts the way they mean to convey them in various situations in Jesus‟ name.

5. We pray that our G.O. and wife will stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit so as not to make costly

mistakes. Empower them to make right decisions and always stay in the perfect plan of God

in Jesus‟ name.

6. Father, give them clear vision and strategy about your direction for CGM. Flow

prophetically through them and manifest your glory in their lives in Jesus‟ name.

7. Oh Lord, enrich our General Overseer spiritually, physically and materially as you did for

king Solomon in the Bible.

8. We decree that every counsel against the peace of our General Overseer shall not stand in

Jesus name.

9. Father, strengthen our General Overseer and his wife to have and keep their joy in you in

spite of all the things that happen in their ministries, the disappointments and opportunities to

lose their joy – Hebrews 13:17.

10. Oh Lord confound and scatter every conspiracy against our father in the Lord and his

household in Jesus name.

11. Father, uphold the family of our General Overseer with your mighty hand.



12. Oh Lord, let your divine protection be upon the General Overseer and his family. Protect

them from those who would desire to harm them, steer them off course and destroy their

testimonies in Jesus‟ name.

13. We declare our General Overseer a defensed city, set over nations and kingdoms. No iron

pillar or brazen wall shall prevail against him; any arrow or hand that may rise against him at

home and a road is withered and paralysed in Jesus‟ name - Jer.1:10.

14. Oh Lord, let our General Overseer and his wife finish well and strong in Jesus name.


BIBLE READING: Genesis 2:15-17; Eph. 6:10-18

Contemporary earthly life is governed by rules, regulations and principles. In Gen 2:15-17, when

God created Adam and Eve, He gave them instructions of what to eat and not eat; what to do;

and how to live their lives. They were enjoying their lives, having fellowship with God and

riding on the heights until the devil showed up. Choosing to obey the tempter rather than

Jehovah, man broke the divine commandment and fell from glory to shame.

The man of dominion became a vagabond and was banished from the Garden of Eden where all

his needs were fully met and exceeded, to a life of wandering, curses and toils. regulations of

God, then trouble came into the life of man.

King Solomon advises us in Prover s 4:13 to “Take hold of instruction, keep her and not let her

go, ecause she is our life”.

The Bible is the divinely given, tested and profita le manual for our life‟s journey, to which we

must pay attention if we want to ride in the high places. It contains principles and guiding rules

on how we can ride on the high places of the earth which include the following:

1. Dying daily - 1 Cor. 15:31.

Every believer is called to die daily to flesh, sin and worldly pleasures because the eyes of

God cannot ehold iniquity. If we want God to e with us in our life‟s journey this year and

make us successful in all areas of our lives, we must do away with sin and all its allurements.

We do self-examination in the mirror of the Word of God daily and destroy/put to death the

works of the flesh and the sin that easily besets us.

2. Reading, studying and practising the Scriptures daily - Joshua 1:8; Psalm 5:3. We must find time to read, study and practise the word of God daily. We must desire to hear

what our Master wants to say to us before we set out every morning.

3. Pray without ceasing - 1Thess 5:17. Prayer is the Christian‟s staff to work with God. It brings us into fellowship and

communication with God. Prayerlessness is an act of arrogance to God. If we really want to

ride on the high places this year, we cannot but commune with him day and night because He

is the only One that knows the way to success.

4. Humility - Colossians 3:12; 1Peter 5:5. Humility is the quality of being humble. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble;

He loves, helps, blesses and promotes humble people.

PRAYER POINTS: 1. Father, help me to never arrogate myself a ove your commandments in Jesus‟ name.



2. I receive grace to die daily to the flesh and the pleasures of this world in Jesus‟ name.

3. Holy Spirit, energise me for prevailing and ceaseless prayers, in season and out of season

this year in Jesus‟ name.

4. Fresh fire of prayer, rest upon me now in Jesus‟ name.

5. Lord, help me to stay focused on your priorities for my life this year and not dabble into

activities that are not in your plan for my life in Jesus‟ name.

6. Every atom of pride or arrogance in my life, die now in Jesus name.

7. Father, clothe me with the spirit of humility in Jesus name.

8. O God, make me strong in your mighty power so that the devil finds no accusation

against me in Jesus‟ name.

9. In Jesus‟ name, I extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one with my shield of faith

– Mark 9:24; Ephesians 6:16.

10. I receive grace to stand firm, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist. I know that

as I pursue the truth and press into the whole counsel of God‟s Word as my template for

life, the father of lies will have nothing in me!

11. Father, I ask for the discipline to read, study and practice the Word of life daily and be an

encouragement to other brethren.

12. I receive wisdom to use the sword of the Spirit as my defensive and offensive weapon

against the devil every time in Jesus‟ name – Luke 4:1-13; Eph 6:17.

13. In any area of my inadequacies and personal struggles with obeying the Word, I humbly

myself to seek help from my leaders in the church so as not to become an easy prey for

the enemy or get easily tangled up in sin in Jesus‟ name.

14. In Jesus‟ name, my heart is protected with the reastplate of righteousness that Christ

gives us (2Corinth. 5:21) and the continuing righteous acts of my daily responses to

God‟s gift (Rev. 19:8

15. O God, create an eagerness within me to share your good news of peace and keep my feet

anchored and standing firm, secured in Christ - Eph. 6:15.


BIBLE READING: Job 22:28,29.

Speaking God‟s Word powerfully into our lives at the beginning of a new season, e.g. New Year,

New Birth, House Foundation Laying Ceremony, Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, Acquisition

of New Property/Equipment, and other important occasions in our lives scares the evil ones but

strengthens our faith for outstanding accomplishments. Declaring Scriptures over our lives and

families brings the glorious and perfect will of God to be established over us without allowing

the devil to play his pranks and crafty devices. Never allow negative thoughts, disasters and

unpleasant situation around you dictate the destiny of your life!


1. I declare the opening of heavenly gates and ancient doors that will bring me into deeper

relationship with you, O God – Psalm 24:7.

2. I decree and declare year 2020 as a year of outstanding performance with significant results

for me and all mem ers of Christ Gospel Mission Int. all over the world in Jesus‟ name.



3. I receive the mercy of God in all my undertakings throughout this year; continuous open

doors of the favour of God and men for me, my family and Christ Gospel Mission Int. in

Jesus‟ name, Amen.

4. My hands are blessed and I shall not labour in vain. I refuse to be idle, complain or live a

wasteful life. I will engage in productive work and my labour shall yield exceedingly fruitful

harvests in Jesus‟ name – Psalm 92:12,13; 128:2.

5. Peace, purity and power is my portion this new year. I will walk in the light of God‟s Word

and not stumble; I will walk in faith and not be afraid.

6. My candle burns brightly and will not be put out in Jesus‟ name – Psalm 18:28.

7. I am saved and sanctified. I am sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit; sin shall not have

dominion over me by the power in the blood of the Lamb - Romans 6:14.

8. I am a vessel of honour created unto good works. I abound in good works and shall never be

moved – Ephes. 2:10; 2Cor. 8:9.

9. My heavenly Father, I receive grace to put aside anxiety about the future and regret of the

past, so that I might live in peace with you, one day at a time.

