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20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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M arketing your martial arts business is essential to survive and to grow. Many

worry that this means large marketing budgets and complicated campaigns.

In reality, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to make a big impact. By selecting the right marketing strategy for your business, you can control your spending and increase your leads. These 20 effective marketing strategies are proven to attract prospects and to engage current students at any time during the year.

We grouped the strategies into six categories to help you cover all aspects of marketing:

• Online• Communications• Events• Reputation• Referrals• Promotions

During the next year, make it a goal to use or to improve at least one area in marketing from each category to max out your impact while keeping costs low.

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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Part I — Online Martial Arts Marketing

2 BloggingDon’t have a blog? You’re missing out on an online marketing gem. It’s an effective, low-cost, and essential way to market your martial arts business. Blog articles have a crucial personal element that gives you the ability to stand

out in the industry.

What to write about.

With a blog, you speak to two important audiences: new students and existing members.

Allow yourself to write in a conversational tone with a voice that is both authentic and personal. It will give readers the chance to engage with your viewpoints on a particular topic and generate interest.

Decide on common themes related to the services you offer to use as blog categories. For example, based on what your class offers, you may choose Bully Prevention, Health & Fitness, and Self Defense/Community Safety as your blog categories.

If you’re unsure where to start, choose a subject that you’re frequently asked about by prospective members, such as the benefits of youth martial arts for building confidence and leadership skills. As you expand your blog, try writing a series of articles on a single topic to entice visitors to read more.

Blogging for search results.

Blogging also has a positive effect on search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo crawl the web for the best answers to the queries people enter in search bars. When you publish blog articles related to your school or area of expertise, you build a reputation with search engines. As you add relevant articles, search engines become more likely to show your website to customers searching for topics related to your school and services.

Search engines love fresh content, so be sure to make a schedule and publish new articles regularly. Popular

1 WebsiteYour website is your most valuable tool. Ideally, your website should be a lead-generating machine. If it’s not, your website may be missing key information. Run through this quick website checklist to make sure your primary lead source is in peak condition:

Define your target audience.

Does your website clearly identify the kinds of people you help? Whether you offer youth martial arts classes, cardio kickboxing, or women’s self-defense, make it clear on your website exactly who will benefit from your services.

Why should they join your school?

Tell website visitors about the results they can achieve by joining your martial arts school. For example, detail how your youth martial arts class teaches confidence, leadership, and discipline—not just how to kick and punch.

Provide proof with testimonials.

Make sure to add customer testimonials throughout your site in order to show how your current customers view your school. It has more of an impact when a visitor hears something good coming from someone not directly working for your school.

Tell them what to do next.

Include a call-to-action on each page of your website that tells the visitor what you want them to do. Choose one call-to-action per page—for example, “Start my free trial” or “Try a free class”—to avoid confusion.

Respond quickly.

Do leads receive an immediate follow-up? Have the lead form on your website connect to your martial arts membership software. Integrating the two will ensure that you never miss a lead and that all leads receive an automatic confirmation email.

Want help with your website? Contact us for recommendations on companies that specialize in building and optimizing martial arts websites.

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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content also ranks higher in search results than pages with fewer visits. Publish your blogs on social media and encourage students to share articles with their friends to get more people to read your articles.

For more information on blogging, read: How to Use Your Martial Arts Blog to Get More Leads.

3 Google My BusinessGoogle My Business is a must-have part of your martial arts marketing strategy for three reasons:

1. Your Google My Business listing may be the first impression for people in your local community who are searching for local martial arts schools.

2. These listings often combine search and map results and usually contain important information like your business hours, phone number, website, busy hours, and most importantly, reviews and a star rating of your business. For example, when someone searches “martial arts philadelphia” or “martial arts schools near me”, they see a map of locations along with a list of businesses. Each business has a star rating based on customer reviews.

3. It’s 100 percent free to set up and to maintain an attractive and effective Google My Business listing.

there are any negative reviews. This helps to show that you are a positive and responsive business.

