2016 World Day of Prayer Report USA Western Territory World Day of Prayer Report USA Western...

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Transcript of 2016 World Day of Prayer Report USA Western Territory World Day of Prayer Report USA Western...

Division Corps And Centers Participated

Participation By Salvationists

Attendance In SA Facility

Alaska 19 107 292


Cascade 12 120 165

CFOT 2 5 30

Del Oro 15 20 265

Golden State 21 569 569

Hawaii Pacific Islands 11 126 1761

Intermountain 20 81 317

Northwest 17 52 261

Sierra Del Mar 13 58 278

Southern California 31 501 1587

Southwest 30 274 459

THQ 1 --- 58

TOTALS 192 1913 6042

Included in Southern California Division

2016 World Day of Prayer ReportUSA Western Territory

Cuba, March 4, 2016World Day of Prayer


Homer held their WDOP program during Women’s Ministries. Lt. Christin Fankhauser shared background on WDOP and this year’s country of Cuba. Lt. Christin also shared on some of the work of The Salvation Army in Cuba. We had a devotional on Mark 10: 13-16 and talked about the artwork “Origamis de Paz y Esperanza” by Cuban artist Sandro de la Rosa. The theme was “Receive Children, Receive Me” and the artwork featured a young Cuban girl holding an origami peace crane. The WDOP program materials included instructions for origami. Lt. Christin asked Lt. Caleb Fankhauser, her resident origamist, to be a special guest and showed the Home League ladies how to make peace cranes. We spent time in prayer for the people of Cuba, the world’s children, and for those who have not yet received Christ as Savior. We prayed for peace and salvation for all of God’s children.

Mat-Su Valley spent much time preparing for this in study, decorating (sorry we forgot pictures), and in making Cuban style food to share. We had our first WDOP during our Home League meeting on Thursday. When the day arrived I stepped back into the background and one of our young ladies in leadership training ran the program and taught about WDOP, Cuba and gave the women an opportunity to ask questions and we ended our time going around the room with specific prayer points for Cuba and its people. She did a fantabulous job! When Sunday came around she again (in a shorter time) shared with the youth Sunday School class and the youth went around the room and prayed specific prayers for Cuba and its people.

Fairbanks took a collection with donations going to the Territorial Women’s Ministries Projects.


Boise Corps was creative in their observance of WDOP. They chose to observe this important prayer event during their Sunday Worship service by breaking into small groups to pray after the congregation viewed a Power Point presentation on Cuba. Even the children joined in praying for Cuba!

Caldwell Corps is busy training the next generation of prayer warriors. Priceless! Caldwell set up 5-6 prayer stations and invited their church family to come early and participate in their WDOP meeting. The children you see below are Caldwell’s Sunday school bunch. Instead of Sunday school Bible class and corps cadets, they participated in the prayer meeting. Caldwell had 29 total for the meeting.



Eugene Corps had 8 prayer warriors gather at their Corps to pray for the people and country of Cuba.

Newport Corps joined with other churches in their community to pray for the country of Cuba.

The Medford Corps and Grants Pass Corps came together for the Women’s World Day of Prayer. There were 4 from Grants Pass and 9 from Medford for this prayer gathering. They had a great time praying together. The prayer meeting was followed by a luncheon and wonderful fellowship. It is the beginning of getting together for the two corps and having fellowship with one another. Wonderful!

Portland Moore Street & Portland Tabernacle joined together for their WDOP observances. Their numbers we small (5), but their time in prayer was powerful. They spent time together praying, confessing, petitioning, thanksgiving and interceding. What a powerful time! Everyone attending left with the following prayer guide:

Roseburg Corps women gathered together and watched the movie “War Room”. It was a great way to start out their time of prayer for the women of Cuba.

Springfield Corps reports they had a very powerful time of prayer during their HL meeting. The women joined their hearts together through prayer as they prayed for their sisters in Cuba. The Dalles Corps held a WDOP worship/prayer service. They took advantage of the wonderful material provided on Cuba and created four prayer boards – great visuals! The prayer boards will be left up for one month for others to view and as reminders to continue to pray for Cuba. DEL ORO DIVISION

Concord Corps: We attended a WDOP service hosted at a Methodist Church in Walnut Creek. It was sponsored by Church Women United. I've attended 2 other WDOP services since coming to Concord and found them to be very solemn and inspiring times of devout prayer and praise to the Lord for His continued goodness. However, on this occasion, I was a bit taken back by the opening prayer which began with 'Dear Mother, Father God'. I was tempted to walk out at that point, but chose to stay only because I didn't want those attending to think that the Army didn't care to stay for the prayer meeting.

