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Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Final Report


Hexagon Research and Consulting

For further information contact:

Jim Patton


Hexagon Research and Consulting

Suite 401, 47 Timber Bush



Tel: 0131669 9574

Email: jim@hexagonresearch.co.uk October 2013

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 1 



Summary of Key Findings 2 Section 1: Introduction 5 Section 2: Background to the Survey 6 Section 3: Health and Well Being 8 Section 4: Libraries and Cultural Services 24 Appendix 1: Questionnaire 33 Appendix 2: The West Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel 50

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 2 

Summary of Key Findings Section 3: Health and Well Being

• In 2010 and 2012, less than a quarter of Panel members stated they ate five or more portions of

fruit and vegetables per day. The 2013 survey has demonstrated this has remained largely

unchanged (at 20%)

• In 2007, the majority of Panel members (81%) stated they drank alcohol, with the largest group

(30%) drinking alcohol 1-2 days per week. This remained virtually unchanged in 2010 and 2012

and the 2013 survey has confirmed a similar finding with 77% stating they drink alcohol

• Among male respondents, 13% drank more than 28 units (above the recommended maximum

for men) while 7% of female respondents drank more than 21 units (above the recommended

maximum for women)

• The most common place to drink alcohol is at home (55% of drinkers say they would ‘usually’

drink at home). Conversely, pubs/clubs, restaurants, at a friend’s house or at parties are

‘occasional’ venues for drinking alcohol

• Supermarkets are the main retail outlet used to buy alcohol (by 90%) and chosen because of

price (52%), convenience (23%) and the range of drinks available (22%)

• There has been a significant and continuous fall in the proportion of Panel members who

smoke. In 2008, a quarter of Panel members (25%) stated they smoked and by the time of a

2012 survey, the proportion had fallen to only 13%, almost half the rate recorded in 2008.

Although the 2013 survey recorded the incidence of smoking in a different way, it nevertheless

shows the proportion of Panel members who smoke has fallen again, to 11%

• More than a third of Panel members (38%) said they accumulated at least three hours of

moderate activity over the previous seven days, primarily made up of respondents taking at

least 30 minutes of moderate exercise between 5-7 days per week (36%)

• In 2008, more than half of all Panel members (61%) said they did not take moderate physical

activity ‘on most days of the week’. In 2010 this had fallen slightly, to 56%, and by 2012 to 55%.

The 2013 survey measured this issue in a slightly different way but the equivalent figure was

51%, representing a 10% fall since 2008

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Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 3 

• Almost two thirds (62%) of Panel members who do not take moderate exercise at least five days

a week recognise they are not exercising as much as they should and 46% said they are

planning or thinking of changing the amount of physical activity they undertake

Section 4: Libraries and Cultural Services

• Of five Libraries and Cultural Services venues or services, public libraries were visited most

frequently by Panel members. For example, 56% of all Panel members visited at least once in

the last year, with 18% visiting eleven or more times. Conversely, the mobile library or

housebound service was the least used

• Perceptions among those using each venue or service are very positive. In particular, virtually

all visitors to public libraries (98%) rated them to be at least ‘good’, with 27% saying they were

‘excellent’ and 45% rating them as ‘very good’

• Book borrowing is the most popular activity undertaken by Panel members (37%), with 20%

visiting more than five times a year. Gallery exhibitions were visited by 36% (mainly 1-5 times a

year) and local history exhibitions (also mainly 1-5 times a year) by 24%. Training courses and

children’s events were least used

• Once again, allowing for the very small subsample sizes for most venues apart from book

borrowing and the gallery and history exhibitions, the perceptions of users is very positive. For

example, 93% of those using the book borrowing service found this to be at least ‘good’, with

62% rating it as either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. Similar satisfaction ratings were also found for

the gallery and history exhibitions

• Awareness of Library Online, the Council’s 24 hour facility, has improved from 68% in 2010 to

78% in 2013. There has also been a slight rise in the proportion of Panel members using this

service, from 10% in 2010 to 13% in 2013. This small subsample of users was asked which

services they used and their opinions on these. Most used ‘My Library Account’ (98%), obtained

library information (68%) or found out about library events (62%) and satisfaction with these

services was high

• A lower proportion of Panel members (4%) used the Council’s library e-service, with almost a

quarter (23%) not aware of this facility. Most used the service for e-books (75%) and e-

magazines (70%) and once again, satisfaction levels among this small subsample was high

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 4 

• In relation to the importance of Library and Cultural Services, 62% of Panel members rated

them as ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to them as an individual while 92% rated them as ‘very

important’ or ‘important’ to the community as a whole

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

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1. Introduction This document presents the key findings to emerge from a survey of members of the West

Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel.

Section 2 of our report presents the background to the assignment which the Citizens’ Panel Steering

Group agreed would cover two key themes:

• Health and Well Being, including Panel members’ views on nutrition, alcohol, smoking

and physical activity (Section 3)

• Libraries and Cultural Services (Section 4)

A questionnaire (Appendix 1) was designed to reflect the key information required for each of these


2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 6 

2. Background to the Survey 2.1 The West Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel The West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Partnership recognises that developing and delivering

services which meet local needs requires effective and genuine community engagement. Central to this

is the need to ensure that the views of the most disadvantaged communities are heard to help deliver

solutions that contribute to sustainable community regeneration.

An important part of the Partnership’s strategy for effective community consultation has been to

develop a Citizens’ Panel, building on a long standing Panel run by West Dunbartonshire Council.

Originally, the Panel had a core of just over 1,000 members but a decision was taken in March 2009 to

boost this by recruiting up to 400 new members. By the end of the recruitment process in early June

2009, the Panel consisted of 1,433 members. Exercises to refresh the Panel have been carried out

periodically since then. The most recent was conducted in 2012, culminating in a refreshed Panel of

1,479 members, with 767 in the regeneration areas and 712 in the rest of West Dunbartonshire. A

summary of this recent Panel recruitment process is contained in Appendix 2.

An analysis of the characteristics of Panel members indicated that it reflects many of the characteristics

of the West Dunbartonshire adult population. However, as the Panel was recruited through a process of

self selection, it was unlikely that its final composition would fully reflect the characteristics of the West

Dunbartonshire adult population as a whole.

We recommended that this was resolved through re-weighting the final sample achieved in any survey

exercise using the Panel. All findings presented in this report are therefore based on re-weighting

responses to make them reflect the age characteristics of Panel members in the regeneration areas

and in the rest of West Dunbartonshire.

