2 the Structure of the Atom

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Transcript of 2 the Structure of the Atom

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    NAME : ..

    CLASS : ..


  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom



    Activity 1

    Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) in the box given

    1. Matter is made up of . and particles.

    2. he tin! particles ma! be atoms" .. and .

    #. $n atom is the particle of an element that can .. in a

    chemical reaction.

    %. $ molecule is a group of two or more which are bonded


    &. $n ion is a . or negativel! ' charged particle

    . iffusion occurs when particles of a substance move between the particles of

    another substance.

    *. iffusion of matter occurs most rapidl! in state" slower in ..

    state and slowest in .. state. his is due to the different

    and . of particles in the three states of matter.

    +. Matter consists of small particles that alwa!s collide among each other. he particles move

    faster when energ! is and the particles move slower when the energ! is .


    Activity 2

    Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

    describe the particulate nature of matter,

    state the kinetic theory of matter,

    define atoms, molecules and ions,

    relate the change in the state of matter to the change in heat,

    relate the change in heat to the change in kinetic energy of particles,

    explain the inter-conversion of the states of matter in terms of kinetic theory of

    ions tin! molecules discrete smallesttake part positivel!,charged in releasedatoms gas chemicall! solid absorbed

    different arrangement movement li-uid

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    1. omplete the table below.

    State o matter So!i" Li#ui" $as

    raw the

    arrangement of


    $rrangement of


    he particles are

    packed ..

    together in an


    he particles are

    . but not

    in ....


    he particles are

    .. apart

    from each other.

    Movement of


    /articles can onl!

    . and

    .. about

    their fixed positions

    /articles can

    .." .


    throughout the li-uid

    /articles can



    . freel!

    $ttractive forces

    between the


    /articles are

    attracted b! ver!


    /articles are attracted


    strong forces.

    he attraction forces

    between particles are


    0nerg! content

    of particles .. .

    2. nderline the correct word in the passage below.

    hen heat energ! is supplied to particles in matter" its kinetic energ! (increases 3decreases)and the particles in matter vibrate ( faster3 slower) hen matter loses heat energ!" the kineticenerg! of the particles (increases3decreases) and the! vibrate ( faster3 slower).

    #. he flow chart below shows the interconversion of the states of matter. 4tate the change ofmatter for each conversion in the spaces provided.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    $ 5 ... ....

    . 0 .. F

    %. (a) hoose the correct word(s) from the list given below to complete the passage below. ( solid, gas, boiling point, melting point )

    he temperature at which a . completel! changes to a li-uid is called


    (b) hoose the correct word(s) from the list given below to complete the passage below.

    ( solid, gas, liquid" intermolecular"released, absorbed, overcome)

    5oiling point is the temperature at which a changes into .. .

    uring the boiling process" the temperature remains constant because the heat energ! is

    b! the particles and is used to the

    forces between particles.

    (c) he graph below shows the change in temperature with time when a matter in solidstate was heated.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    5! referring to the graph above" complete the table below.

    Point States o matterE%&!anation in terms o energy c'ange an"

    movement o &artic!es

    A to (

    6eating causes the particles to ..

    more energ! and vibrate .. he

    temperature of the substance and the kinetic energ!

    ( to C

    ontinuous heating does not cause the temperature of

    the substance to increase. he energ! absorbed is

    used to the forces of

    attraction between the . he

    constant temperature is called the ..


    C to )

    ontinuous heating causes the temperature of the

    li-uid to he particles move

    . 5ecause their kinetic energ! is


    &. (a) he graph below shows the change in temperature with time when a matter in li-uid state isleft to cool.

    emperature 3 7


    emperature3 7




  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    5! referring to the graph above" complete the table below.

    Point State o matter E%&!anation

    P to * $s cooling continues" particles lose ..

    8inetic energ!" move . and

    the temperature

    * to R he stronger bonds . duringfree9ing release energ!. his energ! released

    is the same as the energ! . to the

    surroundings during cooling. hus the

    temperature remains unchanged. his constant

    temperature is called ..

