2009 04 30 Synthesis2 Pylp Reyty

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Transcript of 2009 04 30 Synthesis2 Pylp Reyty

2008 Philippine Youth Leadership

Program Learning Circle


Ground Rules• Short answers only, please.

• To save time, only 1 person will read the slide. For all others, please do not read the slide. Just fill in the blanks.

• Please ground your answers on the thrusts of this program: leadership, inter-ethnic dialogue, conflict resolution & community service.

Thank you!

Workshop Outputs• Please upload photos of your

drawings to the yahoo group (to be included in your book).

• Collect & upload your workshop outputs. Encode with title, session name, & group members.

Final Online Journal Exam/Essay dated 2008-05-06

• Original essay in 3 parts. 2 full pages single space. Times New Roman font only, please.

• Provide 1 original title & 3 original subtitles. Think of your essay as a chapter in a book (not as a Question-and-Answer piece).

• A. What is your perception of conflict, leadership, conflict resolution, & peace? B. Discuss in detail the conflict situation in Mindanao. C. Explain the causes of conflict in Mindanao.

• Discuss in detail the new knowledge, skills, and values you need and have acquired in order to pursue your concrete actions for inter-ethnic dialogue, conflict resolution and peace in Mindanao. Knowledge refers to concepts & ideas; skills refer to what you can do; & values refer to attitudes. Examples of knowledge include ideas & theories about leadership & conflict transformation. Examples of skills include actually doing mediation work, the “I message,” and actually talking to people of other faiths & ethnicities. Examples of values include tolerance, open-mindedness, etc.

• A. Discuss in detail your personal commitment for inter-ethnic dialogue, conflict resolution and peace in Mindanao. B. Share with us what you have already done (if any) and C. plan to do upon your return to your own communities in Mindanao.

Things to do:

1. Complete all journals2. Project Plan Essay (book)3. Colorful drawing of conflict & causes of conflict in Mindanao, author bottom right corner (book)4. Colorful drawing of vision of inter-ethnic dialogue & conflict resolution in Mindanao, author (book)5. Final exam essay May 5, 20086. Photo Essay 2 pages, Shoebox (book)7. Original & Creative Thank You Message to Host Family

One thing I learned from community service is

_____________________________________________________________________Short answers only please.Do not repeat an answer.

Compose a sentence, using the “I Message” formula, based on the its intended purpose,

according to the Peace Learning Center


I learned that the Amish ______________________________________________.Short answers only please.Do not repeat an answer.

The Theater Workshop was ______ (1 word), because


Do not repeat an answer.Short answers only please.

One thing I learned from Garth Katner’s

sessions ______________________________________

Do not repeat an answer.Short answers only please.

One thing I learned from Maria L. Zapata’s

sessions: ___________________

_______________ Do not repeat an answer.

Short answers only please.

One thing I learned from Desiree Matel-Anderson’s session:

___________________ Do not repeat an answer.

Short answers only please.

Learning from Ate Maimouna’s life story, I

personally will ____________________________________________________________________________________


Transformational Transactional Laissez-Faire

I learned that transformational leadership is better than

transactional or laissez-faire leadership because


Do not repeat an answer.Short answers only please.

One thing I learned from interacting with Muslim

Americans at the Islamic Foundation High

School: ___________________

Do not repeat an answer.Short answers only please.

One thing I learned from intra-faith

dialogue: ___________________

Do not repeat an answer.Short answers only please.

What’s the difference?

What is a…1. Strategic Plan2. Project Plan3. Action Plan

How I feel about my learning and experience with the whole project

planning process._______________________Short answers only please.Do not repeat an answer.

Community Service Learning1. Start with social investigation (socio-economic

profile)2. Be humble: avoid English, “Guys…,” “OMG…”,

no fashion statement, “U.S. trip”3. Be flexible: no perfect model, expect changes,

case-to-case basis, be realistic, but optimistic!4. Make sacrifices5. Give ownership of the project to the community

(counterpart): it’s about them, not you. They will ask: “What’s in in for me?”

6. When in doubt, follow your passion & principles7. Be creative, enjoy & have fun8. Keep it simple sweetie (KISS)!

Based on the focus on community service & my new learning at NIU, my individual

project plan deals with __________________________(one phrase only). To make it

creative & fun, I will _________________________.

Short answers only please.

Based on the focus on community service & my new learning at NIU, our regional

project plan (R9, 10, 12, ARMM) deals with ___________________

(one phrase only). To make it creative & fun, we will

____________________________.Short answers only please.

Select your four regional representative to speak up:

“Based on the focus on community service & our new learning at NIU, our regional

project plan is ___________________________________________________”

Short answers only please.

I wish… _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Remember…1. Leadership is not abstract.2. You are the leaders of

Mindanao, starting here & now.

3. You can make a difference. 4. Be optimistic.5. You start working for peace

here & now.