2009 45 April - Saint Joseph · PDF fileWinterset, IA 50273 Rectory: 515-462-1083 ... Palmer...

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Transcript of 2009 45 April - Saint Joseph · PDF fileWinterset, IA 50273 Rectory: 515-462-1083 ... Palmer...

Office &Bulletin information - Office@saintjosephchurch.netNewsletter information - Braytbunch@aol.com 205-5842

Church Office – Theresa Navin 462-1083Parish Hall Reservations – Church Office 462-1083

Director of Religious Ed. – Teresa Hoffelmeyer 462-2668Youth Ministry – Gerene Farrell 979-5156

Music Ministry – Teresa Kordick terkord@msn.com 321-0825Prayer Line – Angela Hill 462-3316; Patricia Corkrean 462-4251

Knights of Columbus – Rich Corkrean 462-2597Altar & Rosary – Margaret Schlueter 462-1404

Maintenance – Harvey Eivins 462-2642; Jeanette Neel 462-4525

St. Joseph’s Newsletter – April 2009 Rev. Christopher Hartshorn

607 W. Green St. Winterset, IA 50273 Rectory: 515-462-1083 Parish Hall: 515-462-2668 Tribunal Office: 515-237-5030

Rev. Christopher Hartshorn - chartshorn@SaintJosephChurch.net Deacon Sam Sullivan - stmnsully@L2Speed.net 515-468-1389 Parish Website – www.saintjosephchurch.net

Dear St. Joseph Parishioners: Do you want to be closer to Jesus and to live in his peace? Holy Week is the place to begin. During the

days of Holy Week (April 5-12), we walk with him, we suffer with him, we die with him and finally we rise again with him as a new creation as we are brought more deeply into the joy and mystery of redemption that we celebrate in faith on Easter Sunday. Our journey with Jesus in Holy Week begins on Passion (Palm) Sunday. This year, we are invited to reflect on the Passion of Christ according to the gospel of Mark and enter into a week of prayer and reflection on the Paschal Mystery of Christ. We will be invited to continue our prayer with a vigil of prayer on Wednesday evening of Holy Week called the Tenebrae Service. In this service, we are invited to enter more deeply into the passion and glory of the Lord that we will celebrate over the next three days as we celebrate the Paschal Triduum. The key liturgies of Holy Week from Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday give us the opportunity to share in the mystery and power of God’s love as lived out in the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is helpful to look at these three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter) not as separate celebrations but as one continuous remembrance in which we meet and follow Jesus.

Holy Thursday (April 9): After his entrance into Jerusalem, Jesus instructed his apostles to make preparations for the Passover meal. It was at that meal, the Last Supper, that Jesus gave us the Eucharist. It is in the Eucharist that we receive his Body and Blood and thereby are joined to his sacrifice, the New Covenant between God and God’s holy people. Holy Thursday reminds us, in the washing of the feet, that we are called to receive the sacrificial love of Jesus and to share it in service to others.

Good Friday (April 10): Jesus told his disciples that they were going to Jerusalem where he would be handed over and would suffer. We are invited to echo the words of Thomas the Apostle in response to Jesus as we walk with him and as we retrace his footsteps, “Let us also go, that we might die with him.” The suffering and death of Jesus have been the focus of intense prayer for Christians since the earliest centuries; this is the day to “die to oneself” so that we might rise anew with Christ.

Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday (April 11/12): The most ancient celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is the Lord’s Day, Sunday. From the early days of the apostolic church we gathered on Sunday to celebrate this new life we have received in Christ in the Eucharistic celebration. On Holy Saturday, the Church celebrates this reality and gift of new life in the unique celebration of the Easter Vigil. In this special celebration, we are drawn into Jesus’ timeless victory over sin and death that becomes our victory as well. The Church takes time on Holy Saturday to reflect on this mystery through the Service of Light in which the Easter Fire is blessed and the Paschal Candle is lit. The Church also reflects on this saving mystery through the Liturgy of the Word in which we ponder the mystery of God’s love for us throughout salvation history. The Easter Vigil continues with the celebration of the Liturgy of Baptism and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is through the waters of Baptism that we welcome new members into the Body of Christ, and it is in the Eucharist, especially on this holy night, that we are renewed in the Paschal mystery of Jesus Christ. As Easter Sunday dawns, it is the day we have been preparing for in the Lenten season and throughout Holy Week. In the season of Lent, we committed ourselves to turn away from sin and to be faithful to the Gospel. The Good News of the Gospel is joy and hope that the resurrection offers in the feast of Easter. If we have journeyed with Him through his suffering and death through Lent and Holy Week, the Easter message will be a joyous one as we say:

