2 days Day 1 Day 2. Waves Aren’t Just In Water Thursday February 23 rd, 2012 Warm-up:...

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Transcript of 2 days Day 1 Day 2. Waves Aren’t Just In Water Thursday February 23 rd, 2012 Warm-up:...

2 daysDay 1

Day 2

Waves Aren’t Just In WaterThursday February 23rd, 2012


(1)Brainstorm and record different examples of waves. (list your answers!)

(2)Write a definition of a wave using prior knowledge. (complete sentence: A wave is…)

Objective: Students will be able to analyze a spring toy demonstration in order to explain the role of energy in wave production.

Homework: Gradesheet Signed

Question…Are waves just in water?

What other types of waves are there?

ScenarioLook over the Middle School Reporter add!

What jobs are open at the new teen club?

What do you need to know for these jobs?

ScenarioRead an e-mail from a group of teens who just

read the middle school reporter help wanted


The ad is looking for people who know about sound, light and color.

Are sound, light and color waves?

DemonstrationWatch the demonstration

Record what you see happen

You are watching…. A wave moving through a spring toy

Brain PopIn order to explain wave motion and learn more

about types of waves, watch the brain pop about waves.

During the video complete the following: Write 2-4 things you learn about waves that you

didn’t know before!

ClosingWhat is a wave?

What did you learn about waves today?

Waves Aren’t Just In WaterFriday February 24th, 2012

Warm-up: * Please answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES*

(1) What is a wave? (2) What did you observe with the motion of the spring toy?

Objective: Students will be able to analyze a spring toy demonstration in order to explain the role of energy in wave production.

Homework: Gradesheet Signed!!! (Due by Wednesday!)



Date: Today

Each job at the teen center requires knowledge of light and sound waves. What exactly is a wave?

Got me! The only waves I know about are water waves, stadium waves, and waving your arms.

Well, I think the first step at landing this job is figuring out exactly what a wave is and what causes them.

Date: Today

Each job at the teen center requires knowledge of light and sound waves. What exactly is a wave?

Got me! The only waves I know about are water waves, stadium waves, and waving your arms.

Well, I think the first step at landing this job is figuring out exactly what a wave is and what causes them.

DemonstrationWhich will transfer more energy? Pulling one

coil, or pulling 15 coils of the spring toy?

Record your observations of the spring toy demonstration into the chart of your foldable.

Which trail transferred the greatest amount of energy?

Classwork (in green foldable)1. Preview the graphic organizer to identify the

information you need to focus on while reading.

2. Read pages 6-10 from the Sound and Light textbook and complete the organizer as you read.

Graphic OrganizerWhat is a wave?What is a wave?

What is energy?What is energy?

What is a medium? What is a medium?

How is the medium How is the medium associated with the associated with the wave?wave?

What is vibration and What is vibration and how is it related to a how is it related to a wave?wave?

Explain how waves Explain how waves transfer energytransfer energy


WAVESWhat is a wave?

A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.

What is energy?The ability to do work (motion).

WAVESWhat is a medium?

A medium is the material through which a wave travels.

How is the medium associated with the wave?

A mechanical wave needs a medium to travel and transfer energy from place to place.

WAVESWhat is vibration and how is it related to a

wave?A vibration is a repeated back and forth

or up and down motion. This motion is the wave.

WAVESExplain how waves transfer energy.

A moving object has energy. The moving object can transfer energy to a nearby medium, creating a wave.

In other words, when an object is vibrating it will hit another object that is at rest. When hit, the object at rest will start to vibrate and will then hit an object at rest next to it. This happens over and over again as a wave moves and transfers energy.

DiscussionWhy did the spring toy trial with more coils

produce a wave with more energy?

When pulling more coils, there is more mass that is moving. If there is more mass that is moving, there is a greater vibration that moves from coil to coil in the medium. The greater the vibration, the more energy the wave has.

Analysis : Spring Toy

Hint: Describe what a wave is. Describe how the energy is transferred through the toy.

Explain how the spring toy is a model of a wave and how the toy transfers energy.

Justify your response with evidence from the investigation.

Restate the following and answer in complete sentences.

Expected responseA wave is a disturbance that transfers energy.

In the spring toy demonstration, the toy was moved by the person causing a disturbance in the toy. The toy is a medium which carries the wave. The motion that is produced is the wave moving through the spring toy. The vibrations of the springs transfer energy from one spring to the next; thus creating a wave.

Here Big notes like Outlines will go

Indicator 1: Wave Characteristics

Vocabulary Words that Need to Be Copied


Directions / Warm-ups
