1EC-2v - 341:I 1 51/i

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Transcript of 1EC-2v - 341:I 1 51/i

- 1 - Mr, Long 1 - Mr. Kelly

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.**. Stephen J. Pollak assistant Attorney General "Director, FBI

4 ' 1EC-2v - 341:I 1-- 51/i


EkAik Reference is made to your letter dated August 16, 196$, requesting that copies of all investigative reports and results of interviews prepared in this case be furnished you and referring to alleged delay on the part of this Bureau in furnishing the Department copies of reports dated kley 15, 1968, and Ame 14, 196$, prepared by our Kansas City Office.

For your tutor matbn, investigative reports prepared la this case fall into two categories: 1) those containing infor mation gi evidentiary value pertinent to the prosecution of the Federal violation involved; and 2) those containing the results of the extensive ve investigation conducted to locate and apprehend the subject, Earl Ray.

All investigative reports pertinent to the prosecution af the Federal violation involved have been furnished to the Department iromptly and on a timely basis.

The remaining reports prepared in this case pertain solely W the extensive fugitive investigation conducted to locate the subject each reports are not war wally furnished to the Department since they contain mil tutor nation relative to the fugitive aspect of the case and de set contain information of evidentiary value or of pertinence to the proswutioa of the Federal violatio, involved.

The reports papered by our Kansas City Office and /referred to Is your letter bail, into this category. An additional twenty onsh reports have been presiarSi by ors ,vnrious field divisions, and - ancordance with your specific request, copies at all these reports ::„P -4'w— will be Welshed under separate cover to the 'Attorney General, . yen and to the Assietant Attorniti General in charge at the Criminal - -

: 1-1A11C-1-P'

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ephes J. Pollak •

--NtstitA - • •• •

?or your information, Assistant Attorney General Fred Vim% Jr., by letter dated July 13, 1960, which was received in this Doreen July 11, 1911, requested that the records of the Missouri State Penitentiary be reviewed pertaining to Ray and references to Rayis family background; education; physical, medical and psychiatric admiration" &s al disciplinary proceedings be summarised. Such records had previously been reviewed in the initial phase of the fugitive aspect of this investigation, and the result" of the review bad been set forth in the pertinent reports prepared by our Kansas City Office and referred to in your letter. Since they contained the desired information requested by Assistant Attorney General Vinson, copies of these reports were furnished to Ilk. Vinson on July 11, 1961, with a copy for yoa, even though they did not appear to contain information relevant be the prosocutive aspects of this case, but rather to the fugitive favestigatioe.

We will contlaie to furnish to the Department, on a timely basis, copies of investigative reporth and the results of interviews prepared in this case.

NOTE: See memo Rosen to DeLoach, dated 8/11/68, captioned, "MUREIN," JGK:cs.

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August •


This 111 the ease involving the murder of Martin

Luther King, Jr. I Attached Is a request from Department to obtain

!results of all investigation conducted by us, We have

furnished Department results of all investigation -

pertinent to the prosecution of the case.

Department by letter of 7-1246, requested Ray's

background data, relatives and associates. Kansas City

reports of 5-15-68, and 6-14-68, containing requested

information furnished to the Department. There has

been absolutely no delay in furnishing pertinent informa-

. tir*.to the Department. Additional pertlnert highlights of fugitive investi-

ption were furnished the Department by memorandum

' although detailed re orts were not furnished as they

ent in accordance with their

request. , • 44, Aro". -

S.1 e4C44-4'641L-

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were not pertinent to prosecution of the case.

The reports cortainlng efforts to locate Ray will be '

furnished to the De

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tephen J. Pollak Assistant Attorney General

• Civil Rights Division - -:% -

0 sasjeurJames Earl Ray - Subject;


- • • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Victim CIVIL RIGHTS - CONSPIRACY

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':0rAit, 4- • 43

,,, Federal Bureau

I ,--‘:-■*4• , 7Cf;"

of Investigat

DJ 144-72-662 - DJ 95-loo-473. t41-157-147

mug: AUG1

4 ... *440, • •

This Division Is*a making an analysis of the fa

'67 this case. To assure that no facts are overlooked, it is imOortant that we have in our possession copies

' of all tOports and interviews which your Bureau has conducted. =In this connection, I note that on July 17, 1968, the Civil Rights Division and the Criminal Division received certain reports in connection with this matter transmitted by your Bureau on July 16, 1968. Two of re • w .:ted e 4 164.; rom au .1::s

of icq then third was date f•IL, -t. Ma 15,

fn Order to insure that the Division file contains A!!il - oopiei of all reports and interviews which your Bureau. ma y' i

