2010 Jan-Feb Soundings

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Portland Downeasters Barbershop Chorus official newsletter

Transcript of 2010 Jan-Feb Soundings

January – February 2010

President’s Column

PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE A hearty welcome to the world of the Downeasters this new and exciting year! I thank you all for allowing me the privilege of being your President. As your VP of Music and Per-formance I felt that we accomplished a lot to-gether. I hear consistent comments from our fans that we are sounding and performing better than ever. This success did not just happen – we all made it happen. I believe that the biggest signifi-cant factor is a change of attitude across the board. I saw a significant “stepping up” of eve-ryone with regard to commitment – learning mu-sic, attending performances, and contributing to the welfare of the Chapter. We should all be very proud. I hope that in recognition of what we have ac-complished all of us continue to engage in the good works that signify our Chapter. We should all recognize that further accomplishments will require even more engagement, commitment, and participation in the life of the Chapter – I believe that there are truly no limits to what we can ac-complish together.

Moving forward, one of my goals for this year is to have all of you exclaiming “It’s Great to be a Barbershopper with the Downeasters”. As Presi-dent I promise to do everything I can to make every member’s experience with the Downeasters as great as they would like it to be. I leave it to each of you to decide what turns you on about barbershop and being in the Downeasters. Whatever it is I hope that you feel you can find it. If your experience is not up to par, please let me or one of your Board Members or Section leaders know so we can explore how to enhance your ex-perience. Better yet, get involved and make it happen yourself or with others. I want each of you to have the best barbershop experience pos-sible, whatever that means to you. It is not realis-tic to believe that we can realize everyone's de-sires, but if desires are not known they will never have a chance of being realized. More and more in the wider world I encounter what I call the WIFME (what’s in it for me) atti-tude. In most instances this is intrinsically a self-ish attitude with negative connotations. I believe, however, that it can be a useful attitude when considering ones role in “voluntary” organiza-tions such as the Downeasters. I would ask, therefore, that each member of the Chapter ask themselves WIFME, and reflect on why you par-ticipate in this organization. Then think about how you can make whatever is in it for you better by personal contributions of time toward making it better. For example if performing is one of the things that you love about the chapter then you should have big incentive to get gigs for the Chapter (preferably paid performances). If quar-tetting is something you love, then you have


every incentive to support quartetting within the Chapter – see your section leader or program per-son (me) and you can assist in promoting quartet singing (e.g. how about an informal pick up quar-tet competition?). If you desire more social inter-action then you have motivation to set up some “social outings” for the Chapter. I am sure there are many other “desires” that can be realized. The sky is the limit! I leave you with this quote from Benjamin Jer-emy "Ben" Stein, an actor, writer, commentator on political and economic issues, and a speech-writer for Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford: “!"#$%&'%()#&(*+,#$-%.(/$(/#)$/0$1#//%&1$/"#$/"%&1($203$4*&/$03/$0-$,%-#$%($/"%(5$$'#6%'#$4"*/$203$4*&/7$8 Decide what you want for your barbershop expe-rience and let’s work together to make it happen! Yours in Harmony, Bill PS – It’s Great to be a barbershopper with the Downeasters!

Outgoing President’s Message Two years can go by quickly when activities are as busy as they have been with the Portland Chapter in 2008 and 2009. These were two very different years in the levels of success by which each can be measured. 2008 started with a nearly new slate of elected officers in the key positions; i.e., President, Secretary, Treasurer, and VPs for Chapter Development and Music & Performance. Although I had previously served 3 years as President of another chapter, followed by 6 years as Granite and Pine Division Manager, there were still different practices and personalities with which to become acquainted. It was my belief, as well as that of most of the Board, that the chapter was in need of revitalization. Restructuring the Board into the Team Management Concept was the first undertaking, with the intent of involving

chapter members under the leadership of the VPs as Team Managers. Goals and objectives were identified by the Team Managers as guidelines for achievement. The Chapter Finance Commit-tee was revived with the purpose of implementing the existing, but not enforced, Chapter Finance Policies. Chapter finances were relatively suffi-cient to support the budget assuming the pro-jected incomes would be realized. The Board approved the proposal to proceed with a comedy-style annual show theme titled “Rocky Coast Companion” mocking a popular radio pro-gram, with the chorus performing parodies relat-ing to Maine road conditions. The script was re-plete with humor and provided great entertain-ment for our audiences. The Downeasters qualified for the NED Fall Con-test by performing two of the parodies at the G&P Division Contest. Although the audience at the NED Fall Contest enjoyed the Downeasters performance, the Judging Panel was not too im-pressed! Maybe our low scores proved to be a blessing! The Yarmouth Clam Festival was a washout – literally. With nearly two full days of rain, the Downeasters booth barely made a profit. The net income from that event caused a complete review of the chapter’s finances and a restructuring of the budget process. The Board approved a re-vamped accounting system, which placed more responsibility on the Team Managers for the de-velopment of income from sources under their control. Closer management of expenses relating to activities in their domain was required in this plan. The chapter finances were at a low point, which threatened the need to invade the “Rainy Day Fund”. Fortunately, this was avoided. The calendar turned and 2009 brought forth a se-ries of income producing events:

