2016 Teacher Directory By Location Name Phone Email Seijaku CANADA, Ontario Guelph Slavin, Ruth...

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Transcript of 2016 Teacher Directory By Location Name Phone Email Seijaku CANADA, Ontario Guelph Slavin, Ruth...

2016 Teacher Directory By Location

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Alberta

Calgary Mohr, Faye Rose-Marie 403-290-1191 Yes

Edmonton Bowman, Yvette 780-441-3911 Yes

Edmonton Bureau, Louise 780-434-2035 vitalspark@shaw.ca Yes

Edmonton Carpenter, Margo 780-901-0714 MargoCarpenter@gmail.com Yes

Edmonton Henley, Garret 780-439-6050 garret6981@gmail.com Yes

Edmonton Terriff, Gail 780-430-6594 tai_chi_chih_edmonton@hotmail.com Yes

Edmonton Wan, Max 780-438-3618 maxwan@shaw.ca Yes

Edmonton Zujewskyj, Tamara 780-438-3061 tamaraz@ualberta.net Yes

Morinville Purves, Maureen 780-939-7140 jimandmaureen@shaw.ca Yes

Red Deer Broome, Lois 780-795-2121 teralo@telusplanet.net yes

Sherwood Park Hoffmeyer, Chery Ann 780-467-8701 chaiholistichealth@shaw.ca Yes

St. Paul Keith, Leslie 780-645-2162 lllfarm@mcsnet.ca Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, British Columbia

Black Creek Moncey, Anna 250-337-8820 maggieamm@telus.net

Bowen Island van der Giessen, Matthew 778-952-3757 matthew.vandergiessen@gmail.com

Comox Honeychurch, Robynn 250-339-2415 ironfire@telus.net

Duncan Kobewka, Lynn & Ken 250-746-8480 raven@ravenworks.com Yes

Salt Spring Island Manuck, Teresa 250-653-9882 manuck@shaw.ca Yes

South Surrey Samson, Jocelyn 604-936-5529 jocelynsamson1@hotmail.com Yes

Victoria Biram, Olive & Stan 250-479-2675

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, British Columbia

Victoria Buchwald, Guadalupe 250-385-6748 gbuchwald@shaw.ca Yes

Victoria Shaw-Ringham, J. Lynn 250-592-9058 Yes

Victoria Stirling, Aurelie 250-380-3075

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Manitoba

Winnipeg Dumont, Lorraine 204-233-9650 tcc.ldumont@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander Dingwell-McCarthy, Karen 709-256-8486

St. John's Leonard PBVM, Sheila 709-727-7863 sheilaleonard@nf.sympatico.ca Yes

St. John's Metcalfe, Cynthia 709-722-6640 cynthiametcalfe@warp.nfld.net

St. John's O'Donnell, Carolyn 709-754-3632 carolynodonnell@bellaliant.net

St. John's Stafford, Toni 709-576-4505 stafford@mun.ca

Stephenville MacNeil, Allan 709-649-1224 synergyqi@yahoo.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Nova Scotia

Tatamagouche Higdon, Nelson 902-657-3047 nelsonhigdon@live.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

CANADA, Ontario

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

CANADA, Ontario

Guelph Slavin, Ruth 519-822-9637 ruthslavin@sympatico.ca

Kingston Gervais, Bill 613-389-4092

Kingston Lauersen, Janet 613-634-1487 janetlauersen1@gmail.com

Kingston Morrell, SP, Sr. Kathleen 613-544-4525 sr.kay.morrell@providence.ca Yes

Kingston Schafhauser, Joan 613-547-4850

Peterborough Beneteau, Monique 705-749-3442 Yes

St. Marys Vermond, Nancy 519-284-2698 nvermond@sympatico.ca

Toronto Alexandroff, Rochelle 647-345-6477

Toronto Fish, OSU, Margot 416-603-0796 margotoriginals@rogers.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Quebec

Montreal - Nord Cirino, Denise 514-327-7045 Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Canada, Saskatchewan

Christopher Lake Gill, Byron br.gill@skvelocity.ca yes

Dorintosh Aldous, Donna 306-236-7113 dmaldous@sasktel.net Yes

Humboldt Toye, Wendy 306-682-5194 dwtoye@sasktel.net

Manitou Beach Paice, Lidia 306-946-2707 harmonyhouse@sasktel.net

Moose Jaw Beth, Rita 306-691-2719 ritabeth1952@gmail.com Yes

Moose Jaw Hall-Nestman, Jackie 306-694-0749 jackieannhall@hotmail.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

Costa Rica,

San Isidro Vestal, Anita 506-2771-8128 vestala7@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Vilcabamba Landes, Dennis 098-558-1165 dl4life@earthlink.net yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Gosport Laquet, Mary 44 7592765241 mary.laquet2@verizon.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Desaignes Boillot, Catherine 0033 475 08 58 46 boillot.catherine@wanadoo.fr

La Celle Victoire, Jean-Michel jmvictoire@free.fr

Le Chambon Sur Lignon Germain-Robin, Florence 011 04 71 65 91 43

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Glasnevin Mulligan, CHF, Cait 353 1 837-3427

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Givat-Ada Ajlenberg, Dina 052-324-9750 dina.ajlenberg@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


36025 Noventa Biasin, Annalisa 0039 0444 760339 annalisa.giovanni95@libero.it

38060 Mogarendo Sighele, Ilaria 333-282-1798 ilariasig@hotmail.com

41012 Carpi Lupi, Nicola 0039 0596 40250 n.lupi@libero.it

46010 Buscoldo Minelli, Cristina 0039 0376 411063 Yes

46027 San Benedetto Po Malagutti, Francesca 0039 0376 620475 oscarp92@libero.it

46044 Gioto Arioli, Antonella 339-798-8093 antonella.arioli@libero.it

46100 Boselli, Maria Luisa 320-319-4498 marialuisa.boselli@istruzione.it

46100 Moreschi, Manuela 0039 0376 324128

46100 Terenzoni, Elena 0039 0376 320419 elezorro@yahoo.it

46100 Zambelli, Elisabetta 320-316-0558 elisabetta.zambelli@bam.it

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


San Pedro Garza Garcia Rodriguez, Alejandro 52 81 8356-0684 amiechielsen@prodigy.com.mx

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Windhoek Hudert, M.M., Sr. Dorothea 264-061-249045

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

New Zealand,

RD2, Kerikeri Vickerstaff, Liz 649-407-5076 vickerstaff@slingshot.co.nz

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

South Korea,

Seoul Oh, Seon Kuen 510-436-1593

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United Kingdom,

Birdham Gibbons, Tracy 44-1243-514909 tracy.gibbons@lifeandbalance.org.uk

Wheatley Wells, Tina 144-186-5874454 tinawells1@ntlworld.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States,

Collins, Gail 662-844-7411 collingm@bellsouth.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ALABAMA

Winfield Bozeman, Donna 205-468-0765 dbozeman@centurytel.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ALASKA

Sitka Bleier, Nancy Jo 907-738-6059 nancyjobleier@gmail.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ALASKA

Sitka Kurzer, Martina 907-747-3101 mkurzer@gci.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ARIZONA

Chino Valley McGowan, Patrick 928-636-6128 Yes

Ft. Mohave Edwards, Dr. S.A. 928-768-1118 hardworker1118@yahoo.com

Gold Canyon Mosier, Trish 480-671-1265 trijam@juno.com

Gold Canyon Warren, Lovena 480-671-7444 hawarren@aol.com

Mesa Lanyi, Georgine 480-221-8515

Mesa Reynolds, Roxanne 602-318-5557 sbga7@hotmail.com

Paradise Valley Allenby, Carolyn 480-751-9435 carolyn.allenby@gmail.com Yes

Parks Harmon, Joan 928-635-2556 jrtski@yahoo.com

Payson Navis-Schmidt, Penny 928-474-2391

Phoenix Fiore, Don & Tori 480-759-0048 taichidon@aol.com Yes

Phoenix Hodgson, Deanne 602-538-9237 deannehodgson@gmail.com

Phoenix Kipple, C. Wayne 480-460-7268

Phoenix Spencer, Robin 602-263-5013 robin@firstchurch.church

Prescott Dally, Jane 928-443-1210 jdally@prescott.edu

Prescott Ueda, Holly 928-420-5357 holly u915@gmail.com

Prescott Valley Diller, Dana 928-848-0824 danadiller@gmail.com

Scottsdale Irvin, Marilyn 505-504-4942 mpkig@aol.com Yes

Scottsdale Mogilner, Victoria 480-5601454 victoria@east-westcenter.com Yes

Scottsdale Williams, Fredora Powell 480-661-1419

Scottsdale, Pagliarulo, Anthony 480-246-2161 drumplayeraz@yahoo.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ARIZONA

