2 Seas FBF Catalog 2011

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Rights catalog for FBF 2011.

Transcript of 2 Seas FBF Catalog 2011

2 Seas Agency

2011 Frankfurt Catalog

Table of ContentsWorld Rights | FictionDe Boer Merijn, Precocial Birds 2De Jong Nol, The Disastrous Height of Philip Asjkenazi 2Eekhaut Guido, Absinth 3Eijsbouts Michiel, That’s What She Said 3Geçtan Engin, The Smell of Fried Bonito 4Karasu Bilge, The Garden of Departed Cats 4Mulder Siska, After Delphine 5Osinga Richard, A Devil With a Soul 5Van Deijl Frans, Monday Monday 6Van Vlier Mischa, Cold Ground 6Visser Judith, Broken 7Wang Lulu, Wild Roses 7Zeelenberg Annette, A Quiet Departure 8

World Rights | Non-FictionAltucher James, How To Be The Luckiest Person Alive! 8Azula Altucher Claudia, 21 Things to Know Before Starting… 9Coppens Thera, Sophie in Weimar 9Ertur B. & Sokmen M., Waiting for the Barbarians 10Krohnen Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles 10Nasser Vali, Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System 11Stam Huib, Herring. A Love Story 11

Selected Territories | FictionBergvelt Joyce, Lord of the Imperial Surname 12Bossong Nora, Weber’s Record 12Gagnon Pierre, The Old Man 13Haratischwili Nino, My Gentle Twin 13Lenze Ulla, The Small Remains of Death 14Mungan Murathan, Chador 14Musso Guillaume, Call from an Angel 15Neven DuMont Alfred, The Diver 15Pradelski Minka, And Along Came Mrs. Kugelmann 16Van Galen Alex, Devil’s Sonata 16Von Steinaecker Thomas, Tola 17

Selected Territories | Non-FictionNasser Vali, The Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being 17Paul Jacques, Robert-Esil Jean-Luc, The Beautiful Book of the Universe 18Peynaud Emile, The Taste of Wine 18Various, The Essential Health Guides 19Various, Collection “Little Experiments in Psychology” 20

2 Seas Agency Rights 2 Seas Agency Rights


Nol de Jong, The Disastrous Height of Philip Asjkenazi (De rampzalige lengte van Philip Asjkenazi)

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Novel | June 2011 | 224 pages

Philip Asjkenazi grows up as a discreet boy in a provincial town. After graduation, he becomes a 3rd class civil servant at the department of Youth and Guardianship. After having spent a night of heavy drinking, he decides to become an Important Person. He dresses differently, starts to behave in an inaccessible manner, enters a complicated love triangle with two women, and de-velops a plan to re-educate deprived young people and turn them into full members of society. This project will be his definite breakthrough in becoming the man of distinction he yearns to be. On his way up, he will not spare anything or anyone.

Nol de Jong depicts with irony and psychological insight the life of a man who wants to rise high but eventually falls low.

The Disastrous Height of Philip Asjkenazi is a thrilling and sometimes macabre novel about how far someone can go in order to reach his goals.

Nol de Jong (1947) is a psychologist with a PhD in medical science. The Disastrous Height of Philip Asjkenazi is his fourth novel. He lives and works in Amsterdam and the South of France.


Merijn de Boer, Precocial Birds (Nestvlieders)

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Short stories, novellas | September 2011 | 192 pages

Precocial Birds contains two novellas and two short stories in which everything is just a little bit different than it initially appears. The perfect life of Prince, a former shot-putting champion, turns out not to be based on much. A dull fellow resident of a modern condominium leads a fascinating double life. The trip Balthasar Tak sets off on gradually changes into a descent into hell. And in the final story a son returns to his parental home for the first time after his cat has died—or so it seems.

It is with subtle humor that Merijn de Boer depicts these precocial birds who, each in their own man-ner, try to escape from the alienation from their own being as well as society.

Merijn de Boer (1982) studied in Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. He is an editor with publishing house G.A. van Oorschot and the literary magazine Tirade. He has already published stories in the eldest Dutch literary magazine De Gids, which received considerable praise.

He has also published articles in among others De Parelduiker and Spiegel der Letteren.


Guido Eekhaut, Absinth (Absint)

Dutch | De Boekerij | Crime novel | 2009 | 336 pages

Rights sold: Germany (Rowohlt)

Winner of the Hercule Poirot Award 2009, the annual Belgian award for the best crime novel

How deeply has the Russian mob infiltrated into Dutch politics?

Chief inspector Eekhaut is sent from Brussels to Amsterdam to work with the Dutch national intel-ligence service. Together they will investigate the criminal activities of a Russian financial mogul. The trail leads to another sensational affair: a young, left-wing dissident has stolen a list of con-tributors to a populist right-wing party and he is found murdered the next day. While the hunt for the list shifts to full gear, Eekhaut is mired in a cesspool of intrigues in which the Dutch crime

scene, the Russian mob, politics and business are all involved.

Absinth is an action packed thriller and police procedural combined, where current themes are moulded into one sweeping story. This is the first thriller of an author already showing huge talent, and whose style can be ranked with the top of the genre.

Guido Eekhaut, born in 1954 in the Belgian city Leuven, is an author, journalist and culture philosopher. He published a dozen books at various publishing houses in Belgium and Holland. One of his first novels, De cirkeljaren, was awarded with The City of Brussels award. His articles have appeared in various financial magazines and newspapers, such as the Financieel Economische Tijd, De Standaard and Bizz. His interest in future studies and in philosophy started thirty years ago, and he has been developing his ideas ever since drawing inspiration from fiction and futurology.

Also available with 2 Seas Agency by the same author: follow-up crime novel Catharsis.

Michiel Eijsbouts, That’s What She Said (Dat zei mijn vrouw vannacht ook al)

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Novel | November 2011 | 240 pages

Bert and Michiel are the young heroes of central Amsterdam copy shop Toppie Copy. Their biggest fear is to receive a customer who wants to have a t-shirt printed, as they forgot how to do that trick a long time ago. But if offending customers were a national sport, they’d be longtime Dutch champions.

These are strange times in the copy industry. Customers stay away, and those who still show up are annoying assholes. The employees of Toppie Copy know this, and struggle constantly to keep their job as simple as possible. They manage to get through their workdays thanks to lots of smoking, drinking and waffling.

Then they suddenly receive an alarming message from their Headquarters: their branch will be submitted to a thorough inspection. Now they really have to get some work done.

That’s What She Said is a hilarious novel about work morale, sexual frustration and the wonderful world of today’s middle class.