Throughout the service there was little to no prayer offered on behalf of Cuba, none of the prepared material was shared and what prayer there was never given in Jesus' name. It was very disappointing to say the least. I'm not sure if it was simply that the people involved in the program were trying to 'politically correct; or if they really feel that they're praying to Mother God. As I said, it's not been like this in the other services I've attended.

I do feel it appropriate to write the Vice President of CWU in this area, she was one who participated in the program, and let her know of my concern in manipulating the gender of God. It's not Biblically correct and was honestly offensive to me and my Mother who also attended the service. Not to mention, there was very little prayer offered for the children of Cuba which is what the day was to be about.

Prior to the service, I told the CWU Vice President of this local unit, that they're welcome to have next year's program at our corps. But now I feel it best to tell them that we will simply host our own service, which they're welcome to attend, however, CWU business would have to be handled during a meeting other than the WDOP event that we will sponsor and that we will be responsible for outlining the program as well

Submitted by Major Linda Madsen - Corps Officer - Concord, CA

Chico Corps: The Home League ladies made prayer stations. The congregation used the prayer stations on Sunday following the World Day of Prayer

Napa Corps: We partnered with Church Women United and conducted the meeting at the Chapel of The Meadow.

Oakland Garden Center: Every Friday we have Friday Night Live that begins with a time of fellowship and nachos! This is followed by a worship service for adults and youth programs for the children. Following the worship service, men and women break off into recovery support groups. For the World

Day of Prayer following our time of praise and worship, we did a prayer walk around different stations set up on the chapel. At each station there was a memento to remind us to continue praying throughout the year such as the white ribbon for the WRAP program, toy soldiers for our country and service men and women, and a lanyard to end human trafficking just to name a few of the nine stations that included our worldwide service as well. GOLDEN STATE DIVISION San Francisco Kroc: We used scripted materials sent from the Church Women United. We had a time of learning the music and then went into the program. Offering was taken for both the lunch that was served and for supporting Church Women United. We had wonderful time of fellowship and we are glad we went. South of Market: We had Amelia Jones, accepted Candidate, share a short presentation about the World Day of Prayer and then several Prayer requests. After that the congregation spent time in prayer during our Sunday Service. Ridgecrest: We combined the World Day of Prayer with a fundraiser. We originally wanted to have a Valentine’s Day fundraiser but many ladies thought it needed more purpose. So, we sold baked goods at 6 locations around our city. Several ladies remained at the Corps and prayed in our prayer room, where they prayed for our Corps and community, ministries in other countries, poverty, and human trafficking. However, several ladies felt called to pray at our baked good locations. They even prayed with customers and passersby. This prayer event and fundraiser was very successful. We raised $1200 for Women’s Ministries Territorial Project Goal! San Francisco Mission: We meet in our small groups on Friday nights. Each small group spent their time on this day in prayer for Cuba and to talk about we can do to help others. Los Banos: During our morning devotion, we focused on the Women of Cuba. Lt. Felicia Grant shared the struggle the women faced and encouraged the congregation to include them in their prayers. We also shared our similarities in that many grandparents are raising kids to love the Lord. Santa Clara: We provided space in our Chapel for individuals to come in and pray during their lunch. Several from San Jose Temple joined on that day as well. Lighthouse: The San Francisco Lighthouse and the Harbor Light Center had three prayer stations setup in our Chapel. The chapel was open throughout the World Day of Prayer on a drop-in basis. We also had a special World Day of Prayer time in our regular Friday evening meeting, as well, as at our Children’s Chapel on Thursday afternoon. Those attending could take bookmarks, mini Cuban flags, or prayer action guides to remind them to keep praying. Salinas: We had a special time of prayer during our Sunday Holiness meeting. Pictures of Cuba were shown and information from the given resources were told to the congregation members. There was a time for individuals to pray over Cuba. Visalia: We held a small gathering of women who spent the time in Prayer for our nation. Gilroy: We met for prayer in late afternoon and then we had dinner and continued a prayer meeting until 8pm. When we dismissed we agreed to go to our homes and continue to pray with our families. South San Francisco: The World Day of Prayer was observed in the capacity of our weekly Bible Study. Instead of the usual Bible study, the material was shared and discussed and a prayer meeting was held afterwards. This was a big deal for those at our corps, as corporate prayer is something that