Sedona Marlowe, Jeanne 520-284-4272

Sedona Scurlock, Mary Jane 928-282-1497 mjhscurlock@gmail.com

Sedona Shambach, Barbara 269-425-6346 bjshambach@aol.com

Sierra Vista Richter, Daniel 520-803-7584 magsanddan@cox.net

Sun City Arguello-Sheehan, RuthMarie 623-977-9790 ADELANTEIN@aol.com

Sun Lakes Corrigan, Toni 480-632-5543

Surprise Dano, Sher 623-546-2886 sherdano@live.com Yes

Surprise Price, Nikol 623-466-4959 nikol.price@gmail.com

Yuma Lor, Kasandra 928-210-5198 wellwellwell@roadrunner.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ARKANSAS

Melborne Webb, Vicki 870-291-2314 taichimail@gmail.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Alameda Kerosky, Maria 510-749-1389 mbkerosky@aol.com

Alameda Smith, Valerie 5109171479 valsmith54@comcast.net

Alameda Weber, Ph.D., Margaret 510-769-7139 webmarg@aol.com

Alamo Clark, Denise 925-719-2348 denise@deniseclark.com

Alpine Endres, Chris 619-504-1557 c.endres@cox.net Yes

Anaheim Goran, Karen 714-776-6971 gkgoran@pacbell.net Yes

Aptos Norice, Meara Joy 575-740-4654 mjnorice@gmail.com

Atascadero George, Mary Pat 805-461-0722 ronandmpgeorge@charter.net

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Auburn Silva, Karen 530-278-3485 mensil@yahoo.com Yes

Berkeley Crine OSF, Sr Celeste 510-549-1871 ccrine2@comcast.net

Berkeley Gibson, Nina 510-525-6116 ngibson11@comcast.net

Berkeley Horay, D.C., Patrick 510-849-1050 phoray@earthlink.net

Berkeley Isaacs, Michael 510-529-4198 michaelisaacs@sbcglobal.net Yes

Berkeley Schwartz, Judith 510-843-2062 Juditte@sbcglobal.net Yes

Berkeley Sultar, Joanne 510-849-1988 josul@earthlink.net

Camarillo Freie, Barbara 805-300-7420 taichichih@gmail.com Yes

Camarillo Williams, Linda 805-987-6737 lriskawilliams@gmail.com Yes

Campbell Caudill, Maya 408-807-7211 m2caudi@comcast.net

Cardiff by the Sea Tillotson, Christina 760-944-9226 christina@enhancing.com Yes

Carmichael Keane, RSM, Sr. Corita 916-489-0844 mckeane@mercysisters.org Yes

Carmichael Kenney, Sue 916-224-6304 idagene@yahoo.com

Castro Valley Braga, Linda 510-886-3859 roztaichi1@pacbell.net Yes

Castro Valley Horne, Jean 510-962-6950 jean@edenwellspring.com

Castro Valley Thorburn, Lisa 510-886-7826 LAT@TA-Inc.com yes

Concord Roberts, Eddie 925-676-7883 emptycup@sbcglobal.net Yes

Corralitos Fox-Beaudoin, Helena 408-656-4763 helenafx@aol.com

Corte Madera Kristoff, Barbara 415-758-7063 bkristoff@msn.com

Costa Mesa Armand, Victor 949-642-5346

Danville Buckley, Barbara 925-820-4283 lbbuckles@att.net

Danville Case, Mary 925-648-1901 pspmcase@aol.com

El Dorado Heryet, Julie 530-363-5336 julie@chihealsyou.com

El Granada Delmar, Carole 650-245-4124 carole@cdelmarrealestate.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Escondido Thomas, Joanne 760-294-4334 jrthomas8@cox.net

Fountain Valley Hazard, Suzy 714-437-1419 Yes

Fountain Valley Huynh, Rose huynh_rose@hotmail.com Yes

Fountain Valley Tran, Mai 847-778-8429 mtran_nj@yahoo.com Yes

Fountain Valley Wright, Diana 714-963-2146 dianawright@socal.rr.com Yes

Fremont Murphy, Maureen Naughton 510-790-9260

Half Moon Bay Arrigotti, Lois 650-728-7406 lois451@comcast.net Yes

Half Moon Bay Church, Patricia 650-726-7144

Half Moon Bay Church, Robert 650-726-7144 coastsideguitar@comcast.net

Half Moon Bay Parker, Shelly 650-743-7386 sparkertaylor@yahoo.com

Hayward McAlister, Sandra 510-582-2238 mcalister19@comcast.net Yes

Hayward Triggs, Pilar 510-276-5821 chukichuki@gmail.com

Hermosa Beach Hollister, Kate 310-318-6880 kate@totallychi.com Yes

Hidden Valley Lake Lieber, Betty Lue 800-919-2392 bettylue22@comcast.net

Huntington Beach Preston, Beth 425-750-2898 bethpreston128@gmail.com

Huntington Beach Walker, Don 714-315-6044 donwalker@social.rr.com Yes

Irvine Branigan, Ned 949-232-9316 ned.branigan@gmail.com

Lakeside Metzen, Anne 619-561-0592 ametzen9@gmail.com Yes

Lancaster Dawn, Patricia 661-949-9656 Yes

Long Beach Kessler, Larry 562-423-4689 larkessler@aol.com Yes

Long Beach Lefforge, Barbara 562-433-8627 b.lefforge@verizon.net Yes

Long Beach Lovdahl, Annemarie 562-884-5630 aplovdahl@gmail.com Yes

Long Beach St Peter, Florence 562-439-3915

Long Beach Stumm, Lisa 310-809-2029 lkstumm@gmail.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Los Altos Marriott, Dona 650-948-1827 Yes

Los Angeles Dixon, Gaunnie Hardin 323-935-7005 gaunnie@cs.com

Los Angeles Dixon, Gordon 323-935-7005 gaunniei@cs.com

Marysville Wong, Carol 530-212-4734 tccqueen@sbcglobal.net Yes

Menifee Tolentino, Tom 951-246-3414

Monterey Anongos, Julie 831-625-7771 juliaik157@aol.com

Newport Beach Kovac, Jan 949-706-7207

Novato McLaughlin, Sally 707-218-4279 sallymclaughlin@gmail.com

Oakland Biehn, Jenn 510-410-9884 gemfrog4@sbcglobal.net

Oakland Ciske, Paul 510-832-5725 paul@paulciske.com

Oakland Dockery, Glenna 510-987-2476

Oakland Weimann, Friedbert 510-834-1442 fhweimannth@gmail.com

Oceanside Towne, Pam 442-222-8332 pamtowne@gmail.com Yes

Orange Talberg, Al 714-633-0827 kidswim@sbcglobal.net Yes

Orinda Helms, Wendy 925-254-9683 wavesofchi@comcast.net

Oxnard Gregory, Peter 219-671-4636 psgreg24@gmail.com Yes

Oxnard McKinney, Serena 805-856-8653 serena_musician@yahoo.com

Oxnard Otero, Lisa 805-766-1342 lisa.otero@post.harvard.edu Yes

Oxnard Reeber, Corine 805-984-1974 corinereeber@hotmail.com Yes

Oxnard Royce, Linden 805-983-4023 lindenchi@hotmail.com

Oxnard Rundle, Jeneth 805-815-0031 jenethrundle@roadrunner.com

Pachco Smith, Ursula 925-586-5089 taichichih@sbcglobal.net

Pittsburg Fallon, Rosa 925-989-2376 rosas20614@yahoo.com

Placentia Beery, Marty 714-524-8476 martyb43@gmail.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Port Hueneme Jaramillo, Tish 805-263-6807 tishj1@hotmail.com

