2014-15 Thrifty Foods ‘Double Up’ Report · Dinner out with Culinary Faculty Final Banquet ....

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Thrifty Foods ‘Double Up’ 2014-15 Summary

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2014-15 Thrifty Foods ‘Double Up’ Report

Submitted on:

July 2, 2015


Kamala Haughton

Alumni Relations and Annual Campaign Officer

and David Forrester

Advancement Manager, Alumni Relations and Annual Campaign

Vancouver Island University

Thrifty Foods ‘Double Up’ 2014-15 Summary

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Since 2009, Vancouver Island University (VIU) and Thrifty Foods have partnered in a unique fundraising

initiative known as the ‘Double Up’ program. The program is exclusive to the VIU ‘family’ consisting of

students, alumni, staff and faculty and their fundraising events in support of VIU. In previous years the

funds raised through the program were used to support scholarships, awards and bursaries and the new

Aboriginal Gathering Place on the Nanaimo campus. Funds raised this year are supporting numerous

student initiatives including field schools, graduations, athletic teams, literary publications and


Thrifty Foods is a proud supporter of Vancouver Island University and the ‘Double Up’ program is

available to all students, alumni and staff raising funds in support of VIU. In order to support as many

initiatives as possible through the program, applicants are limited to a total of $1,000 in matching funds

per initiative.

Staff, student and alumni donations (including payroll deductions) to scholarships, awards and bursaries

are also eligible to receive funds through the ‘Double Up’ program.


The ‘Double Up’ program continues to grow in participation and interest on campus and much of the

matching funds available are committed early in the year when the program is announced.

This year we were proud to support 25 student and faculty initiatives which raised more than $65,935

for students at Vancouver Island University.

Highlights of the program this year include the formation of new student scholarships, awards and

bursaries, numerous experiential learning opportunities through field schools in two different countries,

national MBA games, and close to Thrifty Foods heart, local food production and culinary events.

On behalf of the students and faculty at VIU we thank Thrifty Foods for their ongoing support of the

‘Double Up’ program and hope that we can continue to offer this unique partnership to our VIU

community again next year.

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Organizer: Matt Kuzminski

Amount Raised: $1300

Event Date: September 20, 2014

Attendees: 150 tickets plus players

Description: The VIU Mariners Men’s

Basketball had their annual alumni game.

This is where the new Mariner team plays

against alumni players. This is a fun event

that the community is welcome to attend

and a great way to kick-start the season.

After the game, community members are encouraged to attend the beer and burger fundraiser at the

Queens Nanaimo. In total, 150 tickets were sold. It was a diverse crowd made up of parents,

grandparents, friends, students and other family members. The funds will help greatly in contributing to

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the costs the Men’s Basketball players have playing the exhibition games in Seattle in October. The VIU

Mariners Men’s Basketball team greatly appreciates the support from Thirfty Foods Double Up program.


Organizer: Bruce Hunter

Amount Raised: $24,000.00

Event Date: September 16, 2014

Attendees: 108 golfers

Description: VIU Athletics organized their VIU

Mariner Athletics Golf Classic fundraiser on

September 16, 2014 at Nanaimo Golf Club. The

tournament reached max capacity at 108 registrants. The net revenue from the tournament was

$24,000.00 and it will go towards providing financial assistance for the Mariner Athletics. This is a great

opportunity for the Mariner Athletics teams to engage with community supporters and raise awareness

of the Mariner Athletics as a whole.


Organizer: Alix Stupich

Amount Raised: $1294.78

Event Date: October 2, 2014

Attendees: 13 members of the VIU Mariners

Women’s Basketball team

Description: The VIU Mariner’s Women’s Basketball

Shoot-a-thon fundraiser took place on October 2,

2014. It was a great success with $1,284.50 raised.

The event took place in the VIU Athletics gym, with the 13 members of our women’s basketball team

participating. Other attendees during the fundraiser were the four coaches for the team (1 head coach

and the 3 assistant coaches). For the fundraiser, the ladies on the team collected pledges of either a

lump sum donation, or on an amount per shot made basis (for example $.10/shot made). Each member

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of the team shot 100 free throws and recorded their makes. The funds raised will support the athletes in

off-setting the costs for the season.


