2014 15 BAND CLASSROOM HANDBOOK - ycs.wednet.edu

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Transcript of 2014 15 BAND CLASSROOM HANDBOOK - ycs.wednet.edu




Director and Instructor: Ms. Charyl Sagar

Band room: #621

Email: charyl_sagar@ycs.wednet.edu

Band Office Phone: 360-400-1192

RMS Main Office: 360-458-1100, Ext. 11621


Concert Band

Concert Band is the standard course for the growth of young wind and percussion students. This course covers

all of the pedagogy needed to be successful in playing a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Classes

rehearse every day and concert attendance and performance are a required and graded part of the course. This

ensemble is the main performance group that supports school and community events. You must have complet-

ed a standard beginning band course or show proficiency on your chosen instrument that supports the level of

Welcome to the RMS Band Department!

This handbook is meant to give you all of the information you will need to have a successful year in band.

Most, if not all, of your questions should be answered here and available at your fingertips. It outlines all of the

classroom expectations and procedures we use in band and will be very helpful to you.

Pep Band

Pep Band is a sub-group of the concert band. This course meets twice weekly or as needed during OT or after

school to prepare for various school events where a musical component is needed. Participation is optional.

The uniform is the RMS Band T-shirt or RMS apparel.

RMS Rock Band/Songwriting Class

This is a new course I am introducing which is open to band and choir students and will include guitarists, bass

players, winds and brass line, pianists, drummers, and vocalists. Musicians must have basic proficiency on the

instrument they are choosing to play. More information will be available about this group later in the quarter.

This course will meet during OT and after school. All guitarists must have their own amplifier and instru-

ments. Pianists may use the schools equipment during rehearsal.

Marching Band

Marching Band is a unit of concert band where musicians learn the basics of parade and field marching. Per-

formance may include a parade in the spring or field show during football season. This class meets during the

regular scheduled class time.

Small Performance Ensembles

This year I will be opening up opportunities to play in small ensembles. There will be positions for flute

choir, clarinet quartet/quintet, brass ensemble, saxophone quartet/quintet, and percussion ensemble. These

groups will meet during OT or after school. They will be small mobile groups that will perform in smaller

venues in the community.


What you will need for class everyday: Class Supply List

1. Your instrument or sticks, with all of the appropriate accessories to keep it playing and sounding well i.e.

good reeds, valve oil, a cleaning kit, etc.

2. Your music folder with your music, method books, and classroom handouts

7th Band Method Book: Red 8th Band Method Book: Green 9th Band Method Book

Essential Elements Book 2 Essential Elements Book 3 I Recommend

All of these books can be purchased at our local music stores or online. Please have them by September 8,

2014. They can be purchased at Uncle Roy’s music and Joyful Noise in Yelm, Music 6000 and Eastside Music

in Lacey, Yenney Music in Olympia, Ted Brown’s Music in Tacoma or Puyallup, and online at many different

sheet music sites.

3. A pencil only - NO PENS PLEASE! Even erasable!

4. A fabulous, can do attitude!!!!


The student will be able to demonstrate the completion of these personal goals based on the Washington State

Arts Standards:

Develop proper hand position and/or embouchure for their instrument (1.1, 1.2; 2.1)

Play his or her instrument with correct posture (1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1)

Understand and develop good intonation (1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1)

Develop an awareness of good tone production using proper air speed (1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1)

Display knowledge of scales, key signatures and their related fingerings ((1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1)

Display performance and understanding of various rhythm patterns (1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1)

Contribute, in a positive way, to the ensemble quality, balance, and overall sound (2.1; 2.2)

Demonstrate the ability to recognize and perform musical symbols and expressive markings (1.1; 3.1)

Become acquainted with different musical styles and various periods in music history (1.3; 2.2; 4.1; 4.4)

Develop the incentive to reach the highest possible standards for both rehearsals and performances (2.1;

2.2; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3)

Develop self discipline by functioning as a responsible member of the organization (2.1; 2.2; 2.3)

Experience successful achievement and pleasure through group involvement and how important music in

their lives and culture (3.1; 4.1; 4.3; 4.5)




1. Please come directly into the room, grab your instrument, music, and a stand and go directly to your seat.

DO NOT remain in the practice room talking or chatting. You have 5 minutes from the time you enter to

be seated or you will be marked tardy unless there are legitimate extenuating circumstances.

2. Please respect the podium. Immediately stop talking/playing and give your attention when someone steps

on the podium. Alert others if they are not responding.

3. Please have your pencil every day and be ready to use it. NO ink pens, highlighters, sharpies, or erasable

pens may be used to make marks on music. All marks MUST be removable.

4. NO playing or talking during rehearsal unless directed by the podium. This respects our limited time.

5. Walk carefully through the classroom. Please DO NOT run, rough house or play around.

6. Be aware of the conductor at all times. When the cut off is given or a hand signal is made, immediately

put your instrument down and do not have any discussion. NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS.

