2016 01-21 a picture paints a thousand words, what will 3 pics do!!!

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Transcript of 2016 01-21 a picture paints a thousand words, what will 3 pics do!!!

EWA: KLCI may slide to 1611 first, outside Gann Box?

(outside Gann Box) & Oil price scare! May slide to 1611.81 first..? (outside Gann Box)Day 1

China's scare, KLCI to slide to 1653 first!

(c) ArifinLatif Consulting's Kopitiam Talk, 20 Jan 2016 closing (by Advanced GET 7.8)

Kagi: slide to 1573.74 is worst case scenario!

(c) ArifinLatif Consulting's Kopitiam Talk, 20 Jan 2016 closing (by Advanced GET 7.8)

3 ln brk: black shoe has emerged - bad omen??

(c) ArifinLatif Consulting's Kopitiam Talk, 20 Jan 2016 closing (by Advanced GET 7.8)