20 TH CENTURY READING LIST (1.31.13) Overview

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Transcript of 20 TH CENTURY READING LIST (1.31.13) Overview





The following reading list provides a general overview of the subjects and texts that

students should study in preparing to write the twentieth century portion of American and

US Minor and Major exams.

How to use the reading lists

Like our PDR courses, our exam reading lists divide American history into three broad

periods: The Colonial Era; the Nineteenth Century, and the Twentieth Century. Exam

questions will likewise cover these three broad periods, although some questions may ask

you to think across periods Please use all three reading lists to develop your own

personalized exam reading lists.

Beginning well in advance of the planned exam date, you should develop, update and

personalize your own reading lists to include any recently published works not yet on the

departmental lists, as well as any texts you consider central to your own field. You can

plan your exam reading by marking off texts that you have read and the texts you plan to

read. You will not be expected to master all the books and articles on all three of the lists,

but you should have some command of most of the subject areas.

Once you have put together your own annotated and updated version of the lists you

should meet with your examiners to discuss and review your personalized lists and

reading plan. Such meetings should occur well in advance of your exam date and will

allow you to confirm that your lists are up-to-date, and include a suitable selection of


Please submit a final copy of your updated and approved lists to your examiners (and to

Dawn Ruskai) when you hand in your completed exam.

1. The U.S. and the World (1898-1941)

Laura Briggs, Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto

Rico. 1st ed. University of California Press, 2002.

Christopher Capozzola, Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of the

Modern American Citizen. Oxford University Press, USA, 2010

Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy. Oxford University

Press, 1979.


Justus D. Doenecke. Nothing Less Than War: A New History of America’s Entry into

World War I. The University Press of Kentucky, 2011.

Victoria de Grazia, Irresistible Empire: America’s Advance Through Twentieth-Century

Europe. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006.

Anne L. Foster, Projections of Power: The United States and Europe in Colonial

Southeast Asia, 1919-1941, Duke University Press, 2010.

Greg Grandin, Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford’s Forgotten Jungle City.

First ed. Picador, 2010.

Kristin Hoganson, Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics Provoked the

Spansih and Philippine-American Wars, Yale University Press, 1998.

Kristin L. Hoganson, Consumers’ Imperium: The Global Production of American

Domesticity, 1865-1920. The University of North Carolina Press, 2007.

David Kennedy, Over Here: The First World War and American Society. Oxford

University Press, USA, 2004.

Charles S. Maier, Among Empires: American Ascendancy and its Predecessors, Harvard

University Press, 2006

Erez Manela, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins

of Anticolonial Nationalism Oxford University Press, 2007

Eric Rauchway, Blessed Among Nations: How the World Made America, Hill and Wang,


Mary Renda, Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture of U.S. Imperialism, The

University of North Carolina Press, 2000.

Daniel Rodgers, “American Exceptionalism Revisited,” Raritan 24 (Fall 2004): 21-47

Emily Rosenberg, Financial Missionaries to the World: The Politics and Culture of

Dollar Diplomacy, 1900-1930, Duke University Press, 2003

Emily Rosenberg, Spreading the American Dream: American Economic and Cultural

Expansion 1890-1945, Hill and Wang, 1982

Leila Rupp, Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement



Sean Wilentz, “Against Exceptionalism: Class Consciousness and the American Labor

Movement, 1870-1920,” International Labor and Working-Class History 26 (Fall

1984); 1-24 and Wilentz, “A Reply to Critics,” ILWCH 28 (Fall 1985): 46-55.

William Appleman Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy, W.W. Norton &

Company, 1959.

2. The Progressive Era: Politics, Society, and Culture

John W. Chambers, The Tyranny of Change: America in the Progressive Era, 1890-

1920, 2d Ed., Rutgers University Press, 2000.

John Milton Cooper, The Warrior and the Priest, Harvard University Press, 1983.

Nancy Cott, The Grounding of Modern Feminism, Yale University Press, 1987.

Nancy Cott, Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation, Harvard University

Press, 2002.

Steven Diner, A Very Different Age: Americans in the Progressive Era, Hill and Wang


Ellen Carol DuBois, Harriot Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage, Yale

University Press, 1997.

Peter Filene, "An Obituary for `The Progressive Movement,"' American Quarterly,

Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 1970), 20-34.