A) Singing Valentines –Huge success result-ing from more chapter participation;

B) Riser rental Contract with NED – 3 Divi-sion Contests & Fall Competition.

C) Chorus singouts –Sawyer Memorial; Bay Square; Poland Springs.

D) 2009 – 2010 Yearbook sales increase & reduced expenses.


E) 2009 Annual Show / 60th Anniversary- Ticket sales & moderate expenses.

F) Yarmouth Clam Festival- Great weather; hi-volume sales; expenses lower.

Competition Chorus – Bill Peterlein creation; Jack Baggs, superb Chorus directing. Results: G&P Div. Contest– Runners-up; Most Improved Chorus; Qualified Districts. NED Fall Contest- Chorus Champs; Most Im-proved Chorus; Qualified for Internationals. The above events are reasonably fresh in our memories to factually state that, when compari-sons are made, 2009 was a tremendous improve-ment over 2008. I believe that the records would reveal that 2009 was, overall, the most successful year in the history of the Portland Chapter. What were the contributing factors? I credit it to the adherence by the entire membership to the 3 D’s of organizational therapy: Determination to make the improvements needed; Disciplining ourselves to a positive attitude about our capabili-ties; and Dedication to the task of being success-ful with each event. The results are now evident throughout the Northeastern District. Are we at our peak? Not yet, but we’ve come a long way. Admittedly, there’s a bit of personal pride in believing that I may have contributed in some way to the chapter’s success. I would hope that each member senses that same feeling, for it has been our total contributions that have made the Portland Chapter well on its way to “being the best that it can be”! Special thanks go to our families, friends and fans whose loyal support, through thick and thin, has given us the encouragement to continue in har-mony and fellowship with barbershoppers, when-ever and wherever the occasion occurs. I am confident that the Portland Chapter is in good hands under the leadership of President Bill Peterlein. He and his Board of Directors will con-tinue to guide this Chapter onward and upward. It has been a sincere pleasure, privilege, and honor to have served as President. All the best, Ted Tracy

Downeasters Barbershop Chorus Greater Portland Chapter P.O. Box 48, Yarmouth, ME 04096 (207) 846-6841 www.downeasters.org Downeasters Leadership for 2010 Bill Peterlein……………………………………. President Walt Dowling .….……..……...VP, Music and Performance Cy Kendrick……..…..….………VP, Chapter Development Dave Marstaller………...……..…………………..Secretary Larry Bean……..…………………………………Treasurer Ted Tracy …...…..…….………………….Delegate to NED Ted Tracy…….. ……………..……………....Past President Jack Baggs……..………………………………… Director Dwight Pensiero……………....……..…………....Librarian Tom Liebert……………..…Marketing & Public Relations Richard Roberge...……………………….Chorus Manager Tom Liebert………..………….……………….Webmaster Dave Brown ………..…………...Board Member At Large Dave Cole….….…….…….…….Board Member At Large Phil Gage ……………………….Board Member At Large Bruce Sturgis…….………..…Downeast Soundings Editor Email: soundings.ed@gmail.com

January 16 (Sat) What: Installation Banquet for New Downeasters Officers January 31 (Sun) What: DEADLINE for audi-tioning for the Competition Chorus February 12 - 14 What: Singing Valentines March 19 (Fri) What: Granite/Pine Division Competition May 22 (Sat) What: "Come Fly With Me" -- Downeasters Annual Concert, featuring Acoustix Quartet June 28 - July 4 What: International Convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society


Please join your fellow Downeasters on January 16 at 6 PM at the Sacred Heart Church on Main Street in Yarmouth. Festivities begin at 6PM. Any and all quartets are most welcome to enter-tain. Cotton Damon will be doing the installation of 2010 officers. Your past President Ted will be the emcee for the evening. Come and support your new officers and board and join the fun! It will be a potluck buffet dinner, just as last year. Please bring food – lots of food.