7. At the end of class put your music stand away on the rack. Always complete the instrument maintenance

before securing your horn and music in your band locker. Be sure to clean up around your chair and area.

Help other students out if you finish early by putting their stands away for them.

8. PERCUSSION: Make sure all instruments and mallets are covered and secured before you leave.


How should you behave during rehearsal:

We are not only a performance ensemble, we are a performance TEAM...so we have to learn how to support

one another. To be successful we must follow very specific rules and procedures.


1. Sit quietly when the teacher is instructing anywhere or anyone in the room. NO SIDE CONVERSA-


2. Play together and only when directed

3. Listen attentively when anyone is speaking. NO SIDE CONVERSATIONS

4. Respect each other and each others’ belonging. DO NOT ENTER ANOTHER’S LOCKER OR TOUCH

ANYONE’S THINGS for any reason!!!

5. Raise your hand to make a comment, ask a question or leave your seat.


Band is a performance based class. However, you will be expected to learn a lot about music other than play-

ing. Part of our standards include learning how to be a good band student which includes rehearsal proce-

dures and expectations besides just playing ability. Here is how grading is categorized.

Daily Work /Formative Assessment……………………...…………...30 % (EALR Component 1-2)

Can be worksheets/rubrics/knowledge checks and other assignments as prescribed by the teacher

Rehearsal Etiquette/Formative and Summative Assessment………..30% (EALR Component 1-2)

Work ethic and behavior in rehearsal, teamwork, and demonstrating how to effectively work in a

performance ensemble

Tests and Quizzes/Summative Assessment……………………………40% (EALR Component 1-2)

This includes playing and written assignments

Concerts and Performances/Summative Assessment…………………40% (EALR Component 3-4)

Formal evening concerts and performances in the community or the school

Extra Credit………………………………………………………….Points TBD (EALR Component 3-4)

Points awarded based on an activity and the participation level of the student. Can be awarded for

attending concerts outside RMS, performing at church or in other RMS musical activities.

Worksheets and assignments need to be handed into the appropriate designated box in the band room. Make

sure you put your name on it. If there are two sides to your worksheet, put your name on both sides.

Make-up written work needs to be turned into the designated make up work folders in the band room. These

are for new work only.

Concerts are quarter grade performances. They are your most important Summative Assessment and are con-

sidered a final exam for a period of study. Please do not miss concerts. Your grade WILL suffer and an unex-

cused absence from a concert cannot be made up. If you cannot make it or have a conflict, let the director

know ASAP so that we can work out a plan.


What we wear for Concerts: Uniform

The performance uniform at RMS is Concert Black. This means all black from head to toe. Please: NO Bling

or color. We want the music to stand out, not individual musicians.

Female Uniform:

Black skirt/leggings/slacks

(Skirts must be at the knee or lower and not made of tight knit or spandex)

Black blouse/top/sweater/jacket

Black shoes: pumps with heels/flats/boots/shoes (No flip flops)

Male Uniform:

Black Dress pants/slacks

Black button down shirt

Black shoes

(If using tennis shoes they must be SOLID black, no white/color)

Long black tie - clip on is fine

Important: Concerts are more formal events and it is important that we look sharp. In the evening concert set-

ting jeans, sweats, shorts, or short skirts will not be allowed. Footwear should be formal and tasteful. No flip

flops or tennis shoes unless they are completely black and have been cleared by the director.

When are the Concerts: Schedule and attendance policy

We do three formal evening concerts per year for all groups. You will be receiving your concert schedule

within the next two weeks. Concerts are held in the Ridgeline Middle School Commons and start at 7:00 PM.

Musicians are required to be in the band room for warm-up at 6:30 PM. Because of the nature of what we do,

attendance is required for all student musicians, except in the case of illness or emergency. It is impossible to

perform well without the whole group. The absence of one player from an ensemble will cause the whole

group to suffer. Therefore you must be present at all performances with your ensemble. If you know that you

have a conflict ahead of time, then please, communicate by bringing a note in advance. If you need a ride...let

us know ASAP so that we can make arrangements for you to get to your performance. If you miss a perfor-

mance, even if it is excused, you have to make it up with a performance. That means that you will have to play

a solo for the band within two weeks of the missed performance. See the director for music which will be ap-

What you will need for Concerts:

1. Your instrument/sticks, with all of the appropriate accessories to keep it playing and sounding well i.e.

good reeds, valve oil, a cleaning kit, etc.

2. Your music folder with your music and handouts necessary for warm up on stage

3. Arrive in the correct uniform or have correct uniform in hand. If you are wearing the incorrect uniform you

will be asked to wear something we have on hand to keep the uniformity of the band. It may not be your

best look….so be prepared.


All Band students will be issued a band locker for their instrument and their music for the school year. Stu-

dents may not store sports equipment, clothing, backpacks, purses, food or drink, coffee mugs or insulated

mugs, text or library books, lunch bags or boxes, or any other items that do not directly relate to the band class.