    R to S he temperature . as the

    cooling continues

    (b) hoose the correct word(s) from the list given below to complete the passage below.

    ( solid, gas, liquid, exactly balanced, decreased, increased)

    Free9ing point is the temperature at which a changes into .

    uring the free9ing process" the temperature remains unchanged because the heat lost to the

    environment is ... b! the heat released when the li-uid particles rearrange

    themselves to become solid.



    *Q R


    Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

    describe the development of atomic model,

    state the main subatomic particles of an atom,

    compare and contrast the relative mass and the relative charge of the protons, electrons and


    define proton number,

    define nucleon number,

    determine the proton number, determine the nucleon number,

    relate the proton number to the nucleon number,

    relate the proton number to the type of element,

    write the symbol of elements,

    determine the number of neutrons, protons and electrons from the proton number and the

    nucleon number and vice versa,

    construct the atomic structure.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    Activity ,T'e Historica! )eve!o&ment O Atomic Mo"e!s1. omplete all the blanks and draw the structure of each atomic model.

    Mo"e! Structure C'aracteristic

    alton:s atomicmodel(proposed b!

    in 1+;& )

    he atom was imagined as a smallindivisible ball similar to a ver! tin!ball.

    homson:s atomicmodel( proposed b!

    ...> homson discovered the.." a negativel!,charged particle.he atom was described as a

    sphere of positive chargeembedded with electrons.

    ?utherford:s atomicmodel(proposed b!in 1=11)

    0rnest ?utherford discovered." a positivel!,chargedparticle in an atom.he central region of atom has aver! small positivel!,charged.." whichcontains almost all the mass of the


    5ohr:s atomicmodel( proposed b!


    he electrons in an atom move in.. around the nucleuswhich contains protons.

    hadwick:s atomicmodel

    (proposed b!...in 1=#2)

    hadwick proved the existence of.." the neutral particlein the nucleus.

    he nucleus of the atom containsprotons @ neutrons" and thenucleus is surrounded b!electrons.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    Mo"e! Structure C'aracteristic

    Activity -Su.atomic Partic!e O An Atom

    Fill in the blanks and complete the table.1. $toms are made up of subatomic particles namel! protons" and ..2. and .. are found in the nucleus of an atom while electronssurround the nucleus.

    Su.atomic &artic!e Sym.o! Re!ative mass Re!ative e!ectric c'arge




    #. he &roton num.er of an element is the number of in its atom.

    /roton Aumber" B C Aumber 7f /roton

    %. /rotons and neutrons are collectivel! called nuc!eons. he nuc!eon num.erof an element is the total number of .. and

    .. in its atom.

    Aucleon Aumber" $ C Aumber 7f /roton D Aumber 7f Aeutron

    &. he nucleon number is also known as the ..

    C Aucleon Aumber ,, /roton Aumber C $ ,, B

    . Sym.o!s o E!ementshe standard representation for an atom of an! element shows the proton number and thenucleon number of the element.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom
























    5! referring to part of the /eriodic able of 0lement above" complete the table below.

    E!ement Sym.o!Protonnum.er

    /o oneutrons


    /o oe!ectrons





















    Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

    state the meaning of isotope,

    list examples of elements with isotopes,

    determine the number of subatomic particles of isotopes,

    ustif the uses of isoto e in dail life.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    Activity Fill in the blanks.


  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    Activity 3Fill in the blanks and complete the table below.1. 0lectrons are filled in specific shells" starting with the shell nearest to the nucleus of the atom.

    0ver! shell can be filled onl! with a certain number of electrons.For the elements with proton number 1 to 2;E

    he first shell can be filled with a maximum of . electrons

    he second shell can be filled with a maximum of . electrons

    he third shell can be filled with a maximum of .electrons

    2. raw the electron

    arrangement of a sodium atom"23


    in the box and complete the tablebelow

    #. Ja!ence e!ectrons are electrons in the .. shell of a neutral atom.