we are trying to make an integral part of our ministry and interaction with each other. At this point however, our congregants are generally very uncomfortable with praying together and/or out loud. It was a time that stretched many people and blessed each of them. San Jose Temple: Our corps held a prayer session in two classrooms. There were seven prayer stations that were set up for participants to approach and pray over. Some of these stations involved an action first and then praying. It was a very powerful time as there were some tears and passion. Bakersfield: The Bakersfield Corps celebrated World Day of Prayer as a family event. Along with a healthy, nutritious dinner we presented many facts and statistical information on the needs of the people in Cuba to help assist in prayer. Focusing our attention on the passage from Mark 10:13-16, “Let the little children come to me,” families /single persons were invited to pray for the men, women, and children of Cuba. We presented Cuba’s flag, state flower, state bird and rich history along with various animals only found in Cuba. There was also a simple origami craft, Cuba’s state flower, “Flower Lily”- for those who chose to participate. All in all the event was very successful! Merced: For World Day of Prayer our Corps chose to create five stations where the participants could focus on a different topic to pray about. Our pray stations included: Cuba, the community, Family and Friends, the Salvation Army, and the individual. We also had our church decorate with a Cuba Theme and our dinner included traditional Cuban hot dogs and food. We received good feedback on this night, as many had a great connection with God as they participated in all the prayer stations. Merced Photos:

San Jose Temple Pictures:








HAWAIIAN & PACIFIC ISLANDS The women from the Assembly of God & Full Gospel Church would like to meet with members from the Arno Corps early next year to allow enough time to help plan a combined event with The Salvation Army so more of their women could attend. The Girl Guards from Arno Corps came to the event and participated in the reading part of the program. The fellowship time began when the Arno Home League sand and presented a “construction worker’s” skit. Everyone enjoyed the meeting together and felt encouraged and loved by each other. The Ebeye Corps contributed 500 cupcakes, 500 waters and 150 small dinner plates consisting of half quarter leg of chicken, sashimi, rice and cabbage salad. All attendees were thankful that they were a part of the service, as it gave them great joy and praise. A/Captain Daisey Reiher’s daughter, Darlynn, was assigned a reading part in the program. She said, “Being a young reader was scary at first during the practice, but during the service it was like I was sharing a Devotion.” Kahului Corps ladies held a prayer time and devotion during their Women’s Ministry meeting on March 3, 2016 and they had a 24 Hour prayer coverage for March 4, 2016 with members of the Corps who signed up to pray. Kaneohe Corps held a Home League meeting at the Lani Huli Apartment Complex on March 28, 2016. They used the program outline for WDOP and the women participated in readings. They sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children” and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. They had a wonderful time of discussion and prayer for Cuba. How fitting was this Service in follow up of the President of the US visiting Cuba. Rita Corps women prepared food for 250 boxed dinners. The fish and chicken were barbecued, the rice cooked, the oranges sliced and the salad made. Several of the women said it was good to learn and understand how the women in Cuba live and some of the problems they face. They learned about the theme of praying for women and what that means. There was singing and dancing provided by members from each participating Church. Contributing Corps: Arno Arno Kahului Corps Ebeye Corps Kaneohe Corps Imiej Corps Laura Corps Inne Corps Narmiej Corps Jabor Corps Rita Corps Jaluit Corps

INTERMOUNTAIN DIVISION The Casper Corps attended the community-wide World Day of Prayer service where over 1,000 people gathered to pray. Cheyenne held a very powerful prayer meeting with 15 people from the Corps. They used the slide show and resources provided and the group loved praying for Cuba. Participants at the Colorado Springs Corps service read the 4 narratives and acted out the prayers. Twenty people attended the service. Fountain Valley Corps held two days of prayer – one on Friday with their youth group and one on Sunday with the congregation. Youth leaders took 3-4 children each to the 11 stations and prayed with them. The Sunday service allowed individuals or families to travel to the stations and pray for the person or event at each station. The congregation really enjoyed praying in that environment. Pueblo held a service for children and one for adults. The materials provided were used to better understand the people and culture of Cuba and how to pray for them. A Cuban lunch was served following the services. Salt Lake City provided lunch for 15 people. Soft instrumental music played, candles were lit, and there was a time of prayer for 6 issues affecting children. Six index cards were given to individuals to write their prayer requests and the cards were placed in a basket and people could pray for them. Denver Metro Corps held a combined service with officers and congregation members participating in various roles. Attendance was about 200 people and lunch was served following the service. DHQ staff celebrated the WDOP service on their Chapel day. Pictures from the Pueblo Corps

