2015 2016 Student Handbook - Charis Bible College · Classes Resume January 4, 2016 8:00 a.m. MLK,...

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Transcript of 2015 2016 Student Handbook - Charis Bible College · Classes Resume January 4, 2016 8:00 a.m. MLK,...

2015 – 2016



Published August 2015

Dear Student,

Jamie and I welcome you to Charis Bible College. We are so glad you are here. You are part of a very special miracle of God. We believe that through the ministry of Charis, the Lord will not only touch your life in a miraculous way, but that through you and your fellow students, the Lord will impact the nations of the world.

The most important thing you will ever do to prepare yourself for the work the Lord has called you to is to receive revelation knowledge of God’s Word and then live it. Charis Bible College is uniquely designed to marry these two elements into a practical course of study and discipleship. Over the next year, you will experience some of the most anointed ministry and personal discipleship available. The Lord has some very special things in store for you.

We pray that the Lord will give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17) filling you with all the fullness of Himself (Eph. 3:14-19). We agree with you that the time you spend at Charis will be one of the most rewarding times of your life.

We are excited and ready. Together let’s advance God’s kingdom here on the earth (Mat. 6:10).

We love you,

Andrew & Jamie Wommack

Discover Your Destiny, Prepare to Live It CHARISBIBLECOLLEGE.ORG

Dear Student,

I want to officially welcome you to Charis Bible College! I believe each of you has made a quality decision by choosing to attend and placing the Lord first in your life. You have made a conscious decision to “seek Him first” and enhance your personal relationship with Him.

For some of you, probably most of you, it was not an easy journey arriving here. You may have left good jobs, families, friends and houses in an effort to place Him first. I commend you for being willing to lay all things aside for the next 2-3 years and obey what God has told you to do.

Each of you has willingly decided to place yourself under the Word of God five days a week, four hours a day. This is no small commitment and one that many born again individuals are not willing to make. First Corinthians 9:24 says, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.”

I believe the Lord rewards those who diligently seek Him. His words in Mark 10:29-30 tell us that if we give up these things for Christ’s sake and the Gospel’s that He will give back much more in this lifetime.

Once again, welcome to Charis Bible College and remember that “Preparation time is never wasted time!” I congratulate you and look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Gary LueckeDirectorCharis Bible College

Discover Your Destiny, Prepare to Live It CHARISBIBLECOLLEGE.ORG


Charis Staff and Faculty 1

Academic Calendar 5

Charis Courses of Instruction 6

Academic Guidelines 7

Grading System 8

Missed Test Policy 8

Failed Tests 10

Take Home Tests 10

Grade Corrections 11

Financial Policy 11

Refund Policy 12

V.A. Refund Policy 13

Student Policies and Procedures 15

Student I.D. Cards 15

Attendance Policy 16

Snow Days 17

Children on Campus 18

Winter Term Students 18

Dress Code 19

Conduct and Correction 20

Campus Safety 22

Emergency Situations 23

Soliciting 23

Smoking 24

Student Relationships 24

Counseling ______________________________________________ 24

Classroom Policies and Regulations 25

Visitor Policy 28

Student Services Policies and Procedures 28

CD/DVD Ordering Policy ________________________________________30

Break Time Policy___ 33

Vehicle and Parking Policy 34

Sanctuary Policy ______________________________________________ 35

Service Hours Program 37

Charis Missions Trips 40

Care Teams__ 43

Local Church Attendance 44

List of area churches 44

International Student Guidelines __________________________________ 46


Charis Bible College Staff and Faculty

Andrew Wommack - President and Founder

Paul Milligan - COO AWMI/Business School Director

Gary Luecke - Director of Charis Bible College

Cindy Suess - Executive Assistant to Charis Director


Wendell Parr - Ministry Ambassador

Barry Bennett - Dean of Students/ Instructor


Beth Landt - Dean of Women/Student Services Coordinator

bethlandt@awmi.net Tennie Goen - Student Services

tenniegoen@awmi.net Stanley Mael - Student Services Assistant

Vickey Rice - Registrar


Erin Moraine - Admissions/V.A. / International Students


Katherine Gregg - Accounting Assistant

Karen Tinger - CAMS Administrative Assistant

Cathy Johnson - Records

Jennifer Machado - Phone Receptionist/ Tour Coordinator


Lisa Bradley - Greeter/Front Desk

Mark Jones - Night School/ Summer School Coordinator/


Year Leadership Coordinator



Shane Hankins - Assistant Night/Summer School Coordinator


Bonnie Ortmann - Care Team Coordinator


Greg Mohr - Dean of Education/Ministry School Director/



Sue Nutman - Executive Assistant to Greg Mohr


Rick McFarland - Assistant Dean of Education/3rd

Year Ministry

School Coordinator/Instructor


Chris Barnard - Business School Coordinator/ Intern Coordinator


Sharris Johnson - Assistant Intern Coordinator


Stephen Bransford - Media School Director/ Instructor

Tim Swartz - Media School Coordinator/ Marketing/ Instructor


Delron Shirley - Mission School Director/ Instructor


Michelle Patterson - 2nd

Year Missions Coordinator


Clay Caldwell - Assistant Missions Coordinator/Missions Points


Joyce Ball - Alumni Relations Coordinator


Teresa Houghteling - Alumni Relations Administrative Assistant

John May - Coordinator of Charis Bible Studies



Daniel Amstutz - Director of Worship Ministries/ Healing School


Tracey Asia - Executive Assistant to Daniel Amstutz


Marcia Alverson - Assistant Director of Worship Arts School; Charis

Worship Ministries; Artistic Productions.


Adam Stone - School of Creative Arts Coordinator adamstone@awmi.net

Chris Suess - Operations Manager Charis/AWMI


Rob Francis - Printing and Publications

Randall Montague - Audio/Visual/Filming/Live Stream Administrator

Kim Harrison - Events Coordinator


Dean Crooks - Charis Transportation Coordinator/ Mission

trips/student shuttles


Tom King - Facilities and Maintenance Manager


Gene Harris - Security

Mark Rowe - Director of AWM International Operations

Mark Bassett - Charis World Outreach U.S. Schools Manager


Mike Pickett - Charis World Outreach International Schools

Manager mikepickett@awmi.net

Tannera Garvin - Administrative Assistant World Outreach

Greg Macy - Online Education Director /Correspondence &

Distance Learning gregmacy@awmi.net


Warren Lutz - Computer Administrator for Online Education

Daniel Bennett - Computer Specialist for Online Education

Tenese Bassett - Facilitator Coordinator for Online Education

Steve Bartlett - Adjunct Faculty

Betty Kay Bennett - Adjunct Faculty

Dan Funkhouser - Adjunct Faculty

Marcus Gresham - Adjunct Faculty

Dean Hawk - Adjunct Faculty

Andy Johnson - Adjunct Faculty

Arthur Meintjes - Adjunct Faculty

Barbara Perdue - Adjunct Faculty

Lawson Perdue - Adjunct Faculty

Carrie Pickett - Adjunct Faculty

Peggy Shirley - Adjunct Faculty

Jill Tomlinson - Adjunct Faculty


Charis Bible College of Colorado


Fall Term

Fall Term Begins September 8, 2015 8:00 a.m. Fall Term Ends November 27, 2015 Thanksgiving Holiday November 23 -27, 2015 No Classes

Winter Term

Winter Term Begins November 30, 2015 8:00 a.m. Christmas Holiday December 17, 2015 through

January 1, 2016 No Classes Classes Resume January 4, 2016 8:00 a.m. MLK, Jr. Day January 18, 2016 No Classes

Presidents’ Day February 15, 2016 No Classes

Winter Term Ends February 26, 2016

Spring Term

Spring Term Begins February 29, 2016 8:00 a.m. Spring Break March 21, 2016 through

March 25, 2016 No Classes Spring Term Ends May 19, 2016 Promotion Breakfast May 21, 2016 8:00 a.m. Graduation Exercise May 21, 2016 2:30 p.m.