Organizer: Debbie Shore, Culinary Arts Instructor

Amount Raised: $3294.08

Event Date: November 3 – 7, 2014

Attendees: 260

Description: In May 2014, the field school Food, Wine and Culture of Florence and Tuscany in Italy saw

12 students visit Giglio Cooking School in Florence. Chef Marcella Ansaldo was a calm, professional,

engaging teacher and a discussion ensued regarding inviting her to share some of her knowledge with

students at VIU. During the week of November 3-7, Chef Ansaldo and her partner Pellegrino visited from

Florence Italy. Key people in the organization of her activities were Debbie Shore (All things kitchen),

Imogene Lim (lectures with ANTH and Global studies) and Stephen Burr (co-instructor in 2014 field

school and tour guide for the Italians while in Canada). Some of the activities through the week


Mushroom picking on the shoulder of Mt Arrowsmith Biosphere (gathering mushrooms for the

banquet held November 7)

Tour and visit to Coombs, Tigh Na Mara and MacMillan forest with Faculty Stephen Burr

Tour and dinner at Providence Farm, with Cowichan Culinary Program

Two lectures with Anthropology and Global studies students

Two workshops with culinary and baking students

Dinner out with Culinary Faculty

Final Banquet

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Organizer: Sarah Greenway

Amount Raised: $2083.40

Event Date: November 28, 2014

Attendees: 250

Description: The VIU Natural History Museum

hosted a Silent Auction on November 28, 2014 in

order to raise funds for collection improvements,

specimen repairs and for completion of a new inventory system. Many faculty members donated

biddable items for the auction. The Horticulture Department provided poinsettias for sale at the auction

to attract more bidders as well. The Thrifty Food’s cards allowed us to serve some seasonal cheer (apple

cider and goodies), creating a social atmosphere that attracted many through the door and allowed for

faculty and students to visit while bidding on items.

The Double Up Program enabled Science and Technology to host an event that added to the

camaraderie for the busy time of year, show off the museum displays and other projects that have been

completed by students and create a fun atmosphere for all involved.

A huge Thank-you to Thrifty Foods and the Double Up Program!


Organizer: Janice Henshaw

Event Date: 18 Lunch and Learns 2014/2015

Attendees: 300

Description: In 2014-2015 on behalf of the VIU Institute for Coastal Research, we have presented 18

Lunch and Learn events for VIU students, faculty and the general public. Attendance usually ranges from

15 to 45 people per session. Approximately 300 people have participated in this program since the fall.

Topics have ranged from music to geography, how salmon find their way home, how old is an old

growth forest, using arts based strategies in teaching and work, to CUPE recipients of international

educations grants, and everything in between. The purpose of the presentations is to share information

about research at VIU. Because the talks take place at lunch, hungry participants have been delighted to

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find snacks available. We are very grateful to Thrifty’s for their support of the VIU Lunch and Learn


Example of one of the Lunch and Learn posters is included with this package.


Organizer: Megan Bailey, VIU Human Resource Advisor and Yoga Instructor

Amount Raised: $459.85

Event Date: November 3, 2014 – February 17, 2015

Description: This fundraising event took place over the Fall and Spring semesters. The first 6 sessions ran

from November 3 – December 8, 2014 and each week a 50-minute lunch time yoga class was offered.

Participants made a donation at each class in which they participated. Over the sessions, there were 62

participants and donations totaled $254.05 that went toward the Faculty of Management Award fund.

After the Christmas break, yoga sessions started up for another 6 sessions from January 14 – February

17, 2015 and $205.80 was raised in donations. This time donations were raised for Health and Human

Services awards and scholarships. Yoga Instructor Megan Bailey was kind enough to donate her lunch

hour to guide VIU employees through all 12 sessions, allowing them to unwind for an hour, and feel

renewed after each class.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated in the yoga sessions, donated to student awards

and scholarships, and to Thrifty Foods for matching the funds raised. We are looking forward to more

yoga in the future!

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Organizer: Karen Alden, Campus Rec, Healthy U Committee

and RGMT 190 Programming and Special Events Students

Amount Raised: $1000.00

Event Date: March 11, 2015

Attendees: 250 – 300 people

Description: The Mind, Body & Soul Health & Wellness Fair provided health and wellness education,

resources, musical entertainment and hands on activities for students and staff of VIU both on campus

and off. A variety of local businesses from the community and departments on campus were vendors at

the fair to inform the students and staff of their services that were available to them. The funds raised

are being returned back to the students in providing more student activities. We will also have a number

of programs being offered and we will be applying for the Double Up program again.