“Christ is Risen! Alleluia!” HAPPY EASTER, Fr. Chris

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St. Joseph Catholic Church 607 W. Green St. Winterset, IA 50273 Returned Service Requested April 5, 2009 - Passion (Palm) Sunday (Isaiah 50:4-7, Philippians 2:6-11, Mark 15:1-39) Imagine that you are one of the following people: Pilate, Barabbas, a Roman soldier, Simon of Cyrene, a member of the crowd or the centurion. Describe your thoughts and feelings about Jesus as he endures his Passion and Crucifixion. Why do you think people sometimes ridicule and mock others? What does the example of Jesus teach us about seeking revenge against others? April 12, 2009 – Easter - The Resurrection of the Lord (Acts 10:34a,37-43, Colossians 3:1-4, John 20:1-9) Why do you think Mary Magdalene, Peter and John did not at first know what to make of the empty tomb? If you had been among them, what might you have seen as a "clue" inside the tomb? How do you think John interpreted this clue? April 19, 2009 - Second Sunday of Easter (Acts 4:32-35, 1 John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31) How do we experience the peace and forgiveness of Jesus in the Church today? Sometimes when we hide behind the locked doors of doubt, fear or anger, Jesus makes his presence known to us. What are some of the ways he might do that? April 26, 2009 - Third Sunday of Easter (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19, 1 John 2:1-5a, Luke 24:35-48) The two disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus also did not recognize Jesus until they shared a meal with him. How does the gospel say they came to know him? How do we know him in that same way?

Reflection Questions

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The community of St. Joseph Catholic Church is a welcoming family of faith, supporting every member in their spiritual journey to worship God through participation in the Eucharist, fellowship, faith formation, and service to others.

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Calendar 3 – Fish Fry Dinner 5:30 – 7 p.m. 4/5 – Food Pantry Weekend. 5 – Palm Sunday. 6 – Catechist Formation #9 6-8 p.m. 6/8/12 – No Religious Education. 9/10 – 24-Hour Food Fast. 10 – Passion of the Christ movie at the parish hall 3 p.m. 12 – Easter Sunday. 14 – Helping Hands meeting at 9:30 a.m. at Espresso Yourself. 19 – Easter Brunch (junior high serves). 22 – Confirmation Practice at 7 p.m. 23 – Confirmation 7 p.m. 26 – 2nd Grade Meditation. 28 – Altar & Rosary meeting in parish hall at 1 p.m. 29 – Family Potluck and Awards.

Atrium Snacks We ask that parents help provide an afternoon snack for their children in the Atrium. You do not need to

bring drinks. Thanks for your help! Teresa Hoffelmeyer

Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. session (17 children)

April 1 – Marquardt 15 – McNamara

22 - Benes Monday, 3:30 p.m. session (27 children)

April 13 – Seidler 20 - Hatten

Lenten Opportunities Why not make daily Mass a part of your Lenten

practice this year? Mass is celebrated on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. (preceded by Benediction at 5:50 p.m.),

Wednesday and Thursdays at 8 a.m. and on Friday at 7 a.m. during Lent.

We will also have Lenten devotions (Stations of the Cross) on Friday evenings during Lent at 7 p.m. and

Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours on Sunday evening at 6 p.m.

Finally, please support the Knights of Columbus in their weekly Lenten Fish Fry Dinners.

Holy Week Services April 8 – Tenebrae Service – 7 p.m. April 9 - Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s

Supper – 7 p.m. April 10 – Good Friday – Stations of the Cross –

3 p.m. Good Friday Service – 7 p.m. April 11 - Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil 8 p.m. April 12 – Easter Sunday 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.

Altar & Rosary The April meeting will be held on Tuesday, April

28, which is the fourth Tuesday of the month. Usually our meetings are held on the third Tuesday,

but April's meeting will be held on the fourth Tuesday. The meeting will be held as usual in the parish hall and will begin at 1 p.m. Any questions?