2.2 Health and Well Being and Cultural Services Survey A postal survey approach was adopted for the 2013 Health and Well Being and Cultural Services

Survey. Questionnaires were sent out to Panel members in early September 2013. By early October, a

final response of 984 returns was achieved (67%), and the table below illustrates the high level of

accuracy that can be attributed to the results derived from this response overall, as well as for the two

main sub areas.

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Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 7 

Survey Response

West Dunbartonshire

Regeneration Areas

Remainder of West Dunbartonshire

Sample achieved

984 384 600

Sampling error

± 3.2% ± 5.0% ± 4.0%

As illustrated above, results for the Panel as a whole have sampling errors limited to only ± 3.2%. This

means, for example, that if 50% of Panel members say they feel safe in their neighbourhood, the real

figure will be in a narrow range, from only 46.8% to 53.2%.

The sampling errors for the regeneration areas and the rest of West Dunbartonshire rise marginally to

only ± 5.0% and ± 4.0% respectively.

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3. Health and Well Being

3.1 Nutrition In 2010 and 2012, less than a quarter of Panel members stated they ate five or more portions of fruit

and vegetables per day. The 2013 survey has demonstrated this has remained largely unchanged (at

20%). The 2013 survey also measured the portions of crisps, chocolate and cake eaten daily, with

almost three quarters (73%) saying they eat between 1-2 portions.

Portions of fruit and vegetables eaten each day

Regeneration Areas

2010 2012 2013

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2010 2012 2013

West Dunbartonshire

2010 2012 2013

5 or more portions a day

15% 16% 18% 23% 27% 21% 20% 24% 20%

3 - 4 portions a day

44% 40% 37% 44% 43% 46% 44% 42% 43%

1 – 2 portions a day

37% 35% 40% 27% 28% 29% 30% 30% 33%

None 4% 5% 4% 4% 1% 3% 4% 2% 3%

Don’t know 0% 4% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1%

Portions of crisps/chocolate/cake etc eaten each day

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

5 or more portions a day

1% 3% 3%

3 - 4 portions a day

11% 10% 10%

1 – 2 portions a day

72% 74% 73%

None 16% 12% 13%

Don’t know 0% 1% 1%

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Panel members were asked to state their height and weight so the Panel could be assessed for it

representativeness on these factors. As illustrated below, the largest group of male respondents are

between 5’7’’ and 6’ tall and weigh between 13 stones and 13 stones 13 pounds. The largest group of

female respondents are between 5’0’’ and 5’6’’ tall and weigh between 10 stones and 10 stones 13

pounds. Height of Panel Members

Height Male Female

All Respondents

Unobtainable 1% 1% 1%

Under 5’ 1% 4% 3%

5’.0’’ to 5’6’’ 15% 79% 52%

5’7’’ to 6’ 72% 15% 39%

Over 6’ 11% 1% 5%

Weight of Panel Members

Weight Male Female

All Respondents

Unobtainable 5% 2% 4%

Under 8st. 1% 2% 1%

8st.0lbs – 8st.13lbs 2% 8% 5%

9st.0lbs – 9st.13lbs 3% 17% 11%

10st.0lbs – 10st.13lbs 6% 24% 17%

11st.0lbs – 11st.13lbs 14% 16% 16%

12st.0lbs – 12st.13lbs 16% 13% 14%

13st.0lbs – 13st.13lbs 20% 5% 11%

14st.0lbs – 14st.13lbs 12% 5% 8%

15st.0lbs – 15st.13lbs 9% 3% 6%

16st.0lbs – 16st.13lbs 5% 1% 3%

17st.0lbs+ 7% 3% 5%

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Most Panel members have a positive view about their feelings and thoughts. For example, over half

said each of the statements in the table below applied to them ‘often’ or ‘all of the time’, peaking at 81%

for being able to make up their mind about things.

Statements about feelings and thoughts

None of the time

Rarely Some of the time

Often All of the time

I’ve been feeling good about myself

1% 7% 36% 43% 13%

I’ve been feeling close to other people

1% 8% 27% 48% 16%

I’ve been feeling confident

3% 8% 35% 39% 15%

I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things

1% 3% 15% 45% 36%

I’ve been feeling loved

2% 5% 24% 36% 33%

I’ve been interested in new things

3% 15% 26% 39% 17%

I’ve been feeling cheerful

1% 6% 32% 48% 13%

3.2 Alcohol In 2007, the majority of Panel members (81%) stated they drank alcohol, with the largest group (30%)

drinking alcohol 1-2 days per week. This remained virtually unchanged in 2010 and 2012 and the 2013

survey has confirmed a similar finding with 77% stating they drink alcohol. However, the findings also

show that, compared to those in the regeneration areas, there is a slightly higher proportion of Panel

members from the rest of West Dunbartonshire who drink on a regular basis. For example, 21% drink

at least three times per week compared to 14% in the regeneration areas.

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Alcohol consumption

Regeneration Areas

2010 2012 2013

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2010 2012 2013

West Dunbartonshire

2010 2012 2013

Never 23% 23% 28% 16% 20% 20% 18% 21% 23%

Less than once a month

19% 27% 22% 15% 22% 14% 16% 23% 16%

Once a fortnight

15% 11% 13% 13% 11% 13% 13% 11% 13%

1-2 days per week

25% 24% 23% 30% 32% 32% 29% 30% 29%

3-5 days per week

12% 11% 6% 20% 10% 17% 18% 10% 13%

6-7 days per week

6% 4% 8% 6% 5% 4% 6% 5% 6%

Of those drinking alcohol, almost half (49%) only consume up to seven units per week, with another

23% consuming 8 to 14 units. Only 13% consume more than 21 units. Among male respondents, 13%

drank more than 28 units (above the recommended maximum for men) while 7% of female respondents

drank more than 21 units (above the recommended maximum for women).

Units of alcohol in a week

Male respondents Female respondents

All respondents

1 to 7 units 40% 54% 49%

8 to 14 units

21% 25% 23%

15 to 21 units

17% 14% 15%

22 to 28 units

9% 4% 7%

29 to 35 units

4% 2% 2%

More than 35 units

9% 1% 4%

Base: respondents drinking alcohol

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The most common place to drink alcohol is at home (55% of drinkers say they would ‘usually’ drink at

home). Conversely, pubs/clubs, restaurants, at a friend’s house or at parties are ‘occasional’ venues for

drinking alcohol.

Where do you usually drink alcohol?

Usually Often Occasionally Never

At home

55% 9% 32% 4%

In a pub/club

17% 12% 59% 12%

In a restaurant

5% 8% 76% 11%

At friend’s house or at parties

7% 5% 81% 7%

Base: respondents drinking alcohol

Most alcohol is bought in Clydebank (44%) and Dumbarton (42%). Supermarkets are the main retail

outlet used (by 90%) and chosen because of price (52%), convenience (23%) and the range of drinks

available (22%).