Summer Term

Summer Term Begins May 25, 2016 8:00 a.m. Memorial Day May 30, 2016 No Classes

Summer Term Ends July 13, 2016

Dates subject to change


Charis Courses of Instruction

FIRST-YEAR PROGRAM – Bible Training Institute

- A Sure Foundation

- Basic Bible Doctrines

- Bible Covenants

- Discipleship Evangelism

- Essential Truths of the

New Testament

- Excellence in Ministry

- Finally, My Brethren

- Fruit of the Spirit

- Galatians

- In Christ Realities

- Introduction to the Bible

- Lifestyle of Worship

- Let Freedom Reign

- Old Testament Survey I -VI

- Receiving from God I-IV

- Relationship with God I-IV

- Healing

- Prosperity God’s Way

- Fundraising Letters

- The Basics of Righteousness

- The First Book of John

- The Heart “Essence” of the Gospel

- The Holy Spirit I – III

- The Ministry of Jesus I & II

- What Faith Is and How to Live By It

- Biblical Ethics and Morals

- Romans

- Creation

- Intro to Evangelism

SECOND-YEAR PROGRAM – School of Practical Ministry (Required Courses for All Second-Year Students)

- 20/20 Vision

- Acts: Power of Supernatural


- Answers to Important

Questions I & II

- Biblical Leadership

- Faith in a Supernatural God

I & II

- Foundational Truth for Godly


- Heart Matters

- How to Flow in the Gifts

- How to Get Along with


- IAGs (Inter-Active Groups)

- Leadership: Lessons from


- Living in Balance

- Missions

- New Testament Survey I & II

- Advanced Bible Doctrines

- Life Foundations

- Practical Skills for Godly


- Principles of Godly Leadership

- Seven Messages to Seven


- Spirit Led Life and Ministry

- The Laws of the Kingdom

- The Life of Christ

- The Making of a Minister I & II

- Who Is Man?

- Establishing a Prosperous Soul

SECOND-YEAR – Elective Courses (Six of these Courses are Required for All Second-Year Students)

- Media, Ministry and Money

- Marriage and Family

- Legal & Financial Concepts of Starting New

Ministries & Churches

- Rest in Him; Living a Spirit Filled Life

- How to Study the Bible

- Intro to Evangelism

- Story Telling

- Pulling Down Strongholds

- Charis Bible Studies

- Dressed for Success

- The Blessing of God

- Imparting Success To The Next


- No More Lies

- So You Wanna Be a Preacher

- Life Lessons; A Journey with the


- From Time to Eternity


Welcome to Charis Bible College! This Student Handbook is designed to help you

adjust to life as a Charis student. The policies and procedures of Charis reflect the

need for godly order so that our campus environment will provide the greatest

possible potential for success and spiritual growth. Please become familiar with the

handbook. You are responsible for understanding the policies as set forth.

I. DEFINITION OF A CHARIS STUDENT A student of Charis Bible College is one who has fully completed an official

application, paid the application fee, been accepted by the registrar, has paid

the activity fee and at least the first month’s tuition, and has received a copy

of the handbook and a picture identification badge.

Student status will continue throughout the academic school year until

promotion, graduation, withdrawal or dismissal. Charis students, as defined

above, are subject to the policies found in the Charis Student Handbook.


The school year at Charis is divided into 3 terms: Fall, Winter and Spring. A

Charis student must successfully complete all three terms in order to

graduate or promote from first year to second year. A student who fails a

term due to grades or poor attendance will be dismissed from school.

If a 1st year student is dismissed from school for academic or attendance

reasons they may complete the year via Correspondence, Online Education,

or return the following school year. A 2nd

year student who is dismissed for

academic or attendance reasons may retake the failed term plus any

subsequent terms missed during the following school year. You will be

credited for the terms successfully completed prior to dismissal.

Each class is graded as a means of measuring comprehension of the material.

Though the primary goal of Charis is to help with spiritual growth and

maturity, grades are used to evaluate understanding.


Your cumulative scores including attendance, service hours (1st


students) and test grades will be figured into your final GPA for each term.

If you do not maintain a 70% (2.8) GPA per term, you will not be allowed to

continue as a student. Your grades will be available to view and print online

at the Student Information System (CAMS).

Grading System

A = Excellent 90 - 100%

B = Above Average 80 - 89%

C = Passing 70 - 79%

(Please note that any grade under 70% is failing)

D = Failing 60 - 69%

F = Failing 0 - 59%

Test Result Requests

Students who wish to see the results of an individual test must fill out a

‘Request for Test Results’ form located in the magazine rack outside the

SSR. Test results may only be requested for a term up to 4 weeks after the

end of that term. Please place the form in the ‘Records’ mailbox in the staff

mail box area.

Missed Test Policy

If you miss any tests due to absence you are required to take all tests missed

during that absence at a scheduled Testing Lab. The maximum grade which

can be awarded for a test taken after the original test date is 90%. There is an

automatic ten point deduction for all late tests. Any exceptions must be

approved by the Dean of Students and would include: jury duty, military

service, bereavement absence, and emergency medical situations that

involve hospital care. Documentation must be presented to receive an

exception for the above mentioned reasons.

The Testing Lab will be open on Fridays only from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

and again from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. in a designated classroom.


It is your responsibility to know which tests you have missed and to attend

the Testing Lab at the designated time. You will have two (2) consecutive

Fridays from the date a test score is posted in CAMS to make up a missed

test in the Testing Lab. If a missed test has not been made up by the second

Friday from the date the grade is posted, you will receive a zero (0) for that


If a student is in school, but chooses not to take a test, they will receive a

zero (0) for that course. No make-up test will be allowed.

Charis Sponsored Mission Trip or GTS/GTR Test Protocol

If you miss any lesson of a course while on a Charis sponsored trip, that

course will fall under our special trip guidelines. Recordings of the missed

classes will be made available to you on CAMS the day you return from

your mission trip and will be available up until the date your test(s) are to be

turned in. Even if you miss only one class of a course during your mission

trip or GTS/GTR trip, you will NOT take the test for that course when it is

given in class. Your test will be included in a test packet as explained below.

1) You will have full grade potential.

2) Your tests will be administered as take home tests

3) These take home tests will be open book

4) All test will be taken per the test packet and NOT in class

Any and all tests missed due to your trip will be included in a packet which

will be issued based on the last scheduled classroom test date. For instance

if there are 3 tests in your packet scheduled to be taken in class on the 10th,

the 13th

and the 19th, you will not be issued your packet until the last test date

on the 19th


You will be given specific dates to pick up your packet before leaving for

your trip. All packets will be available to pick up in Student Services on the

date that will be communicated to you.

The due date for the test to be returned will be written on your test packet.

If all tests are not returned by 10:00 a.m. on the specified due date, they will

be subject to a 10 point penalty. Any tests that are turned in 2 days or more


after the due date will not be graded and the student will receive a zero (0)

for the course.

Please print the name of the course, the instructor’s name and your

name on each test card that you fill out and return your test(s) to the

Records Coordinator staff mailbox.

Failed Tests

If a student fails a test due to their lack of understanding of the material or

inability to recall the information, the student will be able to retake the test

to receive a passing grade. A student who qualifies to retake the test will

have two (2) consecutive Fridays from the date the test score is posted in

CAMS to retake a failed test in the Testing Lab. If they fail to retake their

test, the original grade will stand. The highest grade a student can be

awarded on the retake test will be 70% - a passing grade.

Take Home Tests

All take home tests (THT) are required to be turned in no later than 10:00

a.m. on the date given by the instructor or intern. For take home tests turned

in after 10:00 a.m. - 10 points will be deducted from your grade. Any tests

that are turned in more than 2 days after the due date will not be graded and

the student will receive a zero (0) for the course. (Ex. Test due on

Wednesday but turned in on Friday will receive a grade of zero).

No test will be given to any student before the scheduled date of the test.

You may not take an extra test or test card for students who are not present

during the test. Such test cards will not be accepted or graded. This rule

also applies to Take Home Tests. Students who take extra tests or cards

will be subject to suspension or dismissal.

