2014 International Convention, Chennai, India - IP Night: IP Speech

Post on 13-May-2015

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IP Isaac Palathinkal's speech to delegates of the 2014 International Convention in Chennai, India during IP Night Banquet.

Transcript of 2014 International Convention, Chennai, India - IP Night: IP Speech

  • 1.IP NIGHT Ym.Isaac Palathinkal International President 2014-15

2. Introduction and gratitude A warm good evening to all of you. Now, we have covered almost 65% of our scheduled time at the convention. However this session happens to be the most important one in my Ys dom, when I am addressing the Ys fraternity from the whole world, as their International President. I thank PIP Jacob Cherian for presenting a very colourful picture of me. I hope and pray that I will live up to the expectations of all of you. 3. I do hope that you are enjoying the Indian hospitality, traditional Indian culture, the Indian food and the Indian weather at this time of the year, all of which could be quite different from what you enjoy at home. We are extremely thankful to all of you for your precious presence here, taking tedious journey from far and near and adjusting to the time and climate. I thank you all, the cream of the Ys Men community , for elevating me to this position. I thank my colleagues in my club, District, Region and Area for grooming me to occupy this position. I thank my ICMs, ISDs, AP Troika, RD Troika, DGs, my home club President and all other officers and friends who are attending this convention and participating in this IP Night Banquet. 4. The person that I am: Before going into my traditional speech on my dreams and aspirations My year ahead, let me first be a bit personal with you, then move on to introduction of my personal guests and then to my dreams. 5. I am a posthumous child. My father died on 1st August 1947 and I was born on 8th August, one week after my father died. Thereafter, in my childhood, my home meant my mother and my elder sister apart from my grand father who died when I was 9 years. When I was 10 years of age, my mother sent me to the local YMCA Secretary with a letter from her and Five Rupees as the Boys Branch membership fee, with the intention that I should become a disciplined youth joining the YMCA, not falling into undesirable traps. 6. What she did to me will ever be remembered with gratitude in my life. My association with the YMCA helped me a lot in developing myself. I started playing Basket Ball there and ultimately I became a District team member and Captain of College Basket Ball team because of the basic training I received in the YMCA. My mother lived with me or rather I lived with her till she left us for her heavenly abode at the age of 94. She was extremely happy seeing me developing into the leadership positions in Ys Men, step by step. When she died, I was Regional Director. All the blessings my family received and now we receive are because of her prayerful life dedicated to me and my sister. 7. In my child hood, me and my sister had a good and loving company of our three first cousin sisters, who lived with us on all school vacations, along with their parents who took great care for us. More than first cousins, the three were sisters to us. We grew up together, we loved each other and cared for each other. I am extremely happy that all of them, except one, are now here with their spouses in this august audience. 1955 2005 8. I did not tell you about my wife Susan. She is behind every success of mine in my entire life after marriage. She always encouraged me in my Ys life, with no complaint, what so ever, that I was reaching home very late or leaving her at home alone, when I was travelling for my Ys Men work. Then comes my son and daughter, who grew up in Ysdom and now lead pleasant and busy life. Unfortunately, they could not come here and meet you all. We love our grand children, all grand daughters, more than we cared for our children. 9. In a nut shell, we live a happy and contented life with a prayer to the Almighty to lead us for the rest of our life also. 10. My personal guests here in the audience: Let me now introduce my personal guests to you. My wife Susan My sister Shanti and her husband Dr.Poonnose 11. My cousin, the eldest of the three, I mentioned earlier as equivalent to own sisters, Susheela and her husband Thomas My other cousin, the youngest of the three, Dr.Laitha and her husband Thomas The other cousin among the three is Shanta, who is Mumbai and unfortunately could not come here. My niece Preetha and her husband Anand My nephew John Susans first cousin Lalitha and her husband Kunju, who live in Chennai. 