SIERRA DEL MAR DIVISION Hemet Corps: We held a prayer service in the evening. We set up the chapel with 6 prayer stations which included: prayer for our country, family, community, corps, ourselves, and our military. We had a total of 12 people show up for prayer. It lasted an hour and 6 of us were Salvationists. At the same time in the fellowship hall, our troops program were also doing a prayer walk with Miss Denise. They also had 6 prayer stations, ending at the cross where they knelt and prayed for their loved ones. There was 11 people and 3 were Salvationists. Riverside Corps: This year’s event was actually hosted by Christian Women United with an attendance of 20+ folks 3 of which were Salvationists. Chula Vista Corps: Our WDOP event was sponsored by the women of the corps and we had 55 attendees and 15 Salvationist and 3 new enrollees into our women’s group following the prayer meeting. Victor Valley: My women's ministry ladies participated with a women's group from The Friendly Temple Church. There were 10 of us that participated with them. SD Kroc Center: We had 3 prayer venues, and a time of bible study that was shared with Salvationists, members and staff throughout the campus. Redlands:




Anaheim Temple: On Thursday March 3, Anaheim Temple Corps celebrated the World Day of Prayer. During this special service, we had time to learn about the Cuban culture, traditions and how The Salvation Army is actively working to share God’s love. It is a true blessing for the Corps to learn about these countries in need. For the praying time, the congregation was separated in groups and each group was assigned a topic to pray for about 30 minutes. Major Mercedes also gave us a reflection study and asked the congregation to continue praying for the Cuban country.

Antelope Valley: In observance of World Day of Prayer, the Antelope Valley Corps combined our Thursday Bible study with World Day of Prayer. We prayed over one another, our community, our country, and our world.

Compton: We celebrated this day by praying for Cuba and also for one another, then we had a movie night where we saw “War Room”. We had refreshments and we concluded with a short devotional and prayer.

East Los Angeles Temple: East Los Angeles Temple had 2 meetings concerning the need that exists in the country of Cuba. One of our meetings was on March 4, 2016 when we emphasized all the information that you provided to us and shared it with our soldiers and guests and took the time to pray for all the needs. Our group of women in the Home League were preparing a drama to present at the prayer meeting, which presented the history of that country, its culture and above all the great need for them to know the gospel of God's love and the hope that is in Jesus Christ. We were so happy and blessed to participate in this World Day of Prayer and forgiveness of God. We were also praying for the children who are exploited and abused, that God through Jesus Christ gives us hope and opportunity so all these children can experience another kind of life. East Los Angeles Temple will continue to pray for all these needs. May God continue to bless.

Glendale: The Glendale Corps invited Captain Moy Hernandez from the ARC Command to preach on the topic of prayer and lead prayer specifically for Cuba. Captain Hernandez is a Cuban native and narrated through the THQ supplied photos, some of which depicted his childhood home and corps.

Long Beach Citadel: The Long Beach Corps had a united women’s meeting with Long Beach Temple on Friday, March 4th and we prayed for not only the various needs of the women and families represented, but also for the needs of the community and the larger Army world, based on the prayer bulletin sent out by THQ.

Los Angeles Central:

Oxnard Corps: We had our WDOP at the Corps. We had a time of worship and scripture reading. It was wonderful to have the women, men, and children come together and lift their voices in prayer and intercession. Afterwards, we shared some coffee and bread together.

San Gabriel Corps:

Santa Barbara: On March 6th we had a special prayer meeting where we had a time of prayer and worship as we participated in the World Day of Prayer initiative. The praise team had music selected to this theme and one of our soldiers volunteered to lead this special prayer time. For approximately 8 minutes our congregation members lifted their voices as they prayed for:

- Christians all around

- Our country and the upcoming election

- Local government

- The Salvation Army and our leaders

- Santa Barbara Corps – congregation, children and growth

- Our friends and family who are sick and/or recovering from illnesses

Santa Clarita Valley Corps: Eight women of the Santa Clarita Valley Corps gathered during our Home League / Women's Ministry time to FOCUS on the World Day of Prayer. Our program included "Receive Children, Receive Me" as prepared by the Christian women of Cuba. (Mark 10:16) We were encouraged to be Godly and wholesome wives and mothers. Envoy Laura Bloom presented a devotional "We need Feelings" 2 Cor. 4:16-17and "Are you at the end of your rope?" James 1:2-7. We enjoyed a simple lunch and fellowship then invested the remainder of our time to a specific time of prayer. Interceding for our families, our Corps, The Salvation Army and its leaders, our community and the world.

