1901. N EW SO U TH -nrAL ES. - Australian Museum...1901. L EGISLA'l'IVE A SSEMBLY. N EW SO U TH...

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Transcript of 1901. N EW SO U TH -nrAL ES. - Australian Museum...1901. L EGISLA'l'IVE A SSEMBLY. N EW SO U TH...





- - -------- ---tJ ret~cn lcb lo ~Jarlinmcnt pnromml ta J\d 17 ~(.}ic ~o. 2, .sec. 9.

Printed under Ko. 7 Rf'port j,·om Prinli.ti!J Oommillce, 17 October, 1001.

T o H1s ExcELLENC\' TH~: Oov~:n:o;on AND ExECUTIVE CouNC'II.,-

Tht> Tm:.tees of tilt' Ausb'lliian )[u~eum J.nve t.he honor to submit to your Excellency their Forty·SC\'Cnth Annual Repo1·t.

1. l t ill with deep 1·egrd thab we ha,·c to rc>cnrcl the death of Dr. ,J. DclisLu·io, one of t.J.c Elective Trustees, who occupied a :;eat. on lllc Board since Novc'mbc1·, 18 i3. J Le wa~ I'C'gu l ;~r in his ;~ttonclance at the mcet.ings, and evinced gn•;Lt inlr·rest. in the management of the ~ l useutH. The vacancy has been filled

by the clecLion of CrilcheU, " 'alker, Esq., C.)l.G., Lhc Pt·incipal Under. 'ccrelary.

L M\C of ahsence Wtls gin•11 to Colonel " '· D. Cumpbell 'Yilliam~, P.)l.O., on a<;count of his departut·e for • 'outh . \frica in t·luuw• n£ thr Nrw Houth Wale>; ..-u·my 1lcdicnl Co1·ps.

2. The M ut~rum continurtl nJWn to visitor:; during thr usual hours, '·iz., from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday:i,

<tnd f1·orn 10 1t.m. to 5 p.m. on nil wrrk·d<ty:s, cxcep~ ~londays, whirh wr1·e> •·esE'I'vNI for cleaning purposrs, but on Monday aftcmoons tlw collt•l'Liun>~ havr, as ul!ttltl, brrn aecessiule to fiLudents ttnd schools for teaching

pm·poses, on npplic!tLion hcin~ n111dr to the Curator. Thr total numh<'t' of visitot•s 1·eeordNl is 116,927 (see Appendix Jl 1 ), !;]towing a dt•crrnsr of 1,692 for· the ~·rat·. The a'·ct·nge wns 32.3 on wrek-dnys (3-!5 the

}>l'C\·ious year) and 601 on Hunduys (590 the pt'l'\'iuu-; yrat·). The lm·grsL attendance on nuy onr day again OCClll't'('d un ~Ionday, lst Octuh<'l' (Eight-hout· Day), whcn ~,:?91 pt·r~ons entered the huilding. I t

is worthy of note that the whok of thr decl·easc oct·utTNI dm-ing the months when the plague was at its

height in Hydney.

3. The funds voted fut• lh<' fi nnncia I yt"ar 1900 I 90 I amount lo the same as fot· the previous y~u'.

'ome I'C-adjusllll<'nL of the incidencr of the vot~>s has nllowPd of minot· improvement:;, but, f01· the present, no uew ~chemes can be entcrl"d into. ThC' grl'.tt ncf'ds III'P funtls to sl"nd ouL coliPctors, and to purchase

books and collections of national importance.

4. ThP purchases amounted to 1.61.") sp<'Cilll!'n,, LIH• most. noLieeablc acquisitions being:­

:38 l •:thuolog ic>tl sprciuwns from .a\l r,;. J e0 1·ey~.

:l!'i , M1·. H . 1'3lockdtdc•.

1 ~ " the Bishop of )l clnncsia.

17 li'os!>ils fmm ,\ft-s. ll opc•. I (lrizzly Bear ft·om tlu• X<•w •>uth 'Yale"> loolo!;ical , ociPty.

5. The t·ollecting of specinwns slill remains cii'Jwn<lcnl on the volunlnt·y efl(lt-ts of members of the ~ta!f nnd fri<'tllls who a1·e willing Ill dc,·oLc some p01·tion of lheir leisure lime lo it. 13y this mc:u1s about

1,842 spcci mc•m1 wcrc acquired.

6. 'flu• Trustees again dc•sirc• lo dmw your Ext·l'llc>ney's attPntion lo the fact that through insufficiency

of fund'! fo1· tit<• ulxl\'e puqwses many ';tlualJie and pos,.,iiJly unic1ue sprcimens al'e pennanently lost to the Htatc, and wnultl urgPutly rt'IJllt'sl that a<lt·cluatc funcls l~t• provirll'd, 7t{83$ " 10-L\ 7,


i. The Donntiou" l'<'c<'h Pc! lllllllb.;'''('ol i,ll-!l from IIUIII('I'ou~ donor-:. Tlw most noticeable al'e :­

X.-st of n. Bla<:k bnekNI )lagpie (f:ym. tibi,·in) c•on.;t•·uet<'ll of fenet>-lacin.g wirr, by :'llt·. William T..o<ler

Fine :<l'rii'S t)£ \Ion rl'mniu-. f1·om Ot·l::•), hy )f,· . . 1. llihb-;.

('rrhu·P0\1-< l•'o.~si l" l't•om QurPnsland, hy l\f1·. 11 . \\' , BlomfiPicl.

A collt'CI iun, 1\ll lll hPt'ill~ !i6 spccinwn-<, ni' p,~h··o-NI'nlit,h ic Slo!U' TmplPilH'IIl!l from n rnmark, by !Ill·. K ll un.q('n.

An t'X('('llcuL ~p<•ciutPn of Ll11' Oi lhPt·L l,; land ()uira!-ts, by ~ lt·. K Twynam.

A ( 'uit'a'lS and A nniPl from t lw Oil bert (:roup, and fi 1 P 1 et)' linP X rw f: ui 1\<'ll (;I u hs, hy 1\r , .. P. {.;, Bln.C'k . . \n rh•ctt•olypr• of tlw nl.w•rst' of thr lk-;-.PIIH•I" c:uld l\f('dul of rill' lt·on and S(pc•l Institut.-, by thr

( 'nuncil.

An rl<'ctrnlyp" ut' tltt•l'npl<'y .\fPclal. P''''"'nh•ol in liiG hy lit<' Hoyal SnciPty to {'nptnin .James Cook,

hy tlw Hoyal :-.ol('it•ly uf London.

Copil'" of it>~ 11111 \l t>tlnls. hy thP Royal Socit•t.' of X!'w South \\';de~.

l3ron~•· :\lt•dal, c·ommPIIlnt•nth·e of ll t•r :\lajrsl,\ \ .J uhilet>, hr tht> Corpornt10n of London.

8. l~xchnngc·~ lmi'P hP<'n c;LJ'ried ouL 11 illt , ·arinus -'1 u~cUI\Il; llntl pl'intLC (•ol leclnrs, with ilw t·esult.

of athlin~ :i~O spt•t·inwn . .; to Llw \lu~f'Uill t•ollcct i on~. Thr most iulporl;uuL wcwo wiih lhc \\'est AusLral i 1~n Jlfuscum, l'c• rLh: l h<' 'I'Pchnolul-{it· .. l :1l.1~Pl1111, Hydnt'y; !lte !l oyal 7.ool•>gic~tl i\lu~!'uln, l•'lorence : tho

Geological :-iunry of Qth'Pnsland ; and J?rof!'ssN· ' rat<·, of AclPiaide.

!l. The additions lo tlw Library numl)('r :l:ia n1lunws, besidPs numrrous pnutphleh and unbound

pat•ls of pPrindicat.... ..\ list of tluplicatcs, :naihii,Jt• for <'xchang<', h:\S bef'n printe-d and t'irculatecl, with

the r('sult that ah·eady .,,.,.,•ral U'if'ful exchun!.(P'< ol hook-; hn \'(' bren made with ot hc·t· l nsl ilulion-..

10. 'l'he <'l"t'cliou of half of thf' new South "'in~-: nf lhf' Musf'um has madr ,alisfacto•·y progress,

and the buikling is now almo:st ready L11 ))(' handt•d on••· hy lh(' contra~'tot·. Thr nrw building haii been

erected o,·e•· the workshops, which now form its hn'>cment, and, although work wn" CIWI'ird on as usual in

Litem, no acddc•uLs oct,lll'l"od ('Xcept damage' by min whit(' lhe roof Wt\S being removed. \\rhen this

huildin;; is ltttndPtl ovrr, t.he fi n;t requirement wil l hP to t'l"t•cL C!~-;es, for which tht• ncct's!mry funds will Ltl

m;lwd, •~nd then Lo r<llnove the> Ethnological C:ullt•cliun from it-; present lc•upOI'III'Y !JIUU'tt•t·s. .\.~ soou u~

possiblt:, il is prop<N'd tu hn,·c tlw tcmpot'<try Etltuulugit'al huilding pulled tlowu, a11tl the IWW Somh "'in~

Pxteudcd lo ccmnrt't with the main :\I 1'"''11111 builtlings, whl'n tlw "C'ppt•r (;aJit••·.v 11 ill he dt•l•oted lo the

Ethnological, ancltlll: <.:round !<'loot· to an P'<tl'nsion nl' \hP )fammaliun and OstPolo!.(i<·nl Colll'clions.

11. TIH' work ou th<' •· Fi,hPs of Au-.tmlin" w:,., t·tmtinued hr :\Jr . . J. ! >ought ... O!.(ilhy, under llw

snprl'l"io.;ion of 11 (;uuunitt!'c uf t llP Tnl'>l<'l"', until tilt' :lOth .J """• 1900, when it. """ lranstcJTed lo tlw

t·ontrol of th•• ('hit•l' :-i<•t•rNilrj.

12. Tlw M UM'l\111 P ublit·!LLions issuer! duriu~ llll' Yl'lll' Wl'rc• :-

" Hccords of Llw Austmli<~n J\luseum,'' Vol. Ill , Parts 7 ami 8, complrtinl-{ tlw \"nlu llll'.

" :i\Ipmoirs ol' lht· 1\ u,;Lmli;w .i\Jm,l'mn," \ 'ol. Ill (On L•'unafuti .Atol l), P:trl 10, t·omplt•Ling the


")l emoil'h of lilt' ,\ ustralian )lust•tun,"' \'ol. J \ ' ( Hl'suhs of" ThNis " E:o.p<'dition), Pat·\ :l.

•· L ist of Du plical<• Books a ntl Pamphll.'h n l'ailahlc for cxchangf' ... .l. full list of tht• :\tu ~•·um Publications will he t'omHI in Appendix \ ' l ,antl ;tli~t of )»>JWI-:; published

hy mcUJhcrs of the :\[ u-.<·Uht Stall" in . \ ppl'tHlix \ ' I f.

1 :t ThC' pt·t•pnmtion ot the new l•tlit ion of tlw " l),.,,.,.ipt h c ('atnl<>tttw of t l11• l\ t•s(s awl Egg"' of Birds found Bt·oeuin;.{ in .\ nstmlia and 'l'asuu111in,'' h_y ) IJ· .• \ . J. Xorth, has pt·o!.(I'C'<~t·d, nrudy nil tl11•

plates bcin:.; Jll'l' Jilll"t'c l. Th•• li t·sl part ot lln• IPI!t•J'(H't'"-" wns hnnclrcl to tlw (ll'inlet· ahouL till' pm! of lhn

yea•·, und slwuld he i ~>~tlt'tl tn snhscl'ibt11'" c•11 rly in I !lOt.

1 k Tlw folll!ll iug Appt•utlicPs arP aUacl!t•d to !hi,. Hq•wt, yjz.:

I. Stnl<·•w•nt of Ht•t"!'ipts nnd E:o.t•l'ntli(ul't'. 11. ,\ l\t•nthtlwt· of thl' Tntslo•t•,,

Ill. - \ttt•ndam•· .,f \"i,itot-s and Sunnnnn· fur lift<'t'n year,.


\ . \" I.

\ ' 11.

\ ' Ill .


ll t·t unt of ~pt•dnh•Jh ae•tmn·d. I ~1'1 uru of I nfonmtt ion ""l'l'lit•d tu I ht· Publit·.

l'u hlit·a( ions of liH· .\ u-.t rali•tll ;\I 11"\'lllll.

l'apt•rs puhlislu·c\ l>y 'l<'tllht·t·s of the .'llust'\1111 :-;tnfl.

,\ dflitions tu tlw Liln;U') ·

Li 4 ol' 1:\ l uscum :-it:\11'.

The ( 'ontntOII KPal of the i\luo.;t• uau 1111'< ltt•l't•un(o atlb:Ptl, hy m·det• ut' thc· llont·d, tlti-; ~nd day of April, }!)01.

H. SDICf .. \tn, ~('(.'11'l:tl'.'·

( t..s.) .) .\ \lE~ C'. COX, :\f.D., Pt·e~ident.





Dalnucc from h~l ycor .......... .......... I

F rom Colon inl TrNl~uNr-Statut.or.v endowment .... .... ....... Parliamentary approprint ion-

1899-1900 .. ................ ...... .. 1000-1901 ...... .....................

From Mle of P ublications-l\[iaceUnneous ... ... . . ...... .............. . Au!tralion Lepido plcru ... . .. .... .•.. .

From sundries, flu~ • • ~c . ...... ... ... ..... .

F rom Interest on Dt'pouit. in Sn1•ing< Dunk ..• ........ . ... ....... .... . .........

£ 8. tl .

3,316 0 0 :1.008 0 0

£ 8 . tl. 702 2 (I

1,000 0 0

I ~Hlrn•it•'-1

Ournlol' .. .......... ............ . ...... . ~C(IrCIAI'J' ... ......... ...... ... ....... .. .. . St•it•nlifi<" assistnnts ................... . Ollk<' stnfl' ..... ............ ......... .... .. M tdtnnic' .. .. .. ..................... . Att endant • ........................... .. Xij!hl·wntchmen ..................... .

£ s. do. I ()50 0 376 0 0

1,513 G 7 182 2 8

1,003 4 0 616 18 8 18 1 11 3

6,32:! 0 0 -----ltt'fnnd• lo Colonial Treasurer of un·

£ s. d.

4,582 3 2

t 4 3 l'' JX'nded balances . . .. .. . . .. . . . ...... 187 13 I 11 3

3 I G 6 l'ollt•cting nod purcbnsing spccimcne, 407 3 5

0 10 0

r, 2 10

£ 8,034. J() 4

tmcl mutcrinl ..... .... ... ... ........ .

l' urt·hn~iug and binding booh nucl pc1•ioclicals ............ .. .... ..... ... . ..

l~ xp<•n•cs of opening the l\fu,Nim on Sunday~ on cl H olidays ............ ..

1tucl nncl hght ... ...... ... ... ... ......... .

Sbo" ·cases, repair!', loch, &.-. • .....

~<'il'l>lillc catalogues, ~Iuseum record~. 11ncl printing ......... ........... .

Trtl\'t•lling expenses, freight~. carriage, <\.C . ............ ... • ... .. .......... ..

'' 'J'ht•l i$'' 'l'rnwling .ExpcdiLion-l'uh· lit•t~l ion of ~cicutilic l'(lijiJil• . .. .. . .

Htfund t.o < • .'oloniul '.rr~n~UI'CI' uf un· ,.,pcn<h•d halnnce t>f l b!l!l- 190(1 \ ote .................. .. .... ........... .

Dt··t'ripl ire t'!ltuloguc of nesh und c;.;g, of Amlralian Birds ......... .

Fuo11futi Exp...'llition-Publit•ntion of Scientific :\Iemoir ... ... ... ... . ....

\ n•t ,,.}um L~pidopteru-C•>louring plutct for Publit•atiou ... ... ..

llt.utivncrr, .tor~ .. , nnd otbcr supplir~. T n~ur.L net' ................................. , . Uniform• .. .. .... ..... .... . .. ............... . 'l'oo)ij and plnnt. . .. .. . ... . .. F urniturL• ........ .. . . .......... ........... . Hcpnir~ nntl windtl" clt•auiog ... . :-;,.t·lion t•uUing ... ... ................. . Auditmg .... .................. . \ t·<·ount book·, &c.. .. .. ............. .

Suuclrie• nud pctt~ .-:~.pen•c• .. .

'U•J>CII><' Ac~ounl-Unndjn•tl'll Ill• m


1S lii 7 6~) 12 !l 2i 12 0 JU 3 7 2G 11 6 17 H ll 13 :l 0 ;, 5 0 :; 1 (I

:! 1 10

l'u bhc Account . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . :!Hi'> J 3 0 Endo"ment .\.ccount ... .. ............. 686 () 0

25-1. 2 1

225 8 3

73 3 7

196 5 11

399 !l 7

8 4- 19 0

96 18 1

110 0 0

201 6 6

33 14 ·L

lC 10 0

212 0 ll

5 0 0

95 1 18 ()

:£ 8,034. 10 4

.AuJitcd, :-ydncy, New South "'al•~. 12th Februur~, HKJO,-

J. H UXT.ER STEPJJ F.\ 'OX, ::\l . .A., F.S.l.A., P ublic Accountant.


_\ PPENDI X 11.

AT'I'l':NDANO.ltl Ol•' 1'111~ 'l'ltlJSTt•: t•::; DUltlNG 1900.

01'01/Jtt Trustee.

J. 0 . Co:r., Esq., M.D., l!' .L.S., C.M.Z.S ...

O!Jicial T,·ustees.

H is lion or the Chief Jus Lice 'l'ho H onorablo the Colonial Secretary 'l'hc llonorablo the A Ltorney-General 'l1he H onorablo the Colonial Treasurer 'l'hc Auditor-Genernl '!'he Collector of CuiSloms ... 'l' ho Pre~ident of the Medical Board

Elective Trustees.

J . Beliaario, Esq., D.D.S. ... ... ... A. Liversidge, Esq., M.A., !JL.D., F.R.S. 'l'he lionorablo .Jamcs Norlon, LL.D., ~f.L .O. H. n. B. Bradlcy, Esq. ... ... ... ... .. . Charles l\f oore, Esq., F.L.S., F.Z.S. ... ... .. . W. D. Campbcll Williams, Esq., L.R.C.P., J~ondon, &c. W. A. Unswell, Esq., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. ... T. W. Edgeworth David, Esq., B..A., F.G.S., F .R S. J. T. W ilson, Esq., l\LB., Ch.M .... 'l 'he llonorablo S. IT. llyam, M.L.C. llugh Pollock, Esq., B.A.., LL.B. ... '1'. Storie Dixson, :Esq., M. B., Ch .U. Critchott Walker, Esq., 0.1\l .G., .J.P.

... 11

0 0 0 0

12 10 0

4• (j


G G Ot

11 8 G G

13 12 J!

Number of Meetings during Lho year-11 ordinary, 5 !lpecinl, 3 Commiti('e. • Hied lilh Juuc, l!l()(l. I llod le,He ot absence f!'r.\Olcd.



ll'cck-dn~ •· Snnllnyv. 1'nt~1.

.l:\nuary !J,O !l 2,12i 11,210 J~ebrunry G,5:ll l,G 8 H,20:J March 6,076 1,837 7,!:.113 J\~ril 5,5G!3 2,139 7,702 l\ n.y 'J,77!l 2,208 7,987 .June 7,191 2,553 9,741: July U,GDG 3,GO.> 10,301 August ... 6,670 3,287 9,9;)7 Soptembor 7,538 3,5H J L,07!) October 8,2G 1 2,663 10,927 November ... 7,195 2,10L 9,506 December ... 8,59'i :l,70J, 12,:302

----Total 85,'H1 31,4'J!l ll6,927 A \'CI'age ... !3:H UOL


- ------------- ------Wcek·days. _I Sun<lny~.


I .SUiuber. lntreaoc. Llccrea..:. l )~;umber. lucre:.\Se.

1886 8:>,9i2 3,3i8 41 ,259 ................................... .... . ...... 1887 ···· ········ ················· ............... .. 5,931 41 :~0,868 1888 ·:·::::::.::::: ::::::::· :::.::::::::::::::::::::1 8!1,028 3,097 40,337 3,469 1889 92,85 3,830 4;),.352 5,215 I 90

::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] 87,900 4,9.)8 36,821

IS!H 111,910 4,010 •10,935 4, Ill 1892 !)4,4!!8 2,528 !!6,263 1893' ........................... .................... 81,5Jl 12,&17 !10,776 1894 b(;,2.l(i 4,G9J !l4,324 !1,548

~ ~~g: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 S6,!l53 107 !12,226 S!l ,:J51 3,()0-l :11,49-l 2,268

1 97 ...... ······· .. ............... .............. 89,90i 6,.)5(j !l:?,9 7 1898 ................. .............................. SS,:l32 1,575 28,621) 1899 ................................................ 90,:l2l 1,989 31,29 :?,669 1900 .............. ............... .................. 1>5,47-t 4,&n 31,4S;J ),;;;

Decrease •

2,659 4,391

.... 8;128.

4,6i:? 5,487

.... 2:oos· 1,507 ·1,358



,•::r."':,; No. of Sp<.'<'UI\ttalf.

m)rk. llq!llrtmcnt. Tot.• I.

Donation. l·:•chango. I l'urchn•e. Collc-ellon.


;11. 0. H. 1. s. C'. K. <:. 1 ... J>. )l!,

H. N. J,, D.

Ve~·tchmta-~l:unmnls .......................................... . ......... .. Birds ....................................................... ..

~i~t~~e~ .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:::::::: ;:: :;:::: Skolctons . . . .................................... ........... .


.JS 20'.2 2!4

73 33

;lloUuscn ..... . .. ... . .... ... .... ... ...... ... . .......... .. . .. .. :J,i ·1 Insecta, Arnchnitln , &c... . ........... ........ ..... ...... 1,0!~ Other Invertebrata .. . ...... ......... .............. .... ... J 1,,

Fossils .. ............ ...... . .. .... .. .. . ............ .. .... . .. ... .. . ... 7:!0

l ~i~~~!~i\~~:·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: !~~ Kumismnticnl ...... ..... . ........................ .............. 4G Casts nnd ~l oul<ls .......................................... ..

I ~iscellnueous ................................................... : ___ 2_3_

Totnl.. ........... .. ........ ............ ....... ..... 1 7,089




61 142

I 299 2.~ 23

6 2 9


4 JOS 2:16 :!4


~; :m:; W:l

•H 216

76 :! 1


I i!l :.!:1 711 n

l ,i42

53 :J9:1 :;o:~

175 40

4,ioa 1,:191

ifH 1,827

247 781

1:! 12 .. :J:J

RETlJRN 0~' fXFOIUiJA'riON ,'UP L' f,I ED 'J'O 1'JIT~ PUJ3LTO, 1100. ------------.-------- --------------------


.Agricultnrt', Depart· l ment of.

M iss Dublsrn ....... .. .. . M r. C. A. llcnbow .. . llfr. , V, F. ll uchnnan

and M r. 'I'. Cnhill. llf r, C. R Burn side ... M r. J. 1<' . Cnmpbell llfnjor P. unci Mr~.

Cnrde\1, Mr. J. E . Cnrno .........

Consul-Oencml for Russit\ nncl Consul Paul.

Dr. J. C. Cox ......... . JTou. Dr. J. AI. Creed,

M.L.l'. D r. 11. C. Curl ........

?!fr. H. Cunningham ...

Captain Farquhar,R..N.

Fi~hcri.-•, Dc'pnrt· m~ut of.

M r. J . T . Gill~ipie ..... 1

Re~. Oeorgc Olo•·cr ..

llrr. J. A. O•·illlt.hs ... ... ,

Detail!' .

Dt•lermiuution of l'ou1·hed llou'''·

Dt'lcrmination of Mincrnls t111tl Fos.ik R~ habits and ~COIIOill\ of 1111• h:lurul. Sbo" ing )[u•cum •·oll;·ction!.

Rc• l'inclos(mn punrfafum. r "'I"'~'~ ion of un~l :-!kin coii~C'! inn. llc•cription of ,\ J usc•unt collcct iou~.

R,• 'L'orbt\nit.• from ori!(iunl I<X·alil.•, and ••xhibition of •Jk'CimeM.

Re Austr-:>li.sn :\fnr•upinlf; ,•xhibiting :\[uscum colle<·tions.

Nnming i\Iat·inr Hlwlls. Ro pnrthitic hubit$ of Pulicilitl'·

References to litcn\lurc of An•lralinn . \borigines.

lclt•ntifi!-alion of ~kull of Dolphin (D~lpldnus drlpl1is).

Dctcrmioinll nncl making li~t of Jl ustrnliau Jlird.' J•.Jt,::•.

Ddcrmining Cru,lnte:\ ( lrrfu# Uf'#U$,

1Icrb,t.); cxnminalioo of Pmwns and Fi.h from .Julcmon'• l:l cy during tl1c Plngue epidemic•.

Oh·in~t infonnution re OrniLhologicn l and Oologicul <·llllt•c•l illn<.

Oiling informntinn r~ Tt·rmit··~ (White ,\nts). tb~ir J.jf,• History, and Archi­t~•·lnrc, ami clt<plnying <ll<'ctm~ns of t'Olllf'.

Inspection nnd urrltll!l~IIIOilt or ('OII<·t·tioo~.

:\fr. G. H. Hullignn

M•·. H. B.liogg ...... .. .

Mr. T. Tccly on!l fr:cnd'

:llr. W . K ilgnur ........ :lfi•• ~ing ... ll£r E. B . L~nr ..

lfr. R. T~wr n1Hl friend I Mr. W . J\lnr,hnll . .... Mr. E. IT. Mutlhcwd . "r. J. :u. Xi<·kh·• .. .. '"'' O'llctlly .......... .. :llr. S. G. Phillip• ..... 1 :"11 r. n. A. l'otlrr .. .. ~lr. W . Il. U:uHis . .. .. .

~lr. G. i:a,idgt• .........

:\fr n. G. Su;ucl .... .. Mr. G. A. Su~tmilc·h .. . 1'otM 1111d C'umtl r.IJ

J ournal. \lr. TT. R WJ.itl c·\1 nr Cnmnr Wllkin,ou Mr l'~re.1 W1lliam• ..

Mr. J. W~ hnrcl


Oil iug infurmnlion n• tll m~rk<•l •·aluc of -"oa Skcl,•ton,,

Oi.-ing informstinn ,., An,lruliun Arunoidw, nncl displaying >~me.

Exlub1 ti ng cabinet Ornilholcgirnl roJI,•c· twn'; c•xplnin1ng F.ntomolo~ti~:il c'hibih.

hO\\IIIj! o,-cr the ~IUM'Uill j!CCICriiJI,I , nud gi r in,.: ioiornmtion; idc·ntifying Crus­t"'''" fl\)111 Pot·~ l'hillip, nnd displuying ~:-pccimcn:;.

hl•ntilkntiun of ~~tin<•t i\fnr;upi:ll Bonc'3. m •.•• ior artistic ~ludr. J ufcnutntion r~ Ornillinlngicnl nntl Oulogic·~l

c .. llc.tiuns. 1\ slcilciting Ptllwontolngicnl and \lincrnl

lJWtl'imens. D••trrminntion of CuiM. Exllibiting and explaining coUection1. Ref<•rc•ncl'9 to Polv LOS,

N{unin;.: F'o:0sih. · l.:Xplnining :\fuscum coll•'etions. l•:•plni••in~: )luseun't collections. Exhibiting ~[uecum collections nnd nrrnng~·

menta. Exhibiting Ornitbolngicnl and Oulngic:>l

•·olh't.'tiOO~. Dell rminalion of J,,,.ur.b. .A&~i~lnncc 111 determining Crinoid plnt.rs. i'l"miWI'<lll< Replies to Corre~pond~nts on

111tion1 onbjccl~. lnfonuntion ··e J.yn• Bir.l•, X est~, and Fglls. lnformnti an r~ llo•<Jillt<>.-. ))i.pln.• ing rolll>ction of Au~trJlicm Buttrr­

fli~• nml naming ~pceimcn~. Xnminl( 13ird,;'l\!:t;g.

l'UBLIC.l.TIO~S OF TJIE AUSTRALIA/\ ;IIU F.U)l t ' l' 'rO THE J.:l'W 0~' 1900.

1.-UA'rAt.VC:UP.S. 1. <:ataloguc of the Specimen~ of Natnrnllli~tory anti ~lisccllanoons ('nrio.•ities in the ;\u~lmlian l\luqeum, by (:.

Hennoll. 183i . SI'!>. pp. 71. (Out nf pl'i11t. ) 2. Cntnlogno uf :\l:lllllllllli:l 10 the C'oll~-cllou of tho \ustr.tlian :\lust•um, hy (: . Kn:ITt. 1~()1. l:?mu. pp. J:l:l.

(Out nf pnnt.) :l. (':ualuguc of the ;llincr.ds an<l Ruck~ in the Collection of the Austr,cli<~n :\lu~cnm, hy C::. K rdft. 1~;:~. !\Yo.

pp. Xl'ii- I I;;, (Out nf print.) J. Cntalllgno uf lite J\uNl1·a linn Birds in the .\u•tmlian ~lnst'um, hy K 1'. ltam'""'>'• l'.u·t I, Ac<Jiplli'C", 18/li. Svu.

