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Transcript of 1920s

The 1920’s

Chapter 22 : The 1920’s

Historical Themes

• Contributions of People and Groups

• Primary Source Documents• Conflict and Cooperation• Continuity and Change

conflict• Conflict is a main theme of American

events shortly after WWI.

Immigration “Causing” Conflict• ___________________-For xenophobia there are two main

objects of the phobia. The first is a population group present within a society, which is not considered part of that society. Often they are recent immigrants, but xenophobia may be directed against a group which has been present for centuries. This form of xenophobia can elicit or facilitate hostile and violent reactions, such as mass expulsion of immigrants, or in the worst case, genocide.

• The second form of xenophobia is primarily cultural, and the object of the phobia is cultural elements which are considered alien. All cultures are subject to external influences, but cultural xenophobia is often narrowly directed, for instance at foreign loan words in a

national language.


Fear of a population group present within a society, which is not considered

part of that society

On the Homefront

• Xenophobia was a major problem after World War I when returning soldiers found themselves competing for jobs and housing with foreigners. This lead to riots, racial tensions, etc..

Bolshevik Revolution• A. Vladimir Lenin leads overthrow of Czar Nicholas II

• B. Replaces provisional government with communist government

• C. Communism- a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed

• D. Allies stay in Russia after the war to try to maintain previous government

• E. Allies stay in Europe to protect countries from Bolsheviks

• F. Russia becomes Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

• G. Suspicion begins in America (fear)

Red Scare

Labor Gains Disappear (Conflict)

• Police strike in Boston causes looting and violence– Governor Calvin Coolidge

sends National Guard to maintain peace

• US Steel

• Coal Strike– *Government is again

regulating organized labor and industry.

Social Turmoil.................(Conflict)• A. Lynching despite achievements of

African-Americans in and out of war• B. Race riots in Chicago deemed “Red

Summer” by paranoid US Attorney General, A. Mitchell Palmer

• C. Bomb Scares, riots,violence ….Revolution?

• D. Palmer organizes “Soviet Ark”, Buford sends 249 Aliens to USSR.

• E. Raids on Communist Party meetings-4000 jailed, 556 deported

• F. Prejudices surfacing against: Polish, Russian, and Italian immigrants

Palmer Raids

Superiority v. Inferiority (Conflict)

• National Origins Act of 1924 reduced quotas on immigrants and barred Japanese, Chinese, and other Asians from entrance into America.

“Pulling up the ladder” again!

Rise of the Ku Klux Klan

– 4.5 million members, against foreigners, Jews, Af-Americans, Catholics…– Use terror tactics to intimidate foreign “enemies”

• Italian immigrant gentlemen accused of robbery in Massachusetts

• Anarchists

• no evidence (just prejudice and fear)

• executed

Sacco and Vanzetti


• Authors and Journalists begin to criticize the principles and actions of American


Not A Drop• A. Temperance movement from 1830’s had picked

up more support up to the war.• B. By WWI, ½ of the States are DRY

• C. Prohibition= more grain for troops, strike against German-Americans who brew beer, and ensure sobriety

• D. January 1919, 18th Amendment• E. In under-staffing the enforcement of Prohibition,

(1520 agents) the “booze” trade becomes controlled by mafia, and made thousands of Americans into Criminals

Women’s Suffrage

• From their efforts in the war and on the homefront, women prove themselves finally as FIRST class citizens.

• “Depriving half the nation the right to vote…”…Wilson***

• 19th Amendment passes in 1920

Warren G. Harding• Friendly and likable, but under-qualified to be

President• After election victory, appoints many friends

to his Cabinet.• Ohio Gang• Foreign Policy was Anti-League• Ignored Treaty of Versailles and made a

separate peace with Germany


Washington Conference• A. Largest Disarmament in history • i. Five Power Treaty-US, GB, JP, FR, IT

reduce number of ships, not build any more forts/ bases on possessions in Pacific

• ii. Nine Power Treaty- (Open Door countries) respect China’s integrity and not seek land there

• iii. Four Power Treaty- US, GB, JP, and FR respect other countries possession in Pacific

• iv. Washington treaty allowed Japan to prosper, and US relations not great w/ JP because of Immigration Act of 1924

Peace Conference


Harding’s Platform

•Higher Tariffs•Lower taxes

•Less Gov’t Spending•Help Farmers and

Disabled Vets

War Debts during Harding Administration

1. US insisted the Allies pay back debts to the US2. Germany had to borrow money from US to pay reparations3. Pays Allies reparations(the Treaty of Versailles)




1 2


Ohio Gang’s Corruption• 1. Colonel Charles Forbes (Veterans Bureau) $250

million wasted or stolen in 2 yrs.• 2. other members committed suicide to escape

horrendous scandals • 3. Harding’s friends causing him more grief than

Presidential duties• 4. On a trip to West Coast and Alaska, died

suddenly on Aug 2, 1923.• 5. Secretary of Interior, Albert Fall promised leases

of gov’t oil fields to private companies for $325,000 in gifts and loans……………………….and a year in prison.

Let’s Review

• 1. What president was likeable, but severely unqualified ?

• 2. What mistake did he make in appointing his Cabinet?

• 3. Describe the cyclical payment arrangement of war debts after WWI?

• 4. What two amendments were passed at the beginning of the 1920’s?

“The businessof America is

business”-Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge• “The business of America is business”

• Shared Thomas Jefferson’s belief that government is best which governs least.

• Defeats John Davis for Presidential election of 1924

• Reduces monopoly laws; Supreme Court rules US Steel not a monopoly even though it owns 40% of the industry.

Cool Cal

• Coolidge is proponent of all things business.

•“The man who builds a factory builds a temple. The man who works there worships there…”

• Under Cool Calvin, •The Federal Trade Commission, and

Federal Reserve Board began to help business they were intended to regulate.

Election of 1928• Herbert Hoover defeats Alfred Smith

– Smith: NY accent, opposed to Prohibition, Roman Catholic

• Hoover, in comparison, stood for big business, small town, Protestantism, and Prohibition.

• “He is certainly a wonder, and I wish we could make him President of the United States. There could not be a better one.”

-Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hoover, on capitalism:

“ It is as if we set a race. We through free and universal education provide the training of the runners; we give to them an equal start; we provide in the government the umpire of fairness in the race. The winner is he who shows the most conscientious training, the greatest ability, and the greatest character.”