2 Corinthians 2:10-11New King James Version (NKJV) …  · Web view07.01.2017 · God make us...

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Transcript of 2 Corinthians 2:10-11New King James Version (NKJV) …  · Web view07.01.2017 · God make us...

Scary Prayer Day 1: Make us HungryThis is a scary prayer because it exposes unrighteousness. Praying this exposes the lies you have been trusting. We are praying for a Holy desire to begin to set our lives and the lives of others.

Father God, Fall afresh on my heart and mind. Prepare my heart and mind to hear from the Holy Spirit. Renew in me a hunger for you and your word.

Father God, I pray you bring to my mind any mountains that are causing me to not have a proper desire for you. (See list and confess anything Holy Spirit shows you)

Fear of disappointment in God, Pride- lack of need for Him, Laziness Disinterest in spiritual growth, Unbelief, Business, Fear of becoming a “crazy Jesus person” guilt and shame…feel you can’t pray, you feel God doesn’t hear you, Ask God to show you any other way ______________________________.

Father God, I confess these things to you and I surrender them to you. Move these mountains and fill those areas with your truth. I thank you and praise you for Jesus. God I pray in Jesus name you breathe into my life and the lives of my children, husband, friend, extended family. God make us hungry and thirsty for you, your word, and your righteousness. Help us to want to know you and your ways. Give us fresh eyes. Put people, places, and books in our lives that make our thoughts and desires turn to you and your will for our lives. God, return us to the joy of our salvation. Help us to remember how great it is to be loved by you. I speak this over my life, my children’s lives, my husband, my town, my country, and world. Open our eyes to the truth of your goodness. You have said if we ask we shall receive. I ask this by the power of Jesus and the blood of the cross and trust you are moving. In Jesus name, Amen.

Isaiah 43:18-Forget the former things l do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Not it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Praying for y’all!


Scary Prayer Day 2: Give us the Provision of HeavenThis is a scary prayer because it exposes the lie that Jesus isn’t enough. His word says to ask for daily bread, so we are!

Do you need money? Pray this:

Thank you for Jesus and the cross. Thank you for giving us a model on how to pray. Father, your word says if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to move and it will move. Father, I have mountains in the way of financial provision. Help me Jesus. I need you to make a way. I cancel any attack of the evil one and I pray you make a way. Search my heart Lord, and bring to my mind anything I am doing to hinder financial provision. (read list and confess)

Spend too much money because of image, house, car…ect.. Seek approval of others Entitlement- I deserve this purchase Laziness-lack motivation to work Retail therapy-This purchase will make me feel better

God, I pray you move the mountain of status and the approval of people, entitlement and laziness and give me the strength to trust you. I confess I’ve looked to these things for security and approval. Forgive me father and allow me to see how much you love me. God, help to see the mountains that are in the way of financial provision. I pray you open doors to jobs and bring clarity to my creativity as to what next steps you’d have me take in making money. Help me to focus my eyes on you and be obedient and a good steward of money. In Jesus name, Amen

Has God blessed you with money? Pray this!

Jesus, help me to be a good steward of money. Help me to be open- handed with the gifts you have given me. Give me eyes to see the needs of my neighbors, near and far. Help me to be a blessing to others in Jesus name. Open my eyes to how I can serve your church with my finances.


Dear God, I pray for financial provision for ministries big and small. I pray you remove all mountains in the way of the gospel being heard and spread to the nations. God there is no poverty in Heaven, I pray there is no poverty on Earth. Father, I lift up ______________ (choose any country) and I pray you begin to create systematic change so that hunger (spiritual and physical) is no longer a problem. I pray this in Jesus name! Amen

Isaiah 43:18-Forget the former things l do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now, it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Praying for y’all!


Scary Prayer Day 3: Healing This is a scary prayer because it requires us to look at the garbage that’s taking up space in our hearts and lives. We are removing the mountains that have served as band aids over areas of our hearts.

Don’t let fear keep you from asking God the scary questions.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for loving me enough to make a way for our lives and hearts to heal because of Jesus. Father, give me the strength to listen to what Holy Spirit is telling me. God, I surrender all my “garbage” to you and ask you identify what is keeping me from living in freedom and grace.

Any junk from my past-shame Sorrow, despair Daddy/mommy issues Abuse Regret.. “I can’t believe I did that” situations Really…anything that hasn’t been perfect. What do you think about that makes you feel less than

God’s perfectly loved daughter? If you can’t look at your past situations and see what God has done, there is room for His glory to touch your heart and heal it.

Father God, I give you my heart and all that’s in it. Jesus help me to surrender ________________ to you. Give me the strength to take the next steps to healing. Help me to see that you care about everything and nothing is too big or too small for you for your glory to make beautiful. I am ready for you to turn my ashes into beauty. Help me to be brave. In Jesus’ name.

Physical healing- Father God, there is no sickness in Heaven, I pray there is no sickness in _______________. I pray you remove all mountains that are in the way of ____________ and perfect healing. (This could be for attitudes and fears as well)Thank you Jesus for your saving grace and that by your stripes we are healed. I ask this in the powerful name of Jesus.

For the hurting-Jesus I lift up ________ they aren’t hearing good news from doctors. I ask for daily bread for them today God. I pray for all the joy, peace, laughter, comfort, and strength of Heaven to come down and fill their homes and hearts. Let them feel your presence today God and fill them with your perfect peace and comfort. In Jesus name, Amen

God, I pray against all sicknesses that plague your people. I pray against disease and for protection of those suffering. Please God, have mercy and provide cures and medicines to bring healing to the hurting and suffering. Heal your people God. In Jesus name, Amen


Scary Prayer Day 4: Move the Mountain of Judgment Jesus says mercy triumphs over judgment. Let’s search our hearts and ask God to reveal where judgment is. God’s love can’t reside where there is judgment…there is no room for it. Let’s make room for God and confess judgment.