Jl,P· viii-ll l, ~~~~~ Snpplucnont, IX!l~. _ l'.trt 11, ~tt·igc.•,, .t ... OO. ll•·u. pp. <l:J· l'icco1tcl edition, u:visccl hy A . . J. Nt~rlh:IS!J8. J tlrl r, AcCipltrc". N•·o. l'Jl· XII 1 1. Pnrt J I, Stngcs. lh·•· pp. n-:H. l'art UI, p,,ll.ll't, 1'\!ll. \'0, I'P· \'Ill I Ill. Part l \ ·, Halcyocu· , 189-4. '>m. 1'1'· 1iii -:!ol.

;;, {',lt,,!oguc of the .\a•tmlcan ' talk un<l '-'c!•il(;·ty~<l Cru,lac"·'· !.~ \\. A. n.,.,wdl. l'i!l:!. i!111. pp. :~.:~.iv-:l:?-1, with -1 I•I.He•.

6. L'ntniOfiiiC uf the Lilor.11·y of the Au•tmli:<n ::llttscum. 18S3. Sn ... llJl. 17'1, '' ith li\O $Uppl•·mont•. (Out uf p•·inL) NClw cdnion. t>nrl Ill , Pamphlets.

7. Cnt:~ loguo of '' l:oll.:clion of Fossils in the Austmlian :lltll>Cum, 11 ith Inuotlnci<H'Y Xotes, by ~·. H tlll'. 1'1':1. XI'(), pp. :I.X\'111 IGO.

8. <.:.naloguc• of the Austl,lli.tn 1Iydroul Zuophytc;<, !.y \\' :.1. Bale. h., I. S1·o. pp. 1!'1.,, with 19 pi •tt·•. !),


;. !l. ll,·;cnptovc I 'atalu.!H• ttl the I :coll'ral ( 'olle•·t iun ul \louco-ab iu tht \ust o.oli Ill ~Iu~•·nm, hy F. !toll«•. s,·o. pp. :!~ 1 , with'' plntc.

10. ('.ot.ologm• of g ch iuntlcmuot ;o tu tlu: An~traliau ~l u-.•tllll , b) g, £>. H'"""''~. l'art l , E chini , ISS.i. :!ml cllitiou, 1890. 8\'tl. pp. \ iii .H, \\ ith.) plttlt'H.

11. l>cHcripti\'0 Ca ta logllC of tlll' :.JctluHro or the ,\ IIMlmlinu Sons. P~t~•L 1, Scyphonoctlll.(\'. Part 11 ' ll ydr()lllCdnsm, by R . ,·on Ll'n tl<mfolol. ISS7. lho. pp. ;{21\lul •Ul. , . . _ . , , ,

l:!. l>cs<·riplivc Catalognc of Uw NvMt~ and hggH of l!trds luum11u·cctloug 111 ,\ u•ln\lllt nu(1 l n•llllllllll, h~ A. J. Nnrth. 1389. :h·o. pp. iv, v 40i , " ·ith 2 1 pl.ttcs

1:1. IJcscl'ipth·c Cat<l lognc of the Spongt.'~ in the .\ u"ll\llinu .\hhctuu, hy H \On Lcntlt·nfeltl. 1 8~8. S\·o. Pl'· xi\·-260, with 12 plate~.

1\ut I, P;~lreidtthyuu Fi~hc~, hy J. Dougi•IS Ugilhy. ISSS. 11. ('ttalnguc of the Vishc~ " ' tlw .\u~tr.tliau Museum Svo. pp. :1 1

1.). Catalogue of the .\lanuc :-\hdls of Ausu·aha nnd Tolsnmnin, by J. lkt1.ict. Part I, Cephnlopodn, 1 8!)'~. 8,-,,. pp. 20. l'<~rl 11 . l'tempo<la, 189:!. 8\·o. pp. 2'2. Part. Ill , (;,,~tei'Opotla Plurex), 1893. 8vo.vp. 32.

l!i. Cttlaloguo of Austmlinn 1\ l nmmnl~, with I ntro<luctory Not<'S on <: oncral Mnmmalogy, hy J. Dmrglas Ogilhy, 1$92. g,,o. pp. xvi I ·H.

Ji. llcxcl'i p tivc Catalogue of the ' l'uuicntn in the Austmli11n ~Inscu111, hy W . A. U enlmnu, 1899. Svo. pp X\•iii- 1:19. i 5 )Jintes.

} J. - 1\ [o\VC:tlAI'IIS.

l ,\ u~lmlian Lcpitloptcm .uu l tlwir· 'l'nuosformntiuns, hy the late A. \V. S<•ott, with llhtstrntiun~ by his daughters, :\Jrs. :\lorgun ll!ttl \ln;. forth:. Editetl nml r·e,·ised hy .\Jr, Forde nudA. s. Ollifl. \ 'ol. II, Parts I , 2, 3, and 4 , and index, fol. IS!IO IS9 . pp. :lH, u tu1 1:! plates.

LA fresh ilJilue of Parts l, ~. nnd 3, forming \ 'ol. 1 of the \\Ork, is now 1\\'ttiluhlc.]

111.-~l i'.MUIRS . l. ll istOI'Y nnd lJcscriptiou (!( llw Sl<cletou of n new Rp<•o·m Whale i11 Lho Austra lian M useum, hy \\' . S. \\'a ll.

1851. 8 \•o. pp. Ill), wi t h plate~;. Ru pl'i n t, 1887. 2. Lord J!owc Island: its %vt~logy, Geology , unci l'hyHi<·nl ChiU'acters. 1889. 8\•o. pp. viii- 132, with 10 phtles. 3. ' r hu Atull of.}'u tulfuti, tWice (;roup: its Zoology, Bnlttny, and (;encml Stt·uclurc, based on Collections mndc hy

) Jo-. l'. lledloy. 1896-1000. Svu. J))l. vii- 609. 27 phtll•s. 4. Rl'il·utilic Results of the 'l'r·a,diug Ex}X•ditinn uf I I.~I.C.S. "Till'tis." l'nrt I, 23nl DtJccnthcr, 1~!)!). Svo,

pp. 132. :12 plates and clu1rt. P.trt J l , :!3•~1 .\Jay, 1900. '!\•u. pp. 67. 4 plates.

l \-.-(: l'll>~~.

I. C:uicll• tu the An~tt.llian 1<'ossil Henmins in the Allslrali>~u J.l uscum. 1$711. 2. Guide t() the Content~ of t he . \ ustraliun .\l u~oum. 18S:l. Svo. pp. iv 51i. :l. C:uiole tn the Contcnlll of tlu· .\ u~tmlian ~~ ~~~l'II JII. IS!JO. 8vo. pp. l.i(l.

\'. - i:\I I:I<Jt:f,l •. \ N i!OUs.

3vo. (Out of print.) (Out of print.)

I. L ist of ••Id Document' ami l~eli<'~ in the Austr•llian :.luAOII!n. 1 &1 Kcpt·intcd with additinnM, 1890. 8vo. pp. 4. 2. Dt•-.·ripth•o L ist of .\ h<~~igin11l Wcapuns, fmph:mcnts, &c, from thl• I>,H iing and L nchlnn Uh·on:, hy K. H .

Benncll, F L.S. IS~i. Heprintecl, l'i9i. s,•o. pp. :l. Note~ l•>r l'ollt'Ctor•. I '!'ij . S\·o. pp. 43. ~ · ll mh foo· Cullector,. of c,:eul .. gie;ll ·~ml ~Hncrulugic ·al sp.,•cimens, hy F. l<att,·, Jll'· :!6, "ith a P!·l~t·: .• ITont • for the Pr<!SC I'\'<Ittnn or Slte<'llllcns of Na tuml ll o~tory, hy E. l' R.llll'" ' 1$91. 4 th hchtcon, pp. :H. H. List uf Dupl i<-cttc );ooks .uul Pamphlets :wail.tblu foe c-..changc in tlw Llhr.1ry o[ the Au~trctliun )J uscum.

l'r·<'ptll'!•<lloy R. :o;iuclair, Rcen•!ni'Y :tilt! Libmrinu. 1!)0!1. lhn. pp. :!•1.

V J.-RI(('UitDS.

l{eeot·d• of rho <h tstrnlinu ~l uscum, \ '.ol. l , 18110 !11 8''"· pp. xx\· 220 :JO plaH•s. ,-.,J. ll, 1892 !lli. "''"· pp. J<ii 11:?. 2:) plate~. \ 'ol. HI, lSOi 1!11~1 /ho. pp. 'i' 2:1:t :li plate,.

\l.ty he uLhtined fr·om the .\thmci,\Jlb at the :.ltt-c·um, or fro111 ~~..,,~..,.. An~us and l<•>lw•·tson, t'a,tlcrca)!h·~trcet, Sy,luc~ : \1""'~''· Turner ami H ell( l et ->~n, Hunter-~tt·wt . I;Ydncy : ~I r. E. \\' . ( 'ul~:, I :cnq.:c-sto<·ct. ~)·cln<•y, ll<K>k Arr·a tlc, ~J elbnm·ne, nn•l J,uudlc-.;trc<:t , i\ clclnlllc ; :llc:Jssrs . . \lclull.· .nul \lullen, )ll'ihotn·ll!': :.l e~""'· IC l'l'i!•c llnn•lt•o• .1nd . on, B~rlin: ~l e~'''· 1\cf.~lll, J>.\111, Tt ~llch, 'l'ruhner, &. ( 'n., l'at<·rttu•tcr llc.us(', Chnoiu.~-: ( 'ro>" Rll,\t l, ).omlon.

[Exchaug<'s of ~crinls, Works, Rcpo1·t•, ncHI other l'ublica!iun~ nrc earnestly ~nlicitcd on bchnlf of tlw Il l u~ou cu Library.]

_\.PPK~ Dl X \ ' li. 1'.\.PER~ Pl'BJ.ISIIIW BY ~[EMB.Jo:I<S OF TfiE A.l'S'l'RA J.L\ N .lll'SF.lJ.U STAFf

DrRI~(} 'fll E YE.tR 1!100.

1. Spt•ar• \\ilh I neis,,d Ornnm,•JII 2. LtUI,•-known ond l'od,•srri b r·<l

Ill, 7, 1900.

ETJtETlll>OE, non .. JUUr. .J.u•l. J1tt·•· Ruord.•, 111, 7, l!lOO.

Pcrnw·Carb(nnfi'I'Oll' ~'•·1<·<'.1 pod:1 in ""' \ 11'ln1linn .llu~1·um . .ltttl. J f ut. Rl'C.,

a. Orc·,·innnl Notr~. Yll, l'll,tdlolli~ra and Ciugularitl . . l u.tt. Jlu.~. R~t·., Ill, i, li)IH). ·~. Corlll~ from dte Col'lLI t.un~~lOIIO~ o r Limt C't't•ck, Stauwcll, RJ>ckh:tmpton. /lull. Ufof. s ('l'l' ., (Jtl., 12, 1900.

Jl i·:JIJ.Y.Y, C'IIARU-.

I. 'tucli<'~ on An;trulian .\[ulln•t"'• L'arb I nncl 2 l 'ro• /. in . ..,;.,, . ., _\' . .'1.11•, \\1 , l , 3, 1900. '2. O<•t•u .. tounl Xote~, ,, Tur,·icu/,t s(·alell'ifor,,i,. Tt•n \\ ,,uJ~ Tt~ U<.·c:urt't'lu.:c in X,,w South \\--nit.'~. \"Jt ~ea/a

I'I'I•€Jitrfll, Hedlt·~ It• Oc•<-ttrrcn<'<' 111 F iji. .l tt•l .• lit''· llrc .. 111, ; , J:tO).

~OBIII, . \ lt llrn .J. 1 Dl·~•·rcplcun of ~ ~l' " Uu·tl ft'0111 X ort h·\\ C-tcr·n \ ll'lt~cliu. l 'it·t. X at., '\ 11, •l, 1! 00. t. Dco<'riplion of u New l'nt•rukt•ct ft·om lho llurk,· Di>tc·ict, North Que.·nxluucl . /'it·/ . .\'ul, .._ l'fl, ;,, I !lOO. :1. Acltluiunul Note 011 l..'lll'lcr'd ]),•,cri Bird, Hrt•miQrui.< t·tn·ln·i, North. l'it·l. ;Y.,I., \111, 5, 1900. 4. Atldi t ionnl Note ou lll u<',t; ti li\'o·n.l '" Pnrrnkt'<' t, I'laftttW't'll•macgilliul·a9 i , Not•t,lt. l 'id. Kat., xnt, (J, 1\)(J(). 5. Dt•~criptiou or the Nc•t n111l g~!:B uf till' l'ulnt<'d ll unl'l"·enter, Rnltmlllpflif,, picla, Uoultl r icl. 'Sat.,

XV II , 7, HlOO. . ll \1' llO\\ \\ •• J.

l. 'J'wn X••w 'l'houoi~ids. A"''· .lfll,. 1/r~·., HT, 7, I:WI()

2. 1>cscr rphott- of >vme '''" \ >'31licl., uf ~ew Sou tit \\ ult--, Xo. !'. /',·o • '·"'· '"', :-.·.-:. ff' .. t n ·, 3, 1!100. \\' ,\11'8. l•:uu \11 H.

I. Hc•••uc·r··nc•t• or Jll',qwlrttWI .'ti'l"'· Dvb,;(ln. .Just • . lfcc • llt ., Ill, 7, 1!100. :!. \n <'l.ll'n< lt•d tle>r ... iptivu o l . lftn J'trtcipi'S, \\ a\t'rlouch•·· -~ '"'· M t>.\', Rl'l·., ttt , i, 1!)00. :$ . \ rltlit-iun1lo lht• F i,h·Fnuun ,,f l.urtl H cm·c• l •l11ncl. AtH/, 1/t~.t. liec·., Ill , 7, IUOO. 4 . Not••s "" l'i$hC-" fr<11u W c•olt•t·u ,\ u:ofrn lia, ttml llt•<c·o·iptiuu or u S r" Spr<·ic'.i . • t u.vl . .lit~.<. ll••c., 111, 7, l!l.:tl. o. 'l'loc• C"r<ll' llt:tlo,!:llt' s .• ·•t.•Jil mlaptc•d to M IISt'll\11 t•ecpcil•cJiu•nh. -''"''· .l!u•. Htc., Ill, 7 , 1\100. ,;_ o ,.,.,bltllllll :'\ute,, \Ill. Xote "" 1,1/,IIII>OIWlftllfflh, (l uutll\lr. · ' "·'' .llt.\. " "'·• Ill, i , 1!100.

" ' JUTt;I.t:o.Lt., '1'110\I.~S.

1. S<•oontcfot.' Rc$ults of the 1 r,l\\liug .Expt•dition of H .M.C.S . .. Tbeli•.' StoiUlllopoclu. .dttsf. J{us. Jleut., 1\ :! 1!100.

Cru~tn•••·n, L'.•rl [. U~r:1pud" ~tnd

.tPPENDIX. Ylli.







7U ll l'<

i OB U

1 ot:n



A DDITIOXS TO T il l•: Lli3R.\.R 1.

l'AltT f.- 110)1\S.

'' AsTtlOLAm::• \·oyn~t' tlt' I>t~<.·ou'·•'rlcs c.t(\ 1'.\ •lrnl,,ht•, 1'!% :w, •un< .1. J)umonl clTniiiP. Yol. i\. Philolosn~ pnr .J l1111nont d' (' n ill<•.

How ;h-.}nirnl.

I •••1. !'1," Pari•, l 'l!ll l 1 nr..J1n•NI • \1'1..111~ (.J.unr•). 'l'r.ul,••m~· · 'J'okt•n• or lh<·

Eighl<-<•nlh Ccnllu·.r. I VCil. 1<1 o. l.omlon, 18!12. l'nt~·hns('•\

-- ( 'niu' nnd 1'okcu~ Hr tlw Po~!C$~ions 1\lltl Colunit•• or tht· Uriti.h Empir,•.

1 "'I. 8<11. Lon•lo11, I ~'>:1 Pnr.•hn,cll .H."" r.; ( I homA• , F·l\\<lr•l \\ arren Bhkt•, ami

. \ lo•mnch•r l'•"k A 'I; ''" Hovnl n•11l Autlwntic ~al .. •u, ul l niH•rs~l (h•o fl l'tl)lh,l, nncic;ll 111 ol nw•h•rn, inl'ludinjl all !111• lntt• impo•·tnnt l)i~<'Mt'<i<•s mndc hy th<• l~n~o:lo'h ruul other t•t•lt•lmtt.•tl Xu1 i~al >r~ of ' nr1ou~ nation~iu t ht• tlirr .. r~ut Ut•mi .. ph;•rt'--, nn<l<·onlllining a cumplrl<• grnet"l Jl •-lury nncl )),•,rriptlOil or 1111' \\'holr W'orhl, ,\,•.

l \'OI. Fol. Lo ndou , tul. (~i r<-n, lbt U). llANKS (J o;eph). ,f01tl'rl:tl o f tlH' H.t. lion. Su·

JoPcph Jlnnks durin~ t'11pt. C'ook'• l 'il·dt \'oyngc in ll.:M:.S. "J•:ndt•uvot•r," 17GS- 71. .,., Edited by J oscph 1\. Uookcr.

I H<, . ......



C't1J,U:t TT'<01111d JWCSCI'fi ng sp~C'inwn~. I 10l 8ro. Wushi rtglon, 1871 -!!:l.

Cout.'lill~< IJir•-.'tll'ln fl)r( nlh•• tin~ :uul Prt.· •\'hll{ fu~t~: hJ

t' \ l~ll•~· /J11/l C,,, \'111 'fu 3!f p,,rtJ'., )"-I''

llinf'tiOH.. fur t JJICf tir ... :nul l'f' -M.:f'"\ iu~ ~I.: In fdot((' le.'t:irt.•·); h.\ T. fl . \ Codu·rcll, Bull . l '.S .. \ut .1fu.ot. , :!!l, l'tul /., l!o\~lj,

llin et inn .. r•1r l 'olh ("tl11g Ut't't<tlt ~uul ,,·n ...... il rrant."': h~ f 11 . l{nowltuu /lull. 1'.:) ;\'{If. J/u~ .• :~1. / 'urt /1, Nil.

('m.r.En' IHnhrt·l,nntl llrichjnf\'un,rn), Nuri\C· giah Xurlh L'oln•·l•:•p•·ch lion, 1 ~!13-lb!Jv, Tl'. \ n .\ rruunt ,.r lhr Jlinl-.

1 <ol. llu. 1-cmclon. Chri-lum' • ,\r, 1'\!l!l. Prt••rult>d b1 H. CollttL.

!l:JOl 3 Coo1. (.J.u, .... l \ n .\ c,·ouut ,,r the \'oyng•;• un•h'l'ill~cu h,l' 1 h,• M• I>~· nf llts pt'ffCnl 1\Juj~'l,\' fur making l>i •c·m••·•·it·• in I ho ~outhcrn ll t•mi,.ph~re, ntul tltH'C'l"'"'in~l.} ptll'· fornw<l h,\ Com moolort• 11) •·on, Coptuin 1\"nlli•, t':11•taiu Cadc•rrl, nwl Ca~·t~•n Cook, in tl1t.• "Dolphin," tlw "!'wnllow,' owl tlu·" Endt"l\ unr," dn""" up fron• the J ournnls J.cpt by th<> l'nmuuuul••r8, and fi'Ont the L'npors .. r Jo.cph llno~s, by John Ilnwkcswnrlh .

3 .-ol~. •Ho. Lo mloo, 1773. Purchased J ' 01 f:1·o. l.oudon, I !·ll. Purchased !1!10 1- .j -- \ '""Y"f.:'' tmwr<b lht• ~oullt P ole nncl

BATESOl>' \\"illiom) . ~Jut ·rinl< ror !he Sluch of Ynrietion IN'oh·tl 11i1h •J>eciul rcganl to Da.cont imuty in I ht• Origin of 'pec.·ir,.

1 Yol. !<m. Loncl<'n, l b!ll l'ul'<·lm,td .lltiH>IlW (F. 1<:.) .. \ lluok nf Wlml~,.

1 l'·ol. Svo. Londtm, l ·.lOll. l'tm·hn>ctl :Uu<' " (.l u'<·l'). Zitlt'lll(t'lph~ ; a praclit·al guiclt•

to thl• urt as praC'Ii~l~ in roun,'"t"'iou with Lt•tt.ctpri..·~~ J)rintin:,:, tr.au .. }utt.-tl I'' E . ;\fcul.,·u. Fifth Nlillou

I 1 ol. !lru t..nul:>n n.<l ) . l'urd• t:t·ol Btw:s' ( 11.0 .). Klu--cn und Or.loungt•n cl•••

1' htcr-Hcich~, ";,,..,., ... .ft hrh dnt·go.tcl.l in \\'orl nnd Dild.

-- Bnml 11. .\ btht•Jiunj( :! !o:t•llinu•l~t· '""" (StJchclhaut<•r) lk::onnen 1'011 11, J.#tulniJ{. Forl~t"•t•tt.l \Llll 0. lfJtmRHII

Z\\t•att• ... B1u·J•. lht~ St(\da•rn<'. l .. f;.t. :.?;; ~6. Pttrrh:~etl -- llnn<l Ill. :\lt>llu"'" (\\'eic·hthhrt'.

\ on. 11. Simroth, \btheil uog 2. l.tg. 46 ·:i :!.

- - lluml 1\'. Wlirmt'l' ( \ ••rme.). \ un \f. llll\1111, \ bt h eilung ~.

I 1·ol. 8To Lt•iJMtg, 18!11- I!'IKI. l'urdtnsrd

21li I (i

Uoun<l !Ill' W orld, perfurmnl by H .)J. ·. "Rc .. nluticHI" aud ".lth·~ntur,•," in Ii;2, 17i3, tri I, In.;, by Jamr~ l'•~•k. m wbiclt io indlltl«l l 'aptuin Fut·urnux'• ).urrntht> of hi ~ P1·orc••••Hn~~ in I lw •• .A th '-'Ht tlrl-'" during t ho srpu•·ation ol' tho Ship>. 'I hirtl t•dit i 11.

:l .-o l> . ·lt n. Lm~tlun, l'li!l. l'un·horrd - A \~u\.11-!:~ tu the Puc•ltit· <lt·c·un, nr•tlt .. l'-

t <hn ~.1 tht•l'.nnnlallll <•I li t ~l 11je~l~ tor tnakiu~ Ui!!t'tJH'rit~ in the ~uatllt'tll B t."UJi.,. phcr,•. Jl<'rform.·cl nntl.-r tlJC• llire<·t inn uf l'nptaina (\,uk,L'kt ~ ~·1nul Uur-·, in ll.lL'. ''lh• .. ulutionu uwl u Di :it'ut-pn·." in J??G, I iii, 177K, lii9, :111dli~O. \'.,·I~. I uml 11 U,\ Gnplutn ,)ullll'' ( \Jok. \'ul. 111 , by t'aplaiu .Jam•·· h' inj! !I wl<. 410 l.umluu, 1781. l1111'<'ha~cd

;,~la ;; l -- !'lot• >amr :!~>cl•·tl•ti(lu). ! t~l(l ' , 3 10l-. lto. l.<~uol•m, 1 iS.i. l'urdta!<•d

- ]'lull'-. 1 n·l. fol. l'urchn;~d Cos " IN pluut·u·•·) Hen11· ( ' rllll)UC <I<· Palco·

zoulotti<'. Org11m' tJ·iuw~tl·it"l. A nn._te~ 111, 189!1. 11, l!lOO.

~U B 20 -- Bunt! V . Gli~•l<•l'fit•!l~r \ rthl'O)lodtt \ hlh,·tlung :.1. Yutt ,\ , lit'r•tncrkcr.

I n>l. b\'O. P uri• l'l!l!l-1900. l'u rcbtlfcd 17!1•·. ) lh '\l't·, \\'. ) . unci E. l\ ukt•n l'nlo"mloln!:i•chc l'. ::o. I .\ hhalltlhtn~··n :\,·uc Fol::•• llnncln, B,·O

1Vl :l2

l lllli


F urtgt • • un .\ . . Jo:. Ortmanu. l .f~t. ;;;-;,(), -- Buucl Y I. .\ bt hcilung .;. ""ugeth i~r••,

Muuunnlia . You 1'. (1, Oicbcl F orl:t•'•l'll.l 1 on \\' . L<•l'b<. llnntl i.


1 l'ol. 8\'0. Lt'll'ztg, 1157-J 1!100 l'nrc·h:t£cd l'.lllPin. l r, ( \\'. U .). -\ but·i~:uml C'nrllng• uf

1'11r1 .fnrkoon nod ll ruhn llrtl 1/r m f:t fJI . ..:,,,., , ~,.\' '). W.. f:/1,, '· r .• i. 1&!19.

I 1·ol llo. "'nlr<·,, h!I!J l'r.· · •·ntctl · · h, (:u,·l. 1'1·intet·.

C \:Slll 11' 1. 1 F .1. :\lalwulol!t<' m.:dilt·rrtll;,., ... ,. cl httornl,•, un dt'll'rit>l iun tlr' i.Hollu••1•1<·• '1~11 rn~~·nt dan~ lu ~h~ll it l"l'ran\oe ''" ~'~U l' h• ('nntim•ut cl,• l'llnlit•, a in'i •t'"' ,Jco, C\uf'Hilt'" c1ui t• t r<• M\·,·ut dnth ).._ ... l't r1-:un!-l 1.-rti •ire • it~lit•tt-. Part11• I J/rm. A• to/ :~,. , lll"llrlllt\',:.:jii, I'll I \OI. llct ~xc•hrua~t

('n \1.11111 ( Hulwrt). li t !>••·• .of lnrrt'lll',l tu t h•• 11 rih·h Collum•••

J \ C.JI. ~.;,•u. I.Ut.tlnu, 1XH3 1 'ttt•r•hu;;:£'tl COl,.bt:t 1'1X t• atul IH't"':-C"l' \ JUL! f'lJlc·c·tJtwu~.

1 101. ~1u. \\'u•hi~tgl ~tu, 1!\11 "2 ( 'eottl '"' '"

:\'nt 1 ~~ll lf111 U Hll l 0 l:o ol) h ... ;,. r ... tooJ,flo lo.,\ t't .. 1 \ . l..tu"''' 14 I "'· ·'•''· Jf, , /'4 ,, (' • ......

lh1 1 I tll~ f.,t C ,If, .. Ill lit PI • l1\ Hu1"' fl Ui•L 'l\, l:tdl. r_,,, .\"ut 1/, • f•,,,, .t 1"~'1

1111, ti•111:1 fv.-('ulh..• ttu·.:.. l'at.••.uial;.;, ltt•l I'''"''' "' lht•l"l:,:~'inwl 'l"l . 1•\ t'h:lrh. H,•utllr• /.' r1ll / r,.'•l,', .\"al. 11Ult., a!l, /'ttll /J, IS!!2.

fu ,lttt•lluul( ful· •'nllt•t~tlu~o; ,\lt~llu~ok"i, .uul ttlltt l I ful hi ut~ JOr till' C '+11u·holt.-... .-i .. l : 1n Willl uu 11. Uall. /lull, I .". \ otl .•I••,, •i I'Htl t:, '•.!..

!J!J2!l :IU

3 ntc "l"rif<•r~•n Deut-•·hhncl-, T<lll. H :\11' ::-cupm J ,•u:l, 19CO. l'tu·chaee•l

DA \ 1 1 Edwnr<l :-) Fir-t \ p jltncli \ tu the Si~th Edition .,r J)una, S~·'"''" of 'lilwrnlug,l', <'Htn plt•lin~o: the \lllrk t 1 lb!Hl.

1 vul. S1·n. ' ''" ' ork, l ~!l!). l 'nr .. hn•ed ])Rn'< ur ' J'nrsu:- f:\N:IIIT IOl>', J<;!lS Vl).

\ ;u•lt cJ,•n Ht·i-dwrichl<·u :111 <In- l!cichs· \ mt tk:"r h ln,•rn tnul nn cl:l' l<t·ida ... · lluriut"· ...\ mt /: d.t. o,..,, HrdKt'''rlr, Jl,.rl ·,,, xxxi"'l i.

1 wl. 1>1 u. 81 rlin, I ~99. l'rt'•<'IIIC'd Hy l'rur. (' l hun.

nntl blnml J)ourwvtu: t 'oll••••l ion o f tl tt't •·ulmu Birch (1\ IW"J'i tt•·n li,t) .

' I , . .,1 1'.,[. ]f.ll7. P t'<''<'llh•cl lllll' \1\tOIH• ( ll ••nrl). l'roop~<•fil 11 rim. .Xint h

Echliun. I 1(11. h(l. l.mulon, I !l!l !•on·hMc<l Ut uot~ A lplwn .. ) S~·nop·t"' A' 111111 ~OU\ cu-a

;\l aulld cl"Olll llwl>j!lt' Fu•<' I, ~. :1. K11f. llr 1\.JI<>, 1'>:1!1, I!I!Kl. 1'111•dnl8Cll

l •: r.u~ (\\'.) \ n A<liiH•nli<• \ ut·•nti~<• 11f n \ O)a~P ptl'l111'11 1fd h.r { 'u]lt•tin ( 'nul,. naul t .•plnlu \ h•1·k••, in 11 \1 s. u l: l··ulut ion •• H\!11 '' Pt ('U\1 \ f)UI'IH~ tlh• \t'!ll'.., )Jj :, I 7i7, I iill. I i7!1. 11 I 17~11, ,. tll Clt I

arcl a ' 1'1 ·1,\ ' ut ... :! \,.1 .... s,, I,, ulon, li~:! l'un·hn~td

K~ t'!):-.1 1 Jn~ l '1' t:n ... u.r K t•t' I U Le-,. Ca111· pn;.:,lw'\ ~l'i,•ut ifiqu(l.; tlt S \ .~. ll· l't·iah't­_\11•<'1"1 I d•• ~l uuuru, p.u· .Ju l<'' Hwluu~l

I \uL ~\u \1 ua.:H'd 1!1()i \ Pn·-,uh•d ~~~ Pritu..·•· ~d .M(IJuu.·u.

lte,;. :-lo. l llow i Rug. I ulroo. __ ,__ ____ _ Books. How ~cqulrcd.