Poway Hotalen, Roger 858-486-4012 rog4ct@cox.net

Quartz Hill Clark, Sharron 661-943-1068 sharronclark@verizon.net

Redondo Beach Senechal, Keith 310-374-1543 senechal@ix.netcom.com

Ridgecrest Horgan, Regina 760-375-1680 Yes

Sacramento Ebrahimzadeh, Elizabeth 916-447-8152 ese@csus.edu

Sacramento Mendez, Lilliana 916-455-0852

Sacramento Stiles, Tara 916-454-5526 tarastiles@sbcglobal.net Yes

Sacramento Tretheway, Judy 916-600-8241 judytre@gmail.com

Salinas Eagle, James 831-915-5302 jeagle@redshift.com

Salinas Yee, Ed, Gwen & Andy 831-905-2012 Yes

San Anselmo Rothenberger, Tom 415-454-5245 tomrothenberger@yahoo.com

San Diego Barton, Paul 619-475-1089

San Diego Dohrn-Simpson, Robin 619-322-5070 dohrnsimpson@hotmail.com

San Diego Roache, Amelia 619-517-8723 harmonyagent88@gmail.com Yes

San Francisco Bourne, Pat 415-474-0212 patriciabourne@post.harvard.edu Yes

San Francisco Hubbell, Judy 415-824-8672 jrhubbell@aol.com

San Francisco Isaacs, Faith 415-566-2483 faithisaacs@sbcglobal.net

San Francisco Madonna, Cynthia 415-431-0628 cynthia.madonna@sfdph.org

San Jose Alvarez, Maria 408-251-2949 glorialvarez@sbcglobal.net yes

San Jose Mantle, Athene 510-828-8896 Yes

San Jose Talbert, Margaret 408-296-5326

San Jose Woodrow, Joanna 408-266-3993 jwoodrow@aol.com Yes

San Lorenzo Schulberg, David 510-276-6100 davidsc@aol.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

San Luis Obispo Brause, Linda 805-788-0272 lbrauser@att.net

San Luis Obispo Nelson, Carol 805-593-0187 slo2oz2@gmail.com

San Luis Obispo Townsend, Victoria 805-787-0734 Yes

San Rafael Prosche, Linda 415-259-8900 lsprosche@gmail.com

Santa Barbara Celmayster, Diana 805-962-0683 dianarosalie@cox.net Yes

Santa Barbara Greyson, Ellen 805-448-3760

Santa Barbara Jahnke, OMD, Roger 805-685-4670 rjahnke@west.net

Santa Barbara Riparetti, Star 805-965-1619 star@staressence.com Yes

Santa Barbara Sawyer, Carol 805-879-7753

Santa Barbara Seltzer, Barbara 805-687-6993 ramareiki@msn.com

Santa Cruz Potts, Sharon 510-334-6200 sloyep@gmail.com

Santa Monica Herman, Art 805-689-9909 arthaleeh6@aol.com

Santa Rosa Riley, Barbara 925-254-3368 briley@stanfordalumni.org Yes

Santa Rosa Steinmetz, John 510-407-0246 qijohns@aol.com Yes

Santee Rudolph, Melody 619-794-9002 info@cst4all.com

Saratoga Harrell, Mark mark_harrell@hotmail.com Yes

Saratoga Karasik, Darlene 408-472-2732 taichiminisets@gmail.com Yes

Saratoga Karasik, Richard 408-472-2704 RPK@bandk.com

Seal Beach Box, Eugene 562-296-5549 genebox69@yahoo.com

Seal Beach Crossen, Colleen sharingthechi@gmail.com Yes

Seal Beach Roady-Ross, Suzanne 562-431-9660 redroady128@gmail.com

So. San Francisco Dea, LuMarla 650-589-5905 lmdea@sbcglobal.net

Sonoma Penwell, Cathy 707-939-9659 cathy.penwell@yahoo.com Yes

Tiburon Brier, Richard 415-388-1711 Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CALIFORNIA

Torrance McHenry, Suni 310-782-7311 Yes

Ventura Adeniran, Dixie 805-654-8213 d3adeniran@gmail.com

Westminster Delaby-Krugman, Florette 714-903-0704 florette_delaby@msn.com

Westminster Watson, Linda weaverwomyn@gmail.com Yes

Whittier Newcomer, Kristina 562-693-1223 newcomerok@charter.net

Yorba Linda Law, Caryn 714-693-2443

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, COLORADO

Arvada Fisher, Brenda 720-278-0160 bfwolf2002@yahoo.com

Arvada Wagner, Elaine 303-431-6711 elainewags@msn.com

Aurora Federspiel, Ann 303-736-2445 Yes

Bayfield Schaub, John 970-884-2683

Bon Carbo Trommeter, Pat 719-846-3116 petrom@wildblue.net Yes

Colorado Springs Light, Judy Anne 719-444-8414 judyanne214@yahoo.com Yes

Denver Moser, Marge 303-368-0624

Denver Ridley, Lia 303-903-4678 liaridley@comcast.net Yes

Denver Ridley, Steve 303-322-7717 stevenridley@comcast.net Yes

Denver Schieferecke, Mary 303-755-3725 m.schieferecke@comcast.net

Ft Collins Roerig, Sandy 970-581-7393 sandytccnoco@gmail.com

Ft Collins Stroyan, Lisa 970-430-5229 lstroyan@gmail.com

Ft Collins Tippet, Doriane ddtippet@comcast. Net

Gleenwood Springs Fulton, Eliza 970-945-8586 eliza.fulton@ins-well.com

Golden Hill, Pat 303-231-9951 gg96hill@yahoo.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, COLORADO

Granby Lowenberg, Cherie 307-760-4626

Grand Junction Lawrie-Foss, Elaine 970-640-2905

Lakewood Cragin, Leya 303-988-9427 leya@rigozsaurus.com

Lakewood DeFelice, Nancy 3032744159 ndefelice1@aol.com

Lakewood Jackson, Judy 303-237-9122 judyrjackson@comcast.net

Lakewood Pergola, Anna 303-885-5628 anna@peacemovementqigong.com

Lakewood Walker, Anice 303-274-8727

Loveland Dotts, Marie 970-292-8919 mcdotts@hotmail.com Yes

Loveland Paulson, Rebecca 970-669-0515 rebeccapaulsontcc@gmail.com

Loveland Schowalter, Bonnie 909-262-3138 bonniej@bokayesworld.com

Loveland Trenary, Holly 970-213-9204 hollytrenary746@gmail.com

Paonia Petaja, Oshara 970-208-2174

Parker Garrett, Kris 303-841-2875

Windsor Heck, JoEtta 812-371-2092 jbheck@live.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, CONNECTICUT

Guilford McCann, Dennis 203-404-7767 jdmccann@hotmail.com

Marlborough Breau, Kasha 860-983-6065 harpplayer@sbcglobal.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, DELAWARE

Claymont Lewis, Jessica 302-593-5005 jhtl0521@gmail.com

Newark Cole, Deborah 443-963-9244 debcole.uu@gmail.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, FLORIDA

Delray Beach Goldstein, Benita 917-841-0764 beng2002@aol.com

Fort Myers Chandley, Bev 239-225-7799 bevchandley1@gmail.com

Ft. Lauderdale Goldman, Stu 9542962495 tcc.s2dio@gmail.com

Holmes Beach Joy, Linda 941-896-4759 ljoy428@gmail.com

Jacksonville Kines, Carol 904-998-9930 taichimama@bellsouth.net

Lady Lake Epperly, Chris 352-408-8415 chrisepperly29@live.com Yes

Lutz Gill, Rhonda 813-909-7668 yes

Maitland Mulroy, Barbara 407-754-2662 bmulroy@cfl.rr.com

Poinciana Quinn, Susan 863-393-8197 rsusanquinn@gmail.com

Ponte Vedra Beach Johnson, Mary 904-280-9312

Sarasota Finstad, Patricia 941-685-3945 path1234@comcast.net Yes

Sarasota Weaver, Joan 941-925-0746 tccsrq@gmail.com Yes

Siesta Key Daffner, Diana & Richard 941-349-6804 dd2@intimacyretreats.com

Thonotosassa Kingsbury, Jackie 813-986-4255 jackiekingsbury@juno.com Yes

Winter Park Fraatz, Constance 407-754-4767 constance.fraatz@mac.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, GEORGIA

Atlanta Adair, Sheryl 678-462-3987 adair4@aol.com

Atlanta Singerline, Denise 877-957-7373 chakrabal7@gmail.com

Atlanta Taylor, Val 404-872-3611 sothis1@netzero.net Yes

Comer Buffalo, Julie 706-475-5627 juliebuffalo1@gmail.com

Cornelia Franklin, Teresa 706-499-8074 revteresafranklin@gmail.com

Cumming Flanagan, Colleen 678-350-5529 colleen.flanagan2@gmail.com Yes

Page 16 of 42This teacher directory is the property of "The Vital Force, Inc." and contact information is not to be culled for any use.

