20 Questions-A Diabolical CMMI Quiz

Post on 06-Mar-2015

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Transcript of 20 Questions-A Diabolical CMMI Quiz

20 QuestionsA Diabolical CMMI Quiz

Posed by: Pat O’Toole


• You should have a BLANK answer sheet

• There are four categories of questions:– Easy 40 points, 20 seconds each– Medium 60 points, 30 seconds each– Hard 80 points, 40 seconds each– Killer 100 points, 60 seconds each

• The question will indicate CMMI v1.1/v1.2 ONLY if it’s relevant

• Good luck!!!


• There are no rules!– Open book, open notes– Talk all you want– Look at your neighbor’s answers– Bribe the facilitator!

(Although there really won’t be time for the first three).

Easy Questions

• 40 points each• 20 seconds per question• 5 questions in this category

Question #1

What polysyllabic “I” word is used to describe the primary function of the generic practices?

Question #2

Which of the following model components are required?

SG 1 Establish BaselinesSP 1.1 Identify Configuration ItemsSP 1.2 Establish a Configuration Management SystemSP 1.3 Create or Release Baselines

SG 2 Develop Product RequirementsSP 2.1 Track Change RequestsSP 2.2 Control Configuration Items

SG 3 Establish IntegritySP 3.1 Establish Configuration Management RecordsSP 3.2 Perform Configuration Audits

Question #3

Fill in the blank:

In the continuous representation, the names of all PAs in the Process Management category all begin with the word ________________.

Question #4

Fill in the blanks:

In v1.1, the only PA that begins with the word “Organizational” that is NOT in the Process Management category is ________________, and it resides in the ________________ category of PAs.

Question #5

Which of these are CMMI model components?

1. Specific goals2. General goals3. Introductory notes4. Generic practice amplifications5. Typical work products6. Subpractices7. Related key process areas8. Discipline specifications

Medium Questions

• 60 points each• 30 seconds per question• 5 questions in this category

In the continuous representation, how many generic practices are at each capability level?CL1:CL2:CL3:CL4:CL5:

How would your answers change if we were discussing CMMI v1.0?

Question #6

Question #7

“You gave me what I asked for but not what I wanted!”

This statement reflects the failure of which two PAs?

Question #8

True or False:

In CMMI v1.1, every advanced practice replaced a base practice. That is, if a PA contained SP3.2-2, then it must have also contained SP3.2-1.

Question #9

Bidirectional requirements traceability used to be a key practice in the CMM’sSoftware Product Engineering KPA at maturity level 3.

Which maturity level 2 CMMI PA now requires this practice to be performed?

Question #10

Complete the following analogy with two maturity level 3 PAs:

OPP : QPM :: ____ : ____

(OPP is to QPM as _____ is to _____)

Hard Questions

• 80 points each• 40 seconds per question• 5 questions in this category

Question #11

Based solely on its acronym, which PA should have been staged 0.14 maturity levels higher than it currently is?

Question #12

• Which model component, although specified as “informative” in the CMMI model and training courses, should be treated as EXPECTED in a SCAMPI appraisal?

Question #13

In CMMI v1.1, give two reasons why the continuous representation has more practices than the staged representation.

Question #14

With respect to CMMI v1.1, what do you know about the PA that contains specific practice SP2.1-4?

Question #15

At the top of my son’s math homework it says, “Please show all work.”

Which CMMI PA best describes the teacher’s reason for including that statement?

Killer Questions

• 100 points each• 60 seconds per question• 5 questions in this category

Question #16

• Give the next <PA, (#)> pair in the following sequence:

PP (2)OT (5)CM (6)PMC (8)____ (_)

Question #17

You once heard that the SEI was going to introduce a new PA into the CMMI v1.1. You also heard that the new PA would have contained SP3.2-3.

If both of these were true, what 4 things would you have known about this PA?

Question #18

Please explain why the correct answer to the following question is either: “All of them” or “None of them.”

Which PA contains a goal that is supported by only one practice?

Question #19


When using the continuous representation, an organization may have an unsatisfied goal in the Project Planning PA and still be appraised as maturity level 3 equivalent.

Question #20

How many more PAs contained only one goal in CMMI v1.1 than in CMMI v1.2?


• Points for correct answers are indicated• Partial credit is granted– Either as indicated or– As you deem appropriate!

Easy Questions

• 40 points each

Question #1

What polysyllabic “I” word is used to describe the primary function of the generic practices?

“Institutionalization”40 points

Question #2

Which of the following model components are required?

SG 1 Establish BaselinesSP 1.1 Identify Configuration ItemsSP 1.2 Establish a Configuration Management SystemSP 1.3 Create or Release Baselines

SG 2 Develop Product RequirementsSP 2.1 Track Change RequestsSP 2.2 Control Configuration Items

SG 3 Establish IntegritySP 3.1 Establish Configuration Management RecordsSP 3.2 Perform Configuration Audits

Goals are the ONLY required model componentsThe table above indicates goal and practice titlesTitles are informative components so the correct answer is:

None! – 40 points

Fill in the blank:

In the continuous representation, the names of all PAs in the Process Management category all begin with the word Organizational

40 points

Question #3

Fill in the blank:

In the continuous representation, the names of all PAs in the Process Management category all begin with the word _____________

Question #4

Fill in the blanks:

In v1.1, the only PA that begins with the word “Organizational” that is NOT in the Process Management category is ________________, and it resides in the ________________ category of PAs.