Michiel Eijsbouts (1979) is a writer and broadcaster. He studied philosophy until he obtained a job in a copy shop. His expe-riences as a service employee in that shop have become the basis of That’s What She Said.

Fiction World Rights


2 Seas Agency Rights 2 Seas Agency Rights


Bilge Karasu, The Garden of Departed Cats (Göçmüs Kediler Bahçesi)

Turkish | Metis | Novel | 1979 (7 reprints) | 230 pages

Rights Sold: English (New Directions), German (Literaturca), Russian (Amphora), Spanish (Estruen-domudo), and Ukrainian (Folio)

English reading sample available

Winner of the 2004 National Translation Award in the USA for the English translation published by New Directions.

A surreal, utterly unique novel. In an ancient Mediterranean city, a tradition is maintained: every ten years an archaic game of human chess is staged, the players (visitors versus locals) bearing wea-pons. This archaic game, the central event of The Garden of Departed Cats, may prove as fatal as

the deadly attraction our narrator feels for the local man who is the Vizier, or Captain, of the hometeam. Their “romance” (which, though inconclusive, magnetizes our protagonist to accept the Vizier’s challenge to play) provides the skeletal structure of this experimental novel. Each of their brief interactions works as a single chapter. And interleaved between their chapters are a dozen fable-like stories. The folk tale might concern a 13th-century herbal that identifies a kind of tu-lip, a “red salamander,” which dooms anyone who eats it to never tell a lie ever again. Or the tale might be an ancient story of a terrible stoat-like creature that feeds for years on the body of whomever it sinks its claws into, like guilt.

These strange fables work independently of the main narrative but, in curious and unpredictable ways (and reminiscent of Primo Levi’s The Periodic Table), they echo and double its chief themes: love, its recalcitrance, its cat-like finickiness, and its refusal to be rushed.The Garden of Departed Cats is a work of peculiar beauty and strangeness, the whole layered and shiny like a piece of mica.

Bilge Karasu (1930-1995) graduated in philosophy and taught this subject at University for many years. One of Turkey’s most respected writers, Karasu published four books of short stories, three novels and four collections of essays.

His writings have been awarded several national and international prizes, among which the 2004 National Translation Award in the USA for the English translation of The Garden of Departed Cats.


Engin Geçtan, The Smell of Fried Bonito (Kizarmis Palamutun Kokosu)

Turkish | Metis | Novel | 2001 (3 reprints) | 242 pages

Rights Sold: Arabic (Dar Kreidieh)

English reading sample available

“The desire to live more than one life...”

A beautiful novel about Istanbul, the city of innumerable cultural and historical layers. After many years in New York, the main character is enticed by the nostalgic smell of fried bonito to return to his native Istanbul, only to find that he never really knew this city, the city which is not “one.”

His phantasmagoric journey through the different ages and cultures of the megalopolis is at once a quest after culture and a journey of self-knowledge. With its vivid descriptions of the ages and

people that Istanbul has accommodated, The Smell of Fried Bonito can also be read as a literary exploration of what it is to be foreign and what “nativeness” involves.

Engin Geçtan is a practicing psychotherapist. Between the years 1975-1987, he wrote four psychiatry books that have a significant following outside professional readership. Later, he began working on novels and scenarios and taught at univer-sities in Ankara and Istanbul. Drawing on his forty years of experience in psychiatry, some of his books deal with psychiatry and contemporary life on the verge of chaos.

Fiction World Rights


Siska Mulder, After Delphine (Na Delphine)

Dutch | De Boekerij | Thriller | 2010 | 320 pages

Delphine Zomerland has it all: a good marriage, two lovely daughters, a successful career and a group of close friends. However, one day she leaves everyone behind and disappears without a trace. Her best friend Nina is left in despair.

Why did Delphine not say anything before she left? And did she indeed leave voluntarily?

While trying to find the truth, Nina comes up against a wall of resistance from the group of friends. She realises she is on her own in her search for Delphine. Nina discovers that Delphine has lived a double life. Even her friends are not who they appear to be. Will revealing the thruth be worth the costs?

Siska Mulder shows how thin the line between love and hate is.

Siska Mulder (1971) is an author, columnist and journalist.

Also available with 2 Seas Agency by the same author: her debut novel Deaf.

Richard Osinga, A Devil With A Soul (Een Duivel met een Ziel)

Dutch | Nieuw Amsterdam | Novel | October 2011 | 240 pages

During WWI, two French soldiers meet each other again in the trenches near Verdun. More than four years ago, Le Moine and Pisani helped Morocco’s Sultan in his battle against rebellious Berbers.

While Pisani was struggling to survive during the unexpected siege of Fez, Le Moine had gone off looking for a Berber girl he wanted to save from slavery. Destiny had confided her to him. He felt responsible for her, just like he used to feel responsible for his mentally challenged sister Colette.

Le Moine never had the occasion to tell Pisani how this expedition nearly cost him his life.

Osinga relates the story of this moving historical novel with the sharp analytical perspective of an outsider.

Richard Osinga (1971) studied Economics and General Arts, specializing in French and Arabic Literature. During his college years he spent one year in Morocco. He joined the diplomatic service in Algeria and Senegal for a short while, and currently runs a company in interactive applications. A Devil With A Soul is his fourth novel.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Mischa van Vlier, Cold Ground (Koude Grond)

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Novel | September 2011 | 336 pages

Rotterdam, the near future. The city is on fire again, but unlike the first time—it was bombed dur-ing WWII—the inhabitants themselves are now the instigators. The long-dreaded racial riots rage through the streets, and its violence and blood do not spare anyone. Flames devour mosques, churches and police stations. A state of emergency has been established, but even the army doesn’t succeed in controlling the situation.

From his apartment window, a man observes the downfall of his town with mixed feelings. He doesn’t know how it will end, but what he does know, is how this chaos started: because of him.Cold Ground is the story of a Rotterdam inhabitant who can no longer stand the violence, hatred and decay that surround him, and decides to act upon it. Because he loves his city and his country. His actions do not only make him the inciter, the person who lit the fuse, but they also turn him

into the enemy of everything he stands for.

Mischa van Vlier wrote a moving novel about the tension in today’s society, politicians, and the media.Cold Ground is a topical, daunting, and confronting debut novel. But above all, an extremely thrilling reading experience.

Mischa van Vlier (1976) is a historian and journalist. He grew up in Rotterdam but moved to Leiden to study history. He now works as a television reporter in the Netherlands and abroad.