  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    telah dibuat. emudian hitamkanjawapan yang baru.

    1 -hich su$stance is an ionic co+poun#Bahan manakah yang merupakan suatu sebatian ionik!

    A /inc su"phate"ink sulfat

    B A++onia#mmonia

    C Ethane$tana

    D -ater#ir

    2 -hich su$stance is a co+poun#Bahan manakah yang merupakan suatu sebatian!

    A (ron%erum

    C 0,!)enOksigen

    B /inc


    D A++onia


    3 A sa+p"e of a++onia )as is coo"e#.

    -hich of the fo""owin) is true a$out the e"ocit! an# the sie of its partic"es&atu sampel gas ammonia disejukkan.

    #ntara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang halaju dan sai' 'arahnya!

    Velocity of the a!ticle"

    Halaju zarah

    Si#e of the a!ticle"Saiz zarah









    No chan)eTidak berubah



    No chan)eTidak berubah

    $ -hich of the fo""owin) shows the correct t!pe of partic"e for each su$stance#ntara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan jenis 'arah yang betul bagi setiap bahan!




    A ar$on #io,i#earbon dioksida


    /inc su"phate"ink sulfat

    B a)nesiu+(agnesium

    ar$on #io,i#earbon dioksida

    /inc su"phate"ink sulfat

    C a)nesiu+(agnesium

    /inc su"phate"ink sulfat

    ar$on #io,i#earbon dioksida

    D ar$on #io,i#earbon dioksida

    /inc su"phate"ink sulfat


    5 ia)ra+ 1 shows the interconersion of the states of +atter.)ajah * menunjukkan perubahan keadaan jirim.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    Dia(!a% 1Rajah 1

    -hich interconersion ino"es the re"ease of ener)!+erubahan keadaan manakah yang melibatkan pembebasan tenaga!

    A o"i# as+epejal as

    C 9iqui# o"i#Ceair +epejal

    B 9iqui# asCeair as

    D o"i# 9iqui#+epejal Ceair

    ) -hich of the fo""owin) set ups of apparatus is correct to #eter+ine the +e"tin) point of naptha"ene#ntara susunan radas berikut, yang manakah betul untuk menentukan takat lebur naftalena!




  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom



    * The fo""owin) state+ents are a$out #iffusion.+ernyataan berikut adalah berkaitan dengan resapan.

    : The tin! partic"es are #iscrete"arah-'arah halus adalah diskret

    : The tin! partic"es +oe ran#o+"! to fi""

    up an! aai"a$"e space

    "arah-'arah halus bergerak seara rawakuntuk mengisi ruang

    -hich situations are e,p"aine# $! the state+ents a$oe&ituasi manakah yang diterangkan oleh pernyataan di atas!

    ( e"tin) of "ea#;((< $ro+i#e+eleburan plumbum/001 bromida

    (( o+$ustion of +a)nesiu+ in air+embakaran magnesium dalam udara

    ((( =aporisin) of "iqui# $ro+ine in air+engewapan eair bromin dalam udara

    (= isso"in) of potassiu+ +an)anate;=((< cr!sta" in water

    +elarutan hablur kalium manganat/2001 dalam airA ( an# ((

    (dan ((

    C (( an# (((((dan (((

    B ( an# (=(dan (=

    D ((( an# (=(((dan (=

    + -hich su$stance wi"" su$"i+ate when heate#Bahan manakah akan memejalwap apabila dipanaskan!

    A Naphtha"ene3aftalena

    B A++onia#mmonia

    C >ro+ineBromin

    D -ater#ir

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    , ia)ra+ 2 shows a +o#e" of an ato+.)ajah 4 menunjukkan satu model atom.

    Dia(!a% 2Rajah 2

    -hich scientist intro#uce# this +o#e"#hli sains manakah yang memperkenalkan model ini!

    A ?ohn a"ton

    B ?a+es ha#wic*

    C Ernest Rutherfor#

    D ?oseph ?ohn Tho+son

    1- ia)ra+ 3 shows the s!+$o" for e"e+ent +a)nesiu+.)ajah 5 menunjukkan simbol bagi unsur magnesium.