Distance would travel to buy alcohol

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Glasgow 7% 4% 5%


44% 43% 44%


36% 45% 42%

Vale of Leven

13% 8% 9%


0% 0% 0%


0% 0% 0%

Base: respondents drinking alcohol

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Where do you buy alcohol most often?

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Supermarket 88% 90% 90%

Off licence

4% 1% 2%


5% 6% 5%


1% 2% 1%

Other 2% 1% 2%

Base: respondents drinking alcohol

Why do you buy alcohol there?

Supermarket Off licence



Price 52% 33% 10% 78%

Range of drinks

22% 20% 0% 11%

Opening hours

1% 0% 29% 0%

Convenience to your home

23% 47% 17% 0%

Other 2% 0% 44% 11%

Base: respondents buying alcohol from each source

All respondents were asked about the consequences of their own or someone else’s drinking. The most

common was sickness (hangover or illness), quoted by 22%, with another 12% referring to not being

able to remember events after drinking.

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 14 

Consequences of your own or someone else’s drinking

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Physical injury to self 4% 3% 3%

Involved in a fight

1% 0% Under 1%

Damage to a property

1% 2% 1%

Had a fire within your home

0% 0% 0%

Failure to complete work tasks

4% 1% 1%

Absent from work, college or university

7% 1% 2%

Can’t remember events after drinking

15% 10% 12%

Hospitalisation or visit to A&E

1% 2% 2%

Problems with relationships

8% 4% 5%

Worries about your family/children

2% 2% 2%

Trouble with police

1% Under 1% Under 1%

Sickness (hangover, illness)

28% 20% 22%

Other 1% 0% Under 1%

3.3 Smoking There has been a significant and continuous fall in the proportion of Panel members who smoke. In

2008, a quarter of Panel members (25%) stated they smoked, with 18% smoking everyday (rising to

25% among those living in the regeneration areas). The 2010 Multi Topic Survey confirmed a reduction

in the proportion of smokers (to 17%) with the biggest fall among those who smoke everyday (from

18% to 12%). By the time of a 2012 survey, the proportion of Panel members smoking had fallen to

only 13%, almost half the rate recorded in 2008. Yet again, the reduction was mainly among those who

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 15 

had smoked every day. The 2013 survey recorded the incidence of smoking in a different way but it

nevertheless shows the proportion of Panel members who smoke has fallen again, to 11%. The vast

majority of Panel members also said they are either ‘seldom’ (59%) or ‘never’ (24%) in places where

there is smoke from other people smoking tobacco.

Smoking 2008 – 2012

Regeneration Areas

2008 2010 2012

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2008 2010 2012

West Dunbartonshire

2008 2010 2012

I have never tried or only tried once or twice










I gave up smoking but started again

7% 5% 5% 1% 3% 4% 3% 4% 4%

I have given up smoking

24% 36% 35% 36% 33% 37% 32% 34% 37%

I smoke some days

7% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 4% 1% 2%

I smoke everyday

25% 13% 12% 14% 12% 5% 18% 12% 7%

Statement which best describes current smoking behaviour

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

I smoke and have no intention of giving up or cutting down

4% 1% 2%

I smoke and want to cut down and / or give up

13% 8% 9%

I no longer smoke but used to in the past

30% 35% 34%

I have never smoked

53% 56% 55%

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

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Often in places where there is smoke from other people

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Most of the time

4% 2% 2%

Some of the time

21% 12% 15%


47% 64% 59%


28% 22% 24%

3.4 Physical activity Current physical activity guidelines for adults suggest they should accumulate 30 minutes per day, five

or more times in a typical week. Moderate physical activity is defined as the effort required for brisk

walking and can include gardening, vigorous housework or cycling. It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes all

at once and short bursts of activity lasting about 10 minutes or more can be added together. As

illustrated in the tables below, more than a third of Panel members (38%) said they accumulated at

least three hours of moderate activity over the previous seven days. The table overleaf shows that this

is primarily made up of respondents taking at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise between 5-7 days

per week (36%).

Moderate activity in the last week

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

None 9% 4% 5%

30-60 minutes

12% 15% 14%

1 to 1.5 hours 11% 12% 12%

1.5 to 2 hours 9% 11% 10%

2 to 2.5 hours 17% 9% 11%

2.5 to 3 hours 9% 10% 10%

At least 3 hours

33% 39% 38%

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How many days did you accumulate at least 30 minutes per day

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

No days in the last week

12% 6% 8%

1 day in the last week

9% 9% 9%

2 days in the last week

10% 20% 17%

3 days in the last week

18% 16% 17%

4 days in the last week

18% 11% 13%

5 days in the last week

13% 13% 13%

6 days in the last week

7% 6% 6%

Every day in the last week

13% 19% 17%

In 2008, more than half of all Panel members (61%) said they did not take moderate physical activity

‘on most days of the week’. In 2010 this had fallen slightly, to 56%, and by 2012 it had fallen another

1% to 55%. The 2013 survey measured this issue in a slightly different way but the equivalent figure for

Panel members not taking moderate exercise for four or more days in a typical week was 51%, another

slight fall since 2012 but representing a 10% fall since 2008.

Walking briskly (77%) was the most common form of moderate exercise taken by Panel members in

the last seven days, with 24% also doing heavy gardening and 15% exercising through dancing, yoga,

aerobics, Pilates or similar. In response to an open ended question, some Panel members also quoted

housework and gentle exercise at home. Almost two thirds (62%) said they took exercise because they

want to lead a healthy lifestyle, 39% did so because they enjoy physical activities and 24% did it as part

of a weight control strategy.