Frans van Deijl, Monday Monday

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Novella | February 2011 | 128 pages

For 10-year-old Timon there are many reasons to be worried. Even though he grows up in a quiet suburb, the world seems to be on fire. Mr. Slijgers, his school teacher, obviously hates him. He wants to play in the school soccer team, but doubts whether he is good enough. And this horrible song Monday Monday, that he keeps hearing on the radio, makes it even worse as it reminds him of that traumatizing spring day, when he saw a dead man. As if this isn’t enough, death keeps playing a dominant role in the young boy’s life. In his room up in the attic, with a view on the moon, Timon learns that nothing is what it seems and that, in spite of everything, life is wonderful.

Monday Monday is a moving novella full of atmosphere, which describes the turbulent 1960s through the eyes of a child growing up.

Frans van Deijl (1957) is reporter with the Dutch weekly magazine HP/De Tijd. Besides Monday Monday he has written sev-eral other critically acclaimed books.

Fiction World Rights


Judith Visser, Broken (Stuk)

Dutch | De Boekerij | Thriller/Young Adult | 2008 | 302 pages

English reading sample available

Broken was on the shortlist of De Gouden Strop, the foremost Dutch award for the best thriller of the year.

Elizabeth is sixteen years old and goes to the Mercator High School in Rotterdam. She is horribly bullied by a couple of classmates, but they manage to do so without anybody else noticing. Eliza-beth’s parents have divorced a few years before and with her mother burying herself in her work to try and forget the pain, Elizabeth feels increasingly isolated. The only positive thing is her classmate Alec. He is a calm, handsome boy, and older and wiser than the other boys in her class. Alex is da-ting Riley, an exceptionally beautiful, blond and sweet girl and Elizabeth likes to imagine how her life

would be if she was more like Riley.

Broken explores the dramatically changing thoughts and feelings of a traumatized teenager who is not only trying to deal with the daily, horrible humiliations she suffers, but also with her feelings of loneliness, insecurity, and anger. What happens when Elizabeth chooses to unleash her unbridled imagination and exacts her revenge to bring her powerlessness to an end?

Broken has sold over 25,000 copies since its publication, and is being made into a play.

Judith Visser (1978) lives with her husband and two dogs near Rotterdam. Her first two novels Tinseltown and Antidote both won the Best Rotterdam Book of the Year award. Her thriller Broken was very well received and shortlisted for the prestigious De Gouden Strop prize. She continued this success with Crossing and Trip. Her latest thriller Time Out has been published in September 2011.

Also available with 2 Seas Agency by the same author: Tinseltown, Antidote, Crossing, Trip, and Time Out.

Lulu Wang, Wild Roses (Wilde rozen)

Dutch | De Boekerij | Novel | 2010 | 480 pages

Twelve year old Qiangwei (‘Wild Roses’) grows up during the Cultural Revolution. She hungers for friendship and love, but even more for the warmth of her absent parents. She has an uneasy relationship with her mother, who is interned in a re-education camp and whom she sees only twice a week. Her father is in the army and stationed halfway across the country. Qiangwei’s changing body makes her restless, and the political and social developments in China add to the hardship in her life. She tries to find answers to her many questions, but everyone seems to have a different version of the truth.

Just like her international best-selling The Lily Theater, Wild Roses is based on Lulu Wang’s own childhood in China. In Wild Roses Wang places the adventures and opinions of a twelve year old girl next to those of her family and friends, and offers a kaleidoscopic image of a turbulent time for her

motherland and herself.

Lulu Wang (1960) was born in Peking and immigrated to Holland in 1986, when she was 25. She learned to speak Dutch within a year and soon after decided to write her fiction in this new language. Her literary debut was in 1997 with Het lelietheater (The Lily Theatre), one of the best-sold debut novels of all time. Het Lelietheater has been translated into 19 languages and received the prestigous Nonino-Award in Italy in 1998. Lulu Wang has also written several other novels and two short stories. More than 1.2 million copies of her work have been sold worldwide.


2 Seas Agency Rights Annette Zeelenberg, A Quiet Departure (Een stil vertrek)

Dutch | Nieuw Amsterdam | Novel | September 2009 | 320 pages

Her departure from the Netherlands is sudden, to say the least. Her white laundry, with the red sock, is still soaking in the washing machine. Her motive is simple: “I was offered a new job.”

Kay tries to find her way in the tiny Dutch department of an American university. She would like to feel at home, but she can’t seem to settle in. She feels lonely and unsafe, even though she befriends some people. To her own surprise, she buys a small gun.

Then she meets a handsome man with intense green eyes in a Grand Café. Using the gun, she threatens the man and takes him home with her. His reaction is unexpectedly calm: “I’ve been looking for you, I’ve come to protect you.” During the following months he will come to her when Kay needs him, but she wants more . . .

Annette Zeelenberg (1961) has always been working with texts and writing. She used to be a translator and worked for Unicef. She has been a freelance copywriter since 2008.


James Altucher, How To Be The Luckiest Person Alive!

English | CreateSpace | Inspirational non-fiction | April 2011 | 166 pages

“I’ve made a lot of money. I’ve lost a lot of money. I’ve lost homes/family/friends. I’ve made some of the above back. I’ve gotten really lucky. Several times. With determination, I’ll make it stick. And I think you will also.”

Building from the core you can create the luck you need, the health you want, and find the wealth, success, and happiness you seek. This book describes the techniques I’ve used through-out my life to get the luck I needed to get through both the hard times and the great times.LISTEN! You’ve been hypnotized. You’ve been told you need a corporate job. You need a college degree. You need stability. You need the white picket fence. Snap your fingers in front of your face. The American Religion is a myth. You don’t need the superficial external manifestations of the American Myth. Building from the core you can create the luck you need, the health you want, and find the success you seek. Stability is only in your mind. There’s $15 Trillion dollars in our economy, recession or no recession. It’s falling like snow. Reach out with your tongue and

taste it.

James Altucher has been one of the most outspoken bloggers and traders of our generation and, as a consummate con-trarian, his opinions frequently fly opposite to conventional wisdom.

As managing director of Formula Capital, an asset management firm and fund of hedge funds, James has brought a lot of professional experience to the table. In addition, he has written four books on investing.

How To Be The Luckiest Person Alive! is his most recent book. In his spare time, James also writes for The Wall Street Jour-nal and AOL Finance.


Non-Fiction World Rights


Claudia Azula Altucher, 21 Things to Know Before Starting an Ashtanga Yoga Practice

English | CreateSpace | Health & spirituality | May 2011 | 164 pages

“The daily practice of Ashtanga Yoga has made me physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. I am very grateful. When I first started practicing I wished I had a handbook that answered basic questions, encouraged me on how to go about those first classes, guided me on whether to travel to Mysore or not.

