2012 and the end of the world

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Transcript of 2012 and the end of the world

2012 And The End Of The World

The Western Roots of the Maya Apocalypse

Written By: Matthew Restall and Amara Solari


The Introduction explains all different types of theories, books, cartoons, etc.. regarding the topic of the end of the world on December 21,2012. It helps you understand others point of view and opinion on the end of the world. The introduction made a bold statement in the beginning stating that we can watch the days pass on by and wait until the end of the world or we could do our research and understand what the future has in store for us and prepare ourselves. Some people give us hope and state that we can survive what the future brings.


In todays time there's a city in Mexico called El Tortuguero. El Tortuguero was one of the most important Maya city way back when. Nothing there was thought to be valuable so construction plowed and built over in the 1960’s, where many important Mayan tablets laid. Officials where unable to read the hieroglyphs so they’re were not aware of how truly significant the stones were. Later on experts solved what the readings meant and translated it to say that on the thirteenth calendar the world will be covered in blackness and the god will come down in the red. The End of the world topic had always been a researching process and a extremely important issue and it all began with the Mayan tribe’s belief and other matter that’s were found in history.


Provides a closer look and analyzes what the Maya priests scribes prophesized and also what they did not prophesized. Also, we saw a more in depth look into the life and civilization of the Mayan world. Dooms day and the Mayan belief that the world will end on December 21,2012 are two completely different things. Since Doomsday is from the Holy Bible more people believe in it than the Mayan belief. The word was not spread by the Mayans many people were not aware of the topic. Many controversies occurred regarding the Mayan belief. People don’t know when the calendar started so how do they know the world will end exactly on December 21,2012. Also many Christians debated the topic because of what they believe. The Long Count Date were confused because experts didn’t know when they were first written on stone. The Long Counts makes it very hard and not trust worthy to believe that the world will end on December 21,2012. But the ancestry made it very easy to believe and understand by their artwork and scribes.

Chapter 3

About a thousand years after 250 A.D. we see that the millenarian mother lode came from the Western civilization not Maya. The definition of Millenarianism- The belief that an impending transformation will dramatically change society. A 27 year old German artist named Albrecht Durer took fifteen events including events from the book of Revelations, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, scenes with St. John, all different types of angels, St. Michael Fighting the Dragon, The Sea Monster and the Beast with the Lamb’s Horn, The Apocalyptic Woman, 3 different kinds of reptile monsters etc.. all from the Holy Bible and drew them from how he thought happened. These drawing went viral especially in Europe. But the Christian Clerics were not very pleased and had many debates with Albrecht Durer.


Many theories come from the Western area. Transformations tend to occur every 1,000 years within the world. Significant changes in the world is an example of Millenarianism. There’s also a Christian belief that comes from the book of Revelation out of the Holy Bible. Christians believe an Apocalypse will occur and the world will be completely destroyed, the second coming of Christ will happen, and that will be the end of the world. But no one knows the day, year, or the hour. Many believe that the Aztec Empire was destroyed by the millenarian beliefs of their own emperor Moctezuma not by the Spanish Invaders. Hernando Cortes wrote a letter to the Spanish King saying that the emperor Moctezuma was spreading the Mayan belief and telling everyone what was going to happen in the end and many of them believed him. The word started to spread.


Explaining the difference between the beliefs of how and when the world will end. Mainly between the Mayan theory and the theory of Christianity. The Mayans believe the world will end of December 21, 2012 exactly because of the templates, scribes, and the calendar. On the other hand if you read the book of Revelation you’ll see where Jesus said that you will not know the timing of my second coming. Christians believe that Jesus will come down from heaven for the second time and take all the believers to heaven. And all the non-believers in Christ, Satan and his demons, and Jesus Christ will have a battle and the world will be wiped out and destroyed.


Restall and Solari give examples from many different texts and opinions of other authors regarding 2012. It takes the reader very in depth and summarizes The Apocalyptic and New Age Thread. Evidence and arguments are provided with a summary of the phenomenon and attractions have been made towards the 2012 and the end of the world. The topic of when then world will end according to the Maya’s is a very controversial subject and is argued by many people based on their beliefs and religions.