Appetizers served from 6:15 to 6:45. We will plan to eat dinner about 6:45 p.m. A sign up list will be passed around at the next few meetings. We are looking for appetizers, salads, entrees and desserts. If you are bringing appetizers, please plan to arrive by 6:00 p.m. Diane Blanchard is coordinating and is looking for help for setting up the tables either on Friday, Jan. 15 or earlier in the day on Saturday, depend-ing on access and availability of the church hall and work schedules etc. We will also need assis-tance with clean-up after as well. If you are available to help her with set-up, please call her at 775-3340 or email her at diblanchard@maine.rr.com. Thank you. A Special Note From Your New President

I am pleased to serve the Downeasters as Presi-dent. We have come a long way in the last cou-ple of years and there is no end in sight. This will be an exciting year for us! I am pleased to have some fine gentlemen serving as Chapter leaders this year. Past President and new International Competition Organizational Committee Chair Ted has provided me with a level of support I could not have imagined. I will be relying on his good judgment and experience heavily this year. As your Secretary, Dave has done an exemplary job running the operations of the Chapter. His attention to detail and commit-ment to getting things done correctly make him an excellent Secretary. As treasurer, Larry, vir-tually single handedly, restructured the Chapter finances to lead us successfully through a very tough year last fiscal year and has brought a re-freshing level of Chapter Officer financial ac-countability. As your continuing VP of Chapter Development, Cy brings a wealth of experience from two years of experience in this position with

the Downeasters. His work on the new Downeasters Handbook was outstanding, as were his extraordinary efforts putting together the Guest Nights. Walt, as your new VP of Music and Performance, brings a dedication that is in-spiring. His organization and communications skills will assure that all aspects of our music and performance this year will be top notch. Tom has done an amazing job with the Downeasters Website. With his technological expertise, the Downeasters will quickly become a cutting edge Chapter of the 21st century. He has been working with Richard and is firmly on board with Chap-ter PR. Board member at large, Dave Brown, brings a levelheaded intelligence to the Board and Chapter. His experience with Chapter Operations the past several years (as Board Member at Large) will be extremely valuable to the Chapter. New Board member Dave Cole has demonstrated his commitment to the Chapter and immeasurable talent by putting together an outstanding show last year. I know that he will provide a new and refreshing perspective to Chapter operations. I am particularly excited to have Phil as a new Board member at large. His patience, calm pres-ence, and sharp intellect will no doubt serve your Board and your Chapter well. There are many others, too numerous to name here, who have willingly stepped forward to tackle the things that need to be done. Thank you all for your current and future services to our Chapter. Yes, indeed, this year is going to be a year we will all remember! It’s Great to be a barbershop-per with the Downeasters! I want to assure you that my “door” is always open. Please do not hesitate to share any con-cerns you may have with any aspect of the Chap-ter Operations. I am at your service. Bill Dear members, Although we are in the middle of Janu-ary, I would like to invite you to help make this show the best ever. Since returning from the NED Leadership Acad-emy school in Worcester, I have a whole new look on show production. I could not get everything ready for this issue, but if you would like to help with set up in Get-ting door prizes from area business so we can raffle and make money from these. Other major items to make this work:


A. Ticket Sales B. Ushers C. Set Con-struction D. Props E. Costumes F. Midglow Chairperson G. Afterglow Chairperson H. Advertising {Selling Ads} I. Preshow lobby Design This may look overwhelming, but this show will be different in how it is pre-sented, so lets pull together and make this the best show. Thank you, Dave Cole Show Chairman

David Cole - Lead - Member of "The Four Baritones" Dave is a 52 year old who loves to sing. He has been involved with music way back to young childhood days where he would sing along as his mother played the piano. During High School, Dave made All-Sate Chorus his junior and senior years. After school, Dave joined the local church choir. One day he was approached by the church organist to help with a local play at Lyric Music Theater in South Portland. After 33 productions, Dave is still very active (when time allows). Dave has enjoyed singing in three quartets since being a member of the Downeasters. The first was "The Oarsman". They sang for over four years before parting ways. (It was very hard singing in a quar-tet with only two voices), Therefore, Dave went back to theater. Since Dave's return to the chorus, he has been very active in putting together the annual show, singing "valentines". working at the Clam Festival (with his children) and all the time being a husband to his lovely wife Debbie of 25 years. Dave currently drives through the streets of Portland in a big yellow school bus. He has been doing that for over 34 years (right out of High School). The other quartets were "Maine Event" which he enjoyed singing with in "The Music Man" at Portland Players, and in his current quar-tet, The Four Baritones, who in three short years will be singing in the senior division... watch out Port City Sound. Now Dave has three new irons in the fire. As