Recently someone who has been attracted to this style of yoga asked me if I could provide such a guide because he said: “it all felt very intimidating from the perspective of a beginner.” I completely related. That is how 21 Things to Know Before Starting an Ashtanga Yoga Practice was born.

I am mostly interested in how we use the practice to be honest with ourselves and cut the leaks. How we can be more kind in our every-day lives. How yoga melts and alchemizes us into being use-

ful beings that serve society, and how it helps us use our energy in an efficient way.”

Claudia Azula Althusser’s first blog started back in 2006, but in 2008 she transitioned into blogger. Before that she worked in the corporate world for a very long time until yoga “recruited” her and changed her life for the better.

In the spring of 2000 she took one of her first yoga classes at a local gym. At the corpse pose (savasana) she found her-self crying and later realized that a big hip release during practice had helped her release and old emotion, hence the tears. She noticed that there was more to yoga than just exercise and decided to pursue it.

Thera Coppens, Sophie in Weimar

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Biography | May 2011 | 704 pages

2 Seas represents: World Translation Rights, except German

The liberal Sophie of the Netherlands (1824-1897) is the youngest child of King William II and Queen Anna Pavlovna. At the age of 18 she sets off to Weimar, where she is to be married to her full cousin Carl Alexander, heir to the Grand Duke Von Sachsen Weimar Eisenach.

During their reign in Weimar, Carl Alexander and Sophie commit themselves fully to promoting the visual arts, music, theater and literature in their court. Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, Hans Christian Andersen, and many national and international painters are received as friends.

Sophie inherits Goethe’s entire literary heritage, which she looks after carefully. In the meantime, she never looses interest in the dynasty of her native country the Netherlands, which seems to pe-

rish under the reign of her eldest brother William III.

Thera Coppens (1947) is the author of many historical books and has also written articles for Dutch newspapers and maga-zines.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Michael Krohnen, The Kitchen Chronicles. 1001 Lunches with J. Krishnamurti

English | Edwin House | Memoir | 1997 | 302 pages

Rights Sold: Japan (Cosmos Library), Mainland China (Fuller Culture & Media), and Spanish World Rights (Kairos).

The Kitchen Chronicles is a moving and surprisingly humorous memoir by the cook to one of the 20th Century’s great figures, Indian-born philosopher J. Krishnamurti. In a modern quest for truth the author chronicles the daily life in Krishnamurti’s kitchen and at his table. This insightful, fast-paced memoir reveals the private life of Krishnamurti, his splendid sense of humor, his affectionate friendships, and probing intelligence. Photographs place Krishnamurti in his California home with friends and associates.

J. Krishnamurti was one of the leading spiritual philosophers of the 20th century--a revolutionary teacher and author who traveled the world spreading his message of consciousness and wholeness. Michael Krohnen never imagined he would become a chef, let alone cook and serve meals to this man, whom he had studied and admired for years. But chef he became, from September, 1975 until Krishnamurti’s death in 1986.

In this capacity he became witness to Krishnamurti’s daily life, habits and mealtime conversations. Krohnen shares with us a rare glimpse into the private life of Krishnamurti, revealing him as a man of rare integrity, the same person in private as in public. Krohnen describes Krishnamurti’s extraordinary ability to reach into people’s minds, even over lunch: “It was as if a common consciousness was created in which the normal barriers from one person to the other became non-existent.”

Rather than seeing him as a spiritual icon, Krohnen recalls how human Krishnamurti was--a man who experienced and ex-pressed great emotion and loved to laugh. Listen to these fascinating memoirs about one of the greatest spiritual minds of our time.


B. Ertür & M. Sökmen (eds.), Waiting for the Barbarians. A Tribute to Edward W. Said (Barbarlari Beklerken. Edward W. Said Anisina)

Turkish | Metis | Essays | October 2009 | 236 pages

Rights Sold: Arabic (Dar Kreidieh), World English Rights (Verso), Germany (Verlag auf dem Ruffel)

English translation available

In engaging with the richly varied and seminal scholarship of Edward W. Said, Waiting for the Bar-barians aims to recover the notion of culture as a collective, hybrid and plural experience, in light of the political imperative that rules our present.

Bringing together some of the figures most closely associated with Said and his scholarship, this comprehensive volume looks at Said the literary critic and public intellectual, Palestine, and Said’s intellectual legacy: the future through the lens of his work.

Preface by Edward W. Said’s widow Mariam Said | Keynote Address by internationally praized author Elias Khoury.


I) The Power of Literature II) Speaking Truth to PowerIII) The Question of PalestineIV) Looking at Today Through Said’s Lenses

Non-Fiction World Rights


Vali Nasser, Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System

English | Lulu | Extra-curricular education | 2005 | 114 pages

Rights Sold: Germany (Lulu), Japan (Futami Shobo), Mainland China (Beijing University Communica-tion Press), and Taiwan (Planter’s Press)

Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System makes learning basic mathematics more rewarding. The average pupil will be able to work out calculations such as 46X44, 95X95 and 116X114 mentally, often faster than a calculator!

Pupils will understand how to work out squares, cubes, percentages, fractions, and equations with ease. Paper and pencil will still be required for most questions, but the speed and accuracy of calcu-lations will improve significantly. This in turn motivates pupils to learn more.

This book provides smart strategies for mastering basic Number work and Algebra. These two areas are the building blocks in mathematics. Once pupils can master these aspects they will feel confident to tackle other branches of mathematics.This book is suitable for children from 10 to 14 years of age, but adults who have found mathematics difficult in the past will also benefit from it. In addition professionals who want to do fast calculations will find it useful in their work.

Vali Nasser has degrees in Mathematics & Physics as well as in Psychology. He has had Senior Consulting roles in Organi-zational Development & Managing Change at AT&T USA and Oracle UK. He has also been privileged to manage a UK wide Maths project at Oxford & Cambridge Examining Board. More recently, he has been a Teacher of Maths in Schools & in Adult Education. Vali is currently retired and writing more books, after having published Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System, The Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being, Mathematics Tricks Using the Vedic System, and Sudoku and Number Sequences.

Huib Stam, Herring. A Love Story (Haring. Een Liefdesverhaal)

Dutch | J.M. Meulenhoff | Narrative non-fiction | May 2011 | 320 pages

2 Seas represents: World Translation Rights, except German

In this vibrant story, Huib Stam, who himself was born into a family of fishers, examines the her-ring phenomenon and the question: what have a thousand years of herring fishing and herring trade meant to the Netherlands?