If you are absent from class when a Take Home Test is passed out, you must

take the test during a Testing Lab. Take Home Tests will not be passed out

at any other time to students who were not present when the test was passed

out originally. Grading will be based on the missed test policy.


If any test card is returned in a condition that prevents it from being

accurately scanned, the student will be notified by email in order to refill the

card and a late penalty will be applied.

Grade Corrections

If you question a grade that you received on a test, please submit your

concern to the Testing Coordinator at tests@CharisBibleCollege.org . Every

effort will be made to respond to you within 3 days of your inquiry. Please

keep in mind that an analysis is run on each group of tests when they are

returned to us. If there is a test question that shows an unusually high

incorrect percentage, we will check every aspect of that question and answer

to assure that no mistakes were made before your test scores are returned to



Financial responsibility is an important part of spiritual growth and maturity.

It is a matter of good stewardship to pay your bills on time and to be sure

that your obligations do not exceed your economic reality. While we

understand the ‘walk of faith,’ you must understand the need to be

responsible and timely in meeting your tuition obligation.

All students will be billed at the beginning of each term for the entire term.

You will not receive monthly updates or reminders to pay your tuition. You

are responsible for checking the status of your tuition on the Student

Information System (CAMS).

For students who pay monthly, payments are due the first school day of

each month. Fall term students must pay the full monthly tuition amount

starting at registration in August (September’s payment), and continue

through May 1, 2016. For first year students who enroll in the Winter term,

monthly payments will run from December 1st through August 1, 2016,


though December’s payment will be made on November 30th

upon starting

the Winter term. In both cases, your tuition amount is divided evenly over

that 9-month period of time. Tuition payments will continue through

vacations and breaks during that 9-month period.

Any student who has not paid the full monthly tuition by the 10th

of the

month will receive an email reminder. Please contact the Dean of Students

as soon as possible about this matter. If your tuition for the calendar month

is not paid in full by the end of that month, you must turn in your lanyard

and I.D., and may attend classes as a visitor for 5 school days. It is hoped

that the tuition issue can be resolved during that time and if so, you will be

reinstated and the lanyard and I.D. will be returned. Part-time night school

students’ complete payment for class must be made in advance of the class

start date.

All tuition must be fully paid the Friday prior to the last week of school.

Students with unpaid financial obligations will not receive a Certificate of

Completion, diploma, degree and/or license, nor will they be able to

participate in the promotion or graduation ceremonies. At the time tuition

and fees are paid in full a Certificate of Completion, diploma, degree and/or

license will be issued. A first year student whose tuition is not paid in full

will not be allowed to enter the Second-Year Program.

Any student, who withdraws from or is dismissed from school, must still pay

any past due tuition.

Refund Policy*

Students who submit a withdrawal form signed by either, the Dean of

Students, the Dean of Women or the Registrar will be granted a tuition

refund as follows:

Second week of term - 100% refund of tuition paid for term

Third week of term - 50% refund of tuition paid for term

Fourth week of term - 25% refund of tuition paid for term

Fifth week and on of term - 0% refund of tuition paid for term


Refunds include tuition and book fees for only those books not distributed

and do not include other fees or charges.

V.A. Refund Policy


Students not accepted by the school and students who cancel the contract by

notifying the school within three business days are entitled to a full refund of

all tuition and fees paid. If any students withdraw after three business days,

but before commencement of classes, they are entitled to a full refund of all

tuition and fees paid, except the registration fee.

In the case of students withdrawing after commencement of classes, the

school will retain a cancellation fee, plus a percentage of tuition and fees,

which is based on the percentage of contract hours attended, as described in

the table below. The refund is based on the last date of recorded attendance.


Student entitled upon withdrawal/termination Refund

10% of program completed 90% Refunded

20% of program completed 80% Refunded

30% of program completed 70% Refunded

40% of program completed 60% Refunded

50% of program completed 50% Refunded

60% of program completed 40% Refunded

70% of program completed 30% Refunded

80% of program completed 20% Refunded

90% of program completed 10% Refunded


The student may cancel this contract at any time prior to close of the third

business day after signing the enrollment agreement.

The official date of termination for refund purposes is the last date of recorded

attendance. All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of


The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid if the school

discontinues a course/program within a period of time a student could have

reasonably completed it, except that this provision shall not apply in the event

the school ceases operation.

Complaints, which cannot be resolved by direct negotiation between the

student and the school, may be filed with the Division of Private Occupational

Schools of the Colorado Department of Higher Education. The Division shall

not consider any claim that is filed more than two years after the date the

student discontinues his/her training at the school.


All applicants are required to submit an official transcript. All official

transcripts must be mailed directly by the issuing school to the Charis Bible

College admissions office.

Charis Bible College will review all prior education and training. It will be

evaluated on an individual basis to determine if credit will be given for those


Tuition Payments – Chapter 33

Veterans using education benefits who are eligible for less than 100%

benefit are responsible for all tuition and fees not covered by their benefit


IE: 50% benefit. Tuition is $1299. VA Education benefits would pay

$649.50. The student would be responsible for the balance of $649.50.



A. Student Identification Cards

Each Student will be issued one identification scan card (photo I.D.), and a

colored lanyard. You must wear your student I.D. card visibly at all times

while on any ministry property (this includes the Elkton campus). The

colored lanyard must be visible around your neck and on top of your


Students who are dismissed or withdraw from school must turn in their

identification scan card and lanyard.

Do not deface, decorate or punch holes in your identification scan card or

lanyard. Do not attach a nickname to the scan card or lanyard.

A student who comes to school without his Charis identification scan card

will not be permitted to stay on campus. A visitor badge will not be issued.

Procedure for students who arrive without their identification scan card

1. Students without their identification scan card can be stopped by any Charis

staff member. Students are not allowed into any ministry building without

the I.D. and lanyard.

2. These students have 2 options: Leave school to retrieve the badge, or be

escorted to SSR in order to purchase a new identification scan card and

lanyard. Students who choose to purchase a new identification scan card

and lanyard must be escorted by either a security team member or a Charis

staff member to the SSR room.

3. Students must pay $15 for the identification scan card and the lanyard with

cash, check or credit card. The identification scan card must be attached to

the corresponding lanyard.

4. Once the request for the badge has been received and paid for, the student

will wait in the SSR room (if open) or in the downstairs sitting area until the

badge is produced and delivered to the student. The student may not attend


class or wander in the halls without a badge and lanyard. If you are

discovered without your badge and you have not ordered a new one you still

must purchase a badge and lanyard or leave the building, but you will be

counted as absent for the day.

5. The new photo I.D. scan card will be the official scan card from that point

forward. Please do not use the old photo I.D. scan card for attendance. IT

WILL NOT RECORD YOU AS PRESENT. You will be asked to return

your old scan card if it is found.

B. Attendance Policy

Please view attendance as a matter of stewardship and personal integrity.

Consider your attendance at Charis as seriously as you would for a job.

Your attendance will be graded and included in your GPA as a course grade.

You will be expected to scan in upon arrival. The school day begins at 8

a.m. All scans that occur after 8 a.m. will be considered tardy. Any scan

that occurs after 8:30 a.m. will be considered as an absence.

In order to receive a passing attendance grade, students may not miss more

than 10 days during a term. Ten absences in a term will result in a grade of

70%, a passing grade.

Every 5 tardies during a term will equal one absence.

SCANNING TIPS: If you aren’t sure a scan was received, simply re-scan. If

more than one scan is recorded during the same day, attendance will be

calculated by using the earliest time scanned for that day. If a student forgets

to scan in it will be counted as an absence. Please, do not go to the staff to

have your mistake corrected.

If you scan in someone else’s card or if you have someone else scan your

card, both of you will receive a zero (0) for your attendance grade that

term and both of you will be subject to immediate dismissal from the


Excused late arrivals and early departures must be authorized by the Dean of

Students. Reasons for late arrivals must be verifiable and could include drop


off times for school aged children and conflicting work schedules. Please

email the Dean of Students with your request and an explanation. You will

be contacted and informed if your request has been approved or denied. If

approved, your attendance record will indicate this exception.

