20130627 TSSG Data Driven Services Collaborating with TSSG, Eric Robson

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Eric Robson Research Unit Manager, TSSG – Data Driven Services, Telecommunications Software & Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Technology

Transcript of 20130627 TSSG Data Driven Services Collaborating with TSSG, Eric Robson

TSSG – Data Driven Services

Eric Robson Research Unit Manager

• Founded: in 1996 by Dr. Willie Donnelly, has grown to 115 people.

• Expertise: is a leading Telecoms Software R&D Centre with

particular expertise in all aspects of Mobile Telecoms.

• Reputation: is internationally recognised as doing world class

science and being able to translate this into some of the hottest

mobile start-ups and technologies in the industry right now.

• Partners: has worked with 425 academic and industry partners in

35 countries.

• Industry: completed over 110 direct industry projects over the past

5 years, including work for multinationals such as IBM and Cisco.

TSSG – The Telecommunications Software

and Systems Group

Research and Innovation @ TSSG

•Knowledge and IP •Publications in Leading Journals •PhD Students and Graduates •Academic Network around the World

•Powering Industry’s R&D Centres

•Solving Industry Problems •Identification of Future Problems

•Driving EU Research Networks

•Establishing Technology Roadmaps •Providing Innovative Solutions.

•Setting European Policy.

•Defining European R&D Agenda. •Living at the Heart of Europe

•Building Innovative Companies

•Impacting Irish SME’s •Transforming the Local Ecosystem

Data Analytics – Hype Cycle Data Ownership

& Privacy

Data Driven Services

Big Data

Cloud Analysis

Business Intelligence

Graphs / Charts

Mid-late 1990's

~2002 - 2005

~ 2005 - 2007

~ 2007 - 2014


Approx. Peak Hype Date.

TSSG’s Data Lifecycle

End to End unified







Network optimisation



Graph Data Storage

Semantic Analysis Sentiment


Context Enrichment

Location Based



Distributed Non-Distributed

Predictive Analytics

Social Network

Analytics Decision Support



Context Awareness



Trending Data


Privacy Trust




• TekComms – A multinational company headquartered in Texas

with large Irish operation.

• Ceartas – An indigenous SME.

• NTT Data – Direct investment by a multinational

headquartered in Tokyo with no Irish operation yet.

Case Studies

• Huge opportunity to extract additional

value from their vast operational

datasets .

• Traditional (relational) databases are

struggling to remain competitive (cost

Vs. performance) when compared with

NoSql schemas.

• Algorithm complexity required for

producing high value-add Data Driven


TekComms – The Challenges.

• Build a Big Data Platform

• Prove the Platform through

Data Driven Services

– Fraud

• SIM Box Detection

• SIM Clone Detection

– Customer Retention

• Social Network

Analysis based Churn


TekComms – The Solution.

TekComms – The Results Capability Relational Database

Architecture (estimated based similar products)

Big Data (NoSql) Architecture

Billion DR/day 6B 14B – SIM Box Algorithm 9.7B – SIM Cloning

Hardware + license cost $1M $100k

Near-linear scalability No Yes

Ad hoc database query support Good Poor

Ceartas – The Challenges

• Using Social Network Analysis in the Criminal Intelligence Domain

– Internal Intelligence • Land Registry • Ports Authority • Revenue • Court Transcripts

– Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) • Newspapers • Internet Forums • Social Networking Websites

• Uncover people and relationships previously unknown to the authorities.

• S.N.A. techniques to discover social patterns in criminal organisations.

There is a logical separation of concerns in the development architecture of this project: Data Gathering, Data Analysis and Data Presentation.

• Semantic Analysis – Named Entity Extraction and Annotation

• Identification of the relevant names of people and places from the masses of unstructured data.

• Social Network Analysis – Matrix & Network Theory

• Identification of relationships between the entities.

– Formal Concept Analysis • Identification of which relationships are

more pertinent than others.

• Visualisation – Graph Theory

• Data presentation, which layouts produce the most informative graphs.

Ceartas – The Solution

Ceartas – The Results

• Build a Strategic R&D partnership

in Ireland in the areas of M2M

Communications in the smart grids


• Build a research program to enable

NTT Data explore the Irish and

European renewable energy


NTT Data – The Challenges

• Launching a research project

specifically to investigate system

optimisation and service

improvement based on analysis

of the massive multi-dimensional

data generated throughout the

energy supply system.

• In this collaborative effort, the

Team are researching and

building reactive algorithms that

autonomously adjust based on

the variable conditions within a

smart grid..

NTT Data – The Solution

Seán Sherlock TD, Minister for Research and Innovation in Ireland: "The decision by NTT DATA to start their first collaborative R&D project with Ireland through TSSG in Waterford is very significant. My presence here in Japan highlights the importance the Irish Government prescribes to economic relations with Japan. There are opportunities for further collaborations between our countries, particularly in the R&D area."

The results of this project are subject to on-going

review and analysis prior to general public release.

If you wish to know more about the projects and its results please


Eric Robson

Research Unit Manager - TSSG

Email: erobson@tssg.org

Tel: +353 51 30 2960

NTT Data – The (preliminarily) Results

TSSG in Summary

• Proven Academic

Heavyweight with a

Market-Driven Focus

• Powering Industry by

Harvesting Data to drive

Economic Impact

• Strategically-Connected,

defining EU Policy and

R&D Agenda

TSSG Building Strategic Partnerships

at the Heart of Europe

Policy Talent Innovation Programmes Research