The typically Dutch herring stalls selling Hollandse Nieuwe (Dutch New, raw soused herring from the catches around the end of spring and the beginning of summer, typically eaten with raw onion) are the result of an extremely fascinating historical development. For instance, 15th century com-mercial herring fishing was an example to the early modern economy of the Golden Age, a period in Dutch history, roughly spanning the 17th century, in which the Dutch trade, science, military and

art were among the most acclaimed in the world.

Furthermore, the herring fleet was at the basis of the omnipotent Dutch mercantile marine. As for the fish itself, it provided the proteins and omega-3 fatty acids which the population needed to grow.Herring. A Love Story is an accessible and surprising book about the history, economy and culture of the Dutch herring.

Huib Stam (1956) was a journalist and critic for Dutch newspapers and magazines, writing about film and television. He worked for one of Holland’s national television stations and makes documentaries. He now is a copywriter and writes ar-ticles about historical subjects.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Nora Bossong, Weber’s Record (Webers Protokoll)

German | FVA | novel | March 2009 | 284 pages

Rights Sold: Argentina (Eterna Cadencia)

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

Press reviews:

- “The most talented writer of her generation!” ~ Neue Züricher Zeitung- “Composed with the suspense of a crime novel, the objective of philosophical concerns, with his-torical precision and psychological flair.” ~ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

In Weber’s Record, a young narrator reconstructs Weber’s past with the help of an old diplomat: an exciting novel, artistically synchronizing various levels of time - a book about a German diplomat under Hitler, and in Post-war Germany, where everybody’s trying to forget about the past.

Konrad Weber is the deputy head of the German Consulate in Milan, a seemingly peaceful place in 1943, which protects him from the daily routine of the Nazi dictatorship. After his superior retires, he has Palmer, a much younger and inexperienced henchman plonked in front of him. Palmer finds out about some discrepancies in the books of account Weber is responsible for. Wendler, an acquaintance of his, provides a way out of Weber’s more than difficult situation, but this is certainly not in an act of charity. He proposes a risky deal.

Nora Bossong (1982) lives in Berlin. She has already been awarded several prizes and scholarships. Her research took her to Rome, Milan and Zurich where she came into contact with the highly official but secretive world of diplomats and state secretaries. An extract from Hereabout, her first publication, won the Leipzig Literary Scholarship and a Scholarship of the Jürgen-Ponto-Foundation.


Joyce Bergvelt, Lord of the Imperial Surname

English | Not yet published / Sebes & van Gelderen | Historical novel | 467 pages

2 Seas represents: Simplified & Complex Chinese, French, and World English Rights

Southern China, early seventeenth century. Formosa (Taiwan) is an unclaimed, isolated island that serves as no more than a pirates’ haven. On the Chinese mainland, the great Ming dynasty, which has ruled China for more than three hundred years, is under threat from the advancing Manchus and slowly coming to an end.

The Dutch, who already have a strong presence in the Far East with their regional Dutch East Indian Trading Company headquarters in Batavia, arrive in the area. They are envious of the Portuguese, who exercise their exclusive trading rights with the Chinese from their trade enclave of Macao. When diplomacy fails, the Dutch often resort to force to obtain the highly desired, lucrative trade relations with the Chinese Empire.

Lord of the Imperial Surname is closely based on actual historical events and tells the little-known story of the thirty-eight years of colonisation of 17th century Formosa by the Dutch, and of Koxinga, the man responsible for expelling the colonists from the island.

Dutch-born Joyce Bergvelt (1963) left Holland for Japan at the age of ten, her nomadic childhood later taking her to Eng-land and finally, Taiwan, where she took up studying Chinese. She returned to England to embark on a degree in Chinese Studies, which brought her to Beijing for a year at the Peoples’ University. She continued her nomadic lifestyle with her hus-band, living in the Middle East and Australia. She returned to the Netherlands in 2009 and presently lives in Rotterdam with her husband and two teenage children.

2 Seas Fiction


Pierre Gagnon, The Old Man (Mon vieux)

French (Canadian) | Ed. Hurtubise / Agence Littéraire Patrick Leimgruber | novella | 2009 | 88 pages

2 Seas represents: Dutch and English (USA) rights

Rights Sold: France (Autrement) and Italy (Barbès)

Press reviews: “Tiny novel, gigantic humanism.” ~ Le Canada Français“We savour this very short novel for the justness of its tone, the tenderness of its message and the light that shines in spite of the dusk which rules when life comes to an end.” ~ Coup de pouce

Upon his retirement, a former civil servant who used to be in charge of social aids adopts 99-year-old Léo. He knows him from the old people’s home where he used to visit his aunt before she passed away. When Léo agrees to move in with him it is the beginning of a true adventure.

“The Old Man” depicts the significant details of their daily life together, focusing on the efforts and attention the narrator carries out towards Léo. It is nevertheless Léo, his patience and accommodating nature, which teach the narrator a lesson about life: “without big speeches, merely through gestures and simple intentions, this man shows me how to lead a harmo-nious life.” One morning, Léo takes a bad fall while picking up the daily newspaper. He is taken to hospital. When he returns home, he merely is the shadow of the man he used to be---he is losing his mind. In spite of the tenderness he feels for “his” old man, and the efforts he undertakes to adapt to Léo’s increasing insanity, which are as enormous as they are witty, the narrator will eventually have to choose.

Pierre Gagnon (Arthabaska,1957) has lived in Quebec since 1960. After studying at the “Conservatoire de musique de Québec” he founded the band Slick and the Outlags with a friend, the actor Yves Jacques. He became and still is a com-poser of music and themes of advertising programs.

In 2002, he had a cancer and underwent seven months of chemotherapy. Life changed. Two years later, he began the story of his adventure and launched 5-FU, the story of a man fighting the disease. It’s a success.In 2007, he published C’est la faute à Bono and in 2008, Je veux cette guitare. His latest book, Mon vieux, was sold to Autrement in France in 2009 and to Barbes in Italy in 2010; both editions are best-sellers.Pierre Gagnon is presently writing a new novel.

Nino Haratischwili, My Gentle Twin (Mein sanfter Zwiling)

German | FVA | novel | Fall 2011 | 380 pages

Rights Sold: Italy (Mondadori)

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

My Gentle Twin is an intriguing love story between a man and a woman who can impossibly love each other – due to a stroke of fate that binds them together like brother and sister.

Ivo and Stella have been chained to each other since early childhood by a common fate and a passionate but destructive love. Each of their attempts to live without each other, to escape the vicious circle of their wild erotic encounters and quarrels filled with hatred, fails. My Gentle Twin narrates the story of this big love relationship and fatal passion. Step by step and layer by layer, a

dire family drama is unveiled that forever binds Stella and Ivo together. Starting from that very moment when Ivo entered her life, Stella tells her family history in flashbacks. She relates her father Frank’s affair with Ivo’s mother, the afternoons in the remote house near the port, where the couple met and the children played together while observing their parents mak-ing love. As a result of their parents’ love affair, Ivo and Stella get closer. One fateful day Ivo’s father unexpectedly returns home from a business trip. Discovering his wife’s adultery, he shoots her.