72 A 24

72 A 23




67 A9

68 D 21








FAUNA CnlLENSrs. Abhn.ndlnngen znr niss dcr Zoologie Chiles nacb der lnngcn, von Dl'. L. P lato. Bnnd H. Jenn, 1899.

C'olllnins :-

Kcnnl· Samm· Heft r.

Die Opilionidcn dcrSmnmhmg l'lntc, \'Oil J . C. C. 1-om~n.

Die Annlomi.;- mh.l J>Jwlogonic dc1' Chitoncn, von LudwiJ< l'l"le. •

Die )!usohcln dcr Snmmlnnsr PIMc, ''Oil. \r:>lter !;tornJ>ell.

F ,H "XA U ,\\'\" All t:l\STS. m· the 7.oology of I ho Snn<lwich ( flawniilm) l slc•, l>cin<( Results of the Explora•ions instituted b) I he .J oinL 0ommil li'O nppoinwtl by the l!o)oll Socioly o£ London for l'ri>moting Natural Know· l~ol"C nn~l t.hc Da·iti•h .,Ust>cinlion L•· I he Ad';.nnc~mcnt of s~iCI\1'1', lllld ftll'l'iCd 011 with the a~sis'nncc of thos~ b,;dic$ anu of tltc 'l ' rustec. of tho B el'llicc Paunhi Ilishop Museum nt. Uoolulultt. E<lited by Dnl'id Shnrp.






LONG (M~rk J:rcnry). Ctttnloguc ~M.~.) of ~loo Copper Tokens of Austrahn, •ndudmg Upsets ancl Partinl Upsets.

1 vol. 8ro. Sydney, 1900. Presented llfAINWAllrNo (G. B.) AND A.LnERT GRUNWBDEL.

DicLiouary of the Lcpchn Language, com .. piled by tltc Into 0 . .il. Uninwaring. revisctl and completed by Albcr~ Gt·(inwcdcl.

l vo I. 8 vo. Br a· I in, 1898. Presented MARTINI trND Crrc~tHI'?.. JCritischcs R~gistc1·

zu i\Inrtini nntl <'hemnilz systemniiocl1cn Konchylion·.b:abinet, ron Dr. L . Pfein'ct•.

1 vol. 81·o. K a5scl, 1810. Presented by 0. lledlcy

-- Systonmtisches Conchylicn·Cn.biuct. Band x. Abth. 8. Die .Fnmilio des .Aplysiiduc, vou S. Clcssin. 18!)8-99.

1 vol. 4to. Nihnborg, 18V9. Pu1·cbuscd hfLNI:lRI·A . J1•lnbuch dcr Gdcilt'tco W elt.

Jlcrnu$gPgcbcn von K. 'l'rhbner acd

V ol. rr. l'nJ'I. 3. Colcoplera T. Dy n. Rhn•·p and R. 0. L. l'~rkins. · 1900.

r nrt. 1. ~[ollu~ca, by E. R. Sykcs, with iutereo lotLions 011 Ana'omy by God" i11·Auslcn. Enl'lhworms, by 1<. E . ll ~lldard . l t:n lown, by A. E. Ship!~) . 1900.

F. i\lcnlz. Jahrgang rx:. 1899- 1900. ] \'Ol. Svo. Strnssbu rg, 1900. rur.;ha!od

t63 D 21 Moom~ (F.) Lepidoptera lndicn. PurLs 39lo 47. 4to. I .ondon, 1900. Purchased

10038 MooRF. IIEAD (W,ll'ren K ) Prehistoric Imple·

P n1·t 5. At·:t~bnidn, by Eugene Simon.

ments. A R efe rence .Book. Des<·ription o( the O•·nnmcnts, lftensi ls, nnd Ttnplements of 1're·Columbitlu M nu in Amcricn ..

Umst.aC<'I~ [sop9dn. by ""\ dricn D oll· fu!. 01·ustacea .A mphipodn, i.ly T. R. R. Stcbbing. 19<!0.

1 ,·ol. Svo. Sa•·nmac Lnkc, N.Y., l!JOO. Purchased 10039 -- Primiti•o i\hn"in Ohio.

1 ' 'ol. 81·0. New York and London, 1892. Purcba&ed

Fu'<Dl.A.l: ( .. l.lcxaatdcr <Jeorg1•) . Dio•(•ctory fo1· the Nn\'igntion of the Notth Pacific Ocean, with D escript ions of thu Cousts, I sland$, &c., from Pmta.tua to B ohring S1t11it and J apan; it s \¥lmls, Currents, :wcl P n;sages. l 'h it' l F.rlil.ion, with 4 ddendn, 1893.

10040 --- For~ Ancient, !·he Great Prehistoric E arLhwork of Warren Countv, Ohio, with an account of its Mounds and Graves. Second eclit ion.

1 vol. 8 \•0. Oincinnnti, 1890. Purcbasc(l 10041 -- RcporL of Fielcl Work carried on in the

1 ,·ol. !h·o. Lon ion, 18/l(). Jiox (.\ . L•aua) . l'l'imiti\·e \Y,.t·fnt·c. .J<Jllfll.

llo.lf. lf,ti/ed Sen•ice ln~t, ir, 47, 1867, a11<l .:cii, 51 , 186S.


8n1. Loudo11, lSG7·6'i. l'urchn·ed 00711 G.utag·rl' (Amlt·e" ). T lw Telrro~trial J\ lollusrtt

inhabiting Ll11' Cotlk'> nr IIol'I'CJ' hlnmb. J onr11 . .. J.c<ul. Nat. St·i. Phil., xiii.

I Yol. ·Ho. P ltilnclrlfJhit>, 1874·81. Exchange 1002l GODWJX·Acsn:N (If. ll.). Laud und .iit·c.h­

'>.ltcr l\l ollu~cll of Jndin, ~upplcnwntury lo 'l'hcohul l and Tiunley'~ Concho!ogin lmliCt\. \ r ol. 11. PurL !l. 1890. Pur~h1m•d

G rtosr.-S.u!J' U ( !Tenlo~y) . Ubopalocrm F.xot.ica, boing lllustrat!oM of New, Jhre, or Ur.· llgut·ed Spcci~s of BllLtcrflic$.

i\1uskiugum, Scioto, nn<l Ohio \'alleys, duriJog IB!lG, (or Lh c Ohio ::llltl<' .ArchlCO· lngicnl ami IIisloricJI Society. Ohio Slat~ Art:k. fttlll Jti.~l. Soc. " • 1807.

1 1'01. 8vo. Cohmtbu•, Ohio, 1897. Purchased l\[J LJ.~ It (S. A.) Norlh A.mct·ican Gcolog,r and

Palreont<Jlogy fo1• t,hc use of Amateurs, Students, nnd Sei.,nli>IB

1 vol. Svo. Oineinnnti , Oltio, 189!1. P urcltuecd l\lowsoncs (E. Y.), und i\f. Nenrun. Bcit-

•·il.;e ;.ur l'ulii.ou lologic und Geologic Ustrrrcich Ungarns uncl de~ Ori.ul~. Mitthcilunf(CU des Pnliioutologischen ln•ll· tut•s dor Unh·ersih1t \Vien, llemu~gcgebon ,·on W . Woagon und G. \'On At•thaber. llaucl xr, 1897-98, ;n1, 1898-1900.

I \'Ol. 4to. Wien, 1898-1000. Puroh:LScd .Potrl~ 5 f-i:i4·. 4to. London, 1900. Purchttticd liALL, (r. S.) Cnlnlognc of t ile Scirut.ific nnd

T(•chnicnl l'el'iQClicnl LiLc•·alut·o in 1 ho

173A C 10-- Bolllcl xm. 1 vol. •Ho. Wicn. Purcha~cd 168 D 211\Ioom!, ( IT). L~pidopter:t In cl ica. Purls 39 to

47. Svo. London, Hi!)0-1900. Purcbo.cd Libraries in MclbJm·nc. 993:; 1 I'Ol. R\\l. ?If ~lbonnte, 18!J9. I' rcecnlccl

h.Y Public J,i brary , 1\!clbom·Hc. Hu.r, (Robcrt). The Tn~ccliw>t'O us J.lirds of

Victo:·ut. 1 vol. l),·o. ~rca>oul'llu, 1 !lOO. Prcsrnkd 0!136 b.r Pn bl it· f,i brn ry, M dbonruo.

litrl'J'ON (Jo'rc<lcrit·k W .) Cnlnlogue of Lhc T<•rLiov y Mollusca and Edoinntlermatn of New Ze:tland, in lh& Collection of tlo(· Colonial ~fuscmn . ( Dnplic11l c of 3lG ~) .

1 vol. 81•0. W,·llington. 1R78. R e·rcgistercd l3 '1 1\RAUSS (li'ord lll'lncl). D ie Siidnfrikanisohcn

Molluskcn. Eiu Bo•itrng w a· kcnntniss d t••· J\Iollu•lt<~n de, Kup·u a1d X ulnllnncle•. ( Bound nL pt·escnl with IOO lli).

1 vol. •11 o. St ltttgttt•f., 18+~. l'l'escnted H '~ LAllllERl' ( Ce P /·r<') . Mn•ut'• ~I Suprroititious 993l

d~9 N,:o.Cul eclonicm. 1 Yol. 41o Nmnlt~~. 1900. Po·es1•nl l•d

LA~KA~·rt:n (E. Rn,v), To:dil~•·· 'J'l'onti~•· on l'.oolo;.:y. l'uol 11. 'l'lac I'Mift•t·u ~ntl Coc· lcnLI'l'liLll.

Contnin~: 'tlw Entc1rot'n1h aurl lh£• ( 'mlonHK.'iJI)!\: h~ K lln~·

Lnnk:tslt·r·. SlXlHJ..'\."!'!, Ph,,·lmu r nrif'-•m: h,\ ·~· J\, ~linc·hin 'l'lw ll,tll'tJtl1l"flU;:,..\l': h) n· JJt,•t'IJCil PO\\)er. Th(' S<:'Jphomcdu!:iac: hy 0. IJ crhcrt l 'owlcl'. 'rh<- .\ nt ho?.O:\ ~ b)' 0. c. nour~tc:. The Utt:uoptwr., ; h~· <.:. C. ~urrw

-- 'l'•·eat.ase on Zoolor-.r . l':a~·L I! r. l'urr hosPd

'1hc l~t·hin041crmn; hy I•' A. Uallwr, n .... ,.,jl(tl1'1 hy .l. \\'. On:cun ;.\riCI ~. S. (Jl)Oflrich.

• 2 ,·ob. 8vo. J,ontlon, 1000. Purcltnst·d

MounLON (1\lichol). G6ologic de la Bdgiquc. 2 vols in 1 vol. 8vo. l:'nris. Berl in , nnd

.Bruxellos, I$80-8 I. Presented Ln C!nssi fi cnLion clccimo le clc Uclril

Dcw<'y comph~tce pour In partic 54!1-559 de In lJi hliogrnplain uni,•crsn lis pua· <.+. 'unocu~, et appropriee n l'Jrlnboralion cle ht Diblio· g•·nphitt grologin pnr ~'fiche ! Mourlon. 2mc <1di1 ion. 1 vol. 81·o. Bruxelles, 18!JD. Prc6cutnl

0 1otY. HOD ( Ricnnot· , \). R~pot·ts (2~nd nncl 23rd) of l ujul'ious I nsect! nnd Cotun~on lf nrm Pc•>l$, with 1\!cthocls of Pre 1·cnllon nnd Hcmcdr. 1 9D~-1S!l9.

• Svo. l .cmdon, L89D- 1900. Presonlcd -- Flies lnjurious to Stock. London, WOO. Presented .P.IItfi l:\ sox (Syd•w1). A Joul'llnl or n \'oynge

lo 1 he South Stus in li.aL:o\. " Endt'H\'OUI·,'' fnithfull v tl·ftu~~rihocl front l lav Papers of llw In l e SrdtJcl·l'aa·kiu"on, l>rnoglol smnn to ,Jost•ph .Bainks.' ll:ditot·,SUulfit'ld .P:nkiuson.

J YOI. Ho. London, 1773. Ptu'CIJascd PEAl!~ FrstTKIOES. l. J\ n A cL to Rcgulnt.- tho

Penrl·~hcll 1111(1 Bocho·dc .. mcr Fisher)· in I he Cvloaw of Qucilnsland. 188 1.

2- G: Acts to ,\ mcnrl the l't'llrl-sh~ll nncl l3cchc ·dt··u~o)o· lfi•hm·y .Act>, 1886, 1891, I 803, 1896, 1899.

--· 7. l'c:trf·,ht•ll Fi~hct·.v l.~cu•ing HC!;Uln· lion~. 1892. Q.t't!<'llslcwrl G<Jt,rmmmt Oa:elle, 7 Mny, 1 '>02, p. 23. . Pr~~cntcd

• i.y C:01·t. Prantcr , Brasl1anc.

Rog. lio., nook•. liO\\ I R•!f;;: a.Oquirul.


no" acquin:d.

l'nRL FI-<UllRJB;..

-- 11. The C'ommcrci~l l'~arJ.,hcll of Torf\'$ • truit, nnd it• l.'ulti\'oti<>n. n, S. rn,·c. Rrp. Our/, ]{,,, 7'hur."la,t/ l•l•rn;l j".r 1~98

10016 '<n·n.l' \ (R udolf). t'alolo:;: dcr Li~hcr bckonnt J:r'norclt•nt·n Sudnf• ikuni•t·hcn Land·m•d l-n"••·o •t•r ·llollu•kt•n.

(1899) . Prcs<'ntc•l ~ ro hJ Chid Srrrl'tar.~, Qucenoland

:l. l>i-p<''<'h<' :llini-t :rit•ll••: 0-1 rl·ieult ur('.

I u>l. 41<>. Wict>, 1'19". 'Exdwn:;<' :r nAt'T'r ttOI.t> (I£ ) ));,. Knlkllriid1e von

)ljul••·hko""· Ea-t,• J!nlftc. )[o,cou, l 'Si4 . -- Jlu• Knll.hrrwh,. ,·on ~ I j ol<ehko,·n. lr• !'>et­

l t :,.:. ,.\,m .... Jf,~n •• t..."'at'. '"'!'· }\''ni. Jfu.frlJu, Jl'i, :;, l"if; )ICN.·ou, l~7G.

.Journal (/Uiritl, .\'11 ••, C ./cd<mir, LG ,11'fi1, lb!lb. Pr('<enltcl

h~ :\fon~. Rt·rt•i,·r, "llt·:-C'-·, Xoumen. l'r·o<mrl~:.•l .nn du cl:crt'l <lu IU. T nluti,

at ~r .. ;, l!IOo. l '1111•, IS:ltl.

re·-·lw dt.• huit rt•, pt-rlu.·r~·.:. Pr· ·~nlt•tl

l>y Ft•Cttt•h Con•ul, ~ydm•,r. ln ! '·ol. fo1•

-- llit•l\.olklrnwlrr• '"" ' lj ,,,,.hJ.onn. St·hluE>. ~' 'J" . llt·m. Sac•. imp .. Yal .Ji o.tr(ltt, .rn·, I, 11-i!J. Mu,cou, l~i~l. P urclln:ed

10133 ~·nit>:< (Or·o. \Y.) nnol lly . ..1. PiJ,!Jry. lll o.nu:.l

100:0 1>01'0'>1 1: ( 11 ) l...ltrluu•h tlct· Pflnnzcnp:tl:von· tulogi<' mit bt·~ond.•t•t•r Riick-ichr. r1uf <lie .Urdu rfni••c des (h•olo):(t•n, 1897 -!l!J.

'f ('orwhulnJ!y 1 SI ru(•l ur·:tl nntl Sy.tcmntic, ~··cone! i't•rit••, L'u lmonntu , \'o l xii IS !l.

9907 I 1'01. S•·o. Dct·l in , lt<!l!l. Put·tho•Nl

J'uw ' \ 1111.1~. Ctl\'lwnn• y Simn• tic E·pllfut. )),,~<·•·ipcionr• He<·u~:idn•. ('oordi rtnrbs, ,,. t\ uotntfu~. Rol. C'mu 1/'IJ''l J+:spaii'l,~.ri,

I 1 ol. lho. l'l• i!nd~lphin, L8!l9 . Purchn~cd 1 6i.J~ ·1\i- :-;,'l'tlntiSt•rit••. PulmOII3(J\, purr, 19, 50, iH.

.l'hilnd<'lphiu, llOO. J'u1·chl~Cd

\\'.11111 {lf•'ur.v A.) 'J'hc \\ lltxl·L'ooLlry Col!ec· t ion of ~lt· l t'UI it~<.

18!1·!. Dup. of l!t'U I. I ml. ,;,.o Muthiu, 1 96. Etchunge 10019

lL1111UOX•: (Jo'.) Old Wrd~:w<o<l nud Old

1 vol. ~vo. Clricn~:o, HOO. l' reseL tct.l \\'f."l>\t'H (If.(') Cntnlo)( tkr in europiii!·

o•lron Funut•n~:,lJict lcbt•ndcn ~l ct•r·~•·C.:on· " 'cdgwoutl Wart'. H undbouk lo thc Col -1<-.·l ion fol'lltt'tl b,r llit·lrord nn!l Oror,!!<} Tnn~tY<'. " 'it h n ~htt-h of \\' edgwo.><l'~ l .if,, /lntl Work nncl '' Chuptcr on tl:e :.'llurl.• u•t•d nt Et ruruL

l •·ol. S,-o, l.ondon, 1885. Purch:t>etl H tCIIAI!I> (Julr,) . J•:xpo•ition Cnin•r•t•llt• de

l!lt~J. l 'rincipout:. dt• ~lollnt·o. I •. , l'.tm· rn~n••• ~t·icnltflqut•, tl•• ' A.S. 1~ Prince Albert i. dt• :\lonuco.


I •·ol. Sro. Monnca, 1!100. Prr•ent.·d l" A.lhl'rt Prince de \lottAN

Ru·U\IOI>Il (W. D.) Col.mr:.m!'C'olour printing u• upplictllo Lithol.!mphy. Thi,..) J~dition. , ~ 1 ~ I ,·ol. I>\· a. l ond<m, n.•l. Pur dra><· I •

lfi\JI. 3~ 1 Hu·t•ox (Robcrt 11. F .) lt•on•~ Or.tillup· tcr·orum; n :'l!nuo'(rnph of th~ Hlonp:•lo·

ch.l lirn. I Yol. hVU. Orruznncb, 18i 3. Exchnngo \\' n "ox ( Frt'd ,J. l•'.) StN<'utvping and Electro·

1.1 piu!(. I Uuitlt• for the production of t ·Jnlt•s b~ tlr,• l':tpter ·mtll'hc nud Plnster l'aot·t·~~t·•, ''1th ln~iilrul'tioni Cor Depo!-iting Coppt·r hy thr llnttcr1 or by I he DJnamo r.:n..Jurw. .l h> llint~ on Steel :u d IJI"J>s

r.u:it•g. l ... ~. !'oi'\lh EdttlOU. 1 rol. 81'0. T.ondon, I 'i9'l. l'urd<n~d

" 'ILl 1 Y (Arlhur). z, olo~:u·: I Hc•ult•, ''"'''Ion ~~ •tt rtttl f•· m .\ t•\\ Brit.dn, ~t·w 0 uin4!a, J ··~ah.) 1-..fn, fl .. , .u,cl t·l~ ~ latort"", <·oll~f'h'd tlunnj; I~ t;;, I'! H. h.li . Purt .J . ]'urchn,~d

Y.l1ll.l (I" rl I H•ll'. To l l HOtJL uf l'nkoufo· 1<>.,1 'I'"" l:tlt•lln~orl ·~lit<'<l J,~ Charl,·s H. LHtn.u.n \'.,1. 1 1 ,.,J. &. l.urulvnnrttl ~''" Yt•l·k, 1!'00. PurcLn, c•l t•t•rou• Ot•nus Ornithoplcrn, or llir.:l·ning

J lutlo•rllit·-. Pun 14. 101J3:i -- n ... lli•t~ht·n tl.-r Oo-au~:d,ild<> in dcn S.IC! 110 (Fr•rlt•rirn). I :\roll me hi <lci 'f~rroni

'J',·rt.inrii rid J'i•·monh• t' tll'lln Li{!uria. l'nrto• \\\'11 . ·lto. 'J<•rino, IMJ 1. Pnn·hnH·tl

10027 l'CJIAVI'JI 11 '~'" (licrmnnn). Anthrop. lo~is ·he Sturlit•n. I 10!. 8<o. Donn, 18S:>. ]'r~sentl'd

10036 ~CO'! I' (Duldnllt•ld ll t•nry). l>tu.iit•• iu lro,.il llotllH). I wl. flw. l"'""lou, I c;o. J'ur·chb>t'cl

s~U{I\\'I('K nnrl lift ('to\", ~.1 unp;j, or t ho• Cln-~i­fi t•nl ion of t lw D1•itiAh I'nlrcor.oir Rocks, by Adum ~l·dg \\ it l<, \\ 1tl1 H Sy!ll t'!llnli<! 11cs.•rip· t ion of tltt• Brit iolr Pul,.·ozoit· Fo ,jJ. in t.Lt• ll<•olo,l(it•nl .Mu•rum uf I ht· l-nin•,·,iry of ( 'amlu·itlgt', h,1 J;,.,.,,,.,.;,.J. :\lcCO).

I 1'1>1. l'o. I umlnu, 18.;;;. Purellnscd 83 E 12 :-lr:m•r•n (0 ) Hr'"''" iu I rt·hq d tla l'lrilipj•illcn.

\\'i>$<'11•t•hnflli .. hc Rr'"<~ll ••tr.




Jluud Yll 1\lulnt·nl"~i•t·hr• l nlC'I'· ~tu·hung.·u \PH Htul. Bt·i·,;h. I hi. 1, \1;< :!. Ltt·f. l.

Wi< h1rlr·n. 191~!. Pureltn••·tl Bahtl \ ur. r whnn11u-.L.,·n. Erg .. m·

.t.uu~··n uu I ll\·ait·hti;:uugc n 7.1lllt

iii. fl.uu)o• J'u· J.pruhnnllu·k~u, 1on 0. F. ''"11 :\lollcndorff.

ITdt 2 Wic,b.ul,·n, 1~!11. Suun t \ c.ruhn) Tnlt•runliuuul t.'.LtA'<•gw, uf

~£·i•·•~tafic.• l.att·r.tun•. (}11• •'I1 ... J.aucl \uluuw.


I \OI "'"· llri-balll•, IS!'l!J l'fi'•cutcJ Joy llc.).ol l>c~i· '·' .. r Quetrhlund.

~.KC.\ ( \\' nlfcr \\'rlliaur). ~lal.l\ lf ':.!:1<', t..·it.,: nu lntrnch11. twu tullw Foll ... l,:r,•ut~d Puptt. r :Rt·li~iou nf tltt· Al.olu, l't•u:u,ulu, 1\lllt n l'r<lut•r•, U) C lt.trl« Oit tl 1Jla~:tl•·n.

I H•l. lwo. l.!mduu, ltc..O. Purd"""l S.\llltt (.Tuhn ll) IIIH'<·h of Ne" .J,.,.~,y.

I Hol. h<O ' l rt'l>ltlll, J\ .!., I' I o. l'r···:t•nlt•tl .... rn'lll S !-i (Flunc·i--). 'I upugruplliral Dit tH•JIUr_\

uf OJ•o"l l!ritninnnrl lr·o·lnwl , I \Ill, 1:0\u J Olltl<n, 1bli7. l'rr••cnh·d

b) T. \Thild<•J!gc i'HIJt (1\.) llt•itrHj!t' 1.ur Ko•tutlni-s rler• liJ(>ra

tlr1• Vm•wt'lt. JJand ii, .\ hi. 2. J)i,·C'aruuu­Fio11L tlt•d:lt·hnl t.lnlnt· So·!.il'ill~n. .tJ/.m11/ /(. /o'. Ot·o/. llrit·h.• .. ri,:!. ( lltrplrr:r t••nf:IOSJ ). I l't I. •!1.1 W ir•JJ 1'!'\i. l!t•t'Pt•i•lt•t•t•d

l.t- B




! !113


.\ . I 1

~. rrlo>tlit·lll•n ,\ lp<•n. 'J'h. 1. I \Ol. lu. \\' i<'n, 186+ 66, Pu1clm~ed

! 111t1' If. P!-:RIODH'.I.LS.

. \L':OT U.\ 1,1.\ ,

• \ l'd I' ll \1 . .1~1 A l< .I >Kt> I' I 11'101< VOlt ~ lt lJ A V\' ANCJ:·

",;~·,.o r · ~'~<'I 1:~n:. I !unclbouk of :llr·lbout•nc l'ot· l ltt• "'~ ur ~l<'lllh~a. ~lt·lhaut•uo ~l t•('l· i:o,.;, l H t), t•clif<o,l h,1 l'rof. W . llultlwi n Spt•ut·t·r. I •ul. 8"'. ~ fcihounlt', 18[ 0 . l 'r'<'Een te1l

by <.:. llcdley. -- llurulhook nf Mdlrc.uru~ fot· lhc n•c of

:'r!t•ml t•r•. ~lolhuut·rr•• .\lccllu!(, 1~100, ,.,Jtt .•tl "·' Pt-of. ll:tlth"n :--pt·n<·t•r·.

1 •·ol. ~•o. ~h·lbournc, 1900. l're:'l'ntcd by C. Jlt.>dley.

Tut· \ 1 IH lluuk uf lu-lr.rlo:l fnr I' (KI.

I wl '-1 • I ntl n, S~·<!nt 1, &.~., 1!l()(J, l'ur'tiha.ed

:;r\1£ 01 X1 ,,. ""' ru \\ AIT'.

.\l·,lll\111\ \lt'SII \1, R,·,·ortl ••ftlrc \u-tnliuu .\ln~ .. ·um, \ t'l ii•, 1 '~*i' l! u J.

J ,.,). 8\v, s,, huy, Hh'(J. -- ~l,llwtr l 11 I Jt,• At •ll .. r Funufuti,

l:lli•o• 0 roup 11 z., rl"l!~, 1LHny, 1-:tluw­lutn·, utHI Ut rlt'rnl Strtu-t •u·~\ ha·q•cl cm ( 14

l·~·t:on• lllilllt• hy \la·. ( 'h·rrlo· .. 1 I. tllr-y. or tht• lu trnlr111 :ll u•t•um. l't<lrll•lltcl b\' ur.ie1•

ut tlot• 'Jn••t.-•~. H. l•:th<•rltl~:c·: jvnr, Curulur. I \Ul. l'u. hJtlrw,f, L~t•li·l! IJO

l t.Hit I ll'f'ld, (1111 \1.1'\11 'I CH). ,l~ril'rrl· t urt• uw1 Fnn• .. l r,\'. li11 I Ht·J~~t I, lH ::. HquJif ... 1'11ll :':-~. IS 17.

lu I ttrl. Jo',.J. :--,ltluo•y, IS~ll ! ll A~tdt•ol l u rc, R••purl ""• lu :11-1 ]),,., ... ,(,..,.,

J 'l: •!I (I H~t!l) A<'Hll'll 'll'lt \J . 1;ur 111: <tl' 1> J:\\ RvtlH

\\'.\11.• \ul \1 I '(KI.


ne;:. No. I llook•. II0\1


A . 18

A 18

.A 18




A 18


AH 10056

A. 10



.\ 1




A7 A 7

A 13



A 18

A ti

.\. 11



lloT.INTO Go~nnsN!l AIH> DOMAINS. R eport on , t01• ,l'<'nr 1899. Fol. Sy<lnt•_r, 1900. Presented 9981

Fl~ lli:RlllR OF TI!R Coto'Y Hrport of Com· mi-.ionrN of Fi<lll'rio•• f•>r 1"!l7 (18!18); fvr 1~9!1 (1900), l1 rc•cnt Nl

Cl01 l.lli'RX :\r}:CI!.I).Il S I S•llli'TJ:. l'ot•ty·~idh A nnuul Rr]lOtl, Uoulluun, 1!100 .Prr•rnt Nl

Oo1 •:nNltF.x r STxt·rsncr IX. J\t•ll' Soul h 'rules Stilt i8ti<·nl llcgislcr for l !'oDB and pr o'>ious ,1·cnrs, ' l'. A. Coghltu1.

1 •·ol. H><>. R,tlnn, 189!!. Prcs~nt ••d -- Statistician', Rt•portont l~t• ' itnl ::itntisticd

of Xc"· South Wait·~, IS!l!l, 'l'. A. Coghlun, Stntbtici:m. 1 •·ol. 8ro. S)dncy, 1900. 'Pr•••rntt>cl

-- 'l' l•t' \\·~lth 1\ml l'r<>::r•·-- of x~w South " 'nlc•. 1898-!l. 'l'11chh i·•n<', bv T . . \ . Coghlon. 1 1·ul. ~~·o. Sydney. 1900. 11r<'·cnt ccl

-- S tntist ics of LheSt•• •'11 C'olonie• of Austml· n~in, 1861·1890, T. A, ('o~~;hlun, Slttt ist icinn.