12. My dreams and aspirations My year ahead 13. My dreams and aspirations My year ahead My theme as IP for 2014-15: Talk Less, Do More My slogan: Do it Now. I believe, this theme and slogan together will encourage all Ys Men, Menettes and Youth/Lings together, through out the world for doing more and more service to the community rather than going on talking about it and that such services will be provided without any process delay as per slogan Do It Now. 14. DO IT NOW Why? I shall pass through this world but once Any good therefore I can do or Any kindness that I can show to any human being LET ME DO IT NOW Let me not defer or neglect it For I shall not pass this way again 15. My dreams and aspirations My year ahead I dream on 6 most important objectives that we should deliver for our Movement. Growth in Membership Commitment towards our International programmes and projects Commitment towards Service to the community around us Relationship with the YMCA Our association with UN Projects Celebration of Ys Week 16. Growth in Membership Our Movement is going through a difficult period. We find it very difficult to extend our Movement. Growth is static for the past many years. We have our vision 2022, for our birth centenary year 2022. By then, we aim to reach the membership of minimum 50,000, spread in at least 100 countries 17. In order to realise our Vision 2022, let us do an introspection What are we doing for Extension and Membership Conservation? Are we serious enough in our attempts? Are we finding lame excuses for the static membership? Please do an introspection, wake up and do the needful. The Movement should live and continue, even after we leave this world. Growth in Membership My dream is that we should reach a membership of at least 33000 by the end of 2014-15 and then 10% increase every year My Dream 18. Commitment towards our International programmes and projects We do have many noble projects being done continuously for the community. Out of these, our Time of Fast Global Project and Roll Back Malaria are the most outstanding. Endowement Fund is needed for our own organisational growth, especially because we face shortage of funds for our growth. The other International Projects are also equally important. I dream that our Ys community is going to continuously support these projects and increase their contribution at least by 10% , every year 19. Commitment towards Service to the community around us We live in a community where there are many who need help and solace. Even in affluent countries there are those needy, may not be monetarily, but morally and mentally. Are we serving them to best extent possible by us? 20. I know of a Region which excelled in this activity. They conduct Fund raising programmes or get donations from inside and outside. During the last three years they supplied 17 Home care vehicles cum Ambulances to Cancer and Palliative care units, arranged more than 15,000 free dialysis to poor renal patients and Donated 5 Dialysis machines. Doing it in three years was not a mean thing. I understand, this year, they are going to support 100 open heart surgeries free of charge, donate 14 houses to the poor in a place named Ys Mens Village and more. There is a lot to learn from them. I know of some Regions and Areas excelling in this type of service. 21. I dream that all Regions will come with similar programmes to help communities in their own place or support such activities in places far away from them, where it is genuinely required. In total, they donated 17 Home care vehicles cum Ambulances to Cancer and Palliative care units TALK LESS, DO MORE & DO IT NOW 22. Relationship with the YMCA Our relationship with our foster parent YMCA is mutually most important to both of us. We see a much more lively co-operation between us than in the past. At various levels, we have already signed Principles of Partnership and Memorandum of Understanding between us, at APAY level. Let us not leave it there. Let the YMCA and YMI come out of the shell and start the real co-operation. I dream that at least 30 new Ys Mens clubs will be formed this year with the support of YMCA and that we will return the help by supporting Change Agents programme of YMCA and by sponsoring new YMCAs. 23. Our association with UN Projects RBM in association with UN and International Red Cross has brought to the forefront in our global service to the needy. I dream that our support for RBM project will grow multifold in the coming years and also that we will collaborate with other world organisations in making our services available for development of the mankind and to make the world a better place to live through our environment enriching programmes. 24. Ys Week As we are aware, our founder Paul William Alexander was born of 8th December 1888. I thought it prudent that we celebrate the week Dec 7th to 13th 2014 as YS WEEK by all Ys Men through out the world. Areas have already accepted this concept and opted either the week Dec 7th to 13th or other weeks more convenient to them. 25. Maximum number of Public Relation (PR) activities by Clubs at local or District level. Our motto To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right and the community service activities, we take up based on our motto, to be made known to the public through suitable means. Choose this week as a week for inauguration of fresh major community service programmes. Treat the week as the membership extension week of the year and induct members in groups to our clubs/Movement. Collect maximum amount of donations for our International projects RBM and TOF GP during this week What I dream for the Ys Week are: 26. Well, friends Every good thing has to end up somewhere . Here ends my dreams . My dreams on . Growth in Membership .. Commitment towards our International programmes and projects .. Commitment towards Service to the community around us .. Relationship with the YMCA .. Our association with UN Projects .. and Celebration of Ys Week .. 27. Individual efforts can make wonders. But, collective efforts can create history. Let us create history. TALK LESS, DO MORE DO IT NOW 28. Thank you, Tak, takk, Tack, , Aith, Kiitos, Danke, ai, , ,