20 CortisolAdrenal-4pp (1)

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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cortisol adrenal pharm

Transcript of 20 CortisolAdrenal-4pp (1)


Adrenal Corticosteroids

Outline• Stress response & the adrenal cortex

• Hypothalamic & anterior pituitary stimulation of cortisol synthesis

• Biological role of cortisol

• Pharmacological uses of glucocorticoids

• Cortisol excess

• Cortisol deficiency

• Tests for hypothalamic-pituitary function


Affects kidneys to regulate salt metabolism

↑ catabolic rxns, ↑ metabolic fuels,↑ blood glucose

Source of androgens


Aldosterone Cortisol


Biological Actions of Cortisol

What are the effects of excess cortisol?

• Cushing’s syndrome

Glucocorticoid Excess: Cushing’s syndrome


What are the effects of insufficient cortisol?• Addison’s disease

– Cortisol is required for survival– Carbohydrate imbalance– Tiredness (low blood glucose)– Low blood pressure– ↑ skin pigmentation – (JFK had Addison’s)

• Congenital adrenogenital syndrome


Congenital Adrenogenital Syndrome: deficiency in 21-β-hydroxylase

↑ Androgens

When are glucocorticoids used therapeutically?

Minimize suppression of pituitary & adrenal cortex by administration of glucocorticoid in morning after normal peak of release


Fig. 28.4 The long negative feedback loop is more important than the short loop (dashed lines). Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH, corticotrophin) has only a minimal effect on mineralocorticoid production. Drugs are shown in yellow boxes. ADH, antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin); CRF, corticotrophin-releasing factor.

Regulation of synthesis and secretion of adrenal corticosteroids.

Tests of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical function:

To test for causes of adrenal excess (Cushings’ Syndrome)

Dexamethasone suppression test:

• Administer low dose of dexamethasone (potent glucocorticoid)

• Test for suppression in ACTH and suppression of cortisol secretion due to long feedback inhibition of the hypothalamus & pituitary


Dexamethasone suppression test:




Stimulation of Long Feedback Loop with Dexamethasone

1) Control

2) Pretreat with Dexamethasone

Normal: Dexamethasone causes ↓ ACTH and ↓ cortisol due to negative feedback.

If cortisol doesn’t decrease, may indicate Cushings syndrome, suggesting that there is an ectopic source of ACTH or cortisol (eg: adrenal adenoma) that is not inhibited by the dexamethasone


Tests of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical function:

To test for causes of adrenal insufficiency

1) Administer ACTH:

• Does [cortisol] increase?

2) Metyrapone enhancement test:

• Block synthesis of cortisol in the adrenal cortex with metyrapone

• Test for ↑ [ACTH] and ↑ [11-deoxycortisol] due to decreasing long feedback inhibition of the hypothalamus & pituitary

X X cortisol

Metyrapone blocks 11-β-hydroxylase & decreases cortisol synthesis




Decrease in Long Feedback Loop Inhibition by Metyrapone

Normal: Metyrapone causes ↓ cortisol, ↑ ACTH, ↑ 11-deoxycortisol due to lack of negative feedback.

If ACTH and 11-deoxycortisol don’t increase, may indicate deficiency of hypothalamic-pituitary regulation.

Summary• Cortisol released in response to stress• CRH (hypothalamus) stimulates ACTH secretion (anterior

pituitary), which stimulates cortisol synthesis (adrenal cortex)• Cortisol causes catabolic reactions: increases blood glucose• Cortisol is slow acting (via transcriptional regulation)• Glucocorticoids use therapeutically to decrease inflammation

& immune suppression• Feedback inhibition causes suppression of adrenal; very slow

to recover• Cortisol excess: Cushing’s syndrome• Cortisol deficiency: Addison’s syndrome• Dexamethasone suppression test & metyrapone

enhancement test used to test long feedback inhibition loop