S•·o. Sydnc~·. 1900. l 1 t l'scnto•d JL.1 WKR~Illl ll l." 1\ 0 rtl<'lii,TtiR,\T, Oou;F.O E.

1\nnual llcports, ISO;;, t8Pfi-!l7, nnd l?ro~· prctus. I n 1 •·ol. ll~o. Sydney, 1897.

-- Annunl Report, l ">!lS. F ol. :-ydoey, 1890. l1rc-enlt·tl

liKALTII (0£t'.I.RT.U£lH ot·). F irst und Second .Reports on P rotectin• lnocnlntion agninst ~l'ick .fo'c~cr, by Frank 'J'id·w~ll .

Jo'ol. :-;yclno~·, 1!>99-1900. Pre,rntcd by ))(lpnrtmcntof )I in eo uud \~p·it·ultu re lStock uml Brand,) . lNS'l' I'I'U'L'!ON OP St!Iti'Y. I'On H, Nr~w S 011Tll

\ V AM:s. 'l'hc Ru1·voym·, t.bo .Journal of the I nst itu t ion. Yol. xn r, Noe. l -6. 1000. l'rc;cntcd

J.A~ns (DEPARTlr&xT oF). Annunl Report of llorc.t ry, 1808.

Am1. R~p. Dtp. TAIId8, 1508. Prc~cnlt•d L J)IIIflAN l'OCIET1' ot· Nt:w "onu W ALl.

l'rocet•dings. 'Vol. X\.11, 18!!9. 1 n>l. 8H>. Sydney, 1900. 1'•-c~t·ntcd

-- P roc•·eding-. Yul. \.\1. P o1rts 1, 2, 3, 1000. l'n•sc•n t ell

l'oii iiHS AND .\.GR TCULTI'IlT : ( lh:T'AII1'lJE!IT OF) • • l nuuul Mining R q>OI'L for 1899.

, l vol. llol. Sydne.v, l!lOO. Pr•·•<'ntNI -- li ORI!ST Bn.L"c·n. 'J ho 1'1'"'·ering .Plant-

and }terns of X c" Soul h \\'nlc~, hy J. 11. ?l,fnidcn, n~>istcd b.1 W . ~. Ca;uphell . I ur t 7. ·llo. thdocr , 1808. Pr~~rntt-•1

'bv Oo'V~mmcnL l'rint cr. --G uor.oc:tC I LStrnYH OP N~;w Rot!ru ' VAJ.F.S.

llvc·ord8. Yol. ' • 16!16-!JS; 11 , 1898-1900. fn 1 vol. 8 "''· SnhH'y, 18!18-l !JOO l'r~!rn tNl

Vol. 1 IT. 1'Mt I, 1000.' J'n·~··nLcd -- llfin<'l1tl R<!sourcc•. Nu. 7. Mt'rcurr or

Quicbil~er in Xc·" Sonth "'ulr•, by J K Carnt•. ~~·ducY, l!lOO. J't·t~cutecl

-- Xo. 8. Hepar' on tl,.. Jlill .. ,.,,:o G~ltl-fidtl b~ E. C. Andrcw•. " Sytlney,lUOO: l'n.••t•ttled

N llw Sotr•r W AI.I:S UrtA\TIIl:lt en· Mt:.t:~. J our nul. \-ol. I. ,N.,,, 1, :;, H. lto. S1rln<•1, 189!!-HIOO. l ' ,·c·•rutt•d

--11'•·nn~u!'lions. \'ol. l. ~'" · I !l.

tiro. :-;_r•lncy, l !ltJO. l't·•·~~uletl Ousr:RY.nOu\'. Ho'<'lll\l•, No lii t.. Current

l'otpo•r,, X o. 4, hy I f. ( H usscll. /'r(lt:. No9. Soc. ]1-.S.W., I 'i!'!l. l'r•••t•nt<el

l't'lll.lfhbl Rt'_c~·1ox (Dt.J'ITtT\If:'T m·). B··port of the :\111n;t~t of l'uhla· Jn,truction, IS!J:l.

J •·ol. lho S1tlr·•·1-. 19(0. J'l'<'i<•ntccl l't'JJuo l.tnttAnY n•· X1:w '"l.l'll \v,,u;s.

JlrporL of :fn~>tcr~ for I M)!) 'F'tol. :-.ythll'~', 1900. l'n·ecnkd

R AII.IVAY 1 XS1'TH'TJ~. New Houth Wade< Hnil. ";nJ lJudgcL. Vol. YTit. No,. 8!HI7. lfW. \ ul. r x. Nos. !Is 10). I! lP. p,.,.,,•nt.·d

Ru1· 11 . \ ~ rTiltOPOI.nG u· .\1, '-oo Jt:n or .it ~TI! I· l. \SI A. -:,.j''""' of ~Inn, Juurual of the Suc·il'ly. '\e":Str'•·• \d.tll. Xo>.J· I :!.

llu. '"'"''"· 1!JUO. l'r··~rnt,•tl I<<>Y.\f. Sm Tt"fl' 01 Xr" Sur'• u \\Au:•.

\J,.II':tc·l of l'to•·•·•·•hn~ , \lcc1 to !l,·rcmb(•r ll:W!I, uud ~lardo tu ;\ uH•mb~·J·, 1!-IKI. ' l1a·t·,~uta•cl

-- , ,Joua·nnl llnd l't·ut·••c•oliugs for l bOO. \ ol. '>XXIII. 1 rol. S•·o. Sydnuy, 1590. J ' rcMcntnl

{T)Ifl £le~ II \' or Sl r"t:'. Cult•ndnr f01· tht• p•ar t!J U. I 10!. 81·u, :-i)drll'y, 1!00. l'rt'•<'lllo·l




A 27


A. 21

• \ 26

A 2G


.\ 2()

A 29





.\ 30


\ :lO



.Ao urctlL1'l'nJ: (D Eunr m :xT or ). Wine. mnLing in lfot OJirnolt·•, hy L. Roo$, 'J'nu,.lntcd by .Ro,1 nroncl Jlnboi3 oml W. l 't•r•· • \\ ilkin•on.

!low ~"tUll\ol.

' 1 "'1. 81o. :\fer! nurnr. 1900. Pr..-eot ed h) Public· J.ibrary, l!lelboun.r

-- linngns Disco~c~ of C'itJ'UM Tr<'<' in Au~- ' rrulicc, flll<llhc ir Trt•u tmenl , bJ D . llf~Alpitw.

1 ,·ol. !h•o. ,\r t•ll,oumc, 1899. Prcsenled l1y l'ublic J.ibrn•·y, 1\lt.Jbou rn~.

lo'ir•l Steps in Alllpc•lo~:,r·nphy; ~~ G nitle t<> fJI<'ilitnto the Hrrognitiou t I' Vine>, h.1· ,\ lnrc·cl MnLnclc·. Trrm•lalc·d hv Rannontl l>nhoi'l nncl \\' . Pert'\' " 't!Lin oi1. •

I 1·ol. ~.u. ~l ••lllomru•, l!l:o. l'rc•cnlt<l 1.~ l'ublic L ibmr.1·, ;\[elbounw.

,\ rsuru ''HX J~,fiTI' n: o•· ' 11'11~0 Ex-u 1111:£US. Trnn>nctJons. Y ol. n, 1809.

1 vol. 8•·o. 1\rt•lbou r nP, J!JOO. P•·cs~ntNI -- l't•ocol'llinu . .A nuut1l ,\!,•cling, U elbournr,

J anuary, WOO. l'ro.·c,,dings. Firot Ordinary ;\[ecliug,

1!100. F tEJ.D X A1vn.H.TST»' C1.1 n OP \1noau. Tlte

Yi(•lormn ~nturaliht. \ t>l. :1. n, X os. 9- 12, 1899-HOO .

-- Yol. .\.I'll, Xos. 1-9, 1~00. M I Nil. A:< 11 \V.I'lH it SL PJ.'L\ ( ])RI'AltTllP.liT OF) .


P rc•cohod l 11't'>CIItl11

Annual Report of tho St•t•t·otm·y for t ho yeu r 1890. l 'u l. Mt•IIH>ur nc, 1900. Presented

MINK~ (Dsn nr m :NT 011). Spcciul R oports. Jlt•purts ou the \"icto&·inn Uoul-fidd~,f> o. 7. 1\olc, on tlw Fo>stl Floru o£ South Gipp'· lnnrl, by James Stirliug, 1!'00,

-- R ••porL on tht' Qm•t•n, ~lolingul, Molillgul Cut.>OI•, nnd Golden Goo••· :\lines, Molia::nl, by Stl!nl<'~· ll. Hunll•r. J!IOO. l'rco<·nt"l

-- Ht•port r~ C't ilization of Dru\\n t.'otllupon t ht• Spot "here iL i~ miowd "' "aourcc uf po•nor fu1· I he !t·tmsmis~iou ha u dititnnco by o•lt•drit•nlmcuns, &c., l>y ll l'lll'Y U. J cnkim . I :lOO. l'rCht'llld

- -·- I i••ulogic•a l Sul'l'~." of Yic·lorin {new •ric··) . Xo>. l-12. " onlhly l 1rogrc>o

H<•pott, 1MJ9, 1000. 1 >ol. kvu. i\fdbournc, 1!\00. l'rc,cntc,[

l't Ill. I< 1 ,11111\11¥, )[l·,;l.t ~~~. I 'I> X \ fiOl' Ho ll nu:nY OP Ytt'Tout 1. ]{,•purL of the 'J'rnsln•, for 1899. Prc,.•nt.-1

llor.u. 11 nrAlll'. SoC'n:TY o•· A r&'I'RALA:>IA. Annun l Report, L!)OO. 81•o. J\l olbournc. l't·c~t•nto·cl

l{o\'\ r, SOl'll!n' Ol' Y rcnour.l . J'•·o•·codings, (n!'\\ -.•rit•o). \ol. .\111 pnrt~ 1 and t, 1 '>.10 I! 00. l'r~8Cilh•d

-- Yol. \Ill, part I, 1!1;>0. l 'ro•·••ntc<l h'Tlt>tll. 01' :\lr:-:-c~ .o!):'D brtl'~ollll:', 'BEXDIGO.

A 11111al Hcporl for tht• y!ur c·ocling 30th .Tun<', li:i!lJ. tit'o. Uendij!o, 189!1. J'H·s.•ut«l

so~ IIII'ICN s( tf:NC'E HEC'Oltl> \'ol. ! , No$. 1-1::1, IS"'0-81 ; Yol.n, Xo~.:! 11 , l 'ib2.

, ot nu'"" Sc1sxcE H"ro1w ' ~'" :\(HO\ii!XE M' NlltiiHT, lJ ISTorn·. \ C>l. IT!, i\o~. 1-7 nut! U, l8H:l.

Cn 1 l'ol. !.1o. i\C..thonl'tl<', 1880-83. Pun·hu>~'<l l'xl\ 1:aor 1 \' 01· ~frr.uot·n"·· ('ulcnclou·, 1!101.

1 ,·0 1. b1n. !\ll'lbum·nr. HOO. Pn.··rnt•·•l

"rnr: o•· T1•\LI\IA.

)IJSI.S (DI:t'IRnrEXTOt). Ht•j>ut'lofthe:5ccrc· t.tn l'or ;\lines for 1'>!18 !J~

• I 1·ul. Fol. l'u>lliUillll, I 9\l. l!t•fHill Of the :0.C('l'l'lll1',\ t'1ll' 1\lines fOI'

I "' J!l 11 00. J •·ol. Hm. 'l'n>ntllntll, J 900. '1'1.., l'ruj.,'l't ss uf tlw r.1 irwrtll I m(u,try of

T "HIHIIlin, t•ompih·l 1>.1 \\'. l l. \-Y:dlocc. ror llunro\'1'" l'ltrliul( n .. ·.•uol•t•l', I'> 1:•. ;\I:Jrrb, .Juut•, ~lu~i S(•pt'-·n.i.il·r, 1 tJ1 o.

RuY\t, ::utiiT\' OF 'l'b"\'11. 1'1pc ·, :uul l'1· •e· oin •• h•r 1!>!'8 J',!l '·

\ • 11.11.; of l'rottt'li•;' "'"· 1!1)(1. - • :-, ""' ,,.. ·unht of llu: \\' ork ,;,ul \\' urkel'$

nt tlh~ rmunuutnu 'tWll'l.' nnd u.,. Hoyul !->ut wt 1 of Tu.,munia, fl·otn !810 lo WUU, loy \.li·~. :\lol'lOH.

ln 1 •·vi. ~\'0. 'l'tt•numin, lfOO. \"ll :·co,u 1 Mr-rnr, Larxu:s 10)1, (l,·nct·al

<tm "'· l' .I Ob "'"· r .lUIH' .ton, 1'>.1!1.


Ill·~. No.-~--- l lu"' AN!Uir"-.1. l lkz.No.


.\ 33

A 3'1

A 3~

A 3~

A 32

A 3 t

9 '0i l


A l>l!f,Ali>J: CrnCut.A1 l'l'l J,tRR\IIY. Sui'Jlh•nwnt A 52 t o l'ttlnlogne, 111!1.., to l!lUO. J>re•cnlt•d :\[t:<t:s l> t:r.\llniii'T -O•~ouwwu Sent n

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TII.\L.bl \, Qt f~PVSI,\;\IJ. Qm't'nel:md Ot·o~ntphit'.ll J uurnul, n~w ~cri~-. including the l'r..r~•·•·<lnl~• of the Roynl G t•ographical SocieLy of \ u~lm l ntin, <~ue~nelnnd. Y ol. X t', I 'l!l!l 1\100.

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· 1 vol. 81'11. W cllin!(lou, 1!100. P t·rs.-nted J>ot Y::>F.sl \!I ~oc·u:rr. 'l'ho Journnl, t•ontnin·

mg the Tmu,action' nnd Procc.·tling~ of the So idy. \'ol. nu, No. J, Dte., H9!l. Yol. n, Nn-. 1, 2, !l, Mnrch, .Tone, Sep· \ ember, 1!100. l'rc•cnt cd

l' t nrr£' ?Ill ~•:r'l, \1'Alltl.\:<l't. A nnunl R~porl or 1 lw I Ion. t'ur:ttor. fur .1 car t•u.hnl! J unc, }t:Cn. ~vo \\"nngmui, 1!11>0. l'rt'•cnft'<l

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('oloniol RcJl<lrls-.\nnuol, Xo. 21;;. British Solomon l•lnnds Report for 189'!-!1.

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l u 1 •ol. s .. o. L·>mlon, 1900. l'nl'('lttt!cd \s1nnorot.oou If, 1 "'t 11'1 n: 01 OnEJ.T

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2 rols. H1•o. Luuclun, 1!100. -- .\:\[ono~ r;aph of Cl1•i,tmns l,lnllll, lntlinn

tkean. J'h• •i!'al Ft•.tt un·~ anti G.-•l•·~r. by Ch"" \\ \;.,1r~11-, \\tlh tiCictiptaon~ of tlu.• .lfnunnnntl Flurn, br nlluu•rou• C<·lltribulor•.

1 1·ol. "'"· London, J!lCO.




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Uook•. llow I ll~~- No. ne<;uin.•l.

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Dn·ozou in tlw n''\>nrlm..,nt of Geolt>gy, Brit i!h ;\[u,~um. 'l IC Crcl:\ccous Dr,,·ozoll. Yol. 1, by J W'. Orr~try.

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1 l'ul. Fol . L ntlon, lOCO. Prcfcntcd --RC' port on the Cull re-I ion~ of )foooquito!'s

(Culicitlre). rerc in•cl ut the lktish )[uscnm in connC"ctiuu with lnv<' ... tigution~iutocnu~ts of llnlnrio, by Frrcl V. 'l'hrobaltl.

IJondon, 1900. l'r·c<,•nlc·(l by TrcnsHI'y, X.H.W.

ENTO,tOl.OOrC'At. Somr:11· OF LONilON . Tmn•· actions l'or· the,.,.,. ,. I H!l!l.

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Eno~oLOGI>T (1'ur.) . .An illn•tr.tlrcl.Tonrn:tl of General gntomolo~)'· \ 'ol. XXXIII.

8• o. T,ondon, 1 !)(){\. Purcho,e<l

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ln I 1·ol. fl•·o. London, 1909. Presented --Reports to till' i\ln htl'in Cummittcc,l900.

Further Report• to tlw Mulru·i•t Committee l €00. ' Presented

--Philosophical 'l'rnn•ndion,. Series A. Vol. 192. 1 1·ol. lto. I..ondon, 1899. Purehucd

ZOOLOOTCAL SoCil."l\' 01 l.o-.:oo~. Li,t of tbc Fellows, SJ't 1\ln~·. ll (J'l, Pre~entcd

--Proceediog• d the (h·nrnll )feeling~ for l<cicntific Llusi r<'• for I !1!.!1.

1 vol. h1o. London, 1900. Prcscnlt<l --Procce<ling• of the• Ocncrnl .l(cctings for

:'1·!clltilir Bmtnr•< for 1~(0. l'urts 1, 2, 3. Prc<cnted --TrnnsnctionP. Vol. XI', pnrt I, Ctml<::uts:

S..cou<l Contribution l<t lhc loblhyoi<>I:'Y ot Lako 'l'M\b"llll)'lka. On t be ~'lwhos ohtnincd l•y tbo Congo Ft·cc Stnt•" I•;XJ~tlitlon mHlor J.Ao.ut. r.nmn.irc, in 1119<; tioy 0. A. Bonlcngor.

On f\ Specimen or O.n•u,. t~. lqntn•h, T~u.rt. (r. T'~rli· comi$, Dn"k), from thu ~·orest-bcd o! Ensl Anglia, by Sitlncy t'. lhii'Utor.

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Rc<'ords of 7;001ot:it·al Liternt urc, 189'3. Edited by UnTid Shnrp.

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ll.3 1 1 \'ul. nt. T"m,lon, 18J9. Presented

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'RII.!Jland. 1 0031-~;>CoNcnor.oor<'Ar. Soctl:TY or· GnHAT Bmr.\rx

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2 l'ols. l!vo. London, 1899-1900.

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ll ·13


2 I'OI~. 8•·o. T.ondon, J,ccds, &~ .• 1S. 'i­L!lt)'\.

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1 rol. hvo. London, 1900. Pur('h~•l'd ll ;;,1

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2 I'Oia. lto. London, lSOO. Purchn<cd

NATURA"ti~T (Tus), n :\lonthh• J ourn:ll for the Nortlt of l<:u~;land. E~lited b1· Wm Deni~on Roobud, IPCO. JanuarY t; December. •

n .;z

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PAL.¥.o~TOGit.\J'IIII H ~"1'11'1 \' Yol. Llll,i;suNI for 1899. 1 •ul. llu. l.ondor1. 1 <, !l. p 1 d llSS urc UI•C !J-.~!1

lhR OCJE~ ~-- Volun~t• for 1'•91>. ~Tono::rnph of Hrtt toil Annrlul~. l'nl'l 2 · by "'illinu1 Carmichnd ~fcTnt o<h. '

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gt·aphiml Jonr11ul. \'ol•. "'• XI t, 1900. ln (Yol. ll•·o. Lumlon, ltOJ.

Yul. xr.m. ]';98 ~l'l. Yol. Xf.ll". 189:?-1900.

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n~tions and .\.nnunl H,•rorl, 1!>.19. tho. ~lnnt·hc.lt•r. 1 00.

~LIN<'Jtl:!'1'l:n )fCSRil '', Ow R'<'s t'ou.J:G K l'ublication 2.1. .1\lus~um l,nbc•l•, the l'rin· cipn l Di<i$iOil~ or the Colcopt~rn.

-- .l'ublituliun 30. .NoLI'~ rrom the Mun· ~]rester ~[meum, No. U. Notes on Eomc J urnssic l'lunts 111 Llrr Munchcslrr Mt:scum, by .\.. C. 'cwurd. .lfmwlu•ster Memoirs, Jo.r.tv, 8, 1!100, )lll>ll'lll'stcr, I! lJO.

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I ,-ol. 81'o. l'lnuoutlt, 18!•9. Prcunt<od -- Jourrnl, nu11 ,,.rie,. 'ol. ,·,, Xo,. I :nul 2. Prcs<'ntc·d Mt'SP.DJS .\.'SO(.'l.II'IOl'. Report of l'ro ccdin!!~,

wilh the P111ll'r• rontl nt till' Nit,tlo \n nu11l Gcncml Alcl'Lin(!, ~lwllirl<l, l>>H'-o

1 •·ul. lii'Q, l.nnduu, 189(). Purclmst•tl -- llepor•t or Prot·c•c•tling•, "11 h l'tiJil'''~ rellll

nl tlw 'l'cnlh .\ nnuul Ucm•r·al Mcctiog, llr·igbton, I h l!l.

1 •·ol. l"·o. London, J!JUJ. Pur.:hnecd - - ____ __,;,. _________ _


lt~;r. lio. Book•.

13 ,;J

1 0:1~7


B .iC

n :;n


D 58



n ti



.B !H

lOO ~'l

l! i' l



L' 30


c 23 023

\".\Tl'R\1, IIISTntt\" ".>t'lf.r\' CH X•>RTill:\{· nt:ur "I', lJI"tl!l \\(, \~1> .\EWC\:>TL&·O:<· 'l\ ~I.. ~alural If ton· 1'1RD>"Ciions. \ ol '111 1' r t 3, I f·t~l. , r rc !'Ill eel

X \TI"It \l.hT ru f., .\ lllOilti.ly jotm•ul of \(ltur.ll lli-t.~rr for the north of .En:::lu· d. f.:•hll•.l I" \\ no' I>t•r.o·on Ro" uc~, 1!\(}J. bH>. I. ·n.lwo nml L ("(I•, I !lOO. ]'r~>~o too

Xo1 IT\Ib 7,n, 1 '''" .1 .• AJmmlUI of Z ol •t:_\'. Jo: ~it•••l 1., \\'nltt•r Roth~..!ti!.l, ]~ms' lbr· t~rt, ILIHI.l{ Jordun r ..... d nl the ZoJ· lr gic~l )lu•t•um, Trinl-(. \'ol. n. I •·vi. Sm [,ondon nnd . \ 1 le>!Utn, 1 S!l:l.

I ol. ' 11, Xo•. I on· I 2. · ' l'LI 1101 Tll I ' ~TIII'TIO:< Al'U D&I"OS A:SD

COltS\\ \1 t NATl"IL\1, lll$1011\' SvCTET\'. \ nuunl ll~pot·t• und Tmn~lll'lions.

Yul. ~11. l'art- I, 2, 3, 1SO I< i. -- \'ul \111, purl 2, l !l!l!l-HlCU. l 'rm.to LtnRAIIIHS, )lt'si:Clts, AXD . l ur

O.H.J.J:It tt.s tw "I'IIC Cn' oF LII'KR I'OOI •. •I 11 h, ~fit.h, nnd 17tl• ,\ ununl!<crorh or ~l H: ( 'otmllilt!'c fJr the '""r' I S~fj, 18!1'!, 18!) '·

-- llttll<·tiu nf tho u, . .,,.pool )i n•t•ttn». Yol. 11, Ne•. a,·~. \'ol. 111, No. 1

R !l\',11, Co tt\WA> T. l 'Or\· rH\"11:->:c Soct~ t 1' .

ShfJ·~Cvtmt'a \ nn nnl Repot!, h!JU L1l'li' •H8JT\' O!' V.lltlltttDOR. .Museums ami

Lt•c·t ttn'·r<>Jms ~ antli<·nte. '1 hi1 t \'·f<>url h A nnndl H~port r,;. Hi\'!). •

-- Hcporl uf t~c Lihrury S) n.lic •te for 1~!1 l. I tu. C:1111bd lgc, I 00::>

\ """ P.llSIT\', ()\ rom•. (\unlo~·tc Q{ llool.i nd.lt•<l to tl11• n .. ,t.·hff,. Lib·ar~. IS 1 1•

·o~ror.l, 1!1.)(1, \\'t II>Tt:n . \\ n. l llll<lralt<l C.ll ·lo;:ue of

l :•hnogr•phit·•l >;p,•t•iuwu•, EnMpeun uml 1~\--h•ru .\ rm• n.n1l Armour, Pr..·lu .. torlt· :u.d otlu•r Cur:n .. iti~.. Xo". 2 1, 2·,. 2•J, ~~.

)" Ollt. ~ 11111•~ (; CII.Oc:J(' \1. A\ I) l'oL YTt!Cil " IC ~or1~:rY Pn>t•et'tling:O:. Xt.'W Scrit·"· \"nl. :\111., 1-,!l" ~~··,


Prc~cnt crl l'rc~cntod





Prc:!t'ntc 1

P rt••cnlt·,l

Puro·1 o•.~l

l rol. Snl. L<· oh, 181 .. Prc•c•nt~cl \ Olii:·HIIttF XAtltt.\11"" t sr '"· Tr .• :.sno··

tiou•, l'nrt :!:! [ .r lb 1:. J h~ .\ 1 n·ll '"' oi ~ ork,Ju.t·. 1.1!' \\'. Wt•<t and G :--. \\"cs•.

· r. .. , d•, 1! ltO. Prc•cnlt•l

Gur.n· BtcJT ax. s~&llantl.

Coui'OttA'rt '" or <lL.\SOow. Purks m~ut. ~ht8t'W1' nntl Oallct·i~s. for I'! r., l ~!li, I IUS,l~O.I,

0 LAS00\1' l ~ 1\'t;u~tTY. CaJc, d1tr for l !i00- 1!'1(11.

D~p:trl· ll~port<

lht• ,1'• :11' l'rc·cnlcd

I •·~1. S1·o. Oln•gow, 1900. P•·cs·nlctl l'l:rtTil$11 1111: St>C'IRI'Y OF ~ATI'flo\T, Srn:xct: .

'fi'Ul"nt·tion~ nud PH>.:t.eding!"t. \ "'"vl. trr, p:1rt' I, :!, IS b HlOO. I'rcscntC'<l

Ro•f.\1, R~·c>tll"ioll Ot:nnR.\I'IIJC'Ar.. ~orrP.T'\". "'t•ntti<~h 0·' ~:.:·aplait•al :\[a:!B1.m~, Yf)l X\';,

I 'nl H u IO:clinburll'lt, 1 u 1. rr.·,t•ntctl r.o\· \l. f'H\"oih \1 ~~d '11 1'\"

1 l•:Jlf \ Hl'JW!l. PoO-

<'<'t~llll:.!", \ •. 1 \1\,J:ll't 2. :-:~·~i.1n l"l:R !l:t. J'r(''llt.lt.•l Htn u Sw l n tH Eu1~ut~H1JU. J'r<>•'•'<'4ling.t,

\ ul ' '" l '!li lS~l.l, I "''· l>to. Edinbur~lt, I !'OJ l'rcscntc•l

Ot.tH DntTII'<.


~nr.xn: ~'I' \ 111 ~rrsr.nr, Dt aul'. Gcncr~l Cui 1~ In tlt~ C'ulh"t:ti-m•. l'orl nu, Furuo· t 1rc, • hup I. ltnli,ut Furnitur.·; by G. T. l'lunkc·t~.

Dublin, 189.1. l'rt·s~ntc<l

llnt'riSil CuLO:O. H:-.

AfriNr. • lr.IIA'H Mt··t r 11, Cu•t: Ol' GO<IIJ lfor-e .

J{,.JlOrL of tlw Commiltt·c for tile y~nr l'!!l l. l~ol. C'upc To11n. l!llXl.

Hotttr lvtnc \l' llft·~t>l'll Annul~. \'ol. J,

l!>!liHI.I, I ,o(. Svo. London, !b99. \ mm!< v,,J. tr, Purld I, 2, 3, 1~00.

Ht•pot·L for th<• year 18!19. l rol. Cope Town, 1900.

Pl'\'!l'nlcd Prcocnlcd


!l OC

C ll



l' 7

(' 17






l' l

(' u

Ill SI



(.' ~

.son·11 A nttl'.\'< Pmto,ot•IIJ< lt l:ioc1 t:TY. 'J'r:tn>a.-tiun<. Yol. :1.1, Purt. I, 2, 1!>00.

-- 'l'rlllt~.~rtit>n~. lm!.,x to \ 'ota. 1 ,\.and XI.

How OO]Uir«l .

Purl' I, 2. P reseroted lllltthll 'ot ru \ >rliC I lnformalion ns to

Mininl! in Hl10<lc,t,o, •uppli•d to the Brtlish South \ ftt·l Com1)'lny, prinL•d for the infvrut:tl iun of :>h~rt•laoldcr<.

l 'ul -ltt>. London, 1 '>)9. Presented by R. J. Ethcridge.

Buna,u COJ.o'<n:~. C'11nadn.

C'A'<AIH .\'< 1h:C'ono <>V SC'tR!IC'R. Jnclucline tiH' l1t'O<'ct'diu~;4 of !loo Nut tHnl lli$tory S •cit·ty or Mo1olr• nl, and replucing tlo~ t'nnntlutn :o<nturuli!l. Yol. nn, Xos. 2, 18 1!1, I, l 0 0. Present eel

by Nut H i<t. So~ .• i\Iontruol. GP!It.OOH \T, St'lll'li\' ut• C'ANADA. Annua l

Hqwrt tww ,..,.;,.,),Vol. x. H~ports ,\ , 11, I, .1 , ~1 , S, 1'! .;.

Mnp" tu nt'<·omruny ub ¥C.

2 'ol•. 8vn. Ottn 1\'0, LS!l.l. Presented C'llnt ribut iond to ( \moolnon Pnl,contoloj(l .