Nino Haratischwili, born in 1983 in Georgia, is a successful and award-winning novelist, playwright and director. Feeling at home in two worlds, each with their own language, she has been writing both in German and Georgian since the age of twelve. In 2010 her debut novel Juja was nominated for the several national awards, among which the German Book Prize. She lives as a freelance director and author in Hamburg.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Murathan Mungan, Chador (Çador)

Turkish | Metis | Novella | January 2004 (2 reprints) | 110 pages

2 Seas represents: Translation rights worldwide, except Spanish and Portuguese.

Rights Sold: France (Actes Sud), Germany (Blumenbar), Greece (Kastaniotis), Italy (Giunti)

English reading sample available

Returning to his homeland after many years and a violent regime change, Akhbar plunges into a desperate search for his loved ones: his mother, his sister, and his lover. Akhbar’s journey from door to door and city to city in this war-torn land only leads him to increasing unfamiliarity. Most disconcerting of all, women have disappeared from sight behind their burkas, as Akhbar protests, “Half of life is missing.”

An unsettling tale of homecoming, Chador explores the alienation caused by oppression, loss and fear.

Murathan Mungan holds an MA degree in drama and has worked for the State Theater as a dramaturge. As one of the most prominent and prolific contemporary writers of Turkey, he has published poetry, short stories, plays, novels, screenplays, radio plays, essays, film and theater criticism, song lyrics, and political columns. His works have been published in Bosnian, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Kurdish, Norwe-gian, Persian and Swedish.

Also available with 2 Seas Agency by the same author: Gloves, Stories (2009, Rights sold: France [Actes Sud])


Ulla Lenze, The Small Remains of Death (Der kleine Rest des Todes)

German | FVA | novel | spring 2012 | approx. 140 pages

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

“Heavens full of wonder.” ~ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about Sister and Brother“This book is wonderful in any possible way!” ~ Kölner Stadtanzeiger about Archanu

Since her father has been killed in a plane accident, Ariane somehow seems to have vanished as well. Sleep overwhelms her in any situation, coffee ornaments crust on her walls, electricity has been cut in her flat and her PHD-thesis remains a fragment. The rushing silence of the Indian Palani Mountains, where she spent months in a Zen monastery, seems lightyears away. At least, since she has woken up beneath her lover’s window one morning, she knows that something is wrong with her. But how to live wisely and straightforwardly when death is not willing to fit into life, when there is always

something left: the memory of a last goodbye at the platform, the strange presence in the messages left on the answering machine and the torturous question if her own father has burnt alive.

While mother and sister cling to the bureaucratic handling of the bereavement, Ariane stumbles and staggers, looking for help. But the longtime devoted ex-boyfriend is newly enamoured, her fashionable lover of academic circles is not willing to have his spirits damped by deep emotions, and her former best friend always disappears as quickly as she has turned up. Finally Ariane finds out that she can only help herself and she embarks on a journey right into the centre of her fears. With her poetic, pin sharp pictures Ulla Lenze gets so close to the experience of parting and self-loss that it becomes physically present and tangible. Breathlessly, one follows the first-person narrator and longs for her salvation. However, one knows that she is now so close to things as you can only be in moments of deepest mourning and crisis.

Ulla Lenze (Mönchengladbach, 1973) studied music and philosophy in Cologne. In 2003 her award-winning debut novel Schwester und Bruder (Sister and Brother) was published by DuMont. Her second novel Archanu was released by Ammann Verlag in 2008. Ulla Lenze writes literary travel reports from all over the world. Her travels took her e.g. to Lybia, Iran and to India. Today she lives as a freelance author in Berlin and Mumbai.

2 Seas Fiction


Guillaume Musso, Call From an Angel (L’appel de l’ange)

French | XO Editions | Thriller | March 2011 | 400 pages

2 Seas represents: Dutch Rights

Rights Sold: Brazil (Verus/Record), Germany (Pendo/Piper), Korea (Balgungesang), Taiwan (Crown), Thailand (Amarin), United Kingdom (Gallic), Vietnam (Nha Nam)

English translation available

New York, JFK Airport. In a packed airport lounge, a man and a woman literally run into each other, spilling their belongings on the floor. After a brief shouting match, they go their separate ways.Madeline and Jonathan have never met before, and should never have met again. However, as they hurried to collect their things, they switched mobile phones. When they realise their mistake, they

are already more than 6,000 miles apart: She is a florist in Paris, and he owns a restaurant in San Francisco.It doesn’t take long before they give in to temptation and explore the contents of each other’s phones. An indiscretion on both their parts, but which leads to an unexpected revelation: their lives are linked by a secret that both thought would stay buried forever.

Born in 1974 in Antibes (near Cannes), Guillaume Musso first encountered literature at the age of ten, and from then on, he became convinced that one day, he too would write novels. At the age of 19, Guillaume Musso left for the United States, where he spent several months, discovering and falling in love with New York. To pay for his trip, he took a job as ice cream vendor, and he lived with workers of varied nationalities. He admits to having learned a lot during that time. In any case, he returned to France with his head filled with ideas for novels.After getting a degree in economic science, he decided to become a teacher to transmit and share his knowledge with young people. In 1998, Guillaume Musso had a car accident. Fortunately, he came out of it unharmed but it got him thinking about Near Death Experience. The accident inspired him to imagine a story about a man who came back to life after a brush with death. He submitted Afterwards, his first novel, to Parisian publishers. Bernard Fixot, founder and CEO of XO Editions, was completely seduced by his powerful mix of love and supernatural, and decided to bet on this young author. Now, Guillaume Musso is a phenomenon. Through his eight novels, translated the world over, this 36-year-old has conquered the hearts of millions of readers, and has imposed an original style, where suspense and emotion are closely woven together.

More than 10 million copies of his books have been sold in France, and they have been translated into 34 languages!

Alfred Neven Dumont, The Diver (Reise zu Lena)

German | FVA | novel | March 2009 | 256 pages

Rights Sold: USA (St. Martin’s Press)

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

Press reviews:- “An exceptionally gifted first-person narrator.” ~ Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

Albert and Ann have been married for decades. Albert is at the peak of his career, upright Ann gives him encouragement. Beside their son who works for his father’s business they have a breathtaking daughter, Glorie. They seem the perfect family.

