2010 ISAP IX Program

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Program for the 2010 ISAP IX Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada

Transcript of 2010 ISAP IX Program





I S A P 2 0 1 0 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S Y M P O S I U M F O R AV I AT I O N P H O T O G R A P H Y



It’s a pleasure to welcome you to this, the Ninth Annual…INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM for AVIATION PHOTOGRAPHY!

Our mission is to provide a major international forum for the art and science ofaviation photography; to provide a means for the exchange of aviation photogra-phy ideas, technique, philosophy, and equipment; and perhaps most important-ly, to provide a mechanism for communication, education, and friendship amongthose who have a professional stake in, interest in, or simple love of aviationphotography.

We’re very pleased you could join us. We have a terrific schedule lined up and theslate of speakers and special guests is truly world class. On the following pagesyou will find a day-by-day, hour-by-hour program covering each of the next threedays. We hope you will find many things of interest!

Carolyn Russo

Eric Schulzinger

Eric Curry

Frans DelyMoosePeterson

Cover: photos courtesy of AOPA


Opening Reception:WEDNESDAY, March 3, 2010

•6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.:Please join us for wine & hors d’oeuvres in the SouthwestEvents Center (northwest corner of the Hampton InnTropicana property). Courtesy of the Hampton Inn Tropicana

Session 1:THURSDAY, March 4, 2010

• 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.:Registration confirmation and badge pickup at the SouthwestEvents Center.

• 7:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.:Welcome and updates by JAY MILLER and CHAD SLATTERY.

• 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.:ERIC SCHULZINGER -- is a founding member of ISAP, a mem-ber of our Board of Directors, and famous along with ISAP’sDenny Lombard for their legendary photographs of iconicstealth aircraft from Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works. At ISAP Iin 2001 he showed us images of the F-117 made at Tonopahunder strict secrecy prior to its public unveiling. Today Ericreturns to ISAP IX as Lockheed Martin’s Director of MultimediaCommunications. While he continues to make occasional stills(reflecting a mastery of theatrical lighting), he now focuses ondirecting the company’s commercials. With “adapt or die” ashis mantra, Eric strongly advocates that still photographersbegin learning how to make videos. Today’s presentation willcenter on his experiences with the new generation of video-capable still cameras, and how he made the transition todirecting.

• 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.:Break

• 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.:FRANS DELY – Frans has journeyed here from South Africa tomake good our claim to being an International Society. He is athird generation photographer, and in 1995 became the firstin South Africa to go digital. In the late 1990’s he beganconcentrating on South Africa’s aviation subjects. Since thenhe has gone on assignment for Airbus, South African Airways,Pilatus, Beechcraft, Cessna, BAe, SAAB, and Gripen. He hasbeen widely published around the world. In 2004 he producedSoaring with Eagles, a richly illustrated history of the SouthAfrican Air Force. Recently he took up the challenge of maga-zine publishing, as photography editor of Global Aviator maga-zine, and began yet another career, as an aviation videograph-er. Today Frans will share the challenges and rewards of pho-tographing aircraft in Africa’s southernmost country.

• 11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.:LORENZO GASPARINI – is a passionate photographer andinnovative marketing representative in our industry. Longidentified with Mamiya, Lorenzo has turned his considerablemarketing and technology talents towards evangelizing fulltime

for Pocket Wizard radio remotes. Pocket Wizards have longbeen a staple of sports photographers, who used them towirelessly trigger cameras squeezed into spaces too danger-ous or too inaccessible for live operators. Aviation photogra-phers quickly followed, strapping cameras and strobes ontoaircraft for views never before possible. Today, Pocket Wizardhas a new line of transmitters and receivers that offer possibil-ities thought impossible even five years ago. Lorenzo willreview their differences, explore their capabilities, and chal-lenge us all to make photographs never seen before. Bringhim your questions!

• 12 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.:Lunch courtesy of Canon USA.