\ 'ol. 1\, part I. A R,.,.;,;.m of tho Gt••wra 11ul l'ip<• •tea uf I 'muld tun l':t ltroJ.oio Co 11l•, by l.tl\1 rc•no••• ~[. Lnmbt•. Ottawa. 18 .• !1. Presented

-- l'rtliminnr.•· Ro·porL on the Kl nclyke (:olol-llrld~. Yu'.un Di.lrid, <:anutln. by R. 0. ~l cCm111dl. 81"<>. Ott.tw:•, lllO 1• Prc~ontoo

:"lh·<ltrt t:or.r.R<;e '"' l.,IIF.RSJ'TY. Annual Calcntl~r, So•·>ton I lOO 1!'01.

I •ol. Sro. :'\fonlre .1, l!lVO. Presented XOI.\ :O.torr\ 1\ lllt"Tt: O>' ,Cff!l'C£. l'r<>·

c·~··clou~~ :ancl l'r.lu>ac·tion•, \ 'ol. x ( \"ol. 111 o£ in I '·ri~·) l'::rt I, Se>,ion 1 ()lj !tJ.

!no. llali[nx. 18 !l. Prc,ented Hu\".\f, ~Olll.l\ 01' C1s \IH. Pr~·~..•e<hng"' u--sd

'J r:ua~>•lt" 1<>n... '\'Cond rrie~, \~ol n·. 1 'i l4. I wl. g,,,, Ottll\\.1, .h., l.:.l$. Pre•~nted

lltn Thll Co1.o:srr-.


\.1!01/lOIC.\1. l-;t R\'F\' (H J:q 1\. G~ner-J! Ho'Jk>rl fell' tin• l't•t·iotl I 'i l -I' 00.

Sro. Cnl~11tt~. 1 )('0. l l emoi•·•, Yul. '-.;rx. Hcport on t he Grcut

Ent•th>JU~ke ol I b!l7, h,1 R. D. Oltlhum. I 1.1. b•·o. Cnlc•nUn 1S1fl.

M l'ltlOio·s, Yul. .'\X x, pnrL 1. List or I ftt•r·•hoc·~s uf t ho 1\l'<'llt li:nrtbquako of

JS t7, bv lt. ]), Oldhum. C'n lcntln, WOO. Mrm'ui... l'.J,r,nt >lo~tia l ndicn, b<'ing

fi~-tllt'e• unci lh•<<•l·iptions of lho Orl!nnic l~ t·mnin• prol!'nrcd dnrtlll! lite progress of 1111' (h•ologic·nl Suo• \'~) of lno lin. ::;, rio·~ ~... llimu111 11m Fo,.ik ''ol. r, )lll't 2. A ntln• u·ulit i11c· ~·o,~iJ, nf l~a<hmir '"''' SJ'iti, h~ C~tt•l llit•ncr, lij">:J.

-- ~c·rh·~ \~ lf w1•L• an Fo~"'it.., Yol. H. Purl I. Tht• ( 'c•plml '1'"''1' of tht• l.ot.~w.· r

r ...... 1 '117. J'nt·t 2. 'J hr ('t·p'•,tlor o.l.t ,,( d:~ )[u.c!.t•l·

Lut~. hJ l' trl llit•Jtel", lb J:i I ~o'. -!to Cukut!n, ~~~7.

-- ~. ;,., n·. Yol. 111, part 1. l:pp••r Tro.lf•i~ l'••plnllut"lo)tl.l llaun>r uf the Him t · h)ll, 1>.1 E lmuncl ~loj•i'>'i,·s,tnln>hlt~d hv A1thur 11 Foorcl nut! )lr< . • \. 11. ~ O<orJ, t'ult·ultu, I s:1.1.

' tt" St•rlt~. \ '"ol. J. Fuunl\ vf ~~~~ l':a·leru Ht·clli<•h h;ll.

I. Tht• Cam b i:m S:olt·r<ln::<·, b,1· K.

Nt•\\ 'cric•. \ 'ol. t. 2. X11lC> on the ~furt>~olu,c:y uf the l'dtC.)'[ o<l•, by Frit~




l'rc<cnt eel


'io·nlliu;!, l'•!l!l. Pres~nted 1 '111 \' .\1 t •t'l" \1 A ni'IJUl Report, lS3S !IJ.

1 ,.,, K~o. Ctlt·uttn, l'>!l.) Pre$Cnled \ 0 uiclo• l•> t h Zlltllogi<•:oJ l' .u~~t ions

I xlul-ihl Ill tlw r,,J, Galler\' . I •·ul '>•u. Culcutw, 1 S 9. Pr,•scntt•d

A Ouidt~ lcl th., ~ u!o;.(i<'nl l\•11.,.• ·tiUllij t\'llbtlt•tl in tho 13irtl llull~>.l, h) ~·. Fiun.

1 , . .,). lwo Cnlcuttn, 1!100. PrcPCnl\•d llht•lrut ions uf I ht• Slmlluw· waLor Ophiu·

roitl••n o·ullt•ctcd !J1 tlu• Ro}ul l mlinn Mn•ino l:)un·cy Ship •• Jm;cstig~tto~," by R. Kochlcr.

·Ho. Culcuttn, 1000. Pt c;cntcd


Jto>.:. l\n.,

C 3 ll! UIAN i\lt7~ F.I' Ir. lllu•'r al itm&nf t h~ Z.•ology uF lht• Rttl nl 1 ntlia11 i\lurirll' Sun •c r ::lh ip •• lnn.'stigator/' {'uuuntuttlt\l• T. 11~ ITem~ tnin!!, und.•r the tlircc ion of \ . \ lctX'k n rr<l \ . l'. Mt·Artll<'.

J'i,ht», Part n1. Cru:.IMen, P url I'll 1.

0 7 :.T\ Uit i, GOI'HR")I Y.~l' ~f l,ll''t H<'por: ontlw ,\ clminisl r'1\tintl of t he <:on•r·nna•nt Mu>curn nm l C'onne mnl'I'IL P ublic• J.rhr·ury, 1899-H'OO. l'n·~t>nl cll

C i -- JJ u ll~l in , \' ol.111 , No. 1. t\ n r hropology. Nntr s on some or tho• l',•oplu <>f ~lulubnr; ~[ t•ill \'I'd 1S of l'r.\\'1\DCOI'~; &o.

'l ndrn• . 1!'00. P resent. cl x.,. :Z . T h•· S~l\ Fi•hrro~- of Ml\lnbnr

uml South Cun rru, b) E•l:.: 1r Thm>ton. ,\ ltttlr,t•, 1000. J>r~•t•nhd

9:>61 Ro \ \ t. A ~l.HIC <;ocoY.TY. .J ur•••l oft"" Chi11:1 Honnch for tlH• :f<'lll' I 'I >(j !J7 \'vi . . \ X.'\ J.

I ;.,.J. lh·o, ~hHliJ:hni, 1 !100, l'r'I'$Cn!<-d P 6 (6:~) C F:\'J.ON. l~u~o•·l on lhc C<•ylon P~t>rl F rsfv•ri •s,

h) \\'. <:. 'lwrn:lll>. Fol. (' lornbo, I 'XO. l'rcHrnl od




100C6 tu 10011

. by c. ll t•d ll'y.

Aon1n 1.rrnt: ( l ':<nt.l> Sr\n;' l> fl'IRT>I r~T Ot'.) Year Hook. 1'\JU.

1 ''ol. g,·o. Wn.loinglon, l f<IO. -- l)ivi.ion of 'Entomology. null~tin,

:\••w SCJ·ics, Nos. 21, 22, 2 ~. 25. -- 'l'echnionl Serifs, E n lo rnolngicu l J3ullc•tin,

No . 8. 1!!00. -- Divi,ion o f Biologit•nl S u rn•y. Bulletin,

Nos. 12, 13. J~OO. Xorth Aru('rirnn F''"''''• \ os. 1i, I S, 1!1.

1!100. J)i,·i-ion of r.·g~lr.hll' PI I -i·lotz.\' nnd

l 'nthoi<>!!Y· J3 >llflroo l\o- J "• Ill, :11. 2:!. F1~11 ('0\1\11~• 10". Bullrtin, \ • 1 x \Ill, for

18:18 . 1 , • .,1. Sw \\'u•lullglon, JS9!1. C: l~owotr \ 1. ~U II >EY. i'\iru•!t•t•nt lr .\nnuul

Jl ~potl , IS: 7 -!IR; t 'hnr·l••• D. W tlicott, J> irl'c·tor. l'nrt 2 l'ntwr; c·' j,•tly of tt 'l'Jwo· n•t i(• N nt ur(".

J'n t 3. ll COilGillic (I c<>fol(\', l'nrt:.. Vol'('st H<•wrt•·•: 'ttMI'f Gannl'll,

Un.-fuf l :j,j,ion. 'l nlntul,\ lln•. -~,·oh. h\tl. \\'••lrin~:lon, 1~tl!l

-- l'w~n t t..th Anmrul Ht•pll·t, 1>'!1" !U: t'lrrrrlt•• U. \\'nlt·otl, lltrt•t•l•>r l'<~t•t J. Jlit·t·<·lor·, Report.

f'nn G. lll in<·t·ol R,•,ntrr<·~~ or tire• l'n i•t•cl S l n l ~•, 1811!). MN~Ilic P t•otlnd•. <'onl, 111111 ( 'uk,•. hy llllvid '1'. l>a,'

:1 vol>. b~t>. \\'n•ltinj!;lnn, 1 SUI. Mono~-:r.Lph>; Chur·l,•• D. \\'nll'oll, Oirc<-lor.

\'ul-. \\.\ll,p~rt :!. \\'dll, \\.\1\', X'\11. X\\\11, X\X\"111.

P rc!rnh-tl

Pt·r~on t l'd

l'n·~cnl cd

Vrc~cn lccl

P rl'<'Cil(t•d


p ,.l',l'lll<·d

l'rt••t•ntcc l

G vol• -tto. \\ ll•ltiuJ:Iou, IS !1. 11 0 12 -- Bull•·lin>, No•. t;;u lo 11 :!.

P rt ,.-nll'd

t o 1001:i Tn ~ \Ok ~•·o. W n lrington, J•!J:J. !>!11 ~ "l'n~u SToiTF.~ X A lT'IXM· \ l r~"l'\L R eport

for t lrt• ~<•n r cndin!! J mH', h!l7. l'urt I.




10 !)8

D 22

}) 30

I vol. h'O. 1\ a~lrin~lon, lR():), Pru o•ecling•, \'nl. \' 1.

l •ol ~"''"· \\'u-Jun::lt n, 18~1D \\'~tl llt:I'.\UI\IEJ<T- 1 >·pll tf n l<l't'llll·

nni ...... nll('l' from C1trr"U, \lout um '1\•rritor\ un the l pJwr ~[i .. :oonuri, l11 th~ 't•llow.;.to;,~ '\:~1 ior•nl I' trk, nnrl H ·I urn, in I SI;;, "' \\ tltinrn l.mllu\\

P l"t>3ento·cl

l'ro•·t'lll t·tl

I n•l. lto \\'., hru"'tn11, 1'>71;. Prr•· 111<•<1 lt) limithmuian lu.l itnlion.

At'"'"'' n r XATI' I<.\T, r-;, If' ' < r> or Pnu.A-1>1-:J.ru t 1. l't·o~f<"lln::•, I 'Ill: I.

I lol. 'no. l'hrln 1t•lphin, 1'-!1!1. P t·••Pt•ull•d llo. 1!100. l'.>rl I. p,., .• ,.lllt•tl

, \ \l t:UII'A" .\ --oc-1 ITIO~ fOil ruv Arn l:<n:­

\lf:~l or ;.;, rr..;n; l'r<•c•·•"<lin~-. Fort.·· o·i::hl h \1 cclurg lu·l·l at I ol.nnbns, Ohio, 11-111!1.

1 • ol 8"' E:htou, 1 '-'fl9. l'n·•t•ntNl ,\\tt:Ktc I" , \ '(1'1Qillltl I' S<ICif:n·. l'ro••ct'<l·

in~;. N~" Sorics, \ 'ol \Ill, l'nrt 2, Oc·t. I ~!1~1 ( l!l 0); l'nrt 3, ,\ l"'il, I 1' 0. P.t'<rt.l d

;hti :Jttt'' " \l rsr.t'\1 Ol,' N ,,rt 11\1 lr1sru:n i\ 111111111 Il L· port £or y• m· 1 '!i!l.

1\\o, :\1•\\ lol'k. 1!!00. !'rCS~IIl~cl

D 30

J) 31

I) 31




D ·~2


D 25

n :;o


I) 3tj

I) 3fo

I) 511

D 37

J) 2fo


! !13)

J) 2\i


Alt r. III CAr-' M ust:l'lr oF N"T' lt.\1. H rSTOII\' , IJ nllt•l m, \ ol. XI, p.u t :!, lt:!~!J; Yol. X II, I '\!) I. 8 ••o. :\,·w Yot k, J!'OO.

)lc•moir,;, Yol. I. part I. A c:-omplet.• \l o•lls:u rr Skrlclon, Uo•P•"'' null t'artila ­l!lll•m•, b) lf••nry J:ui ·lil'lcl O~horn, I !l!l.

-- M ••moir•, \ 'ol. I, pnrt 5 A ki.'lclon of Piplocloru~, hy H ••ur,l Fnirlit•lcl Osbor n, 181/U.

-- :\l ,unoirs, Yo l 11. .\ ~>1111·11pnl<11:(_1, \ 'ol.I. ' l'ltc J e•up North l'oltu· J~x1wcWion; edited hy 1•' run 1. Bo8s. · l \'Cl!. Uo. Ne" York, 1898-1000.

- - l\f••rnoir•, Y ol. 111 . Ani!JI•••pology, Vol. 11. I. ~_. tnbolrsm of th\' H uirhol l ndinn•, by <Jarl Lumholu. H O;J.

,\ )! RR'!'IS ~ ITtii\LJST. A n llhl'lrnt.-d :\hga· llllC or \ ntnrol ll i•lorv. \ nl . XX-.\'.

J 'oL H•o. !!~~ton, I ' K. A 1 !'00. A~rt:tii<'A" On::t'I'HOJ.flO I Srs' l hto:;. 'Ihe

Auk, n. Q utu-tn ly J orr r11 d of Orn it h ology. I • -111 in uou inn o f t ht' lJulll'liu or the N u~t oll Or·rr ithologi>l •' Clnh. Ne•\\ f:lrric, , Yol. -" ' ' 11. I r ol. 8 \'0. Xc w Yot·k, 1900.

,\llf:luc \" P nu.OSOl'IIIC'\1 ;o;uc-u n. l'rocee.J. inj!;•, \ ol. XXI.'\, 1'1!!1; .'\ \\, 1'>92; XX.'\1 1

1'>11:1; \ \:\11 1 1 !3;'-:\Xtii,I'I!J·I ; XXXIT, I 95. :! ,-ol•. l'•·o. l'luhull'lphia, 1'-91 95.

-- l 'roct·c.lings. Y ol. XXX I'III , Xo. !GO, 11'>9!1 Vol .\vox, Nos. 161, JG:!, 1\KO

B ro t OII ICA I, ;o;on.:-r Y Ot' WA,III~C'rtl :< . r ro· cccdiuga. \' ol. XI I., x ttt.

In I vo L 8ro. \\'u,hi11gdun, 1898-99 . Bo~TON Soctt:Tk' or ~ATt'l!AL ll i:>TO RY. Pro·

rl'e<li11g• Yol. X\.n:, :\o •. 1- 8. 13osTo:- Puu1.1C J,mJlARl'. Forl,\ ·~i::hth .\ n ·

nunl H ,port, 18!19. llo·lon, 1900. ll tVFILO '-OCIETS: Ol' ~IHII.\1. O::rtt:~CBS.

llnllrlin . \ ol. '• 18!(HJ7. -- \ 'ol. ' 1. 'l'hl' Pala•ant oln;t) of l~itdrlrrn

:~\l ilt• ('r·e~>k nrHi t hc l mh Slrorl' Scdion• of l•: r1o l'Q IItll_r, Xcw ) or k: h,\ A. W. Grtl· bnu. 18!)8 !lfl.

In I "'!. 810. lluiTnln 18!!7-!l!l. CAt.lt'OII\JA , \ C'\Dt:\1 1' Ot' SriYSC'~<. Ort'll·

.io11nl l':tpn.', n. ::\',.,. :llalloplru~: >, Ill, t•ompri-iug \l alloplragu h·"m Birclo of Pana· Ill:\, Uujn l'nlif<>rlli:J,Hild \l.t·k:t; "' r.·rnuu J.. 1\l'llng~

-- .\lullnpl t• go from Uml• ol C'nlifornill; h_,, \ 't·muu 1,. Kcllog~auclll,•rllrn 1.. ('lurprMu. ' l'ho Annlomy of I hr lll ull<>plragn; by

Hubt•t•l I•: Snodl!t"ass. I •ul. S•·o. i'uu limncr·CO, !S!l!l.

t'u,trOIISII l'un: Mt:n..;o lltunu. llullc· tin•. \o• I :J, 1·~. 15, u;, li.

C \11:\n:u \l t'•t.r\1 . !'ublrcultvu. 2\"o.t;. l'ttle E••fl\ C•m•e· l, 1"!¥.1

-- l'ubhclltJOn, l\ o. i. .\ nuunl lkpo1l for )<llr ••nrtiu~ ~l nrelr, 19!0. l 1rthblll'l(, 1!'00.

C'IIH'\11<1 A C'H•8\It OP :lC'Il.I'C'I.S. JJ\Ilktill. \'ol. 1, No<. 1 11\ 11'\83-!\H. Y ol. 11, .No. 2.

;-1,. :1. l 'nr·t 1 oFth(' ~atum! H i·f<Jt'\'l'nn'c\'. (I~C' I ':0.:•\ 1 1 :\lrsRru A~~ocJ\1tcl:O:.· Niui--

tt•t•nllr \ nntull R<'JlOrl. 1'1!1!1 \'0. Cinciunntr, 1!100.

t ' l"'l'>:<\1 ''•"r.n· 111 ::\'\tl'll\1. lfli'TOUL .Tnrrt·ruol \n) . 11, l'>i!l. ~,., I.:!. I \nl III, !S•(r,l'o J.:I.J \' ul 1\, 1 Slll l'nl •·. IXq:?.

-- Yul. I I, ltl'i:J. \ 'nl. \'lt 1 1"'>1-S3 \ ,.>. ' 111, I'-''>-~ !ili.

-- \ r•l 1\, lq'-li '>i

\ "I. '. '""i-~"-\ ,,, '1.1, 1~'>'>-'>!1

\cl \11, 1SS!I- !'C>, -- \ .,(. \Ill, 1'-!10 !11.

Vtol. \11, 1ll!JI - !•:!, \' Ill. \\', lb!l~ !\:1

--Vul '\\1, IS!l:l !If. - \'ul. Xl'lf, lb!II - !J;,

In I' nl•. !'\n>, ( 'tnoinnnl i. I q;f).!';). Journal. \ vi xn, ~o~, J, :1. l, 6, U, l'itk;- IUliJ.




Exrhan~~ l'r<Sr11h1l Prc•cnled

Prtof nltcl






P l'\•ocnt o·tl

rr.•-cntctl l're•<'ntt-cl

lie~. No. I

0878-HG OONXECl'lCt'1' ArAnEMY O}' ,\ tns ANnSrJKl<I'KS. rJlrntlfi.A<'timl .t.

- Yo l. r, )kli6 lfli l. Yol 11, l"il i3.

-- Yol Ill, ISII i:l. -- \'ol. H. I~H-5~.

Yol. 1 , l~i8 ~l?. -- \'nl . I I , I A~t s.; , -- \'vi. ' rr, I 1:\i!.i-SB. -- \ 'ol. \'Ill, 18~8-9:!. -- \' ol. 1\ 1"0:! 9;;.

How n~~uirt.~t


! ~~···· =-"· 100!10


!I'"' '"o. \ " llnn•n, 1'-ftii 9S l'I'C!Cl\ll-cl l>H~ IF ilxt:~ t\t:n~tn . Jln lt-tinufthl•Scit•ntilit·

I nhun•t,Jih''"

D 17 D 17 J) lk

\'ol. I I, I ""i. Yul. 111, I""~ \ 'd 11,1""' '"· , ... 1. \. 1 .... 0.

-- \ 'oJ. I I 'I'' ,~vl. \'11: ~~~~~:

--Vol. I 111.. l'a l'l 1!, ISP·I. In ·l ml. i>1c>. Gmmtllt•,Ohin,lM!i !! I I'rcscntl'tl !JOIS-JG

100!)1 1'11-:l.ll (;Qr.l'lllll4 'i ll U$1:1'\1 llntnnicHI S~rit••. Yol. I, 1'-:J; 1!100.

1 •ol. R.-o. l 'hic·a,!u. I !lOO. Prc•ellll•<l J) ;;o D 9 (2) -- Yol. 11, ;\ ... I , 11100. .l'r~sentccl

' 10095 -- Zoolo~ii'Hl :;,.,.;,.,,Vol. t . 1 rul. 81·0. Ohim!(o,l 895-HJO). :Pt·cscntct! )) GO

D !l ( IJ Ocolo;.i•··tl Scri··~. \'ul. 1, ,:.. .,, i, J!)(tO. l'rcs••nt('(l D !l (l?) -- R t.'1>ort St·ri••· , Yol. 1, ,:.. o.;; ,\ nnuul Hep rt

lur Jll!J'>-!1.•. J>rcocntcd I> ~U 10000 The Htr(11 ur Ea;,tt·rn :\'orth .\uwru-a.

( 'pcciul Eel it ion prinkcl lut· tlw l ' td<l Co ltt tn 1 i11n ~[uscttnt.)

" '•lt•t• llir<l•. p,.,.t l. 1\ •·.1 to tlw li'nmili<'! nutt Sp••t~i"--."'·

l'nrt ;!, 1 ~•·~<1 Btnl>; hr ( h u·lcs B. t'or.r, ] !19.

I> :!.7

])!J In I 111!. ·ltO. ('hira,!O, ltl. IIS!I!I. I'I'C•<·llh•tl I Utnl

I Lt.lXOb --~\~1: I .AIIl)JIHUII \' Ot' X.ttlt .\1; llrS1'0lt\ Bulkri n, \'nl. 1 -

A•tidt• !l, 10, 11 , lMIU WOO. 9957-:s-; l t.J.J.,.oh X11rttu llr-Hill\' S1ttn:Y "ntr.

L .\BOIUTUJI\' Ot' ~.\1111\1 H i-1'011\ !'tiC OrttithulUJ!V or l llin .. l•

\'ot t . l'nrl I, D<··~r<Jil"'•Cntnlugm•; h.' Holllll t Hitlg" "·'. l'a•·t 2, Et•ollomit• Ornithulo;t~ ; "·' ~- A Forhos .

\~ol. 11, pnrt J , l '<i<'t'.pln<• Cn•al<~All<'; b~ Huhcrt R1dA" "'.

I) 28

:.! '""- '; '" ~priuglidol, Ill. E:tellan~t•· J);;


j) 50


F. Tlucttg••r. l\r::\'rt 4 CK' \ tHU(Tt/n n \1, 1•:, t'I.HI.\IH~"J S1 \-

·•·•ox ot ttfi · StA ti! Co t t, tm t. ur Kt:x t'l• h 1 lhollet in• \ u SG, S7, 8S, H!l, 1!100.

I .L0\0 LIUIC\111 ., •. llOT\\1, 1'11\lllJA<'\ A\11 M \lthl.\ \lt.DJC.I, 1'1:<< I"<\ \TI JJullt•lin, :s'u. I. l~I(J.I, R<'J>rcxluo·ticm S<ric:', So. I.

\I I(' IIJ O A'i I::' I \I I HO.IJUI "' \ t<Jtl('l'l 11 KY..

ll aa

J) :J I

J) :13

J) !33

'J'hirly·~~ll'ull t ,\ uuual Hcpot•t of the Sccrc· tary, unci Elt•\Cilth An uun l !!<·port of t lte \ ~rieuhund (\,IJ•\:.!:.:0 lt~pt•ritncnt Stu11011, 1~9i-!t I \ul. ll111. J.an,io~-:. l'i!l!l. l'resenh•cl J) :Ja

-- Thirt.• •·i,•htlt \um1:1l H 'Jllll'lof till' .So•rrt•· tnry to tin• Sl!>ll' Boar.! ul .\t.:ri<.·ultur~. nucl 1'"clfth Allllllul Hcpurt uf th.· ~:xprrinll'nl Stution, I H!IH- U!l. 1 "''!. Hru. Lan>ing, I 'tl!l. l'n·,enterl


J) I


~l tll tiGAx S•AII \ Gnrr•r.tt tt\L Co11.n.~ Etpo.•rt u-nl SJ.1t iun Build n• J i7, 1 i!l, 17~J, l'U, I I, !llt•IJ-.;;

Experim• '' Statiou bp• ·• •I l!nllctuo 13 M IT,\\Al hl:l', l't'hi.IC :\Jt·,l:t'\1. :Se•·cntN'nth

\ntnml lt••purl , I S!lR-9!1 :J!lS2 (3 1 I I ) M l!'XF>O 1 \ ll t:Ot.OUtt .11 nu ~ IT\iiC\L lit~·

Tt)N\' tit Ill 1:1 Tlw Ot•uiO!(\ of llinn•·•~IH. Yo!. I ol till' l·u:al H,• nrl. l'ii:!-ll:i~t ; l11 X. 11. \\ "d~t·ll nncl \\'nrrc•n l*phnm. •

1 1ul. !to. Min"""l"'lo•, Minn., 1 1>~ 1 (1!>8:1 (:iOIJ7j -- \'ul. 11 nf tlu· Finul H~pur1,18S2-I"tli•;

hy X 11 Wit t•hc•lltllul Wurt•t•n cphr11n 1 \ ul hw. St l'anl 'I ittn, I'<'P

\ ' ul. n· of I l:r I cmii R.·p •11 )-;:tu I '-!1'1 , I" ::... u. w,,.,.,,u. .

l'rr-ent•·•l Prc;cnh~l

I 1ul llu. St. l',tt,J, Minn., 1'>00. l'ro.·,eot<.-tl !)960 ;\[JSSCII RI l:ut"ll.lL 11.\1!111 ~- Elurrnth

\ nnnnl 1\o•pnrl. I "'' "il'd. :'t. Luui•, ~In., 1000. l 'r~•c•ut.-cl

)I 13

]) 1:.



llll'ot:t \I 01 COlii'AR.\1 11 s Zootou \' A'l' liARYARU llll tt.NO.V.. Uullt•lin, Vol. ~:-:-tr. {G~o· lu~:i,•ul Se"~ '• \'ol. n .) 'J'ho OcoiO!!Y nnd l 'h~ •io.·:tl Ow;;rnph~· of .f»maio·:<. Study of n 'H ,. nf \ uti''"" Jl,·wlopmrnt , b~ Hot.• rt T . Ill I; \\ilh :tn Ap po·mhs of >Omc Crdw·f~lHI5 urul J(ut·t.-u,• Cund ... , h.f ~' 'V'" lnml Y:lnJdlloll.

· l rot. Sn•. C't~tnln idgc·. 'fn,,., 1899. -- ll ttlh·tin. \ ul \\\1

1 l vl. ';\(). cn ... luitll!~. C\1 : •• lf.!l!J -1900. ll ull..tin. Yul \\:\.\'1,1\c•. I tu I 1!1()0. Hulh·tiu,Yul :1.\\111, ~o,. l ll. I! OJ. ~~ unoit$, ' ol ' ' 11 r, No. 2 Hr·porte on

un t•: xploruiiun ofT lho \\',••l <'othb< of ~~ t•li<·n~ Cl'lt11•n1 111lL1 South \ lllt'l'irn, ami uti t IJ(' C.tl:q a;:o• I ·Ion· I•, 111 o•ltur:O:<' d .\lo•undPr \t::t•·ll. h1· t in l "· Fi"'' !'0111· uu .... ton 11t·nmt·t· ' \llmttu ..... " dul'in~ 1 ~!11.

' nl. '\'. 'l lw Ophiur.d~~.·, hy l'. F. l.itt l-~u nnol ' l it. ~I urlt'tt.,•·tt. th!l!l. ~( (•Jm>il·;t, \ .. nl~ . . \ .\ 1\ ,1 -x x \ 1. '1'1t1• Fisllt1S,

b, S. Oarmun. 2 ;-ols. Ho. C'umbri<ll!<', :\fu.•s, 15!\9.

1\r.w .rsu••;l' Aomn Ltt·uu. f.:\I'I!RniEST 't.\ 1 J0:-<>1. ll ullt•tiu J 10 l'lm·c Common

Oa·,·hnrd ::''clll•·~; h.1 .fuhn 1l Sttaith. -- ll••port of Lite l•:momologi~:•l Dupurtmcnt. ;

by ,fohn 13. Su1ith, l'o1· l S\.19. ( ',.uaclcn, N. J . lOO()

ll ow OC<!Uircd.

l'rl'•<.·n tcd l'rt'•Ntled


-- Bull~tin, Sn. 11:1 Th., _\ pplc l'l.ont l.uuoc ; In ,John B. ·rn,th lOCO. l'r(•H•Jtl<'d

by J ohn IUSmith . .1\.'t:\\ ' on.- .\.< IDl:ltl' nF Scn:~cH,. o,.,,,.,. of Coml, Vo11olitutinn cuHI

unci Li't of ~lo.•mbt· •·•· 18~9.

