(2) c sharp introduction_basics_part_i

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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This presentation comes with many additional notes (pdf): http://de.slideshare.net/nicolayludwig/2-c-sharp-introductionbasicsparti-38639098 - A Tour through other .Net Programming Languages - C# Syntax Cornerstones

Transcript of (2) c sharp introduction_basics_part_i

  • 1. Nico Ludwig (@ersatzteilchen) (2) Introduction of C# Basics Part I

2. 2 TOC (2) Introduction of C# Basics Part I A Tour through other .Net Programming Languages C# Syntax Cornerstones 3. 3 Challenge: Parse an Update Log Userstory: "As an administrator I want to know the latest updates on a PC, in order to get a report of that PC's state!" It is needed to parse the file "Software Update.log": 2009-04-06 12:43:04 +0200: Installed "GarageBand Update" (5) 2009-04-06 12:44:34 +0200: Installed "iMovie Update" (8) 2009-07-30 13:11:28 +0200: Installed "iMovie Update" (8) 2009-04-06 12:43:31 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8) How can we solve this problem? 4. 4 Visual Basic 10 (VB 10) Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Module Program Sub Main() ' check arguments from console If (0 < My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count) Then Dim latestUpdates As IDictionary(Of String, String) = New SortedDictionary(Of String, String) Dim parseRex As Regex = New Regex("[^""]*""(?[^""]*)""s*((?[^(]*))") ' open and check file, read a line For Each aLine As String In File.ReadAllLines(My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Item(0)) ' parse the line: e.g. 2009-04-06 12:42:58 +0200: Installed "Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update" (2) Dim match As Match = parseRex.Match(aLine) If (match.Success) Then ' store the parsed data Dim appName As String = match.Groups.Item("appName").ToString() Dim versionNo As String = match.Groups.Item("versionNo").ToString() If (latestUpdates.ContainsKey(appName)) Then If (0 < String.CompareOrdinal(versionNo, latestUpdates.Item(appName))) Then latestUpdates.Item(appName) = versionNo End If Else latestUpdates.Add(appName, versionNo) End If End If Next ' output the collected data to console For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In latestUpdates Console.WriteLine("App: {0}, Latest Update: {1}", item.Key, item.Value) Next End If End Sub End Module 5. 5 C++/CLI Part I #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace System::Collections::Generic; using namespace System::Text::RegularExpressions; int main(array^ args) { // check arguments from console if (0 < args->Length) { IDictionary^ latestUpdates = gcnew SortedDictionary(); Regex^ parseRex = gcnew Regex("[^"]*"(?[^"]*)"s*((?[^(]*))"); // open and check file, read a line for each (String^ aLine in File::ReadAllLines(args[0])) { // parse the line: e.g. 2009-04-06 12:42:58 +0200: Installed "Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update" (2) Match^ match = parseRex->Match(aLine); if (match->Success) { // store the parsed data String^ appName = match->Groups["appName"]->ToString(); String^ versionNo = match->Groups["versionNo"]->ToString(); if (latestUpdates->ContainsKey(appName)) { if (0 < String::CompareOrdinal(versionNo, latestUpdates[appName])) { latestUpdates[appName] = versionNo; } } else 6. 6 C++/CLI Part II { latestUpdates->Add(appName, versionNo); } } } // output the collected data to console for each (KeyValuePair^ item in latestUpdates) { Console::WriteLine("App: {0}, Latest Update: {1}", item->Key, item->Value); } } } 7. 7 F# 3 #light open System open System.IO open System.Text.RegularExpressions if 2 >= Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length then let parseRex = new Regex(@"[^""]*""(?[^""]*)""s*((?[^(]*))") // open and check file, read the lines, parse and process the data, output the processed data to console File.ReadLines(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(1).ToString()) |> Seq.map(parseRex.Match) |> Seq.filter(fun theMatch -> theMatch.Success) |> Seq.sortBy(fun theMatch -> theMatch.Groups.Item("versionNo").ToString()) |> Seq.map(fun theMatch -> theMatch.Groups.Item("appName").ToString(), theMatch.Groups.Item("versionNo").ToString()) |> dict |> Seq.sortBy(fun item -> item.Key) |> Seq.iter(fun item -> printfn "App: %s, Latest Update: %s" item.Key item.Value) 8. 