Google My Business Checklist:

⧠ Verify the location and business name ⧠ Choose an accurate category ⧠ Check your hours, including holidays ⧠ Check your phone number ⧠ Check your website ⧠ Add quality photos of your school ⧠ Ask students to review your martial arts school on Google ⧠Don’t set it and forget it; keep your listing up-to-date

4 Facebook You have a Facebook business page. You have a regular posting schedule. You share photos and helpful tips for students. What else can you do to leverage Facebook as a part of your martial arts marketing strategy? A lot, as it turns out.

Create your own Facebook Groups for prospects.

Use Facebook groups to build and discover communities. Create separate groups to market your class offerings to specific target audiences: youth martial arts, adult, self defense, kickboxing, BJJ, etc. Each audience looks for specific content, which can be difficult to manage from a single Facebook page.

In your groups, focus on sharing valuable content that nurtures prospects into members. Try marketing and measuring different offers or discounts to each audience to increase your response rate.

Network with your community.

In addition to creating your own groups, join Facebook groups for business networking, community, local parent groups, and yard sales groups to interact with potential students. Focus on sharing how martial arts classes can solve problems for community members.

In particular, respond to questions or issues in the discussion, such as bully prevention, personal and family safety, and fun after-school activities for kids. Go for the soft-sell by keeping your name in front of your groups eyes by being an active participant who contributes valuable information and insights.

How do you optimize your Google My Business listing?

First, you need to claim or add your business. Once claimed, confirm that all your information is correct and complete. Remember, inaccuracy hurts your rankings. Keep your listing up-to-date and in line with your website. You also should respond to any reviews that you see with a thank you for positive reviews and a concerned response if

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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Use Facebook advertising to nurture and collect leads.

Boosted posts and Facebook ads are also powerful, low-cost martial arts marketing techniques—especially when used together. However, knowing when and how to use these two advertising modes in Facebook is confusing. Here’s a quick overview of how we recommend using these features for martial arts marketing:

How to use Boosted Posts:

• Announce new classes: Post a photo and description of the class. Boost the post to your page’s followers and their friends. To start, put a small budget—$10 to $20—toward posts boosted over two to seven days.

• Post a video: Videos naturally have higher engagement on Facebook, giving you a better bang for your buck when boosting or creating ads. Share a video of a class, a technique, a board-breaking event, or a tournament.

• Share a testimonial: Boost a video testimonial or a photo of your student paired with their quote about your martial arts school.

How to use Facebook Ads:

• Target website visitors: Every day, people visit your website without converting into leads. In a Facebook ad, present an offer to convince these lost leads to reconsider your martial arts school.

• Target people who’ve watched your videos: If you’ve boosted a video, you can target the people who watched at least 25 percent or 50 percent to serve them a Facebook ad with a free trial offer. By narrowing your target to the people who’ve interacted with your video, you increase the chances

of them responding to your offer—and decrease your marketing costs.

• Always have a clear call to action: No matter whom you’re targeting, make sure your Facebook ad has a clear and compelling call-to-action that tells the viewer what to do next.

5 Landing PagesLanding pages are standalone web pages that are created for a specific marketing or advertising campaign. Let’s say you want to offer 20 percent off a six-week women’s self defense program. You want a web page that talks specifically about this offer, provides details on the classes, and includes a form for people to sign up. You have one objective on this page: to sell your six-week program. The singular focus and simplicity of landing pages makes them the most effective way to get results from your advertising and promotional campaigns. You can use landing pages to collect signups for free or paid trials, summer camps, workshops, and more. Pair these pages with Facebook ads or other online advertising to generate more leads.

Landing pages are not a substitute for a high-performance website. While your website is the core of your digital marketing strategy, landing pages complement your online presence by allowing you to target specific audiences with solutions tailored to their interests.

There are several software options that make it easy to create your own landing pages without any coding or design experience, including online registration platforms that allow you to process payments for paid trials. Martial arts website companies also can provide pre-built landing pages for common campaigns.