• 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.:CAROLYN RUSSO -- has worked at the National Air andSpace Museum since 1988 as a staff photographer and cura-tor, developing so much expertise along the way that she wasrecently designated as a specialist in NASM’s AeronauticsDivision. She’s published three outstanding collections of pho-tography: In Plane View, Artifacts of Flight, and Women andFlight: Portraits of Contemporary Women Pilots. This yearshe’s deep into her newest project, a photographic survey ofairport towers from around the globe. There’s not a photogra-pher alive who doesn’t dream of doing a book; Carolyn isgoing to share her path to publishing with us and maybe helpus all edge a little closer to that goal.

• 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.:MAX HAYNES – takes the slot this year that ISAP traditionallyreserves to spotlight the work of a particularly talented mem-ber. A generalist working out of Minnesota, Max’s portfolioincludes everything from ground shots at Oshkosh to aerials ofSanta Claus flying a T-6. His aviation clients include WarbirdDigest, Classic Wings, Air & Space/Smithsonian, Motorbooks,and Midwest Flyer. He has photographed on the Nimitz, out ofTrimotors, and way too close to pyrotechnic demonstrations.Join us for Max’s wide-ranging look at aviation.

• 3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.Break

• 3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.:BUSINESS MEETING – Never a sleeper, our annual meetinglets members air their gripes, sing the praises of ISAP’s hardworking Board, make suggestions for future topics, nominatespeakers, and help us figure out where next year’sSymposium ought to be held. If you’ve got ideas, complaints,predictions, or insights, we’re all ears. We expect everyone toparticipate in this democratic process, and help ISAP’s Boardof Directors help you!

• 5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.:Portfolio reviews by ISAP editors. Get some constructive feed-back and valuable critiques, by seasoned professionals. Toaccommodate as many 15-minute sessions as possible, bringno more than fifteen images…as prints (no larger than11x14, please) or digital images on your laptop.

End of First Session.


I S A P 2 0 1 0 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S Y M P O S I U M F O R AV I AT I O N P H O T O G R A P H Y

Session 2:FRIDAY, March 5, 2010

• 6:30 a.m.:Begin loading the buses (courtesy of Lockheed Martin)in front of the hotel for the start of the field trip.

• 7:00 a.m.:Buses depart promptly for our jam-packed, thrill-a-minuteorientation tour of Nellis Air Force Base.


(1) You will need to carry i.d. with you at all times (driver’slicenses for US citizens and passports for foreignnationals).

(2) Do not be late! We will not wait for you; we are on a tightschedule!

(3) Please respect, unequivocally, the requests of our escorts.Security and safety are critical issues—and are taken veryseriously.

(4) Bring and use sunglasses, sunscreen, over-the-earhearing protection, and water. Since lunch isn’t until1:30 p.m., tuck an energy bar or two into yourcamera case.

• 7:30 a.m.:Buses arrive at Nellis AFB front gate for check-in.

• 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.:Threat Training Facility tour and photos with tour guide

• 8:15 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.:Public Affairs photography brief: how to help the Air Forcehelp you.

• 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.:Brief on the literally top secret Red Eagles program, whichflew and evaluated Soviet fighter jets; brief by Mr. Gail Peck,Weapons School F-15/F-22 SME.

• 9:45 a.m.:Depart for flight line.

• 9:50 a.m.:Set up for Red Flag launches: Group 1 between runways, andGroup 2 near end of runway.

• 1:00 p.m.:Depart flight line for lunch at Freedom Park static displays.

• 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.Lunch for ISAP and PAO at Freedom Park

• 2:45 p.m.:Load buses for return to flight line.

• 3:00 p.m.:Stop at Aggressor Squadron for photos; Maj. Jan Stahl,65th AS F-15 pilot

• 3:30 p.m.:Stop at Thunderbirds demonstration team for facility tourand brief

• 4:30 p.m.:Return to buses for return trip to the Hampton Inn Tropicana.