A student who fails attendance is subject to dismissal or probation.

If you foresee an absence of 5 consecutive school days or longer, please

advise the Dean of Students. Unexplained absences of 5 days or more will

result in the student being considered ‘inactive.’ Such absences must be

explained in full before the student will be reinstated. If a student is absent

for 10 consecutive days without explanation, they will be dismissed as a

Charis student.

C. Snow Days

The weather conditions between September and May can vary from hour to

hour. For this reason, Charis has set forth some guidelines to address our

actions in regards to the weather conditions.

The decision to remain open or to close will be made by 6 a.m. for

Day School Classes and 3:30 p.m. for Night School Classes (see

below for the information listing). Charis does not rely on

Woodland Park RE2 School District.

If the decision to remain open is made and you are uncomfortable with

coming to school that day because of either the travel conditions or the road

worthiness of your vehicle, that is your decision. We encourage you to

consider your safety in this decision and to drive safely while traveling in

such conditions. We are simply informing you that school is open.

Day School Classes – Closure Policy – Closure Announcement posted by

6 a.m.

Night School Classes – Closure Policy – Closure Announcement posted

by 3:30 p.m.


Check the Charis Student Weather Line: 719-272-3344

Should you call the weather line, you will notice:

a. If school is open, there is no date reference.

b. It will only be updated if there is a change in the status.

c. If we are closed, it will be date specific.

d. Do not leave messages. They will not be returned.

e. Do not call the school to ask if school is closed.

Check KKTV 11 school closures list.

Check your phone. If you have signed up for text messaging and

have given us a correct phone number, a text message will be sent.

Check Facebook: Charis Bible College Colorado

Students should be aware of any weather likely to cause HWY 24 closures.

Ute Pass closures which result in a school closure will be posted in the same

manners listed above.

Audio recordings of classes cancelled due to inclement weather will be made

available via a link, which will be available to students on the Student Portal

under your course listing within 24 hours of the closure. It is a student’s

responsibility to check on the status of their classes for closures and to

access their missed classes through the links provided.

D. Children on Campus

In consideration of the teachers and other students, we cannot allow children

in the school during class sessions.

E. Winter Term Students

Students, who start at the beginning of the Winter Term, are required to take

Fall Term courses during summer school. Classes are given primarily via

DVD on campus and finish the week after the Summer Family Bible

Conference. Summer School begins May 25 and runs through July 13, 2016.

Part of your training will include serving during the Summer Family Bible


Conference. These hours will serve as your Student Service Hours for

grading purposes.

Tuition must be paid in full by Monday, July 11, 2016, in order to receive a

promotion certificate at the end of summer school. Students who complete

their tuition payments after the end of Summer School will have their

certificates mailed to them.

If you enter Charis as a 1st year student during the Winter term and you

know that you cannot fulfill the summer school obligation in its entirety, you

must complete your 1st year studies via one of our distance learning

programs. Partial attendance of the summer session cannot be accepted.

F. Dress Code

Modesty and good taste are to be considered the principle for all students

while on campus or at Charis/AWM functions. Colorado-casual dress that is

clean and neat is appropriate for classes and daily campus activities.

Promotion Breakfast, Graduation Ceremonies and class pictures dictate more

formal attire.

Clothes say a lot about our own personal self image. Studies have

discovered a clear link between how we dress and how well we perform at

school and at our place of employment. Sloppy or inappropriate dress

usually carries over into one’s approach to their studies and/or work.

Good personal hygiene is expected of all students. This would include daily

bathing, clean clothes, having your hair combed, use of deodorant, nice

breath, etc. We do not want your clothing or hygiene to be a distraction to

other students.

Dress Code Guidelines:

1. Baseball caps, cowboy hats, decorative hats or hoods of any type are

not to be worn in the building. Knit ski type hats may be worn during

the colder months if they are close fitting and not a distraction.

2. Shorts or mini-skirts of any kind are not to be worn. Skirts should be

no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.


3. Leggings and jeggings (jean leggings) and yoga pants are not pants

and may not be worn without the appropriate covering skirt or dress of

proper length. (See #2 above)

4. Sweat pants may not be worn.

5. No spaghetti strap, tank-top, or strapless tops may be worn at school

unless covered with a sweater, cardigan, or other shirt. Tops, shirts

and blouses must cover the shoulders.

6. Wrinkle free, colored T-shirts may be worn, but may not contain any

offensive wording or slogans. Button-up shirts, polo shirts or dress

shirts are preferred. White undershirts are not appropriate for outer


7. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. While flip flops are

permitted, we prefer you wear more substantial footwear for your own


8. Clothing must not be revealing. Clothing deemed too tight or too

revealing is not appropriate on campus or at other school functions.

9. Shirts and blouses must be long enough to cover the midsection when

hands are raised above the head.

10. Pants must be worn at the waist. Pants or jeans may not have holes,

rips or stains.

11. We ask that you not use strongly scented perfumes, colognes or

lotions while in school. Many students have adverse reactions to such


If your attire doesn’t meet the dress code, you will be asked to go home and

change. All Charis staff members are authorized to speak to you about

inappropriate dress or hygiene. If you are asked to go home and change

clothes, please consider this directive as coming from the Dean of Students.

Your compliance is expected.

G. Conduct and Correction

We expect every student of Charis Bible College to conduct themselves in

agreement with the student handbook at all times while enrolled as a

student—both on and off campus.


Immoral behavior, drunkenness, illegal drug use, abusive or threatening talk

or behavior, a rebellious attitude, continual rule breaking or conduct deemed

dangerous to others will be grounds for correction and/or dismissal. While

marijuana is now legal in Colorado, it is considered unacceptable drug

use by Charis Bible College and such use is deemed grounds for


Disciplinary Process:

1. Verbal Warning: The Director, Dean of Students, Dean of Education, Dean of Women, Third Year Directors or Coordinators, or the Night

School Coordinator may speak to a student and bring

correction when needed.

2. Written Warning: If a student fails to respond to a verbal warning from the above mentioned staff members, the Dean of Students or Charis Director may issue a written warning or suspension.

3. Suspension or Dismissal: If a student fails to respond adequately to correction or if the problem is of a serious nature, he/she will be suspended or dismissed from the campus at the discretion of the Director and/or Dean of Students.

4. The dismissed student may be allowed to re-enroll for a following school year if an acceptable change has taken place. That decision is at the sole discretion of the Director and/or Dean of Students.

Any activity in the life of the student deemed unacceptable by the

Director, Dean of Students or those in authority, will be

considered grounds for immediate dismissal from the program

without the need to follow the above guidelines.


H. Campus Safety

The Charis Security Team is responsible for keeping our campus safe. They

are enforcing the policies as set forth by the Charis Bible College

administration. Please be courteous to our security team and follow their


1. Firearms and Weapons

The Sanctuary is private property inside the Woodland Park city limits.

Firearms are prohibited on campus and it is illegal to discharge a firearm

inside the city limits of Woodland Park.

2. Fire Alarm Drills

Throughout the year, fire drills will be conducted. If an alarm sounds,

students are to exit through the nearest available exit as quickly as possible.

Students on the Banquet Hall level will exit the building and gather in the

lower east parking lot (Parking Lot B) being careful not to block the

driveway from access by emergency vehicles. All staff and students on the

lower level of the Barn will exit through the south doors and gather in the

staff parking lot on the west side of the Barn or on the property adjoining the


Students may not leave the area or drive their cars during the alarm drill or

emergency. The entrance to the campus must remain open for emergency


3. Charis Hours of Operation

Charis doors will be open at 6:45 a.m. during normal school days. Doors

will be closed and locked at 3:30 p.m. each school day. Students are free to

be on campus during normal business hours but must adhere to the lanyard

policy. Night school students will have key cards that grant them access to

the building through the front doors for the purpose of attending night



Night School students and night staff, all other students, visitors and staff

should be off the property by 10:15 p.m.