Maureen Fitzgerald, Habits of Compassion: Irish Catholic Nuns and the Origins of New

York’s Welfare System, 1830-1920, University of Illinois Press, 2006.

William Forbath, Law and the Shaping of the American Labor Movement, Harvard

University Press, 1991.

Glenda E. Gilmore, ed., Who were the Progressives? (Historians at Work), Bedford/St.

Martin’s, 2002.

Joanne Goodwin, Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform: Mothers’ Pensions in

Chicago, 1911-1929, University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Linda Gordon, Pitied but Not Entitled: Single Mothers and the History of Welfare, 1890-

1935, Harvard University Press, 1998.


Julie Greene, Pure and Simple Politics: The American Federation of Labor and Political

Activism, 1881-1917 (1998).

Nancy Hewitt, Southern Discomfort: Women’s Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s,

University of Illinois Press, 2001.

Nancy Hewitt, ed., No Permanent Waves: Recasting Histories of U.S. Feminism, Rutgers

University Press, 2010.

Nancy Hewitt and Suzanne Lebsock, eds., Visible Women: New Essays on American

Activism, University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform, Vintage, 1955.

Kimberly Jensen, Mobilizing Minerva: American Women in the First World War,

University of Illinois Press, 2009.

Kimberley Johnson, Governing the American State: Congress and the New Federalism,

1877-1929, Princeton University Press, 2006.

Michael Kazin, The Populist Persuasion: An American History, Cornell University Press,

Revised Edition, 1998.

Robin Kelley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression,

The University of North Carolina Press, 1990.

David M. Kennedy, Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War,

1929-1945, Oxford University Press, 1999.

David Kennedy, "An Overview: The Progressive Era," The Historian, Vol. 37 (1975),


Alice Kessler-Harris, In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men, and the Quest for Economic

Citizenship in 20th-Century America. Oxford University Press, USA, 2003.

John Kirby, Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race, University of

Tennessee Press, 1980.

James Kloppenberg, Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in

European and American Thought, 1870-1920, Oxford University Press, 1986.

Jackson Lears, Rebirth of a Nation: The Making of Modern America, 1877-1920. 1st ed.

Harper Perennial, 2010


William Link, The Paradox of Southern Progressivism, 1880-1930, The University of

North Carolina Press, 1993.

Michael McGerr, A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive

Movement in America, 1870-1920, Oxford University Press, 2005.

Michael McGerr, The Decline of Popular Politics, Oxford University Press, 1986.

Louis Menand, The Metaphysical Club. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001.

Joanne Meyerowitz, How Sex Changed: A History of Transexuality in the United States,

Harvard University Press, 2004.

Gwendolyn Mink, The Wages of Motherhood: Inequality of the Welfare State, 1917-

1942, Cornell University Press, 1995.

Natalia Molina Fit to Be Citizens?: Public Health and Race in Los Angeles, 1879-1939.

1st ed. University of California Press, 2006.

Robyn Muncy, Creating a Female Dominion in American Reform, 1890-1935, Oxford

University Press, 1991

Daniel Okrent, Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. Scribner, 2010.

Kathy Peiss, Hope in a Jar: The Making of America's Beauty Culture, University of

Pennsylvania Press, 1999.

Daniel Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age, Belknap Press

of Harvard University Press, 1998.

Daniel Rodgers, "In Search of Progressivism," Reviews in American History, Vol. 10

(1982), 113-132.

Doug Rossinow, Visions of Progress: The Left-Liberal Tradition in America, University

of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.

Elizabeth Sanders, The Roots of Reform: Farmers, Workers, and the American State,

1877-1917, University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Kathryn Kish Sklar, “The Historical Foundations of Women’s Power in the Creation of

the American Welfare State, 1830-1930,” in Seth Koven and Sonya Michel, eds.

Mothers of a New World: Maternalist Politics and the Origins of Welfare States,

Rutledge, 1993.

Theda Skocpol, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy

in the United States, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1995.


Ronald Steel, Walter Lippmann and the American Century, Little Brown, 1980.

Shelton Stromquist, Re-Inventing “The People”: The Progressive Movement, the Class

Problem, and the Origins of Modern Liberalism, University of Illinois Press,


Jeffrey Tulis, The Rhetorical Presidency, Princeton University Press, 1986.

Deborah White, Too Heavy a Load: In Defense of Themselves, W.W. Norton &

Company, 1999.