a new Board member for the chorus, the state of Maine Chapter manager for the Northeast District and training to be a District Standing Ovation re-viewer. So if time allows, Dave will be around for quite a while, making this chorus one to be reckoned with. he would like to thank the 2008/2009 Board for believing in him as he put his favorite accomplishment out there for all to see. "The 60th Anniversary Show" In Dave's words "We have only just begun. Onward and upward" See you May 22nd for the 61st Annual show. Now there is a proud man, let's all stand be-hind him, support him and applaud his efforts.

Thanks Dave for all you do.

Music Committee-2010 After a highly successful year under the leadership incoming President Bill Peterlein, the Music Committee prepares to enter 2010 with new leadership. We hope to carry on the work Bill initiated and update goals as well as create new ones. Walt Dowling is the incoming Music Com-mittee VP with Section Leaders David Brown, John Mansfield and Cy Kendrick, along with Di-rector Jack Baggs. Current discussions center around establish-ing goals which will enable our chorus to con-tinue to progress in what they do best-bringing quality musical performances to a variety of audiences. Walt’s desire is to have the Section Leaders integrally involved in every aspect of the Music Committee and to be a part of the Music Commit-tee action, not apart from it. With the support chorus members have al-ways given the Music Committee’s efforts, it is the committee members’ hope to continue Bill’s forward moves he initiated during the exciting year 2009. The Music Committee is made up of: David Brown, Cy Kendrick, Jim Curtis, John Mans-field, Walt Dowling, VP.


New and Old Faces at Downeaster Re-hearsals We extend a warm welcome to recent addi-tions to the Downeasters. Rob Sorensen is back with us after a leave of absence. Marshall Wagner has sold his Florida house and is with us full time. Gerry Barnicle is back singing with us, and we welcome Miles Hunt, Arnie Jordan, Hank Manseau, Tere Porter, Curt Roberts, and Jay Wiley as new members. Of this group, only Hank is new to barbershop, so a special welcome to our hobby, Hank. Also, making making appearances as guests are Jacob Kolda and Peter Stevens. We hope they find the fun, camaraderie, and good singing that is the Downeasters to their liking. What a great time to be part of this organiza-tion. WATCH THIS SPACE... ... for announcement of the Old-Timers luncheons which will resume after the weather breaks in the spring (April).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Placement of the following edited minutes in the Soundings is the decision of the Board of Directors as a means of keeping the total chapter membership and other interested parties informed of activities and actions happening with the Portland Chapter."

Portland, Maine Chapter-

Barbershop Harmony Society Board of Directors-

Management Team Meeting November 12, 2009- 7:00 PM at HMS

MINUTES 1. Call to Order- President Ted Tracy called

the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. Also present were Board members David Brown, Carl Cap-pello, Cy Kendrick, David Marstaller, Dwight

Pensiero, Bill Peterlein, Richard Roberge, Al Sargent, and non Board members Jack Baggs and Dave Cole.

2. Additions to Agenda- A) Organizational structure for International Competition B) Music Leadership Team Meeting minutes.

3. Approval of Minutes- October 8, 2009 meet-ing. Motion- Bill/ Dwight. Passed. October 5 Annual Meeting. Motion-Bill/ Carl. Passed.

4. Secretary’s Report- Dave M. reported that Ted Brackett had renewed his overdue mem-bership after a call to remind him. Gerry Barni-cle, Hank Manseau, and Tere Porter have all submitted membership applications. B) We have purchased five certificates for the January 8,9,and 10, 2010 NED Leadership Academy. Bill, Walt, Jack, Al, Dave Cole, and Phil Gage are among those interested in attending. At-tendees will be designated at the December BOD meeting. C) Our next riser rental will be to St. John’s, Brunswick, 12/6, for $150. D) Motion to approve report-Al/ Bill. Passed.

5. Treasurer’s Report- Larry (not present) emailed report. Some discussion of fundraising for members needing assistance. We seem to be in good shape in most categories.