Santa Fe Springs Corps: The SFS women's group celebrated World Day of Prayer with a special program that included a presentation about the life of children and women in Cuba. We also had a beautiful devotional focused on respect and consideration we all deserve as children of God, especially those who are most disadvantaged due the lack of resources and opportunities.

We have placed three petitions of prayer to God, as follows:

1. May God bring a spiritual revival in that area of the world to break chains of false traditions and occultism

2. May God give strength and wisdom to ministers, churches and believers in Cuba, for the gospel to be spread throughout the island.

3. May God provide food and resources for all families experiencing difficulties due to the economic needs.

We pray that everything on the island be developed under the perfect will of God.

Santa Maria: We observed World Day of Prayer on March 9, 2016 by having a bilingual prayer service. We had both English speaking and Spanish speaking congregations share a moment of prayer. It was wonderful to see English speaking and Spanish speaking brothers and sisters pray together. Although they could not understand each other’s prayers, there was a sense of unity and solidarity when praying to the same God.

Santa Monica: We honored the day of prayer with prayer stations and a time of meditation for our world leaders, local leaders, and community at large.

Southeast Communities: Southeast Communities Corps united all programs in prayer for our communities, our country, for the salvation of the unreached and many other causes but in specific for the ministry, children, men and women in Cuba. The World Day of Prayer began a week prior to March 4, 2016. The men and women that attend our hot meals program spent time in prayer for this cause before their meal, the Home League ladies and youth set-up prayer stations in one of our rooms. Our corps members had the access to this room throughout the week to offer an hour to pray 24/7. The opportunity of prayer was also given during the worship meetings that are being held in our corps member’s houses. On March 3 and 4, the corps held a vigil lifting up voices in prayer and intersession to our Lord God Almighty. This vigil ended at 3:00 am. It was beautiful to see God’s hand at work in the lives of people of all ages. We thank God for this wonderful time He allowed us to be submerged in His presence and we rejoice in His promises. On Sunday, March 6, 2016, the prayer continued throughout the Holiness meeting.

Tustin Ranch:

CFOT: CFOT Women’s Ministry observed “World Day of Prayer” during our women’s luncheon, on Wednesday, March 02, 2016. Our program included the short version of the skit, a prayer station, slide show of what the Army is doing in Cuba, and our CFOT children made prayer cards for cadets, officers and staff to pray over them. Tables were decorated with Cuban decorations and children’s prayer cards. The prayer station had an island theme. We laid a fish net on a trifold poster board, laid seashells and sea sponge, and we also laid a tan table cloth on the table to give it a sandy look to it. People tied ribbons on the fishing net to symbolize the children’s prayer that was prayed on. A few cadets and one CFOT officer presented the skit. We had four cadets who played Cuban women dressed with authentic Cuban clothes while the rest were in Salvation Army uniforms. In addition, our culinary cooks prepared us a traditional lunch that included; fish tacos, beans, rice and chips and salsa. Our program was a success.

DHQ: DHQ/THQ/ARCC participated in a combined service in the THQ Chapel. Major Doreen Freeman and ladies from DHQ’s Women’s Ministries department participated in a presentation representing different generations of women and their culture within Cuba. Pictures of Cuba were shown and a devotional thought and statistics were provided.



Captain Nolan: Welcome to our World Day of Prayer service, prepared this year by Christian women of Cuba. The women of Cuba welcome you to this service of celebration. Today we join with them and others across the world as we meet to celebrate this special day. As part of God’s world-wide family we are invited to ‘Receive children. Receive me’.

Juana (Cadet Butler) (an older woman, carrying a Bible). My name is Juana. I bring the Word of God. Like many Christian women of my generation we have kept the faith despite discrimination against us for believing in God and for gathering in worship. We have passed the word of God to our grandchildren. Through us, they have learned that God loves them and have come to believe in him. We have kept our churches open even when just a few came to worship. We are the living stones – foundation for our hope. We are women who have experienced pain and resistance, but also joy, for we see how truth flourishes. The Word of God is received with gladness by our people. Praise be to God! (She places the bible on the table)