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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6 Email MarketingWhen it comes to lead nurturing and conversion, email marketing plays a key role. Email has a big impact in comparison to its cost. Prospects who get a response in less than an hour have better conversion rates. Remember, you’re literally racing against the clock—because if you aren’t reaching your prospects, your competitors will.Automate email marketing to turn leads into members.The competition to convert leads makes it critical for your website to integrate with your martial arts software. By sending a confirmation email immediately after a lead submits a form, you’ll double your contact rate—for no extra cost.

Automated email follow-up doesn’t have to stop there.

Some martial arts software systems allow you to send a series of emails to new leads automatically. Tailor each email series to your leads’ interests to increase your response rate. Get started quickly with these martial arts email templates.

Stay in touch with an email newsletter.

What about leads who never respond? Or people who are interested in learning about your school but aren’t ready to sign up? Include an option on your website to subscribe to your email newsletter. On a monthly or quarterly basis, send out newsletter content aimed at converting subscribers into leads and leads to new members.

7 Mobile AppMost martial arts software providers now offer an integrated mobile app (like this one from MiGym) that your school can use to increase member satisfaction, improve retention, and generate ongoing revenue. When integrated with your membership software, mobile apps can be an affordable and easy way to enhance your marketing.

Mobile communication helps you connect.

Push notifications are a direct and powerful communication tool. A well-timed and relevant message can engage

customers twice as well as email. Use push notifications to announce new classes, notify members about emergency closures, and share special offers.

To stay top of mind, create a weekly schedule for your push notifications. Create a balance between the notifications that aim to engage your members (class reminders, fitness tips) and the ones where you focus on selling your services (free trials, referral requests).

Boost mobile sales and bookings.

Mobile schedules and booking tools help prospects and new members learn more about what you have to offer. The convenience of mobile scheduling keeps classes filled and helps members stay organized.

Some mobile apps allow you to share virtual coupons and trial passes. When paired with push notifications and in-app messaging, these tools can help you effectively convert prospects into new members.

For more on the value of mobile apps, read: Why Your Gym Needs a Mobile App

8 Text MessagingGive leads and members the option to opt in to special offers, deals, and reminders via text (SMS) messages. Texts are a highly personal form of communication that get seen (up to 98% open rate) and boast higher response rates than email (45% for SMS versus 6% for email).

While highly effective, text messaging can backfire when overused—making you seem pushy and impersonal. Make sure you have an opt-in list and send SMS messages only when you have something significant or valuable to offer.

Part II — Marketing Communication

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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9 Special Events Once a month, plan special events to bring new students to your martial arts school. Invite current students and encourage them to bring guests. Send a series of emails about the event and provide printed flyers to every student and parent. By involving your existing community, you can limit the cost of promoting your event.

Require students and guests to register for the event and to sign a liability waiver. Simplify sign ups by using online event registration software. Be sure to set up an automatic confirmation email and reminders leading up to the event.

Martial arts event ideas:

• Ninja Warrior Day• Break a Board Buddy Event• Empowerment Day• Sumo Pizza Party• Laser Saber Action Party• Cardio Challenge• Race to the Beach

For more event ideas, check out this essential martial arts event pick list.

10 Community EventsEvents are a great way to engage your community and expand awareness about your martial arts school. Organize events such as a back-to-school party or a Halloween haunted house. Promote these events as community functions that are open to the public. Create a casual environment where non-students can get to know you, your instructors, and other students.

Include a table or booth where you can market your school and provide literature, but avoid making this the center of the event. Aim to meet two goals during community events:

1. Book appointments for potential students to take your introductory program.

2. Invite people who are not yet ready to book an appointment to sign up for your email newsletter.

In some cases, you may choose to charge a small admission fee for community events to cover expenses—particularly if you provide entertainment, choose an expensive venue, or offer specialty food and beverage.