I. Emergency Situations

If a serious injury or perceived emergency situation arises students should

contact the nearest Charis Bible College staff member or Charis security

guard. They will assess and handle the situation as they deem appropriate.

Please stand away from the staff as they minister to the needs of the affected


We ask that you not call 911 unless the situation is life threatening and it is

clear that emergency help is needed.

If you have a medical condition that Charis should be aware of, please give a

written description of this condition to the Dean of Students or Dean of

Women. Security will be alerted to any potential emergency that your

condition may entail so that we can be prepared if the need arises.

Charis Security can be summoned by:

The Front Desk Greeter

Student Services

Sound booth personnel in the main auditorium

J. Soliciting

Students are not permitted to solicit business or money while on campus.

Student initiated offerings may not be taken for any reason.


Personal business (Avon, clothing sales, etc.) may not be conducted during

school hours. Please do not promote your business with students or staff

during school hours or while on campus.

Ministry or business flyers or pamphlets may not be passed out. Flyers may

be submitted to the SSR for approval to be posted.

K. Smoking

Charis/AWMI is a non-smoking facility and campus. There is no

designated smoking area. Tobacco use of any kind including smokeless

tobacco is not permitted. E-cigarettes are not permitted on campus.

L. Student relationships

Appropriate Christian behavior is expected on and off campus. Immorality is

considered grounds for immediate dismissal from Charis. Sexual harassment

will not be tolerated.

Any student who feels uncomfortable with the attention of any other student

on campus may speak with the Dean of Students or the Dean of Women and

the situation will be addressed.

Romantic, physical conduct can be a distraction and is not appropriate while

on campus.

M. Counseling

We understand that students often have a desire for counsel during their time

at Charis. It must be understood, however, that Charis is not a local church

and we do not have the staff and resources to provide ongoing counseling for

our students.

The Dean of Students, Dean of Women and Charis instructors may be

willing to offer concise orientation on a limited basis, but please do not

expect them to conduct long term, lengthy counseling sessions with you.

We ask that you seek out help from your local congregation and/or pastor

when possible.


All student issues concerning interpersonal relationships or difficulties

within the student body should be communicated with the Dean of Students

or Dean of Women.

We strongly encourage students who are contemplating marriage to seek out

premarital counseling from their pastor or a qualified Christian counselor.

The following guidelines should be followed when considering a counseling

session with the Dean of Students, Dean of Women, or a Charis instructor:

- Please make your request to see the appropriate staff member by email.

- The staff member will respond via email with questions to determine if

there is a need for a personal meeting.

- Due to the time constraints on our staff we ask that counseling sessions last

no longer than 30 minutes.

- You must be willing to follow the directions of the staff member you are

seeing, even if it includes seeking outside counsel.

Please know that our heart is to see you live a victorious Christian life and

be set free from any conflict you may be facing. We believe that sitting

under and applying the Word of God to your situation is the most effective

way to see change in your life.



The following "common sense" policies will help to maintain an appropriate

classroom atmosphere for Christian education:

1. The first bell sequence will begin three minutes before class begins.

You should be seated in the classroom before the final bell of the

second sequence.

Class schedule:

8:00 – 8:50 a.m. First hour

8:50 – 9:00 a.m. First break

9:00 – 9:50 a.m. Second hour

9:50 – 10:10 a.m. Long Break

10:10 – 11:00 a.m. Third hour

11:00 – 11:10 a.m. Third break

11:10 – 12:00 p.m. Fourth hour

2. Students should be quiet during class. Please be courteous to the

teacher and your fellow students. Disruptive students will be

cautioned according to handbook policy.

3. Food and drinks may be consumed in the classrooms only during

designated break times. Only covered, non-spill containers are

allowed in the classrooms. There may not be consumption of food

during class or chapel time.

Coffee and beverage containers should not be left on top of the

coat racks, on the floor, near the fireplaces or any other place that

they might spill. Please take your beverage containers with you

when you leave each day. Beverage bottles and containers left on

the premises after school will be discarded. Please leave no

evidence of food and drink or any other trash in your area.

4. Only authorized personnel are to operate the sound board and

CD/DVD duplicating equipment and only students running the


equipment are permitted in the sound booth or recording areas of each

class room.

5. All cell phones, pagers, or other devices that would cause

disruption are to be turned off before entering the classroom.

6. Text messaging, internet browsing and posting, and emailing are not

allowed during class. Please, be responsible to comply in these areas.

7. Electronic Bibles, laptops and language translators are permitted in

class. If you use such items please be aware of those around you so

you don’t disrupt their concentration.

8. Recording devices are permitted during class, but must not interfere

with Charis filming. The recording equipment must not disrupt the

instructor and all equipment must remain with the student at his seat.

No recording equipment is to be placed on the lectern (podium) or

within camera range.

9. Bathroom breaks are to be taken during regularly scheduled break

times. Students should not leave the classroom unless there is an

emergency or their departure has been pre-approved by the instructor.

10. Students are expected to remain in class during class time. We will

give verbal directives followed by written warnings to students who

are late for class or wandering in the hallways during classes.

11. After completing a test given in class, remain seated quietly in your

chair. Please do not get up to turn in your test card or leave class until

the dismissal chime sounds. Please follow the exact instructions of

each instructor or intern.

Any student who leaves the classroom without prior approval

from the instructor or intern before turning in their test card will

be given a zero (0) for that course.

12. When taking a test, only electronic devices approved by the instructor

may be used - (Example: A foreign student’s need for an electronic

dictionary.) During test time, electronic Bibles are not to be used

unless approved by the instructor.


Visitor Policy

You may invite guests to any of the regular class sessions and all special

speakers in first or second year classrooms. Each visitor must sign in on the

visitors’ sheet and obtain a visitor’s ID tag at the Reception’s desk. Visits for

regular classes are limited to 5 days per term, per visitor. In consideration of

the teachers and other students, we cannot allow children in the school

during class sessions.

Visitors may not attend the third year classes regardless of who is

speaking unless invited by the Director or Coordinator of that school.


1. Hours of Operation: The Student Services Room (SSR) is open from

7:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. every school morning, during each break

time, and from 12 noon until 12:30 p.m. after school. The SSR will

close promptly at the end of each designated time. Please do not

insist that they remain open after the designated time.

2. Appointments: Questions for staff and instructors should be

communicated via the appropriate email address. Staff will also be

available in the halls during break times. Appointments with staff and

instructors will be initiated by them if they feel your situation

warrants such a meeting and will usually take place before or after


Students are not allowed to walk into the staff administrative offices

on either floor without prior approval.

If you have been scheduled for an appointment, please go to the

upstairs main desk in the foyer and the Greeter will notify the staff or

faculty member that you have arrived for your appointment. The SSR

staff will also be happy to contact the staff or faculty member. Please


don’t wait in line. Go directly to the ‘pick up’ section of the counter

for quick assistance.

3. Tuition Payments: For tuition paid by credit card we strongly urge

you to pay via your CAMS student portal. Payments can be taken in

the SSR by means of cash, check or credit card.

4. Copies: The copier will be available for school related copies only

(this does not include syllabi or personal class note): the cost is 10¢

per page. Bring papers to be copied to the Student Services Room. A

staff member or intern will assist you with the copies.

5. Please do not ask to make phone calls from the receptionist’s

phone or the SSR department phones.

Please do not make cell phone calls near the receptionist’s work


6. Bulletin Boards: There are various bulletin boards located on the

upper and lower levels for student information and announcements.

An information bulletin board for student use is located on the wall

outside of the SSR. If you have something you would like to put on

that board, it must first be cleared through the Student Services

personnel. Bring your information to the Student Services room for

review. Information will be posted for one month from the time of


There are also administrative bulletin boards for faculty use only.