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Taking Moderate Physical Exercise 2008 – 2012

Regeneration Areas

2008 2010 2012

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2008 2010 2012

West Dunbartonshire

2008 2010 2012

On no days in a typical week

11% 11% 9% 10% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11%

1 day in a typical week

13% 10% 8% 10% 6% 5% 11% 7% 6%

2 days in a typical week

13% 14% 17% 18% 14% 17% 16% 14% 17%

3 days in a typical week

16% 19% 21% 26% 27% 21% 23% 24% 21%

On most days of a typical week

47% 46% 45% 36% 42% 46% 39% 44% 45%

Type of activity taken in the last 7 days

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Walking briskly 72% 78% 77%

Using gym equipment (e.g. treadmill, exercise bike)




Tennis, squash, badminton 1% 8% 6%

Swimming 7% 10% 9%

Jogging or running outdoors 3% 11% 9%

Heavy gardening 24% 24% 24%

Golf, bowling 7% 9% 8%

Football, rugby, hockey, cricket 1% 4% 4%

Dancing, yoga, aerobics, pilates or similar 9% 17% 15%

Cycling outdoors 6% 6% 6%

Other 8% 7% 7%

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Reasons for taking exercise

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

I enjoy physical leisure activities 26% 45% 39%

I want to lead a healthy lifestyle 54% 65% 62%

I have been advised to by a health professional

7% 9% 9%

I do it as part of a weight control strategy

25% 23% 24%

I enjoy meeting people through physical activity / exercise

9% 15% 14%

I have no choice (e.g. part of my job, have to walk to work, I run an allotment)




Something else 4% 4% 4%

Almost two thirds (62%) of Panel members who do not take moderate exercise at least five days a

week recognise they are not exercising as much as they should (compared to only 16% of this group

who do think they exercise enough). Conversely, although 43% of those who do moderate exercise at

least five days a week feel they are exercising enough, a similar proportion of this group feel they need

to exercise more.

Statement most agree with regarding physical exercise

30 minutes of moderate

exercise at least 5 days a week

30 minutes of moderate

exercise less than 5 days a week

All respondents

I think I take enough exercise

43% 16% 28%

I don't think I take as much exercise as I should

43% 62% 60%

I am not able to do enough exercise (because of ill health or a similar reason)

14% 22% 12%

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In relation current and future plans for physical activity, half of those who currently take 30 minutes of

moderate exercise daily at least five days a week said they have no plans to change their level of

physical activity. Conversely, 46% of those who do not take this level of moderate exercise said they

are planning or thinking of changing the amount of physical activity they undertake.

Statement describing personal circumstances 30 minutes of

moderate exercise at least 5

days a week

30 minutes of moderate exercise less than 5 days a


All respondents

I have no immediate plans to change the amount of physical activity I undertake

50% 31% 34%

I am thinking of changing or would like to change the amount of physical activity I undertake but have not done anything about it yet




I plan to change the amount of physical activity I undertake and am making preparations (e.g. enquired about exercise classes, planned a walking route)




I have recently increased the amount of physical activity I undertake (within the last three months)




I have increased the amount of physical activity I undertake and I have managed to maintain that change for at least the last 12 weeks




In the last year I have tried to increase the amount of physical activity I undertake but have not been able to maintain that change




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Open spaces such as the natural environment and parks in the country, towns and villages, as well as

private sports/leisure centres, are the facilities used most frequently by Panel members for physical

activity (typically used by 20% on a weekly basis). The facilities least used include golf courses (91%

never use these), playing fields (88%), community centres (83%) and private swimming pools (81%).

Facilities used for activity in the last 12 months

Daily Weekly


Occasionally (less than monthly)


Community centres

1% 8% 0% 8% 83%

West Dunbartonshire Leisure sports / leisure centres

3% 7% 3% 26% 61%

Private sports / leisure centres

4% 16% 4% 7% 69%

West Dunbartonshire Leisure swimming pools

1% 6% 1% 22% 70%

Private swimming pools

Under 1% 5% Under 1% 13% 81%

Country parks

4% 13% 9% 42% 32%

Town / village parks

7% 13% 12% 36% 32%

Golf courses

Under 1% 3% Under 1% 5% 91%

Playing fields/football pitches

1% 6% 1% 4% 88%

The natural environment (e.g. hills, rivers, lochs)

2% 18% 9% 44% 27%

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The forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Glasgow have created a limited impact on the level of

physical activity Panel members take or plan to take. For example, only 3% said they have influenced

how much physical activity they have undertaken recently while only 9% said they have influenced how

much physical activity they would like to undertake.

Commonwealth Games influenced the following

Regeneration Areas

Yes No

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

Yes No

West Dunbartonshire

Yes No How much physical activity you have undertaken recently

8% 92% 2% 98% 3% 97%

How much physical activity you would like to undertake

14% 86% 8% 92% 9% 91%

Finally, Panel members were asked to indicate what support would be most helpful to be more active,

to eat more healthily, to smoke less and to drink less alcohol. The key factors selected for each


• To be more active – an MOT style health check (29%), more affordable access to physical

activities (29%), family or friends also changing (22%)

• To eat more healthily – more affordable healthier food (29%), easier access to healthier foods

(26%), an MOT style health check (24%), family or friends also changing (23%)

• To smoke less – advice from GP (4%), family and friends also changing (4%), less advertising

on unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk food (3%)

• To drink less alcohol - an MOT style health check (9%), family and friends also changing

(7%), advice from GP (6%), less advertising on unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk

food (6%)

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 23 

Most helpful for a healthy lifestyle

Be more active

Eat more healthily

Smoke less

Drink less alcohol

Advice from your GP 14% 11% 4% 6%

An MOT style health check by a health practitioner

29% 24% 1% 9%

Easier access to healthier foods 5% 26% Under 1% Under 1%

Encouragement / support at work 9% 9% Under 1% 1%

Encouragement from family / friends 20% 14% 1% 4%

Family or friends also changing 22% 23% 4% 7%

Government health promotion campaigns

4% 6% 1% 3%

Increased cost of unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk food

2% 5% 2% 3%

Information and advice in books and magazines

6% 7% Under 1% 2%

Information and advice leaflets (e.g. from libraries, doctors)

8% 6% 1% 3%

Information and advice on the internet

7% 7% Under 1% 2%

Joining an organised group

19% 10% 2% 2%

Less advertising of unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk food

7% 9% 3% 6%

More affordable access to physical activities (e.g. gyms, leisure centres)

29% 7% Under 1% 2%

More affordable healthier food

13% 29% Under 1% 2%

One-to-one support from a health advisor during a period of change

15% 8% 2% 3%

Prescribed treatment

5% 2% 2% 1%

Telephone advice / helpline

3% 1% Under 1% 1%

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 24 

4. Libraries and Cultural Services Of the five Libraries and Cultural Services venues or services listed in the table below, public libraries

were visited most frequently by Panel members. For example, 56% of all Panel members visited at

least once in the last year, with 18% visiting eleven or more times. Conversely, the mobile library or

housebound service was the least used.

