2016.12.05 management meeting

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 2016.12.05 management meeting

Learning organizations 2.0

10 tips for success

1. You have a responsibility to the program not for the program

“A vision not shared is a hallucination”

2. Move the big rocks

3. Involve others as early as possible

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”-African proverb

4. Be trustworthy, not just factual

“Trust is like the air we breathe. When it’s present, nobody really notices. But when it’s absent, everyone notices” – Warren Buffet

5. Build your communication network

6. Build your personal learning network

7. Be clear with your values

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are” -Roy Disney

8. Increase the density of connections

9. Bend, don’t break

“The best is the enemy of the good” - Voltaire

The ABC's of REBT

10. Be a moon

“The unexamined life is not worth living” -Socrates
