1.The teacher apologized ____ late. A.to his students to arrive B. to his students for arriving C.at...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 1.The teacher apologized ____ late. A.to his students to arrive B. to his students for arriving C.at...

1.The teacher apologized ____ late.A.to his students to arrive B. to his students for arrivingC.at his students to arriveD.at his students for arriving2.Sophia’s birthday party_____ the English song Say You, Say Me.A.started B. began C. started with D. began by3.It is bad ____ to speak with your mouth full of food.A.Manner B. manners C. way D. thing4.In many places, you can find the slogans(标语) against SARS ______ on the walls or posts.A.put on B. put up C. put down D. put off5.He ___ his son with a good education.A.provided B. gave C. supported D. brought






6.Those who want to say anything more ____ your hands and then ____ to speak.A.rise;raise B. raise;rise C. raise;raise D. rise;rise7._____ advice he’s given us on the study of English!A.How nice B.What good C.What a fine D.How well8.---How many of you put your fingers into the mixture? ---_____.A.No one B. Nobody C.None D.Not any9.It was the first time for the little girl to be in such a big city. She ____ at everything she saw with an open mouth.A.looked B. watched C. saw D. stared10.The reason ___ people go to the West Lake is ___ it is a most famous place of interest. A.that;that B. that;why C. why; that D. why;why






11.Mr. Green told us about the places and persons ____ he had visited in that country.A.whom B. which C. that D. who12.Whenever I met him, ____ was fairly often, I liked his sweet and hopeful smile.A.what B. which C. that D. when 13.I hadn’t meant ___ you. Instead, what I said really meant ___ you to be good.A.hurting; to advise B. hurting;advisingC.to hurt;to advise D. to hurt; advising14.After he had finished ____ his diary, he ____ his homework.A.to write;went on to do B. to write; wenton doingC.writing; went on doing D.writing; went on to do





15.___ born in Chicago, the author is most famous for his stories about New York.A. Although B. Since C. As D. When


1. I have three _____ notes in my wallet.A.five dollars’ B.five dollars C.five-dollar D.five-

dollars2.He is really a friend of mine. He would ____ his last

penny with me.A.cost B. lend C.support D. share3. My friend, Jack, is______ honest man.A.a B. an C. the D./4. They were arguing _____ each other ____ the war.A.about;with B. to;about C. with;to D.with;about5.Which do you enjoy _____, basketball or volleyball?A.play B.to play C.playing D.for playing6.I am fond ____ in winter.A.for swimming B.of swimming C. of to swim D.in swimming







7.The police were ___ the lost boy in the forest.A.searching B.hunting for C.finding D.looking up8.They treated me ____ one of the family.A.as B.for C.of D.with9.—It’s late.I must leave now. ---OK._______.A.Thank you. B.Don’t hurry C.I’m sorry for it. D.Take care.10._____ will be sent to work in the new special hospital

for SARS?A.Who do you think B.Whom do you thinkC. Do you think whom D.Do you think who11.The teacher told the students that there ______ a

meeting at three o’clock.A.were going to have B.are going to beC.will have D.was going to be






12.In the USA, dogs are regarded______ friends ____ people.

A.as; to B.to;as C.as;for D.to;by13.Noise is unpleasant, _____ when you are trying to sleep.A.probably B.exactly C.especially D.only

14.John doesn't like singing,____ like computers.A. So doesn't’ he. B.nor does he C.nor he does D.so he doesn't15.He said that his bike ___ stolen and he ____ have to tele

phone the police.A. was;would B.has; willC.has been;will D.had been;would1.I’d like to use your bike if you _____ excuse me.A.shall B.should C. will D. must






2.I guess that there is ____ badly wrong with my computer. I can’t start it at all.

A. Anything B. something C.nothing D. everything3.You’ll miss the early train to Shanghai _____ you hurry t

o the station.A. unless B.once C.if D.because4._______ Wang Mei, two girls in our class took part in 1,5

00-metre race and she won the first.A.Except B.Except for C.Besides D. But5. The Weather Forecast warned us that there A_____ a st

orm in these days.A.may be B. possibly C.perhaps D.maybe6.The neighbour asked Mr. Williams _____ any noise in th

e evening so that he could sleep well.A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.don’t to m







7.About 50 American _____ will come to this museum to enjoy those famous ancient Chinese paintings.

