2012 National BDPA Technology Conference Building a BDPA Training Program around Moodle John Hoffler...

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Transcript of 2012 National BDPA Technology Conference Building a BDPA Training Program around Moodle John Hoffler...

2012 National BDPA Technology Conference

Building a BDPA Training Program around Moodle

John Hoffler

August 1 - 4, 2012

Baltimore, MD

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About the Presenter

• Technology Lead, EBS Availability - Metrics, Wells Fargo

• Sr. Systems Architect, Retail Banking, Wachovia

• Lead Trainer – Charlotte HSCC '09-'11• CIO – BDPA Charlotte '09-' 11

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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What's Pedagogy?

The pinciples and methods of instruction

Involves moving students up Bloom's Levels of Thinking

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Bloom's Taxonomy

Variety of content types to support knowledge acquisition

Tests and quizzes to verify comprehension

Assignments to build application, analysis and synthesis skills

Forums to build judgement

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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Moodle Home Page

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Moodle Site Administration

Site Adminstrators can change nearly anything about the Moodle site

Fine-grained role-based access control allows fine-tuning users' access to each part of the site

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Course Main Page

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Moodle Resources

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Editing Resources

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File Resources

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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Moodle Assignments

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Grading Assignments

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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Moodle Question Organization

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Importing Questions

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Taking Quizzes

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Quiz Results

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Individual Results

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Question Analysis

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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User Profile

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What's Pedagogy?Course Content


Forums & BlogsStudents & GradesBackup & Recovery

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Course Backup

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Course Import

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Contact Information

John R. Hoffler, Jr.
