2016 Sportradar Badminton Statistics Feeds...2016 . Updated 08.21.18 2 SPORTRADAR BADMINTON...

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Transcript of 2016 Sportradar Badminton Statistics Feeds...2016 . Updated 08.21.18 2 SPORTRADAR BADMINTON...

Updated 08.21.18


Badminton Statistics Feeds


Updated 08.21.18


Table of Contents

Badminton Statistics Feeds.......................................................................................................................3Coverage Levels.............................................................................................................................................4Language Support.........................................................................................................................................5Category & Sport Information...................................................................................................................6Tournament Information.............................................................................................................................8Competitor Information.............................................................................................................................12Player Information.......................................................................................................................................14Probability Information..............................................................................................................................15Sport Event Information............................................................................................................................16Timeline Information...................................................................................................................................18Standings Information................................................................................................................................19Frequently Asked Questions....................................................................................................................20Document Change History.......................................................................................................................23

Updated 08.21.18


Badminton Statistics Feeds We package our comprehensive stats collection into the following feeds, each focused on serving specific information needs:

Competitor Profile - Returns information for a competitor/team.

Competitor Results - Returns a list of results for a given competitor/team.

Competitor Schedule - Returns a list of scheduled matches for a given competitor/team.

Daily Results - Returns a list of match results for a given date: yyyy-mm-dd

Daily Schedule - Returns a list of scheduled matches for a given date: yyyy-mm-dd

Head to Head - Compares past results and schedules upcoming matches given two team IDs.

Seasons - Displays a listing of seasons with respective IDs. Season IDs can be interchanged with tournament IDs to retrieve historical data.

Sport Event Probabilities - Returns the pre-match 3-way probabilities of winning for both teams. Expires once the match is live.

Sport Event Timeline - Displays information for a specific match including a timeline of events, live (assuming coverage levels dictate that it is live) as well as match and player statistics.

Tournament Info - Provides information pertaining to a given tournament or season.

Tournament List - Lists all tournaments in the package.

Tournament Live Standings - Returns the live standings for a given tournament or season. This data changes in relation to events occurring in currently live matches.

Tournament Results - Returns a list of results for a given tournament or season.

Tournament Schedule - Returns a list of scheduled matches for a given tournament or season.

Tournament Standings - Returns the current standings for a given tournament or season.

Updated 08.21.18


Coverage Levels Coverage level information for a particular tournament can be found in the Tournament Info endpoint. Match level coverage information is found in the Sport Event Timeline endpoint.

From time to time, coverage is updated. In order keep up to date with the latest coverage levels please check the change log: http://developer.sportradar.us/change_log and also refer to the Sportradar coverage document published here: https://www.sportradar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/12/Sportradar_Coverage.pdf

Updated 08.21.18


Language Support We provide support for a large set of languages. The language support primarily affects names of players, teams, tournaments etc. Different languages are obtained through different endpoints where the only difference is the language part of the path. The language part is any valid ISO-646 language code. For languages we don’t provide specific translations for we return back the names in English.

Code Language it Italian en English de German fr French se Swedish es Spanish ru Russian zh Chinese (simplified) zht Chinese (traditional) ja Japanese hr Croatian tr Turkish sk Slovak sl Slovenian no Norwegian da Danish nl Dutch pl Polish pt Portuguese cs Czech fi Finnish th Thai hu Hungarian bg Bulgarian ek Greek ro Romanian ukr Ukrainian et Estonian lv Latvian bs Bosnian sr Serbian ml Macedonian lt Lithuanian id Indonesian vi Vietnamese ko Korean aa Arabic aze Azerbaijan ka Georgian heb Hebrew kaz Kazakh sqi Albanian br Brazilian Portuguese srl Serbian Latin

Updated 08.21.18


Category & Sport Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Category Country Code Head To Head category country_code String

Category Id

Competitor Profile

category id Id

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Category Name

Competitor Profile

category name String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Sport Id

Competitor Profile

sport id Id

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Sport Name

Competitor Profile

sport name String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons

Updated 08.21.18


Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Updated 08.21.18


Tournament Information Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Current Season End Date

Tournament Info

current_season end_date Time/Date Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Current Season Id