Please call Margaret Schlueter at 462-1404. Holy Crop! Scrapbook Crop

The 3rd Annual Holy Crop! Scrapbook Event was a success, raising almost $800 for the building fund. A special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for helping set up and to Cori for helping clean up!

Also – a big thanks to our Altar & Rosary society for helping with food – esp. Maxine Brunsmann, Angela Hill, Berta Kordick, Margaret Schlueter, Joanne See,

Rosemary Stuchel and Arlene White.

Catechist Formation Monday, April 6, 6-8 p.m.

Please call or email Teresa Hoffelmeyer if you need childcare.

Meditation for 1st Communion

The last Meditation for children preparing for 1st Communion will be April 26 at 8 a.m.

Confirmation Practice

Confirmation practice will be on April 22 for 8th graders and at least one parent or sponsor at 7 p.m.

Last Class for Catechesis and Potluck

Monday, April 27, will be the last class for catechesis, and on Wednesday, April 29, there will

be a family potluck. All catechists and families with children in catechesis are invited to attend. Please bring a main dish and a side dish. Everything else will be provided. Awards for faithful attendance

will be given this night. Nancy Ivers gives a stamping lesson to Pam Palmer and Joan Loftus at the Holy Crop!

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If you are involved in parish activities and would like to submit an article for the newsletter, please email braytbunch@aol.com or call 515-205-5842.

Articles are due the 24th of each month.

Need a Ride to Mass? If you would like to attend Mass and are unable to drive, please call the office or Deacon Sam as we have several people willing to pick up others and bring them to Mass. All we need is a call, and we

can make sure you get a ride.

Holy Eucharist The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit

of our faith. If you or someone you know is unable to attend

Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the office or Deacon Sam. We will arrange to have Communion brought to you.

Lenten offerings at the Abbey Guest Center Wednesday, April 8,, to Monday, April 13, 2009..

Celebrating the Triduum at the Abbey. Join the monks and seminarians for the holiest days of

the Church year. Moving liturgies, good conferences and ample silence for reading and

prayer mark this sacred time. Begins Wednesday evening, April 8, with supper and concludes after breakfast Monday morning,

April 13. (Suggested donations for lodging, meals and conferences: $200 single, $380

double accommodations.) For more information, please call the Abbey Guest

Center at 660-944-2809 or email us at guests@conception.edu.

Catholic Mirror Please consider sending in your voluntary

subscription for The Catholic Mirror, our diocesan newspaper. The diocese believes strongly that all

registered Catholics should get the newspaper. But, they ask that people voluntarily send in a

subscription to help offset the cost of production and postage. The Catholic Mirror newspaper is your

source for news about Catholic schools, parishes and Bishop Pates in our diocese. Please take a voluntary subscription, if you can, and support their efforts to

keep us informed. Good Friday Collection

On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. Your

financial contribution helps to support the struggling Christian community and to protect Christianity’s

holiest places.

St. Pat’s Brunch How creative we all are! The “green eggs and ham”

brunch before St. Pat’s day was fun! Father Chris kindly gave up his green ham so someone else could enjoy it! And we have a new appreciation for regular

scrambled eggs vs. green eggs! Thanks to all who supported this brunch and helped.

Above: Vince & Dorothy Mullarkey seem to

enjoy Dorothy’s slice of green ham! Below: A few of the servers showing their

green food at the brunch – Malorie, Michaela, Savanah, Jake & Natalie.

Missing Pans A couple of people have mentioned that they

can't find their pans/dishes after they have brought food for an event. Currently, we are

looking for a round silver platter that was given to someone on their 25th wedding anniversary. It disappeared after the chocolate breakfast in February. If anyone knows of its whereabouts,

please return it to the parish hall and call Mary at 205-5842 or email at braytbunch@aol.com.

If you have pans/dishes at home that you think might be someone else's, please bring them to

the hall also. Thanks!

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LIGHT News Parental consent forms for the 24-Hour Food Fast are in the back of church. The Fast is Holy

Thursday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. through Good Friday, April 10. The Fast is for anyone from 8th-12th grade. The kids will fast, pray, participate in activities and discussions and help with service work. Please fill a form out and return it to Sam or Gerene by April 1. This year the parish is invited to the Food Fast at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 10, to watch The Passion Of The Christ. Please join the youth as they wind down from their Food Fast journey.