C'hor~e•·, 13,\ . Jaw•,

.\ nt.nl~, \ ol \. 0 1') , 1-;ros I 1 ... 1. 8ro. N , • .,. Y o• k, 1898. l'r•··t•ntecl

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l'lfo·muil·•, \ 'ul. 11 , PurL l. 1890. Tl~t• l)l'\OJJiHH I ump1't\.', Pu{tt(JA'J>oml.'JIU'l !Jrtllni, ' l'n,.Jitllir, b,\' ll11~l•furd De:1n. l'r~!cnl<-cl

1'1111 1 orr.t•m 1 Ct::<, t~::<ll r. Ex llllltTtux O>

l ... ;r; fllii.UOI tc\1., I 875). Otll<·wl H.~onl, ('Uhtnit.inl!, t:l'lulv~ueP, Rl'Jmrt•, El'i"fl) "'J :tnd Nllti,!ic, on 1!,, uttrco8 ul' \ Jt·lol'ltl.

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Stouli•·• S o. 6, So·i••ntilic :O.t•ric•. 1!•00. Pn·,cnh'<l 1. :< I \l:llst'l \ OP C 1 Lu·ou~ 1\. llttlll't iu, Nc11

l't·•·io·<. \ 'ol t. Nn. I (llc~islt•t•, IMII!-!l!J) :\n. 2 (Gmduntc•, 1!!6 1-!J!Jj

6•·<>. llerk,•lr~, 1SH9. l'1'l'· t ntnl -- llullt•tin of Ill<' Jl,·paTlnwuL uf llt'<>lol!.l

\'ol. 11. ~o-. 5, 6. -- \ l(llt'ultnrul E'J 't'rtlll~nt tuiinll. jJullc•lins

No,. 12:1- 1 ~0. 18!1!1. l'•·c~dttrd -- An nwtl R qtOrl uf tlw S~•·•·clnt·y l'o1' yc1ll'

l1Udi11!! .1 un .... 1 SH!l Fol. Sac.•ruuu.uto, l '>~~l. P rt1\4\'nte<1 ' i\ l'OIJlJiftlt•t• l'TI.''I'Illrd

[ 'I\ J.:lt~lTl* 01' 1\ ,,:!~\!'. Kan .. n~ rt.iYCf"ih Qttnrlt•rly. \'ol. '111 So•rtr< \ l\ n3. 1:. I . ~·~ries 13. No. 1.

1 vol. 1)1·o. l.n•ll'cno.•o·, ''""''"• 18!'19. J':·c .. ·ut.-tl Boll•·ltn-l\nn•u< l ri ,·~r.iil <luniii't'h,

\ ol. I. -:\ u. 2, .l.u.uur~. l!luJ. s,.,.;, .• . \: l'r~····nto·<l l~tHII·Il\ ur 1t1K "nn: o•· ~ 1w Y OHii.

< 'nll•·g" D<'l"" t m•·nt,l'•· ·oml \ nmml Rol'orl, lb!!tl. Y<1l. 11 l'roh·~-ioll'd l•:•luc-nlion iu ll11· t: nilt•tl ::ltnl•·•

I •·ul "'''· AlhnuY, 19CU l'r~>~·ntcd Sl .. h· l .ibrury IJull,,tin~. l..t•ghlutio;l. .Nu$.

11, 12. I. uo. l'Tl'•o.•ntrd L. ';l\'l'tt•l1 \' 01 l'P"<l"\1 \.&~1.\ n ... B.th\''onian

J'~p• cJili!lltc•i t 11<' (' 111\Tt>il) Of l'ut<jh unitl. S•••·it·• .\. Cntll•ii'oo'lll I c•t•, nhl••d "-' li. \'. Jl ilp•···•·ht. \ ul. 1 x.

I \ 'ol. ·!111 l'lnluolt•lpltia, IS!IIl. l'r<'•t•ntnl ~ ..... ntili1' I! nil 1111 nf llu• l'lnlmlt·lnhiu

'lu•,·nm• \o I I unlrlbuti<•r:~ to· tlw llo·l'JWiolo~t> cot N<'" Gnt~~:uln nml \ r)(o.'ll· lum, by J~<.l"'"'" U. l '<>p~. l'hilnclclpltin, lli:J:r. A Jlt~>tlnunou~ pa1t•t· t•olitcd !.J J. l't•r•·y 1\looT<•. l'n•,rnt<d


Reg. No. I Books. llow:d 1-:eg. M., <tcquir< •

----1 How

aoquired. Books.


U:sn·snst'l'\' OF P !::SNSYLI',U' U· The W oriJ'g C'ommerct' ami the United Stntt•s' .bnre of il. St•cond ••dition. J>hiladelphin, 1899.

--Dulletin of lh Frt•e M n•rum of Scienccnnd Art l'ni,·rr-ih of Pcnn·l'l~nnia Dep!!rt· mc1;t of Archnt:Oinl!l 11nd Palcont::>loey. \'ol. 11. :Xo. 2,1 9!1; ,\o. :!, 1! O'l; :Xo. I, L!lo(l.

10Q!)l-!}2W A>IIIl'C,TO\ ,\ c \IH:\1\ 01 :->U£:SC£S. J',·o· C<'Cdtn~t•, I'OI. 11 l!>(l.l; .-oJ. 11, 1900.

:! •ols. Sm. \\'n-hinglt n, 1~ti!J - 1!){;(). D 50 \V'll:;T A\11'111('.1;.1 :--('11:\l'l>'T Yol. X. :Xos. a,

4 5, 1!100. \'ol. .\ I,-;.;.,,,:!, 3 , .j., l!li:JO. 9Sti7 WtS<'O:SSI" \.C\111!\IY <H' Sl'ISl'l'M~, ARTS, .l:SD

I 1: 1 Tl:n~. 'l'r.lll•lll't ion•. \' ol. x n, part I, 18!1!!. Vol. l. S•·o. :'.f:~tli•Jn Wi• .. 18!.1 .

D lJ. %OO I.OOt<'AI, 1:-inc•n.TI or l'utt.lllYr t'HtA. ' l'"cnh··clcthth An:.unl Jl,•pol·t of lho llua1·J'or llin•do1·8.






l:ii'O, PloiluJt•!phhl, l9f0. Pw~entt>d

F 12




F 4·1

F •li


Al1111'lC tA, lit NtLIUY, ill.lnt:lll~, &c.

.AC.\I);,\IIK J)ll" :-lclt~w·t:- •n: C'11 I<'OI' tl: . Dull et in lntt•mntiunal (\mlpl<'' Ht•n ll~>cl••< ,:arwtS dt• l'tlnllclc, l!lt () .Inn., Fc'l'., ;\[HI'., A•., ~lui, J uin, J uli, Ot·'.

tHO. l 1rllt•Olil1 , lfQ'. A:>Trt norotOG ISCII t, 0 I'.SP.l!iC.::II.IfT I:< \\'n::;.

l\fittht•ilungt•U, Jltlll d XX'\ IICIICII fo!gc, ll·l!ld X'\, Ho. \\ irn, H·oo.

:KAtS·ho:<. r.ooi.OOISCut;.floTINI~t·nr. GF.sn.L· ~<'ll.IFT r:s \\'n;s. Y~rhnndlm1~o'n. Jnhr~:nng, 1'1!.1'>, Rant! \1.\'IU. Jnhrgon~, 1'1!1!1, Buwl XLIX .

In 1 vu!. lwo. Wicn, 189 -99. K. K.1\ATl'llliiST0111><'11F.,., U OF.'IIt':n:r:l!, W icn.

7.c•it-dnirtc·n~at:tlov. 1·on A ngu-t Bohm Edl~n ~on Buhmcrsbt'illl. .111. 1\. K. _\'al. lli .• l. llcifmll.f., w;~,. xii, 18:17.

I l'v l. 'n •. Wfin, 13!17. -- \nnnlc·n, Dnutl '\Ill. :Xr. I, 2 :1, I.

~·o. Wicr, lti!IS.

lf lv \ .111 N ;li/.?.TI :\£ t t.t:t'll. Tt·rmc>ll'll"j'.i Fult'lt•k. (l'c•rwdit•:l l of 7. oiOI!,I', Botnll)', J\1int'l'.tlol!.'· nntl Oc·olo)!y, 11itll lhc ol!bn•n· t ion of tlw 11 tiiiJ.: 11 ;,.,, \t· •dc•1ny c:of Sricnr•·~. t•tlit.cl h~ IIIU ll tlllj!lll'iun X,, inua\ ~~"''uno) Yul. "'-11, pu•·t• a, 1, 1!.!1!1. \'ul. X\'111, pnl'i> I, l!, l!lUO.

!!In B"clupt•sl, 18!1!1-l!lOO. MAVYA!t OnNnuut.ocn.u 1\iiZI'OYr'. .\ 't"ill~.

A Mn~t.""' llfruhhtan 1\ ""I'~"' i l?uiJ oiruln. 1 l'••riollic·1d of Umitl"''"~·'· , •·dit,.d hy tl1c Jl uni(Ulinn C'enl1~1l llurcnn l'ot• Orn•tholo­J:i•·ul Ob•~rrutionP) . 1~1 ful.""" "· Yl. Julu·guns:. l k(IH l~m: t.

I ,.,,1. lt o. Uuclapr$1, 18!1'1-!1!1.

llfA O\AitO:"I l•'o1 n1 \\I 'J ;hSl'I.AT. Fultltani 1\llt.lou~. (Ot•oln~i .('( c .\lilt heilun(!~n. 7..,it · '(·ln·trt d'-·•· lJn~a-ri:-du-n Ot•oltl~ls<·IH·u Ge~­" 11, ·hnft, l.!ll(lt•it·h \ llotlidu • ll•j!<UI clt~· K. l 111:. Gt•ulot:l>t'lH·n .\Jhtalt).

J\utt•t \ \ n, h11. l l, :; 7, I')!)]. ~)-;\c t-:~h.n Gr· ... •·• rsfll .\t 1 J•tn '' ..... ~t-:'<·

:-' 11 H If' So i I· ~dt·ntititlth• tll' ( 'l.e•rt .. dH•h"-&') a I. ·nalt·l' '• Pil l lfuntl

1 :\ J, '!,

a, l.t•mberl!, I! 1•11. -- =-'amm.,l•c•l~rifl clt r :\ht h.· m:. I i,c-h-~alnr­

" ,,,.u,,·hafllll'h·,\ rt.tll .. lu·n S<·dion. 11.md I I, Ht•ft 1, I!ICJO.

-- ~111111\·llun:l• 11 .lultr" 1\ '· ll:uul 'XYIIl, I t~l.

\ VICSf:U l•:srrHIIII<IUI~t IlL \ I:U:I..-. .Jahro .. he n·dtl, \, h!J~t. hi 1 \\'t,in, l!l<.V.

HrH.rt "·






Present c.!


Prc • ntrd

l'" >cnt. cl

J'rc cnlt'tl

}.> 17 (21)l0\II :<SJ<" (;t;UJ.O(llljt I'I>F. Jl1 !.Ill t I'. l.t:I(<'IICk do• ltl l'ln•lc• (l,:IJf<IRi<Jih' Ill' l.a .lh·l~ll(lll' . \ >rtl, IB! G. Uronp.• IJIInril·mino·c·. lln:wlh••, ]h(lll. l'r('~enterl

hy ~1. Monrlon. ... ...

98!1!! ~~~"~11 1<1: r11: r.' lNlLIIII.I" 1:r nx l'hsTrtrr-·nu~ 1'1 UI,J<II 1:. Allnnun·t• Stutistiqut• do ltt lldgiiJIIC. Annl-,• xxrx., 1808. I Yol.

f1111. llrux.•llcP, IS9tl. ]'r~$CIItv<l 102:> -- \ nnl-c.• xx x., l S!l!l. lrul Sro.llruxdle~,l!JOO. l'l'l''<'ntol


F I~


}o' 12




l•' 3



F 1





l•' 5



I' !

I! (1' ll

HIC'UI lfllll~ r•o:?:; ltlO:!fl

101 o:;

Soci(T(: Dnca: nx OeoLoorx DE PAuox. To~OOII! f.r n' JJ\ DHOJ.OGIE. l'ro<'e~ \"er·

!"""· 'fvme x., 1~!16. l vol bl'o. Druxellc~, 1S9G. Presenled

l'ro<'\·• \'crb:111x. l'eric 2. Tome I\'. Anncc '\IV. Fn"'· I, 2, 3. Avo. Bruxrll•·~, 1900. Prrset.led

Socurn~ J:~lonoLounlt·r: na llBLvJQt'C • .l.n-nulc!. Tume \ r 111

1 ,-ol. 81•o. Druxclle~. 1&99 Pre:.eoted

So<: I ;I; I! ell •I.K 111 ~ I.AC'OLOOJQt E nE Bt:LGIQCl!. llull..tin~ ch•s ~:;,:nn('CS. Yol. .\.X.Xll'., pp. :\f"l 11•('\X\ Ill.

-- Anuuhs. 'J'onw xxxr. Fnsl'. 2. I He(;.

--- 'J'onlt' X X \liT. A nnec•, 18!l8.

hoH.nn.to t~ I> •~<ua: \'tDE:SSKIIIl~lC:SL~ ~noKAil I 1\UII!;~ IIA IS. Olc'l'>igt., lb~J!J.

1 \'OI. 8Yol, J\nhl'nlull' ll, IS!iO. OII'I'Sibt, woo. ;\u. I, 2, a. HJ()(I.

Ax:s.11.r:n cl,·~ Sc·i~nc•·~ :Xntm'\'llc~. Zoolo!!ic et l'ul•··mlolqd•·· St·ri(• 8, .\nnC:c 6:;. 'l omes I,X, X.


J'rr;,cntcd Ptc5ent.ed

l 'n•srutc•l rlc·cntrd

1 vol. Svo. Pori-, 189 '. PnrchMl'd -- 'fomt> xr. 'i'M. 1-6. 810, l'ntis, lOCO. Purcba~cd

Ecou; d',\ '\TIII!I)l'OLOGII:. IJ£ l'.lll!S. n~n····

810. P:ui-. 1!100. l'rc:cnlcJ l'Lllll.8 I>I:S ,)IT:< VS :\.ITf Jt.U::nES. J'.llt'~.

)(,., .. ~ ~'''' •H•·~J •. cl'lli·tolrt· ~utnrdlt·. =-'<'l'i\· 3, At ~:c'u XXX.

P:u i~. L!lOO. --Cnlnlq(lll' clt• In Bi~lioth<·•JIIC, par A.drkn

Dull ru,, Ji,., .. 211, 2~1. l'nri•, l!lC.O. Hihliol h{·qu•• J.i,lc• "lllnnllrc clc< Ou\'1a~.e•

1'1 ;\l ,:uuHn·• t<IH't'mani 1:1 :\lnbcologl<', }.lvJiu,qnt'> d1·nnt Fcnkmcnt, tJUi n'vnt rns ,:,,1 <'lltldt•~ llt:, d111U 1, < Fa·dcul~~ l-2tl, pnr .\ dl'i••n JlulHu•. l'o1·i~, J!JIJO.



F .~t·t'ITI~ t lF.S krrr~c 1:< 111: :\IArc,niT.n. An· nult•!-1 1 'l'unu.,.~. 1>., x.

In I 1(>1. ·~Jo. 1\IM•ri•lc•, lh!·O 1900. P>CS<n!ctl ,J()l111"AI. n1: Oo'\'t'IIHtOIOC.rr-:. Yul. xr.nr.

l \'<1 1. 81·0. J'uri~, l l>!l!l. J'urrhn~cd \ 'ol. \1.\111. Xu. 1. J!}( 0. Pnrchn:cd

J\ll'~;:~ lt'( l tsTilllll: '\A Trill I I E l>F. l\) AII<I.IUR.

\ '"""''' H~·1·ic• :l. l:ulld in. 'I' on"' I. Sllpple· lllt'nt, :uui lo'n><· 2. IIS!l!l. P1·e-rnh'd

.\lt ,(,)I t•'IIIR111!H :0: ur1.rnr, l'1RtS. null..tlll, \tliH~. I ~! !• Nr .. (i, 7, s; I! 00, ~o. 1 1. Pr.-•cnlcd

~n,·u,.l'r; Ftt\'\« \t'l 1 t '' •'• J:\l.uOII'. J:ulh~tin. 'l 'lntt' ''ll, :\o. ~. l'nr io~, l'!ttJ l'un~l~a~t~cl

-- 'J t~uw 1\tll, \ v ..... l ,:?,a. ~ .. -,. ]>.u·i ... H'l0. l1urd1~ t"tl

~Ultl"'r; L1'!\ .... ':\1 1 t• HnHill'\l·x. ~\ t•lt• ... , \ tl, t.t \, ""'' t'H' f. tl't•UH' I\,

I tul. :;,., l'o.olt•:~ul, 1 !l!l. l'rcemtl\1

Xo<ti'tj '1 \t.A(01t)flh)1l JJl: 11:\~tf:. \t~na,c.·:-. ~I·· \la.:u- •lu~h·, ... uu ... h tlil't:l'1luu t!t· (~t·ur!!t'S ~~·r\:HU l'clw~ r, IS70 a l~"-1. tr~ 1'"' "1"1--ti.

% I'OlP. ; 11 J I ol. &"'· 1'111 i•, 1 ... ~1 ~u. PIUdiU>HI - llnlld111•, 'l'nlnt• I, I S~ I: 11, lbS.i.

lll. I''\\Ct; 1\l J'~"-.i. I I. I~'"~ . I I, t•.-.!1,

0 I 11, l ~!10. 7 "''~· iu,,l ' " '' · H 111. l'ur i,, Jiil-ll-!JO P nrdmn·tl

HUCI;.l .~ llH~ ;-.:( li~'Crl" ~A 'Il HHIII.S ht-: t'Orm•T llf: 1, \ ~·11/oNCt:. llnllt•lin, 'l'ont<• 1'111, l~>tl8 ; 'l'unH', 1\, l .'l!l!l.

I n I 1 ol. h•u. ). •11 l~s, 18f·S-! !l. 1't'f>PIII<11


nez. No. l ll nw ncquircd.

!low QC()UirOO

F 7

F 2

F 2


F 35 1' :l;;

10 120




1011 .)

F 31


F 7!J

F 37


F 28

F 2;;

F 21


SOCI ;,.~ m: ~l't~.wLOOil':. Spelunca. [)ulletin, rle In SociO:te. .An nee~ ', N o•. 17, J S, tO, 20. P aJ·i•, 189!>. Y l , 21, 22. l'tll'i~. 1!!00.

-- N~moh·ca, :Xo. 23, 21. PnriH,l!JOU.

Soorir~ Zoor.oorQ!!E DE 11HANCY.. Il ul:ot in, Annee 1899. T om<• ;>..A:! I'. lh,moircs Anncc, 18!1!!. 'l'omc x u .

81•o. J'rori~, 1893.


Anonn· PUJt ~ATIIl!G J·:~cnrrnt P., ge~riinrlet ••on A. F . A. 'Wiegmnn . • Jnhr~nng I X . lhnd JL

1 l'ol. S1·o. J{el'! io, IH!H (1900) . -- J 1\hrgang LXII I. J3and 11. H eft 2. 18~7.

LXIY. JlumllJ,IJcft 2, lfalflc 1,

J>ur~hased P urchnsctl






Ko);IGtrcm: Rmmnscn E Fnr.mmcn~Wu.·

lii~LMil Usln:JlSI'rA1', B o l>N . Chrooik f iir .Rechuung~nlu•, 180:3- :)(). Jnhr. XXI \'. 11euo f••lge L:l.

--- \ 'crz••ichnis d~1· Y or lesungcn im ' Vinter­hu lbj .. hr, I 898-!)9.

-- ''crt.~ichni~ <lt'r Yorlesungen im ommcr-hnlhjnh r . H:I!J!J . Svo. llo1m, ll:lH~.

--And var ious "Inaugural J)i.$scrtu l.ions."

}.f o R J• n OJ.O l,JSCtn:s J AIIIlDt'Cll. E ine Zeit~-chrift flit· Anutomic und Entw•<"kelung~­goschichtc, ht•rau•gegebcn von Cnr l Gegcn­bltut·. .Bnnd XX I' H.

1 ,-ol. 8\·o. Loi1>zig. 1899. J',[cst~l'"' zu L UDEOK. 'Festsobrift zm· Erin­

ncwng nn tlas 1CO ,ialn·ige ll es~chen d<'r Snmmlung~n dcr Gcsollsch.,ft zm· lkfoNlc·

-- J nlu•gnng r.x.-. f311nd 1. Purcbns<'<l F


rung I!Cmci rmlitzig<'l' 1'biitighi t , 1800- 1!100. 1 1•ol. 8vo. L ubeck, 1900.

-- Fttlto·m· du•<·h das Museum zu Liibcck, Driltc A.ulhge, 1l>!J!J.


1 vol. Snt. B erlin, IS9!'l. P urclo nscd Po·cscutc<l J;xn , JJ:tnd r. 10 114 i\lv~t:nr J;trn N Nrrnt, r !'UR tY B1:n1.n r. Mit­

l~il nngcu nus drr Zoologi•chen Summlun!(. Bnml 1. 1 vol. 8••o. .Bertin, 18:J8- 1900.

J •·ol. 81'0. llcrliu, 1!)00. l'urchnscd Dan r.IH:R f{ESELLSCHAFTY.t'll A NTILJIOl'Or.oom ,

&c . Zeil'l1clu·ifL l'iit· J.t:Llm<liogic. .fubrgang XX XI, 189:). 1 l'ol. 8\•o. llcr lin, Jl>9!.!. Presented

B RRT.J XRH ~N'rO'IfOT.OO ISCHE Z£11'~CIIT!H'1'. ]~nnd XUY, XT.\'.

I u 1 \'ol. E,·o. ll.•t·!in , 18Q!)- l!KO.

D P.li' rSC'TIH ENTO)!Ot.Ol11Srm: Zt:t rsr u UIIT.

l I ~mn$ge~t'bcn "''" dPr I>•• ut •cht•n l>:t.tomo­lo<i•dlcn Uc-.•ll><·IJaft i·• Vl'l'hioulnnl!'lllll ll r. H . 1\r.wlz 111 <I <ler H o•s<'ll••·hnft ' l li$" in l>rr<clen. -l nhr l!nug 1817, 11,·11 :1 . lJ~oi··ht iihcr di~ W i••en•dtnftli<•lwll Twiolunl!en im U1•bi~te <lo'l' li:nton,ologic w,ohrend des ,Jahrcs, 18!W-l !JUO.

1 l'nl. 1\l'o. Tlcrlin , 18!)!1-1900. -- ,Jnht•!nng l&!JS, Th·fl :l, lhlflc 1. llcril'll!.

ii bm• tlio 'Yi><:!Cn'<·hnflli~hNI 1.t•ist till!!"" im O.:bi<'lc tl••r Entomologiu wii!lrc11d dt•s Jnln-e~, 1SH7 (UJOO) .

-- Jnhrgnng, 1899, llcfl 1. 2. Dt:rrTscn t: GxoLonrscnP. Grsu.LsC'n.u:·'l·.

ZeiL$chrift. Bnnll 1,1,

r ur<· hascd

P orrhnscd


If 38

If 23

F 29

NNtOI!AE NOYI'l'ATES. Bibl iogrnpbic neucr Rt•$(·hcinttngt•n>~llt·r L inder nuf Cl cm Gobiclc der I\ atuJ·~c•chidtL<> nnd der ••xact~n W isscu· >Cimikn, lu•rau~gl'gchen ' '011 1{. . .FI'icdhlndcr u:td Sohn. .Juht·.;ung XXII.

P t·escntcd

8 1·o. Jkrlm, 1!100. Pt·osrnlod .1\,uuuniSTOillSt'HF. \ 'I.:nt<IS' nFH l' nP.r~~ ~~­

c..·u r.x J tH~l~ J • .\~HH l :OO!) ''\"l~:i'l't<"A !. t-: NR u~·l) nv.s i!Ko.-1h:t.J!tK' O:!li llllH1CK . Ye~·1ullHl· lun;:cu, Jnlot·~:mg T.I'T, Jl ul fl e, 2. lloun, I t;!J9. Pt·<·scntcd

X I RIJ IH<Il ll KJ'<rSt'll R G&>~:r.r.•C I IA I'T l;Un N.!TU il­

l'l'l> llJ-:IJ,Kl'lilll> 7.11 J.!ONli. Sil·1.nng~bcr· ich lc, 18~!1. J:i alftc 2. llonn, 189!). 1're~cnt ccl

.t: .. t . Ver. l'r. Wwin. O n:>JTil<lr.oo rscnR :l [ oX.\T:<OlllliC'llTR , hemusge·

~chcn vo11 Prvf. D1·. AnL. R1•i<:hcnow, ,J ahrgnng, nu. J an.-Dt•c.

81'0. Berlin, 1!)00. Pre~cn led S t:l'CK J~Xlliii!O ISCnY. X<~ ~·unvonsc n t:l'JJE G ss HLr,-

scn.H; lN .FHANJ.. Fl1l!T A. :\f. .Bcricht, 1899-1900. 1 YOI. 8\'o. Fr,.nkfurL ~~- M., 1900. Presented

1 ''01. 8''0. Berlin, 1690. P•·~scntecl F 80 - - Zeil$chrift. U11ml Llt,licft 1, 2. Be1·li n,lSOO.

V Enr:rli TUR XA1'1' 1!WTss v.xscn.l l'T 1.1{ B nAUN· scuwE!O. ,J:\hreshericht X I , fin· dio

Y crcinsjnhl'c, J S!l7-98, LS98-99. 1 vol. s~o. B raunsch weig, 1899.

D.EUTSCTI.E l'IIALAKOZOOL0013CII E (l !!SELL· SCJJAl-"1'. N:whrichtsblal.l.. Juhrgnng xxxn.

l •·ol. 81·0. lt'rnnkfurt nm hlui.u, hOO. P \ll·clloecd F 2S V EI!JHN 'FOB NATUR\I'TSSBN~CIIHl'T.lCilE L N· 'l'ER UALTUliO zu l l.n•nrno. Yerllund­hmgen, 1896-18 ;}9. Band x.

D!iuT>Cnt: ZooLoGrscnr. Gr.•:;LLS<'ITAF'r. Das T ierreich. F.ino 7.usumtuenstcllung und K cnuzeichnung der rr?.rut.en Tierfo•·m~n.

-- ,Lief. !J. .\.~os, Redulttcur A . Rcichcnow. 1'1'ochilicluc, von El'llst. linrlcrt.

S•·o. l:~•·lin, 1!100. P urchnscd Or:or.O<nscn RX SrECJA 1.1>.1 Rn; YON Jtr.sAS:l­

Lo-ruJHNC J·:x. Jl bhundlun,!!etl. X cue Folgc. H eft 3. J)w Uiln•iulo \\'irhdLH'l'• fauna you Violdinshofon (Obcr- 1':1~us~). i ' l\•il. I<uubticrc und n -ic<i<'rkimN· mit au,nnhuw dl'l' Rinder, ron C:otl rried H ngmnnn. S1·o. Stra~.lm 1·~. ISU!J. Prc~entcd

hy l'ro r. !,, Dodcr luin . liA IITIL ll<l iSI'III·: \ V ISSF:lo'SOII \1'1 I,TC IIE •ii.!'ST.IJ.T.

Juhrhudo .)ulorgunl{, :. 1 r, 18! !; , 18:1!). Present('(] lkilu•fL 1 . IJa• Urundwn<sct• in Jluml>urg,

l ie!'! 7, J89!l. 2. :\IHL€1ilun:teu nns clem Nntur·

loi~to1·isch~n ;\[uscnm in J lmn­Onrg, Jnln•gung, x~rJ 18!JX, (l!;!l.l),

llamburg, 1900. 100117- Z EITSCUnTFT 'FUR WI~SR!' SCilA FTT. t CIJE Zoo-

18 J.oo n:, bcgriinclet von Oar! 'l'heod. " · Siobolcl ltnd Albc·l'l ,._ .Kolhkor, hcl'f\U~~cgcbcn ••on ~\lhoWL 1. 1\i,!loker, und Ernst. :Elolcrs. llnmt LXYJI, LXI'IIT.

2 1ols. S•·o. I,t•ipzi~. 18!19-1!100. r;!l, lt' :10 7.o(II.OOJCA. Ot·t~innl-Abh:uHllungen :n•s ue111

Gt"~:unmlgcbi<>to der Zoolo~io:. IH'r:tusge­geben .-ou ()al'l l'ill lll. llcft ~-- ::lt.udien ubc1· l'iizillche Spongicn, Yon J oha:1ucs 'l'llielc. 'l'hcil 2 . StuL!gm·t, Hl!J!J.

F 13 -ETil)>'OOJtAPHJC"AT. D~PAII'Ott:N'r O'F " LutRA J 11n: WL' 1 :.J I•taln:an: C'l · tllWAli't' K J . .llll lr.t •. " Cnhllogu~ So. 2. Dt•:<c·ripl.ion or Ull l•:tlono­gmphical <.:oJI,ction Crom . Equatorial Alri('f\ hrou•ht lorrctlwJ' hi' the lllt.c 11. C. Kooimnn nnd ~tltc:-d~ l'urt '1.



P urchased

S. ':.\[illl•ilungen nns den Votsn­iochcn Alu$cum in }I an•burg, lb!'ll:l, (18!!!1).

4. l\fit.tcilungon dcr ll•mhurgcr l"lo·nwtu·to, No. 5, ( 11-.99). 10110

4to. Lcidcn, l fOO. P urchased INTE:tNATTO'\'.\LF.S Aucnn- rcn 'E'I'IISOlliiAl'JJJR.