Tournament Info

current_season id Id Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Current Season Name

Tournament Info

current_season name String Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Current Season Start Date

Tournament Info

current_season start_date Time/Date Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Current Season Year

Tournament Info

current_season year String Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Group Group Name Tournament Live Standings group group_name String Tournament Standings

Group Id Tournament Live Standings group id Id Tournament Standings

Group Name Tournament Info

group name String Tournament Live Standings Tournament Standings

Season End Date

Competitor Results

season end_date Date/Time

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Season Id

Competitor Results

season id Id

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Season Name

Competitor Results

season name String Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule

Updated 08.21.18


Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Season Start Date

Competitor Results

season start_date Date/Time

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Season Tournament Id

Competitor Results

tournament season

id tournament_id Id

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Season Year

Competitor Results

season year String

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Id

Competitor Results

tournament id Id

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Tournament Name Competitor Results

tournament name String Competitor Schedule Daily Results

Updated 08.21.18


Daily Schedule Head To Head Seasons Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament List Tournament Live Standings Tournament Results Tournament Schedule Tournament Standings

Tournament Round Group

Competitor Results

tournament_round group String

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Round Match Number

Competitor Results


cup_round_match_number Integer

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline

tournament_round Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Round Matches

Competitor Results


cup_round_matches Integer

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities

tournament_round Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Round Name

Competitor Results


name String

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline

tournament_round Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Round Number

Competitor Results

tournament_round number Integer

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline

Updated 08.21.18


Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Tournament Round Type

Competitor Results


type String

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities

tournament_round Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Updated 08.21.18


Competitor Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Competitor Abbreviation

Competitor Profile

team abbreviation String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Competitor Country

Competitor Profile

team country String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Competitor Country Code

Competitor Profile

team country_code String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Competitor Id

Competitor Profile

team id Id

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Competitor Name

Competitor Profile

team name String

Competitor Results Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Info

Updated 08.21.18


Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Competitor Qualifier

Competitor Results

team qualifier String

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Updated 08.21.18


Player Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Country Code Player Profile player country_code String Date Of Birth Player Profile player date_of_birth Date Id Player Profile player id Id Name Player Profile player name String Nationality Player Profile player nationality String Type Player Profile player type String

Updated 08.21.18


Probability Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Away Team Win Probability Sport Event Probability outcome probabilitiy String Home Team Win Probability Sport Event Probability outcome probabilitiy String Market Name Sport Event Probability market name String Outcome Name Sport Event Probability outcome name String

Updated 08.21.18


Sport Event Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Coverage Info Sport Event Timeline coverage_info live_coverage String

Period Away Score

Competitor Results

period_score away_score Integer Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Period Home Score

Competitor Results

period_score home_score Integer Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Period Number

Competitor Results

period_score number Integer Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Period Type

Competitor Results

period_score type String Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Sport Event Id

Competitor Results

sport_event id Id

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Sport Event Scheduled Date/Time

Competitor Results

sport_event scheduled Date/Time

Competitor Schedule Daily Results Daily Schedule Head To Head Sport Event Probabilities Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results Tournament Schedule

Sport Event Status

Competitor Schedule sport_event status String Daily Schedule

Tournament Schedule Competitor Results

sport_event_status status String Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Sport Event Status Away Score

Competitor Results

sport_event_status away_score Integer Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Sport Event Status Home Score Competitor Results sport_event_status home_score Integer

Updated 08.21.18


Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Sport Event Status Winner Id

Competitor Results

sport_event_status winner_id Id Daily Results Head To Head Sport Event Timeline Tournament Results

Updated 08.21.18


Timeline Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Event Away Score Sport Event Timeline event away_score Integer Event Home Score Sport Event Timeline event home_score Integer Event Id Sport Event Timeline event id Id Event Period Sport Event Timeline event period Integer Event Period Name Sport Event Timeline event period_name String Event Time Sport Event Timeline event time Time Event Type Sport Event Timeline event type String

Updated 08.21.18


Standings Information

Stat Feeds Element Attribute Format

Change Tournament Live Standings team_standing change Integer Tournament Standings

Current Outcome Tournament Live Standings team_standing current_outcome String Tournament Standings

