2013 open house for the swinging monkeys

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 2013 open house for the swinging monkeys

KindergartenOpen House



Outline for Tonight

-Introductions-Specialist Teachers-Curriculum/Philosophy Overview-Schedule- Communication- Housekeeping Items- Questions?


Ms. Kailie, Ms. Nat and Ms. Ashley

Ms. Nat’s familyMs. Ashley’s


The Kindergarten Team





PE with Coach Pekin

On Monday, Wednesdays and


Art with Ms. Liz

Music with Ms. Marnie

CMC and IT

Ms. Jo

Our Specialists and Support Teachers

Ms. Anissa, Ms. Trish

Kindergarten ESL

Ms. Carol,Literacy Teaching Assistant

Communities Materials and Properties

The Human Body Stories Around the World

Our Units Of Inquiry

* More detailed information can be found in the ES Program Guide.








Transdisciplinary skills


-Personal management and reflection

-Critical thinking and problem solving

-Connection and collaboration


Kindergarten is a year of amazing development in these areas:

• SOCIAL SKILLS: learning how to interact productively as they become more social.

• CONFLICT RESOLUTION: learning how to problem solve effectively and independently with peers.

• LIFE SKILLS: learning how to be independent in self-care and work management.

• COLLABORATION AND COOPERATION SKILLS: learning how to function as a positive and productive member of the group.

“It is paradoxical that many educators and

parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without

seeing the vital connection between

them.” Leo F. Buscaglia

Importance of Play

Collaborators/Team Players

We want our children to be…

To question the world they live in.


Speakers & Listeners

ReadersWe want children to be motivated to read and develop a love of reading and books. Please read to your child in their first language every day!


We want children to see themselves as writers, to have confidence and take risks.

Literacy Components:• Shared Reading and Writing

• Phonics and Word Study

• Handwriting

• Read Aloud with Accountable Talk

• Small Group Work

• Reading Workshop

• Writing Workshop

MathematiciansChildren need authentic and investigative experiences to develop a solid number sense and problem solving skills.


We want to encourage a sense of wonder and curiosity.


We want to foster children’s abilities to express themselves in different ways.

Global Citizens

At ISM we are in a very privileged position to have a wealth of culture at our fingertips. We encourage children to value all cultures and respect the differences and similarities.

Every Child is Unique

• Every child develops and progresses in their own way and at their own pace.

• At ISM we meet each child where they are with a differentiated program.

• Try to avoid comparing your child with others and focus on the growth and progress you see in them. (I know its hard sometimes…I am a parent myself!)

Communication• Report Cards (Dec and June )

• Parent Conferences(Oct and April)

• Student Led Conferences (Mar)

• Websites www.aylingn.ism-online.org

• Black Folders

• E-mail

• In Person

Housekeeping Items• Room Parent – Danah Jewett

• If your child will absent or late please let me know via email or calling the ES Office. If you need your child to leave early, you need to get a gate pass from the ES Office.

• Birthdays can be celebrated in the classroom with a song and a healthy treat at snack time. Please let me know in advance if you’d like to do this with your child.

• Allergies: There are no walnuts allowed in the classroom.

• There are a few times a year your child will have the chance to wear a special costume. Filipiniana is in October and students can wear traditional Filipino dress. International day is in March and students wear clothes from their home country. Kindergarten has a Character Day in April when students dress up as their favourite character.

• Expect the class mascots Mr. Monkey to visit you over the weekend sometime. (I warn you he is big!)

• Reading with Parents is every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:00.

• Please collect and send in any junk materials the students can build and create with such as boxes and paper rolls.

• Afterschool Activities start in January for Kindergarten. Inquiries can be directed to Bill Blankenship, AFAC Coordinator.

Housekeeping Items Continued.