11 Open House Events Open house events give prospective members a low-pressure opportunity to see your facility and what you offer. Some people feel intimidated by one-on-one appointments and prefer to see your martial arts school for the first time in a group setting. Inviting a lead who has resisted scheduling a visit to an open house may increase your lead-to-appointment ratio.

Create a standard structure and plan for your open house events. Ask top instructors and students to give demonstrations of classes and skills. Offer inexpensive health-conscious snacks and refreshments. Build in time for individual questions and conversations after the presentation. Once you’ve established a format, schedule an open house for each target audience—youth martial arts, women’s self defense, and kickboxing, for example—to tailor the event to the needs of each group.

12 Adult-only ClassesPlenty of adults dreamed of doing martial arts as a child and never had the chance. Seize the opportunity to rekindle this passion through your martial arts marketing. Create adult-only classes to build a welcoming community for older beginners or returning practitioners. Host an adult-only open house to demonstrate your school’s dedication to each student’s journey, regardless at what age she or he begins.

Part III — Event Marketing

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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13 Vendor Booths Booths are a great way to market your martial arts business and establish your reputation in the community. Get involved with your local Merchant Association or Chamber of Commerce to learn about opportunities. Reserve booth space at festivals, fairs, and carnivals. Plan your booth in advance, and make your booth look attractive with a custom tablecloth and marketing banner.

Draw people to your booth with prizes, games, and live demonstrations. Conduct a mini-introduction during which participants can earn their white belts. Use paper forms or online booking software to schedule appointments on the spot. As with all new leads, send a confirmation email or text message as soon as possible.

14 Seminars Lay the foundation for your marketing by educating your community about the value of martial arts. Connect with local schools and youth organizations to establish your reputation as a safety and defense professional. Offer anti-bullying, self-defense, and safety seminars at schools and community centers.

Example seminar ideas include: • Bully Defense• Abduction Avoidance Strategies• Goals-Setting• Safety Awareness• Empowerment and Self Defense

Positioning yourself and your staff as safety experts in your community builds a knowledge-authority reputation. Make sure to bring marketing flyers, brochures, business cards, and any other materials that you can hand out to attendees. As you establish a rapport with your local schools, they may refer students to your martial arts school when your services meet their needs.

15 Student Groups & PTAs Establishing a relationship with your local school’s PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) has multiple marketing benefits. First, establish relationships with decision-makers like teachers, principals, and board members. Connect with active community members and parents who can help build your reputation. In addition, PTAs often assist with planning school events, which can give you an “in” when you’re aiming to book an anti-bullying or empowerment seminar.

Your school also can plan its own events in coordination with the PTA. Some of our martial arts school clients have organized successful PTA fundraisers. One martial arts school runs a promotion in which they offer a special six-week program (two classes per week) with a uniform for a cost of $60.

Part IV — Marketing Your Reputation

After covering the cost of the uniforms, the school donates the rest of the earnings to the PTA. The PTA helps promote the fundraiser, and the martial arts school has the opportunity to nurture new students into long-term programs.

If your school is located near a university and caters to teen or adult students, try some of the same marketing techniques with University Student Groups. In these cases, you’ll coordinate mainly with the group’s advisor and the group’s student president.

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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16 Ongoing Membership ReferralsBecause referrals often turn into sales at a higher rate than other leads, they are an essential part of your martial arts marketing plan. Aim to create a culture of referrals in your school that results in an ongoing stream of new students. As a policy, offer an incentive—for example, a $50 gift card—to members who refer a new student to a six-month program (or another long-term contract).

Introduce your referral program with a marketing campaign that includes email, social media, and printed flyers. Continue to market the program periodically. Remember to always thank referrers with a sincere note and to deliver their prize promptly.

Worried about investing in incentives and bonuses? Think of incentives as a long-term method for your school’s growth. Implement them strategically within your budget.

17 Referrals ContestOutside of your ongoing referrals program, run a fun referral contest once or twice a year. During a designated period of your choice (as short as one month or as long as three months), announce that the member who refers the most new students will win the prize. Prize ideas include a free month, free private lessons, the latest video game

system, a tablet, a bicycle, a punching bag—or other gear, tech, or toys that will motivate your students.