6. Music Team Manager’s Report- A) Bill reported results of CC survey (19 respondents). A majority would allow any chapter members to sing in Philly if they pass auditions, would raise expectations for CC, enforce CC rules more vigorously, and sing the same two songs in Philly. B) Upcoming performances- 12/6- NE Hearing and Speech, 4:00 PM, 12/7- Saco Food Pantry, 7:00 PM, 12/14-Cancer Commu-nity Center, 7:00 PM, 12/21, Woods at Canco, 7:00 PM. C) In preparation for our upcoming singouts, no CC for the next two rehearsals. D) Prices for the 2010 Annual Show will be $20, $15 seniors 65+, $10 students 25 and under. A 20% discount will be offered to groups of 10 or more. E) Walt Dowling will be going to Philly this weekend to meet with other chapter repre-sentatives from all over the country to discuss different aspects of the Internationals. F) Mo-tion to approve report: Al/ Bill. Passed.

7. Chapter Development Team Manager’s Report- A) Cy reported that the final draft of the Chapter Handbook is on the website. B) The Barberpole Cat Program schedule has been revised and selected quartets will be per-forming on 11/23 and 11/30. C) 11/9 Guest


Night in Auburn discussion- Not many guests who were actually potential members, not enough special events for guests that really in-volved them and made them feel at ease. Good venue, although hard to spot in the dark. Good interaction between members and guests. D) Dave Cole is the new NED Manager for the State of Maine. E) Motion to approve report- Bill/ Dwight. Passed.

8. Marketing & PR Team Manager’s Report- A) Richard has sent press releases to many newspapers about our Competition win. Several have printed articles. There has been no reac-tion from the Yarmouth Chamber so far. Rich-ard will continue to emphasize the historical significance of our win with these organiza-tions. B) The new flyer for the 2010 Show is on our website. C) The Warrior Legacy Founda-tion would like us to perform a benefit concert for them. We will consider for next year. D) Three men interested in being “Soundings” edi-tor have come forward.. No decision yet. E) The opportunity to sing the National Anthem at a Maine Red Claws basketball game if we pur-chase a minimum of 25 tickets was rejected. Walt will see if they can offer us a better deal, like 25 free tickets. F) Motion to approve re-port- Dwight/ Al. Passed.

9. Unfinished Business- A) Bill and Carl will be on the CF planning committee. B) Ted’s let-ter to Cole Productions along with a check for $46 will end our involvement in this ill fated venture. C) The Fall interchapter meet will be at UMA on 11/16. D) The Installation Banquet will be on Jan. 16 @ 6:00 at the Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth. The Brunswick Chapter will join us and Cotton Damon will MC. E) New BOD members will be invited to attend the Dec. 10 board meeting.

10. New Business- A) Motion (Carl/Al)- Dave C. be authorized to sign contract with Scarborough HS for use of facility. Passed. B) Walt Dowling has been appointed Chorus Contact with BHS re International Competition and will travel to Philly this weekend for the Familiarization Mtg with BHS and other contestants. C) BOTY vote will be scheduled soon. D) We are requesting to sing first or early on in Philly. E) President Ted handed out a listing of recent emails submitted by Ed

Headley on a variety issues for which he was re-questing Board action. Following

a discussion of the overall listing, the Board, by consensus, agreed not to take action on these items, but rather have them reviewed individu-ally by the Team

Managers as applicable. Team Managers could then present the matter to the

Board on the merits of the item for further chap-ter concern. Bill Peterlein will speak to Ed re-garding the issues.

11. For the Good of the Chapter- Ted will be away 11/13-11/28/09! This brought

a chuckle from the Board. Ted will remain in contact by phone and email.

12. Adjournment- Motion (Al/ Cy) Passed. 10:02 PM.

13. Next Board Meeting December 10, 2009 at 7:00 at HMS

Respectfully submitted, David Marstaller, Secretary

Portland, Maine Chapter- Barbershop Harmony Society

Board of Directors- Management team Meeting

December 10, 2009- 7:00 PM at Harrison Middle School

MINUTES 1. Call to Order- President Ted Tracy called

the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Also present were Jack Baggs, Larry Bean, Carl Cappello, Dave Cole, Walt Dowling, Cy Kendrick, David Marstaller, Dwight Pensiero, and Richard Roberge. Excused absences: David Brown, Al Sargent, and Tom Liebert.

2. Additions to Agenda- A) Chorus CD. B) Boy Singers of Maine on 2010 Show C) Trans-portation alternatives. D) Larry Newth fund-raiser- recipe book.

