20 items to keep in women handbag

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 20 items to keep in women handbag

20 things a woman should carry in her handbag

1: Makeup Products for the touch-up time

2:  Box of Tissues to maintain the hygiene

3:  Deodorant to refresh you

4: Headphones to entertain your soul

 5:Band-aids to protect wounds

6:  Pepper Spray for self-protection

7: Hair Accessories

8: Power bank to charge phone on-the-go too

9:  A tampon or sanitary pad

10:  Mirror

11: Mint

12: A novel to lost in

13:  Healthy Snacks to kill the hunger

14:  Sunglasses

15: Wallet- you better know why!

16:  Hand Sanitizer to wash those germs away

17:  Face Mist for the uber cool effect

18. Safety Pins

19. Umbrella

20. Chocolates & Candies
