2015-08-10 Beyond Stevia Outline

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 2015-08-10 Beyond Stevia Outline

W2O Food Innovation


Beyond Stevia: Exploring Emerging Plant-Based Sweeteners and Sweetness ModulatorsAlex Woo, CEO, W2O Food Innovation

• Understanding recent advances in sweet taste neuroscience• Exploring the benefits and disadvantages for

emerging plant-based high potency sweeteners such as monk fruit and monatin• Examining pros and cons for emerging non/low

caloric plant-based bulk sweeteners such as allulose and tagatose • Enhancing sweetness with emerging taste

modulators including receptor tech-based PAM and phantom flavors.• Applying crossmodal correspondences to make

things even sweeter without any ingredient• Predicting commercial success based on 12 criteria

including regulatory approval and cost.
