2013 July Newsletter English

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Transcript of 2013 July Newsletter English

Newsletter July 2013

What happened in the month of July ?

Julia Paik

The School of Visual Arts for Missions(VAM) has started! We have 2 wonderful leaders from the U.S(Rachel and Carla) and we are 4 students: Grace from Indonesia, Roy from Canada, and Rebekka from Norway, and me! We have great expectations for what God will do in us and through us during this new starting season in our lives!

In July we had 4 intense weeks of lectures with topics like: God's heart for the world, Media that transforms nations, Ethno Arts, and Introduction to Drawing. It was wonderful to discover how God uses arts to communicate the message of salvation around the world and how we can join Him and be a part of His salvation plan for the nations through arts!

Every Friday we have outreach. This outreach consists of exploring and learning about Thai art forms, especially buddhist arts at temples, through native artists, and museums around the city. It also consists of going to public places to reach Thai poeple through arts! We use arts as a principal tool to share the good news!

His love and faithfulness sustains me always

July 6th 2013, Saturday

One week before the school of Visual Arts for Missions started, I was still unsure if this was the next step God prepared for me. Mainly, the uncertainty was due to the fact that I did not have all the money needed to pay the training, and also because my plans were changed at the last moment, that is to study arts instead of film. It was a huge challenge for me to step out in faith, and trust that it was God's voice leading me, and obey His direction. I am not always sure of what God wants me to do, however He is always faithful to show me His ways. In this occasion, he confirmed this to me by giving me peace during our intercessory prayer time at our base one week before the school started. The amazing thing is that I am enjoying every moment, hour, and every lecture of this new school and God continues to show me that He has total control of my life. And I have expressed this in my art journal. Every week we have to express through art what has God been doing in our heart and life. I expressed this with a drawing that might seem a little bit childish for some people, but it is sincere. That is the way it is, I felt like a little girl before God who

is afraid of heights, but who trusts her Dad and by just looking at her Dad's face, is in peace. Although I started this school with a little bit of fear, God has been taking me to high places to experience more of His love.

The love that God pours out on us every day is not enough for Him. He desires to pour out more and more each day. I was able to experience His deep love during this month. Although 2 months ago my grandfather passed away, God miraculously, through facebook led me to meet my grandmother's younger brother(also grandfather to me) for the first time. Our encounter has been a blessing to us. Frequently, he gives me words of encouragement, he prays for me, and also takes care of my needs. In one of our conversations he said: "God is always preparing things for us". God has been good to pour out His love through my new grandfather. It is this love that casts away all fear(1John 4:18) and allows me to keep going forward. His love and faithfulness sustains me always...

Mail Address:P.O. Box 46 Samyaek Suan Prung, POChiang Mai, 50201, Thailand

Julia Paik




I would love to hear from you, share together what God is doing in your lives and share prayer

resquests together!

Would you like to support and be part of this mission?Would you like to contact me?Your support will be a blessing!

You can donate by:1) Depositing in my Bank account in Paraguay:

BANCO FAMILIARSin Ae PaikAccount #: 21-00681987

2) Transferring money through:

WESTERN UNIONSin Ae PaikCity and Country: Chiang Mai, Thailand


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34 %


0 %VAM



TGod's Hands and Feet

I am still in need of financial support in order to continue the training with the Visual Arts for Missions(VAM) School. The total amount for the training and the needed living expenses for 6 month of training is 94,200 THB, which equals 3,140 USD. In my previous newsletter I have especified that God has already provided through His servants 22%(21,000 THB) of the total amount which were destined to the school fees of this training. The following is an update of what was reached up to now:

BEFORE22 %(21,000THB)

NOW34 %(34,500THB)

Would you pray with me for this need and for God's faithful provision and consider also praying if God puts on your heart the desire to support this cause? Your prayers and your support will be a big blessing! To support either prayerfully or financially in a more specific way, this are my most urgent needs: 1. VAM School Fees: 684 USD - This must be fully paid on the first weeks of August. 2. Medical Insurance: 370 USD - It is compulsory to have at least a 6 month insurance during the training course . I still do not have one.

God has been faithful to provide, and He continues and will continue to provide for all of my needs through His servants. I want to give thanks to those who have been God's hands by giving so that I might be God's feet to go to the nations and together be part of the great comission.


*The beginning of a new season of learning and training with the VAM School.

*Teaching me how to walk with Him in His purposes each day and for being able to rest in His power in my weaknesses.

*God's servants who God is using to provide mightily for all of my needs. Praised be Jehovah Jireh!

*The comfort and love that God has brought to me through my new grandfather.

*Bringing back the arts in my life, which was a dream that I had given up long time ago, thinking that it was not for me. God never forgot about my desire to draw and has been faithful to bring back this dream.

*God's protection, health, grace, and blessings!


*For provision for my school fees and medical insurance.

*For constant dependence on God while I develop my artistic skills to use it for His glory.

*For a humble heart. To be an artist for God consists of a continuous battle against my own talent and pride. A humble heart that is not haughty is needed.

*For our outreach and research project in Kathmandu, Nepal. I thought that I would not go back to Nepal again, but what a surprise to find out that we will have our outreach there! - for provision for the trip - for fruitful research project and outreach among the unreached *EW**I people group. *For spiritual, physical, and emotional health.