    )Dia(!a% 3Rajah 3

    @ow +an! protons% e"ectrons an# neutrons are there in a +a)nesiu+ ato+Berapakah bilangan proton, elektron, dan neutron yang terdapat dalam satu atom magnesium!




    A 12 12 12

    B 12 12 36

    C 24 24 12

    D 24 24 36

    11 -hat is isotopes#pakah isotop!

    A Ato+s of the sa+e e"e+ent with the sa+e nu+$er of proton#tom-atom bagi unsur yang sama dengan bilangan proton yang sama

    B Ato+s of the sa+e e"e+ent with the sa+e nu+$er of neutron#tom-atom bagi unsur yang sama dengan bilangan neutron yang sama

    C Ato+s of the sa+e e"e+ent with #ifferent nu+$er of neutrons#tom-atom bagi unsur yang sama dengan bilangan neutron yang berbe'a

    D Ato+s of the #ifferent e"e+ents with the sa+e nu+$er of proton#tom-atom bagi unsur yang berbe'a dengan bilangan proton yang sama

    12 ia)ra+ 4 shows the e"ectron arran)e+ent of ato+ 6.

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    )ajah 7 menunjukkan susunan elektron atom 6.

    Dia(!a% $Rajah !

    -hich of the fo""owin) e"ectron arran)e+ent has the sa+e nu+$er of a"ence e"ectron as the ato+ 6#ntara susunan elektron berikut, yang manakah mempunyai bilangan elektron 8alens yang sama dengan atom


    A C

    B D

    13 -hich of the fo""owin) e"ectron arran)e+ents has four a"ence e"ectrons

    #ntara susunan elektron berikut, yang manakah mempunyai empat elektron 8alens!A C

    B D

    1$ Ta$"e 1 shows the proton nu+$ers of e"e+ents an# T.

    an# T are not the actua" s!+$o"s of the e"e+ents.Jadual * menunjukkan nombor proton bagi unsur & dan T.

    & dan T bukan simbol sebenar unsur-unsur itu.


    !oton n&%be!om#or $roton

    T 17

    /able 1%a&ual 1

    -hich of the fo""owin) state+ents are true a$out e"e+ents an# T

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    #ntara yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentang unsur & dan unsur T!

    ( E"e+ents an# T are in the sa+e )roup in the Berio#ic Ta$"e9nsur & dan unsur T berada dalam kumpulan yang sama dalam Jadual Berkala

    (( Ato+ has a $i))er ato+ic sie than ato+ T#tom & mempunyai sai' atom yang lebih besar daripada atom T

    ((( Ato+s an# T hae seen a"ence e"ectrons#tom & dan atom T mempunyai tujuh elektron 8alens

    (= E"e+ent is +ore reactie than e"e+ent T9nsur & adalah lebih reaktif daripada unsur T

    A ( an# ((((dan (((

    C (( an# (((((dan (((

    B ( an# (=(dan (=

    D (( an# (=((dan (=

    15 ia)ra+ 5 shows the e"ectron arran)e+ent of a "ithiu+ ato+.)ajah : menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi satu atom litium.

    Dia(!a% 5Rajah 5

    -hich state+ent is true a$out this ato++ernyataan manakah yang benar tentang atom ini!

    A The nu+$er of a"ence e"ectrons is 3Bilangan elektron 8alens ialah 5

    B The tota" nu+$er of e"ectrons is 3Jumlah bilangan elektron ialah 5

    C The nuc"eon nu+$er is 33ombor nukleon ialah 5

    D The proton nu+$er is 13ombor proton ialah *

  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    ;#J# %7 Chemistry Chapter 4< The &truture of #tom

    1 Ta$"e 1 shows the +e"tin) point an# $oi"in) point of four su$stances.Jadual * menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bagi 7 bahan.