Visited any of the following in the last 12 months? Never 1-5 times

6-10 times 11+times

Public Library

44% 30% 8% 18%

Mobile Library or Housebound Service

99% 0% 1% Under 1%

Clydebank Town Hall Museum & Gallery

68% 29% 2% 1%

Backdoor Gallery, Dalmuir Library

88% 8% 3% 1%

Local History Centre (at Clydebank or Dumbarton Library)

79% 16% 3% 2%

Perceptions among those using each venue or service are very positive (although the subsample using

all except libraries is very small and the results for these need to be treated with caution). Nevertheless,

virtually all visitors to public libraries (98%) rated them to be at least ‘good’, with 27% saying they were

‘excellent’ and 45% rating them as ‘very good’.

How would you rate your experience of each venue? Excellent Very good

Good Poor Very poor

Public Library

27% 45% 26% 1% 1%

Mobile Library or Housebound Service

28% 20% 40% 12% 0%

Clydebank Town Hall Museum & Gallery

24% 58% 17% 1% 0%

Backdoor Gallery, Dalmuir Library

10% 47% 41% 2% 0%

Local History Centre (at Clydebank or Dumbarton Library)

14% 40% 42% 4% 0%

Base: respondents visiting each venue

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 25 

Book borrowing is the most popular activity undertaken by Panel members (37%), with 20% visiting

more than five times a year. Gallery exhibitions were visited by 36% (mainly 1-5 times a year) and local

history exhibitions (also mainly 1-5 times a year) by 26%. Training courses and children’s events were

least used. Once again, allowing for the very small subsample sizes for most venues apart from book

borrowing and the gallery and history exhibitions, the perceptions of users is very positive. For

example, 93% of those using the book borrowing service found this to be at least ‘good’, with 62%

rating it as either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. Similar satisfaction ratings were also found for the gallery

and history exhibitions.

Visited any of the following in the last 12 months

Never 1-5 times

6-10 times 11+times

Book Borrowing

63% 17% 6% 14%

Audio/Visual Borrowing

88% 8% 1% 3%

Gallery Exhibitions

64% 32% 4% Under 1%

Children’s Events (e.g. Bookbug)

91% 6% 0% 3%

Local History Exhibitions

76% 22% 2% Under 1%

Training Courses (e.g. Quest)

94% 4% 1% 1%

Public PC’s

88% 7% 2% 3%

Local History (archives or courses)

90% 9% Under 1% 1%

Other 97% 2% Under 1% 1%

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 26 

How would you rate your experience of each venue?

Excellent Very good

Good Poor Very poor

Book Borrowing

29% 33% 29% 2% 7%

Audio/Visual Borrowing

19% 34% 20% 8% 19%

Gallery Exhibitions

13% 49% 37% 1% 0%

Children’s Events (e.g. Bookbug)

33% 44% 23% 0% 0%

Local History Exhibitions

14% 39% 41% 5% 1%

Training Courses (e.g. Quest)

8% 58% 32% 2% 0%

Public PC’s

10% 19% 50% 20% 1%

Local History (archives or courses)

10% 27% 59% 4% 0%

In 2010, the libraries used most often tended to reflect the distribution of the Panel across the three

main towns, with Dumbarton being used by (31%), Clydebank (22%) and Alexandria (20%).In 2013,

there is a greater concentration of Panel members using the library in Clydebank (39%, up 17%), with a

fall in users at most other libraries, particularly Alexandria (from 20% in 2010 to 11%).

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 27 

Which library in West Dunbartonshire do you use most often?

Regeneration Areas

2010 2013

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2010 2013

West Dunbartonshire

2010 2013 Alexandria

27% 19% 17% 8% 20% 11%


6% 9% 8% 13% 8% 11%


24% 50% 22% 33% 22% 39%


5% 2% 6% 7% 6% 6%


26% 19% 33% 32% 31% 28%


1% 0% 4% 4% 3% 3%


8% 0% 2% 0% 4% 0%


0% 0% 4% 0% 3% 0%


2% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0%


1% 1% 4% 3% 3% 2%

Mobile Library

Under 1%

0% 1% 0% 1% 0%

Awareness of Library Online, the Council’s 24 hour facility, has improved from 68% in 2010 to 78% in

2013. There has also been a slight rise in the proportion of Panel members using this service, from

10% in 2010 to 13% in 2013. This small subsample of 111users was asked which services they used

and their opinions on these. As illustrated in the tables overleaf, most used ‘My Library Account’ (98%),

obtained library information (68%) or found out about library events (62%) and satisfaction with these

services was high.

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 28 

Do you use Library Online, the Council’s 24hr facility (request/search/renewals)?

Regeneration Areas

2010 2013

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

2010 2013

West Dunbartonshire

2010 2013 Yes 6% 10% 11% 13% 10% 13%

No 50% 65% 53% 64% 52% 64%

Not aware of this facility 38% 22% 30% 22% 32% 22%

I don’t have internet access 6% 3% 7% 1% 6% 1%

Online services used

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

My Library Account (e.g. requests, renewals, search)

97% 99% 98%

Online Reference Services (e.g. Britannica)

3% 5% 5%

Booking a library pc

7% 10% 9%

Finding out about library events

69% 60% 62%

Community Information Database

10% 11% 11%

Library information (e.g. opening hours)

72% 66% 68%

Base: respondents using online services

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 29 

Rating of Library Online Service

Excellent Very good

Good Poor Very poor

My Library Account (e.g. requests, renewals, search)

32% 43% 25% 0% 0%

Online Reference Services (e.g. Britannica)

100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Booking a library pc

100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Finding out about library events

2% 57% 41% 0% 0%

Community Information Database

0% 40% 20% 40% 0%

Library information (e.g. opening hours)

8% 57% 35% 0% 0%

Base: respondents using online services

A lower proportion of Panel members (4%) used the Council’s library e-service, for example for e-

books, e-audio books and e-magazines, with almost a quarter (23%) not aware of this facility. Most of

the subsample of 41 Panel members used the service for e-books (75%) and e-magazines (70%) and

once again, satisfaction levels among this small subsample were high.

Do you use the Council’s library e-service?

