1.Where are you going on holiday? 2.When are you leaving? 3.How are you going to…? 4.How long are...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of 1.Where are you going on holiday? 2.When are you leaving? 3.How are you going to…? 4.How long are...

1.Where are you going on holiday?

2.When are you leaving?

3.How are you going to…?

4.How long are you staying there?“be + V-ing” 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作 。 eg: arrive,begin,come ,do,drive,fly,


Names of River Location









Yellow River









China,SE Asia

Names of River Location









Yellow River

China,SE Asia









journal : 1. A personal record of events, experiences, kept on a regular basis; a diary.


2. a magazine about one special thing.

n. 专题杂志

Warming up fare 1) the money that you pay to travel

by bus,train,plane,ect n. (公共汽车、火车、飞机等的)

票钱 a single/one-way fare 单程票价 2) (出租车等)乘客 = passenger 3) Food and drink; diet: 饮食, 伙

食 simple home-cooked fare. 简单的家常菜

Guess their meanings:

1 ) How much is the air fare to Beijing?

2)All fares, please! (公共汽车售票员用语)

3 ) How do you like the school fare?

4)Bob,who is the taxi driver,had only three fares last night.





transport : 1. n. a way of carrying people or things f

rom one place to another. 运送人或货物;运输

2. v.  carry people or things from one place to another

把人或货物从一处运送到另一处 货物是用火车来运输的。 The goods were transported by train.

Reading Dream:dreamed/dreamt; dreamed/dreamt dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事 = dream abou

t + n./v-ing 1)It’s a small town. You can never dream abo

ut doing some shopping after 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

2. 最近许多青少年一直渴望得到一本《哈利•波特》。

Nowadays most teenagers are dreaming about getting a copy of Harry Porter.

have a dream = dream a dream 做一个梦

实现梦想 realize one’s dream

finally : after a long time ; in the end adv. 最后; 同义: in the end / at last 1) 是在列举或论点时引出最后一项内容; 2 )是在动词前面表示“等了好久才…”。 e.g. We waited and waited, and the train fina

lly arrived.

终于 final (adj.) 最后的;最终的 (常用复数)决赛; 期末考试 NBA final

cycle : ride a bicycle vi. 骑自行车

1. persuade : make somebody think or do

something by talking to them vt. 说服 他这个人容易被说服。 He is easily persuaded .

persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 Wang Kun couldn’t persuade his sister t

o change her mind.

persuade sb. into/out of sth. 说服或劝说某人不做某事 . persuade sb. (that clause): 使某人相信某

事 我怎样才能使你相信我说的是实话呢? How can I persuade you that I am tellin

g the truth?

cycle vi. to ride a bike

强调句式 “It was/is + 被强调部分 + who (that)+ 其余部

分” 是强调句式,用来强调句子里的各种成分,以引

起听者的注意。例如: 原句: I saw John in the street this morning. It was I who/ that saw John in the street this

morning. ( 强调主语) It was John that/whom I saw in the street this

morning. ( 强调宾语) It was in the street that I saw John this morni

ng. ( 强调地点状语) It was this morning that I saw John in the mor

ning. ( 强调时间状语)

stubborn adj. difficult to deal with ; insisting on hav

ing one’s own way adj. 顽固的 a stubborn person does not change his

ideas easily or do what other people want him to do

e.g. The girl is so stubborn that nobody can persuade her to change her mind.

他犟得像头驴。 He is as stubborn as a mule.

insist .v. 1.say very strongly that you must do or

have something or that something must happen. 坚持或坚决要求某事物2. Be firm in holding on opinion or position 坚持观点, 立场

1)insist (that clause) David insisted that he was right. Bob insisted that she (should) accept

the invitation. 鲍勃坚持认为她应该接受邀请。

2)insist on sth / doing sth 一定要(某事);坚决主张 She insists on getting up early and

playing her radio loudly. They insisted on talking to the man

ager. source : a place where something co

mes from n. 来源;水源

proper adj. 1.right or correct 适合的 2.real 真正的 It is proper for sb.to do …= It is proper tha

t… 某人做某事是妥当的 1) Is it proper for you to wear a cap while

eating? = = Is it proper that you should wear a cap

while eating?

properly adv. well or correctly adv. 适当地

= in a proper way

behave properly 举止有礼properly speaking 严格地说

determined : very certain that you want do something

adj. 坚决的;坚定的 1 ) She gave me a determined look---th

e kind that said she wouldn't change her mind.