July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, GEORGIA

Lilburn Olney, Linda 770-722-2043 olney@bellsouth.net

Savannah Ashman, Rich & Leah 808-640-3636 cashman729@aol.com Yes

Smyrna Chancey, Judy 404-290-4033 jechancey@charter.net Yes

Suwanee Livingston, Charlotte 770-633-1927 charlotte_livingston@msn.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, HAWAII

Captain Cook Jester, Donna 808-328-0608 donnaljester@aol.com

Honolulu Jennings, Terri 808-542-0466 tjwhitebird@gmail.com Yes

Keaau Cushman, Sharron 808-966-6692 reikitaichichih@hawaiiantel.net

Mountain View Hedrick, Hannah 808-968-7013 hedrickhneca@aol.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, IDAHO

Boise Maguire, Elissa 208-602-3704 lifealign9@yahoo.com

Hayden Smail, Sandra 208-762-4561

Twin Falls Gumper DC, Lori 208-490-1595 premierlifewellness@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ILLINOIS

Aurora Machuca, Laura 630-907-0093 lamachuca24@gmail.com

Aurora Osterberg, Gayle 630-456-6117 gaylebobrob1523@att.net

Carol Stream Hubble, Kathy 630-372-0304 kathyhubble@sbcglobal.net

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ILLINOIS

Chicago Dulaney, Drena 773-334-0821 lovveandhappyness@yahoo.com

Chicago Erez, Per 773-209-3739 pererez5@gmail.com

Chicago Everett, Steven 773-388-8415 steve@learntec.com Yes

Chicago Isenberg, Daryl 773-388-8415 DIPeace@aol.com Yes

Chicago Larys, Susan 773-539-0122 crowspirit8@aol.com

Chicago Meerson, Alla 773-761-8199 allam@lifeway.net Yes

Chicago Sitron, Deb 201-247-8358 deb@feelbetterbythesea.com

Chicago Weiner, Paula 773-572-4944 pweiner@mac.com Yes

Chillicothe Cady-Tarantino, Pamela 309-222-4347 noahsarkkids@aol.com Yes

Des Plaines Fedewa CSFN, Catherine 412-849-9117 cfedes@yahoo.com Yes

Evanston Freda Wells, Sandra 847-491-1423 sandrafredatcc@me.com

Evanston Laden, Blair 847-630-0675 blairladen@gmail.com Yes

Evanston Wackerling, Vida 847-475-1523 lwackerling@earthlink.net Yes

Grayslake Weichman, Bobbie 847-223-8426 bobbiew509@aol.com

Gurnee Jacobs, Lisa 847-372-0634 jj_hdi@hotmail.com yes

Gurnee Skillman, Andrea 847-849-6809 andrearsi@aol.com

Highland Anderson, Bobbie 618-654-3040 bob1.and2@charter.net Yes

Libertyville Lecraw, Nancy 847-362-8773 lecraw8@aol.com

Naperville Weber, Susan 630-369-2148 ssweber@eccssw.com Yes

New Lenox Nielsen, Jr., William 815-485-0729 babawanjr@hotmail.com Yes

Oak Park Hamersma, Richard 708-524-2446 richham4@comcast.net

Oak Park Shubat, Jacob 708-386-8113 snjshubat@juno.com

Orland Park Burton, Deirdre 708-226-0449 ddburton@comcast.net

Sugar Grove Slaney, Terry 630-466-4156 t.slaney@mchsi.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, ILLINOIS

Wheaton Durkin, Diana Welsh 630-776-3229 dwd0125@comcast.net Yes

Wildwood McElhose, Donna 847-223-6065 dmcelhosechi@aol.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, INDIANA

Batesville Whalen, OSF, Claire 812-933-0818 cawhalen@etczone.com

Bloomington Hackenberg, Amy 812-345-3577 ahackenb@indiana.edu Yes

Greensburg Herpel, Jan 812-663-3629 hankherpel@yahoo.com

Huntington Parker, Jan 260-356-7398 jfparker379@hotmail.com

Indianapolis Daly, Ann 317-786-8020 anndaly@usa.net

Tipton Wetli, CSJ, Wanda 765-437-5731 wwetli@csjoseph.org

Zionsville Wilson, Marilyn 317-733-6274 jwilson1954@earthlink.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, IOWA

Cedar Rapids Ries RSM, Sr Phyllis Ann 319-830-7762 rsmphyllisann@yahoo.com

Clinton Smith, Sr. Mary 563-242-7903

Hiawatha Hoffman, Nancy 319-395-6700 ecospirit@prairiewoods.org

Iowa City Arenz, Don 319-354-8921 darenz@mchsi.com

Sioux City Marshall-Thoreen, Jan 712-258-0964

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, KANSAS

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, KANSAS

Kansas City Caddell, JoAnn 913-980-8080 risingscorpio@yahoo.com

Overland Park Morgan, Ginny 913-549-3551 goldchaseg@aol.com

Prairie Village Lepine, Lorraine 913-901-8818 lorlepine@gmail.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, KENTUCKY

Louisville Collins SCN, Gail P 662-401-0001 gail.collins2@gmail.com

Melbourne Wolfzorn, CDP, Virginia Ann 859-441-0700 x308 vawolfzorn@hotmail.com

Richmond Adams, Nancy 859-625-4220 tadams2004@bellsouth.net Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, LOUISIANA

Alexandria Watkins, Becky 318-730-6780 becky.watkins@christushealth.org

Lake Charles Guilott, Caroline 337-478-3309 caroline4tcc@gmail.com Yes

Lake Charles Kleinschmidt, Linda 337-478-3162

Lake Charles LeBlanc, Bitsy 337-474-0585 Yes

Lake Charles White, Mickey 337-794-3125 Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MAINE

Bath Angeloro, Valerie 662-491-1228 angeloro@comcast.net

Kennebunkport Landau, Larry 207-967-4070 dragonflytaiji@roadrunner.com

Port Clyde Moss, Nan 207-372-9647 NPMOSS@AOL.COM Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MAINE

Portland Reid, Raymond 207-518-9375 miloshamus@yahoo.com

Surry Viner, Thomas 207-664-0226

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MARYLAND

Adelphi Davis, Rhonda 301-445-4272

Baltimore Dapelo, Michele 410-426-5128 mdapelo@verizon.net

Bethesda Wong, Agus 301-229-2103 fadoli@gmail.com

Catonsvile Becker, Aimee 410-788-3888 abeckerpt@gmail.com

Columbia Sirkis, Sharon 410-730-1986 sirkisprice@verizon.net Yes

Ellicott City Matesi, Sharon 410-465-3248 smatesi@verizon.net Yes

Frostburg Lewis, Suanne 301-689-3759 suanne.lewis@yahoo.com Yes

Rockville Smallwood, John 301-633-8261 johnmsmallwood@aol.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Barnstable Childs, Bruce 505-797-2060 brucea@yahoo.com

Natick Dick, Janie 508-655-0023 janied6@msn.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MICHIGAN

Douglas Davis, Holly 269-857-2740 sloandavis@aol.com yes

Elk Rapids Inman, Ardeth 231-392-1417 ardi_nreach@yahoo.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MICHIGAN

Wyandotte Setzke, Tonya 734-775-5015 wild5heart@aol.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MINNESOTA

Apple Valley Plourde, Ruth Anne 952-431-6954 raplourde@ruthanneinnergizes.com Yes

Arden Hills Eisenmenger, Bruce 651-230-4124 brucee@partnersinchi.com Yes

Bemidji Corson, Sherry 218-586-2859 herbs@paulbunyan.net Yes

Bemidji Engen-Duranske, Jeanne 218-751-3173 jmduranske@techemail.com Yes

Columbia Heights Barker, Ron 763-572-1115 ronbarker@comcast.net Yes

Columbia Heights Tsui, Yuen 763-781-6461

Duluth Ellison, Joanne 952-210-6276 moonpinecone@gmail.com Yes

Duluth Star, Laura 218-590-4060 lstar23@gmail.com

Eagan George, Roberta 6127197034 rgenergyhealer@aol.com

Falcon Heights Vernon, Marlena 651-645-5549 vernonmarlenatcc@gmail.com

Fridley Moore, Christine 763-331-2380 healingtcc@gmail.com

Hopkins Pedersen, Michael 952-933-7494 c.mpedersen@att.net

Hugo Hamlin, Jeanne Murphy 612-616-6861 jeanne@strategicsolutions.org

Little Canada Bianchi, Muriel 651-787-0166 bmuriel@qwest.net

Little Canada Kippley, Robert 651-481-6902 kipbob@hotmail.com

Mahtomedi Dalton, Cathy 651-426-9284 Yes

Mankato Walberg, Sandra 507-388-1904 Yes

Maplewood Bertelsen, Deborah 612-805-6366 debbertelsen3@hotmail.com

Maplewood Koudela, Connie 651-554-9530 Yes

Minneaplis Carpenter, Susanne 612-788-8420 susacarp@gmail.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MINNESOTA

