2013-2014 Westminster Cheer Slide Show - Banquet

Post on 24-May-2015

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Westminster Cheer 2013-2014 slideshow - there's no music because I always play it at the banquet. Play your favorite mix and enjoy!

Transcript of 2013-2014 Westminster Cheer Slide Show - Banquet

• I would like to congratulate every member of this year’s squad for their hard work, dedication, year-long training, and success. Your cheer squad should be commended for representing our school in an exemplary manner.  Your support of our teams and our school is unquestioned.   Also, I would like to thank all parents and guardians who supported you throughout the school year. Finally, Mrs. Brownell and Coach Grieco, thank you for your leadership and guidance of these outstanding students.

• It was a great year, and I wish everyone the best.

• Hey cheerleaders – It amazes me how talented you girls and boy can be! You’ve made this year an amazing one for me! With your awesome stunting, cheering and your gorgeous faces at games, you’ve made it hard to say goodbye. Team 14-15, just push yourself to have sharp motions and solid stunts! And seniors, good luck next year! Don’t give up! Go Lions!

Congrats to the 2013 - 2014 team! It was an amazing year filled with so many fun memories. I’m so proud of the accomplishments you have all achieved this year. With each performance, I added challenges and every time you met them together as a team. To the seniors - best of luck to you all. You are an amazing group and I’m so happy I ha the chance to work with you girls/Sypen. I love you all! Thanks for a great year. Go Lions!

To my Cheerleaders:

I know that I say this every year, but I hate to see the year come to end. This has been such a different year for me: I am still involved in cheer, but don’t see you guys everyday and every minute like I used to. However, I am ALWAYS thinking/working/planning for cheer. I miss you all every day, BUT luckily Athen loves cheerleaders!