A.tourists B.travellers C.passengers D.visitors

8.Just before the class began, Mr. Green came into the classroom _____ his hands.

A.with a lot of books in B.for many books on C. Have many books in D.with many books on

9.Experts haven’t yet quite understood what has _____ British English and American English so different.

A. let B.given C.shown D.made10.You live next to Tom; you _____ know his telephone nu

mber.A. must B.should C. may D. can





11.The little boy has been ill at home for there months. _____, he has never given up teaching himself.

A.Besides B.However C.So D.Though12.Do you have any difficulty ______ these flowers? I’d like to help you if you have any. A.to plant B.for planting C.with planting D.in planting13.Excuse me, but I don’t6 know how to read your name.

Could you _______ it for me, please?A.spell B.write C.pronounce D.show14.If you want to be successful in something, _____, you

must be sure of yourself.A.after all B.all in all C.at all D.first of all15.It has rained for so many days. This is _____ there is

much water here and there.A.why B.because C.so D. that






1.—I must be back now. Have a good trip. ---______.A. The same to you. B. You’re welcomeC. Thank you D. That’s all right 2.He went to the station to _____ me off yesterday. This ma

de me very happy.A. put B. see C. take D. go3.---Hurry up ,or we’ll be late. ---But our train ____ at five. ---Look! Now it’s 4:45 ,not 4:15 .We’ve only a quarter lef

t.A. left B. has left C. is left D. leaves4.---Hi,Tracy.Did you enjoy yourselves in New York? ---Of course.____ time we had there!A. What a nice B.How a nice C.How nice D.What nice





5.---Have a nice weekend! ---_____.A. The same to you B. You do it ,eitherC. The same as you D. You have it,too6.It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood____to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D.closing7.A person with good manners never laughs at people whe

n they are in trouble. ____,he tries to help them.A.Instead B. Instead of C. In place of D.And8.In China there are many kinds of climates.They are diffe

rent from one part to ____.A. the other B. another C. other D. others9.Jumping out of ____ airplane at ten thousand feet is quit

e ____ exciting experience.A. /; the B. /; an C. an; an D. the; the






10.The radio says that rainfall has been above ____ this July.

A. normal B. common C. ordinary D.usual11.To have ____ needs ____ .A. an adventure; lots of equipment B. adventures; lots of equipmentsC. adventures;many equipmentsD. an adventure; an equipment12.You will fail in the coming final examination ____ you

work hard at your lessons.A. unless B. if C. whether D. when 13.It’s getting warmer and warmer and warmer, so the

students of Class One are considering ____ the hill next weekend.

A. to climb B. climbing C. climb D. climbed





14.--- Mum ,it’s time for me to go to school. --- Ok. ____ for cars when you cross the street.A. Look after B. Watch over C.Watch out D. Pay atte

ntion15.Your brother ____ you is very kind to me.A.and B. or C. as well as D.as well1.I was surfing the Internet____ there was a knock on the

door.A.while B. however C. when D. and2.The two boys were fighting each other, and it was hard f

or the old man to ___ them.A. Separate B. keep C. divide D.cut3.I’m not into hiking. ____.A.So is Ann B. Ann isn’t, tooC. Neither is Ann D.Nor isn’t Ann






4.Dave is ___ that we all like to play with him.A. So a smart boy B.a such smart boy C. Such a smart boy D.a so smart boy5.When I was a child, my teacher told me that the earth __

__ round.A.was B. had been C. has been D. is6.---You look tired. Didn’t you sleep well last night? ---No, I ____ until midnight last night.A. Hunted for B. stayed upC. Came about D. cared about7.---Betty, welcome to my birthday party. Please make you

rself at home. ---_____.A. The same to you B. No, not reallyC. Thank you D.Here you are





8.---The head teacher wrote ___ note to my parents. ---I guess she forgot she had already written one.A. the other B. one C. more D.another 9.Mary and Lucy loved dancing just ____ their mother __

__ when she was young.A.as; does B. as; did C. like; does D. like; did10.____ number of foreign guests were invited to the meet

ing, and ____ total number was over twenty.A. A; a B. The; the C. The; a D. A;the11.---Where is your brother______? ---He is going to the railway station to____.A.to go; see away me B. going; see me offC.to go; see me away D. going; see off me12.____! There is a dog in the yard; it might hurt you.A.Look up B.Watch out C.Look around D.Be careful






13.Martin Cooper, a US researcher, was considered ____ the first cellphone.