Minneapolis Alamachere, Sophie 608-698-8977 seedsoftaichichi@gmail.com

Minneapolis Cole, Andrea 612-597-1976 cole.andrea@gmail.com

Minneapolis Ehlinger, Sally 612-827-8087 sally.ehlinger@gmail.com yes

Minneapolis Jacobi, Laurie 612-929-0999 lauriejacobi@msn.com yes

Minneapolis Kellar-Monsein, Peg 612-803-7223 pkellar8898@comcast.net

Minneapolis Mockovak, Carol 612-729-9040 caroledith@usfamily.net

Minneapolis O'Rourke, Brigid 952-546-3054 bmorourke@comcast.net

Minneapolis Sakry, David 612-702-0653 bicyclemassage123@yahoo.com

Minneapolis Schuster, Julie 6517175325 tjschuster@earthlink.net Yes

Minneapolis Waddington, Jean 612-377-3771 Yes

Minneapolis Weisser, Ginger 218-387-3564 gbweiss5@gmail.com

Minneapolis Werner-Azarski, Nancy 612-623-3086 nancyjanwa@aol.com Yes

Minnetonka Campbell, Monica 952-994-0756 mokierkc@gmail.com

Minnetonka Sobelson, Susan 952-474-3886 jusuhouse@comcast.net

Moorhead Brewster, Melodye 218-233-6227 IceCarver@gomoorhead.com Yes

New Brighton Bystrom, Marian 651-340-6816 marianbystrom@gmail.com

Plymouth Playle, Bernice 612-532-6735 berniceplayle@usfamily.net Yes

Racine Vaith, Anna 507-378-4621 vaith.anna@mayo.edu Yes

Richfield Bitney, Susan 612-353-4968 smbitney@gmail.com Yes

Rochert Wichmann, Mary 218-849-1091 marymark2@arvig.net Yes

Rochester Begue De Benzo, Ivonne 507-280-7811 imbenzo1@yahoo.com

Rochester Denisen, Terrie 507-280-0168 terrietcc@charter.net

Rochester Sikel, Colleen 507-721-3809 sikelc@charter.net

Rochester Sokolov, Bonnie 507-529-9515 bonnietaichi@q.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MINNESOTA

Rochester Trousdell, Judy 507-289-8534 jtrous1a@charter.net

Rochester Voss, Yuko 507-281-3163 vosssenshu@aol.com

Roseville Anderson, Rodney 651-486-6571 rfanderson37@comcast.net Yes

Roseville Carrier, Karen 651-484-1565 carrierk@gmail.com Yes

Roseville George, Judy 651-341-8116 judygeorgemn@gmail.com Yes

Roseville Hoff, Vivian 651-487-4109 Yes

Roseville Joyce, Constance 651-644-3640 mbj5@aol.com

Roseville Nelson, Nan 763-807-4542 nannelso@yahoo.com

Rush City Granlund, Diana 763-528-0377 missouri37@yahoo.com yes

Shoreview Liegey, O.S.B., Sr. Renata 651-484-8215 Yes

St Louis Park Weddle, Mary 952-927-9357 weddleml@aol.com

St Paul Hanson-Florin, Ev 651-447-0335 ev.hanson.florin@gmail.com Yes

St Paul May, Theresa A. 612-345-1537 theresa@HeavenOnEarthHealing.com

St. Paul Harris, Richard 651-490-9705 bingcha88@gmail.com

St. Paul Skach, Sandra 651-698-9620 sandraskach@gmail.com

Vadnais Heights Breimhurst, Margaret 651-407-8431 maggiebreimhurst@yahoo.com

Waseca Fruechte, Sharon 507-835-7006 sfruechte@mchsi.com

Waubun Simon, Joan 218-473-2361 weezerjs@yahoo.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MISSISSIPPI

Starkville Peterson, Elaine 662-722-2776

Tupelo Dieckmann, Harry 662-571-3300 hadieckmann@gmail.com Yes

Tupelo Drew, Judith 662-871-3756 judithdrew62@gmail.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MISSISSIPPI

Tupelo Richardson, Ron 662-844-6473 ron_richardson@comcast.net

Tupelo Thompson, Stephen 662-231-5519 stephen2816@mac.com Yes

Tupelo Williams, Charles 662-322-5231 chawills@gmail.com

Verona Baker, Margaret 662-566-7552 mabake@bellsouth.net

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MISSOURI

Ballwin Ewald, Carole 636-394-1120 cewald3@earthlink.net

Chesterfield Millman, Catherine 314-795-7325 yourrealconnections@yahoo.com Yes

Clayton Moloney, Mark 314-727-3432 Yes

Florissant Bohrer, Donald 314-921-0308

Kansas City Fleischman, Ted & Lucy Ann 816-452-5155 taichichih@kansascity.usa.com Yes

Manchester Portman, Gale 314-805-2021 galeportman@sbcglobal.net Yes

Overland Flaugher, Deborah 314-423-1714 mflaugher@sbcglobal.net

Pacific Reis BVM, Sr Mary Frances 573-717-3006 mfereis@aol.com

St. Clair Joseph, Joyce 636-629-4854

St. Louis Cote, Deedie 314-645-6978 elizabethcote@att.net Yes

St. Louis Henry, Marty 314-353-8905 Yes

St. Louis Kissinger, Susan 314-647-7832 joythrumovement@sbcglobal.net Yes

St. Louis Krettek, Barbara 314-606-9840 barbara@krettek.org Yes

St. Louis Miller, Jeannette 314-489-4760 jenniemiller53@yahoo.com

St. Louis Perkins, Anne 314-771-9728 aperkins@midwest.net Yes

Page 25 of 42This teacher directory is the property of "The Vital Force, Inc." and contact information is not to be culled for any use.

July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, MONTANA

Livingston McLain, Christeen 701-388-1813 christeen444444@yahoo.com Yes

Missoula McBroom, Gretchen 406-728-4654 gen2acct@yahoo.com

Missoula Roberts, Lynne 406-543-7733 Yes

Missoula Trotchie, Sara 406-450-2862 strotchie@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEBRASKA

Elkhorn Yahnke, Pam 402-981-6063 yahnke6@hotmail.com

Omaha Otis, Rita Marie 402-556-1856 rmotis@outlook.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEVADA

Minden Artz, Melinda 775-622-7319 melinda.artz@gmail.com

Sparks Moran, Mary Ann 775-432-2372 morans2nola@aol.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW HAMPSHIRE

Gilford Frost, Nancy 603-520-4081 nancyfrost1@yahoo.com

Manchester Sarasvati, Ami 603-573-5950 amisarasvati@yahoo.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW JERSEY

Allendale Manning, Joyce 201-805-0577 jycmanning@aol.com

Page 26 of 42This teacher directory is the property of "The Vital Force, Inc." and contact information is not to be culled for any use.