10. Help me God, to be slow to anger and condemnation but be swift to respond in love, peace

and forgiveness. Let my focus be on love as I foster peace and unity with my brethren in the

Church - Phil. 2:1-3;

11. I decree and declare that I shall be satisfied with the blessings of God, with divine

appointments, enriching connections and relationships everywhere I go this year – Deut.


12. I decree and declare that I will enjoy the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to say and do only

things that are right, edifying and productive. I will not fail or fall into any error in Jesus‟

name - Romans.8:14.



1. We declare that the fellowship of our faith as brothers and sisters in CGM is sacred and not

shattered. We will faithfully nurture our fellowship to continue to be authentic, deep, joyful,

practical and eneficial to every mem er in Jesus‟ name.

2. In Jesus‟ name, our fellowship shall continue to e effective in the love we share and e a

source of sweet refreshment to everyone – Philemon 6,7.

3. We decree and declare that CGM shall flourish, our land shall be married, she shall be a

delightful church where the glory of God will magnetize people of different color and

nationality to come and serve the Lord – Psalm 92:12-15; Isa.62:4.

4. We declare encouragement to every member of this local congregation. Holy Father, lead

every member to walk with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for

those around them in love that they would be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the

bond of peace – Ephesians 4:1-3.

5. We declare that our students have greater insight and more understanding than their teachers

because they meditate on your teachings – Psalm 119:99

6. Father, we ask that you grace CGM women to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious

gossips. Help them to encourage the younger women to love their husbands, to love their

children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind and be subject to their own husbands so

that God‟s Word will not e maligned – 2Timothy 2:4,5.



7. We decree that every altar and horn against CGM and her destiny is broken down by the

word of God and burnt with the fire of the Holy Spirit - Numb.23:23.

8. Every spirit that empties and scatters within and without CGM is destroyed in the name of

Jesus Christ and consumed y the fire of the Holy Spirit - Nahum2:2, ech.2:18-21.

9. Oh God empower CGM choristers to sing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs from their

hearts unto you, to demonstrate your greatness and goodness and for the edification of the

people, not to merely entertain – Ephes. 5:19-21.

10. Let our instrumentalists praise you for your mighty acts and power, with the sounding of the

trumpets and with the harp, flute, guitar, piano, drum and other kinds of instruments worship

your everlasting greatness – Psalm 150:1-5.

11. Let our choristers be inspired by their love for you, evident each time they minister in

genuine worship to you – Psalm 101:1.

12. Reveal new songs to our choristers in awe of your marvelous works, to set the captives free,

heal the sick, edify your church and glorify your name – Psalm 98:1-7.


A special offering shall be collected after the prayer session today for the ministry of the General



BIBLE READING: Matt. 14:16-21

To any locked door, there is a specific key which is uniquely cut to fit the design of the keyhole,

to unlock it. Regardless of how many keys you may possess or your readiness to go through the

door, if you do not possess the right key, you will end up losing time and ultimately, may not be

able to gain access.

Brethren, your long years of waiting have come up for remembrance and your answers are ready

in Jesus‟ name. The King of kings and Lord of lords has released the master key that can open

any door. By God's grace and mercy, you now have access to open any shut door as you pray.


In His word, Jesus has given us instructions that serve as keys to reveal the principles for living

kingly lives in abundance here on earth. These keys include:

1. Giving: In the system of this world, the key to having a undance is gathering, ut in God‟s

kingdom, the key to abundance is giving what is in your hands – John 6:5-13.

2. Fasting and prayers - Ezra 8:23; Matthew 17:14-21.

Fasting and prayers produces great results. It helps you to humble yourself and puts you in a

good position for a breakthrough, and for God to manifest His power over your life.

3. Hearing and obeying the voice of the Lord - Deut. 28:1.

4. Delighting in the Lord your God - Isaiah 58:14.

5. Faith - Matt. 21:17. Ask the Lord to increase your faith and exercise it to grow into

maturity/strong faith to take over the high places for the Master.




1. Every closed gate to my high places, open in Jesus name and let the King of glory come in.

2. All satanic la els of “out ounds” on the way to my glorious destiny, e removed in Jesus‟


3. Cause me to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of

father Abraham.

4. In Jesus‟ name, I dislocate every power contesting with my high places – Jeremiah 17:3.

5. I pull down the high places and the altars working against my high places in Jesus‟ name –

2Chronicles 31:1.

6. In the name of the Lord, I will be satisfied with the blessings of God, with divine

appointments, connections and enriching relationships to the glory of God this year – Deut


7. I will enjoy the guidance of the Holy Spirit to say and do only things that are right, edifying

and productive. I will not fail or fall into any error in Jesus‟ name – Romans 8:14.

8. I shall not defile the high places God has prepared for me in Jesus‟ name – 2Kings 23:8.

9. Jehovah will trample my enemies under my feet – Psalm 60:12. Therefore, let my enemies

cringe before me as I drive out and destroy all the inhabitants of the land of my inheritance in

Jesus‟ name – Numbers 33:52

10. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I will do valiantly and ride into my high places in the world

– 1Sam. 13:13,14; Acts 13:6-12.

11. I ascend the throne of my glory from today in the mighty name of Jesus.

12. I am connected by divine arrangement with the people that matter to my high places in Jesus


13. Lord, release the supernatural keys to open all locked doors to my high places in the mighty

name of Jesus.

14. May I do the right in the sight of the Lord all the days of my life in Jesus‟ name – 2Kings



To ride in the wrong direction is to live a disobedient life, which will surely end in disarray.

Jonah was sent to Nineveh to preach God‟s word but ran to Tarshish as an act of disobedience to

God‟s instruction. He ecame a great pro lem for other passengers in the ship and brought them

a great loss of goods and valuables. After this, he ended up in the belly of fish for three days.

King Saul was riding high with God until he started diso eying God and God‟s servant‟

instruction. This was the beginning of his heading in the wrong direction which caused him to

lose the throne to a young man, David. He eventually lost his life.

Samson, Lot, Judas Iscariot, Demas, and others, rode in the wrong direction. But Abraham found

favour with God because he was o edient to God‟s instruction to walk efore Him and e perfect

- Gen. 17:1. His obedience opened the floodgates of heaven for him. He became the Patriarch of

faith and all believers in Christ Jesus are all regarded as children of Abraham by faith.




1. By the mercy of God, I will not yield to the enticements of the world that results in riding in

wrong directions and destruction.

2. Lord, I refuse to ride in wrong directions this year in Jesus‟ name

3. I crucify the works of the flesh that make the way of destruction appears right in Jesus name

– Proverbs 14:12.

4. Lord, may I not derail from your plan for my life in Jesus name.

5. Father, do not let me cause harm, suffering or loss to my family, church and people around

me by being a wrong example in life..

6. I will not lean on my own understanding this year, I will trust you completely in Jesus name.

7. I receive to not look ack to the rottenness of my past like Lot‟s wife or love the pleasures of

this present world like Demas in Jesus name.

8. Father give me grace to not follow Judas‟ example, who performed signs and wonders with

Jesus but ended by committing suicide.

