1st Newsletter

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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This is our first edition of the newsletter about the UddannelsesBazar

Transcript of 1st Newsletter

We have already got a lot of questions about the UddannelsesBazar, so we have put together this newsletter that hopefully will answer most of the questions.


UddannelsesBazar 2011



The UddannelsesBazar is the largest training event in AFS Interkultur, Denmark organized by volunteers. The training is for all the volunteers in AFS Interkultur, but also for volunteers in other AFS organizations! New volunteers, who just came home from their exchange year, will be attending as well as very experienced volunteers. The training will be attended by local and national active volunteers, board-members and everything in between that. Everyone can attend the UddannelsesBazar as long as you have experience as a volunteer.

You can expect: • a highly qualified training in an intercultural forum.• to experience a training hosted by AFS Interkultur.• to gain a greater understanding about how other AFS-countries work.

We expect from you:• that you are an active volunteer.• that you are able and willing to participate in an active training with English as the communicative tool.

The UddannelsesBazar will take place November 4th - 6th in Ringe, Denmark. You can arrive easily by train from Copenhagen. We can also arrange a pick-up from Copenhagen.

Where & when?


Price?The cost of attending the UddannelsesBazar is 20 Euro. This price includes accommodation which at a training in Denmark is at a school. We will bring air-madrases but you will have to bring your own sleeping-bag. All the food is also included in the price, except for friday night, where you must bring your own lunch-bag. You have to pay for own travel expenses to Copenhagen. AFS Interkultur will pay your travel expenses from the airport to the UddannelsesBazar.


There will be workshops conducted in both English and Danish; two workshops in English Saturday and two Sunday. Those who understand Danish can also attend the Danish workshops. We are right now working on the last details. More information will be revealed in the next newsletter!

Who can attend?Well, pretty much everyone. We will not put a limit on how many people can attend. So if you already know that you want to attend - buy your ticket right away.

Important information before you buy a ticket

You must arrive in Copenhagen no later than 16:00 on Friday. Your departure on Sunday cannot be earlier than 20:00.

If you arrive earlier or depart later you have to find a place to stay which is on your own cost. We might be able to help you find a hostel or arrange accommodation with a volunteer.

LOGO HUNTAs you might have noticed we don’t have a logo for the UddannelsesBazar! We would love to have a logo for this training, so we have decided to have a competition.

Key words that you can seek inspiration in are:



The logo must not contain a date or a year.

We would like you to think about how the word “UddannelsesBazar” should be integrated either in the actual logo or beside the logo.

The winner will be awarded with a great price!

All proposals are welcome! Send us your best work at ufudvalget@afsmail.dk no later than October 1st 2011.

When can you expect to get more information?

The next newsletter will be published in the first week of September. In that edition you will find more specific information about the workshops, how to sign up and all the other things that will be happening during the UddannelsesBazar.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the prep-team at ufudvalget@afsmail.dk if you have any questions.