Robert Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920, Hill and Wang, 1967

3. The Depression and the New Deal

Jefferson Cowie and Nick Salvatore, “The Long Exception: Rethinking the Place of the

New Deal in American History,” and responses by Klein, MacLean, and

Montgomery, International Labor and Working-Class History (Fall 2008)

Dorothy Sue Cobble, The Other Women’s Movement: Workplace Justice and Social

Rights in Modern America, Princeton University Press, 2004.

Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939,

Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Morris Dickstein, Dancing in the Dark a Cultural History of the Great Depression, W.W.

Norton & Company, 2009.

Kristen Downey, The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s

Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience, Random House, 2009.

Michael A. Bernstein, The Great Depression: Delayed Recovery and Economic Change,

1929-1939, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Alan Brinkley, The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War, Vintage

Books, 1995.

Alan Brinkley, Liberalism and Its Discontents, Harvard University Press, 2000.

William Chafe, ed. The Achievement of American Liberalism: The New Deal and its

Legacies , Columbia University Press, 2003. (Chapters by Brinkley, Hamby,



Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle, eds., The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-

1980, Princeton University Press, 1989.

Ellis Hawley, The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic

Ambivalence. Fordham University Press, 1995.

William Leuchtenburg, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, Harper & Row, 1963.

Robert McElvaine, The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941, Random House, 1984.

Neil Maher, Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the

American Environmental Movement. Oxford, 2009

Barbara Nelson, “The Origins of the Two-Channel Welfare State: Workman’s

Compensation and Mother’s Aid,” in Linda Gordon, ed., Women, the State, and

Welfare, University of Wisconsin Press, 1990.

Mary Poole, The Segregated Origins of Social Security: African Americans and the

Welfare State, The University of North Carolina Press, 2006.

Daniel Rodgers, “An Age of Social Politics,” in Thomas Bender, ed. Rethinking

American History in a Global Age, University of California Press, 2002.

Gail Radford, Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era,

University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Eric Rauchway, The New Deal: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press,


Patricia Sullivan, Days of Hope: Race and Democracy in the New Deal Era, The

University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Cass Sunstein, The Second Bill of Rights: FDR’s Unfinished Revolution and Why We

Need It More Than Ever, Basic Books, 2004.

4. Race Relations, Ethnicity, Migration and Urbanization 1890-1941

Mia Bay, To Tell the Truth Freely: The Life of Ida B. Wells, Hill and Wang, 2010.

Davarian L. Baldwin, Chicago’s New Negroes: Modernity, the Great Migration, and

Black Urban Life, The University of North Carolina Press, 2007


Kathleen M. Blee, Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s, updated edition,

University of California Press, 2008.

Kevin Boyle, Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age.

Holt Paperbacks, 2005.

Vincent Cannato, American Passage: The History of Ellis Island, Harper Collins, 2009.

George Chauncy, Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay

Male World, 1890-1940, Basic Books, 1995

Stephanie Cole, and Natalie J. Ring, eds. The Folly of Jim Crow: Rethinking the

Segregated South. Texas A&M University Press, 2012.

Roger Daniels, Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American

Life, Harper Collins, 1991.

Philip J. Deloria, Indians in Unexpected Places. University Press of Kansas, 2006.

Ann Douglas, Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s, Farrar, Straus, and

Giroux, 1995.

James T. Fisher, On the Irish Waterfront: The Crusader, the Movie, and the Soul of the

Port of New York, Cornell University Press, 2010.

James Gregory, The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and

White Southerners Transformed America, The University of North Carolina Press,


Donna Gabaccia, Foreign Relations: American Immigration in Global Perspective

Princeton University Press, 2012.

Thomas A. Guglielmo. White on Arrival: Italians, Race, Color, and Power in Chicago,

1890-1945. Oxford University Press, USA, 2004.

Chad Heap, Slumming: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife, 1885-1940,

University of Chicago Press, 2010.

John Higham, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925, Rutgers

University Press, 2002.

Scott Kurashige. The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in the

Making of Multiethnic Los Angeles. Princeton University Press, 2010.


Estelle T. Lau. Paper Families: Identity, Immigration Administration, and Chinese

Exclusion. Duke University Press Books, 2007

Mae Ngai, Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America,

Princeton University Press, 2004

Kevin Mumford, Interzones Black/White Sex Districts in Chicago and New York in the

Early Twentieth Century, Columbia University Press, 1997

Peggy Pascoe, What Comes Naturally: Miscegenation Law and the Making of Race in

America, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Kimberly L. Phillips, Alabama North: African-American Migrants, Community and

Working-Class Activism in Cleveland, 1915-1945, University of Illinois Press,


George J. Sanchez, Becoming Mexican-American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in

Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945, Oxford University Press, 1993.