Yamilka (Cadet Howard) (an adult woman carrying a kitchen bowl full of provisions). My name is Yamilka. I am a woman who has multiple roles: my job, my church and my family. I bring in the fruits of the earth because women of my generation are responsible for cooking creatively for our families every day. A traditional Cuban dish is the ajiaco, a tasty soup made of the different foods we cultivate: yucca, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, malango root, plantain and corn. Every food gives its own flavour, producing a new flavour altogether. It reflects our life. (She places the bowl of provisions on the table)

Silviana (Ms. Amelia) (second adult woman carrying a large diary or phone). Cuban women are diverse: medical doctors, architects, teachers, builders, engineers, musicians, pastors, hairdressers, farmers, businesswomen and more. We are united by our creativity as we feed and care for our families in the struggle for survival, and by the contribution we make to society through our wisdom

Yamilka/Siviana (Cadet Howard/Ms. Amelia) (together). We give daily life its flavour Praise be to God!

Liudmila (Cadet Perfecta) (a young woman carrying a candle). My name is Liudmila. Since I was little I have listened to bible stories that my grandmother Juana told me. I used to go to church with her, to different activities and to the holiday bible club held every summer. I try to follow her example. I represent young women of my generation who long to illuminate the darkness. In spite of my university education, I do not earn enough to meet all the needs of my family. We have suffered an economic crisis for years and emigration is dimishing our generation; many of my friends are living abroad. Every departure increases my feeling of solitude and frustration. However, I trust that my generation will be a promising light in the future of our country and that our children will have the right to enjoy this wonderful land that God has given us. Praise be to God! (She places the candle on the table). Now I invite you to greet each other as we do in Cuba; either a kiss on the cheek and a hug, or shaking hands and we say:

Buenas tardes! (After 12 noon)


Captain Nolan: God of Life, present in all generations, we come as your children. We ask you to receive us today and to inspire this celebration. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen



Reader 1 (Cadet Faith) A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt around his loins. ...On that day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples: the nations shall inquire of him, and his dwelling shall be glorious.


Captain Nolan: Like the butterfly jasmine flower which grows along the brooks, needing fresh water in order to show its beauty, we too need God’s love and wisdom flowing through us like streams of living water. We confess that we have not always been open to receiving your love and ask your forgiveness

All: Spirit of Life, hear us and give us hope, strength and love

Capt. Nolan: Lord, we confess that when we deny children opportunities to participate in our churches, families and society we do the same to you.

Liudmila: Help us to learn from children not to discriminate, but to receive each other and to seek reconciliation in our communities

Capt. Nolan: We recognise that we do not always reflect the joy of children: nor do we celebrate God’s generosity with the diversity of his creation

All: Spirit of Life, forgive us and give us hope, strength and love

Capt. Nolan: Forgive us when we do not create a genuine space for dialogue among different generations, giving room for mistrust and power conflicts that hurt our relationships

Juana (Cadet Butler): We recognise that we did not lift up our voices sufficiently to denounce an injustice like the economic blockade that has affected the Cuban people for more than 50 years, thus endangering our children’s health and growth

Capt. Nolan: Forgive us when we do not acknowledge daily violence against women, children and the elderly – in the home, at work, in social settings or at church.

All: Spirit of Life, free us and give us hope, strength and love.

Capt. Nolan: We recognise our responsibility in building up walls that prevent us being a loving community and stifle our faith and hope

All: Spirit of Life, transform us and give us hope, strength and love


All: Glory and praise to you O Christ, you are the Word of God.


Reader 2 (Cadet Romero): People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me: do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.

All: We are your children, part of your beloved creation and have a place in your heart. Help us: to speak kindly and to be a forgiving community, to accept every human being as unique and worthy to God, to keep the hope in a future of justice and peace, to receive children in order that they are able to dream, laugh, dance and love without discrimination. Receive us in the name of the one who taught us to pray the Lord’s Prayer:

All: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Capt. Nolan: Let us go into the world with hearts full of the tenderness of children, the hope of God’s kingdom and the knowledge that ‘As you receive children, you receive me’


Capt. Nolan: God blesses us and sends us to receive the children with prayer, faith, perseverance, commitment and joy. At each day’s dawn, we receive the blessing and welcome the mission of caring and celebrating the miracle of inspiring all life, in prayer. Voice of women, your light gathers us and invites us to receive life. We receive Jesus.

Cadet Howard/Weeden: Please visit the prayer table and take the time to pray for our children here at CFOT, pray for your family, CFOT family, pray for our communities, pray for our leaders and prayer for anything else that is on your mind. After praying, place a piece of yarn on the net to symbolize your prayer.