KuNIOLtrJn: l\lt'SEEX 1.1 BY.nJ,Ili. AmLlichc net·iehlt• fillS tiel\ .liilniglichcn K\IIISI>il liiUI· F 1o lungcu, 1900. Prc~entcd

K ONI<:n.rcnt: Pm~l7sSISCH g A,, 1 DDUE llEit Wts&t:xscnAnt:N. Sitzung,bcrichtc, l !JOO, No~. 1 38. Svo. Berlin, H!OO.


Fh P t·escnted I

Buml XH. 1 •·ol. ·1to. l,oi<len, &.o·., 18!11.

1-t: l'lll::-: :IJ I'SJ'I'~t. .;\otc~ from the . Yol. xxr, No~. 1-1, 18!39.

-- Yol. .~xn, l\OS. 1 nnd 2, 1900. R rJKS ETll.l(OOl!Al'lll •Cu Ml'~Y.DI 'lE Lr:JDEN.

Y~rslng •·uu den Dircctenr, 1b!lS-99.


Purcha~cd Purchased

P resen lccl


Rcg. No. I l!O\\' I R N I acqulrt<l. ~· u.





F 59


b STITI7TF. R. E.nK'nniEIITAL pour le3 Cultures des Tnbnc6. .Monographic. par konord Angc·

loni hol. l!'ol. 1\aplc3, 19o0. ::\I rst:o ('1\'ICODI TUIIIAX.\1'l'RHoE DI 0.£No•·.\.

, \ nnnli, pubblirat i [lt'r cum di G. Dorin c 1t. Gc•lr.>. llcrie 2. 'ut. xix (:o.x.xx) .



F :;3

l ,·ol. 8vo. 0t'fl0\'n, 1893. 2\l u~r:1 nr 7.ootoct\ u \11.\TOlll \ Col!PAR.H.\

JHZLL\ R. u .. ln:n~ITA DI OE~OYA. Bolle· tino, l8!JJ, No~. 79-89.

s~o. Genova, 1699. P resented !) 20

F 59


Munt JH Zoor,oorA r. A:;ATO IIIA CouPARAT\ DHLio \ R. F l'lli'EIISITA D l 'l'oru:>o. Bolle­t iuo, IS!J!l, \'ul.xtv, No~ 3oi--366. \ol. x1·, N oR. 3137-S?U !!w. Torino, JB!l!J, 1900.

n. STAZ!O~ 1: ()I l~NTOMOI.OOIA i\(HIA Il iA. ;'lluovt• Uclozionl intorno ni luvori. Serio primn, Nos. l ontl 2.

1 ~cl. 8vo. Firenz~, 1899, 1!!00.



F5!'i IOI:Ii

F 39 Soou: r~ lTALIA!I'A ut Soxr.N"-~: NATtr RALt Ill' 0818 Jlhr.uro. Atti delln Socictil. haliuna. di Scicnco N11turnli o del ) {useo Qi,•ico di ::ltod11 ~ttllu·ulo in :1\Iiluno. \ 'olmne XXXIX. 1<'11..: 1, 2. l:lYo. J\Iilnno, 1900. !'resented F .32

F68 SOCIET";, 1'0~0.\S.\ Ill !'CIBIIZE X \TUBAL! D' P ISA. F 52

F. 33

At1i. l'roct'>8i ' crbuh. Yol. Xli, pp. 1-60 8'1'0. Pi~3 . 1899. Prc.entcd

Zoor.oarsc·ns SnTJOII za NtAPBL. Miuheil · ungc·n. .Bt~nd xn-, lleft, 1, 2.

g,·o. Berlin, 1900. l'urchnscd


l OlOS-9 Atni:RT, JlRI'1C' R nE 1[o,.- \CO. Rc;ult~ts d~s Cnmp~gn••• ::lt•irntiliquc• nccomplies !nr ~on Yt~·•ht. Fu•t·. XIII. C1·n•lnc~s O~capodc' pr.wt•nunt d"S t"llnp:tgncs ril' l'Hiroudrlle (>upp) ;•t de t,. Prone•·•~ .\licr , 1'>91-97. l"'r A. ~lihw·E<l\\llr<h et E. L. BoiH'it•r. !\! Ollllt'O, LS!J~l.

]t'n•"· XI 1' . '\udibranches et ~Inrsenia pr<Wt"mnt drs Cnmpugnc• de In Prince;~ Ali<'l'o l!l!J t..Qi, par Uudolph llcrgh. i\llllllll'll, J ~!lil.

l!'o~l.'. ,\ 1". (t(.phyrion~ (Sipuncnlides rl io:t·huoridc•) pl·ovcnun( de~ Vnmpagne• de l' l l ironth•llo ~L tic In .Print·css Alii.'<', 1886-97 ;nu·{!, 1'. ~luitor. \llmu\{:01 1000. '

Fttst·. n·1. \ mphipodrs po·o,·enant de~ Q"lll flAi:UC~ tiO ]' 11 ii'CIIIddle, 18!:!::i-S8 par ~:11. ('ht·vr~•nx. Mounto, 1900. '

In !l vuk l·to. lllonn<·u, 18!l!l-l!l00. Prc,oontt•d P 38 (59) -- Hnr lt• Dou"i~·nu• C'•mpaunt• eh.' ln

l'rin•·•··~ \lire J I, Comples r;ndr•.•, c:r.u Jih•. HlW. ' l.>rt•.;~nt~d

1' 21 (67) -- Dcllxi1•nw Yo1·n~~ nu !':pti.hcrg. Bnl/.


F 50 FUO

F 50



F Gl

J! b1

.1/rr•. /l i.<l. X<1l., lllOO. PrrH•nt.•cl

.\ f'.\1>~ ''11 Tu1•~ru \Ill

1.; 1 ~~~~uo\.'nu . .Bullllm, Scr1c ;;_ Tome$ x, XI,

1 rol. 1\•·n. !'' Pcter-hur", 189:1. -- llul!etu~, !"l-roc ;,; _'l'unw x 11, No. l, J ...... Hl\-ll.l'r..·•c·ntc,l

~l~molrl'>. S,·ru• 8. Yol \'Ill. 2'\o. 7 · vol. XI. :\u •. 2, 4, t;; ml. x, No•. L, 2. '

lto. St. r,•tl'n~bm·:!, 18~1:1-1 !lCO Pn·-rntc.l Anuunit·(\ clu '\ftt~.;l~r' Zoo!ugitplf:. Ton1r

IV, No •. a, ll, 1~:-t"~t .. llle?d -- _\nullnirt• clu :\Iuc,~~ Zoulogicplr'. Tontl•

Y, ~ 0::1. J, 2. l 'rJ,Pnh•fl 810. St. Pd<>rsburg, 18!19-l!lOO. 'l!n:~utcd

C"1.1:1. (h:.ltU,iiQt r. DE 1-.\ RFs:m:. t.f(.moirt•s. ' .,), \ '11, N o~. :1. k

, l, Y!ll. lltl. St. 1\•h'r:.burg, lh!lfl. l'rc<~lllt•d ll!t•lll<lll'!'N. Y 11l. 1\. Nu.,)

, l •·ul. ltu. ~1L l'r·l<·• hur;;, Jl'IO~. Presrnt1•tl Mt·nrorr•·•. Ytl .:1 . .:<u.:J. .

ltn. •:t. lt'l 1'·1 .11',:, lS:l' . llull•'i11 \',.J \1111. '\ .... ~ 10.

tin>. ::ll. l'ctcr·obur:;, l:S\I:J-1. OC'. l)r<'scnlt•d



I•' IG


)! I(;



r 21


I<' ()O

F 0"

:Ru~s1~cn 1\Ar~t:ntiC'llt. 'ft•o:n\LOGrsrn R GE· s&LLscll 11 r LU Sr. PnTEnsurno. Yerhand· ltmgt•n. Zwc1tC Scri<' . .Band :xxxni, Lie£. 1, 2. Pre>en~

\'t•rhnwllun~on. Zwcitc Serie. Bnnd XXX I 1111 Li<·L 1.

~nl, SI. P..tersbura-. 18!.'9-1900. Presented Socrr.T\~> F.NTO~toLOGH .\ Hos•ICA.. Horm.

'l'omo x \ '- 111. No. I, 2. Pre•cnted 'J'om6 :\'(XI'- Xo6. l - k

810. St. Pt•ter.burg, 1899- 1900. Presented

Socui'n( I MI'I~~<I \1.£ nr:. r\1'1!1ULISTESDB Mos-('01!. llullutin. Aun6e 1Sfl8. :Xos. 2, 3 . P resented

-- Jlullc•lill . Ann,~e 1811!). Nos. 1- •1. l.>re;cnted N nuvcnu-c MC.moil·es. T ome x r . (Tome

XX} (iti!'Oillplt'Lc.) l \'OI. •ilo. l\Io£cou, J 884-99. l're!cntrd

SoC' 1 u·• ; lll:ll Memo in·~.

N ATt'RAT.JSTF:i:l PI~ K.ml~. 'J'omo XYl. Lin. 1, 1899. !'resented

SoCIK1'~ l MJ';IIJALK o&S NATUilAUS'rRs DE ST. P wrr;usnot' IIO . 'l't·twaux. Vol. xxvr. Li' l', 1, Hedion de Zoologie et de Pbysiol· o~it•, H:l!l8. 1'1·eeent<d

--- ' l'rtn·nux. Yol. xxx. Lil'l'. 1, Comptes r eodus des ~cu nt·u~. \'os. 4-~- 181!9. l'rcscntcl

-- 'J'ra ••nu~. Vol. XXXI. Livr. 1. ComptE's r••mlus dl' •l-am·t·•, Nos. 1-3.

t:ho. ::iL l'clc!sburg, 1809-1900. Prc3entcd


Com~ro:~ m:L 1\fAP.\ Gr:oi.~orco DE R~P~I:>A. Bolt•! in, 'Jomo X.\,., St>ric 2. To no v, 18!18. l ' ul. l'\'o, i\fmlrou, l!lOO. l'rc.rnlrd

SortrnAI> Esr.\'101 .. \ ,,.. Jlr,;-ronu N.)Tt'RAL. Anulc•. l't'lll' 2. 'I om'> 1111 1 ~XXTIII). 1 \'ul. 810. ~ludrid, 18 :(', Prc~t·ntcd


B1:11<1F.,.- Mr:<l:l"\1. Brr~cn~ ;\fu<cums Anrho!!, I "-!1.1. I I ,.j tt• 1. \lloHndliuger og Anr~b•·· rC't mnt: u<lpidnc nf llrr·scn$ l\£ uscum, vcd J . Ht•nrwho ·1'·1, I !if) 1. J'o·csculrcl

Dc•n \ .. ,.,,. ,Jt•o•n~thlN~ '>•·nertl. Et 131-idras: t il \ rkin!(<'lld••ns Jl j,[on·c• og 'J'ckuologi, wd A. ),, l.omn~;r.

I I'OI. 4to. lkrs:en. 18!J!). Prc~•·nt<'d -- !!;umliuwn af NCor·•ko Oldongt•r i Rcrgrns

i\fmH .. 't1 l11 1 \Cd \ . f_,~unUIJLt'. I \'ol. Sro. Bcrgen, 1875. Prc•cntcd

-- '' n \t•r•o11nl of I ht• C'l'llstaren ot Norway, h~ t:. 0. Snr1. \'ol. 111. Cumn<•en, PnrU 1 'l. 8\·o. Jlcrs:cll, 18~J-.1900. l'rrsenttd

J:~To ,ror.om~tn v;;nR:o:t!\'Gt:)> 1 STo('s;uor.~r. Fnt<lmuln~:i•'k 'J i•l•h'ft ,.o\r~. XIX, XX. l;lo~r;t~nl. J•:ntmnnlo~i<prr publi,: pnr Jn ~.wwh· l•.nl~<>•wlo!!l<IU<' 1\ :"tm:kloolm).

In I '"I 1><o St01·kholm, 1!'98-(10. Pre.;rnt<•d Sr11 \~<.Ill \!1 'll \1 •• \ar-b<•>·l'tlllllg fur 1b99 .

s:.\\ ·'"!!' •.. woo. l'N.'•~ntul h .. O:\ .T. ~.1.\':\_\ \ T' l'f:~.:'l\.\I':' \K~\TIEJ!lnt

Sr. <'I>IWI "· .B l:,m(! ll'olkl'lion ot .\lctnnt••.) lltlndtl .\.X\', AfJd. tn. J1Jt.ittit, ,\c., I\. Zcnh•g-t . ._,, .. l ' 9H.

_ _ lwo. ~tockholm, l!'OJ. l'rc•cnted J,o:-;nr .. t ~" 1 ns111 r• 1 t' t·.-.u 1. llallt!io of

tlH• c;~,,J.,I:il·:tl ln,totution ot the L'tli~er;ic,-of l'pd~. \'")• lll.ltl:l(j.!li; JY.lS!l'<-!'0.

J n I •·ol. t'l·o. L-p,nla, 1 9i-!l!l. Prrocntctl


X \TI'Jtl'llhC'IIl::-.nt: 0 t:SE!.I.S<'tr.\rr 111 Zrnrcu. \' l<'l'tl•l.inho·,~r·hl'ift. .lahq;:. xtn·, Heft 3, l; Jt~lll'fl• XLI, llc•lt, I, 2.

lho. :l.utido, 1809, 1900. Pl't•scntcll -- '\vujnhr.t.lntt (', 1 o, I'll.

~tu. Zurit•h, IS!l8, ~i!), lflOO. t>I'C$OII lct1

t\urtl~l'( i\ Lt' u7•t'Ll.Ol~J 1'1! (: ;OCll~\l'lllE lStt>~J:). J.Jnllctin, 'l'ollll' \ll.

1>l'o, .:\cuchatcl, 1900. ]>resen ted

Uci!. No.

]!' 66

F 66

]? 65


F G5


F '73


F 7G




F 75

F 77



.A.SU. JAPi\~.

EDUC.\T!Ol', D!!l'Ait'l"IRNT OF, .lAl'Al'. Twenty­sixth Auutml Report., lS\18.

How noqultl'<l.

81•0. 'l'ukyii, 1899. Presented by Tmpcrinl Libmry, Toksu.

Tax !NSJ.IC'l' 'Vonw. A Mont.hly Mngu1.inc, eclitetl br Yn'ltdhi Nuw&.

Yol. n , ~os. 6 to 12. 18ll8. Y ol. 111. ~O$. l to 12, 189~1. In 1 I' OL Hro. Oifu, Jupnn, 18118-99. Presented

by Japtmese Con~ul . h•i•&RIAt. LtDllARY 01' JAl'AN. Extructs f1•om

,\ nnuo.l Rcp<n·L. Pr~scntctl JM'PllRJAl~ UNIYJ~R;i;(T-Y, 'J\j~l~f'i, oTAl"AN.

C'ulcndnr, l!l\)9- l9UO. 81·o. ::l.'oikyo, 1900. Prc1eenl<>d -- Juurhnl of t.he C<1ll<'cc of ~c·ienc·<~:

Vol. XT. 18118 H). Vul Xlf. lSVB-HlOO.

Tn l ''ol. 4tu. 'l'ukyi:'o, 1808 -1900. Pt•efcnted Vol. ). rtl. Parh J, 2. TiikJ<\ 1900.


KON110"K. ~A'l'IJVIIKIJI'111GE V HRf:E"llll'IOINO IN :NHJn:ur.-LNnl 11. ;><o.ttmrkuntlig 'l'ijd~chrift.. Dcel J,JX. 1'icntlt• Scrie, Dccl m.

1 vol. !li'O. Batavia, 1900. l'rosentcd


MUSF.O NACIONAL ))F. J3UKNOS AYJll!~. Comu· nicaciones. 'romo I. Nos. 5, 6, 7.

Svo. Buenos 1\yrce, 1899- 1900. Prc$entcd


MrSEU PAUAF.NSP. Dl! lTtSTORIA NATURAL E 1£~·H,\"OOltAPllU. llulmi111, ,.ol. Hr, No. 1, Fe,·. HlOO. Presented

lllusEo l'AV.WSTA. Tit•• istu, publicndn por U. von 1 hering, Yol. 1 1·.

1 ••ol. S•·o. S. Puulo, 1900. l'•·escntcd


;\ll•;;H'r. D'H tSTOIItR N.~Tl'R~:l.l.l·: 'nE VAT>PA· I!AISO (C11 11.1). U~~i.tn l:hilcn;\ do 11i>· lorut Nntul'lll. Orgnuo do•l l'IIHs~o d~ \ 'u1· ptl•·ui~u llircc·lor i lled•rlt.>r (.',n·1o~ K l'<>rl<·-. t\Ho. 11 ,, ~""'· 1-!l.

i:)HI. \'utp11rni~o, l ~1(10. Prr~t·nte<1

SOCIJ~r~ Sctf."li'l'lf1Ql't' nu Cutu. \ dt'd, Ann~o rx, LnT. •Jo, 5, L899. .A.nneo x, Liv1•. 1, 1900.

Sl'o. Snntingo, 189~-1900. rrcsented

CosTA Iho~. Pnnnma J~x I'Osrc•oN Ot:NTno-A:uEn1r.n'A nB

Or AT~ \fAr,A. Docnmenlo~ r•-latil•os !> la Pnrlicipudou cl<· Co><tu Hicu en Dicho Ccrlamcn, No.J, lll!lv. rrt>sented

M\suo N.lc:tON.IL »c Col>·rA TI:c.... Antigiic· chod~- de Costa Rica, por AJU>•Iusio Alfurt>, li:mr. 1, l<{fJfl.

-- Tn•c~loo uc l'ostn Ric·n, por ,J, lJicl. Tri>tan, JS!17.

-- Molull'O' trrrcsl n·s ~· nu.·int ilr•- cltla nws('fll c·rn t.J•u1 dr l'o.lu Jl ic·u, pur 1'. lliollc,r, 18~17.

-- Mnmift•ros <h: Uu•ln J<i.:u, J:>Or J\nu>tu;iu .A lfuco,l I >,!,i.

lh 1 lol. R~o. Rnn Jose dG Co,ln m ..... 18!16-!17. l'rcsentecl

-- ;\nol•·"· P•t•·tu 11. y;;,t,ndio:s Cion!iflros -- Anli~tuednd~s de Cosl u Rira, vor .H . .Po1u·

kowskv. -- l~.tudi'o~ ~obrP hcs 1T Mmiglls de Oo&tu Rit·n,

por Ollr1os Emery, l"!H. -- ln(ot·mt> J)J'C~cntu.Jo ul Sccretnl'io de

1c.todo, J89S, 1806, I 89!;. l n J Yol. fh·o. :4nn .T0$6 d<' Costa

Ric•n, 1890 98. )[USllO ~AOrONAT. liP. co~'I'A Rlt'A, J\ , c.

T nfnt·nu> olt•l Scj!!unln S<•me•l r~ 1' lin c1~ Afio cc·l)nmui<·o, 1f)fl~ l i!UU, 1SI:In-i90ll. f'rcecntecl

)'l•:xrco. ~OCIEJ>AJ} CIE:I1'H' l('.\ ".1:1T(1N10 A.I.I.AT~."

Memoriu~ y lt!'vtetu. 'l'ome XII', 180!1-1900. Num. l, 8. 81·o. Mexico, 1900. ]'resented

l!cj:. No. Rooks.

Unl'Ol!A1' •

F 73 1\'ft'SF.O NAOlONAJ, MON'I'R YTDI!O. Anales pub-licndos bnjo In direccion de J . .irechnvntetu. 'l'owo 11 r, fu~c. 13, H, 15.

IIO\\ M:qulrc<l.

·Ho. Monte ~'ideo, 1900. Presented


P 1 (35) KT,JNCKOWSTilOM (Axe!). Quelques Rec·berches morpholo~tiqucs sur les Art~rcs d\1 Corvenu des Vcrtcbres. K. So. l 'et . .J.'kad. llandl. (4.) :n, 10, 1890. J'nrchnsc<l

J' 2 (12) ('ot.J,£1'1' (Hobcrt). On a Oollcc·tion of Mamru~>l s from North and Norlil·W<•st Austrn1m. Pro~. Zoo/. Soc. J.oml. 1897.

1' 2 (L3) \VJ;s-rr.1:NG (Charlotte) . Anntomisclw untPr­~uc1mnl!cll iiher Echidn... K. Sv. fi'~t.


A.kad. Jlandl. (4) :ro, 3, 1898 (U>!lfl). Pm·chnsed P 3 (53) CoLL~'l'T (Robert). On some Pigeons nnd

l'•rrot.s from North and :Xorlh-west .ins­trnlin. P•·ou. Zoot. Soc. Lo>Jd., 1898.

P 3 (G.J.} -- On 11 Second Collcatio11 of Dirc1s from 'fon~;o>~, .New Hob•·ides. OM-istianiu T"id.


Selk. Forlumdl., 6, 18H8. Chrislioniu, H98. !'resented ]> 3 (55) DREW (:l. ll.) On'l'ubcrou1o>is in .l:'hea~ont.:; in

\Vanganui. Tr~"·'· Jf.Z. Imt. :cxrii, 1899. Presented 1' 3 (55) NOHT11 (Alfred J ) De•c•·ip•ion of ot New Bird

f1·om Xorth-west .Au.trulia (Eremior11i$ car-lt'l'i) . Vie/ . .i.\"af. :crii, 4, 1900.

P 3 (uG) ~ Deacrip!iou of the Nt>st ••ud Eg~s of tbo Pnintcd J:loney Enter, Eul(lmoplula picla, Gould. P'io. Nul. a:vii, 7, 1900.

P •l (27) PntLIPPI (R. A.) Sobro Ios Serpientes de Obile. A>m. U?tiv. Sant,ogo, Chile, viv. Santngo de Chile, 1801-J.

P •J. (28) -- Los 'l'ortugas Cl.tilomts. A.11n. Univ. Son­ti •go, Cltile, cir.

Present ed

Snnt iago de ( 'h ilt>, 1899. Presented P 4 (:!:l) ~cnl'•:ll (Or.) Einige:Xotizcu iibcr Wricltschild-

krolcn. Zdts. XaiUTI<•iss, /:c:cii. Stutt­gnc•l, 18:19.

P:; (Lfl) CoLLBTT (Robcrt). Contribut,ion~ to the Knowlccll"e of tho Genus L~codcs, RPitJh. ii . {,!/tOe/e.\ ,1/r(wo'/i$, .M. ~nrs. Tltkn· .vkrr/,ase/.~lra/,tf,y Skrifl~r, i. Jftrlh-Xnt. }(l<o.•.tP 180.1, ;Yo. 0. ( 'h ri>tiunin, 1ll!l!l.


P li (~3) AxnY (('. P.) Dc•criptinn d'nu Mol lu.,qu~ 1l'rJ·,·strc non•ct\11 de lu Orandl• l{ah,lhe. .Jc111ru. de Cundt., .rlvii. +, lti!ll•. Purchn~ctl

I' (I (·l'l) B.11• AV ( A.) nnd D~IS,'7.1::<UH 11V {Ph.) DP~c•·ip-tion tll· COt)llilles nonl'cltcs d<• I'Tmlo-doiut·. Jour~t. tie Com·l•. , .rlvii, 1-1 18tlll.

P 0 (62) COLul\'1"1' (I') P cnrl Oy~te1·s nud Pel\rl Purl'lwsed

Fiohc•·ies. R•pri11letl .from " C~!Jlon Ub<en·er," 1! OU. Prc~cnted

PG (G2) Dnouiir {U.) unionidro nou,·ean~ ou peu connns. Jot<rn. <le Co11rl1., :tJI>•i•, J, l80!J. Pnrohnscd

1' (i (•Vl} F1S<'II1m (li.) ).otc sur l'lJc•lix llnmboldtinna Y!dcuc·icnnc•, n•·pc quelqncs rcruurques sur lt• Sous-Genre Lwinoc ot our l>L ~ecl ion Oclonl nra. ./ourn: t/e Comolt., :rl<~ii, 4, 18!).J. Purdmsed

1'6 ((;O) Fonu (.loh")· JJoscl'iption or n nt•w Spcdcs of l:lt:lix. Prot' . • Jrad. Sui. Sci .. L'Ilil., 1890. l:'rc~rntt>d

bv ('. livrllt•l'. l' H (•J..'3) l l 1:nLK\" (Clood•••l- !-:ludi"" on Austmlia;, •

~Jo1ht><':t J',u·l l l'rOI', Lhw. :Suv .. .\'.$.11'., nv, I, HOO. Present et!

P 0 (Ill) -- SJmlit•' on \ ust rn1iun l\lolht~c·:c. 1'at•l, 2 . l'ro.,, /, ;,.,, , Sm·., Y.~. H'., \X\'., :J, l! 00. J'c·eseutcl!

1' (j (~0) ll£1ti'U:II (.J.) Lo Gcnl'e <'olun cl>e1h• dnn• I' Archipcl du lu SouvpJlol <.'ulcclouic . • Journ. tit> Col,clt., .clr•ii. +, ls•m. Pntdta$ed

P 6 ())!) l\[OX1'J.mos.\T.\ ('1'. dt•). Coq11illes murine~ de t'IH p1·e . • /ourll . d<· Conl'li., .rl-t•ii, I, lS.l!l. l>urchoscd

P B (T;4) PIL>Jlu\· (lienl'y A.) Ono ('<•lleclion of Lnnrl ~folluscn rrom the hlanrl of Domiui.:n, 'VvoL 1ndies. 1'mn,t. Cmr11. A.uad., l'lii, 189Z.

-- i.'iote on the ~ofL l'nrls nnd DC"nt.ilion of Sto•ontelln. Pror· . • Lea./ . .\"t1/. iSd., Phil., t8 J I.

-- 't' la' Nr•we•t SprciPs of \re.t Inditm Lnnd l<ht·ll~. Proc . • km/. ,\'tf(. Sri., Phi/., l!!fll.

;\ nntomr n• \\\•,( lml'nn llC'Iir,•s. J>roc· • • 11·<1J. }Nt.l. 81•i., /'/d/.,1<.(9:!.

- A ~C\\ SpePit·> of .Pnd1~ t·hi1u>. l'l'a<·. .4wct. J.Y~tl. :Sc·1., Pili/., lRH!!.

-- 'l'hy-.mopl•OJI\ coloba, n. SJ>. i'rr Acad. Sat. Sci., Phtt., 1898.



PG (;; ~) Pttslii!Y ( ll t•rm \..) ,\.c!tlit ionnl 'X uti.' on the Gtl'tropod 'Orm•e TntcB, Ten••on-\\'oods. ]>,·~ •• lrnd . .Yol. Sci., I'hil., 18'17.

- - A ;\,•w Au,tn1linn Eulimn. Pro~ . .tl.t'od. \ ut. Sci., 1'/.il, U!!)!l.

p 6 (57) Pn.snu I. De•cription or 11 nrw liydrobin, kl.'. 1Jove,.porl A•·nd~m!l nf Xafurul S<iMces.

P 6 (:> ) ·-- l'J·I'Iiminar,\' Outline of 11 new Cla-:ificati~n of tho lichees. Pro<'. A('(ld. :-oat. Sn, PM/, J8!l2.

PG (.5!1) -- On tht• Jidil.'oitl l ,nnrl Molluscs of Bermudn. Pror: . .A.rad. Sui. Sci., P!til.,

l'rc~enlccl by C. D t•t.llc.''·

-- Note' on the Attolrnlinn Pupidte, mvl on


1' G (.;6) l'ol) ncsiu11 nncl J•:nst T ndirtn Pupiclte. P roc. , /(lftd. };at. Sl·i., Phi/., 1!,00. Pr·ctonted

p 6 (5ri) Pu.sDrn· ( Ucnry A.) nnd E. G. VAN!l1'T,\. !lcl'ision of tho North Amcricnn Slugs. Proc. A.cad. Not. Sci., Phil., 1898. .Prcs~ntcd

b,· U. lfc·d l<•''· p 6 (4.4) S mnr (l•:dgm· A.) Note on tho Iden tity or .

.A.mpullurin brohnrdi, Clrrmg~l', with A.

PG (1:J)

P 6 (4G)

polr ta, Dt•oh . -- De~rription of Leptopoma ('l'•·ocholep·

fopon111) .llill·h~lla:, n. sp . from Dorneo. -- .Xoto on Sh·aml111a bef,14cllietHi,•, M elri ll.

l'r01.·. ;l!ala•ol. Soc.,;,, 1. 1Hl0. -- Chri•tmn< hlund : )1olluH·:t. C!tri4lmas

bland 1/o>to.qrap.\. -- Land nnd Frc•h-wetar :Uollu•ro. Linn.

Sor .. }otcrd. Zoo!., .rrrii. l' G ( n) - On the :\{nrinc Fnulll\ of Christmas I slnnd.

l ncli•n Ot·<'•u, ii. A Li-t or the :\f:1rine l\follu•~n cull••de I hi' C. \\. Anllreu~. l'mr. Zoul. f>oc· .. I !'00:

PG ( 1:!) T.ITI! ( Jttlph) .. \. U<''·i.JOn of the .\.ustrali~n (.'~·l'lo>l n·uret i.!lt' and Liotida:. Trttll.f. lltJ!f· ,\\or., S.A., l M~t

-- C:ontrihntion• ton R,·,·i-ion of the Ret·ent lli>Fuit'lt' or .\.u-• r:tlin. 1'1'11/M. Ruy. Sot!., S .. -l .. ISH!)