Nayan Shah, Stranger Intimacy: Contesting Race, Sexuality, and the Law in the North

American West, University of California Press, 2011.

Joe Trotter, Black Milwaukee: The Making of an Industrial Proletariat, 1915-1945,

University of Illinois Press, 1985.

Isabel Wilkerson, The Warmth of Other Sons: The Epic Story of America’s Great

Migration, Vintage, 2010.

5. WWII: The Home Front and Global Struggles

Michael C. C. Adams, The Best War Ever: America and World War II , The Johns

Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Karen Anderson, Wartime Women: Sex Roles, Family Relations and the Status of Women

During World War II, Greenwood Press, 1981.

John Morton Blum, V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture During World War

II, Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 1976.

Roger Daniels, Prisoners Without Trial: Japanese Americans in World War II, New

York: Hill and Wang, 1993.


John Dower, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II, W.W. Norton &

Company, Inc. 1999.

John Dower, War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War, Pantheon Books,


Kevin M. Kruse and Stephen Tuck, eds., Fog of War: The Second World War and the

Civil Rights Movement, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Nelson Lichtenstein, Labor's War at Home: The CIO in World War II, Temple University

Press, 1982.

Leisa D. Meyer, Creating G.I. Jane: The Regulation of Sexuality and Sexual Behavior

in the Women’s Army Corps During WWII, Columbia University Press, 1992.

Ruth Milkman, Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Job Segregation by Sex During World

War II, University of Illinois Press, 1990.

Deborah Dash Moore, GI Jews: How World War II Changed a Generation, Harvard

University Press, 2004.

Alice Yang Murray, Historical Memories of the Japanese American Internment and the

Struggle for Redress, Stanford University Press, 2007.

William L. O’Neill, A Democracy at War: America’s Fight at Home and Abroad in

World War II, Harvard University Press, 1993.

Elizabeth Borgwardt, A New Deal for the World: America’s Vision for Human Rights.

Harvard University Press, 2005.

Richard Polenberg, "The Good War? A Reappraisal of How World War II Affected

American Society," Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 100 (July

1992), 295-322.

James T. Sparrow, Warfare State: World War II Americans and the Age of Big

Government. First ed. Oxford University Press, USA, 2011.

Gerhard Weiberg, A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II new edition,

Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Meghan K. Winchell, Good Girls, Good Food, Good Fun: The Story of USO Hostesses

during World War II, The University of North Carolina Press, 2008.

6. The Cold War and the Globalization of American Culture


Eric Arnesen, “No ‘Graver Danger’: Black Anti-Communism, The Communist Party, and

the Race Question,” Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas

(Winter 2006): 3 (4): 13-52 with responses by Martha Biondi and Eric Arnesen’s


Andrew Bacevich, The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (2008).

Robert Dean, Imperial Brotherhood: Gender and the Making of Cold War Foreign

Policy, University of Massachusetts Press, 2003.

Mary Dudziak, Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy,

Princeton University Press, 2002.

John L. Gaddis, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, Columbia University

Press, 2000.

John L. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment, Oxford University Press, 2005.

John Haynes, Harvey Klehr, and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, The Secret World of

American Communism, Yale University Press, 1995.

Kelly Lytle Hernandez, Migra!: A History of the U.S. Border Patrol. 1st ed. University of

California Press, 2010.

Daniel Horowitz, Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminine Mystique: The American

Left, the Cold War, and Modern Feminism, University of Massachusetts Press,


Michael Hunt, Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy, Yale University Press, 1987

Christina Klein, Cold War Orientalism: Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination, 1945-1961,

University of California Press, 2003.

Walter LaFeber, America, Russia and the Cold War, McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Melvyn Leffler, For the Soul of Mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the

Cold War, Hill and Wang, 2008.

David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy, Free Press,


Richard Gid Powers, Not Without Honor: The History of American Anticommunism, Yale

University Press, 1998.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., “Origins of the Cold War,” Foreign Affairs, 46:1 (October,

1967): 22-52.


Ellen Schrecker, Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America, Little Brown, and

Company, 1998.