But then suddenly Glorie is taken ill. Physicians, psychoanalysts, exhausting hospitalizations: nothing helps. Her only rays of hope are the travels she does with her best friend Christie, most lately to the Cayman-Islands. When Glorie does not return from one of their dives, Albert’s world falls apart. One day Christie shows up at their house. She wants to take Albert to the country where her mother Lena lives. There she’s willing to tell him the truth behind Glorie’s death. Albert leaves his house and leaves Ann to go find himself.

Alfred Neven DuMont is one of the last great patriarchs and Germany’s most important media barons. In 1953 he joined the publishing company M. DuMont Schauberg at the age of 26. Today he owns various German tabloids and newspapers. Alfred Neven DuMont is honorary professor at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg and lives in Cologne.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Alex van Galen, Devil’s Sonata (Duivelssonate)

Dutch | A.W. Bruna / Sebes & van Gelderen | Literary thriller | March 2010 | 232 pages

2 Seas represents: Simplified & Complex Chinese, French, and World English Rights

Rights Sold: Germany (Suhrkamp/Insel)Film Rights Sold: Smarthouse Films (international co-production)

Press reviews: “Some people are born to write. Alex van Galen is one of those privileged people.” ~ Crimezone“A very entertaining, romantic thriller.” ~ NRC Handelsblad

In his second novel, Alex van Galen shows he’s a great writer. Devil’s Sonata is the story of the pia-nist Notovich, known all over the world because of his virtuoso interpretations of Fransz Liszt. But

Notovich is so possessed by this diabolic music, that he blacks out during a performance. His behavior is getting more and more fanciful, his love for the beautiful Senna more destructive. Paranoia and his manic depression are used against him. Notovich gets involved in a piano duel with another great composer: Valdin. Who of them is able to play the mythical Devil’s sonata, which according to urban stories, was composed by Liszt?

Devil’s Sonata is a suspense novel about passion and loss, depression and mania, art and the relation between what’s real and what’s not. The devil is the drawback, which lives in anyone of us.

Alex van Galen (1965) studied Literature at the University of Utrecht. He achieved fame as a screenwriter at dozens of successful television shows. In 2007 he sold his film script Bullitz to Hollywood. After this, he published his first thriller The Successor, of which the movie rights were sold immediately to Hollywood as well.


Minka Pradelski, And Along Came Mrs. Kugelmann (Und da kam Frau Kugelmann)

German | FVA | novel | September 2005 | 254 pages

Rights Sold: Italy (Neri Pozza), Netherlands (Signatuur), USA (Metropolitan)

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

Press reviews:- “The simplicity of Frau Kugelmann’s words provides a most unusual, refreshing, and poignant treatment of a subject so complex and dark” ~ Publishing Trends- “We highly recommend this wonderful book.” ~ TV show “Lesen”

Two women of different ages with two different pasts: an elderly survivor of the Holocaust and a young Jewish woman who for the first time is confronted by the personal account of her family’s story. A charming read about an almost forgotten time and about the drift between generations.

When a young woman Zippy Silberberg unexpectedly inherits a fish knife and fork from her recently deceased aunt Halina in Israel, she decides to retrieve the inheritance face-to-face. When she arrives at the hotel in Tel Aviv, she encounters the chubby Bella Kugelmann, an elderly survivor of the Holocaust, who persistently knocks on her door. Finally Zippy opens the door and Mrs. Kugelmann narrates the story of her life and of the jovial times before the occupation. As her story begins to darken, a reference to the fish knife and fork awakens Zippy to the possibility that Mrs. Kugelmann’s stories of a long-forgotten world are the history of her own family.

And along came Mrs. Kugelmann is the first novel by sociologist and documentary writer Minka Pradelski. She has been working for a project on the consequences of the massive trauma experienced by survivors of the Nazi regime. She has also been working as an honorary member for the Steven Spielberg Shoa Foundation and for several other social commis-sions of the Jewish community in Frankfurt, where she lives.

2 Seas Non-Fiction


Thomas von Steinaecker, Tola (Schutzgebiet)

German | FVA | Novel | August 2009 | 388 pages

Please contact us for further information regarding the territories we represent.

Press reviews:

- “We have not seen such a whizz in years!” ~ Tagesspiegel- “Exceedingly entertaining!” ~ Das Magazin

1913, a German African colony. In isolated fort Benesi a motley crew of expatriates are tempting fate: the once wealthy timber merchant Gerber and his beautiful but mysterious sister Käthe, the upright officer Schirach who is willing to make his small black protection force a Prussian army, the drug addict physician Dr. Brückner, and the scientist Lautenschlager who is -with topee helmet and plate camera- searching for unknown tribes.

Right in the middle of this ensemble stands Henry, a castaway. He comes from a wealthy family, but being so far away from home he has to get by through assuming the identity of his boss, who died in a shipwreck. Under a false name he plans a city which is to be built in the steppe, a truly bold venture.

Vali Nasser, The Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being

English | Lulu | Self-Help | 2010 | 108 pages

2 Seas Represents: Chinese Simplified, Japanese, and Korean rights.

Rights Sold: Taiwan (Planter’s Press)

The Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being is not a quick fix guide to happiness. Its main emphasis is to point out the findings on happiness studies that have withstood the rigor of ‘controlled’ trials. This book demonstrates that several intuitively appealing techniques that show initial promise, fail to show the benefits claimed, when put to scientific scrutiny.

On a more optimistic note the author investigates a number of tried and tested techniques in the field of Positive Psychology that can actually help us feel happier, as well as techniques in Cognitive

Behavior Therapy that can improve our well-being. This book includes many practical examples as well as activities that individuals can undertake to improve their happiness and well-being.

Vali Nasser has degrees in Mathematics & Physics as well as in Cognitive and Social Psychology. He has had Senior Consult-ing roles in Organizational Development & Managing Change at AT&T USA and Oracle UK. He has also been privileged to manage a UK wide Maths project at Oxford & Cambridge Examining Board. More recently, he has been a Teacher of Maths in Schools & in Adult Education. In addition, he has been practicing Mindfulness Meditation for 5 years. Vali is currently retired and writing more books, after having published Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System, The Psychology of Happiness and Well-Being, Mathematics Tricks Using the Vedic System, and Sudoku and Number Sequences.


2 Seas Agency Rights


Emile Peynaud, The Taste of Wine (Le Goût du vin)

French | Dunod | Winetasting | 2006 (4th edition) | 256 pages

2 Seas Represents: Dutch and Scandinavian rights.

Rights Sold: Argentina, Brazil, China, Italy, Korea, Spain, Taiwan.

Previous edition: English (Wiley).

More than 50.000 copies sold in France since its first edition!

