2018 11 FPCA Newsletter review draft

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Transcript of 2018 11 FPCA Newsletter review draft

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

-Psalm 100

November 2018 T

he N



2019 Stewardship 2019 Stewardship 2019 Stewardship 2019 Stewardship

Commitment Sunday is Commitment Sunday is Commitment Sunday is Commitment Sunday is

November 11, 2018November 11, 2018November 11, 2018November 11, 2018

“Finding Faith When Times are Tough” is the theme of our 2019 Stewardship Emphasis Campaign, and many people were moved by Bob Watkins’ testimony on 10/21 describing how he realized that God is truly in control of our lives, even when we don’t recognize it. Many of us have been through tough times in recent years, and have discovered that God is faithful even in the midst of tragedy, heartache and loss. At FPCA, we seek to follow Jesus in order to transform our lives and see our very society transformed as well. With current events revealing the divisions in the fabric of our country, Christians are called to be those who mend hearts, reconcile people, and heal brokenness. Christ’s Church is utterly essential to healing the divisions in our country. Will you support Christ’s kingdom work through FPCA in 2019? Thank you for returning a pledge card to express your prayerful support of the Lord’s mission and ministry at First Presbyterian.

Session votes to move Session votes to move Session votes to move Session votes to move

forward with PILP loan forward with PILP loan forward with PILP loan forward with PILP loan

for flat roofs.for flat roofs.for flat roofs.for flat roofs.

Congregational vote Congregational vote Congregational vote Congregational vote

scheduled for Sunday, scheduled for Sunday, scheduled for Sunday, scheduled for Sunday,

11/18, at noon.11/18, at noon.11/18, at noon.11/18, at noon.

With the severe rains in North Texas, many of you are aware of the leaks in our building and of our desperate need to repair the flat roofs on our building. As we have wrestled with our insurance company over claims for both the shingled and the flat roofs, we have evaluated our immediate needs to move forward. We now know there will be no insurance money for the flat roofs, and little if any for the shingled roofs.

On September 27, because of the immediate need, the Session voted to make a loan request from our

Table of Table of Table of Table of


2019 Stewardship Commitment Sunday is November 11, 2018 .......... 2

Session votes to move forward with PILP loan for flat roofs. Congregational vote scheduled for Sunday, 11/18, at noon. ................... 2

Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner ... 3

Thanksgiving Basket Program ....... 3

Fred Kurz Memorial Fund Scholarship ..................................... 4

Festival of Tables ............................ 5

Children’s Ministry ......................... 6

Youth Ministry ................................ 7

September Finance Update ............ 7

Praise and Prayer Update from Brett and Marla Shideler .......................... 8

Seen Around the Church ................ 9

This Month .................................... 11

Prayer Ministry .............................. 12

Newsletter Team

Talita Gottmann and Tina Paulk Editors

The News is a publication of First Presbyterian Church of Arlington 1200 South Collins Arlington, TX 76010


denomination’s Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program (PILP), who offers excellent terms on loans to its member churches. We just found out (10/25) that they have approved our loan request, pending approval by Grace Presbytery and by our congregation. We have scheduled a congregational meeting for Nov. 18th at noon to vote on the approval for this loan, the collateral for which is our existing building. The congregation must vote on any encumbrance of the property, and that will be done at this congregational meeting.

We have worked hard over the years to avoid long-term loans on our property, but we have little choice in the current situation, and this loan to quickly repair our flat roofs will save us money on additional water damage to our property. We are glad for this opportunity to move forward on a project that needed to be done decades ago.

Further details about the loan, its terms, payments, etc. will be made available at the congregational meeting. Please pray that we are able to repair these roofs in a timely fashion in order to continue God’s kingdom work in the ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Arlington. Praise the Lord for the offer of excellent terms of the loan available to us through PILP, and pray that we also could pay off the loan in a timely fashion. Faithfully yours in Christ, Pastor Rich McDermott

Thanksgiving Fellowship DinnerThanksgiving Fellowship DinnerThanksgiving Fellowship DinnerThanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

Come one, come all to the Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Fellowship Team will provide meat and dessert.

If your last name starts with:

A through G Bring salad

H through O Bring potatoes or dressing

P through Z Bring vegetables

We are also looking for a few friends to help us cook the turkeys. If you are willing to help, please call Isobel Peden at 214-263-6361 for more information. A little assistance in the kitchen would also be greatly appreciated. We will provide any and every kitchen volunteer with a lovely blue apron.

TTTThanksgiving Basket Programhanksgiving Basket Programhanksgiving Basket Programhanksgiving Basket Program

October 21 through November 11 First Presbyterian Church is again joining Arlington Charities in feeding the needy during Thanksgiving. The Mission and Evangelism Team has set a:

225 Baskets Goal

Please sign up outside Fellowship Hall, outside the Chapel, or in the Red Hall. You can sign up as an individual, a family, or a group. After you sign up, please pick up the numbered Basket Sheet with the requested list of food items and the attached envelope for the pie crust and turkey donation.