9. Father, give me grace to follow the godly example of those who through faith and patience

obtained the promise. People like Paul, Peter, James, Stephen, etc.

10. Help me to earnestly contend for the precious faith, never to experiment cunningly devised

fa les and popular trends that ring men‟s applause ut ends in hell fire.

11. Father, I ask for the grace to obey my spiritual leaders and not become a pain/thorn to their

ministries in Jesus‟ name.

12. I receive the full blessings of obeying God this year in Jesus name.


BIBLE READING: Jeremiah 1:9-10; 2 Kings 18:1-17

In biblical times, pagans built shrines to their gods on top of high hills to ensure visibility and

display their importance. The land around Jerusalem was very hilly and many of these shrines

dotted the landscape. When the Israelites conquered the Promised Land, God warned them to

avoid acting like the natives in the land. God told them to destroy all forms of idol worshipping

and images of false gods. Many Israelites obeyed, but some chose to blend in with the ungodly

culture. They left the shrines standing and began using the pagan system to worship the gods and

sometimes tried to mix the One True God with their idols in an attempt to honour God. The

shrines on those “high places” survived for many generations. Various kings of Israel did not

remove them, oth those “dedicated” to the God of Israel or to other foreign gods of the land.

When King Hezekiah was enthroned, (2 Kings 18:1-7) he tore down all the high places in Judah,

including the bronze serpent made by Moses. He trusted God completely and God prospered him


Today, we may not have physical shrines or idols to various gods, ut we have “high places” in

our lives. Our high places can be traces of past sins that still have a hold on us, our culture,

career, ideologies, social media or anything we place above God. Just as the ancient physical

high places represented spiritual ungodliness enticing the Israelites to sin, our modern high

places can tempt us to go ack to ehaviours contrary to God‟s ordinances.

Consider just three examples:

1. Artifacts, tourist objects and decoration in honour of false gods.

2. Movies full of filthy language or inappropriate content still lying around our house



3. Illegally downloaded music files on our computers or MP3 Players.


1. My mouth receive fresh fire, my tongue declare the authority of the Holy Spirit now in Jesus‟


2. By the blood of the Lamb, I root out, pull down and destroy every satanic high place in my

life, in my family, residence and business in Jesus name.

3. I pull down every generational high place I have accommodated in my life and home in

ignorance, that is operating against my success in life by Holy Ghost fire now in Jesus name.

4. Every evil altar raised against my blessing on any high place of wickedness, catch fire now in

Jesus name.

5. Every high place obstructing my spiritual watchfulness and progress, be destroyed by fire in

Jesus name.

6. Every high place that says I will not move far this year, be levelled and destroyed in Jesus


7. Every high place against the move of the Holy Spirit in CGM for signs and wonders this

year, scatter in Jesus‟ name.

8. I pull down any altar of sorrow and shame raised against any member of CGM now in Jesus


9. Every high place of Sickness, failure, pre-mature death, sudden accident, poverty and

backsliding, for any mem er of CGM all over the world, fall and fail in Jesus‟ name.

10. By the authority of the infallible Word of God in Job 22:28, I decree and establish, good

success, miraculous promotion, admission into higher institutions with scholarship,

miraculous conversions, prosperity of every member and expansion of CGM churches in

Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Isaiah 55:1-3, Deut. 32:13

All good things come at a price! If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. According

to Matt.16:24, there must be self-denial and self-control in our Christian race and path to get to

our high places. There are principles to follow to enjoy all that God has in store for us. We must

be dead to self to be alive in Christ. The sacrifice comes before the harvest and the price of

excellence is discipline.

God‟s purpose for your life is to ride on high places and further His kingdom here on earth. To

achieve this, you need to get on track, run the race and obtain the price. You can ride on high

places and stand out which will require:

Following the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Dedication to succeed in what God called you to do.

Self-improvement which could be relevant to meeting the needs of people around you.

Fasting is a Christian discipline from which no one is excused. It helps you to discipline self,

become more spiritually aware and tuned in to God.




1. Sing a new song thanking God for His good intentions and thoughts for your life.

2. God, empower me with the discipline and sacrifice needed to achieve your will for my life.

3. Father, expose the secret of darkness militating against my riding in high places in Jesus‟


4. Every covenant of darkness hovering over my life and destiny, receive the fire of the Holy

Ghost, e roken and destroyed in Jesus‟ name.

5. Let my being receive power to ride in high places now in Jesus‟ name.

6. In the exalted name of Jesus Christ, I will manifest the glory of God in my life.

7. May every voice speaking against the plan and purpose of God for my life be silenced and

condemned in Jesus‟ name.

8. Lord, teach me what I must do to get to the top by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

9. I will enjoy the full plan of God for my life in Jesus name.


BIBLE READING: Psalm 44:3, 54;4, 72:12-13, Esther 5:8

Favour is a special preference, privilege, an act of kindness and support beyond what a person

deserves that gives one an advantage over others. Divine favour, which surpasses the favour of

men is when the light of God‟s countenance shines upon you. When you are a beneficiary of

favour, connecting to your high places in life, career and ministry becomes relatively easy to

achieve. Unnecessary delays are buried when favour is in place, embargoes and frustrations are

crushed and men, even those who do not like you will favour you irresistibly.

Favour is available for your finances, academics, businesses, ministry, health and overall

success. God can use anyone or thing to connect you to high places. When He does this, it

becomes fully evident that He has favoured you.


1. Father, I am grateful that I know you!

2. Jehovah, awaken confidence in me that I may receive all the blessings that you have prepared

for me in my studies, marriage and usiness in Jesus‟ name.

3. Father, this is my set time, let your favour upon my life attract the right people into my life –

Psalm 102:13.

4. Every anti-favour spirit and near-success syndrome, get out of my life by fire in Jesus‟ name.

5. O Lord, let your divine favour change my situation for good in Jesus name.

6. Favour of God, connect me to my high places and turn me to a mighty instrument in all areas

of my life in Jesus name.

7. Father please speedily connect me with my destiny helpers in Jesus‟ name.

8. O God, as I enjoy your favour, I pray to not misuse your grace upon my life in Jesus name.

9. I reject the spirit of idleness and receive the empowerment to run the race set before me in

holiness and in truth.

10. Father strengthen me to separate myself from ungodly associations and wicked people that

severe God‟s covenant children from divine favour.

11. By the grace of God, I am moving forward in righteousness, in abundant life, mercy, favour

and greatness. No more backwardness in the name of Jesus.

12. Father Lord, may I not deviate from the Holy Scriptures as you lead me through life.



13. O God let your favour be evident in my life wherever I go, so that I can expand your

kingdom everywhere as I testify to your goodness in Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Hebrews 13:17; Eph. 4:7-8; 1Cor. 3:10; 2Cor. 3:5-6.

The Apostles of old said, “ rethren pray for us.” We need to pray for our fathers in the faith that

are at the helm of affairs of our church to soar higher in the assignment God has committed to

their hands. They need more of the Holy Spirit and His gifts in discharging their duties without

which they may get discouraged, confused and quit.