• 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.:OPEN FORUM in the Southwest Events Center main meetingroom. We’ll have slide and video projectors available but you’llneed to bring your own laptop for the latter.

End of Second Session.

Session 3:Saturday, March 6, 2010

• 7:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.:Welcome and updates by JAY MILLER and CHAD SLATTERY.

• 7:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.:JIM SUGAR – is a world-famous photographer with a longstring of National Geographic credits to his name. He will dis-cuss a life spent in photography, with special emphasis on avi-ation photography--both in the air and on the ground. Jim haslong had unique access to Burt Rutan at Scaled Composites;his genius for light and Burt’s genius for aerodynamics com-bined to give us airplane photography of a quality seldomseen and never exceed-ed. As photography tech-nology progressed fromfilm to digital and fromstudio lights to smarton-camera strobes, Jimchanged his own work-flow to incorporate digitalcameras and computers,with special emphasis onPhotoshop and Lightroomsoftware. He’ll discussthat evolution, sharesome lighting techniques,and talk about his moveinto video. Not to bemissed!

• 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.:THOMAS BUNCE – amazed us with the ultra-detailed,gigantic prints he brought to ISAP VIII, then flabbergasted usby revealing they were made with an amateur digital camera.Tom is an aerospace engineer who wondered if he could pro-duce 300 megapixel images without buying a $50,000 cam-era. His secret? You’ll need to be there, but here’s a hint:think stitching.



• 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.:Break

• 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.:CANON USA – is a long and venerable sponsor of ISAPSymposia, and we welcome them back for a look at the newcameras, lenses, and goodies that were introduced since thelast ISAP in 2008—and we’ll resist the urge to say those arelight years in camera time. Visit their table in the foyer for ahands-on look at the all-new EOS-1D Mark IV, EOS 7D, andEOS 5D Mark II.

• 11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.:ERIC CURRY – joins us fresh off his first Air &Space/Smithsonian cover, with a presentation that offersinsights into his superb paint-with-light technique. Eric ispromising a show that incorporates 400 images and dozens ofanecdotal stories on a wild ride into some very cutting edgeaviation photography.

• 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.:Lunch courtesy of Canon USA.

• 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.:MOOSE PETERSON – is presented courtesy of Nikon USA. Weall know Moose as THE premier wildlife photographer, but itturns out he has a secret passion for aircraft, and has given alot of thought on how to photograph them. He’s a giftedteacher, a 23-book author, a renowned lecturer, and a NikonLegend Behind the Lens…with those credentials, you knowMoose has a lot to teach those of us whose favorite crittersare what he calls “silver gas hawks.” He’lldiscuss lenses, settings, techniques, andDSLR video with one goal in mind: movingbeyond the technical and into the romanceof aviation photography.

• 2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.:NIKON USA -- is also a long-standing and outstanding sup-porter of ISAP. Bill Pekala will return to share a nice selectionof Nikon’s newest products, from the hot new D3S to theD300s, and lenses including the 16-35mm G ED VR and24mm f/1.4 (nope, not a typo…). There’ll be enough long,fast telephoto lenses to tempt your credit cards. Catch up onthe latest and greatest at their table, then grab some cata-logues to mark up and leave opened on the kitchen table justbefore your birthday. Nikon is fond of springing surprises onus, so don’t miss this.

• 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.:GREGORY HEISLER – is, bar none, the most innovative portraitphotographer of our time. He has 70 Time magazine covers tohis credit, and countless magazine features and ad cam-paigns, yet never repeats himself. A Canon Explorer of Light,Greg continually reinvents himself and his techniques. He usesformats from half-frame 35mm film to 20x24 inch Polaroid,and every type of light imaginable: studio strobes, mixed fluo-rescents, HMI’s, stuff from Home Depot, and, on occasion,automobile headlamps. He calls this approach

“The Appropriate Response,” a disciplined use of technique toexplore the subject, rather than impose a photographic style.Loaded with intelligence, blessed with the sharpest wit in thebusiness, renowned for his irreverence, and a master of light-ing, Greg will help you be able to photograph not just air-planes, but airplane people.