July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW JERSEY

Basking Ridge Giacomelli, Neal 908-542-0485 oikonomia1947@yahoo.com

Bloomfield Correa, Lucia 973-338-4168 lucerito409@yahoo.com

Brick McNeil, Annette 908-229-1999 nettiemcneil@comcast.net

Bridgewater Sorace, Cindy 908-725-0705

Brookside Calogero, Angelina 973-879-3918 seashells1951@gmail.com

Cedar Grove Viereck, Victor 973-857-5981 vviereck@optonline.net Yes

Clifton Mascone, Marion 973-272-3191 monnieott@aol.com

Clifton Moore, Bill 862-668-5753 tccwithbill@gmail.com Yes

Clifton Warren, Fran 973-365-1984 Yes

Collingswood Carlino, Michelle 6094136656

Collingswood Tumolo, Steve 505-507-9344 smt.heart2heart@gmail.org

East Windsor Lormel, Lauren 732-580-2242 llormel@aol.com

Essex Fells Sercarz, Linda 973-226-1237 Sercarz@aol.com

Fair Lawn Spicer, Carol 201-475-6545 gdcshd@aol.com Yes

Forked River Truland, Joe 609-242-0624 trulula7@aol.com

Frenchtown Heck, Ron 908-996-4218 ronheck@ptd.net Yes

Galloway Schapker, Mary 609-748-8494 schaps13@comcast.net

Hightstown Vercelletto, Viktoria 609-443-2982 vivercez2@verizon.net Yes

Hillsborough Oussaty, Janet 908-359-1380 joussaty@comcast.net Yes

Ho-Ho-Kus Statuto, Wendy 201-390-7006 wstatuto@gmail.com

Howell Pienciak, Daniel 732-988-5573 wakeupdaniel@aol.com Yes

Lyndhurst Zerboni, Alma 201-707-7295 almazerboni@yahoo.com

Mahwah Reed, Ph.D, Sue 201-831-0449 Yes

Mahwah Spiech, Pat 201-529-4037

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW JERSEY

Midland Park Krause, Dorene 201-444-9712 dorenekr@hotmail.com Yes

Montclair Van Frank, Katherine 973-783-8489 katevanfrank@yahoo.com

Montclair Walton, Bill 973-509-7875 wmwalton@verizon.net

Morristown Powell, Marilyn 973-984-1635 maripowell@optimum.net Yes

Neptune Conroy, Sr. Maureen 732-922-0550 office@theupper-room.org

Neptune Contento, Sr. Gerrie 732-922-3077

New Egypt Hutchinson, Siobhan 609-752-1048 siobhan@nextstepstrategiesllc.com Yes

New Milford Favorito, Paula 201-265-4214 pfav36@aol.com Yes

No. Plainfield Kennedy, Nancy 908-755-8136

North Caldwell Jaruszewski, RSM, Carol 973-228-3321 ex-25

North Haledon Koblick, Stephan 973-427-4939 stevek44@optonline.net Yes

North Plainfield Cooper OSF, Sr Antonia 908-370-3616 antoniatcc9@aol.com

Oakland Barrier, Julie 201-337-2345 juliebar@optonline.net

Ocean Grove Conn, Marjorie 617-512-6066 connartists@yahoo.com

Ocean Grove Griffin, OSF, Mary 610-490-5367 galway137seagull@gmail.com Yes

Ocean Grove Servon, Lois 732-776-9791 ljservon@yahoo.com Yes

Ridgewood Drucker, Valerie 201-444-8641

Ringwood Scinto, Meg 973-728-9477 megscinto@msn.com

Roseland Bergman, Lee 973-477-8993 leebergman7@hotmail.com

Rumson Clark, Barbara 732-530-5678 barbc0810@yahoo.com

Rutheford Zaccagnini, Carol 201-635-9113 Yes

Toms River Risos, Anthony 732-349-8015

Trenton Kuzyk, Natalia 609-890-7533 natalck@gmail.com

Upper Montclair McEntarfer, Beverly 973-509-0109

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW JERSEY

Upper Montclair Sharp, Raymond 973-744-2839 resharp2@verizon.net Yes

Wayne Frost, Philip 973694-5394 pfjf47@yahoo.com Yes

Wayne O'Connor, SC, Sr. Margaret 973-628-8670 Yes

Westwood Bente, Dr Kathleen 201-666-4422 drbente@gmail.com

Woodland Park Starrick, Kathy 973-785-3820 begrateful@optonline.net

Wyckoff Flynn, Barbara 201-891-3312 barfly429@icloud.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW MEXICO

Abiquiu Shannon, Kyrita 859-396-6501 kyrita8@gmail.com

Albuquerque Berg, Victor 505-459-4935 vicberg@comcast.net Yes

Albuquerque Brocklehurst, Carmen 505-299-0562 taichilady1@msn.com Yes

Albuquerque Cameron, Beth 505-268-3346 bethcam99@aol.com

Albuquerque Carlisle, Lisbeth 505-275-2455 Yes

Albuquerque Cundiff, Bonnie Bell 505-798-1590 bonniecundiff@yahoo.com

Albuquerque Daugherty, John 505-459-3072 elsueno@aol.com

Albuquerque Dodge, Pamela 505-463-3577 Yes

Albuquerque Farnham, Betty 505-256-0829

Albuquerque Flack, Winter 505-450-7291 ravenlv2002@yahoo.com

Albuquerque Grady, Molly 505-280-4701 mmlwow@aol.com Yes

Albuquerque Grant, Kim 617-901-9628 tcc@kimgrant.com

Albuquerque Grassel, Kathy 505-247-1107 k_grassel@yahoo.com Yes

Albuquerque Hecker, James 505-821-5689 Yes

Albuquerque Hendricks, Judy 505-897-3810 judyhendricks@me.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW MEXICO

Albuquerque Hietala, Kesha 505-350-5939 kesha.hietala@gmail.com

Albuquerque Hunnicutt, Emily 505-292-6176

Albuquerque Jensen, Pat 505-884-5318 pat@toknowtaichi.com Yes

Albuquerque Keller, Christa 510-316-8360 Yes

Albuquerque Kent, Guy 505-345-0031 guykent@gmail.com Yes

Albuquerque Klecan, Donna 505-288-0488 donnal2619@aol.com

Albuquerque Kwasman, Marc 505-821-4657 marcque@comcast.net

Albuquerque McMurray, David 505-293-1540 ravena13@comcast.net

Albuquerque Melendres, Diana 505-842-5498

Albuquerque Montes de Oca, Robert 505-999-1247 r_montes7769@msn.com Yes

Albuquerque Moody, Dianne 505-344-8930 joy@diannemoody.com

Albuquerque Myszkier, Marie 505-332-4913 mmyszkier@aol.com

Albuquerque O'Conner, Michael 505-331-7345

Albuquerque Ristenpart, Diana 505-292-3566 Yes

Albuquerque Roeske, Carol 505-275-5935 roeskescands@msn.com

Albuquerque Ruiz, Mary 505-247-4029 kim.grant@taichichih.org

Albuquerque Rutherford, Ann 505-292-5114 ruthergary@aol.com Yes

Albuquerque Shaw, Carolyn 505-266-3728 Yes

Albuquerque Shiver, Loretta 505-345-0976

Albuquerque Spence, Doug 505-344-4712 dougspence99@gmail.com

Albuquerque St. Martin, Rhonda 505-299-7038 rhondastmartin@hotmail.com Yes

Albuquerque Stamer, Almut 505-508-1849 almut123@gmail.com

Albuquerque T'ai Chi Chih Center, 505-299-2095 taichichihnm@yahoo.com

Albuquerque Tatge, Ellen 505-255-5888 tatgehall@gmail.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW MEXICO

Albuquerque Tyksinski, Amy 505-232-0128 tyksinski@aa.edu Yes

Albuquerque Veerkamp, Joyce 505-890-6289 kujo1955@gmail.com

Albuquerque White, Donna 505-797-7928 ddonnacw@msn.com

Albuquerque White, Mary 505-980-7329 mwhite327@comcast.net

Albuquerque Wiemann, Dora 505-514-3101 dorawiemann@comcast.net Yes

Albuquerque Winland, Debra 505-271-0663

Albuquerque Zallen, Dennis 505-299-3025 dzallen@comcast.net Yes

Belen Messier, Caroline & Ulysse 505-864-3946 ulycarol@dishmail.net Yes

Bloomfield Anthony, Ann 505-632-1056 tccsatindoll1976@gmail.com

Cedar Crest Hyde, Connie 505-281-1040 nmhoules@gmail.com Yes

Cedar Crest McFarland, Beverly 505-281-3515 beverlymcfarland@juno.com Yes

Chama Elliott, Frances 575-756-1286 innerglow31@hotmail.com

Corrales Kimmell, Evy 505-268-8182 energy369@comcast.net

Edgewood Huebel, Sandra 505-281-8916 feathersite@gmail.com

Edgewood Smith, Margaret 505-281-2559 maggiesmith_7@msn.com

Las Cruces Diosdado, Rose 575-312-8320 rositaad4@gmail.com

Los Ranchos de Albuquerque Hey, Ellen Dee 505-344-7761 deefos@aol.com

Peralta Herbst, Ronnie 505-385-0404 rherbst3@comcast.net

Placitas Phillips, Adrienne 505-867-2991 yes

Rio Rancho Scharf Morgan, Karen 505-891-2829 Yes

Sandia Park Frost, Heide 505-281-4621 Yes

Sandia Park Menke, Malinda 505-281-7784 malmenke@earthlink.net

Santa Fe Arrott, Janice 505-983-6218 Yes

Santa Fe Quarles, Ann 505-988-3472 annq.nm@gmail.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW MEXICO