Lower Level Bulletin Board (Next to the downstairs mailboxes)

Registrar’s Office (left hand third)

General Information (middle third)

Third Year Program (right hand third)

Upper Level Bulletin Board (By the main stairway)

Healing and Worship Schools (left hand third)

General Information (middle third)

Missions (right hand third)


7. Announcements: All announcements must be submitted to the Dean

of Women for review. All student announcements must go through a

designated staff member before reaching the Dean’s desk. Students

may not make spontaneous announcements in class.

8. Mail Boxes: Student mailboxes are located on the upper and lower

levels. Boxes should be checked each day for memos, messages

and/or mail. 1st year student mail boxes are on the upper level across

from the auditorium. 2nd

and 3rd

year student boxes are on the lower

level in the main hallway. All students will be assigned a box

number. Be sure to include your mailbox number on any

communication that will require us to respond to you through your


9. Lost and Found: Items found and turned in by staff and students will

be stored in an unlocked cabinet under the stairs of the main stairwell.

Items of value such as wallets, jewelry and cell phones will be kept in

the SSR.

10. AWM Materials: Andrew has made all of AWM materials available

to Charis students at a 50% discount (except for partnership materials,

the D/E Program and The Living Commentary). Materials can be

ordered and paid for using the gold “In-House Transaction Form”

found in the rack located outside the SSR. Turn in the completed

order in the SSR.

11. CD/DVD Ordering Policy

General Policy:

Audio teachings offered at Charis will be made available for purchase to all

current Charis students but are not for sale to the general public.

Courses will be available on USB Flash Drive only unless otherwise

stipulated below in the ordering policy. Due to computer security protocols,

student provided flash drives cannot be loaded.


Students may only purchase courses that they have completed or in which

they are currently enrolled. (1st year students may only purchase 1st year

teachings, 2nd year students may purchase 1st & 2nd year teachings, and 3rd

year students may purchase from all years).

Please allow up to one week upon completion of the course for delivery. All

orders will be delivered to student assigned mailboxes. Teachings from

previous academic years are not available.

DVD’s are not available for any course.

Individual Classes:

Individual class offerings will not be available unless otherwise stipulated


Teaching Sets:

Teaching sets will include all lessons minus the review and testing sessions.

The course will be loaded in MP3 format on a USB Flash Drive furnished by

Charis. Sets will not be offered in any other format.


Single hour non-curriculum teachings taught in the banquet hall (1st Year

Classroom) will be made available on CD. This applies only to one hour,

stand-alone teachings.

Guest Speakers:

Throughout the year, Charis will host many guest speakers. Generally the

guest speaker will teach multiple sessions. These sessions will be subject to

the ordering policy of teaching Sets. If the guest speaker only utilizes a

single session, the teaching will be subject to the policy of Non-Curriculum.


Healing School:

All Healing School sessions (Thursday 1:00pm) will be available by CD the

following Thursday at the Healing School product table only. Orders will

not be accepted in the SSR.

Conferences & Special Events:

All conferences (Men’s Advance, Campus Days, etc) and Special Events

will be available for purchase at the event product table or on the Charis

online store (exceptions may apply) after the event has ended. Pricing will

be determined at time of the events.

2nd Year Small IAG and 3rd Year Teaching Lab:

These sessions are not available for purchase. Students may record these

sessions on their own handheld recording device.


• Teaching Sets on Flash Drive - $15.00

• Non-Curriculum (single session only) on CD - $3.00

• Guest Speakers on Flash Drive - $15.00

• Healing School (at Healing School product table only) - CD $5.00, DVD



Except for Healing School media, all media may be ordered in the SSR

during normal operating hours from the first day of school through the last

day of scheduled classes.

All orders are subject to the above policy and pricing and must be submitted

on the appropriate order form(s) filled out in entirety to ensure accuracy and

timely delivery.


If school is out of session prior to delivery, it is the responsibility of the

student to pick up their order during normal summer operating hours or to

make shipping arrangements with the SSR (shipping charges will apply).


1. Breaks between classes are to be utilized for personal phone calls, use

of bathrooms and the consumption of snacks. All students are

expected to be in their seats at the sound of the second bell.

2. Special coffee bar coffee may not be ordered after the first bell and

may not be served after the second bell.

3. If something gets spilled, please ask the front desk or SSR personnel

to contact the facilities department immediately.

4. Before break is over make sure the tables are clear and clean.

5. Remember that NO FOOD may be consumed during class time and

only non spill containers may be used in the classrooms. No soft

drink cans are allowed in the classrooms.

6. The refrigerators will be cleaned out every Friday at the end of school.

Any plastic containers left after that will be discarded or become the

property of Charis. Please do not use the refrigerator as your personal

storage facility. Only items you plan to use that day may be kept in

the refrigerator and must be removed at the end of each day.

7. All coffee cups, water bottles and other drink cups left in the

building after 12:20 p.m. each day will be discarded.




All students are only to park in the main parking lots in front of The Barn.

Student parking and Parking Permits are free at Charis.

Carpooling is strongly encouraged and a website has been developed for

your ease in facilitating this (www.charisapps.com).

There are four lots available for student parking, A, B, C, & D. You will

need to refer to the Parking Plan and diagram that you received at

Registration for details. Anytime there is a conference or event on campus,

the Student Parking Plan will be suspended for the event for the convenience

of our guests. Students will be advised of how parking will be managed

during the conference/event.

Parking behind the building is for Charis Staff only and designated as

such. Staff parking is not for students who may be employees of AWMI at

Elkton. Any student found parking in the Staff Lot without proper

authorization will be required to visit with the Operations Manager to

explain their need. Any additional violations of the Staff Parking lot will be

turned over to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

A parking sticker will be assigned to you and must be attached to the

interior, lower left corner of the driver side windshield. Student vehicles

without visible parking permits are subject to being towed. Overnight

parking without security staff permission is prohibited.

Please observe a 10 mph speed limit in parking areas.

Please observe the 15mph speed limit when passing the gatehouse, entering

or exiting.

Please comply with the campus parking attendants, all traffic and parking

signage, and follow all posted directional and speed limit signs.


There is heavy pedestrian traffic between the lower east parking lot and the

upper east parking lot around the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Please

be observant as students walk to and from their cars.

Parking is in designated parking areas only. Do not park in reserved, guest,

or handicap parking spaces. If you have a Handicap sticker or license plate,

use the designated space.

Please do not spin your tires, do ‘donuts’ in the parking lot or cause your car

to slide on the ice and snow for a thrill. Such recklessness will be grounds

for probation or dismissal.


It is the desire of the Charis Operations Department to maximize the reasonable

and responsible use of the campus by students and staff and to create policies that

support that desire. The ultimate desire is that the student body and staff would

take ownership of the campus and its facilities and participate in the care and

management of the property that God has entrusted to us to steward. To that end,

the following guidelines are provided:

The Barn—building stewardship

The 157-acre campus is known as the Sanctuary. The building in which

classes are held is called the Barn. The entire campus has been entrusted to

us by God to steward for His use. Please be mindful that this is a large

building and property and your assistance in keeping it clean is greatly


The Lodge

The lodge and the road leading to the lodge are completely off limits for

Charis students and visitors. Guest speakers and other AWMI guests

frequently use the lodge and their privacy is of primary importance.


Campus Safety

The Sanctuary is home to a variety of wildlife including bears, mountain

lions, elk, deer, coyotes, foxes and other creatures. Typically these animals

will avoid all human contact but be alert to your surroundings when moving

around the campus, especially if doing so on foot. DO NOT FEED THE

ANIMALS—it is a violation of state law to do so.

The Sanctuary is private property inside the Woodland Park city limits.

Firearms are prohibited on campus and it is illegal to discharge a firearm

inside the city limits of Woodland Park.

All students are required to wear their student I.D. attached to their colored

lanyard above the waist in a clearly visible fashion. This policy is in effect

at all times when on campus or any ministry property without exception.

Campus Access and Use

The campus has a variety of self-service activities including hiking, fishing,

volleyball, horseshoes and Frisbee golf. At the present time, campus gates

will be closed on weekends.