Turkey & Pie Crust…Donation of $14 (Optional)

Stuffing Mix…1 Package Corn…1 Can

Cranberry Sauce…1 Can Pie Filling…1 Can

Chicken Broth…1 Can Cereal…1 Box

Yams…1 Can Cookies…1 Box or Bag

Fruit…1 Can Tea…1 Box or Jar

Green Beans…1 Can Instant Potatoes…1 Pkg.

Foil Roaster… (Optional)

NEW THIS YEAR! You may bring the food items in your grocery sacks rather than stuffing them in one paper sack. Please make checks payable to Arlington Charities, designated “Thanksgiving 2018.” Please return your Basket Sheet & attached envelope with your food items to the Fellowship Hall by:

Sunday, November 11th

Thanks ~ The Mission and Evangelism Team

Fred Kurz Memorial Fund ScholarshipFred Kurz Memorial Fund ScholarshipFred Kurz Memorial Fund ScholarshipFred Kurz Memorial Fund Scholarship


Festival of TablesFestival of TablesFestival of TablesFestival of Tables


Children’s MinistryChildren’s MinistryChildren’s MinistryChildren’s Ministry

Family Rhythm Check Up

Children's Ministry Dates to Remember

November 2 Kids Night Out from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.


November 4 Luncheon for families with children in 6th grade and younger

November 16 Kids Night Out from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

November 30 Kids Night Out from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Youth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth Ministry

Helping Your Teen Develop a Personal

Devotional Life

Hi there!

Is it a struggle to help your teen develop a personal devotional life? I believe that it’s more important than ever for teens to establish their own life-long spiritual path. If teens can develop healthy spiritual rhythms now, they will be more likely to continue them as they head into adulthood.

Below are a few tips for helping your pre-teen or teen develop their own time with God.

1. Encourage your teen in making their quiet time “real.” Teens today are tired of anything fake. They are faced with pressures, worries, and fears that go beyond what this generation of adults has ever faced. Superficial, surface-y devotionals simply won’t meet their needs. They long for the hard truth, unexpurgated, because that’s what they face every day of their life. Come alongside your teen to help them figure out how to make their time with the Lord effective and purposeful, and time that will help them deal with the pressures of life.

2. Model quiet time with the Lord. Does your pre-teen or teen see you spending time with Jesus? If you aren’t spending time with the Lord, and your teen knows it, they will be quick to brush off your encouragement for them to spend time alone with God. If you don’t spend daily time with Jesus, start now.

3. Steer your pre-teen toward resources that will meet them where they are at. Keep in mind they live in a digital generation. If reading a devotional online will keep them focused and engaged, and if they will do that before reading a hard copy, that’s okay. There are amazing resources out there, including Good Morning Girls and Good Morning Guys—an amazing online Bible study where participants read through the Bible one chapter at a time.

I’m praying for you and your family. Helping your teen develop a personal devotional life is one of the best legacies you can leave, and one they will carry with them into adulthood.

We are in this together!

By: Adrian Rodriguez

SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember Finance UpdateFinance UpdateFinance UpdateFinance Update


Income including funds released: $ 119,546


Expense: $ 95,728

Income - Expense for month: $ 23,818

Income - Expense for 2018 Year to Date: ($ 59,144)


Total Income and Funds Released is over budget for the month by $36,049 and under budget for the year by ($14,831).

Donors - Over budget for the month by $27,975 and under budget for the year by ($51,432).

Temporarily Restricted Funds Used – $11,248.

Total Expenses – Over budget for the month by $4,013 and over for the year by $31,642.

Praise and Prayer Update from Brett and Praise and Prayer Update from Brett and Praise and Prayer Update from Brett and Praise and Prayer Update from Brett and

Marla ShidelerMarla ShidelerMarla ShidelerMarla Shideler

Technology; and more on milestone


Last month we told you about the impact that increased collaboration has made on better determining how many language communities are still waiting to gain access to God’s Word in the language they understand best. This month we want to tell you about another aspect of Bible translation. Mission Frontiers devoted most of their September-October 2018 issue to Wycliffe Bible Translators, with articles on how translation is expanding Bible translation in efficiency, extent, and flexibility.

These articles deal with matters dear to our hearts as the members we serve in our roles on the Care Team are involved in areas mentioned in every article of this issue of Mission Frontiers.

This month we’re praising God for…

• Brett’s time at the Sept Global Member Care Conference in Quito was just as full, busy, challenging, and beneficial as he thought it would be. Praise God with us for all he learned, for the connections he made, for uneventful travel and good health, for information learned that he continues to process as it relates to serving members of Wycliffe USA.

• For the ongoing ministry of the Wycliffe USA members that Marla serves. Two members have faced particularly challenging times. One returned last week to Africa, and one will return later this month to the Pacific islands area. Marla’s heart sings with joy every time she clears a member to “return to field”!

• Our very faithful ministry partners! Your prayer and financial partnership allows us to continue serving with Wycliffe. We are deeply grateful!


If you’d like to pray for us, here’s what’s on our hearts this month…

• Brett will be traveling once again as he represents Wycliffe USA at the “sixteen: fifteen Mission Agency Consultation: Engaging the Church, Pursuing the Nations” conference in Albuquerque from 17-19 October. Please pray God would empower him in every way as he represents Wycliffe and engages with fellow conference attendees.