A. Inventing B. to inventC. Having invented D. to have invented14.There’re some differences in spelling and pronunciatio

n ____ AmE and BrE. That means AmE is more or less different ____ BrE.

A.between; from B. from; inC. in; between D. from; between15.I don’t think that rock music is terrible, ____?A.do I B. don’t I C. is it D. isn’t it1.---Is there anything else ____ you don’t understand? ---No, nothing else.A.that B. which C. who D. whose





2.When the woman saw the tiger, she was ____ she couldn’t move.A.such frightened that B. too frightened to C.so frightened that D. frightened enough to 3..When they got to the station, the big clock on the top of the building _____ ten.A.hit B. beat C. struck D. hurt4. Miss Brown often hears Bruce, a boy of her neighbor’s _____ with his father.A.to quarrel B. quarrel C. quarreling D. quarreled5.She likes playing ____ guitar while her brother likes playing ____ football.A.the; the B. the;a C. /;the D.the;/





6.Is ___ for you to take up the seats while a woman with her baby in her arms was standing on the bus?A. This good manners B. it a good mannerC.this a good manner D.it good manners7.My aunt, ____ photo I showed you yesterday, will come

to see us this evening.A.whose B. who C. which D. that8.The bus hit the huge stone by the road heavily ____ he

could stop it.A.after B. before C. since D. until9.---Have a nice time in the winter vacation. ---______.A. Of course I have. B. The same to you.C. Of course I will. D. What about you?





10.Have you found out ____ the two people are talking about in this tape?A.that B. which C. what D. whether11.Every night people living near the pop music hall used to be disturbed by the much ____ in it.A.roar B. noise C. voice D. sound12.The lady began crying when she heard the bad ____ from her husband.A.information B. message C. news D. situation13.You ____ ask me for advice before you do something if you think it is right. A.haven’t to B. needn’t toC. won’t need D. won’t have to






14.Do you remember____ the book from me last week?

Please don’t forget _____it to me tomorrow.

A.borrowing; to return B. to borrow; to return

C.borrowing; returning D.to borrow; returning

15.____ is very difficult for us _____ so much wokrk in so little time.

A. It; finish B. It; finishing

C. He; to finish D.It; to finish

1.When ____ my homework, I heard my name ____, but I just couldn’t recognize the voice.

A.did; called B. doing; calling

C.did; to call D. doing;called




2.He ____ the leading role in the play.A.played B. made C. had D. kept3.If you ___ two hares, you will catch neither.A.run after B. run away C. run for D. run across4.---Tom, take more food before you go hiking or you will go____. ---Ok, mum, but I have got enough.A.hunger B. hungers C. hungry D. hungrily5.I couldn’t go to the theatre and had to enjoy ____TV broadcast of the concert at home.A.living B. lively C. live D. alive6.He could hardly afford ___ time and money on such a terrible holiday. ‘A.wasting B. to waste C. waste D. wasted






7.I owe it_____ you that we succeeded in doing the experiment.

A.to B. for C. at D. of

8.---Is this raincoat yours?

---No, mine is hanging behind the door.

---So it must be ____.

A.someone else B. someone else’s

C.someone’s else’s D.someone’s else

9.He often goes to that village ____ his grandparents live.

A.which B.where C. that D. when




10.This is the reason ____ he was put in prison.A.for it B. in which C. for which D. for why11.He entered it, ____ a cup of coffee, and sat down.A.asked for B. asked aboutC. Asking for D. asking about12.In the early months of 2003, SARS_____ some parts of our country.A.shook B. beat C. fought D.hit13.---Which is that girl? The one in red? ---No. the one ___ is looking at you.A.who B. which C. whom D. where14.I’m seeing my grandmother the day after tomorrow ____ she will be back from London.A.when B. where C. which D. that






15.---Everybody in the city is very careful about SARS. ---Of course. ______, they will be infected with it.A.However B. If so C. If not D. Besides