8 C# 5 Part I using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { // check arguments from console if (0 < args.Length) { IDictionary latestUpdates = new SortedDictionary(); Regex parseRex = new Regex(@"[^""]*""(?[^""]*)""s*((?[^(]*))"); // open and check file, read a line foreach (string aLine in File.ReadAllLines(args[0])) { // parse the line: e.g. 2009-04-06 12:42:58 +0200: Installed "Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update" (2) Match match = parseRex.Match(aLine); if (match.Success) { // store the parsed data string appName = match.Groups["appName"].ToString(); string versionNo = match.Groups["versionNo"].ToString(); if (latestUpdates.ContainsKey(appName)) { if (0 < string.CompareOrdinal(versionNo, latestUpdates[appName])) { latestUpdates[appName] = versionNo; } } else 9. 9 C# 5 Part II { latestUpdates.Add(appName, versionNo); } } } // output the collected data to console foreach (KeyValuePair item in latestUpdates) { Console.WriteLine("App: {0}, Latest Update: {1}", item.Key, item.Value); } } } } 10. 10 Common Intermediate Language (CIL, also just IL) IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: newarr System.String IL_0007: stloc.s 08 // CS$0$0000 IL_0009: ldloc.s 08 // CS$0$0000 IL_000B: ldc.i4.0 IL_000C: ldstr "C:UsersnludwigDesktopapplication.properties" IL_0011: stelem.ref IL_0012: ldloc.s 08 // CS$0$0000 IL_0014: stloc.0 // args IL_0015: ldc.i4.0 IL_0016: ldloc.0 // args IL_0017: ldlen IL_0018: conv.i4 IL_0019: clt IL_001B: ldc.i4.0 IL_001C: ceq IL_001E: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0020: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0022: brtrue IL_0154 IL_0028: newobj System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary..ctor IL_002D: stloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_002E: ldstr "[^"]*"(?[^"]*)"s*((?[^(]*))" IL_0033: newobj System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor IL_0038: stloc.2 // parseRex IL_003A: ldloc.0 // args IL_003B: ldc.i4.0 IL_003C: ldelem.ref IL_003D: call System.IO.File.ReadAllLines IL_0042: stloc.s 0A // CS$6$0002 IL_0044: ldc.i4.0 IL_0045: stloc.s 0B // CS$7$0003 IL_0047: br IL_00EF IL_004C: ldloc.s 0A // CS$6$0002 IL_004E: ldloc.s 0B // CS$7$0003 IL_0050: ldelem.ref IL_0051: stloc.3 // aLine IL_0053: ldloc.2 // parseRex IL_0054: ldloc.3 // aLine IL_0055: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match IL_005A: stloc.s 04 // match IL_005C: ldloc.s 04 // match IL_005E: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group.get_Success IL_0063: ldc.i4.0 IL_0064: ceq IL_0066: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0068: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_006A: brtrue.s IL_00E8 IL_006D: ldloc.s 04 // match IL_006F: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.get_Groups IL_0074: ldstr "appName" IL_0079: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.get_Item IL_007E: callvirt System.Object.ToString IL_0083: stloc.s 05 // appName IL_0085: ldloc.s 04 // match IL_0087: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.get_Groups IL_008C: ldstr "versionNo" IL_0091: callvirt System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.get_Item IL_0096: callvirt System.Object.ToString IL_009B: stloc.s 06 // versionNo IL_009D: ldloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_009E: ldloc.s 05 // appName IL_00A0: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.ContainsKey IL_00A5: ldc.i4.0 IL_00A6: ceq IL_00A8: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00AA: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00AC: brtrue.s IL_00DA IL_00AF: ldc.i4.0 IL_00B0: ldloc.s 06 // versionNo IL_00B2: ldloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_00B3: ldloc.s 05 // appName IL_00B5: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.get_Item IL_00BA: call System.String.CompareOrdinal IL_00BF: clt IL_00C1: ldc.i4.0 IL_00C2: ceq IL_00C4: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00C6: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00C8: brtrue.s IL_00D7 IL_00CB: ldloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_00CC: ldloc.s 05 // appName IL_00CE: ldloc.s 06 // versionNo IL_00D0: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.set_Item IL_00D8: br.s IL_00E7 IL_00DB: ldloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_00DC: ldloc.s 05 // appName