Brethren, members of the General Advisory Council (GAC) need our prayers for grace, wisdom

and dexterity to implement the assignment God committed to their hands and for their personal

needs. Each believer has received a gracious divine endowment that enables us to accomplish

things that we ordinarily could not have by our own means. Without grace endowment, ministers

would not have the means to accomplish the ministry they are called to. Grace endowment

makes effective ministry possible and is freely given by the Lord Jesus right up to this present

day for effectiveness in ministry.


1. Father thank you for the lives and ministries of the members of the General Advisory

Council (GAC) of this Church.

2. Thank you Lord for standing by your church and giving GAC profitable direction and grace

for leadership.

3. Father let the promised gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest in their ministries.

4. Father let them be yielded to the control of the Holy Spirit in their decision-making processes

and grant them an excellent spirit.

5. I bind every power that wants the GAC to meet and deliberate without recording significant

results that will advance God‟s Kingdom, and command it to lose its grip now in Jesus‟


6. Every power resisting the purposes of God in the GAC and this church, catch fire in the name

of Jesus.

7. Father, by your mighty hand and greatness, prosper your work in the hands of GAC members

and bring them to the place of fulfillment in you.

8. Father release strength for them to perform extraordinarily for your kingdom.

9. Only the counsel of God for successful leadership and destiny fulfilment shall stand over

GAC mem ers in Jesus‟ name.

10. Father, grant them strength, wisdom, power, skills and anointing to change the status-quo for

your glory in Jesus name.

11. Every member of GAC and their families are declared a cup of trembling and burdensome

stone unto their enemies - Zech.12:2-4.

12. Father, help me to increase my love, honour and sacrifice for GAC members from day to day

so that their leadership will bless me more and cause me to be exceedingly fruitful and





BIBLE READING: Acts 20:17-38; Mark 16:15.

As Christians, we have a calling to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every

creature.”. The passion to fulfil this mandate has caused Christ Gospel Mission Int. to take the

Gospel of Jesus to the unreached people in all the parts of Nigeria and beyond, through her

Missions ministry.

Missionary trips are highly demanding. They require teams that recognise spiritual warfare, who

are fervent and spiritually discerning. Missionaries sometimes go through untold hardship and

they do so joyfully, glad to carry out the work of the Master. They therefore require finances that

can sustain them and meet the needs of the people they minister to. Although not everyone can

become a missionary that would minister cross culturally, we have a duty to support those who

go with our prayers, our money and other forms of encouragement.


1. We thank you O Lord for blessing this church with the spirit of Missions, burdened with

compassion for those who are yet to be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. We pray for the spiritual preparation and development of the CGM Missions Teams. Lord,

gird our missionaries with your armour, strengthen them for spiritual warfare and grant them

boldness to proclaim the gospel.

3. Father, help our missionaries to be sensitive and yield to the leading of your Spirit so that

they would not get discouraged on the field - Acts 16:6-10.

4. We pray that our missionaries will not be distracted from their mission to make disciples in

Jesus‟ name - Matthew 28:18-20.

5. Father, as our missionaries are committed to pursuing souls until they are won for you,

miraculously supply their physical needs and the needs of their families.

6. Lord, we ask that the communities the missionaries are ministering to shall be receptive to

the Gospel. Open the hearts of the people for spiritual transformation and make them your

attle Axe to their generation in Jesus‟ name.

7. We pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint our missionaries with utterance as they share the

good news. May their ears be open to hearing from you each time they pray.

8. We pray that residents and aid workers who follow Christ will have opportunities to offer

hope to those around them and that the communities will experience healing from deep

wounds. (Romans 8:28; Psalm 34:18.)

9. We pray that the proclamation of the Gospel on the mission field will convert souls and

change lives in the name of Jesus the Christ.

10. We pray that our Mission teams will be attentive to your Spirit in their planning so that they

always discern what you want them to accomplish on each mission trip.

11. Father, please raise more financial supporters for the mission teams to aid the accelerated

move of missions in this New Year.

12. Father, raise more dedicated missionaries from our churches to finish the unfinished task of

Missions in Jesus‟ name.

13. Heavenly Father, we ask that you increase and strengthen partnering churches, pastors, and

organizations for success in fulfilling your mandate for missions.




Text: Ps 122: 6-9; 2Chronicles 7:14.

Nigeria is a blessed country. Its people are beautiful, warm, welcoming and hardworking. The

land is fertile and rich in natural resources. Despite all these, we realise today that the country is

not very conducive for its citizens due to reasons too numerous to state. Is there any hope? Can

things really turn around for good?

Certainly! The Bible says there is nothing impossible with God. (Matthew 19:26) According to

our text, all we have to do is humble ourselves, pray and turn from our wicked ways. As simple

as this sounds, a lot of people find it hard to do. This is why we need to ask God for grace to

truly live righteous lives so that our land can lossom. “Righteousness exalts a nation; ut sin is a

reproach to any people” (Prover s 14:34 . It is our responsibility to rise up, pray for the peace of

Nigeria and a olish the activities of Satan and his cohorts in the land. Nigeria is the Lord‟s!


1. Thank God for establishing this nation and for His mercy that has kept the country thus

far - Lamentations 3:22

2. Father, forgive us and have mercy over our land for our past ungodly acts.

3. In the name of Jesus, I declare peace in Nigeria from the Federal Capital to the local

constituencies in the year 2020. Peace in the day, at night, in our economy, politics, institutions,

in the body of Christ, among the leaders, in the city and at home.

4. O Lord, empower righteous men and women for the liberation of our nation from inept

(generally incompetent and absurd) leadership and elevate our nation to enviable high places of

the earth in Jesus name.

5. Father in the name of Jesus, establish and prosper Nigeria economically, spiritually, and

politically henceforth to the glory of your name.

6. O Lord, let the economy in this nation be stable and grow for our advancement.

7. In the name of the Lord, we frustrate and cancel the schemes and devices of the children

of the bondwoman to invade our communities and nation. May their deliberations and strategies

end up in confusion and shame in Jesus‟ name.

8. We terminate any further implementation and promotion Sharia Islamic Legal system in this

country in Jesus‟ name.

9. Father, by the power in your word, I bring to an end, the activities and plans of the hostile

nations against Nigeria in the name of Jesus - Eph 6:12-13.

10. My God, expose unrepentant perpetrators of evil in this nation, terminate their evil works

and bring them to public shame in Jesus‟ name.

11. I declare by faith that Nigeria shall advance in unity, with the proclamation of the Gospel

of Christ all over her territories in Jesus‟ name.

12. Give God the glory for the emerging of a new prosperous Nigeria.

Confess: Peace be within thy walls, O Nigeria, and prosperity within thy palaces.




BIBLE READING: Ephesians 6:12.

Christianity is commitment to the cross for life. It‟s more than just saying the sinner‟s prayer of

salvation and daily confessing the blessings of the Bible. It is a lifestyle of warfare! The path of

high riders is strewn/dotted with trials, temptations, hatred, misunderstanding and

misrepresentations. Because we are not free from afflictions and persecutions, we must be

prepared for spiritual attacks. The devil does not waste his time on “pleasura le Christians” who

do not study, obey, share and grow in the Word of God. Such persons who live as if they are

exempted or excused from spiritual warfare, irrespective of their excuses and self-justification,

cannot make any difference in the kingdom.