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is this year on November 19-21 in Kansas City. This conference will bring together about 25,000 youth and adults in our faith. It is full of prayer, music, games, workshops and much more! Please allow your youth (8th-12th grade this fall) to join us. The parental consent forms are in the back of church. Please return yours with a deposit of $100 to Gerene no later than April 19. For more information on NCYC, please go to www.nfcym.org or contact Gerene at 979-5156. Thank you to everyone that has helped support our brunches. From the food to the dishwashers, we really know how to do it!

The LIGHT group has been participating in a bible study program this year. The program is called T3 - The Teen Timeline. It is presented by Mark Hart aka The Bible Geek. His presentation of the overview of the Bible is very youth-friendly. You can watch a bit of it on www.youtube.com; search "T3 Timeline.” He also gives Bible Geek advice at www.lifeteen.com. We hope this will help encourage the kids to pick up their Bibles and read the Word more often! Peace and Blessings, Gerene

St. Joseph Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 5, 2009

The March meeting of the Pastoral Council was held Thursday evening, March 5, 2009, at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Present were Fr. Chris, Kris Jacobsen, Kathleen Kordick, Mike Corkrean, Julie Wheeler, Jeff Honkomp, Sam Sullivan and Brendan Jackson. Those absent were Terry McNamara and Jake Smith. The meeting opened with prayer, readings and discussion centered around the upcoming Sunday’s readings.

Kathleen gave a brief report regarding RAGBRAI. The full route will be published in this Sunday’s Des Moines Register. Discussion will continue on this topic at the next Pastoral Council meeting.

Fr. Chris reported on the progress of the new church facility. Many positive comments were heard about the new church as parishioners got the opportunity to view the new church, hall and classrooms last Sunday, March 1. Everyone has noted the progress of the removal of the old windows from the existing church. It was reported that repairing the stained glass windows will be more costly than first thought, as the damage was more extensive due probably to the age of the windows. Transition issues were again discussed. It was noted that it is just too early at this time to project a completion date and thus a dedication, but in another month or so it may be possible to pin down more definite dates. The topic of having a fundraising committee was briefly discussed. We will pursue this more to see if our needs would be better served to have a committee in charge of generating ideas and ways to make money.

We continue to read about and discuss the topic of stewardship. We discussed how we could move forward with this in our parish. Perhaps having an “expert” on the topic come to address the parish would be a good way to break parishioners into stewardship, what it is and what it entails.

Our April Pastoral Council meeting will be held Tuesday evening, March 31, at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Fr. Chris had a conflict on our regular monthly meeting evening, and we did not want to meet during Holy Week, thus the March meeting.

Respectfully Submitted – Kathleen Kordick Newsletter Pictures

If you want to see any pictures that are put in the newsletter, go to our church website at www.saintjosephchurch.net. The pictures show up so much better on the website.

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Renewal of Baptismal Promises

It's very important to remember one's anniversary of baptism. The Church has given an opportunity to gain a plenary indulgence if one renews the baptismal promises on that day.

A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who renew their baptismal promises according to formula in use; but a plenary indulgence is granted, if this is done either in the celebration of the Paschal Vigil,

or on the anniversary of one's baptism.

Encourage your entire family to renew their promises at least once a year on Easter Sunday. I, N. N., who through the tender mercy of the Eternal Father was privileged to be baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 19, 5) and thus to share in the dignity of his divine Sonship, wish now in the presence of this same loving Father and of His only-begotten Son to renew in all sincerity the promises I solemnly made at the time of my holy Baptism. I, therefore, now do once again renounce Satan; I renounce all his works; I renounce all his allurements. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was born into this world and who suffered and died for my sins and rose again. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Having been buried with Christ unto death and raised up with him unto a new life, I promise to live no longer for myself or for that world which is the enemy of God but for him who died for me and rose again, serving God, my heavenly Father, faithfully and unto death in the Holy Catholic Church. Taught by our Savior's command and formed by the Word of God, I now dare to say: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Information from the Diocese of Des Moines

New radio show – Bishop Pates will be starting a new radio show, carried live on Fridays on KWKY 1150 AM beginning April 17 at 9 a.m. This will feature a discussion on faith issues and an opportunity for

listeners to call in with their questions.