Regeneration Areas

Rest of West Dunbartonshire

West Dunbartonshire

Yes 2% 5% 4%

No 73% 71% 72%

Not aware of this facility

22% 23% 23%

I don’t have internet access

3% 1% 1%

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 30 

Library e-services used

West Dunbartonshire

E-books 75%

E-audio books 12%



Base: respondents using the e-service

Rating of Library e-services

Excellent Very good

Good Poor Very poor

E-books 50% 43% 0% 6% 0%

E-audio books 62% 0% 0% 38% 0%


71% 11% 18% 0% 0%

Base: respondents using the e-service

Panel members were asked to indicate how important they rated the services Library and Cultural

Services work in partnership with, as well as the importance of Library and Cultural Services to

themselves and their community. Of the five partnership services, the highest ratings were provided for:

• Employment (87% rated this as ‘very important’ or ‘important’)

• Education (also 87%)

• Health (86%)

In relation to the importance of Library and Cultural Services:

• 62% of Panel members rated these as ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to them as an individual

• 92% rated these as ‘very important’ or ‘important’ to the community as a whole

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 31 

Rating of Partnership Services

Very important


Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant

Health (e.g. baby clinics, smoking cessation, sexual health books)

56% 30% 11% 1% 2%

Employment (e.g. employability classes, CV writing, interview techniques)

53% 34% 11% 1% 1%

Education ( e.g. Early Years, Bookbug, schools mobile library, study groups)

52% 35% 11% 1% 1%

Community Learning (e.g. adult learning, Quest Courses, English for Speakers of Other Languages - ESOL)






Voluntary / community groups (e.g. books clubs, ‘knit and natter’)

32% 35% 27% 5% 1%

Importance of Libraries and Cultural Services

Very important


Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant

To you as an individual

29% 33% 24% 11% 3%

To the community as a whole

56% 36% 6% 1% 1%

Finally, Panel members were asked through an open ended question for any further comments about

Libraries and Cultural Services. Relatively few made any comments with the principal ones including:

• There should be longer evening hours for working people

• Please keep services local, even if they need to be smaller

• Services and events should be publicised more (e.g. at local super markets)

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 32 

• These services are very important, especially for people with no computers at home

• Difficult to find books by author or subject

• I would not like to see the mobile library stopped as I am disabled

• The micro support office in Clydebank should be upgraded

• More senior citizens learning courses for computers

• I was disappointed that the library e-books are not compatible with my Amazon kindle – hence I

cannot use the service

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 33 

Appendix 1 The Questionnaire

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 34 

Dear Panel Member, Health and Wellbeing Welcome to this Citizens’ Panel survey with questions on the very important subject of Health and Wellbeing. In West Dunbartonshire, public services are working together with communities to improve the health and wellbeing of all our citizens. Many factors influence our health and wellbeing. These questions cover a range of lifestyle factors from physical activity to what you eat and drink. The information you provide is confidential and you can be assured that your responses are kept separately from names and addresses to ensure your confidentiality. Panel members are a good reflection of the wider population in West Dunbartonshire. Your answers will provide a picture that helps us to develop the wide range of services that in turn help to improve health and wellbeing for all. Libraries and Cultural Services We are also checking out your views on local library and museum services. We want to ensure that our services meet your needs. We use your feedback to develop new services and make sure our current services work well for you. Thank you for answering these important questions. Once you have completed the questionnaire, please return it in the enclosed FREEPOST envelope – no stamp is required. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Anne Clegg, Policy Officer, on 01389 737149.

Anne Clegg Policy Officer Co-ordinator WD Citizens’ Panel

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 35 

Nutrition Q1. On average how many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat each day? (Include salad

but not potatoes. Include fruit and vegetables; fresh, frozen, dried or tinned)

5 or more portions a day 1

3-4 portions a day


1-2 portions a day




Don’t know


Q2. How often per day do you usually eat items such as cakes, pastries, chocolate, biscuits and


5 or more portions a day 1

3-4 portions a day


1-2 portions a day




Don’t know


Q3. What is your height?*

Feet and inches Or Centimetres

Q4. What is your weight?*

Stones and pounds

Or kilograms

* This information is not linked to your name – it is used to provide an overview of height/weight for Panel members.

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 36 

Q5. Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please tick the box that best

describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks.

None of the time Rarely Some of

the time Often All of the time

I’ve been feeling good about myself


2 3 4 5

I’ve been feeling close to other people

1 2 3 4 5

I’ve been feeling confident

1 2 3 4 5

I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things

1 2 3 4 5

I’ve been feeling loved

1 2 3 4 5

I’ve been interested in new things

1 2 3 4 5

I’ve been feeling cheerful

1 2 3 4 5


Q6. How often do you drink alcohol at present?

Never 1 Go to Q12

Less than once a month

2 Continue

Once a fortnight

3 Continue

One to two days a week

4 Continue

Three to five days a week

5 Continue

Six to seven days a week

6 Continue

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 37 

Q7. Thinking about an average week, how many units of alcohol do you usually drink a week?

(An alcohol 'unit calculator' sheet has been enclosed to help you work this out, giving unit strength of different types of alcohol.)

1 to 7 units 1

8 to 14 units


15 to 21 units


22 to 28 units


29 to 35 units


More than 35 units


Q8. When you drink alcohol, where do you tend to drink it?

Usually Often Occasionally Never

At home 1

2 3 4

In a pub/club

1 2 3 4

In a restaurant

1 2 3 4

At friend’s house or at parties

1 2 3 4

Q9. If drinking at home/friend’s house, how far would you usually travel to buy alcohol?

Glasgow 1





Vale of Leven






2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 38 

Q10. Where do you buy alcohol most often?

Supermarket 1

Internet 4

Off licence

2 Other (please specify)_______________________________




Q11. Why do you buy your alcohol there?

Price 1

Range of drinks


Opening hours


Convenience to your home




Q12. In the past year have your experienced any of the following as a consequence of your own

or someone else’s drinking? Please tick all that apply.

Physical injury to self 1

Hospitalisation or visit to A&E


Involved in a fight

1 Problems with relationships


Damage to a property

1 Worries about your family/children


Had a fire within your home

1 Trouble with police


Failure to complete work tasks

1 Sickness (hangover, illness)


Absent from work, college or university

1 Other, please specify ___________________________


Can’t remember events after drinking


2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 39 

Smoking Q13. Which of the following statements best describes your current smoking behaviour?

I smoke and have no intention of giving up or cutting down 1

I smoke and want to cut down and / or give up


I no longer smoke but used to in the past


I have never smoked


Q14. How often are you in places where there is smoke from other peoples smoking tobacco?

Most of the time 1

Some of the time






Physical activity This section looks at the amount and type of physical activity that people do as part of their everyday lives. Please answer these questions even if you do not consider yourself to be an active person. Think about the activities you do at work, at home, getting from place to place, and in your spare time for recreation, exercise or sport.

Q15. Thinking about the last 7 days, in total, how much moderate physical activity do you think

you accumulated last week, based on the definition below? Tick one box only and count together any moderate physical activity you did. Moderate physical activity will make you feel warmer and breathe slightly harder than normal and cause your heart to beat a little faster. Examples include: brisk walking, cycling or swimming at an average pace, housework such as hoovering.