It is true that believers are not expected to court trouble or opposition but if we have never

suffered persecution for shining as light in the darkness of this world, never hated for sharing our

faith or despised for standing firmly on the Word of God in contradiction to popular opinion, we

are automatically headed down the broad path of destruction. If you are in the good books of

everybody and your life is always easy, unchallenged and untroubled, perhaps you are not really

committed to living a godly life in this corrupt world! According to Apostle Paul, “all who

desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will e persecuted.” - 2Timothy 3:12.


1. Heavenly Father, I receive grace to not turn my back like a coward in the battles of life. Help

me to stand strong in faith and be of good courage in spiritual warfare.

2. In Jesus‟ name, I receive oldness to follow the Master‟s steps to victory in spiritual warfare.

I refuse to e fainthearted and fearful in Jesus‟ name.

3. Father enlighten my understanding to know that the spiritual warfare I encounter in this life

is part of your ordering, and it is for my good and eternal gain – John 16:33.

4. In Jesus‟ name, I refuse the false peace this world offers that leads to everlasting torment and


5. Help me Father, to always obey Christ and His Word even when it is difficult and not

pleasurable to do so.

6. Father, help me to so trust your Word, that I won‟t e afraid to act in o edience to your will

regardless of the outcome.

7. Help me O Father, to love those who persecute me for living a godly life in Christ.

8. Empower me Lord, to pray for all men and return good for evil – Luke 6:28

9. Heavenly Father, protect my mind from unwholesome thoughts and vanity-wandering when I

pray. Help me to always concentrate and enjoy un roken communion with you in Jesus‟


10. When the devil wants to distract my mind by reminding me of my ugly past of worthlessness

and feelings of unworthiness, Father, give me boldness by my cleansing with the blood of

your Son and my preservation by your power.

11. Father, help me that the fire on my prayer alter would not go out. Empower me to pray in all

seasons so that your joy will continually strengthen me.

12. Help me Father, to know that when I feel least like praying is when I need to pray most!



13. When I perceive that my brother or sister is lukewarm, empower me to encourage them by

praying with them unceasingly, never to mock, ridicule or complain against them.

14. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I receive insight for spiritual sensitivity. I receive grace to

flee every appearance of evil like Joseph and never parley or hold any conference with the

devil which made the first Adam to fall.

15. I receive grace to never get weary or quit when I am ridiculed, ostracized or hated for taking

a righteous stand for Christ in Jesus‟ name.

16. Thank you for loving me Father. Help me to promptly obey your directives, never to

question, delay, de ate or procrastinate putting your Word into practice in Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Gen 37:1-10; 39:1-2.

Joseph was a man of destiny. His great future was destined from his birth when his earthly father

favoured him over his many older brothers. As he grew up, he grew up with the special favour of

God and man. This made his brother jealous. The jealousy escalated when Joseph shared his

dreams with his rothers. Vs. 10, „When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father

rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your rothers

actually come and ow down to the ground efore you?” His brothers were jealous of him…”

God revealed Joseph‟s throne to him, ut the hearts of his desperately wicked rothers al eit

temporarily, closed the door to his throne, through man‟s view, ut in the spiritual realm, their

wicked act actually propelled him to the throne. Instead of at least being a slave in the palace,

Joseph was found in prison for a crime he did not commit. Again, it seemed like he was being

moved farther away from his God-given dream, but God was working behind the scenes. When

we feel overwhelmed with the storms of life, let us remember the faith Joseph had even in the

gleam times, and know that God is faithful to bring His plans concerning us to life.

God elevated Joseph from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs. We can imagine how

Joseph calculated that he would not have gotten to that estate if not for all he had been through.

As though that was not enough, the one who says vengeance is His, and he will avenge, caused a

famine to fall upon Canaan, where Joseph‟s rothers were, then caused them to go to Egypt for

help. Oh, how God vindicated Joseph and kicked down all seemingly closed doors to his high

place. The God who did that for Joseph is still the same God and can do same for us, as we

remain as faithful as Joseph was.


1. Thank you oh Lord for your ultimate plan for my life. May I receive your plan (my Joseph-

like dream) for my life early this year – Psalm 90:14.

2. I receive the grace to develop my relationship with you Lord and receive your revelations

over my life.

3. I receive the wisdom of a discerning spirit, to know who not to share my dream with.

4. Remove me out of the pit of forgetfulness in Jesus name. May my name me remembered in

my place of elevation.

5. Oh Lord, let the wall of partition between me and my throne fall down flat in Jesus name.



6. Let the hand of God turn my situation around completely that it may be evident to all that

truly the True God is my King.

7. I pray against every demonic influence that leads to dissatisfaction with the plan of God for

my life this year in Jesus‟ name – Isaiah 58:9b &10.

8. May every closed door to my throne be kicked down in Jesus Mighty name.

9. Father, satisfy the marital aspiration of brethren looking unto you for their life partner early

this year in Jesus‟ name – Genesis 49:25.

10. God with whom there is no impossibility, satisfy the desire of waiting parents with the fruits

of the wom in Jesus‟ name – Deut. 7:13; Psalm 127:3-5.

11. Heavenly Father, grace me to live a life that is well pleasing in your sight so that I will bring

satisfaction and joy to you and my friends – Exodus 33:13.

12. Oh Lord, give me the grace to stay faithful to you through tough challenges in Jesus name.

13. Heavenly father, may I always testify of your goodness and live honourably before you, all

the days of my life, Amen.


Bible Reading: Matt.9:35-38.

Ps.37:23 -24 “The steps of a good man are ordered y the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him..."

Acts17:26 - “And He has made from one lood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of

the earth, and has determined their pre appointed times and the oundaries of their dwellings.”

God's word is our compass for the Christian life. Be thankful for wherever you are, whether

inside or outside of your original place of birth. Make use of any opportunity you have

judiciously. Serve with your body, soul, skills, talents, money and time. Things may not be as

you wish right now, but keep moving on with your focus on Christ and you will not fail.

When the Israelites were sent to captivity because of their sin, God spoke His mind through

Prophet Jeremiah to them: 29:5 “Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their

fruit” – Jeremiah 29:5. They spent 70years in captivity during which Jehovah gave them

glorious promises for their future and delivered them at His appointed time – Jer. 29:11-14.

For the brethren who are settled in a foreign land, hear the Word of God unto you in this season

of riding into your high places: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord,

thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and

ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me,

when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I

will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places

whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I

caused you to e carried away captive” - Jer.29:11-14.

If God gave those promises to them in their captivity and fulfilled them, He will not let you

down as His ambassador in your location. He will surely take care of you and move you from

where you are into your High Places of significance in that city, state, or nation He has

sovereignly placed you. Use every opportunity and influence that you have to invest into



someone's life. Sow sacrificially with joy and you will reap miraculous harvests repeatedly to

your surprise in Jesus‟ name.


1. We thank you Lord for our brethren in diaspora, for giving them the dream of their heart in the

land they are located - Psalm 21:1-2.

2. We grateful Lord for your protection upon them and their families and for the jobs/businesses

you have blessed them with.