Organizer: Beverly Revin

Amount Raised: $650

Event Date: March 12, 2015

Attendees: 50 – 60

Description: This fundraiser is in support of the Beverly Revin Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)

scholarship that helps first year early childhood education and care students to continue into the second

year of the ECEC program. This is the second year in a row that the fundraiser has been help at VIU in

support of the scholarship. It has been our pleasure in hosting this fundraiser to raise awareness about

the Thrifty Foods Double Up program and the VIU scholarship program. Thank you so much for

providing double up funds to help support the ECEC scholarship.


Organizer: Joy Gugeler, Professors

Amount Raised: $5172

Event Date: April 9, 2015

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Contributors: 44 student writers and artists

Description: Forty-four student writers and artists contributed to the 2015 Portal Magazine with 560

copies printed and being distributed for sale nationally through Magazines Canada. Students raised

money through various activities including two bake sales, silent auction, beer and burger night, library

readings, and more. These activities helped raise funds to produce and distribute Portal Magazine.

Thrifty Foods received a full-page complementary ad in the back of the magazine and was also

mentioned during the fundraising events. Thank you to Thrifty Foods for the Double Up funds! A

complimentary Portal Magazine is included with this package.


Organizer: Kathryn Jepson

Amount Raised: $8140.50

Event Date: March 24 – 26, 2015

Attendees: 80 students showcased work;

Description: On behalf of VIU, we would like to thank Thrifty Foods for sponsoring the VIU CREATE

Conference. With your support, we raised $8140.50 for the event and a total of 80 students participated

by showcasing a poster or display, and/or conducted a presentation. This was the third year for the

CREATE Conference and we were pleased to see the response and participation from students of various

disciplines. Events like this allow students to add to their resume for future career and academic goals;

network with community members, students and academics; gain confidence in their presentation skills;

and celebrate/highlight their achievements. As a result, 27 students received awards and 13 students

received honourable mentions. Full award details can be viewed on the CREATE Awards web page:

https://www2.viu.ca/research/create/awardwinners.asp. The full

report is included in this package.


Organizer: Marni Stanley and Kathryn Barnwell

Amount Raised: $1350.00

Event Date: Fall 2014

Description: Thank you Thrifty Foods for once again for supporting the

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annual Christmas jewelry sale in support of student scholarships at VIU. We would like to assure Thrifty

Foods that their double up program is highly motivating to people coordinating fundraisers to help

students. Those who purchased items at the jewelry fundraiser are delighted to know that their

purchase (often a gift for family or friends) will be ‘doubled’ by Thrifty Foods. The amount of goodwill

this generates all around is truly heartwarming. The K Barnwell scholarship is highly successful in

benefiting students and continues to grow because of your support. Thank you!


Organizer: Recreation & Tourism Management

Amount Raised: $2873.85

Event Date: March 12, 2015

Attendees: 65

Description: The Heart of Gold Project is a long

running initiative founded at VIU which has

created an impactful and powerful partnership with VIU and the rural communities located in the Los

Santos region of Costa Rica. Through meaningful community development which has provided positive

change for countless individuals located in a disadvantaged part of Central America, the Heart of Gold

Project seeks to continue providing the gift of education for young individuals associated with the

project the ability to travel to Nanaimo to study and learn English to further benefit their home

communities in the future.

A beer and burger style fundraiser was held on March 12 and included a silent auction. All proceeds for

this fundraiser goes to bringing a student from Costa Rica up to study English at VIU and covers the cost

of flights, tuition and other expenses. The overall goal was to raise a minimum of $3,000 to support this

student. The fundraising students successfully raised $2,873.85. With the help of Thrifty Foods Double

Up Program, we are able to better assist this student who will be coming to live and study in Nanaimo

coming September. We are very thankful to Thrifty Foods for contributing to our cause of giving the gift

of education to those in need and would like to thank you for assisting in this endeavor.


Organizer: Professional Baking and Pastry Arts Program

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Amount Raised: $3039.68

Event Date: December 2014

Attendees: 7500+

Description: For eleven nights in December 2014, the professional baking and pastry arts program from

the Nanaimo campus was able to partner with Milner Gardens. We were able to have the Gardens as a

venue for selling products made by the baking students. The funds raised by the sales are going directly

back to all the students that participated in the extra-curricular planning, baking, packaging, and selling

of the seasonal goodies that were made. Many of these volunteer students are participating in a Field

School, traveling to Belize in May of 2015 and the time that each of them contributed will help defray

the costs of their trip. During this experience, students will see where some of their favourite spices and

foods come from – black pepper, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, sugar cane, and coffee. There will

be in-depth tours, hands-on experiences and time to experience the unique melting pot of culture that

is Belize. Students will also visit cacao groves and see how the tree that produces chocolate grows, will

understand the complex harvesting, curing, roasting and mixing process that makes the world’s most

favourite confections. Thank you to Thrifty Foods for supporting students at VIU.