4, 24 has conducted, I attach herewith the following lists of et: materials which we have received from your Bureau to date 101 4 4a,rffOrenCO to this, matteri

Yom` X • , . 1

x. .,t, Attachment hi

••••- • -

$4. Alitteclueents Di

. Attachment C: Attachment D:,


Reports of Special Agents Other. Reports and Enclosures Memoranda to the Attorney General Memoranda to the Assistant Attorney 'General, Civil Rights Division

I: Letterhead Memoranda

Please revs eser'lists an t ansmit to this p014. lifre3 V-- ) 414/-5

1C rtrivleium, to the Assistant Attorney General in charge or the Criminal Division and to the Attorney General

of any repalia interviews which you have in


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• 4 1;•.1.,

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. • -

.-kt.:•'7 Please continue to furniiih copies of all repor a.

and interviews which your Bureau conducts as soon as.--.. thel :ismi:cerilircidat:Iyy

oliiiliF:tili:iir p!:::iireletrr:gest 1

tja. 1441%," " 44; •

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• . nrosiRcutivel Somary Report

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5#-,/,/̂ f6 1-511 -

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Data -I..-



„awe, . 1:-.391441:

4/17/64 44-1947,.

4/17/65 44-1740 .•• •• A/ • :14 4/11/61 44-1574-

e d

4/111/61% 44-231117- • —10.1 4R;-1

4/21/65 • 157-10673

4/30/61 44-1967

5/2/61 157-9516

5/13/64 44-654

6/10/61 44-1947

5/15/65. 44-760

6/14/611 44-760

- • ..4.!t . :-!,.101.. .M.,1177( • . • „,40011App.f..il •


7.f Ale* • . '7.: • . 41.• • -

Birmingham, Ala. .

1111=1111111111111 Joe C. Neater*

y 4,,S • - 4-- A

loaTACNOINVIT k' ,r , •


- -.1/4•, r1r41 '•

oar, •• •.v •49., -.-0*-1,441-4 Inotit.p.::#10m 4



•-"Pft•••5. --V•- ••01iMim-19oscial Aeon% - 14.1.

me •.1.k. Jam C. Neste* -

Raports of Special Agents,

„4 °Mos 3s*k: 4 _

Newark, N.J.

lOsegthig, Tam. . •• Kansas City, Mo.

Kansas City, Mo.

' • -.el ' • •

1-4' Atlanta; 'Gat

_Mew OZleann, La. •

MeophiS, Tenn.- ...

Jackson, miss.

Loa Angelsg, Calif..

5 . •

r • .,.

Date of Transmittal Memorandum.

.;_lp■-•zrTP • •


fp is . .11.

- 3 PC/-5114/



*.- 4. Identification Record of James Earl 7/16/68 , Ray; copy of telegram from the Amerioan.Embassy, London, to the

—Department of State, dated 7/3/68. 'P s • •-•

So Copies of correspondence of subject 7/26/68 while in H. M. Prison in London;

• , • copies of report* of prison officials.


1,‘ 7

44P1' •ti Ai'3:4;4" • i'4•"--4•2;:

r•-• 4-2.1.- -P.4", • NT-, • .:••• •

•14, ift W' • • r.1(

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.r, i . . ii ..... :4ottr el 4...:07 j • Is. .... 7 : .. -.. .- - • '''• - 1. .7- 4.1.4P- .s T1 ' -

01' • ATTACHMENTS 1,..:-..ry ,..ci. • •=.1g.0-7 - ...10. ' .'.. 1.!:, Aft:: X 1.' 4'.;;° •:' - ' '''

4. k'--.. ": • . i Other Reports and Enclosures mwilm-tr..,,A!

Description of ,,,...,,w,•. r . Report and Enclosures-

6/13/68 . •



_ , 1. Memorandum dated 4/8/68 - 5/6/68 at Buffalo, N.Y.; Field Office File No. 44-3741 Caption: James Earl

:_lor:Aefol-...t.e. Ray, aka Paul Bridgeman, Paul . Bridgman, Paul Edward Bridgeman, Paul I. Bridgeman, Ramon George Snarl; Toronto, Onlario, Canada.

: 2. Correspondence forwarded by "Ebony' ma asine; re ort of interview with

Pyttstdo eft7XS

Report of the_ Royal Canadian Mounted Police dated 6/14/68 .at Montreal; Caption: Dr.' Martin Luther King - Murder of,(Assistance to. FBI.)

• "e • "..!' 4A140:.