2 ) That young boy is a determined man who always gets what he wants.

determine : choosing something after thinking vt. 决定

= be determined to do sth. 下决心 e.g.They were determined to drive

the enemy away from their country.

=They determined to drive the enemy away from their country.

change one’s mind : to change one’s opinion or decision 改变主意

1 )她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。

Once she has made up her mind, nothing can be done to change her mind.

其他短语: make up one’s mind 下定决心;拿好主意 Bush had made up his mind to go into bus

iness before he left college. 布什大学毕业之前,就已打算去经商。

care about :忧虑;关心;惦念 be worried ; concerned or interested Don’t you care about anybody ? I don’t care (about ) what happens to him.

care for/ to do sth 愿意或同意(做某事);希望或喜欢(做某事),用于否定或疑问句,尤与 would连用。

Would you care for a drink? 你想要杯喝的吗? Would you care to go for a walk?

care for sb. 1)like or love sb 喜欢或爱某人 2)look after sb. /take care of sb. 照看(照顾)某人

Who will care for your child if you are out?

detail : one of the very small parts that make the whole of something

n. 细节

altitude : 1.height,esp.above sea-level 海拔高

度 2.a place high above sea-level 高处

*at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔…米处 飞机在一万英尺的高度飞行。 The plane is flying at a height/ altit

ude of 10,000 feet.

类似有: at a depth of 在…深度 / at a width of 在…宽度 / at the age of…/at a high/low price…/at the price of 以 .. 价格

experience experience v./n. 经验,经历 1 )(可数名词)体验,经历 他的非洲的经历很有趣。 His experiences in Africa are interesting 2 )(不可数名词)经验; 感受 learn by experience 从经验学习 We learn both by experience and through

textbooks. experienced adj. 有经验的 She is a experienced teacher. She has be

en teaching for 30 years. .

*give in----say that you will do something that you do not want to do, or agree that you will not win ; to surrender


e.g. Liu Hulan would rather die than give in.


Once 用作副词, 1) (for) one time 一次 I have only been here once. 2) at some time in the past 一度;曾经 He once lived in Zambia. 3)all at once :suddenly 突然 All at once the door opened.突然门开了。本单元 once 用作连词,表示 as soon as 一旦;

一…就… Once you understand this rule, you’ll have no f

urther difficulty. What will we do once the money is gone? 钱一旦用完,我们该怎么办?

atlas : n. a book of maps 地图

glacier : n. a large river of ice that moves slowly down a mountain 冰河

rapids : n. the river goes quickly 急流

valley : n. low land , usually with a river , between hills or mountains 流域

waterfall : n. a place where water falls form a high place to a low place瀑布

plain : n. a large piece of flat land 平原

attitude : n. the way you think or feel about something 态度

Comprehending P19 Answers to questions: 1.1)They are brother and sister, and both are

college students. 2)Their dream was to take a great bike trip. 3)They are Wang Kun’s cousins who are at a

college in Kunming. 4)The source of the river is in Qinghai Provinc

e and it enters the South China Sea. 5)You can see glacier, rapids, hills, valleys, w

aterfalls and plains.

6)Yes. The journey begins at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters where it is hard to breathe and very cold.

2. China, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia,


3. Similar attitudes about the trip: Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think…

1.taking this trip is a dream that comes true. 2.that they will enjoy this trip a lot. 3.they should see a lot of the Meikong. 4.that most of the Meikong will be found in So

utheast Asia.

Different attitudes about the trip: Wang Wei believes…

1.they must start in Qinghai where the river begins/see all of the Meikong.

2.that they don’t need to prepare much.