Organizer: Graphic Design / Arts & Humanities

Amount Raised: $2070.05

Event Date: April 17, 2015

Attendees: 75+

Description: After a semester of fundraising, the graduating class of 2015 held their year-end Grad Show

on April 17, 2015. Supported by the faculty and staff of the Graphic Design Department (Nancy Pagé,

Ellen McCluskey, Patrick Foster, Kevin Mazutinec) the students raised a total of $2070.05 (with an

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additional $1000.00 provided by Thrifty’s) through a series of events to pay for the production of the

artwork displayed at the Vancouver Island Convention Centre. A capacity crowd attended the keynote

by local designer Matt Salik, including VIU President Ralph Nilson and Steve Lane, VIU’s Associate Vice-

President of Academic Planning. Families and friends crowded the rooms during the event, and feedback

from the audience was uniformly positive.


Organizer: VIU Campus Recreation

Amount Raised: $1400

Event Date:

Attendees: 70 participants

Description: The competition was a huge success. We had the largest amount of teams in the 3 years of

running the event. The teams started the race at 10am with the 1st and 2nd teams in a photo finish tie at

the end. The two teams reached the final Amazing Race mat at 3:31pm. The last team arrived at

5:43pm. The day consisted of grueling physical and mental challenges including bungee jumping, ocean

rafting, snorkelling, stand-up paddle boarding and puzzle solving to name a few. The race started at VIU

and took teams all over the Nanaimo area and then finished back at VIU. The race consisted of 70

participants and over 20 volunteers. The feedback was great and we are excited to start planning for the

2016 Race.


Organizer: Department of Recreation and Tourism

Amount Raised: $1100.00

Event Date: Spring semester

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Attendees: 300 people

Description: A course at VIU called Planning and Special Events, allows first year students to plan and

implement numerous events. The purpose of applying to the Thrifty Foods Double Up program was to

match the funds raised by the first year’s in this program. Two events were selected to have Thrifty

Foods as the sponsor: VIU International Fashion Show and the Health and Wellness fair. Both events

were held on campus in the spring semester and were planned and implemented primarily by the

students. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to learn about event planning and raise

funds in the process.


Organizer: MBA Students

Amount Raised: $1000.00

Event Date: January 2015

Attendees: 32 students

Description: MBA Games 2015 is the national competition involving over 22 MBA schools across Canada

and was held at McMasters University in Hamilton, Ontario. The theme of the MBA Games was Passion,

Inspiration and Community and the chosen charity was the Ronald McDonald National House Charity.

Thanks to Thrifty Foods donation of $1000, Vancouver Island University’s MBA & Master of Science in

International Business Program (MScIB) was able to send 32 students across Canada to compete in the

games competition. The competition consisted of three main components of Spirit (fundraising & team

spirit challenges), Sports (basketball, volleyball, inner tube water polo & dodgeball) and Case

competition (marketing, finance, strategy & human resources). This was the first time in VIU history that

the school was able to send a full scale team to compete and we were the only school competing across

all MBA schools from Vancouver Island. Funds raised through sponsorship and matching donations went

to subsidizing costs for students including reducing flight costs, hotel costs, transportation and

registration fees. VIU ended up making it to the Quarter Finals in some of the sports categories including

Volleyball and Dodgeball and came in the top ten under certain categories including Spirit. We had

raised over $42,000 to cover the costs of sending the students to Hamilton as well as an additional

$2500 for the chosen charity.

On behalf of the VIU MBA Student Society Association, we would humbly like to thank Thrifty Foods for

the company’s support and hope that we can continue this relationship for future years including the

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company’s support for the MBA Games 2016. This year we plan to send 40 students to compete

nationally and are aiming to raise over $12,000 for the chosen charity.


Organizer: Visual Arts/Arts Club

Amount Raised: $1650.00

Event Date: 2014 - 2015

Attendees: 200 people

Description: I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Thrifty Foods for their generous matching funds

through the Double-Up program. Our initiative, called Progressions, is our year end art show and awards

ceremony. This event is organized by the VIU Arts Club. The Club embarked on a variety of fundraising

activities this year:

Zombie Walk and bake sale

Student Art Sale silent auction

Valentines’ Day bake sale

and an ongoing weekly drop-in life drawing sessions

These fundraising activities raised a total of $1650, and were eligible to have the Double- Up added in

the amount of $1000. The resulting pool of funds ($2650) was utilized to provide food, decorations,

musical accompaniment for our year end event. In addition, the funds covered advertising and promo of

the event, and most importantly contributed to students awards recognizing artistic and academic

achievement. The Arts Club and the Visual Art Department are extremely grateful for this generous

addition to our fundraising efforts. Thrifty’s contribution was a huge part of the success of this event.