None 1

2 to 2.5 hours 5

30-60 minutes

2 2.5 to 3 hours 6

1 to 1.5 hours 3 At least 3 hours 7

1.5 to 2 hours 4

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 40 

Q16. Still thinking about the last 7 days, on how many of those days did you accumulate at least 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity? Only include those activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.

No days in the last week 1

4 days in the last week 5

1 day in the last week

2 5 days in the last week 6

2 days in the last week 3 6 days in the last week 7

3 days in the last week 4

Every day in the last week 8

Q17. Thinking about the last 7 days, which of the following types of physical activity have you

taken part in? Please tick all that apply.

Walking briskly 1

Golf, bowling 1

Using gym equipment (e.g. treadmill, exercise bike)

1 Football, rugby, hockey, cricket 1

Tennis, squash, badminton 1 Dancing, yoga, aerobics, pilates or similar 1

Swimming 1 Cycling outdoors 1

Jogging or running outdoors 1 None of the above 1

Heavy gardening 1 Another form of physical activity (please say what)



Q18. Which of the following would you say are reasons why you take exercise? Please tick all

that apply.

I enjoy physical leisure activities 1

I enjoy meeting people through physical activity / exercise


I want to lead a healthy lifestyle 1 I have no choice (e.g. part of my job, have to walk to

work, I run an allotment)


I have been advised to by a health professional

1 Something else (please specify) ____________________________


I do it as part of a weight control strategy


2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 41 

Q19. Thinking about the amount of physical activity you currently undertake, which of the

following three statements do you most agree with? Please tick one box only.

I think I take enough exercise 1

I don't think I take as much exercise as I should


I am not able to do enough exercise (because of ill health or a similar reason)


Q20. Still thinking about the amount of physical activity you currently undertake, which of the

following statements best describes your personal circumstances? Please tick one box only.

I have no immediate plans to change the amount of physical activity I undertake


I am thinking of changing or would like to change the amount of physical activity I undertake but have not done anything about it yet


I plan to change the amount of physical activity I undertake and am making preparations (e.g. enquired about exercise classes, planned a walking route)


I have recently increased the amount of physical activity I undertake (within the last three months)


I have increased the amount of physical activity I undertake and I have managed to maintain that change for at least the last 12 weeks


In the last year I have tried to increase the amount of physical activity I undertake but have not been able to maintain that change


2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 42 

Q21. In the past 12 months, how often have you used any of the following facilities for physical

activities within West Dunbartonshire?

Daily Weekly Fortnightly

Occasionally (less than monthly)


Community centres


2 3 4 5

West Dunbartonshire Leisure sports / leisure centres


2 3 4 5

Private sports / leisure centres


2 3 4 5

West Dunbartonshire Leisure swimming pools


2 3 4 5

Private swimming pools


2 3 4 5

Country parks


2 3 4 5

Town / village parks


2 3 4 5

Golf courses


2 3 4 5

Playing fields/football pitches


2 3 4 5

The natural environment (e.g. hills, rivers, lochs)


2 3 4 5

Q22. Has the Commonwealth Games influenced any of the following?

Yes No How much physical activity you have undertaken recently



How much physical activity you would like to undertake



2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 43 

Q23. If you want to do any of the following: be more physically active; eat more healthily; drink less alcohol; smoke less, which of the following do you think would be of most help to you?

Please tick up to five options in each column that applies to you. If a particular issue does not apply to you, leave that column blank.

Be more active

Eat more


Smoke less

Drink less alcohol

Advice from your GP 1




An MOT style health check by a health practitioner





Easier access to healthier foods 1




Encouragement / support at work 1




Encouragement from family / friends 1




Family or friends also changing 1




Government health promotion campaigns 1




Increased cost of unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk food





Information and advice in books and magazines





Information and advice leaflets (e.g. from libraries, doctors)





Information and advice on the internet





Joining an organised group





Less advertising of unhealthy things like cigarettes, alcohol and junk food





More affordable access to physical activities (e.g. gyms, leisure centres)





More affordable healthier food





One-to-one support from a health advisor during a period of change





Prescribed treatment





Telephone advice / helpline





2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 44 

Libraries & Cultural Services We are keen to hear your views on the services provided by Libraries & Cultural Services. As part of the Department of Educational Services, our areas of responsibility include: public libraries, museums, galleries, creative learning, arts and heritage. We are asking you to help us to identify: What we are doing well, Where we can improve, and What your priorities are for Libraries and Cultural Services in West Dunbartonshire. Q24. How often in the last 12 months have you visited the following:


1-5 times

6-10 times

11+ times

Public Library

1 2 3 4

Mobile Library or Housebound Service

1 2 3 4

Clydebank Town Hall Museum & Gallery

1 2 3 4

Backdoor Gallery, Dalmuir Library

1 2 3 4

Local History Centre (at Clydebank or Dumbarton Library)

1 2 3 4

Q25. How would you rate your experience of the following services? Excellent Very

good Good Poor Very poor

Not applicable

Public Library

1 2 3 4 5 6

Mobile Library or Housebound Service

1 2 3 4 5 6

Clydebank Town Hall Museum & Gallery

1 2 3 4 5 6

Backdoor Gallery, Dalmuir Library

1 2 3 4 5 6

Local History Centre (at Clydebank or Dumbarton Library)

1 2 3 4 5 6

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 45 

Q26. How often in the last 12 months have you visited the following:


1-5 times

6-10 times

11+ times

Book Borrowing

1 2 3 4

Audio/Visual Borrowing

1 2 3 4

Gallery Exhibitions

1 2 3 4

Children’s Events (e.g. Bookbug)

1 2 3 4

Local History Exhibitions

1 2 3 4

Training Courses (e.g. Quest)

1 2 3 4

Public PC’s

1 2 3 4

Local History (archives or courses)

1 2 3 4

Other, please specify ____________________________

1 2 3 4

Q27. How would you rate your experience of the following services? Excellent Very

good Good Poor Very poor

Not applicable

Book Borrowing

1 2 3 4 5 6

Audio/Visual Borrowing

1 2 3 4 5 6

Gallery Exhibitions

1 2 3 4 5 6

Children’s Events (e.g. Bookbug)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Local History Exhibitions

1 2 3 4 5 6

Training Courses (e.g. Quest)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Public PC’s

1 2 3 4 5 6

Local History (archives or courses)

1 2 3 4 5 6

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 46 

Q28. Which public library in West Dunbartonshire do you use the most?