OEI – 20 pointsSupport – 20 points

Which of these are CMMI model components?1. Specific goals2. General goals3. Introductory notes4. Generic practice amplifications5. Typical work products6. Subpractices7. Related key process areas8. Discipline specifications

Question #5

: Yes – 5 points: No – 5 points

: Yes – 5 points: No – 5 points

: Yes – 5 points: Yes – 5 points

: No – 5 points: No – 5 points

Medium Questions

• 60 points each

In the continuous representation, how many generic practices are at each capability level?CL1: 1 – 10 pointsCL2: 10 – 10 pointsCL3: 2 – 10 pointsCL4: 2 – 10 pointsCL5: 2 – 10 points

How would your answers change if we were discussing CMMI v1.0?In v1.0, CL1 had 2 generic practices – 10 points

In the continuous representation, how many generic practices are at each capability level?CL1:CL2:CL3:CL4:CL5:

How would your answers change if we were discussing CMMI v1.0?

Question #6

Question #7

“You gave me what I asked for but not what I wanted!”

This statement reflects the failure of which two PAs?

RD – 30 points VAL – 30 points

Question #8

True or False:

In CMMI v1.1, every advanced practice replaced a base practice. That is, if a PA contained SP3.2-2, then it must have also contained SP3.2-1.

False (e.g., REQM SP1.4-2) – 60 points

Question #9

Bidirectional requirements traceability used to be a key practice in the CMM’s Software Product Engineering KPA at maturity level 3.

Which maturity level 2 CMMI PA now requires this practice to be performed?

Goals are required; practices are expectedNone! – 60 points


60 points

Question #10

Complete the following analogy with two maturity level 3 PAs:

OPP : QPM :: ____ : ____

Hard Questions

• 80 points each

Question #11

Based solely on its acronym, which PA should have been staged 0.14 maturity levels higher than it currently is?

π = 3.14Product Integration (PI) = 80 points

Question #12

Which model component, although specified as “informative” in the CMMI model and training courses, should be treated as EXPECTED in a SCAMPI appraisal?

Practices are “expected” due to alternative practicesIn order for an instantiation to be “FI” or “LI” in an appraisal, there must be one or more direct artifactsDirect artifacts are typical work products or acceptable alternativesTypical work products – 80 points

Question #13

In CMMI v1.1, give two reasons why the continuous representation has more practices than the staged representation.

1. The continuous representation has 5 more generic practices per PA (GP1.1, GP4.1-GP5.2)40 points

2. In the V1.1 continuous representation, the Engineering PAs had base and advanced practices40 points

Question #14

With respect to CMMI v1.1, what do you know about the PA that contains specific practice SP2.1-4?

Since the CMMI v1.1 only had “-2” and “-3”advanced practices, the one thing we know for sure is that:

The PA with SP2.1-4 is NOT in the CMMI80 points

Question #15

At the top of my son’s math homework it says, “Please show all work.”

Which CMMI PA best describes the teacher’s reason for including that statement?

Partial credit: TS, VER, VAL, CM – 40 pointsFull credit: PPQA – 80 points

Killer Questions

• 100 points each

• Give the next <PA, (#)> pair in the following sequence:

PP (2) GP2.2OT (5) GP2.5CM (6) GP2.6PMC (8) GP2.8_____ (_) GP2.9

• Give the next <PA, (#)> pair in the following sequence:

PP (2)OT (5)CM (6)PMC (8)PPQA (9)100 points

• Give the next <PA, (#)> pair in the following sequence:

PP (2)OT (5)CM PMC (8)_____ (_)

Question #16

Question #17

You once heard that the SEI was going to introduce a new PA into the CMMI v1.1. You also heard that the new PA would have contained SP3.2-3. If both of these were true, what 4 things would you have known about this PA?

1. Engineering category – 20 points2. Staged at least at ML3 – 20 points3. Has at least 3 specific goals – 20 points4. Has at least 6 specific practices – 40 points

Question #18

Please explain why the correct answer to the following question is either: “All of them” or “None of them.”

Which PA contains a goal that is supported by only one practice?

“All of them” – continuous GG1 – 50 points“None of them” – staged – 50 points

Question #19


When using the continuous representation, an organization may have an unsatisfied goal in the Project Planning PA and still be appraised as maturity level 3 equivalent.

True – can fail either PP GG4 or PP GG5 100 points

Question #20

How many more PAs contained only one goal in CMMI v1.1 than in CMMI v1.2?

In both v1.1 and v1.2, and regardless of representation, every PA has at least two goals – at least 1 SG and at least 1 GG.

None – 100 points

Congratulations to ALL!

Pat O’ToolePACT.otoole@att.net
