2007/04/11 1 Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience Jieh...

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Transcript of 2007/04/11 1 Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience Jieh...

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  • 2007/04/11 1 Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience Jieh Hsiang ( ) University Librarian, Professor of Computer Science, National Taiwan University 11 April 2007
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 2 2007/04/11 Outline Classification of digital collections Digitization of librarys collections Reincarnated digital collections from existing materials Digitization of external collections (born digital) Collections of the born digital Challenges ahead in management and use
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  • 2007/04/11 3 Classification of Digital Collections Digitization of librarys collections Reincarnated digital collections from existing materials Digitization of external collections (born digital) Collections of the born digital
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 4 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 5 2007/04/11 OCR fulltext search Google Book Search, Microsoft Live Search Books Digital Archives
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 6 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 7 2007/04/11 e.g. Dan-Xin Archives ( ) Administrative and judicial archives during Qing Dynasty Including documents of 1,600 legal cases, containing as many as 19,152 items Dating from 1776 to 1895 One of the only two judicial archives in China at the prefecture archive Reveal many facets of Taiwanese society of the time An important first-hand resource for the study of Taiwan economics, society structure, and law What we have done Image, metadata, full text, associated tools
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 8 2007/04/11 A document from Dan-Xin Archives before repairing
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 9 2007/04/11 A document from Dan-Xin Archives after repairing
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 10 2007/04/11 A document from Dan-Xin
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 11 2007/04/11 Challenges Management of content Cataloging Use Transform library automation system into digital content management system Google-book-like search? Title/author search is clearly not sufficient Post-classification according to metadata
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 12 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 13 2007/04/11 40,000 pre- 1945 metadata Cover a wide spectrum
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 15 2007/04/11 Old photos of Taiwan
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 16 2007/04/11 Old photos of Taiwan
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 17 2007/04/11 Challenges Management of content Cataloging Subject classification Use As before
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 18 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 19 2007/04/11 Judicial court records during Japanese period (1895-1945) Digitized using digital camera, already over 4 Terabytes
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 20 2007/04/11 Judicial court records during Japanese period (1895-1945)
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 21 2007/04/11 918 29
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 22 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 25 2007/04/11 Challenges Management of content New definition of a librarys collections New collection development policy New acquisition strategy Cataloging Use As before
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 26 2007/04/11 (partial list) ( ) (Y)19,152 metadataY ( ) (Y)1,131 2,610 metadataY ( ) (C)39,743 metadata Y (Y)35,942 37 metadata Y (Y) 300 metadataY ( ) (C)3,000 metadataY ( ) (C)36,987 3,500 metadata Y ( ) (C)3,500 metadata Y (Y)249 17,000 Y ( ) (N)22,000 metadataY ( ) (Y)84 metadataY ( )
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 27 2007/04/11 (partial list) ( ) (N)120 metadataY ( ) (N)359 metadataY ( ) (N)13 3,000 2377 metadata (N) 78 14 (N)1,732 4TB Y (N) 20 Y (N) 40 Y (Y) 1,500 10,000 (Y) 5,200 (Y) 82,000 Update: 2007/3/27
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 28 2007/04/11 (born digital) More and more born digital data generated websites, ebooks, articles, journals, etc. born digital Web Archiving NTU Scholars Gateway Institutional Repository
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 29 2007/04/11 Web Archiving Website ( process end product) Website born digital 44 1998 1999 44% web documents, blogs 921 evolution
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 30 2007/04/11 2415 295 607 85 82 347 415 137 247 190 119 http://webarchive.lib. ntu.edu.tw/
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 31 2007/04/11 National Taiwan University (1997/07/15)
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 32 2007/04/11 National Taiwan University (2007/07/15)
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 33 2007/04/11 NTU Scholars Gateway Web publishing information overload Library should be the last defense of scholarly materials Library search as an alterative to Google search. Google-like
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 34 2007/04/11 NTU Scholars Gateway http://sg.lib.ntu.edu.tw/ http://sg.lib.ntu.edu.tw/ 1 2
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 35 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 36 2007/04/11 Institutional Repository National Taiwan University Repository, http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/ http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/ DSpace v1.4 11 30,444 13,710
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 37 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 38 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 39 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 40 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 41 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 42 2007/04/11
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  • 43 Major lesson learned from our IR experience
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  • 2007/04/11 44 DSpace doesnt have to be so ugly
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 45 2007/04/11 (born digital) Challenges Management of content Collection development policy Overcome administrative barrier and faculty resistance (IR) New perspective toward free web resource (web resource as gray literature?) New technologies (especially compression in web archiving) Use New concept of incorporating web resources into library automation system and user environment
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 47 2007/04/11 from information center to knowledge center
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 48 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 49 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 50 2007/04/11
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 52 2007/04/11 (user services) From library automation system to content management system Incorporate digital collections, high quality web resources, external services into the librarys service From OPAC to OPAIR (Open Public Access Information Resources) (Pronounced as au pair)
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 53 2007/04/11 An OPAIR wish list A seamless blending of the librarys catalogue with other digital collections and external services As much full text search as possible Metadata-based post processing of search results Web 2.0 technology and personalization Tools and aids for research and learning, including data mining utilities
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  • Creating, Managing and Using Digital Collections: The NTU Library Experience (Jieh Hsiang) 54 2007/04/11 Conclusion (Academic) libraries should take a more active role in creating and managing digital collections and take bold steps in providing services This may require a re-thinking of collection development strategies, service models, organizational adjustments, and even the definition of collections Library should strive to become a knowledge center (but shouldnt change its name)
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  • 2007/04/11 55 Lets fly together