1.Where was the conference held near the end of WWII where Stalin, FDR, and Churchill agreed on many...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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2.What was the name of the college and the town in which it was located where Winston Churchill gave his famous speech?

Transcript of 1.Where was the conference held near the end of WWII where Stalin, FDR, and Churchill agreed on many...

1. Where was the conference held near the end of WWII where Stalin, FDR, and Churchill agreed on many of the postwar issues?

2. What was the name of the college and the town in which it was located where Winston Churchill gave his famous speech?

3. Name the two cities Churchill used as the starting and ending points of the Iron Curtain.

4. What is the name given to describe the ideological struggle between the U.S. and it’s allies versus the S.U. and

it’s allies?

5. Name the two countries that needed help in 1947 to keep communism from taking control of their governments.

6. What was ironic about the language of the Truman Doctrine?

"It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."

7. What was Truman’s basic philosophy for ‘fighting’ the Cold War?

8. What was the name of the American foreign service employee who wrote a letter that basically convinced Truman to choose a policy of containment?

9. What were the four nations that divided Germany to help it rebuild after WWII?

10. What was the more commonly known name for the European Recovery Plan that gave billions of dollars of economic aid to 16 Western European nations?

11.What does NATO stand for?

12. What did Stalin form to counter NATO?

13. What was the nickname for the American pilot who dropped candy bars to the Berlin children?

14. What two very significant Cold War events occurred in 1949?

15. Who are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council?

16. What power does each of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have?

17. Who was the leader of North Korea when it invaded South Korea?

18. Name one of the famous battles of the Korean War?

19. Give either name for the border between North and South Korea.

20. Truman named this general to be in charge of U.S. soldiers in Korea, then fired him.

21. What did President Eisenhower say would give America “more bang for the buck”?

22. What was the name of the policy that Ike believed was the best way to prevent the Soviet Union from trying to expand its

area of influence?

23. World War III almost began in 1955 when the Egyptians nationalized this facility in their country?

24. Name one of the two countries where covert operations prevented pro-American governments from being ousted during Ike’s presidency?

25. What was the name of the first successful satellite launched in space?

26. What was the name of the agency designed to help the U.S. win the ‘Space Race?’

27. What was the term given to President Kennedy’s approach to fighting the Cold War?

28. What was the name of a Kennedy program designed to help other countries and improve the American image around the world?

29. This visible symbol of the Cold War was erected in 1961 to stop people who were escaping from Soviet-controlled territory into ‘free’ territory.

30. Inside the American sphere of influence, this nation became communist-led in 1959.

31. What was the name of the scary situation for 13 days in October of 1962 that almost caused World War III?

32. Who was the leader of the Veitminh and later North Vietnam?

33. What was the name of the guerilla fighters for the communist government in Vietnam?

34. What was the dividing line between North and South Vietnam agreed upon in the Geneva Accords?

35. President Johnson asked for and received a blank check for Vietnam in what action of Congress?

36. What was the name given to the theory that if one country ‘fell’ to communism, its neighboring countries were more likely to ‘fall’ also?

37. What was the name used to describe those in America who favored staying and fighting in Vietnam?

38. What was the event that began turning the majority of Americans against continued involvement in the Vietnam War?

39. What was President Nixon’s plan to get American troops out of Vietnam?

40. What is the term that describes President Nixon’s attempt to improve relations with the Soviet Union?

41. What was the name given to Nixon’s attempts to develop better relations with China?

42. Who was Nixon’s trusted foreign policy expert and eventual Secretary of State?

43. What was the name of the agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that came out of the Moscow Summit of 1972?

44. President Carter attempted to coerce the Soviet Union to stop its invasion of Afghanistan by doing three things. Name two of them.

45. Carter tried to have a different approach to foreign policy, emphasizing what idea?

46. What was President Reagan’s new term for the Soviet Union?

47. What was the nickname for Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative?

48. Through which country did Reagan’s government pass weapons to the mujahedeen?

49. What was the name of the Soviet premier who began to reform the Soviet Union and end the Cold War?

50. What “event” symbolized the ending of the Cold War?