Students and their guests are not excluded from applicable local, state and

federal laws while on campus. This includes Colorado state laws that

govern fishing. Fishing on campus is on a catch-and-release basis only.

There is no hunting allowed on campus.

No swimming or ice skating in or on any of the ponds.

Camping and campfires are not allowed.

Fireworks are not allowed on the grounds.

No ATVs or Off Road Vehicles are allowed on the property. All vehicles

will stay on the paved roads.

The pavilion and the outdoor patio and deck are available for use by students

for school-related gatherings and activities during normal college business

hours. The reservation policy and procedures are available in SSR.


Students are responsible for the conduct and safety of all guests brought on

campus as well as ensuring that guests are aware of and adhere to all campus

use policies.

Access by students and their guests to the Sanctuary grounds on the

weekends is allowed. Students must wear their lanyards and I.D.s while on

the property on weekends.

Due to ongoing construction on the grounds, no students or guests are

allowed into any construction area at any time.

Parents and guardians are responsible for the conduct and safety of all

children brought on campus.

The Sanctuary is a no-smoking, tobacco free (tobacco of any kind and e-

cigarettes), drug free, and alcohol free campus. Violators will be asked to

refrain and or may be escorted off of the property.


Day or Night Full-Time First Year Students

The Service Hours Program is intended to reflect a lifestyle of servant-

hood from a motivation of love. The goal of this program is for the student

to both discover and display a lifestyle of integrity, accountability and

faithfulness through the people served and tasks to which you have

committed. Your Service Hours grade will carry the same weight as a

regular class.

You will be allowed to complete your Service Hours requirement either

through an approved local church or ministry, or through the various

service opportunities of Charis Bible College or Andrew Wommack

Ministries. (The Dean of Students, Dean of Women or Night School

Coordinator has the authority to approve the organization in which you may

fulfill your Service Hours requirement.)


Qualifying service is to be done with an organization and under recognized

supervision. Private, one-on-one Bible studies, praying with a fellow

student, personal evangelism and other such ministry is not applicable

toward your Service Hours requirement.

A student report form is due from each student at the middle and end of

each term. Dates are noted on the form. Please adhere to the turn in dates

and times or your service hours will not be counted. Forms can be picked up

from the rack outside the SSR door. These forms must be completed and

dropped off in the Service Hours slot in the Faculty and Staff mailboxes.

Night School students, please put your forms in the Night School slot.

The Service Hours form must be filled out completely in legible print. Any

form that is not filled in properly cannot be counted toward your Service

Hours grade.

Service Hour forms include the name and phone number of the approved

supervisors. Supervisors will be called to verify the hours claimed on the


The Requirements of the Service Hours Program are:

1. Each 1st year student must complete 25 hours per term. (There are 3

terms in the school year)

2. Up to five (5) hours of service can be credited per week. Students are

encouraged to serve as many hours as they can but more than 5 hours

per week will not be included in the cumulative total for the week or


Some areas of service for student involvement at Charis/AWMI:

1. Sound Board 5. Administrative help

2. Classroom clean-up 6. Praise and Worship

3. CD/Correspondence Department 7. Facilities Department

4. Duplication and Printing Department 8. Care Teams

Suggestions for local church involvement

1. Children’s ministry 6. Prayer Team


2. Maintenance 7. Drama

3. Ushering 8. Youth ministry

4. Praise and Worship 9. Altar worker

5. Leader of church sponsored 10. Church organized evangelism

Bible Study or Cell Group

Charis invites local area ministries to a ‘Volunteer Fair’ in September.

During that day you will have an opportunity to become familiar with

various ministries and can volunteer to serve if you so desire.

The process for volunteering with Andrew Wommack Ministries is to go

online, look under ‘jobs’ at the bottom of the page and click on “Volunteer

with Us!” A preview of volunteer opportunities will open. Complete the

application and you will be contacted by someone at AWMI.

Students who are employees of AWMI or Charis Bible College are eligible

to have their working hours satisfy the Service Hours requirement but the

proper form must be turned in as stipulated above.



Mission trips are a very valuable and important part of training for our

second-year students. It is Andrew’s desire for every second-year student to

take a foreign mission trip; consequently, it is a requirement for graduation

from Charis. The purpose of the trip is to give exposure to a foreign culture,

to learn how to interact with the people, how to teach through an interpreter,

to deal with a demanding and flexible schedule, and to cooperate with other

students as a team. The mission trips have proven to be life-changing for

most graduates; hundreds of nationals are born-again and spirit-filled,

miracles happen, and the lives of many are changed by the ministry of the


Each trip emphasizes a different kind of ministry, depending on the host’s

focus. Hosts may offer opportunities for the students to teach in Bible

schools, minister through street evangelism, participate in dramas, serve in

orphanages, work on community projects, teach local pastors to disciple,

evangelize or minister in healing, etc.

Mission trips are paid for in the following ways:

1. Charis Walk-A-Thons

2. Points earned through participation in Charis sponsored fundraisers (such

as Men’s Advance, Campus Days)

3. Personal funds

There is a Walk-A-Thon in the Fall and again in the Spring. These Walk-A-

Thons are our biggest fundraisers and generate the most dollars to fund these

trips. Charis will provide fundraising letters for you to send out to your

friends and family. You are strongly encouraged to participate in this

fundraiser to support your mission trip and not depend on just serving at

events. Mission points opportunities at Charis events are very limited.

Another way you can support your mission trip is by putting aside funds

each month beginning your first year. Those funds can be turned in monthly

and will be credited to your mission trip account. Please specify that you are

paying toward your mission trip and not tuition.


Mission points are awarded according to the level of a student’s involvement

in a Charis event that generates funds for the mission trips. As the school

grows there are fewer points available for all students so we encourage you

to plan ahead to assure that your trip can be covered through the three main

areas mentioned above.

Mission points and/or dollars earned by students are not refundable or

transferable to other students. Mission points earned at one Charis Bible

College are not transferable to another Charis Bible College. If a student

hasn’t earned enough points for their mission trip, the balance is to be paid

in dollars to Charis by Monday, May 2nd

, 2016. Students who have not

successfully paid for their trip by that time will not be allowed to participate

in the Charis graduation ceremony. Students may take their trip before

meeting their point goal, but must understand that the points and/or money

goal must be met before graduation.

After a missions trip the student has the rest of that school year to continue

earning points by participating in later fundraisers. If 2000 points are

required and you earn 1800, you must pay the 200 point difference ($100)

before graduation. One (1) point is counted as 50 cents.

Some mission trips do have additional costs not covered by mission points.

These are paid for by the students taking those trips. Some additional costs

might include visas, immunizations, some meals, etc. Any additional costs

will be made known prior to the trip.

Veterans: Please be aware that the VA will not pay missions trip costs

related to travel (airfare, lodging & meals) or third party charges. You will

need to participate in the Walk-A-Thon fund raisers and volunteer for events

to earn points to raise the money for your mission trip as all students are

encouraged to do, or pay for the trip yourself. Your mission trip will not

affect the payment of tuition or of your BHA payments.

Mission trips must be taken during the second year of the program. Any

exception will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Mission

Coordinator and Dean of Students. Mission points earned during first year

only apply to a mission trip taken during the second year of study. Mission

points will only carry-over one year if a student isn’t able to attend school

or take their trip during their second year. If after a one year absence from

Charis a first year student fails to attend second year and take a missions


trip, any missions points accrued during their first year will be lost. For

example: a student who successfully completes first year, earns 500 missions

points and then does not return to Charis for 2 years to attend second year

will have lost those 500 points and must start from zero.

If a student or intern decides not to take a trip once their ticket has been

purchased or if they are dropped from a trip due to past due tuition,

academic or attendance reasons, they must reimburse Charis for the ticket

price and any other associated costs. Charis is under no obligation to provide

another trip for that student.