3. Send miraculous assistance to the brethren to legitimatize/regularize their residency in their

land of a ode in Jesus‟ name.

4. Thank you Lord for all CGM churches overseas and for those that have surrendered

themselves as vessels of honour for your use in foreign lands. Strengthen them all as they march

on in faith so that the gates of hell would not prevail against them - Matt.16:18.

5. Put your fear in the brethren in diaspora so that they would not indulge in fraudulent practices,

adulteration of products, and dubious transactions.

6. O Lord forgive all our brethren in Diaspora for not being faithful in their spiritual service, for

serving mammon, worldliness, and selfishness. Let Jesus‟ lood cleanse them from their

iniquities - 1John 1:7-10; 2:15-17; Luke 16:13.

7. O Lord, open their eyes of understanding to know that you brought them, not for bread and

butter that perishes, but to actively get engaged in the work of God, so that the work will prosper

in their hands. Grant them wisdom to mobilize indigenes and other foreigners to enlist in the

army of the Lord – Isaiah 60:10-12. 8. O Lord of Hosts, fight the battles of our brethren in diaspora, perfect all that concerns them -

their immigration status, marriage, job, health; and deliver them from all attacks of darkness in

all their undertakings in Jesus‟ name – Jeremiah 11:20; Isaiah 45:1-7.

9. God of Joseph, help the brethren to set themselves apart for your purposes, to prepare/facilitate

the way for others, start helpful projects, as they do their best to build CGM in the various cities

and nations of the world for enduring impact – Genesis 45:3-7; Psalm 92:10-15.

10. O Lord God remove every thorn and thistle from the way of our brethren in diaspora, that

they may use all what they have to serve you wherever they are located – Prov. 22:5.

11. Heavenly Father help our churches in diaspora to expand to the four corners of the world and

possess the East, West, North and South of where they are located.

12. Lord let your church move on in power and enduring fruits as you help the brethren to plant

new CGM churches where our church is not yet visible in the nations of the world for your glory

– Isaiah 43:5,6; Matthew 9:35-38.




The devil often puts up much resistance to stop ministers of God from pursuing the plan of God

for their lives and for the people they lead. We therefore need to strive together and agonize

intensely with our spiritual leaders in prayers as we contend with the adversary/enemy. We

should not think that our spiritual leaders are strong and should be left alone. Rather, we should

stand in faith and in the Spirit with them just as Jesus requested Peter, James and John to pray

with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Apart from the devil, some un elievers also resist God‟s servants and cause distractions. Also,

some so-called brethren trouble them from within the church to create discontentment, divisions

and disaster which has resulted in the stumbling of some ministers, who ultimately abandoned

their ministries and the precious faith!

Our spiritual leaders give so much of themselves to the church and we need to cover them

consistently with fervent prayers.


1. Thank you Lord for choosing our Pastors to shepherd your flock in this place. Help them to

walk in your counsel so that they will lead your sheep in righteousness.

2. Thank you God for the great sacrifice our Pastors make to ensure that we grow spiritually.

Grant them wisdom to accurately preach your Word to bless and transform us.

3. Knowing that our ministers are human beings like us, sustain their bodies and souls that they

might stay healthy as they bear the burdens of ministering to us and shield them from

depression, suicide and burn-out in Jesus‟ name.

4. Snatch our ministers out of the traps and snares set for them by false brethren and those who

have wrong motives in Jesus‟ name.

5. Let the words of our ministers in their preaching, counseling and individual discussions be

spoken correctly, accurately and in a way that pleases you.

6. Father, let the ministries of our District Pastors and ministers in charge of our local churches

be pleasing and well received by the brethren to whom they minister.

7. Let our spiritual leaders always feel strong, be refreshed and touched by God from time to

time in their spirits, souls and bodies.

8. We pray that the Gospel will characterize our ministers‟ home life, that their children will

heartily walk in the way of righteousness and be established as pillars in the Household of


9. Father, surround your servants with destiny helpers, people they can trust and can be

accounta le to in Jesus‟ name.

10. As the Apostles received the mercy of the Holy Spirit and revolutionized their world,

empower all CGM ministers to take over their communities and nations for you as we enjoy

your a undant mercies for fruitfulness this year 2020 in Jesus‟ name, Amen - Acts 17:6.



11. We decree and declare that all CGM ministers shall ride in high places with their horns

exalted like the horn of Unicorn with signs and wonders following them – Psalm 92:10.



Christian youths are an integral part of the church. Their ideas, strength and youthfulness are

important to the growth of the church, yet they need to be aware that they are not sufficient in

their wisdom. When one is young, it is common to feel like you can do it all on your own, but

there is power in synergy. When the youths of the church come together to advance the Kingdom

of God, mountains move. Scriptures show the need to gather strength through our fellowship in

the Spirit. Prov 24 vs 10 says, „if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.‟ If you

are not strengthened spiritually, little temptations could easily make you fall, get confused,

disoriented and depressed. Youths who are saturated with the unadulterated Word of God and are

esta lished in the fellowship of the saints don‟t contemplate suicidal thoughts.

Iron sharpens iron. You are made stronger by improving your personal and spiritual lives, and by

sharing your convictions with your brothers and sisters in Christ. It takes strength to harvest

nations, which can be achieved through the synergy of the youth. Youths have what it takes to

ride on to high places and minister in ways that their fathers and mothers have not done. Youths

should be winning souls for Christ in a dynamic way. One can chase a thousand and two can

chase ten thousand. There is power in unity and synergy, especially with youths.


1. It is not too late to accomplish the good dreams God has placed in my heart.

2. God will accelerate His plan for my life as I put my trust in Him.

3. God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ask or think.

4. God is bringing me into a new season of growth and I will not abort the process in Jesus name.

5. I have sound mind filled with good thoughts, not thoughts of immorality or defeat.

6. I am anointed for exploits in my life and I will live to glorify God.

7. God‟s supernatural favor follows me everywhere I go.

8. I will experience God‟s faithfulness unto excellence in my pursuits in life.

9. I will store up blessings for my future generations. I am an asset never a liability.

10. I will honour my father and mother so that all will be well with me and I will have long life.

12. I will prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers doing the will of God.


1. Father, we confess that our youths are a gift and reward from You. Thank You for making

them so wonderfully great, your workmanship is marvelous.



2. May our youths love you with all their hearts, souls, strength, and minds. May their joy

radiate to all those around them.

3. Baptize our youths with a spirit of purpose and the wisdom to set stretching goals of

greatness in life.

4. God, grant CGM youths, a spirit of diligence, sacrifice and willingness to work hard.

5. Father, may they cultivate a spirit of consistency and a quality of faithfulness and integrity.

6. Oh Lord help them to dare to be different like Daniel and separated from multitudes to do

righteous acts in the name of Jesus.

7. God silence altars that weaken their strength in you. Let them not mortgage their inheritance

on the altar of passion and immediate gratification.

8. Oh Lord, deliver our youths from mediums that drain them spiritually in Jesus‟ name.

9. Lord, ignite their spiritual lives so that they will stop fishing in unprofitable waters.

10. O Lord, heal every area of backsliding in their spiritual lives.


BIBLE READING: Rom. 8:38-39; Phil. 4:13; Habakkuk 3:19.