Prayer for Judging others- Who do you look down on or feel superior than? These judgments wound us and them. They are HUGE Mountains that get in the way of your spiritual growth. Move them today in Jesus name! This list is simple…who do make fun of, get mad at, and think you are better than…it MATTERS! Take some time to reflect on this. It will make a huge difference.

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess my sin of judgment against ________ (person, or people group) by thinking or saying _______________( how you judge them). Please forgive me. I confess you are the only judge over this person. Give me eyes to view your people like you do. Help me to see people as image bearers of you. Remind me that the people I look down on….you see as the apple of your eye. I pray you cancel the effects of my judgment on them and I pray blessings over their life. Thank you for your forgiveness and mercy and help me to walk in love.

Prayer for Being Judged by Another

Dear Heavenly Father, I feel judged by ___________ (name)when this person does or says ___________. In Jesus name, I cancel the effects of this judgment in my life. Help me to forgive_____ from my heart, not just my mind. You are my judge. You love me and are well pleased with me. You say who I am. Protect me from people and words that keep me from feeling loved and valued. You hold my heart. Thank you for your unending love. In Jesus name,


Luke 6:37Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Praying for y’all!


Scary Prayer Day 5: Move the Mountain of Unforgiveness Forgiveness is a choice and it doesn’t mean forgetting. You want to move this mountain so you can be free! Holding onto to forgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. It’s ugly junk in your heart keeps you from living free.

Ask God to show you people who you need to forgive! Write it down and pray this prayer over each person.

Prayer for Forgiveness-

Dear Heavenly Father, I am trusting your word that you are sending me help. I can’t forgive on my own. I need the power of the Holy Spirit to help me break free from this bitterness and unforgiveness.

Jesus, I choose to forgive ____________(name) for what they did. (state what they did) Jesus, I choose to not hold what they did over their heads anymore. I choose forgiveness today for all the hurt they caused me (tell God about every. single. hurt.)

I choose to not hold onto my bitterness and resentment. I release this person to you. Please heal my injured heart and emotions and I speak blessings over their lives in Jesus name. I refuse to allow satan to use this to keep me from seeing the goodness of God. Help me Jesus to remember that I have been forgiven much so I can forgive much.

I ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus and all the authority I have in him, Amen.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11New King James Version (NKJV)10 Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one[a] for your sakes in the presence of Christ, 11 lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.

I pray this day is a day you will remember as you surrender the heavy weight of bitterness over to God who loves you and is always pursuing you!

Praying for y’all!


Scary Prayer Day 6: Move the Mountain of Unhealthy Relationships and Ties Scripture show us in many places how healthy relationships bring joy and how unhealthy relationships can have negative spiritual effects. It’s kind of crazy what happens when you bring these situations before the God and allow Him to free us from things we don’t even know are holding us back! This is a huge prayer for getting rid of “junk” in your heart. Invite Holy Spirit to show you which unhealthy relationships or tie you need to break in Jesus name!

Severe dependency to a person (parents/unable to “leave and cleave”, sibling, friend) Unhealthy sexual intimacy (this includes any and every sexual act done outside of marriage) Emotional Ties-(Who and what do you think about?) People, things, drugs, drinking, shopping,

ect Unhealthy Control-(Has there been any abuse in your life? Emotional, physical, sexual)

Prayer for Severe dependency and Emotional Ties:

Heavenly Father,

You showed me I have emotional ties to _______________(state EACH person or thing.)I bring those things to you and I break any all unhealthy ties that remain between ___________ and me. I give you any part of _________ that is still with me and I receive back any part of my heart they had. Show me my next steps in walking in freedom.

Prayer for Sexual Involvement (All people outside of marriage)

Dear God,

Please forgive me for all sexual behavior I did outside of marriage. I break all ties between __________ and me (List all people…if you don’t know. It’s fine. You can trust God.) I give you any part of ______’s heart that is still with me and I receive back any part of my heart I left with them. Thank you for healing me and show me my next steps in walking in freedom.

Prayer for Unhealthy Control


Help me to forgive_______ who had unhealthy control in my life. I break all ties with _________. I give you any part of this unhealthy tie that is with me. I receive back any part of my heart that I left with ________. Thank you for making a way to forgive and heal. Please show me my next steps to freedom and healing. In your powerful name I pray, Amen.

Colossians 2:2 That their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love.

Praying for y’all!


Scary Prayer Day 7: Deliver Us From Evil Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for this day and for your love for me. I thank you that you gave us Jesus and the cross. Father God continue to grow in me a desire to seek you and your truth. I pray that in Jesus name you continue to show me areas of my heart that I can turn over to you.

Father I lift up_____________ I pray you remove the mountains of lies from the enemy and allow them to hear the truth of the Gospel. God you have said to ask for Heaven on Earth. God I pray you break through whatever is in the way of them knowing you. Give them clear vision of your love for them.

Deliver __________ from the evil one. God, I pray your Spirit breaks out and pours into my life and the life of ___________. You said you would pour your spirit out on your sons and daughters. God, we ask you move and shower them with your goodness so that they are transformed by your goodness and grace.

Help us to be patient in the waiting. Help us to trust you as you start a new thing. Father God, help us to surrender our whole hearts and live a life as living sacrifices. Help us to never forget that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that we may declare the praises of you who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Jesus help us to never forget that you are everything.

In Jesus’ powerful name I pray,


Isaiah 43:18-Forget the former things. l do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Praying for y’all!
