2012 homework.pub

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 2012 homework.pub


What is the history of Easter?

Easter has different meanings for people with different beliefs.

In old cultures in England that worshiped nature there was a festival in April for the Goddess Eostre which had hares and eggs

in it. When new people moved into the area the festival changed and became the

celebration we know now. The common idea around

Easter is new life and new beginnings.

Easter has been a custom by Religions for hundreds of years as

a festival about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. A number of different churches

celebrate this event because they all believe that Jesus was bought back to life and they celebrate

each year to honour and remember.

Why do we celebrate Easter?

My family celebrates Easter to celebrate the turning of the seasons

and the start of new life.

The things we do to make Easter special!

Each year we go to my grandma’s farm and have an Easter egg hunt, and find lots of goodies that have

been hidden.

Thank you for watching my show!

By NE.