Penny Von Eschen, Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War,

Harvard University Press, 2004.

Reinhold Wagnleitner, Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mssion of the

United States in Austria after the Second World War, The University of North

Carolina Press, 1994.

Odd Arne Westad, The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of

Our Times, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Stephen Whitfield, The Culture of the Cold War, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

Samuel Zipp, Manhattan Projects: The Rise and Fall of Urban Renewal in Cold War

New York, Oxford University Press, 2010.

7. Postwar America: Culture and Society

Winifred Breines, The Trouble Between Us: An Uneasy History of White and Black

Women in the Feminist Movement, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Charlotte Brooks . Alien Neighbors, Foreign Friends: Asian Americans, Housing, and the

Transformation of Urban California. 1st ed. University Of Chicago Press, 2009.

John D’Emilio, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual

Minority in the United States, 1940-1970, University of Chicago Press, 1983.

Rachel Devlin, Relative Intimacy: Fathers, Adolescent Daughters, and Postwar

American Culture, The University of North Carolina Press, 2005

Alice Echols, Daring to be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967-1975, University of

Minnesota Press, 1989.

Alice Echols, “Women’s Liberation and Sixties Radicalism,” in David Farber, ed. The

Sixties: From Memory to History, The University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

Nan Enstad, Ladies of Labor, Girls of Adventure: Working Women, Popular Culture, and

Labor Politics at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Columbia University Press,


Sara Evans, Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civil Rights

Movement & the New Left, Vintage, 1979.


Ruth Feldstein, Motherhood in Black and White: Race and Sex in American Liberalism,

1930-1965, Cornell University Press, 2000

Richard Fox and T.J. Jackson Lears, The Culture of Consumption: Critical Essays in

American History, 1880-1980, Pantheon, 1983.

Astrid Henry, Not my Mother’s Sister: Generational Conflict and Third-Wave Feminism,

Indiana University Press, 2004.

Shari M. Huhndorf, Going Native: Indians in the American Cultural Imagination. Cornell

University Press, 2001.

Kenneth T. Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States.

Oxford University Press, 1985.

Neil Jumonville, Critical Crossings: The New York Intellectuals in Postwar America.

University of California Press, 1991.

Regina Kunzel, Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American

Sexuality. First ed. University Of Chicago Press, 2010.

Jane Mansbridge, Why We Lost the ERA, University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Elaine Tyler May, Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era, rev.

edition, Basic Books, 2008

Joanne Meyerowitz, “Beyond the Feminine Mystique: A Reassessment of Postwar Mass

Culture, 1946-1958,” Journal of American History 79, no. 4 (March 1993), pp.


Richard Pells, The Liberal Mind in a Conservative Age. Wesleyan University Press,


Warren Susman, Culture as History: The Transformation of American Society in the

Twentieth Century, Smithsonian Books, 1985.

8. Postwar America: Labor and Politics

Kent Beck, “What Was Liberalism in the 1950s?” Political Science Quarterly 102:2

(Summer, 1987): pp. 233-258.

Kevin Boyle, The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968, Cornell

University Press, 1995.


Lizabeth Cohen, A Consumers’ Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar

America, Vintage Books, 2002.

David Freund, Colored Property: state policy and white racial politics in suburban

America, University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Larry Glickman, A Living Wage: American Workers and the Making of Consumer

Society, University of Cornell Press, 1997.

Arnold Hirsch, The Making of the Second Ghetto, Cambridge University Press, 1983

Meg Jacobs, Pocketbook Politics: Economic Citizenship in Twentieth Century America,

Princeton University Press, 2006

Sanford Jacoby, Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism Since the New Deal, Princeton

University Press, 1997.

Jennifer Mittelstadt, From Welfare to Workfare: The Unintended Consequences of

Liberal Reform, 1945-1965, The University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

Becky Nicolaides, My Blue Heaven: Life and Politics in the Working-Class Suburbs of

Los Angeles, 1920-1965, University of Chicago Press, 2002.

Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Businessmen’s Crusade Against the New Deal,

W.W. Norton & Company, 2010

Johanna Schoen. Choice and Coercion: Birth Control, Sterilization, and Abortion in

Public Health and Welfare. The University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

Robert O. Self, American Babylon: Race and the Struggle for Postwar Oakland,

Princeton University Press, 2005.