Mobile Library. Please specify where:


Q29. Do you use the Council’s ‘Library Online’ 24hr Library facility (e.g. for information /book

requests/renewals)? Yes

1 Go to Q30


2 Go to Q32

Not aware of this facility

3 Go to Q32

I don’t have internet access

4 Go to Q32

Q30. Which of the following online services do you use? Please tick all that apply. My Library Account (e.g. requests, renewals, search)


Online Reference Services (e.g. Britannica)


Booking a library pc


Finding out about library events


Community Information Database


Library information (e.g. opening hours) 1

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 47 

Q31. How would you rate the Library Online Service?

Excellent Very good Good Poor Very

poor Not

applicable My Library Account (e.g. requests, renewals, search)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Online Reference Services (e.g. Britannica)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Booking a library pc

1 2 3 4 5 6

Finding out about library events

1 2 3 4 5 6

Community Information Database

1 2 3 4 5 6

Library information (e.g. opening hours)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Q32. Do you use the Council’s library e-services (e.g. e-books, e-audio books, e-magazines)? Yes

1 Go to Q33


2 Go to Q35

Not aware of this facility

3 Go to Q35

I don’t have internet access

4 Go to Q35

Q33. Which of the following library e-services do you use? E-books


E-audio books




2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 48 

Q34. How would you rate the following library e-services?

Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor

Not applicable


1 2 3 4 5 6

E-audio books

1 2 3 4 5 6


1 2 3 4 5 6

Q35. In order to make best use of resources, and promote public access Libraries & Cultural

Services work in partnership with services across West Dunbartonshire Council, Health and the voluntary sector. How important would you rate the following partnership services we currently provide?

Very Important


Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant

Health (e.g. baby clinics, smoking cessation, sexual health books)

1 2 3 4 5

Employment (e.g. employability classes, CV writing, interview techniques)

1 2 3 4 5

Education ( e.g. Early Years, Bookbug, schools mobile library, study groups)

1 2 3 4 5

Community Learning (e.g. adult learning, Quest Courses, English for Speakers of Other Languages - ESOL)

1 2 3 4 5

Voluntary / community groups (e.g. books clubs, ‘knit and natter’)

1 2 3 4 5

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 49 

Q36. Overall, how important do you feel Libraries and Cultural Services are to:

Very Important


Neutral Unimportant Very Unimportant

You as an individual

1 2 3 4 5

The community as a whole

1 2 3 4 5

Q37. Are there any further comments or suggestions you would like to make about Libraries and

Cultural Services?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Thank you for taking part in this very important survey Please return your questionnaire in the enclosed FREEPOST envelope

If you have lost the FREEPOST envelope, send it free in an envelope marked:

FREEPOST RRZE-SGEY-KCHX Hexagon Research and Consulting

Suite 401 47 Timber Bush

Edinburgh EH6 6QH

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 50 

Appendix 2

West Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel

2013 Health and Well Being and Libraries and Cultural Services Survey

Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 51 

The West Dunbartonshire Citizens’ Panel was recruited with the following aims:

• To be representative of local residents and willing to be surveyed on a regular basis about the

policies and services of the community planning partners

• To recruit approximately 500 Panel members from the regeneration areas and a further 500 across

the rest of West Dunbartonshire

• To allow these views to be fed into the decision-making processes of the community planning


• To keep Panel members informed of the actions taken by community planning partners in response

to the views expressed

The original Panel recruitment exercise produced 1,185 members, with 542 in the Regeneration areas

and 639 across the rest of West Dunbartonshire. After running six surveys with the Panel over a two

year period, it was agreed that efforts should be made to refresh the Panel with up to 300 new

members to counter falling response rates. In September 2007, an exercise was carried out which

confirmed that existing members stated they wished to remain on the Panel. A fresh recruitment

exercise was run during October 2007 with the aim of attracting 300 new members to the Panel. At the

end of these stages, there are 1,037 members of the Panel, with 505 in the Regeneration areas and

532 in the rest of West Dunbartonshire.

In March 2009, it was agreed that an attempt should be made to increase the size of the Panel to allow

survey results to be quoted with even greater accuracy as well as support more sub group reporting.

Recruitment questionnaires were therefore sent out to a random sample of 7,500 residents on the

edited version of the Electoral Register with a target of 5% (375) agreeing to join the Panel. By the

middle of June 2009, 396 new members had been recruited, boosting the Panel to 1,433 members

(with 739 in the Regeneration areas and 694 in the rest of West Dunbartonshire).

Almost two years later (February 2011), it was agreed to remove those Panel members who had not

responded to the previous two surveys and to replace them through a fresh recruitment exercise. In

total, 449 Panel members were removed while the recruitment exercise generated 504 new Panel

members, giving a new Panel of 1,488 members. Of these 777 are in the regeneration areas and 711

are from elsewhere in West Dunbartonshire.

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Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 52 

Between August and September 2012, two exercises were completed to refresh the Panel once again:

• Panel members who had not responded to the previous three survey exercises were sent a

letter advising them they would be withdrawn from the Panel unless they indicated they wished

to remain Panel members through a Freepost reply. In total, 491 Panel members were sent

these letters. Only two responded to say they wished to remain Panel members, leaving a core

of 997 Panel members before the refresh exercise

• To replace those removed from the Panel, a fresh sample of 7,500 residents was drawn from

the edited edition of the 2011 Electoral Register for West Dunbartonshire. Of these, 5,000 lived

in the Regeneration areas and 2,500 lived elsewhere within West Dunbartonshire. Based on

previous recruitment exercises, it was anticipated there would be an interest to join the Panel

from approximately 5% of those from the Regeneration areas and 10% from those who lived

elsewhere in West Dunbartonshire, generating approximately 500 new Panel members. A

slightly revised recruitment questionnaire was prepared (Appendix 1) and issued to the sample

of 7,500 residents

• The recruitment exercise generated 482 responses from residents who ticked a declaration to

indicate they wished to become Panel members

• When the 482 new Panel members were added to the 997 existing Panel members, this gave a

refreshed Panel of 1,479 members, with 767 in the regeneration areas and 712 in the rest of

West Dunbartonshire

An analysis of the characteristics of the new Panel indicated that, overall, it reflects many of the

characteristics of the West Dunbartonshire adult population. However, as the Panel was recruited

through a process of self selection, it was unlikely that its final composition would fully reflect the

characteristics of the West Dunbartonshire adult population as a whole.

The Panel was also designed to have a disproportionate number of members from Regeneration areas

to allow robust reporting of results for these areas. The main implication of this is that it will be

important to re-weight the findings from any survey which uses the Panel. We recommended that this

was done to correct the imbalance by geographical area (Regeneration areas versus the rest of West

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Report by Hexagon Research and Consulting  Page 53 

Dunbartonshire) and by the age of the respondent, and all findings presented in this report are based

on this re-weighting process.