    Meltin( oint

    0C'akat le#ur


    Boilin( oint

    0C'akat &i&ih

    ()C*- 8C 14C

    D 5 33

    1C 6C

    / 8CC 1 4CC

    /able 1%a&ual 1

    ;a< -hat is the ph!sica" state of an# / at roo+ te+perature#pakah keadaan fi'ikal bagi = dan " pada suhu bilik!



    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    ;$< raw the arran)e+ent of partic"es of at roo+ te+perature.@ukis susunan 'arah-'arah = pada suhu bilik.

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;c< E,p"ain wh! su$stance D has a "ow +e"tin) point an# $oi"in) point.Terangkan mengapa bahan A mempunyai takat lebur dan takat didih yang rendah.

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;#< raw the set up of apparatus to #eter+ine the +e"tin) point of su$stance -.

    @ukis susunan radas untuk menentukan takat lebur bagi bahan ;.

    G3 +ar*sH

    >5 markah?


  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    ;#J# %7 Chemistry Chapter 4< The &truture of #tom

    ;e< *etch the )raph of te+perature a)ainst ti+e for su$stance - when it is heate# fro+ roo+

    te+perature unti" it reaches a te+perature of 1CCI.@akarkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi bahan ; apabila ia dipanaskan daripada suhu bilik sehingga

    menapai suhu *C.

    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    2 Ta$"e 2 shows the +e"tin) point an# $oi"in) point of four su$stances.Jadual 4 menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bagi 7 bahan.












    - 5 33

    D 1C 6C

    8C 14C

    / 8CC 1 4CC

    /able 2%a&ual 2

    ;a< -hat is the ph!sica" state of D an# / at roo+ te+perature#pakah keadaan fi'ikal bagi A dan " pada suhu bilik!



    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    ;$< raw the arran)e+ent of partic"es of D at roo+ te+perature.@ukis susunan 'arah-'arah A pada suhu bilik.

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;c< E,p"ain wh! su$stance - has a "ow +e"tin) point an# $oi"in) point.

    Terangkan mengapa bahan ; mempunyai takat lebur dan takat didih yang rendah.


  • 7/25/2019 2 the Structure of the Atom


    ;#J# %7 Chemistry Chapter 4< The &truture of #tom

    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    ;#< raw the set up of apparatus to #eter+ine the +e"tin) point of su$stance .@ukis susunan radas untuk menentukan takat lebur bagi bahan =.

    G3 +ar*sH

    >5 markah?

    ;e< *etch the )raph of te+perature a)ainst ti+e for su$stance when it is heate# fro+ roo+

    te+perature unti" it reaches a te+perature of 1CCI.@akarkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi bahan = apabila ia dipanaskan daripada suhu bilik sehingga

    menapai suhu *C.

    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    3 ia)ra+ 1.1 shows an ato+ of an e"e+ent $ase# on the +o#e" $! ?a+es ha#wic*.)ajah *.* menujukkan satu atom bagi satu unsur berdasarkan model atom oleh James Chadwik.

    Je!F+etunjuk* markah?

    ;c< ;i< -rite the e"ectron arran)e+ent for o,!)en ato+.Tulis susunan eletron bagi atom oksigen.

    G1 +ar*H>* markah?

    ;ii< tate the a"ence e"ectron for o,!)en ato+.3yatakan eletron 8alen bagi atom oksigen.

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;#< ar$on12 an# ar$on14 are the isotopes of car$on.arbon-*4 dan karbon-*7 adalah isotop karbon.

    ;i< -hat is +eant $! isotopes#pakah yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop!

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;ii< tate the use of car$on14 in archeo"o)! fie"#.3yatakan kegunaan karbon-*7 dalam bidang arkeologi.

    G1 +ar*H

    >* markah?

    ;e< ;i< -rite the ato+ic s!+$o" for ch"orine ato+.Tuliskan simbol bagi atom klorin.

    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?

    ;ii< tate the t!pe of partic"es present in ch"orine )as3yatakan jenis 'arah yang terdapat di dalam gas klorin!

    G2 +ar*sH

    >4 markah?