Judith Stein, Running Steel, Running America: Race, economic policy, and the decline of

liberalism, University of North Carolina Press, 1998

Thomas Sugrue, The Origins of the Urban Crisis, Princeton University Press, 1995

Julian Zelizer, “The Uneasy Relationship: Democracy, Taxation, and State Building since

the New Deal,” in Meg Jacobs, et al, eds., The Democratic Experiment: New

Directions in American Political History, Princeton University Press, 2003

9. The Black Freedom Struggle: The Modern Civil Rights Movement and Black



Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63. Simon &

Schuster, 1983.

Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Courage to Dissent: Atlanta and the Long History of the Civil

Rights Movement, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Clayborne Carson, In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s, Harvard

University Press, 1981.

Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua and Clarence Lang, “The Long Movement as Vampire: Temporal

and Spatial Fallacies in Recent Black Freedom Studies,” Journal of African

American History, 92 7 (2008):265-288.

William Chafe, Civilities and Civil Rights: Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Black

Struggle for Freedom, Oxford University Press, 1980.

Matthew Countryman, Up South: Civil Rights and Black Power in Philadelphia,

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.

Emilye Crosby, A Little Taste of Freedom: The Black Freedom Struggle in Claiborne

County Mississippi, The University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

John Dittmer, Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi, University of

Illinois Press, 1994.

Glenda E. Gilmore, Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950, W.W.

Norton & Company, 2009.

Risa Goluboff, Lost Promise of Civil Rights, Harvard University Press, 2007.

Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, “The Long Civil Rights Movement and the Political Uses of the

Past,” Journal of American History, 91 4 (Mar.2005):1233-1263.

Peniel Joseph, Waiting ‘til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in

America, Holt Paperbacks, 2006.

Peniel Joseph, Dark Days, Bright Nights: From Black Power to Barack Obama (2012).

Michael J. Klarman, From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the

Struggle for Racial Equality. Oxford University Press, 2004.

Robert Korstad and Nelson Lichtenstein, “Opportunities Found and Lost: Labor,

Radicals, and the Early Civil Rights Movement,” JAH 75 (Dec 1988): 786-811.


Lisa Levenstein, A Movement Without Marches: African American Women and the

Politics of Poverty in Postwar Philadelphia, University of North Carolina Press,


Danielle McGuire, At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance- A

New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black

Power, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011.

Donna Jean Murch, Living For the City: Migration, Education, and the Rise of the Black

Panther Party in Oakland California, The University of North Carolina Press,


Charles Payne, I’ve Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the

Mississippi Freedom Struggle, University of California Press, 1995.

Barbara Ransby, Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic

Vision, The University of North Carolina Press, 2000

Gene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff, The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle,

and the Awakening of a Nation. Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.

Belinda Robnett, How Long? How Long?: African American Women in the Struggle for

Civil Rights, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Beryl Satter. Family Properties: How the Struggle Over Race and Real Estate

Transformed Chicago and Urban America. First ed. Picador, 2010.

Nikhil Pal Singh, Black Is a Country: Race and the Unfinished Struggle for Democracy,

Harvard University Press, 2004.

Kimberly Springer, Living for the Revolution: Black Feminist Organizations, 1968-1980,

Duke University Press, 2005.

Thomas Sugrue, Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the

North, Random House, 2009.

Jeanne Theoharis and Komozi Woodard, Freedom North: Black Freedom Struggles

Outside the South, 1940-1980, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Timothy Tyson, Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power,

The University of North Carolina Press, 1999.

William Van Deburg, New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American

Culture, 1965-1975, University of Chicago Press, 1992.



Andrew Wiese, Places of their Own: African American Suburbanization in the Twentieth

Century, University of Chicago Press, 2005.

Komozi Woodard, A Nation Within a Nation: Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Black

Power Politics, The University of North Carolina Press, 1990.

10. The Long 1960s: Collective Action and Politics -- Left, Center, and Right

Irving Bernstein, Promises Kept: John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. Oxford University

Press, 1991.

Howard Brick, The Age of Contradictions: American Thought and Culture in the 1960s,

Cornell University Press, 2000.

Dan T. Carter, From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative

Counterrevolution, 1963-1994, Louisiana State University Press, 1996.

Robert Dallek, Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973. Oxford

University Press, 1993.

Robert V. Daniels, The Forth Revolution: Transformations in American Society from the

Sixties to the Present, Routledge, 2006).

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