To ride on high places means to eat the produce of the land: fruitfulness. It also means to live a

life of great dignity and advancement and be secured in all our endeavours.

The Hebrew word for 'high hills' is "bamah" pronounced "baw-maw" which means "elevation."

This means that God is calling everyone in CGM to live in an elevated position, a place of

a undance, excellence, a place of “more than enough.”

As we have received the prophetic order to ride upon the high places, it means we are set to

operate from the stance of victory, having the upper hand, being more successful and excellent in

all facets of our lives than ever before. Though hard work and persistence is critical to success in

life, the privilege of "riding in high places" is available to those that have come by faith; not

depending on how hard we had labored in the past but on the release of God's goodness, mercy

and favour which He is pouring upon our lives this season in Jesus‟ name – Psalm 23:6.

We should therefore focus more on God in our worship more than before; get more dedicated to

service in His house, by giving our substance when we appear before Him and being obedient to

His injunctions. The Lord will surely make us ride higher like Esther (Esther 2: 15-18), Daniel

(Dan. 6: 1-3), Joseph (Gen. 41: 38-40), Bezaleel and Aholiab (Exo. 36: 1-2) and Paul (1 Cor. 15:



1. Pray for God's supernatural endowment, empowerment and upliftment to ride in the high

places of your community, country and the earth.

2. No matter the prevailing hardship in the land and the state of World Economy, the Lord gives

me abundant bread to eat and surplus seeds to sow by grace.

3. Jehovah-Jireh my Provider, empower me to sit, dine and wine with kings in high places in

Jesus‟ name.

4. In the name of Jesus, there shall be abundance of rain of blessings in my life and family. I

shall not lack any good thing as I live y faith in God‟s Word.

5. Oh God, help me greatly and let me find favour in places of authority in Jesus‟ name.



6. My beginning might have been small but my tomorrow shall be great in Jesus‟ name.

7. Father, I refuse to labour in vain and I shall not beg to eat. Prosper the works of my hands in

Jesus‟ name.

8. Father, I pray for heavenly wisdom, to be responsible in my financial affairs and provide for

the needs of my family with joy.

9. Bless me O Lord eyond measure and make me comforta le in all areas of life in Jesus‟


10. As you bless me O God, give me grace to be faithful in the stewardship of my tithes and


11. Father, make me addicted to kingdom giving without grumbling or complaining.


A special offering is to be taken for the Intercessory & Deliverance Ministry after the prayers




BIBLE READING: Gen 5: 21–24; Psalm 91:1.

When two people love each other, one way by which that love is strengthened is by taking long

walks together, often hand in hand. When we spend time alone with someone, we naturally grow

closer to that person and get to appreciate them more. After a while, we begin to understand who

they are, their likes, dislikes and views of certain issues. This somehow explains what God wants

from us - to enjoy constant fellowship with him. When we walk with God hand in hand, he leads

us to high places and if we remain with him, we will supernaturally ride in the high places.

Enoch was a man who knew his creator vividly and purposed to maintain a close-knit

relationship with Him. This caused God to delight greatly in him, to the point of taking him up

permanently. God saw Enoch as a man who should be distinguished above common men, a man

that would be a point of reference to others forever. These blessings fell on Enoch because he

walked with God. Although we may not be literally taken up to heaven, God is awed when we

diligently set ourselves aside to walk with Him.

We cannot only run to God when the going gets tough. For easy access to God in difficult times,

we need a good, consistent relationship with God always. Walking with God will lead us to

attain and maintain outstanding, steady success. To initiate and maintain a constant relationship

with God in order to ride upon the high places, we should acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and

Saviour, study his word regularly, pray, fellowship with other believers and yield ourselves

willingly for His use. This in turn, creates avenues for our lifting and sustenance.


1. Thank you Lord for becoming my Lord and Saviour and for the wonderful plans you have for

me – John 10:10; Jer 29:11.

2. Forgive me where I have sinned against you Lord and give me the grace to do them no more.



3. I re uke every demon positioned to distract me from daily studying God‟s Word. I receive

the grace to constantly study the Scriptures in-depth in Jesus‟ name – Joshua 1:8.

4. I rebuke the spirit of prayerlessness in Jesus name. Help me Lord, to maintain a fervent

prayer life – 1Thessalonians 5:17.

5. I receive living and unwavering faith especially through the storms of life in Jesus‟ name.

6. I receive grace to participate actively in church activities this year, not neglecting the

gathering of Christian brothers and sisters in Jesus name – Heb. 10:25.

7. Make me a vessel of honour in your hand, O Lord - 2Timothy 2:20–21.

8. As I study your word O God, open my eyes to wondrous things - Psalm 119:18.

9. Lord, help me to walk hand in hand with you every day, consciously living in your presence.

10. Open my understanding to the consciousness of the Holy Spirit abiding in me continuously

so that I may enjoy unbroken sweet communion with Him always – 2Corinthians 13:14.


BIBLE READING: Deut. 32:12; 2Cor. 12:6-9.

To ride on your high places is to conquer and take possession despite the many challenges that

life is full of. A challenge is a difficulty or blockage which requires great effort and

determination to overcome. The Christian life is not a bed of roses but is filled with both pleasant

and unpleasant situations. Yet as Christians, we believe Jesus has conquered the world and

obtained victory for us on the cross.

Paul‟s experience in the text descri ed the challenges in his life as “a thorn in the flesh... a

messenger of Satan to uffet me.” (v.7 . Despite eing a well respected Apostle who was

mightily used y God and highly dedicated to the course of God‟s kingdom, Paul was not free of

challenges. Satan afflicted Paul to discourage him in the service of the kingdom, ut Paul‟s

unshaka le faith in God remained steady ecause he knew the devil‟s devices and did not fall

prey to them. Satan‟s power is limited and his operations have an expiration date.

For us to ride on our high places, we are not to yield to challenges that make us doubt the

goodness of God. We must know that God is in control, maintain our faith, trust in God and be

resolute in our commitment to Him. God‟s grace is sufficient for you as you fix your eyes on

Him. Listen carefully to His voice to guide, lead and show you the way. “Some trust in chariots,

and some in horses; But we will remem er the name of the Lord our God.” (Ps. 20:7 .


1. Thank you Lord for your sustainable grace till now; which is more than enough to keep me

through my life‟s journey.

2. In the name of the Jesus, I destroy every affliction that Satan may want to use to discourage

me in the service of the kingdom.

3. O Lord, strengthen me in the inner man by your Spirit to pray to breakthrough.

4. Help me Heavenly Father to maintain my faith and trust in you and be resolute in my

commitment to You; and to always know that You are in control of my life.



5. I receive fresh grace to overcome whatever challenges that may want to hinder my ride on

high places.

6. Dear Father, cause me to hear your voice in the midst of storms and difficulties of life.

7. I bind every spirit of fear, and I receive the Spirit of love, power and sound mind to fulfill

God‟s purpose and ride on my high places in Jesus‟ name.

8. I move to my mountain top, and no more eneath in Jesus‟ name.

9. Paul overcame the thorn in his flesh and finished strong, I will overcome whatever

challenges that may want to cross my way and fulfill destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.