3. Approval of Minutes- Motion to approve 11-12-09 BOD minutes (Dwight/ Cy). Passed.

4. Secretary’s Report- A) Dave M. reported that Hank Manseau, Miles Hunt, and Arnie Jor-dan are now members of this chapter. Gerry Barnicle, Curt Roberts, Robb Sorenson, and Jay Wiley have applications pending. Manen Clements will not be renewing this year. B) Applications and prepaid certificates for 5 board members to attend the NED Leadership Academy and 2 other members to attend the Compellingly Attractive Chapter Meeting (CACM) course will be mailed by 12-31-09. Jack, Dave C., Dave M., Larry, Walt, and at


least 2 others will be attending. Any chapter member wishing to attend will have his regis-tration paid by the chapter. C) Dave M. will send a note of thanks to Wally Trask’s widow Mary, for her congratulations, best wishes, and contribution to the Downeasters’ Philly Fund. D) We want to get our early bird registrations for Internationals in by 12-31-09 @ $139. Dave M. will be collecting names and money from those who want to be in the Downeaster’s block of seats at the Convention Center. Others can register on their own. E) Motion to approve re-port ()Bill/ Cy). Passed.

5. Treasurer’s Report- A) We need to get our Rainy Day Fund up to $8000, per Finance Poli-cies. It stands at about $6400. B) Members needing assistance for trip will be considered on the basis of effort put into fundraising and other chapter activities, as well as amount of money available. C) Motion to accept report (Bill/ Carl). Passed.

6. Music Team Manager’s Report- A) Audi-tions for the two old and two new CC numbers must be done at least once by 1-25-10. Mem-bers can re-audition after that date until a final cut-off TBD. B) Pending performances- Dec. 14, Baptist Church on High St. in Portland, for Cancer Comm. Center; Dec. 21, Woods at Canco. C) 2010 Annual Show- Need ticket sell-ers for Nursing Homes, etc. Show

planning behind schedule. D) New contract for Jack- add Int’l Conv. expenses. E) Motion to approve report-(Cy/ Dwight). Passed.

7. Chapter Developmemt Team Manager’s Report- A) Cy reported that the Portland Chap-ter Handbook will be posted on the “Members Only” section of our website. B) Soon we should be able to download music we need to learn on our website. C) The Barberpole Cat Program will continue in 2010 with random quartets. D) Al is laying groundwork for 2010 Yearbook. E) Motion to approve report- (Rich-ard/ Dwight). Passed.

8. Marketing and PR Team manager’s Re-port- A) We need someone in charge of our supporter database. Tom Liebert is building up our mailing and email lists. B) Board member bios needed for next Soundings-Dave B., Dave C., Dave M. C) Singing Valentines- Valentines Day is Sunday, Feb 14, Male House Rock is Feb 13. We will poll chapter to see if they want

to do SVs on Friday and Sunday and MHR on Saturday. D) We have joined the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce. E) Bruce Sturgis is the new Soundings Editor. F) Motion- (Dwight/ Dave C.)- Present to chorus details of opportu-nity to sing the National Anthem at a Red Claws basketball game, to determine if enough interest exists to go forward. Each singer must buy a ticket ($5-$90). Walt will see if there’s a group rate. There is no longer a minimum num-ber of tickets we need to buy if we want to per-form. G) Richard would like to get Singing waiters set up for another event. H) We need to do a benefit concert for the UU Church on Congress St. in Portland. I) Motion to approve report-(Cy/ Richard). Passed.

9. Unfinished Business- A) The Installation Banquet is on 1-16-10. Cotton Damon will be the Installing Officer. Ted Tracy will be the MC. B) Larry Bean has the video tapes of the 2009 annual show and will complete the digital conversion.

10. New Business- A) A Convention Planning Team (CPT) Project outline was handed out, detailing issues needing attention and action. The question of how to get to Philly brought forward a motion (Larry/ Dwight)- Limit travel mode to bus. Present to the membership the dates of travel, per person cost, and determine approximate number interested. Passed. B) The possibility of procuring a hospitality suite dur-ing the Convention will be investigated. C) Ted, having talked to Concert Recording Co., suggested we have them record our concert at Woods at Canco on Dec. 21. Following discus-sion, it was decided by the Board that an acous-tically better space was needed, without an audience, so that retakes could be done as much as needed. Walt, Jack, and Larry will come up with a recording plan for next BOD meeting. D) Boy Singers of Maine- Don’t know yet if we can use them. E) A new Chapter/Harmony Foundation program called Chapter Connect was provided to incoming President Bill to pre-view for possible implementation in 2010.

11. Adjournment- Motion-(Carl/ Dwight). Passed.

12. Next Board Meeting January 14, 2010 at 7 PM at HMS

Respectfully submitted, David Marstaller, Secretary