Santa Fe Wayfarer, Wuji 505-919-8229 wuji@blissvoid.com yes

Sante Fe Quay, Pamela 505-984-2968 pjquay@aol.com Yes

T or C di Gesu, Mario 575-894-8029 wellness@windstreamn.net

Tijeras Devine, Eileen 505-281-9731 edevine@swcp.com Yes

Tijeras May, Deborah 505-281-2838 djmay830@yahoo.com Yes

Tijeras Provost, Beth 505-286-1320 eprovost1@me.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW YORK

Albany Coffaro, Leslie 518-465-3399 ljcoffaro@gmail.com

Albion Solazzo, Gerald 585-589-8959 gsolazzo@rochester.rr.com

Amsterdam DuBrey, CSJ, Sr. Rita Jean 518-841-7146 dubreyr-@smha.org

Ardsley De Angelo, Carol 914-693-5983 caroldeangel@msn.com

Babylon Keinberger, OP, Sr. Ancilla 631-422-3234 ancilla@optonline.net

Batavia Watson, Ray 585-343-5161

Brentwood Kaelin, Karen 631-231-3842 lee.wholesomeliving@gmail.com Yes

Brewster Weil, Beverly 845-279-9468 radiantwellbeing@yahoo.com Yes

Bronx McGirl, Sr. Margaret 718-597-8104 Yes

Brooklyn Bui, Thuha Phamngo 718-855-8125 thuhapn@gmail.com

Brooklyn Delechartre, Eve 347-374-5988 eveyogateacher@optonline.net

Clarence Miller, Denise 716-572-2096 denisemiller1255@gmail.com

Clay Pia, Ann 315-695-6421 annpia@hotmail.com Yes

Clinton Christeler, Michele 315-794-3313 mchristeler@roadrunner.com

Cornwall Morales, OP, Sr. Juanita 845-534-2851 juanitam1228@gmail.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW YORK

Hadley Mirczak, Judy 518-636-6800 jmirczak@roadrunner.com Yes

Kent Borrie, Deanne 585-682-0746 djldkp@frontiernet.net

Lansing Young-Wick, Sondra Sky 607-533-1009 artandsky@twcny.rr.com Yes

Marlboro Sarles, Madeline 845-236-4709 maddie@hvc.rr.com

Nanuet Anderson Jr., Grady 845-425-3698 buffsold@aol.com Yes

New York Bahn, Diana 212-246-0253 djbahn@earthlink.net

New York Cordasco, Alba 201-424-4385 alba4444@aol.com Yes

New York DeGeorges, Patricia 212-674-7946 patricia.degeorges@verizon.net

New York Gray, Ken 212-582-8203 kenneth_gray200@gmail.com

New York Lee, Sokie 212-725-3001 sokie007@gmail.com

New York Perkins, Carolyn 212-371-0133 popeechi@aol.com Yes

Newburgh Bedotto, OP, Sr. Jean Rosaire 845-566-1620 bedotto@MSMC.edu

Red Hook Blooston, Roselee 845-835-8397 rblooston@gmail.com

Schenectady Foo, Arthur 518-355-1672

Sparkill Reynolds OP, Sr Mary 845-359-4068 mary.reynolds@sparkill.org Yes

Spring Valley Kempadoo, Oreann 845-356-0274 okempadoo@aol.com

Staten Island Michniewicz, SC, Grazyna 718-815-0776 grazyna@si.rr.com

Staten Island Skelly, Sr. Maureen 718-815-0776 Yes

Syracuse Campbell, James 315-468-3665 soups8@yahoo.com Yes

Syracuse DiStefano, Lisa 315-472-7127

Syracuse Garn, Ralph 315-478-0843 garnralf1@twcny.rr.com Yes

Syracuse Mitchell, Neena 315-422-8001 tccvibes@gmail.com Yes

Syracuse Rupracht, Mary 315-452-6315

Tarrytown Broderick, Mary Lou 914-631-3684

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NEW YORK

Tarrytown Fleming RSHM, Sr. Agnes 914-631-8330 agnes.fleming@mygait.com Yes

Tarrytown Greig, Pamela 914-631-8849 awakenpam@earthlink.net

Tarrytown Kay, Sr. Francis 914-631-8330 fkay@domstar.co.zw Yes

Wappingers Falls Hallenback, Rosemarie 845-297-7596 rchallenback@hotmail.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Asheville Stevens, Steve 828-776-9489 stevens9757@bellsouth.net

Cary Perry, Carolyn 919-469-0630

Chapel Hill Louris, Mark 218-391-4092 mlouris14@gmail.com

Charlotte Roe, Pia 713-449-0192 fourest@sbcglobal.net

Durham Armstrong, Carol 919-598-3692 carolcarm@aol.com

Forest City Sollars, C. Ann 828-245-3320

Hendersonville Ward, Beverly 828-693-7248 wbevward@bellsouth.net

Hertford Marquit, Harriet 252-426-1254 hamarq@marquit.info

Holly Springs McKenzie, Adrienne 919-567-0115 amckenzie41@nc.rr.com

Pittsboro Bass, Stephanie 919-880-9831 stephbassnc@gmail.com Yes

Raleigh Intemann, Sue 919-782-0948

Whispering Pines Norkus, Christopher 910-949-2278 cnwpnc@hotmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NORTH DAKOTA

Bismarck Stockert, Sr. Eleanor 701-255-1520 eleanorstockert37@hotmail.com Yes

Fargo Carrier, Dale 701-361-1779 dale.carrier@yahoo.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, NORTH DAKOTA

Fargo Edin, Barbara 701-241-4356 blisae@yahoo.com

Fargo Roembach-Clark, Jeanine 701-239-6124 rcfamily@cableone.net

Grand Forks Helgeson, Heather Murray 701-772-1295 Don't confirm phone #

Grand Forks Jonnson, Jerry 541-979-0559 jerry@jerryjonnson.com

Grand Forks Mack, Connie 701-772-7617 conniemack169@msn.com Yes

Grand Forks Rendahl, Robbin 701-746-7212

Williston Turcotte, Trudee 701-774-3895 truturc@aol.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, OHIO

Cincinnati Brown, Marlene 513-742-1866 marblyn@gmail.com Yes

Cincinnati Whetstone, JoAnn 513-825-1190 Yes

Columbus Castellanos, Berta 614-257-1338 Yes

Newton Falls Lisum, Teresa 330-307-7296 tlisum@yahoo.com

North Jackson Kutsko, Lucinda 330-538-2292 healingjourneys9@aol.com

Parma Heinrich, Roseann 440-888-2803 reflections102003@yahoo.com Yes

South Euclid Tiroly, Donna 216-381-6339 dtiroly@earthlink.net Yes

West Chester Evans, Susan 513-779-4757 taichichih@teacher.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, OKLAHOMA

Canton Cirillo OP, Sr Mary Ann 580-886-3413 whiteearth@pldi.net

Jones Kelley, Carla 405-399-9304 cjk849@gmail.com

Tulsa Cameris, Mary 918-488-8454 mcameris@sbcglobal.net Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, OKLAHOMA

Tulsa Dinehart, Barbara 918-499-1441 bdinehart@hotmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, OREGON

Beaverton Box, Marcella 503-734-0955 marcellabox@hotmail.com

Beaverton Brinkman, Jo Ann 503-646-2636 joannbrinkman@gmail.com

Cornelius Hall, Cheryl & Shirley 503-359-5125

Eugene Taggart, John 541-654-0566 taggartjl@earthlink.net Yes

Eugene Taggart, Roberta 541-654-0566 taggart1@earthlink.net Yes

Florence Hamilton, Elizabeth 541-991-2271 bethybc@yahoo.com

Hillsboro Marsh, Steve 5032681865 taichimarsh@hotmail.com

La Pine Ryter, Stephen 208-995-4408 stephenrr@me.com Yes

Portland Henry, V. J. 503-297-5636 vjhenry@onami.org

Portland Marble, Lauren 505-967-9930 Yes

Portland Roy, Neal 503-970-4740 goodhairdaze@comcast.net Yes

Portland Tyler, Elizabeth Boyd 503-490-9046 paths2wellness@comcast.net Yes

Portland Upshaw, Banks 503-777-7857 bupshaw2@gmail.com Yes

Wilsonville Shorr, James 503-481-8211 jshorr@wealtheducation.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Aston Thompson, Sr Christa Marie 302-561-0265 cthompso@osfphila.org