IL_00DE: ldloc.s 06 // versionNo IL_00E0: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Add IL_00E9: ldloc.s 0B // CS$7$0003 IL_00EB: ldc.i4.1 IL_00EC: add IL_00ED: stloc.s 0B // CS$7$0003 IL_00EF: ldloc.s 0B // CS$7$0003 IL_00F1: ldloc.s 0A // CS$6$0002 IL_00F3: ldlen IL_00F4: conv.i4 IL_00F5: clt IL_00F7: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00F9: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_00FB: brtrue IL_004C IL_0101: ldloc.1 // latestUpdates IL_0102: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator IL_0107: stloc.s 0C // CS$5$0004 IL_0109: br.s IL_012F IL_010B: ldloc.s 0C // CS$5$0004 IL_010D: callvirt System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>.get_Current IL_0112: stloc.s 07 // item IL_0115: ldstr "App: {0}, Latest Update: {1}" IL_011A: ldloca.s 07 // item IL_011C: call System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair.get_Key IL_0121: ldloca.s 07 // item IL_0123: call System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair.get_Value IL_0128: call System.Console.WriteLine IL_012F: ldloc.s 0C // CS$5$0004 IL_0131: callvirt System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext IL_0136: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0138: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_013A: brtrue.s IL_010B IL_013C: leave.s IL_0152 IL_013E: ldloc.s 0C // CS$5$0004 IL_0140: ldnull IL_0141: ceq IL_0143: stloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0145: ldloc.s 09 // CS$4$0001 IL_0147: brtrue.s IL_0151 IL_0149: ldloc.s 0C // CS$5$0004 IL_014B: callvirt System.IDisposable.Dispose IL_0151: endfinally 11. 11 What is the C# programming language? C# is standardized in ECMA-334. C# blends features of C++, Java and other popular languages. Without C# being based on Java, .Net would not have been a success! A CLS compliant language, ECMA and ISO/IEC standard. Major platform is Windows (compilers and CLR from MS). 12. 12 C# Core Features Multiparadigm language. Static typing by default. C-style syntax with extensions. CTS is the first class type system. C# is popular and evolving. Relatively short innovation cycles. Learned stuff gets stale early (~two years). C# is relatively simple to learn. It is basically pointer free. (We could use pointers. The CTS doesn't use pointers.) It doesn't use manual memory management, the runtime has a garbage collector. 13. 13 Structure of a C# Console Application // Program.cs using System; namespace ConsoleApplication { public class Program { // The execution of a program always starts in the method Main(). public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); } } } 14. 14 Code Snippets Hence we'll begin using snippets as code examples, i.e. no Main() etc.! In the end no fully runnable program code will be shown in upcoming lectures! // Program.cs using System; namespace ConsoleApplication { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); } } } Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); 15. 15 C# as a compiled Language C# reserves symbols for its grammar, these are called keywords. Syntax versus Semantics: Both statements do not mean the same, but the syntax is similar! Locals need to be initialized, uninitialized fields have default values. Compile time errors versus run time errors: Both statements are ok for the compiler. But the last one throws a DivisionByZeroException at run time. int count = 2; count = 2; int zero = 0; int oddResult = 42/zero; 16. 16 C# Syntax Cornerstones Part I Imperative Elements Basic elements: expressions, statements, blocks. They can be freely formatted. Imperative programming: Statements and blocks are executed sequentially. The order of execution of expressions is strictly defined in C#! The most elementary statements are variable definitions. Variable definitions make variables applicable in the code. By default, variables need to be typed on definition, this is called static typing. Implicit and dynamic typing is also possible, but we stick to explicit static typing in this course. Besides definition, variables can be initialized and assigned to. Initialization gives initial values to a variable. Assignment sets a variable to a new value. if (answerIsOk) { Console.WriteLine("Result: "+(3 + 4)); } int age = 19; age = 25; double width = 32.8; 17. 