Wang Wei believes… 1.it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai. 2.that using an atlas is very important.

Using language

不定式短语在句中作主语 To climb the mountain road was hard work b

ut to go down the hills was great fun. 骑车上山爬坡很艰难,而下山滑行却很好玩。 不定式短语在句中作主语,是一种修辞手法,给人一种句式结构美的感觉,从而使全句有一种平衡美的架构。如:

1) 说是一回事,做又是一回事。 To say is one thing, to do is another one. 2)交朋友就是获得幸福。 To make friends is to get happiness.

It is + adj. to do ………

To climb the mountain road was hard.

It is hard to climb the mountain road.

shorts : short trousers that end above your knees

n. 短裤 camp : a place where people live in tents fo

r a short time n. 营地 vi. 设营 , 扎营 concentration camp 集中营 The herdsmen camped themselves on the g

rasslands. 牧民们在草原上扎营住宿

Reading and writing p. 23 For one thing, …For another… 一则… . ,再则… For one thing, I haven't any money; for

another, I don’t like seeing films. 一则我没钱,再则我不喜欢看电影。 familiar : knowing well ,having a knowle

dge of adj. 熟悉的;通晓的 Sb. be familiar with sth. Sth. be familiar to sb. He is familiar with that book. 他熟悉该书。

record : v. 1.write notes about or making pictures of things t

hat happen so you can remember them later 记录 2.put music or a film on a tape or record so that

you can listen to or watch it later 录音

topic : n. something that you talk, learn or write about ;a subject

话题 brave : ready to do dangerous or difficult things

without fear adj. 勇敢的

compare with 可 ) 与 ... 相比 比较;对照 将一物与另一物比较 compare one thing with another compare to 比喻;显出相同之处;比作 人生常被喻为蜡烛。 Man's life is often compared to a candl

e. unlike prep. 不像;不同于

Sample writing: P23--24 My dear brave little Wei: How I worry about you and Wang Kun! Ar

e you enjoying your trip? I hope so. What are you doing now? Are you In Cambodia yet? When you get to Phnom Penh, tell me about the Buddhist temples there. Please send some photos with your next letter! Well, have fun and don’t forget to write to me! Say “Hello” to Wang Kun for me. Good luck on your journey.

Take care! Your friend forever, Ju lin

Translation: P57 1.He wrote a travel journal during his visit

to China.

2.I need something flat to write on.

3. All right, I’ll have to go with you if you insist.

4.She is a determined woman. If (Once) she determines(is determined) to do something, she will do it well.

5. He recorded the important events and his afterthoughts in his travel journal.

6.He was to begin a bike trip the next day. He was so excited that he stayed awake the whole night.

7.We were all busy. Some of us were putting up a tent, some were making a fire, and the others were busy cooking.

8.Let’s go back to our camp. It’s getting dark.

9.I’m not familiar with this city. This is my first visit.

10.I don’t think it is necessary for us to give in. ( I don’t think we need to give in.)

Supplementary Exercise:Choose suitable words to complete the passage. source; persuade; topic; stubborn; insist; altitude; Vietnam(Vietam’s); Tibet

(Tibetan); attitude Where to travel for the winter holiday has be

en the only ________ of conversation for weeks.All of us want to go the beach in Hainan, but Xiaoliang ________ on going to ________. He said he wants to know he will feel at an ________ of 4,000 metres in ________ plateau! We have been trying to _______ him,however,he is as _______ as a mule. I think we will be soon persuaded by him.

Supplementary Exercise:Choose suitable words to complete the passage. source; persuade; topic; stubborn; insist; altitude; Vietnam(Vietam’s); Tibet

(Tibetan); attitude Where to travel for the winter holiday has be

en the only ________ of conversation for weeks.All of us want to go the beach in Hainan, but Xiaoliang ________ on going to ________. He said he wants to know he will feel at an ________ of 4,000 metres in ________ plateau! We have been trying to _______ him,however,he is as _______ as a mule. I think we will be soon persuaded by him.


insists Tibet

altitude Tibetanpersuade