Bethlehem Everett, Megan 888-324-1621

Clarks Summit Demko, Marian 570-587-4833 golfprez@aol.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Dallastown Markey, Jean 717-244-1607 jam1607@verizon.net Yes

Dallastown Weaver, Jack (John) 717-676-0768 jasaw11@gmail.com Yes

Dover Moore, Stacey 717-465-6890 slsmot35@gmail.com Yes

East Berlin Orwick, Kristin 717-259-0054

Exton Riley, Sarah 610-280-3211 sesriley@verizon.net

Felton Hines, Barb 717-968-9788 bearbranchcreek1@zoominternet.net

Glen Mills Butler, Eileen 610-551-7076 eileentcc.butler@gmail.com Yes

Glenville Flynn, Pat 717-227-1355 justaichi@yahoo.com Yes

Hanover Erickson, Margery 717-632-4358 ericksonm@pa.net Yes

Havertown Lee, Bruce 610-449-1038 brucelee@burelessassociates.com

Honesdale Follmer, Kim 570-251-8085

Lake Winola Veteran, Lucia 570-378-3351 luciaev@earthlink.net Yes

Malvern Massey, Deborah 610-644-1823 deborahmassey@verizon.net

Media Jones-Dietze, Lynne 610-566-3385 idietze@verizon.net

Media Parrish, David 610-329-6755 dr.d.parrishj@gmail.com

Morton Cerullo, Mary 610-532-4290 mary.cerullo@comcast.net

Norwood Kaib, Fran 610-534-9835 kaibfm@gmail.com

Norwood Kaib, Jim 610-534-9835 jim.kaibtcc@gmail.com

Philadelphia Adams, I.H.M., Sr. Rose Marie 215-474-8971

Prospect Park Leffler, April 610-532-6753 lirpaleff@rcn.com Yes

Reading Price, Dennis 610-334-6693 allwaysflowing@gmail.com

Wallingford Daniel, Nancy 610-715-8995 ncddev@aol.com

York Jadick, Jerri 7177672873

York Roberson, Betty 717-845-4677

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


York Royal, Cleo 717-887-0531 cleor0923@hotmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku


Anderson Reed, Opie 864-222-1344 Yes

Bennettsville Jones, Linda 201-663-2869 lkjtcc@gmail.com Yes

Fountain Inn Spangler, Hope 928-710-8637 tcc4hope@gmail.com

Simpsonville Rychtarik, Adabelle 918-640-7356 aprychtarik@me.com Yes

Travelers Rest Schroeder, Vicki 864-494-4364 vickitcc@gmail.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, SOUTH DAKOTA

Custer Sutton, Joanne 605-673-2236 joannesuttonsd@gmail.com

Rapid City Katus, Jean 605-716-6411 jean44ka@gmail.com Yes

Rapid City Kiefer, Dick 605-431-7726 clkiefer@rapidnet.com

Yankton Houtkooper, Carol 605-665-6826 houtkooper@vyn.midco.net Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, TENNESSEE

Ala Mondini, Francesco 335-592-9659 info@mondomovement.com

Hixson Winger, Patricia 321-795-9844 awinger182@aol.com

Jackson White, David 731-293-9039 taichichih@lycos.com

Jonesborough Steffan, Stephen 314-605-7742 isaiah4031_887@yahoo.com Yes

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, TENNESSEE

Knoxville Minx, Donnis 865-687-5388 donnisminx@aol.com

Portland Kent, Bonnie Maya 615-854-1339 bkent44@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, TEXAS

Austin Marx, Michael 512-554-9247 mtmarx1@gmail.com

Dallas Eidt, C.D.P., Sr. Bernice 214-369-8159

Houston LaCour, OP, Sr. Carletta 281-468-3994 carlettaop@yahoo.com

Lubbock Beck, Nancy 806-281-6408 warpweav@gmail.com Yes

Lubbock Deane, Winston 718-813-7761 winsdeane@yahoo.com

Lubbock Dunn, Cindy 806-789-0360 cdunn@nts-online.net

Lubbock Granberry, MD, Darla 806-831-4950 darla.granberry@gmail.com

Lubbock Holland, Moira 806-799-6997 nanucat2@sbcglobal.net

Lubbock Sava, Larry 806-535-4456 texsava@msn.com Yes

Lytle Holder, Linda 210-445-6024

Round Rock Quimson, Pauline 505-236-8085 wellnesscorner@gmail.com Yes

San Antonio Elliott, Lucky 210-479-8298 lucky8888@sbcglobal.net Yes

San Antonio Holden, CCVI, Sr. Alice 210-525-1232 alicemholden@gmail.com Yes

San Antonio Jaidar, Stella 210-349-7597 Yes

San Antonio Kline, Sr. Geraldine 210-366-2171 sintxgerik@aol.com

San Antonio Payne, Carol 210-710-9454 honiepayne@gmail.com

San Antonio Puckett, Terry Gay 210-826-8210

San Antonio Reyes, Cecilia Perez 210-787-8474 c1e1c1y1exito@hotmail.com

San Antonio Stell, Sr. Eugenia 210-733-0130

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, TEXAS

Stafford Starr, Janet 832-687-1379 starrj89@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, VERMONT

Colchester Solomon, Fred 802-655-9147

Montgomery Center Howard, Wendy 802-326-2098 abbottwest@aol.com Yes

Thetford Center Crowell, Nan 802-785-3014

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, VIRGINIA

Alexandria Pudelski, Rae Marie 703-567-7596 raemariep@gmail.com

Annandale Avery, Senora 703-698-9199 sea@att.net Yes

Ashburn Lubore, Malinda 703-729-9248

Fairfax Wilks, Aida Tara 703-591-0642 Yes

Falls Church Anthony, Julie 703-641-5881

McLean Herbers, Suzanne 703-356-1688 suzherbers@aol.com

Reston Riley, Furman 703-217-6024 friley49@gmail.com

Richmond Rasch, Deanna 608-332-6358 deanna_speak@yahoo.com

Vienna Balsamo, Barbara 703-887-3380 bbalsamo@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, WASHINGTON

Bainbridge Island Nakao, Bill 206-842-6870 whnakao@q.com

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, WASHINGTON

Bellingham Bailey, Lynette 425-445-3239 lyn@zenodysseys.com

Bellingham Cooley, Shannon Marie 406-582-0462

Couperville Taylor, Mary & Frank 360-969-0590 mtaylor_tcc@hotmail.com

Edmonds Strand, Patricia 425-922-5339 trail2mountain@yahoo.com

Marblemount Thomas, Laurie 360-873-2021 lthomas.wa@gmail.com Yes

Oak Harbor Holland, Ann 360-679-2812

Orcas Roulac, Joan 360-298-2789 chiworks4me@gmail.com

Pasco Payne, Raymond 509-539-8275 raypayne7474@gmail.com Yes

Puyallup Jungbluth, Donna 253-445-6473 donnajungbluth@comcast.net

Richland Nelson, Sara 509-396-3707 snelson@therapy-solutions.us

Seattle Robinson, Linda 206-634-0474 lkrobi46@gmail.com

Sequim Williamson, Karen 360-681-7195

Spokane English, Maureen 509-710-4575

Spokane Moseley, Pat 509-443-0448 patricia.moseley.1@gmail.com

University Place Draper, Pamela Denise 253-460-5628 chihpamela@gmail.com

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, WISCONSIN

Bayfield Salewski, OSF, Kathy 334-414-2043 kathysalewski@yahoo.com

Eagle Steffen, Bob 262-594-3321

La Crosse Detert, Richard 608-519-03461 detert.rich@uwlax.edu Yes

La Crosse Gelatt, Roberta 608-782-0056 robertag@charter.net

LaCrosse Glenz, Carolyn 608-782-4583

Madison Corwin, Stan 608-819-6188 colnstash@att.net

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July 2016

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

United States, WISCONSIN

Madison Squire, Kate khsquire@yahoo.com yes

Menasha Wilcomb, Patricia Weber 920-729-0298 pwebwilco@msn.com

Middleton Bussman, Denise 608-831-6625 dbussmanj@chorus.net

Milwaukee Fellman, Cary 414-963-1514 cary4612@sbcglobal.net

Washburn Winter, Steph 715-812-1067 steph.frances@gmail.com Yes

West Allis Hocking, Lucy 414-541-2326 hockinglucy@gmail.com Yes

City Name Phone Email Seijaku

West Indies,

St. Lucia St. Remy, Sr. Grace Cecile 754-454-6569 ssmcecilegrace@yahoo.com

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July 2016