17 C# Syntax Cornerstones Part II Types Primitive types are integrated types, whose objects can be created with literals. Simple value integral types: int, long (etc.). Simple value float types: float, double (etc.). Simple value boolean type: bool. Simple value character type: char. Reference text type: string. (an alias C# keyword for the .Net type System.String) We can create compile time constants (const) of primitive type. There exist value types (e.g. int) and reference types (e.g. string). Variables of reference type are often simply called references. Explicit type conversion: Explicit conversions are done with explicit casts or the as operator. Explicit conversions can be done safely with checked expressions and contexts. The type System.Convert (various types) and the methods ToString()/Parse() (string). // Conversion with cast: int i = (int)2.78; // Conversion with as: string text = choice as string; 18. 18 C# Syntax Cornerstones Part III Identifiers and Comments C# uses case sensitive identifiers, we have to obey common conventions. aString is not the same identifier as aStRiNg! We've to use a common notation (e.g. camelCase or PascalCase) as convention! Language specific characters can be used (e.g. umlauts) as well as the underscore. C# keywords mustn't be used as identifiers. Comments can be applied everywhere in code. We should exploit comments! The usage and definition of methods will be discussed later. Methods are .Net's pendant of functions/member functions in other languages. In the next slides we're going to understand the most important operators in C#. /* commented */ /** commented */ // commented /// commented (triple slash) 19. 19 Operator Notations Arity Binary operators Unary operators Ternary operator // Addition as binary operator: int sum = 2 + 3; // Increment as unary operator: int i = 1; ++i; // Increments i (the result is 2). // The conditional operator is the only ternary operator: int i = 2; int j = 3; string answer = (i < j) ? "i less than j" : "i not less than j"; 20. 20 Operator Notations Placement Prefix operators Postfix operators Infix operators // Negation as prefix operator: bool succeeded = !failed; // Increment as postfix operator: int result = item++; // Addition as infix operator: int sum = 2 + 3; 21. 21 Mathematical Operators Binary +, - and *, / are known form elementary mathematics. Attention: Integer division yields an integer result! The result of the division by 0 results in a run time error. A DivisionByZeroException will be thrown. Unary and + as sign-operators. Somewhat special: ++/-- and % Math.Log(), Math.Pow() and other operations in the class Math. Bit operations work with integers as arguments and result in integers. Operators: ^, |, &, ~, 22. 22 Other Operators and Operator Overloading Assignment and combined assignment. Operators: =, +=, *=, /= etc. Operators: &=, |=, ^=, = Concatenation of strings with the operators + and +=. But: strings are still immutable! Important extra operators: Operators: [], (), ?:, ??, new, is, as, typeof Operators: ., :: Operators: *, ->, sizeof Operators: => C# permits to redefine (overload) operators for user defined types UDT. int i = 12; i = i + 2; // (i = 14) Add and assign. i += 2; // (i = 16) Add-combined assignment. 23. 23 Logical Operators Used to compare values and combine boolean results. Comparison: ==, !=, , = Combination: &&, ||, ! Logical operators return boolean results, not integral results. && (logical and) and || (logical or) support short circuit evaluation. Logical operators are applied in conditional expressions for control structures (branches and loops). // The mathematic boolean expression a = b and c = b: // Ok if (a == b && c == b) { /* pass */ } // Wrong! if (a && b == c) { /* pass */ } 24. 24 Precedence, Associativity and Order of Execution Precedence and precedence groups. Some operators have the same precedence and make up a precedence group. As operator priority in maths, precedence is controllable with parentheses. Associativity defines evaluation among expressions of the same precedence. Associativity is defined as a "direction". Associativity is controllable with parentheses as well. The order of execution within expressions is strictly defined in C#. The order is from left to right and from inner to outer. int i = 0; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i++, i); // >0 1 Always this result // Never 0 0! 25. 25 Thank you!