At the beginning of second-year, students are given a list of options for

mission locations, estimated travel dates, the number of mission points

needed and/or additional costs required for each trip. Student choices are

submitted to the Missions Coordinator. Every effort is made to give students

their first or second choice of mission locations. Due to restraints of housing,

transportation, location, or other factors, the number of students per trip is

limited. As a result, slots will be filled by selection from the pool of students

who made that location their first choice until the trip is full. The students

who aren’t chosen will be added to the pool for their second choice;

however, the student should understand that they will not have priority for

their second choice. Priority is primarily dictated by your choice, the status

of your passport, and the number of mission points accrued.

If you do not have a valid passport, you will not be placed on a trip.

After a passport is confirmed by the Missions Coordinator, the student will

be placed on a trip according to space availability.


The following requirements must be met. Failure to meet any of the

following requirements, unless prior arrangements are made with the

Missions Coordinator, may disqualify that student from taking a mission


- Student must be in good academic standing

- Student must demonstrate an overall consistent display of godly


- Passport must be valid and current with at least 6 months of


remaining validity by the date of the trip

- Tuition must be current

- Student must attend all team meetings


The Care Teams are student run teams at Charis Bible College that offer help to

fellow students in various areas. They also serve as an outreach in the Woodland

Park and Colorado Springs Communities.

The International Student Assistance Program Team helps international

students get acclimated to the Woodland Park/Colorado Springs area. The

ISAP assists new incoming international students for up to a two week

period of time. Once you’ve received your Visa you will be e-mailed

information regarding assistance available through the International Student

Assistance Program Care Team.

The Caring Touch Team is designed to help fellow students who have been

experiencing prolonged illness, hospitalization or death in the family. These

students will be offered a helping hand, a meal, a card, prayer or whatever

may be deemed necessary by the Dean of Students, Dean of Woman or the

Care Team Coordinator. They also are the team that greets students and

assists visitors when they arrive in the morning.

The Social Team plans various activities for fellowship among the Charis

Bible College student body.

The Civic Care Team comes alongside the city and the Mayor and keeps

informed of the various things going on within the Community.

The Community Outreach Team reaches out to the community. Historically

this Care Team has helped with the Springs Rescue Mission Thanksgiving

Outreach and the Crossroads Ministries Golden Christmas Outreach as well

as many other approved community events in Colorado Springs and

Woodland Park.

You may contact Bonnie Ortmann, the Care Team Coordinator at 719/268-

5931 for further information on any of the Care Teams.



You are encouraged to attend weekly church services. Gathering together regularly with a

body of believers is not only scriptural but also a vital part of your training for the

ministry. Most ministry opportunities flow from church participation.

Some Area Churches

Charis Christian Center Pastor: Lawson Perdue 850 Elkton Dr. Phone: 719-227-0380 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 www.chariscc.com

Church For All Nations Pastor: Mark Cowart 6540 Templeton Gap Rd. Phone: 719-591-1800 Colorado Springs, CO 80922 www.churchforallnations.com

Charis Family Church Pastors Andy and Sharris Johnson

10460 W Hwy 24 Phone: 719-651-2141

Green Mtn Falls, CO 80819 Service Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m.


Rock Family Church Pastor: Dean Hawk 4005 Lee Vance View Phone: 719-531-6600 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 www.rockfamilychurch.com Heartbeat Ministries Int’l Church Pastor: Dan Funkhouser

3958 N. Academy Blvd. Suites 113-118 Phone: 719-570-6193

Colorado Springs, CO 80917 www.hmichurch.com

New Life Church Pastor: Brady Boyd 11025 Voyager Pkwy. Phone: 719-594-6602 Colorado Springs, CO 80921 www.newlifechurch.org

Gospel of Grace Church, Int'l. Pastors: David & Luwana Moore

5975 N. Academy Blvd., Suite 111 Phone: 719-799-6757

Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Service Times: Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Meets at Springs Ranch Elementary Non-Denominational

www.gospelofgracechurch.org Grace and Faith Bible Church of Pastors: Don and Michelle Patterson

West Colorado Springs Phone: 256-490-6396

3870 Mark Dabling Blvd Service Times: Sundays 10:30 a.m.

Colorado Springs, CO 80907 http://www.gracefaithbiblechurch-wcs.org

Email: creativefaith130@aol.com

Living Streams Church Pastors: Trish & Bill Sinclair

Meets at CSCS - Woodland Park Phone: 719-598-0185

1003 Tamarac Parkway www.livingstreamschurch.net

Woodland Park, CO 80863


River Rock Church Pastor Rick McFarland

314 W. Bijou St. Phone: 720-663-0895

Colorado Springs CO 80905 Service Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Clarion Hotel, 3rd

floor www.riverrockchurch.net

Joyland Church Pastor Larry McKnight

10605 Green Mountain Falls Rd., Phone: 719-684-9418

Green Mountain Falls, Co. 80819 Service Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday, Bible Study/Prayer 1:30 p.m.

Prayer Mountain Pastors Brian and Schlyce Jimenez

107 Henrietta Ave Phone: 719-687-7626

Woodland Park, CO 80819 Service Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m.

Mountain Life Church Pastors Manny and Cheryl Dunlap

4031 Teller County Road 1 Phone: 719-641-8535

Cripple Creek, CO 80813 email: info@mountainlifechurch.net


Impact Christian Church Pastor Scott Park

27400 N. Hwy. 67 Phone: 719-687-3755

Woodland Park, CO 80866 email: office@impactcc.net




Charis Bible College of Colorado is authorized under federal law to enroll non-

immigrant foreign students. Our goal is to prepare students for ministry work or

the helps ministry.

Charis Reporting Requirements

The student is responsible to know and to follow the Student Handbook as well as

the International Student Guidelines while attending school. Please be informed

that Charis is required to re-register all foreign students each term to confirm their

active status and to report the following to SEVIS:

Any disciplinary action taken against a student as a result of the student

being convicted of a crime.

Failures to enroll, maintain status, or complete the program.

Date of termination of enrollment and the reason for termination.

Graduation prior to the program end-date on the I-20 Form.

Any special events that would substantially affect the student’s

attendance or enrollment such as a major illness, accident, etc. The

student should immediately contact the school office regarding anything

that would interrupt their attendance so that a determination may be made

if the student will need to file for an extension of stay and/or if the

courses will be able to be completed.

Change of address (The student must immediately inform Charis of any

address change.)

Causes for Expulsion

The student will be considered to not be maintaining status and enrollment will be

interrupted for any of the following reasons:

Failure to attend classes.

Excessive absences or tardiness.

Acceptance of employment.

Failure to comply with the Student Handbook and/or International

Student Guidelines.

Failure to pay tuition and fees.

Any criminal activity.

Student falling out of status for any reason.


Requirements to Attend Second Year or Third Year

Sixty days before the expiration of the student’s I-20, the Designated School

Official will give the student a Letter of Intent to complete regarding the student’s

plan for the next school year.

This Letter of Intent must be returned to the Designated School Official by the due


Upon satisfactory progress in the first year, Charis will process and resubmit the

new Form I-20MN on-line with SEVIS on behalf of the student. The following

requirements must be met for the student to make the transition to the second year

or third year:

Tuition and fees must be paid.

Completed all assignments from first or second year.

Have been compliant with Student and International Student Guidelines.

Not have accepted employment during first or second year.

Completed and submitted Letter of intent to Designated School Official.

Submitted verification of finances for living expenses for following year.

Student must have valid visa to participate in the required mission trip.


year students in Missions school must have a valid Visa, not a paper I-

94 extension.

Completion of Program

When a student completes their course of study or elects not to return for second or

third year, the student must return to their home country within thirty days of the I-

20 expiration date. Prior to doing so, all outstanding balances should be paid at

Charis Bible College.

Questions or Concerns Regarding International Student Guidelines

Should a student have any questions or concerns regarding these International

Student Guidelines or if an issue arises, the student will contact the Designated

School Official at Charis Bible College as soon as possible.

Website to be familiar with: http://studyinthestates.dhs.gov/

Make sure you are aware of travel restrictions and requirements.


US Embassy list : http://www.usembassy.gov/