• Pray Marla would balance her responsibilities well, especially during Brett’s absence.

• Marla’s dad arrives in Washington today, Tuesday, 2 October. This will be the first time he’s seen the house since our initial move in. While his schedule is a bit fragmented over the next month, pray he will begin settling well into his new home in Washington state.

Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89 (NIV)

Seen Around the ChurchSeen Around the ChurchSeen Around the ChurchSeen Around the Church

Thanks for those who supported the Walk to End Alzheimer’s October 6

Thanks to the Cater Junior High School Choir for the entertainment at the Mission Possible Dinner October 13


All Nations Dinner October 20


This MonthThis MonthThis MonthThis Month

Bible Studies Men’s Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study group meets every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. in the parlor. Men of all ages meet and enjoy great fellowship and a prayer session. All men are invited to join this study.

Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Monday Night Bible will meet on Monday, November 19, in the parlor.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Men and women of all ages are invited to meet in the Bride’s Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m.

Music Ministries Chancel Choir

This is the primary worship leadership ensemble for the 11:00 service. The choir also sings for special services around Christmas and Holy Week. It is more than just a great choir, it is a caring fellowship. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Nursery care is provided during rehearsals.

Ring of Praise Handbell Ensemble

This intergenerational handbell group rehearses Wednesday evenings from 6:15 until 7:15 p.m. If you are interested in ringing, please contact Russell Farnell (fpcamusic@yahoo.com or 817-274-8286).

Agape (Youth) Choir

During the school year, this group of youth in grades 6 to 12 meets on Sunday, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., in the choir room.

Children’s Music Ministries

The children’s choirs meet from 12:45 to 1:45 p.m. on Sundays during the school year. Children ages 4 (when school starts) through grade 5 participate in activities including music/singing and bells/chimes, instruments, and listening activities. There are two sections, divided by age, and both participate in the 11:00 worship service twice per year, usually in December and April.

Church Leadership

Deacon Meeting

Thursday, December 6, at 6:00 p.m., the Diaconate meets in the parlor to oversee the Congregational Care, Facilities, Hospitality, and Fellowship ministries.

Team Meeting Night

Thursday, November 8, at 6:45 p.m., all teams meet for worship in the chapel with subsequent gathering into respective teams for ministry planning and coordination.

Session Meeting

Thursday, November 29, at 7:00 p.m., the Session meets in the parlor to oversee the ministry of the church. The work of the Diaconate, church administration, and all Discipleship, Worship, Facility Management, and Mission and Evangelism ministries will be discussed.

Discipleship Library Team

The library team works the first Wednesday of each month, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Anyone interested is welcome. No particular skill is required, the work is easy, and we always have a good time as we process books to be added to our inventory. If you would like to be involved in library work but cannot come at that evening time, please contact Sandy Thomlinson and special daytime work sessions can be arranged.


Happy Quilters

This group meets Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. to quilt, sew, knit, crochet, embroider, and just enjoy being together. Bring your project and join in!

Saints Alive!

Church seniors will meet for a potluck lunch on Thursday, November 15, at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a casserole, salad, or dessert and enjoy a fun and interesting afternoon.

Contact Bev Koch (817-261-3202) for details.

First Presbyterian Church 1200 S. Collins Street Arlington, TX 76010

Deadline for the December issue of The News is November 15!

PrayerPrayerPrayerPrayer MinistryMinistryMinistryMinistry

Prayers for those with health and other concerns: Esther Albright, Richard Ankele, Elaine Bahn, Jack Bos, Shirley Bragg, James (Andrew) Bridges, Kevin Chin, Frank Coburn, Edna Collins, Lee Carol Copeland, Mike Copeland, Michael Deardorff, Laura, Moses and Abe Duffney, Neal Estes, Don Farrell, Bobbie Fowler, Tom Fowler, Joe and Lila Glenn, Jack Gray, Andrew Hydock, Tim Karnes, Pat May, J. Fred Miller, Allen Miller, Barbara Mooers, Ruth Moore, Cosme Pacot, J.D. Paulk, Bill and Sue Perry, John Pittman, Nita Price, Jim L. Quick, Marcia Rober, Al Smithson, Kyle Terwilliger, Donna Vickers, Nancy Welborne, Richard Whitenight, Karl Winter, Mary Jane Wright.

Prayers for our family serving in the armed forces: Ben Boughton, Riley Curnutt, Austin Curran, James Dailey, Eric Dill, Jeff Grimes, Nathan Haerer, Damien King, Mike Manci, Amie Murtha, Jack Murtha, Stephen O’Neil Sosa, Colin Peden, Jason Polk, Ryan Powell, Ryan Regalado, Christopher Young, Robbie Wallace.

Pray for our homebound members.

Pray for those who do not know Christ!

Please contact Pastor Rich McDermott at the church office at 817-274-8286. For questions about specific concerns listed above, please contact Juanice Young at juanicey@gmail.com or 817-794-5626.