Emile Peynaud’s The Taste of Wine has long been considered the definitive book on winetasting by professional tasters.

The Taste of Wine is Peynaud’s complete examination of the science and practice of winetasting, with detailed treatment of the senses and how they function, tasting techniques and problems, wine balance and quality, winetasting vocabulary, training, and the art of drinking. A brilliant synthesis of the Bordeaux and Burgundy/Beaujolais schools of tasting, Peynaud’s unique method combines the subjective description of wine with well-established scientific principles--forming an approach which is definitive, comprehensive, and free of esoteric jargon.

The text is beautifully complemented by a carefully selected range of illustrations and full-color photographs, which give full expression to the principles and spirit of the book.

As vital to increasing our understanding of winetasting as it is to enhancing our appreciation of wine, The Taste of Wine will be savored by professionals and amateurs for generations to come.

The Taste of Wine is the complete guide to the science and practice of winetasting. Covering all of the essential elements of the subject, from the physiology and experience of the senses to tasting techniques, vocabulary, training, and quality assessment, Peynaud’s singular approach is a masterful combination of the empirical and statistical styles of winetasting--a blend as distinctive and enduring as wine itself.

Whether you are an oenologist, wine producer, wine merchant, restaurateur, or informed consumer, The Taste of Wine is now yours to enjoy!


Jacques Paul, Jean-Luc Robert-Esil, The Beautiful Book of the Universe (Le beau livre de l’univers)

French | Dunod | Science | October 2011 | 420 pages

2 Seas Represents: Dutch and Scandinavian rights.

Where does the color of galaxies come from? Should we be afraid of cosmic rays? What will hap-pen to the Sun? Are there other universes?After the success of the Beautiful Book of Mathematics, this magnificent full-color work retraces the history of the universe in 200 major stages of formation. Like a leitmotif Haley’s Comet, which appeared near Earth for the first time over 10 million years ago, is a recurring figure in this story. The entries are in chronological order from the Big Bang to the hypothetical Big Rip. Each concept or discovery is the object of a short description and a beautiful and evocative full color illustration.


2 Seas Non-FictionEssential Health Guides

The Guides provide a very useful tool for patients and their families, while they also contribute to a better doctor- patient relationship: the more quality knowledge a patient receives, the better he or she will stick to treatment plans, pose relevant questions to health professionals,and respond to treatment.

Technical features

140 x 190 mm 64 pagesfull color throughout General readers / Wide audience

Guides Contents

All books have been organized in four sections:

Disease PresentationThis section describes the nature of each disease, its process and symptoms. It also features the epidemiology facts, which help to prevent patients from feeling victimized.Furthermore, provides information about the diagnosis, as well as causes and risk factors.

Control and treatmentThis section describes the major treatments and drugs available for the disease. it also covers the available resources for alleviating symptoms and reducing possible complications, including a “household kit” which con-tains not only medicines but all the necessary tools and devices to tackle each condition.

Living with the diseaseThis section features the best strategies aimed at living with the disease at each stage of life and in every situ-ation (from holidays and trips to sports, school and work). it also offers nutritional information, seasonal.

ResourcesThis section features two kinds of resources: those intended to “learn more”, which enable patients and their families to gather more knowledge by directing them to the most reliable sources; and those intended to aid patients, including emergency numbers.


French | Dunod | 2 Seas Represents: Dutch and Scandinavian Rights

This collection presents the most recent and surprising experiments and discoveries in the world of psychology be they scientific, cognitive or behavioral. An original and accessible introduction to psychology in the form of pedagogical files, questions, amusing tests or examples, and accounts of the results of experiments which enables a better understanding of human psychology.

Why Does Your Head Heal Your Body? (Pourquoi votre tête soigne-t-elle votre corps ?)Gustave-Nicolas Fischer, Virginie DodelerFebruary 2011 - 264 pagesA work about the new directions in psychology (well-being, health, and illness) and their practical applications that is intended for those concerned with their own well-being or who, being ill, are seeking new paths to treat and improve their chances of being cured. Virginie Dodeler: Senior lecturer in social psychology at the University of Rennes Gustave-Nicolas Fischer: Honorary professor of social psychology

An Elephant’s Memory: Real tricks and false ideas (Une mémoire d’éléphant : vrais trucs et fausses idées)Alain LieuryApril 2011 - 248 pagesRights sold: Russia and VietnamThis educational work full of humor, teeming with examples, gives an overview of the various methods for memory develop-ment. It is illustrated with the most surprising of experimental results. A “classic” subject often treated in a dry academic or utilitarian manner is here reconsidered in a mixture of science and clarity.Alain Lieury, “Monsieur Mémoire” is well-known in the media.

Everything You Should Know To Understand Others (Tout ce que vous devez savoir pour mieux comprendre vos semblables)Serge CiccottiFebruary 2011 - 2nd edition, 424 pagesRights sold: China, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Romania, and VietnamThe most surprising discoveries of scientific psychology in 150 reports on experiments to better understand the psycho-logical functioning of others.Serge Ciccotti is a psychologist and associate researcher at the University of South Brittany.

The Psychology of the Consumer - to better understand how you are influenced (Psychologie du consommateur - pour mieux comprendre comment on vous influence)Nicolas GuéguenMarch 2011 - 2nd edition - 280 pages Rights sold: Brazil, China, Italy, Korea, Romania, Russia, and TaiwanAn updated 2nd edition that includes all the latest experiments in consumer psychology from 2008 to 2010. The most surprising discoveries of scientific psychology in 100 reports on scientific experiments to better understand the techniques used to influence consumer behavior.

Why Should We Smile if We Aren’t Attractive? The psychology of seduction(Pourquoi faut-il sourire si l’on n’est pas beau? Psychologie de la séduction)Nicolas GuéguenMarch 2011 - 256 pagesRights sold: China, Greece, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, and VietnamThe most surprising discoveries of psychology in 100 reports on experiments to better understand the mechanisms of seduction and behavior of those in love.

Do Babies In Marseilles Have The Accent? (Les bébés de Marseille ont-ils l’accent ?)Serge CiccottiNovember 2010 - 224 pages Rights sold: Brazil, China, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Korea, Russia, Romania, and Sweden

Is TV Harmful to Your Health? (La télé nuit-elle à votre santé ?)Sébastien BohlerNovember 2010 - 2nd edition - 256 pages Rights sold: Romania and Vietnam


ContactMs. Marleen Seegers

Mr. Derek Dodds

2 Seas AgencyT +1 805 633 0622 | F +1 866 380 7554

1129 Maricopa Hwy, Suite 175Ojai, California 93023



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