2019 Secondary 2 Outdoor Adventure Camp€¦ · 2019 Secondary 2 Outdoor Adventure Camp Students...

Post on 27-Jun-2020

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Transcript of 2019 Secondary 2 Outdoor Adventure Camp€¦ · 2019 Secondary 2 Outdoor Adventure Camp Students...

2019 Secondary 2Outdoor Adventure Camp

Students going through the water confidence test before kayaking underthe supervision of the experienced teacher-instructors.

This camp has been great. I’m not usually not the kind to go for outdoor activities, but this camp has somehow made me overcome my fear.

This was done through different sorts of activities. For example the High Elements. When I went through it, it was quite scary and was hard to go through. I felt terrified and had goose bumps. However, completing it helped me conquer my fear of heights.

I also enjoyed caving! It was pitch dark and is a challenge that requires teamwork to feel around the surroundings. I had to rely on my other senses to complete the obstacle.

Thank you, instructors, for the great camp. Tania, 213

Students going through the high elements obstacle course. Some of them faced and overcame their fears.

Overall, it was a great experience. I got out of my comfort zone, and this camp boosted my confidence. I feel that if more of such camps were organised, that would be great.

The High Elements was impactful. Many of classmates were fearful. But after completing, there was sense of accomplishment. It also helped me conquer my fear of heights. I hope that everyone in school will get to experience the high elements, so they too will experience a sense of accomplishment, like I did.

Sureya, 203

Students from one of the many groups posing for a photograph!

I feel that this camp is quite memorable. Requires teamwork, and also helps with bonding. During caving, I got stuck in the ball pit. But friends and I tried our best and finally made it through the challenge.

Another activity I enjoyed was kayaking. I was on a three-man kayak. We had to synchronise our paddling. If one did not do properly, the kayak wouldn’t move in the direction where you wanted it to go.

Noel, 212

Students from another group after a night activity, under

the stars!

This is the best camp I have ever experienced so far since primary school. I have been to this exact venue for camp before but this experience was much more memorable.

I managed to really bond better with my friends through the activities, even though we were split from Secondary 1 classes.

I got to understand each of them better especially through the blindfolded walk, where we had to trust the only person was not blindfolded, at the front of the line, to walk around. This taught me a lot about teamwork and built trust between my friends and I.

Another activity that really had an impact on me was the 10km walk to Bedok jetty. One of my classmates felt giddy and walked really slowly, but instead of complaining, all my other friends encouraged her and we all managed to complete the walk despite being super tired and sunburnt too.

This camp has really made our class become even closer and made me feel like I am part of a second family; a feeling I have never felt before with friends .

Nicole, 201