BIBLE READING: Zechariah 4:7; Mark 11:22-24.

High places can be regarded as mountains because mountains are high. Mountains are the things

that are beyond a man; the challenges confronting us at home, work and anywhere. The

mountains before man are all level ground before God. Mountains stand to slow down the speed

flow or put a stop to some endeavors in life. Some people‟s mountains could e arrenness, ill

health, spiritual backwardness, financial backwardness, career stagnation, homelessness,

joblessness, non-admission to institutions of higher learning, etc.

Man is mortal, limited and flesh-dominated; but our God is immortal, unlimited and a Spirit. He

has neither beginning nor ending. Mountains will always vanish when confronted with the Spirit

of God - Zech. 4:7. David conquered Goliath not with his muscles but by the Spirit of God -

1Sam 17:46. Samson put the Philistines under pressure due to the Spirit of God operating in him.

It‟s the Spirit of God that can use man and God will e glorified. Jesus taught us to speak to our



1. I decree an end to every mountain of opposition and bitterness operating in my life and

marriage in Jesus‟ name.

2. You mountain of lack, be removed into the sea now, in the name of Jesus.

3. Mountain of barrenness of any form in my body, be consumed by the fire of God now in

Jesus‟ name.

4. You mountain of diseases and ill health, hear the word of God now and crumble. By the

stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed.

5. Mountains of spiritual and physical backwardness, your operation has ended in my life now

in Jesus‟ name.

6. I command you mountain of slavery, stagnation and retrogression in my life and business,

e leveled now in Jesus‟ name.

7. You mountain of premature death, you are destroyed over my household because Jesus has

conquered death and has given me victory.

8. Fire of the Holy Spirit, consume every mountain of darkness against my life and family now

in Jesus‟ name. For the light shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it – John


9. Every mountain resisting the advancement of CGM Int., e destroyed in Jesus‟ name.



10. In the name of Jesus, I conquer all the mountains difficulties and fear before me and take

possession of all that is due to me.

11. I will never la or in vain, I will gloriously stand out in Jesus‟ name.

12. I will ride on my high places with every mountain ecoming plain in Jesus‟ name.


BIBLE READING: Acts.1:1-8; 2:1-10, Daniel 11:32.

Acts1:8 - “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall

be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost

part of the earth.” Daniel11:32 - “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt y flatteries: ut

the people that do know their God shall e strong, and do exploits.”

When Jesus Christ appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, they didn‟t know the

enormity of their calling! This was seen in the life of Peter, who after following Jesus for over

three years, still led the disciples back to fishing, the job he left over 3 years ago! That day, they

couldn't catch anything until Jesus appeared to them.

Just as the disciples did not understand their mission on earth even after the resurrection of Jesus,

so are some believers ignorant of the momentous importance of their assignment today! Jesus

gave the disciples the Great Commission in Matthew 16:15 - Go ye unto all the world and preach

the gospel..." Of course, they couldn‟t accomplish that great Commission of their own a ility.

They needed the power of God to do the work of God. So, the Master asked them to go and wait

at Jerusalem for the enduement of power from on high - Acts1:5-8.

When the power fell on them from on high on the day of Pentecost, they became dynamites for

God. They gladly did the work of the ministry – teaching, preaching, healing and planting

churches. They hazarded (risked) their lives for the advancement of the kingdom of God. They

took over nations, cities and villages for their Master, riding on the high places of the earth, not

minding the opposition, imprisonment and deaths they encountered along the way. They became

a terror to those that were terrifying them as powerful governmental structures and religious

leaders, rulers and judges were afraid of them as they turned the world upside down - Acts17:6.

As we have received our marching orders to ride in the high places of the earth this year 2020, it

is time for us to shake the world and take it over for our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. We must

all be ready for kingdom exploits that will bring multitude into the love of Christ and transform

them to disciples and battle axes in Christ Gospel Mission International.


1. Thank you Lord for my Salvation and for calling me to a noble ministry in Christ Gospel

Mission Int. - Psalm103:1-2.

2. Thank you Lord for the labours of spiritual fathers, teachers and pastors over me, those that

you have used and are using to carry me on their shoulders - Deut.33:12.

3. I confess my sin of laziness, selfishness, greed, and blood-guiltiness. Deliver me O Lord, so

my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness – Psalm 51:1-14.



4. Holy Spirit, endue me with power and wisdom to preach the Gospel with all my strength,

talent, money, and influence in Jesus‟ name, Amen. Acts 1:8.

5. I activate the Spirit of grace and intercession for the salvation of lost souls for Christ -


6. I receive the Power to go out and bring my colleagues, class mates, co-workers, family

mem ers, neigh ours and friends into the kingdom in Jesus‟ mighty name - Luke14:23.

7. I am riding high into the higher places of the world. In Jesus‟ name, I am possessing the

East, West, North and South of this community and country for Christ and His Kingdom

through CGM - Amen. Isaiah 54:3.

8. In Jesus Name I will do exploits for Christ this year. Because I have been anointed with

fresh oil, I will flourish like the palm tree in my ministry in CGM where God has sovereignly

planted me - Ps.92:10-15.

9. Lord of the Harvest, we receive open doors into the four corners of the earth, for willing

laborers, dedicated intercessors and consecrated financiers that are committed to soul-

winning – Mt. 9:38.

10. Father, let the manifestations of CGM e made known to the world in Jesus‟ name. Im ue

our General Overseer and our Ministers with your aroma that will magnetize and arrest

multitudes unto Christ - Amen. (Acts 4:1-4,16)


Proverbs 21:31

The horse has always been a symbol of strength and dignity. From Bible times until now, the

horse has been used in transporting kings and royalty. More importantly, the horse is used at war

fronts, carrying soldiers in their chariots. It is a thing of honour to own or ride on a horse. What

we need to remember however, is that no matter how big or strong a horse is, it can be conquered

in the day of battle. This is why we must put our trust in the Lord and not in horses.

Today, your horse is represented by whatever instrument you work with – your intellect, pen,

car, hands, etc. You must always remember those things in themselves do not make for success.

Victory, success and uplifting come from God alone. While we put in our best in what we do, let

us learn to commit our ways onto God and fully trust him to lead us to our desired higher ground.

Victory is sure!


1. Thank you Father, for giving me victory in every facet of my life. 1Corinthians 15:7

2. Father, I thank you because you bless the works/business of my hands. Deuteronomy


3. Father, because I put my trust in you, I shall not be put to shame. Psalm 71:1

4. I do not rely on the power or might of mere men but on the Spirit of the Lord for victory -

Zechariah 4:6; 1John 5:4.

5. Every mountain efore me shall e made plain as I move on to higher ground in Jesus‟

name - Zechariah 4:7

6. Thank you, Lord because you have made my way perfect - 2 Samuel 22:33.

7. Today, I receive my desired promotion from you, O Lord - Psalm 75:6&7.



8. Thank you Lord for your grace and boldness to ride on in victory from glory to glory

every day of every month of this year in Jesus‟ name.

9. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for answers to your prayers.

Confess: From today, I ride on in victory to my higher ground.