Lockers must be kept clean and garbage free. After rehearsals your instrument and music are to be placed in

your locker and not in any other location in the band room. The owner of any instrument found unsecured in

the room will receive appropriate school discipline.

Each student will be allowed to have a combination lock on their locker for security. All locks

must be a standard combination lock (see example) and that combination will be on file with the

director in case the locker needs to be entered when the student isn’t present.


Practice rooms are available for students to use during OT and after school. All students must sign up for use

of a practice room and it may only be used for PRACTICING. Non band students may not be in the band

room or practice room during practice time. Students rehearsing together during OT must be “playing and

working” on legitimate band literature, not giggling, laughing, or goofing around. There is NO FOOD OR

DRINK allowed in the band room or practice rooms. No student may OPEN or ENTER another students

band locker while using the practice rooms without permission. You will be asked to leave the band room

and given the appropriate school discipline if you cannot respect the practice rooms.



Opportunity Time is an important time for students to get one on one help, practice for up coming

playing tests, or perform playing tests. Therefore it is imperative that the room is orderly and fair-

ly quiet. The following procedures will help ensure that the needs of band and drama students are


1. All students must sign up with Ms. Sagar BEFORE SCHOOL to practice during OT. Planners must be

stamped and your name must be on the OT clipboard before 7:30 AM. You must sign in by your name

when you arrive to OT.

2. Only 1-3 people may use the practice room at once and all of the students must be working on legitimate

band music or assignments. If a larger group would like to practice together, see Ms. Sagar for room as-


3. Once in a practice room you must stay there. You may not leave the room or go in between practice


4. Only one student may be in the room when another student is testing

5. If you are using computers, make sure you log off any computers you have been using .


BAND ROOM! Please do not leave anything behind i.e. music, worksheets, maggios, etc.

7. Students may arrange practice after school with permission. See Ms. Sagar if you would like to do so.


Computers are supplied by the district for Smart Music and testing in the three practice rooms. All

school computer use rules apply to the band room computers. Please do not move or mishandle the

microphones, keyboards, or mouse. Make sure if the Smart Music microphone is attached to you or your instru-

ment that you disconnect it from your instrument before you get up and try to walk out. You will break it. No

food or drink in the practice rooms or band room. Please be super careful.


The school owns several instruments which help to fulfill our awesome band sound. They

are available for use by students who would like to change to a new instrument to help the

band sound better. These instruments include oboe, bass clarinet, bassoon, french horns,

baritone/euphonium, and tubas. These instruments are available with no rental fee but

repair of any damage to the instrument other than normal wear and tear will be the respon-

sibility of the student. See Ms. Sagar for more information


The band room is a tough room in case of emergencies. We have a lot of equipment to maneuver around. In

case of emergency here is what you should do with your instrument for safety.

FLUTE: Remove your head joint and lay it across your chair

CLARINET: Separate your upper joint from your lower joint and place key side up on your chair

BASS CLARINET/ALTO/TENOR/BARI SAX: Remove your neck and place key side up on the chair(s)

TRUMPET: Remove your mouthpiece and place 2nd valve slide up on your chair

FRENCH HORN: Remove your mouthpiece and place valve side up on your chair or place your lead pipe

across the top of the chair with the bell down leaning on the seat

BARITONE/TUBA: Place your instrument on its bell with the outside edge leaning against your chair



I have read and understand the guidelines in the RMS Band Student Handbook. As a responsible musician in

the RMS Band Program, I commit to attend all rehearsals and performances as required. I will support and

cooperate with all of my fellow musicians by following the rules and expectations outlined in this handbook.

I will treat my director, my fellow band students, and all of the equipment in the room with respect.

Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________ (print please)

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________________

If you have any questions about anything in the handbook or the class please feel free to contact me using the information on

the front of the handbook. This information will remain on file and will not be shared with anyone.

Student Name: ___________________________________________ Instrument: ___________________________ Grade: 7 8 9

This is the primary way that I will be contacting you in case of emergency or for event reminders:

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________

Parent Email Address(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ( )____________________ Cell Phone: ( )____________________ May I text you? YES NO

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________

Parent Email Address(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ( )____________________ Cell Phone: ( )____________________ May I text you? YES NO


All parents must have a current year Volunteer Form on file. Please fill out the attached volunteer form for us to keep on

file for the 2014-2015 school year just in case you ever decide to participate as a chaperone for a band activity or event. It

takes awhile for the back ground check to be completed so it would be great to just go ahead and have your name on the

list even if you aren’t sure if you will go on a trip with the band. Just have your child return it with their contract.


1. What is the name of your director?

2. What method book do you have to have and by what date?

3. What writing utensil do you have to have on your music stand every day?

4. What should you never do when the director is teaching anywhere in the room?

5. If you miss a concert, what do you have to do to make it up if it’s excused?

6. What color is our concert band uniform?

7. When, where , and what time are concerts held?

8. When do you have to sign up for OT to be allowed to come in?

9. How many students can be in the practice room at one time?

10.How should you place your instrument during an emergency?

Name: ____________________________________________ Period _____