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Organizer: World University Service of Canada Student Group

Amount Raised: $1449.70

Event Date: Saturday, April 25, 2015

Attendees: 120 people

Description: The World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Harambee Gala Dinner was hosted on

Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Nanaimo Ecumenical Centre. The Harambee Gala Dinner raised funds for

the scholarship for Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management. The Gala hosted live music, three

course dinner, silent auction and program. It was a well-received Gala and we were able to raise funds

for the scholarship.


Organizer: Geoff Ball, Milner Gardens and Woodland Manager

Amount Raised: $625

Description: Geoff Ball made personal donations totaling $625 through payroll deductions to support

the living laboratory at Milner Gardens and Woodlot for Horticultural students.



Amount Raised: $8000.00

Event Date: October 2 to 3, 2014

Attendees: 40 teams, approximately 600


Description: The tournament attracted 40

teams, approximately 600 participants. The

Tournament is one of our major fundraisers of

the year. We raised over $8000 for team travel, equipment, uniforms and gear, scholarships, and more.

The Thrifty Foods Double Up program helps to increase the ability to remain one of the dominant

programs in Canada. The event was a huge success hosting teams from all over the province. The event

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took place on Oct 2 to 3, 2014. The $1000 double up funds were put directly towards the cost of

equipment and exhibition travel. We were able to win our 2nd straight PACWEST Championship and

programs like the Thrifty Foods Double Up program help us accomplish this. We were able to use the

SMILE cards to purchase food for our concession that in turn allowed us to raise another $1000. I would

like to thank Thrifty Foods for their continued support!


Organizer: VIU Storm Rugby Club

Amount Raised: $3000.00

Attendees: 29 players

Description: VIU Storm Rugby Club, an affiliate of VIU’s Athletics department, played 7-aside

tournaments within the BC College Athletic Association as well as a 15-aside league schedule within the

BC Rugby Union with the help from Thrifty Foods Double Up program. The fundraising consisted of a

donor campaign and a Beer ‘n Burger event at the Nanaimo Hornets Rugby Clubhouse. In all, $3,000 was

raised. The donor campaign was launched in the fall and solicitation letters were developed and

circulated among the layers who, in turn, approached friends and family. A local Chiropractor with a

long standing love of the game, some parents, and the coaching staff were the principal contributors. In

the spring, the team hosted a Beer ‘n Burger event that was hosted at the local rugby club facility and

attended by VIU faculty and staff, Nanaimo Hornet Club members, and friends and family of the players.

The silent auction raised $650 with the balance of $1350 generated from ticket sales.

The VIU Storm Rugby Club wishes to thank Thrifty Foods for their generous support over the past year as

it allowed the team to attend the 7-aside tournament hosted at SFU.


Organizer: Stephen Javorski, Child and Youth Care

Date: November 17, 204

Amount Raised: $459.00

Attendees: 50

Description: The first ever CYC screening of “Days of My Youth,” this year’s ski movie from Redbull

Media House and Matchstick Productions was a huge success. Thanks to our wonderful sponsors Thrifty

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Foods, Valhalla Pure Outfitters, Alberni Outpost, and Mount Washington Resort, our attendees had a

great time watching one of the year’s best ski movies and learning more about the CYC department’s

new activity-based intervention courses. Including the double up funds, over $900 was raised to support

the new course. Funds were used to purchase a wide variety of specialized equipment that CYC students

will be able to use to offer exciting adventure-based group development programming to junior and

high school students in the Harewood community and beyond for years to come. We are extremely

grateful for the support of Thrifty Foods, and hope to work with them again in the future. If anyone in

the Alumni office or from Thrifty management would like to come and experience the props that were

purchased, please let us know. The course is running again in Fall 2015.


All approved ‘Double Up’ initiatives were asked to display a Thrifty Foods banner at their fundraising

events and provide photos to the Advancement and Alumni office. The ‘Double Up’ logo is also used on

all correspondence to the VIU community including all employee broadcast emails and ‘Double Up’

applications forms.