• 6:00 p.m:OPEN BAR – Two cash bars will be available adjacent to ourmeeting room at the Southwest Center while the room isreconfigured for our Banquet.

• 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.:Dinner courtesy of Nikon USA.

Our special banquet guest and presentation is by one of themost accomplished (and undersung) aeronautical engineers ofthe past 25 years, Dr. Paul Bevilaqua, Director of AdvancedDesign at Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Projects—better known as the Skunk Works. Paul was working there in1986 when DARPA issued a contract to develop a stealthysupersonic aircraft that could launch and land vertically.Nobody believed it was possible--including Paul. But fourweeks before the project’s deadline he conceived a designthat would use a turbine for power, a shaft to transfer thatpower, and a fan to convert the power into lift. His lift-fanpropulsion system formed the conceptual basis for the X-35Band its siblings, which evolved into the F-35 and is guaran-teed to keep Lockheed Martin in clover for many years tocome. He and his Skunk Works team have won many awards.Tonight he’ll share his experiences with us.



I S A P 2 0 1 0 I N T E R N AT I O N A L S Y M P O S I U M F O R AV I AT I O N P H O T O G R A P H Y

GEORGE HALL LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDPaul Bowen was accorded this honor, our industry’s highest, in2008, but was unable to attend due to a major assignment. IfPaul doesn’t show this year, we may have to auction off histrophy just to pay the storage charges…

NIKON GPACOnce again it’s time for the amazing, heart-breaking, and sometime just goofy annualNikon-sponsored Great Paper Airplane Contest(GPAC!). As ever, prizes will be awarded indirect proportion to the engineering talentmanifest in the lift-over-drag figures achieved

by these fragile flying machines and their lucky talentedbuilders!

ISAP AUCTIONThe auction items being offered during ISAP-IX are as spectac-ular as ever. The always suave, thoroughly knowledgeable JeffRhodes will serve as auctioneer, presenting rare and verypricey desk models provided by Boeing, Lockheed Martin, andthe especially generous Northrop Grumman. Special goodiesalways get thrown into the pot at the last minute, from auto-graphed models to original art to signed books. Everything willbe displayed prior to the auction—so take a look and get thatcheckbook ready. Remember, it’s all tax deductible – and it allgoes for a very good cause: ISAP!

Don’t lose your Little Red Ticket!!!! An unusual number ofterrific door prizes are on the roster this year, includingDelkin 32GB flash cards and Sigma lenses.


Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA)Boeing Aerospace CompanyCanon USA, Inc.David Carlson of Canon USA, Inc.Lauren Davis of the Hampton Inn TropicanaDelkin Devices, Inc.Bill Fortney of Nikon USA, Inc.Eric Hehs of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics CompanyISAP Board Members: Paul Bowen, David Carlson, Larry Grace,Bonnie Kratz, Denny Lombard (ex officio), Jay Miller,Russell Munson, Michele Peterson, Albert Ross,Eric Schulzinger, Caroline Sheen, Chad Slattery, andKatsuhiko Tokunaga

Mike Kline of the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA)Lockheed Martin Aeronautics CompanyDenny Lombard of the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

David MetzSusan MillerNikon USA, Inc.Bill Pekala of Nikon USA, Inc.Kurt Rogers and Think Tank PhotoLewis Shaw and the entire staff of the Hampton Inn TropicanaSigma CorporationErik Simonsen of BoeingDonna Lee SlatteryTom Twomey and the Northrop Grumman CorporationRichard VanderMeulenMartin Wood of Delkin Devices, Inc.

Program design: Chris Rose, courtesy of the Aircraft Owners &Pilots Association



See you next year!Jay Miller & Chad Slattery


In MemoriumHoward Levy1922 - 2010

ISAP Lifetime Achievement Award 2003