The result? If only half of your current members suggest just one referral-turned-new-student each, your school will experience significant growth that more than covers your investment in the prize.

18 Bring-a-Friend-to-Class DayHost a monthly bring-a-friend day to subtly invite referrals. Particularly for children, these events help remove any anxiety around trying something new. Focus on making sure guests enjoy the experience in a way that persuades them to join your martial arts school. The last thing you want is to scare referrals away by making the class, routine, or moves too difficult.

At the end of the class day, give guests discount cards that offer savings on the first few months of membership. Make sure these cards contain a clear call-to-action that explains how to claim the discount—in addition to your website, social media profiles, and contact details.

Part V — Referrals

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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19 Daily Deals Sites Groupon, Living Social, and other daily deals sites work by helping to promote and to sell your classes to a large market in exchange for a percentage of the sale price. These sites can be a great way to gain exposure to new audiences, but they aren’t a good fit for all businesses.

The deal site business model is based around offering bulk discounts, which results in low margins for the seller. For most martial arts schools that have relatively high operating costs, this means that selling memberships through Groupon isn’t sustainable.

Instead, think of deal sites as playing a lead generating role in your martial arts marketing plan. Try offering a 20 to 50 percent discount on a one-month membership or class package. Test your offers on different deals site. Each has a different audience; aim to find the best fit for your martial arts school and classes.

Once the deal-seeker is in your door, leverage the opportunity to convert that person to a term membership. Review standard pricing, provide a detailed description of membership benefits, and answer all questions to demonstrate the value of a long-term relationship with your martial arts school.

As you hone your marketing strategy, you can use deal sites as a low-cost way to generate leads that are likely to convert into long-term members.

20 Gifts & Holidays Seasonal and holiday campaigns should be a part of every martial arts marketing calendar. During gift-giving holidays, create special class packages that come with gear for new students.

Customize packages to each of the top gift-giving holidays and any other celebrations appropriate for your location:

• Christmas • Hanukkah• Kwanzaa • Mother’s Day• Father’s Day • Valentine’s Day

For example, offer gift-wrapped uniforms mailed to recipients homes for Christmas or Hanukkah. Pair women’s self-defense classes with duffel bags for Mother’s Day. Promote your gift packages to local parents and grandparents through email, Facebook ads, and flyers at local businesses.

Part VI — Advertising & Promotions

20 Essential Strategies for Martial Arts Marketing

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K nowing which strategies are essential to your success will help you stay focused

when it’s time to implement your marketing plan. For each channel or campaign, make sure to detail what’s needed to properly execute the idea. Determine who is responsible, schedule important deadlines, and set goals that you’ll use to measure the success of the tactic.

Choosing the right technology.

Technology plays a critical role in the execution of your marketing strategy. From your website to email automation to event registration, the tool you choose can determine both the quantity and quality of your marketing tactics.

Marketing technology checklist:

• Easy to use• Integrates with your business management software• Offers automations or templates to save time• Delivers high value for the price based on the

estimated increased revenue or cost savings • Support is readily available

Put your marketing strategy into action.

Measurement, testing, & creativity: the keys to success.All martial arts businesses are unique. Optimizing your marketing strategy means adjusting your plan periodically to meet the needs of your members and business. Rather than feeling pressured to get it right the first time around, the most innovative business owners test their ideas continuously to create a process that’s specific to them.

Before trying a new tactic, determine how you will measure its success. Build reports so you always know how your marketing is performing. Change or eliminate campaigns that don’t meet your goals so you can replace them with new ideas. Ultimately, allowing yourself to try new ideas (even the ones that fail) will create the best results for your business.

Member Solutions martial arts management software can help power your marketing strategy. Our complete solution includes email automation, SMS messaging, website integration, lead forms, and a mobile app to help grow your business.

Schedule your demo at membersolutions.com