2011. Define Active: Define Passive: Active voice: If a sentence is in active voice, the subject...

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Transcript of 2011. Define Active: Define Passive: Active voice: If a sentence is in active voice, the subject...



Define Active: Define Passive: Active voice: If a sentence is in active voice, the

subject does the action. Passive voice: If a sentence is in passive voice

the subject receives the action. Generally active voice is a better choice when

writing. It is stronger Uses fewer words Clearly shows who performed the action.


Active Voice:The dog bit the boy.

Dog is the subject of the sentence. It is acting (biting) the boy.

Passive voice:The boy is being bit by the dog.

The boy is the subject of the sentence. It is being acted on (being bit) by the dog.


The helping verb to be is a clue that the sentence is in passive voice.

If you use:

then the sentence is in passive voice.

Am Is Are

Was Were Be

Being Been


Change these passive voice sentences to active voice.

The entrance exam was failed by over one-third of the applicants to the school.

Active Voice: Over one-third of the applicants to the

school failed the entrance exam.


The brakes were slammed on by her as the car sped downhill.

Active voice: She slammed on the brakes as the car

sped downhill.


Your bicycle has been damaged.

Active Voice: I have damaged your bicycle.


Action on the bill is being considered by the committee.

Active voice: The committee is considering action on the