Draw Tournament Live Standings team_standing draw Integer Tournament Standings

Loss Tournament Live Standings team_standing loss Integer Tournament Standings

Played Tournament Live Standings team_standing played Integer Tournament Standings

Points Tournament Live Standings team_standing points Integer Tournament Standings

Rank Tournament Live Standings team_standing rank Integer Tournament Standings

Score Against Tournament Live Standings team_standing score_against Integer Tournament Standings

Score Difference Tournament Live Standings team_standing score_diff Integer Tournament Standings

Score For Tournament Live Standings team_standing score_for Integer Tournament Standings

Team Id Tournament Live Standings team id Id Tournament Standings

Team Name Tournament Live Standings team name String Tournament Standings

Tie Break Rule Tournament Live Standings standings tie_break_rule String Tournament Standings

Type Tournament Live Standings standings type Integer Tournament Standings

Win Tournament Live Standings team_standing win Integer Tournament Standings

Updated 08.21.18


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What leagues or tournaments do you cover for Badminton?

A: We cover the following tournaments. Area Tournament


Olympic Games Olympic Games Women Olympic Games Doubles Olympic Games Women, Doubles Olympic Games Mixed Doubles Korea Open Malaysia Open All England Championships India Open Indonesia Open Singapore Open World Championships China Masters Japan Open Denmark Open French Open China Open Hong Kong Open BWF Superseries Finals German Open Swiss Open Malaysia Open New Zealand Open China Masters European Championships Australian Open Canada Open US Open Chinese Taipei Open Russian Open Brazil Open Vietnam Open Indonesian Masters Dutch Open Bitburger Open Korea Grand Prix Scottish Open Macau Open US Grand Prix India Masters Thailand Open Chinese Taipei Grand Prix / Masters Mexico City Grand Prix Thailand Masters

Updated 08.21.18


Q: What is the Date format? A: When we present date only values we present these in the ISO 8601 standard format.

ex: 2013-04-03 We use these for attributes that have date and no time (such as birthdate). For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 Q: What time zone are the date time fields presented in? A: All of our DateTime attributes are in UTC, presented in the ISO 8601 standard format.

ex: 2013-04-03T18:15:00+00:00 For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 Q: What are the valid match status values? A: Here are the valid match status values and their definitions: not_started – The match is scheduled to be played live – The match is currently in progress postponed – The match has been postponed to a future date delayed – The match has been temporarily delayed and will be continued canceled – The match has been canceled and will not be played ended – The match is over closed – The match results have been confirmed. Q: How do I access past seasons’ result and stats? A: TournamentID and SeasonID are interchangeable. To access a previous season, first interrogate the tournaments/[tournamentID]/seasons endpoint to ascertain the required seasonID, then use that seasonID in place of the tournamentID for any of the following endpoints:

- Tournaments/seasonID/results - Tournaments/seasonID/schedule - Tournaments/seasonID/teams/teamID/statistics - Tournaments/seasonID/standings

Q: What are the valid outcomes for probabilities? A: Here are the valid outcome probabilities: home_team_winner away_team_winner Q: How do I find out the coverage for a particular match? A: Find the node called “coverage_info” in the Sport Event Timeline endpoint. The attribute live_coverage reports whether Sportradar has live coverage of the match or not.

Updated 08.21.18


Q: Why do different groups have coverage information for a tournament? A: The notion of “groups” is versatile and is used to distinguish between playoffs, and our tournaments structures and is therefore necessary to describe coverage at a group level for consistency. Q: What are the possible event types logged? A: Here are all of the possible event types we log: Match started Score change Match ended Q: What are the valid tournament types? A: Here are the valid tournament types: group playoff Q: What are markets and what are the different markets? A: Markets is something you can bet on that we provide probabilities for. Over time we intend to provide more and more markets in the API. Currently the only market we provide is 3-way (will the home team win? Or the away team? Or will it be a draw?) Q: What are the possible outcomes? A: Different markets have different outcomes. The available markets are currently: home_team_winner away_team_winner

Updated 08.21.18


Document Change History Date Section Change

08/21/2018 Standings Information Added team_standing – change, team_standing – current_outcome, and standings – tie_break_rule to the standings feeds.

01/17/2017 All Document creation