Papal Blessings – Occasionally, the Bishop’s office receives requests from people seeking a Papal Blessing. You can find a form to send to his office to begin the process at bishop@dmdiocese.org.

Catholic Charities Social Justice Consortium – This Consortium is made up of Catholic Charities staff

whose ministry involves social justice issues. The group works towards a comprehensive and consistent ethic of life for the pursuit of the common good. For more information, go to www.CatholiccharitiesDM.org.

CYC Camp – They are still in need of counselors for camp – especially male counselors.

Counselors must be at least sixteen years old and will be provided with training. You can find more info at www.stmcenter.com.

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This letter is from our friend, Remedios Oligan Hipol, whom our LIGHT group sponsors. If you do want to write, contact the church office on how to reach her. Below is her picture she sent.

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Baptismal Anniversaries Zachary Schlatter 1 – Maddie Feldmann 4 – Tanner Marquardt, Madilyn McNamara 7 – Shaun Navin 13 – Zachary Moss, Samantha Moss 15 – Michaela Hoffelmeyer, Emily Junker, Jenny Junker 18 – Olivia Adams 21 – Sophie Erpelding, Bradley Bruett 22 – Mason McErlean 23 – Amanda Baumgartner 25 – Adam Thompson, Brittnie Thompson, Chris Thompson, Courtnie Thompson, Damien Thompson, Dylan Thompson 27 – Jordan Thompson 28 – Blake McCauley 29 – Cassie Wagner, Dylan Wagner, Jenna Wagner, Morgan Wagner 30 – Madison Honkomp

Wedding Anniversaries 1 – Pat & Peggy Sullivan 2 – Matt & Sarah Kirkland 5 – Jim & Kris Jacobsen 16 – Brian & Annette Gibson 30 – Paul & Connie Klimesh

Birthdays 1 – Keylie Gibson, Shaun Navin 2 – Mike Corkrean 3 – Charles Beeler, Jill Buckalew, William Heithoff, Mariah White 4 – Brad Corkrean, Allie Lang, Noah Larson, Mary Riis 5 – Zach Eivins, Mike Farrell, Macy Larson, Liz Price 6 – Berta Kordick 7 – Blake McCauley 8 – Sophie Adams, Jill Hathaway, Patty Pauly, Jean Schlatter, Bill Weltha 9 – Bud Bittinger, Lynnette Snyder 10 – Harvey Eivins, Dick Tracy 11 – Dave LaGrange, Logan Nolan 12 – Andrea Davies, Kate Pottebaum 13 – Delma Palladino, Tami Schafroth, Elma Tracy 14 – Kyle Drysdale, Marlin Eivins, Zachary Moss, Delores Nicholson 15 – Cory Benes, Meghan Cain, Helen Sawyer 16 – Sharon Johnson, Malori Swenson, Courtnie Thompson 17 – Caitlyn Cox, Brian Gibson 18 – Jason Beebe, Mark Brittain 19 – Tim Doran, Sheri McNamara, Dylan Thompson 20 – Tony Conoan, Ryan Jacobsen, Katie Leners 21 – Rita Drysdale, Margaret Roach 22 – Laura Leners, Michael Leners, Nicholas Nelson 24 – Carrie Larson, Samantha Perez 25 – Richard Barker, Michael Eivins, Amy White 26 – Rachel Lantz 27 – Aidan Heckmann, Cody Sullivan 28 – Brad LaGrange 29 – Jacob Honkomp, Jennifer McErlean, Cole Mundus, Amy Nolan, Sue Stuchel 30 – Denise Cox, Melvin Dunbar, Sam Sullivan

Music Ministry There will be a meeting on Sunday evening,

May 3, at 6:30 – 8 p.m. for all current and potential singers and musicians.

Also, anyone interested in hearing information about the music ministry is invited to attend. We will be discussing transitioning from three masses to two per weekend, scheduling musicians,

music for funerals and weddings, utilizing our worship space, ideas on expanding the music ministry, and other comments about the music ministry in general. Questions?

Contact Teresa: terkord@msn.com; (515) 321-0825.

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