• 7/8/68


..'• ••••••+•••,••••,,,,A, ,;,-■

c • Inclosed 17 /tams made available by New Soptiand • t = # Yard, Leaden, England. c • Inclosed 17 /tams made available by New Soptiand

• t = # Yard, Leaden, England. •• • •• •

- •.; ;•.-"Irwr. - •.; ;•.-"Irwr.

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,- ' 11•7110 t ‘. e" • t ..'.1,.: ,A.. i

,rthite. ,i. Memoranda to the Attorney General on the following es:

.4.1 .r , ........re 4.. Nay 23. 1960 , .,..„ ,,,.....4 4•„.•:....4, . v.., .

' 44 , ..,1 . ,.... Ili ' • , . ... • •-•

;C* "t.11,.." . .. 5;ff may 27; -2969 ..1, 0"4,3 4'.40.1.- .14. e.;04•-%. ;4,41%;',... 4 .34; .1 ,`; '.•41-"- .4. fef ^.',4..- *7. ....-: II . .., . . •

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. • • — . - • ' V4;•-••-t-t-_,,--•._. —; - - 41.p.pup •■••••••■•••••■•••■■••■•••••••••rm.r

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1,04.1.-: -..! ..V... •: S. N 29, 1968- .!'".;- ' ..., ...ft...*

. ;..44!‘1.'"10-1N-; ' ' ' - ' • .■• C-Iler .. i! '. •1 .1.4. •. • % • '

7._ Juno 20; 196$ . • „ ... ,- • - • . - .. ...",,i.

II. June 21, 19610,

July 1, 1960

....c..; ,

i• 10. July 1.9, 196,

••• -

.:,..",4 .-- 11. July 22, 1.9611

1.2. July 23, 1960


. . • -T.: ;,..ir•-if • •••

e- •- • . . •-•

• 7-4+

' • •.1%.r711.4 . • . •


_ ,. 44-:. I. -- • • ...,+0.1' -,....3 4•111,-,s•wir, ..• -.1•106.4: ..t. ....• 1 ........, ...- . tt 1 .. , , ... .• ... 4. , . .e. .

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• ,.• . %It.. 44'‘'. ; tiz if;

.• - . -;,•0•-1-',.

Civil Righ

Memoranda to Assistant Attorney General, Division, on the following dates:

June 10, 1964 .

- )6- Juno 13, 196$

3.. June 14, 1964. • •

1 • ”ti, • 40, * . 14. 4

'3 June 15, 1964

5 June 17, 19611

• .7 • • • we.: Auidi 111, 1962

• .

63. 7ft Juno 19, 1964

IL July 3, 196$


• '

1' • • ,

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• • •


= .41 *tiwo.f"

Date 146 ;

4/10 - • •• • --

Luther.. Xing, Jr. • & • •• • • •

V0Irrib 6

-' .•-• IPZi t• I; 'al,' • •


Mos Orleans, La.

le; : Jams Earl Rag. . - • - t,' . 11. Janes Earl Rays- Martin Atlanta, Ga. 'e4 Luther King, Jr. '-

1 01. rilC4-61M4410t4; CiviX Rights •. • LI. Jame Earl. Meg;

Dr. Martin Luther IWO, Jr% - Victim

• 4/7/111.




4/25/68 4 4- T., •

- :;■*; 7/1/611 • - •-T.- • ;

7/5/48 -


7/25/68 •

••••■•.--• -

• 'A'

qr. •

, ,4111-ler .

r• 4.7 . • •

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• .• v.-c!,•• ?,J -,,et.„te-1;■“41".:%',IN" s •• • "%wit. • vs, „i SP' • ̀

• 44 4.. • ,•„;43,t-01,4t ' • r

l: . • -. - •7_-" : ap -t

Office • tv- Murder of Martin Luther .:-.,Washington D.C. noir Jr.

• 4, a. Murder of Martin Luther

•-•k, • ; . • „0 • ..x .. ATTACHMENT IR • . . Letterhead Menorande;,--

Capti 00

•••• • 4•• •73!„. . •"•

• ! • '

Washington, D.C., King. Jr.

- 3. Murder of Martin Luther '•%.3. • Xing, Jr. •

4. Jams Karl Ray, aka • - a Erie ,Starvo Galt

Janes Earl Ray, alts 'trio Starvo Galt

41... Ass assination of Martin

. Luther Xing, Jr.

Jane* Earl Ray ••.-

Jams Earl Ray 'Li *4 gfei Assassination of Martin .

• • • •

•••& •••••

Washington p. c. ; k-f-.1. 14 I. g' .14


Sulfa*, qtr.,

Atlanta, Ga.

• - Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

"4". ""' A . • •

• -• ..AA,

• • yv-.36frAg-/--5// elory.„.... -limp