20 year marketing plan tasha

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 20 year marketing plan tasha

The Michelin Guide: An indulgent stroll through a

refined universe accompanied by high tea.

20 year Marketing Plan for Savant Tasha


O C T O B E R 2 0 1 0

Table of Contents/Ingredients for Success

I. Vision and Mission

II. Roles

III. Monitors

IV. Historical Performance

V. Conclusion

Vision and Mission / Mis en Place

My purpose is to continuously improve myself to achieve savant status bearing in mind that I am here to ultimately share and give back to society and contribute to a brighter more refined future through Maximizing learning in all fields of interest. To be able to practice

medicine as a consultant and create my restaurant or set-up another business, with integrity and competence.

Practicing the correct way to do any procedure be it IV insertions to good accounting practices. Upholding professionalism is paramount.

Respecting all persons I encounter in the workplace and lead by example.

Minimum effort = maximum output.

Creativity is key. Break barriers and take risks.

The Key Roles / Procedure

The Dependable Daughter

The Supportive Sister

The Uncooperative Girlfriend

The Reliable Groupmate

The M.I.A. Friend

The Struggling Clerk

The Bottomless Pit

The Dependable Daughter

The Supportive Sister

The Uncooperative Girlfriend

The Reliable Groupmate

The M.I.A. Friend

The Struggling Clerk

The Bottomless Pit

Monitors / More Procedures


Updated To Do List

Log Book

Study Hour

Restaurant Schedule

Cash Flow

I ’ M H U N G R Y !

Savant Tasha Ton



Evil Savant


The Perfect Surgery StudentSurgical Recall by Lorne H. Blackbourne

Is never hungry, thirsty or tired – Prepare to sacrifice! Master yourself and your limits

Smiles a lot and has a good sense of humor – good perspective and disposition

Reads from a surgery text every Day – Plan, prepare and know your enemy

Makes things happen – Initiative! Planning is not enough.

Loves to do scutwork and can never get enough –Always have the end in sight.

The Perfect Surgery StudentSurgical Recall by Lorne H. Blackbourne

Knows more about her patient than anybody else –Strive for and maintain quality!

Never correct anyone during rounds unless it will affect patient care – Respect for peers.

Never asks questions he can look up for himself –Self-sufficiency! No to stupidity!

Is a team player – Learn to deal with people

Is honest and always admits faults and errors –Always remain humble. Lead by example.

Gives credit where credit is due. – Be grateful

The Perfect Surgery StudentSurgical Recall by Lorne H. Blackbourne

Is not afraid to help when needed – Be brave! Take risks and learn from them.

Treats Everyone with Respect – This applies not only to colleagues and superiors but to patients and juniors as well.

Define HammerheadSurgical Recall by Lorne H. Blackbourne

A hammerhead is an individual who places his head to the ground and hammers through any and all obstacles to get a job done and then asks for more work. – Innovate and think outside the box but never give up when trying to achieve something.

One who gives 110% and never complains. –Dedication!

One who desires work. – Learn to love work!

Michelin Stars

Struggling Medical Clerk 25 years old

Dependable Daughter

Supportive Sister

Uncooperative Girlfriend M.I.A. Friend

Reliable Groupmate Bottomless Pit Broke and living with parents

Practicing Consultant with at least one medical businesses and affiliation with research in respective field

Healthy and happy 45 year old

Supports parents in their retirement

Practices medicine closely with brother

Not so uncooperative partner Friend and business partner Reliable colleague Future innovator in the food

industry Living in own house earning

at least 3 million pesos a year

Michelin Stars: Conclusion

The journey to being a savant should never be measured by the number of Michelin Stars I get but should instead be taken into perspective. Trying my best and being brave and firm in principles will often warrant a win in book. Lastly but perhaps more importantly is the way you treat the people you take with you or you encounter on the trip. Much like eating out, the restaurant need not be decorated to satisfy a customer. In fact more can be taken from the experience. That said, I strive to make the people involved in my journey and continue to improve and move forward without losing myself.