-- ll!'linitions of New Spr<"ies of Land :-:h(')J, fr·ont :-:uuth A H>lralia. 'l'rans. lio!f· Soe., S.A ., 1S!I9. ]'resented

P 7 (131) .\ ntl\"IJ,r.rt" (Vhr.) Griinland$ Tnsekifaun• i. f,t•pidoplt'MI, lh•mcrH>ph•nr. /C u. I e/ /1/((u/ 1/antfl. [·t], .u, I, lStO. Purchased

P 7 (138) 'l'lt~no" ( l,.il ip). 'J'roll~lander (Oclonatcr) ln~tunht<i.o . undcl' s~cn$kn Expcditioncn L1ll J enrst•r, 1876. /C. Sv. /'et . .tllrnd. Jlondf. [·l ) , rv., 4, IA!lH. Pllrclrn~cd

p 7 ( 13~) r .oN..-ntmo { l~inr\t'). UcbPI' cine Rigenthiim· lich 'l'cll·arhynchindcnlnrvc. K. Sv. J'tt. A~·wl. llrmtll. (4], .r11, 7, 18:l!l.

P7 (1 H) l.ior.11 \ll (lgnnLiu<). t'al:\logo ~in6plieo de lo~ Orttiptd'\1< de !.1 F11una ibcrict~. A""~'·' s,·i~nt·ia~ Yaturae.fl, it' ttntlt'. t vo. C..>i1nbr.1 1 ..... 1... •

Pi (I ~2) -- Orthnpt;•rl's llu \·,"ti!'(L' ill' :\t. MMrlim•z }"~('dh•toL d~OO f.\:~tC •lhlllt'Ut'..:. .lH.tl, .~~or.


. Rut., Jitf.tf., o~fitt., 181:1. b~- E•chQngc Pi (132) k~ lltlllll'l (O~,i11n). Ornitoloj:!i-kn Tnl.tt:tl.(t'I>Pr

n~ l. 7 .Ttd ~anclln11un Ot·h i cles• ornnrj I. 11.. ~r. I ~l. lkoti. 1/,w,lf ( t". xr, "• I '!ll. Pnr~h:t•cd

1' 7 (13:i) Rl!lll'tt (0. ~1.) I' Y" !henskn (';rp-icler nntccknndt•. Clfr. K. ra .. l!.~td. Forh'

p 7 (137)

p 7 (13fl)

1b7 ~- ., T'urdm.~d ~T\1 .• (C:.) Ortltopt~ro nom tl<'~cripsit. Oft•.

A I tl. Akmf Forlt., 1~73. Purrlresed Oru:::x (E. Ernr,Ll. D•·•··riptions of 'Xcw

\ t<'IOI't311 Coccitlw. net . .Ynl. xt•ii 1 1! uo. ' ' ' Prr"entNl

P ( ') s . . .. by .Jam<'s Lidgdt.

7 13G TAr. (C.) Bttlr·ng ttll HNlunulrrma, knnncdom (!fr.}\. r.t. IIKad. Forlt., l'SGG. . Purchn•rd

1' i (1 33) Houro rn:..- (Aug lCmil). Dispo~itio mctho<li1·:t • l~xoclrorum Srnnclinn,-irc. Oft•. .b.~ l'•f. A/((ld. Forh. I ~73. p 111·chu8Nl

PS ( l'i) l~tllN!lOW ( \~·. J .) lo'our Notes on l-lpider•. Prll<'. Lum. Sor., :S.S. /1'. .t:r:ii 2 18!17. ut't'i, ~. 18!)8; .triii •1 '1899: ;XI V 1' 18!19. • ' ' J J

p 8 S S Prcsrnt~d (I ) TUXnt:liO (.\ nlcm). Diclr.a,:: till Sc•andiun,·icn~

Myriopodologi. Clfc•. K. f'ct. :1/cad . .Forl•. 18i 0. Pm-ch~cd


p !l (:l) Psc~o: 1!.1 \!(G. w. Ullli E. a.) .\.tltlitional Obsl'r­\ 'llllllll• on tht• In,tinds nncl H abit- of the ~ulit arr W n-ps. /lull. Trirco11sin :-.·at.

-llnw llC<tuirut.

Jlud. Sf)r., •, 2, 1!100. Pr~.cute<j P 0 U) R 11:-<IIO\\' (W .. J.) Ilt'><'riptions of somo new

Arllm'l!ln• of Ne" South "'nlt•s, 'Xo. 9. l'rnr. Un11 Sur .. ,\ ' ·'· W .. 3, I !lOO. Prl'sent~

P 11 (3) EtSI>:» (Ou•tn,') . Billrn!! till Skandinu' itms Oh,::ocllfl'trnunn. Ojv. K. T'et. A.lmd. Forlr., I RiO. PurcbaM'<]

P 11 (l) JuEr. (H. 0.) Dt•tt ligo zur .Alllltomie der Tre­rnutmlt•ngatltm~ Apohll'mn (Dujard). K. rtt .. l kad. 1/.nllfl. (4), Xt•, H, 18:19. PurcbiiScd

P ll p) 1\:t)(tll:ltO (.1. 0. ll .) Annulutnnova. Ojv. lL. f'tf . .tkntl. Porlt .. 181>6. Purchtl!cd

I' 11 (G) ~!AL~ICll'l!i< ( \ •• T.l .Nordi~ka llafs·.AnnulnLer. Cif"· J.'. 1 '~1 . . lktcl. Furl<., 1865. Purchased

P 11 (7) S t'Bl>'Cntl ( Uuldwin). liurthcr Duscriptions oE Au~ll·uliun lt:ur·Lhworms. PnrL J. Roy. Sm·. , l'irl., HlOU. Presented

1' 12(7) T,J11NO\I \N (.\ ~~1). Ophiu r·oid<'n v r~t'nlin hue u~quo (>O~nitn ('ltltlllCrnt. Oju. K. ret. .tkarl. fi'Mii., 18Gii . Purchn~Nl

P 12 (8) Lor p,)( (S.) l' huno~cniu, cU hittill• okiindt sliigtc :• f frin Crill<licll•or. Ofv. K.. T'et . .il.kml. !'Cl rh., l~Gii. Purch11!e-d

P l 3(1!'1) AUIIJ\'Jr.t.llo (C:. \ '. S.) Didrug til kiinn<'dom~n om 1\ru,t:tl'<'t'r. -um leha hos )folluskcr· orh 'l'uuikntct·. Oft•. K. T'et . .tl.~nd . .Forlt.1

1 S2. P urch!l.<ed l'l!l (:!0) lh:ncon t•AI (D.l x~u<' Ileobnchtuu~:en iibcr

cl it• Form• u iulton cler .. r,J<•n nh<lominnlt•n ,\ nh:m~·· lll'i 1\ r.·h,wtJibc.:hen. K. Sr. r .. t. .lk,,f. "''" 11 I 1), ;rr, r,. I ~!l. Pt.rch!.N

I' 13 (2 1) Sun: (0. \ I l'lll···•rtoit·u• ~hepnrtli-_\. '\"pw , pl.'ri<'o of Fr• ''"' tl<'r J,opuda. from Yic·· 1 ri•l. Rot/ . • ~,,, ... l 'irl., HIO.),

I' 13 (2!) .Jantrc• I •. A '\" "" Ot•nu- of hopodn rt-om }:u•-..h\\~ltC:" , .tl'luri \. no,v. Sol·., 1/rt .. )l) :J(l,

P 13 (23) -- .\ )ft•t lw I uf p:· '>t'l'l ing C'ru-lacr:l. 7'tcl. Nal., .fl'ii, I, I HOO. l'rr,~ntNI

P 1;; (l!l) 001'~ ( \ .) Ouo dt•n >il 'K:tllndt• "\'l'rklig:t" 11imorli-mo·ll IHH Rh it.<> I tnla 1'<'1 it·nhtt:l. A . St•, l'tl. Akttd. lfll>ltfl. (4), ,.,., 2 , U>S!l. Purrlut,etl

1> l G ( 13) I Lu.t. ('I' S.) A ). t•w Gt'lll~' ""tl a X "w Spt't·ic3 ur l<"i~lr ft·om 'hl• )[csuzoio !< o<:kd of y,, .. tm·in. l'rar. Ro:f· Sar., l 'id, (n.s.), ~·ii, 2, l !lOO. Prc•entt•d

PHi (B)-- ' r lre Cl•·a.plolit ... n,•arin~ Rocks of Victoria. O~f/ .. Ma!J. (n.s.), dct· . ~~. v•·, l i>!JO. P rcscntrd

.P lfi(•L5) 1•011 101. (1:. rh•l. ~tu tl<• !itrr I('< )follnsqucg .. t l hnrlnopod,·- dl• l'Oxforclit•n inf6.i<•m· ou Zom• tt .\ mmtmites R i'n,:!geri du Jur:t Ut•r­not~ llt'conrJill!!nl-o d'un<' nolit·c strnti· ~rrnphiol'h' put• 1~. 1\~l•.l. l'ar t :?. Gt:'nhc, IS!Jl .lrm. So··· Pal. Hwi.•·•~ •. r.rri, 18!19.

I? IG(·Ifi) :\[ol'flJO\' ('lwlr•·ll. Snt· lu ]),:,.,,,·e•tc cl'un (; •·•'trll nr tl•• :\I munoth t•n Cum! rot fl~<l. .INd. Notf, J/r/1/ t:l) . .r.rri,. , ll . lR!Ji

PIG(Ii)-- Sur I'•·;:•• rent•t tic> SuhJ,., Xt>ir> :1 Li!!· ui!t.:"' c1 l ~nu ... ~ul tlt• h~ Ctunpin•• Liml·mn·· I!•'Ut•C. llt•tl ~/Jt', R o11 .• ll•tf. JJe'ge. r:uiu', lH!l.... •

l' lfi ( t'\) - l'ur lt•• ll :pot• !(•rtrn·n·; it' I" C.tmpinn !.tu.hunrj!• Ji•t'" ro ... ·-t "''la :If I'II-I. ]lu{.

> • • s.,,._ lltftf, t: al. l'•tl., ·1·•· ... r•i, Jb!l'l. I IG(.,t,) Ott11t I\\(.\ E.) l'.u•Optis of tire Culled ions

uf l nn:rtt,-•r.llt• rthotl< m:rdt• h1 the l'rillt'C· tun J•:'J><'<Iition to Southern" l':Hn~ouio. .llli,., ... /uarn. ·'t·t, . .-., H)OO.


P1G (52) P&Sl!<'ld: (1\nrl Alphor~). Dn• C:rnxt•r Dc,·on. ,J tl••li. h. A'. (lt-"1. Rl'it1ts. Wit·ll., x/iii, 3 and ·t. lb!l:l \\11•n 1S91 Purdttl!l'd

'P Hi(ri3) S!'rti."(:J:n (Fr,ltlk) o,; till' L're•f'nrc of l'orf'• tn tltl' Vt.•utral Sne in .Fistulnlc ('rinoid~. .lml'r, (/t·ol, .r.-,.; J• 00

l'1G(~2) 'l'A'In.(Halph) .. A ltc·,.i,ion.of liH' Olcler 'ft•r-luu·~ l\ lullt!>t'll ul' .\.u>lr:llia . 1'rnrn. Nr!J. So•·., N .. I ., IS!IfJ.

P Hi ( IH) I t.tl!('ll (A l'llultll. l'uht•nt.uisclw Y ersl einrrun· l(~ll 1111~ Holhi(·n. (j~ifroqt• :uu Gt·ol. und


Jic,l. t,. Sii laou rika, ,,on a·ustut• Slt'inma,ul. St ut tgurt, 1'10'' Purcbnst•tl

P lG (u l ) Yc~Ut\1',\llA (~.) i ',j,t of Cuinozoic ]<'o~sil~ of Jup11n. Supplcmcul i. 1!100. Prcscutetl




P li (26) BEe~;. (R.) l'~b,•r dio· corrorlirend£' W irkun" do•• W inrlc• in Quado•r.nncl-t.•in-Gebiet de~ l>:ll'h•i-dwn Sch\\o'tr.. Zl!its. IJe11t. G,of. 0~8 • .rlr·•. a. 1'1!\1. Purcha~e<l

PI i (2 1) i\Im'Rro-. (ll ich·•l). ColllJlfe rendu tlt• I' E"c·nr-ion, I ~o•p., 1 !12. .Ln So~. Giol. }ltl!f., .rrit, 1S!l2. PrC'<enll'd

P Ji (23) -- l.t• So•r.·i<'c0~ologiqtu•th• Bcl·•ique. Soc. lJtl.lf (;/ut. Pol., .\·r .. .r•t , 1898~ Presented

1) 17 (2 1) -- Complo• ro•nrlu d<' l'~:'l:c'llr$ion ~.:ologiquc dAth b Clnnptn!• Limho11r~:ro••" de~ 21, <!l. Mni, 18!1!1. But . ."loc . .lfe~l. Jlelt;.. 1S9<>. P re>en lcd

l' I 7 (27) Sonnt:N~K t ;;r,u ( t . R) Rctlogilrl'l•!l for en o••twdttion till C l'onlnnd ih·, IH70. [Plst~,

1' 17 (32)

p 17 (!13)

l' 17 (34)

1' 17 (35)

P 1i (al)

1' I i (2~)

PI i (:!'l)

I' 18 (22)

1' J8 (:l l)

]'18(2 1)

P IS (21;)

1' Ill (27)

1' l !l (33)

l' I!J ( :Jfi)

1' l!l (3!)

p J!) ( 1(1)

1' J!) (12)

1' I !l (!lR}

""nt 1111( J (if••. 1\, r,.t, .-II.·utl. Fo1·/l . , l 70. Pure bused

RA \I ON n (<L) l(t urlM g,:olo~iqncs dnns I'itri! o•L H~ Hnnli<'ltO. Ccmrp . rmtt . .4s,foc. J?r. ·'""'"'· Sci. Nomte,, 1808.

-- Oh~<'l'l'ntion~ ~:r<n l o~iqncs snt· les it·nTrutx enlrt•pri< put· !11 l>io·o·•·t oon t i'C'hniquc d<' I' n!saini•St•mcnl olo In l'~ine et dt• l'uftli>ntion ttl(ri,.ul" ~~~'I'll \IX cl' ••gout~ eh Pnri~. Cflmp. t ' tllci •• l ltO<'. /o'r •• l ur/1/t' . Sr,'. X:mtN, 1808.

--- f.:tudo• g<~nlu~tiqu~ d1• I' \qtwcluc du Loing


~~ du J,unlltn. C~>mp. re111l. C'mgr. dea 'oci(lf.t .tttt·tlllfe•, 18(1!). Pnri~, 1900. Prcscntctl

-- L1v G:-ojlrotphic phy-icpte l't I:J. O.lolol!ie n l'E~pt><ilion tltln'<'tol'llo cl<- 1!00. Partic 2, Pu.1 • l-tt11n,:••r•. 1'c11dlt Jeu'"" Sr1i . 1~. P re!eoll'd

TI FTII! (J<:mil). Dio• I!<'O!!,llO•t <cbcn Yl'rhalt-.ni«(l dcr Uo•~rnd nm Ohu<<tz. Jahrb. Ottol . .Rficht. Wdn., :dii:, 3, ~. l'i!l3.

Ton\'Qt I~T (:-1· Lrnnh.) Om iljo.n;tn1Ltcr.• pal•·uli-k:t lmmalton-lcd. U•·•a•td.t' nf!!if· •·pn 1 ill 1\un~:l. \•l'tcn•kop--Alt•ll<'tll'en.


Oft•. h. T'tf .• lkml.Furh, l H. P urt'ha-e.J \ OH~I'I'I!O (01 R o•itr:•:!•' t.ll!' D lln•·inlfor,.chuu,:;

1111 H il'·< ·n~chirgc. Zrit.<, lJnti, (],of. 6-:s. , li.t, ·}, l '1:.17. P urclmsNl

.\ 7t ~utu:nc. ( \ lh~rt ) O m n ,·r.\'llium-forcn· tnl(ur. Oft•. Jt. r d .• I foul. lt'orh.., 1Si 3. l'urclmsPd

C1.n t: ( I'. 'I'.) Ono Plntina·hn•l'r. h<ilkn e it1nh•••llla "''J:>IIti,kn rntliknl<•t•. (?fr. A-. /'et. . I kud. l•'urlt., I Sill. l'urclm!etl

So1w~;N~" ll·;m (A. 1£.) Om Cnrhnlon~. Oj1•. K. r~ot .• tl.wtl. l •'or!t ., 1Si f. l'urch:•sr.J

Jl tWSI! II' IT1. (1•:.), 1Wh L r't'ILI" I> Hit (;\1.) Om n1\~t'll ' l'hinhlin·>Uitt•r. Ofl•. A". re/. A'k<1d. /<'or!t., I !i65. Purcha~cd

I! 1 '' ll f.t.sm:tt(l I C.) Ucbcr o iu chemi~cho J'inlut•oh·o· (t,·ldspnthl', m it Hii .. k.icht !<llf die 11~11<'1'~11 \ u•··t<•lhmt:~n in <I•·•· L'hcmto. Z eits. JJr,l. Otol. Un, :r:r•Ui., 2. l St:H.

l'<•lu•t• tl~n Ennrgot n11< ~1 <•xiko unci eincn tll'lH' tl l' utl!lul'l ll••s Ul'rl hio•rit.. Zeits. Druc. f,·puf. Oe.t., f1~i11, 2, 1~()(;.

I! \IU \ (1•'. ~lnmou). Bntnn.' - C•mtributiou. In lho· ~'Jun1 ut' Qtu•cn•lnrul. lltl. A_qrir.



./,N>'•'·• ,.;, I, 1!100. Prc!rnled (.\mtrihuttun, tu t ht• Vlorn or QucengJoo<l.

1/tl .. l ,qri<' ./our••·· ,.,, 6, Hltl(). Prc•~ntctl

Contribution~ lu tlu.• 1'lora uf ~-l"\\ !:uinl':l. 1/tl . l frri··· ./onrll, ri, ·l , 19CU.

I! 11, ~~~ (H. T ) Contr·ibul ion• I 'I a know)~,}~,. uftlw Flurn of \u,tr:tlia . Xu. :!. l'rtJt•. t •• nn . .'!01'. '.s. rr. :j, 11>9!1.

On an \I""'~ r., ... ,.,m , Pin ut 'icldinJ! lnrc:c Etlthlc I ub•·r·. J'ru•· ), inn. S (Jr., ;\. •• W .,



!1, I "!t!l. Present NI G \I.I.<J\\'.\Y ( ll . '1'.) J'ru.!:rc~, in I hP 11'\·~tm~nt

of l'lanL J)i"'"'''' on \hP U DJ led ~tale•. J'rnr Book, l'. ', Dttli. Aq,·ir., lb!l.l.

-- Pro~ re·•~ of Cmumcr~iul Orowin!!of l'lnnts tuult·r OJu... J'ear Jluok, (l.S. ll~pl.


· ' tlri<·., Hl!l!l. P resented by CS. Dep. ,, 1.."'"·

KAIIT\1 Ill (~.) l c<ht·t· clip Hilrlunl-( cl~ij \Vwkt•ls lwo "•'n A•,ltt•rd'oli•·•·n ,.,,. . .1/cm. /••itw. lmf' . . \ n/.1 ,.1/ust·mt', .r..·iu, 3, 1'-l.i l. Pl't'S<"ntcd

pIll (3~.) 'fAtut:N (.r. 11 ) u,pful A>o-lrnlinn ~U!(, 5:J, r,r,, :i7-H2, 1SPti-JUOO. 1/n: , t.•. l\.11 ., 11>!1!» I ftlHI.

h.1 1·: . L'. H"'""'.l . Pluul<. . l !vic.

P•·esenl ••d


I Hez. No. I

B 19 (3D)

Book•. How acquired.

W r.nnr.a ( llerbcrt J ) nnd Dr.ssey (Emst A.) Pr,>grl'-' of l'lunt llreeding in the United Stul<'•. ) rnr .Boolr, l/.S. IJ~pl. Llgrir., 1'>!19. Presented

by r.S. Dep. Agric. P 20 (5 1) E nRO'IA'\'CH. No•tll i ra ~ut.iim 1111 Sit11i

Tn~:k•·h. F.rvma~11, I SG7. Third t'ditio'n. S\Cinrv, 1 Sl. Presented h~· J{c·~. H .. \. R obert.sou.

P 21 (1.1) Honr. (W'illinm K) nnd NonnLrNor.n (Clnra .) ' l'lll' Cvucilunn J3i blio~rnphicum nnd its \\ ork. Liln·ttr,CI As.rociulion RPt'OI'd, .,Yo•nnber, 1899. Presented

P 21 (:i;i) ' l'mswt./,t; (l<'rankl. On Pln~ao nnd its Dis-Nt•nnnnl ion. Rt•prillled from . l uvf r . .~led. 0 11 : ., :! l .llllf/, I !lOO. Sydnc·y, 1900. Presented

by Board of H eaiLh. r 21 ( t.l) ' l' ITOMI'SO)< (.1 . ;\ • hbm·Lon). On lho Ouidnnco

uf Public· IC:Il'ort t ownrcl~ the further Pre­' cntion of Consumption. llllucolonint Jlnlrrnl .Tourn., Au1lr., 20 0 1·f., 1890. !:wo. M clbouroc, 18!.9. Pt·~sented

c 10 h,l' t!Gnrd of llc11lth, Sydney.

W <7'r (Gror,c:r). ;\[cmnrnndum on 1he Organ· toation of I ndinn .\f1tseums. Simln, HlOO. Pre~cntcd

SuJ>. Govt. Printing, Calcnttn. P 22 ( 12) Tm~11 t:r,r, (lo'nmk) and DecK (Jnnw .. Adnm).

Rubonio• Plague 111 1111 n.c. .tl.ll.rtr . .lfed· l<'•ll Uu :eltt·. 20 Oct. H!9!l.

lto. S)·dncy. 18!)!'1, Prc•rnted b.' J3onl'd of H ealth, ydncy.

P 2! (5 1) Wn11TL11CO!: ( l'hotnn,) . Thr Cru-btcea. Part I. Jft 111. A uslr .llttf,, ir, 2, 1900.

P 3 1 (20) 1-.:SP.R ( R). Fi•rho• nu< dl'lll Xnturhi•tori•chen )fn-•·nm do•r .1 . C. Ooddc•froy ,(:, Sohn in Humhur;r. JJ,nhchr, Mnti1: .Yat. Cln1.re A', • fkml. If' tu, 1/·rin. J'rit. 1865.

<1to. W tcu , 1865. P urchased I' :'2 (tl) L OIIIOL ( I'. •le). S utc•• ponr scrrir a l'o<ludc

clr• J<:chinntl~rm•. viio. R l'l'tJe Suis~e de Zool., ' '" i, 1000. llc. Ut'ncva, 1900.

l' 32( 1•10) sw~'lltR ( l t.•nlri d<.'\. ll ynwnopt<'ta. Ves· pid11•. .4Minnd. Snorlt~,.l,n,q. ~Yal. Ots. :r:.rri, !?. lt u. l'runkfnrL n. M., 1900 .

P 33 (.:>5) Fht'll~tt· llt: \'1.!1\' ( it. v.) . l\fikroskopisohc l .. t,•r·u~hunl(rn ubc•r tlic Structur cler llnl1 •il ,.,.,, J' ll'll nnd ••iui,::~r h!luri~oher G t•.•ic:ino uu! tlrn ru~"i~clwn Ostsee· l'•·ovinzo•n. A bit. llebiel~ Nalm·wis.•. Ham­lnu'fl, t>., 2, Ul71.

P resented


Purchased P 34.(!1()) Tu ,lt1TS(' II Ot.n ( 11.) ll<'r Klin'sehc Snndsteio.

.\'ocm . .lit:,,. Soc. Imp. Sttt .• Uoscou, >"iii, 3, 1871. Presented

by E. 1'. Rnm~ny . p 37 (~2) Smnn:n (W.) llit• \lgl'n des t ropi•rhen Aus·

p 33 (llO)

P 38 (HI}

tralit•n,, A MI . Od,i~l~ Stllttrwi.•s. Hnmb. ,., :!, 1':171.

" ' At L u K ( Robt•rtl. 'l'h~ Onrton Lectures on Colotual nntl lnclinn , \ t:ricnlture io Edin · hurt.:h l'nht·r~lt~-. lmp~rial nllll .tl.ri.fltic fltl'lri•rl.v Nr~•it ,,. 1wd Orimlal nnd Colo11ial


ll•c<trtl, (Jc-1, i!lCO. P rt'sented

Lerturc on th•• 1-'nmine in J ndin, bein~ lht> l n•lltl:lll1tl \ ddr~-- in •·ono<'Ciion with 1 he Onrton L ... ·tnr,·• un Culonial nnd Indian ,~\~ rll•uhurl' iu ~:,liuhur~:h l'nivel"ity. Htlm~ur,q/, l '>~irer~ify, H !)().

M \P'.


10 ~ Pnt·i•h of UJ•Intlnhl'lln, c·onnty of Cowlcy, Lnnd Di>o-itm ur <~•wuulw,,nu, lbSI>. Prescnt~d

by Dcpnrtm~nt of Lunds. lO.) C'nrtt• llnt hym(.t ri•tllt.' <lt•s lJ,·s Ao;m·t·•, pnr M. J .

'llHiu lt•t, 18!1(), Prrscnted by 1\ I bt>rl, Po·i nee dl' ~!onaco.

11111 Alhnl I, Pt·inc·t> tit• ~I on;.,.,,, l'nmpngncs ~'<•;i•·nttfilporq, lfi,tnit'<' do•; \'n.\'ng~s. L'nrtc •1. J 1 illl•rni>•J•Hilu Ynt·ht '' l't·int'<'•s .\li~~" tlnn~ I'J\ r•·ltopo·l rlt' ' .\ ~Or<''• l '.l9S, l'>H6, l.,!li. Present~>~

b,1 A lbrrt, P rince de Monac~.

No. at eml of


l 1 .. •)

fi (i

i ~ !)


1 I

I~ I ;~

11 ];)

Hi li 18 Hl :lO ~I 22 2:3 21 2:i 2G :li :!l't

[h. 3d.]



LT T OF THE .MU.SEU~l ST1\FI•', 1!1114).

Nnme and Office.

Rubcrt Ethrridge, junr., J .P., CuraL01· l:;uthcrlaml Hinclai1-, Sec1·etarv l~clw. P. H:un:<ay, Consultin~·Ornitholo.!(ist, &c. ' l'hmnas \ \'hitelcggl', f:ciontitic _\.ssisLant . \ lt'rc•cl .). ~or·tlt, do do l•:d!(<ll' H. Wnitto, do do ( 'luwl<'» ] I P<lll•y, do do " 'm. J. Hai 11 how, do do Thoma" l'ooksry, Consulting l\lincmlogist .l!'nutk 'f'. Cltwk, (']rJ•k .. .

•s. W. Gt·illiths, ~lessrn~ct· l{obt. U. Park, do ,J oh11 A. Thorpc•, Ta=-idcrmist Hobt•J·t Bamr~, Artificer Henry llarne::-, .\ rticulator, &c·. Bc•nlon Lucns, C'nt·ppntct· ;\nd Smith ... ,J. ,V. ' Voodlwnd, l'riutct· Hohcrt C:mnt, .\ssistant Taxidcr·misL ... • \. R Tnylot·, . \ s.;istant • \rticulatot· Hidmrd Hill~don, .\Ltendant. ... l:;amut-1 Long, Attendant Rol>et·t Long, do .A t·t h u ,. Bnl'!les, do :.\lt'l! . .A. Dash wood, do :.\ f1·s. K.l~nt~et·, do W m. Tltot•pc do ,J. Cullcn, J..~thoun"· aud 'Yatchmnn Jt' •• J. K nopp, Night " ·atchrnan .. . . . . . .. • \lhtn ;\I cCulluch, Volnnt<:er . .1-.-;ist..ant. tcJ i'lfr. " 'ail<'

Dutc of :tppotn!menl to

present J>OI>ition.

~-.. -.1 1 .Jan., l 'l!),j


1 1 l->t>JH., 1 o82 ::: 1 .Jnn., 1{>95 .... 1 .July, 1t-i87

I .\ng., (I'!) 1 ] i · ' Jtl'il, 11'!.1:3

1 .J:ut., lt'!JG ;j i'i<'J>L., ] ~!l(j

.. ·I 1 1 HPpl., 1899 ···1 I .J,w., 18!)6

3 ~~ay, I X!)!) 11 Nov., J !)QO 3 ,J tllll', I ~G 9

IH66 11 Ocl., I K!Ji 10 i\lay, ]Kt-i :!.7 Ht•pt., 11'197 i 1•\•IJ., li'I().S 7 <kt., ]X!)j

1 .l!ln., lXI-'8 I .Jan., l X!)G X FdJ., I X!Ji 7 Feh., 1~98 1 Sept., l Xb2 ] \ Jll'il. l.Sl'!l

10 llt't'., 1900 ]0 llt'C., 1!>00 :! I 1\ '" ., li'!J i ]J JUI!(', 1ti!l.S

• Ucsign~d. 1:1 :'\mcmb~•·. 111011 --

Sydney: Wllliam Appleg'llte Oullick, OovernmenL rnnter.-1001.

I Date of first

l nppoiutment in the


18 .l.~pril, 1887

22 Sept., 1874 ~~ • \ug., 1883

l JJcc., 1 • 'G

1 ~ \pril, 11'91 -July 1896 V ) La;,; 1892

1~78 l l'larch, ll'l';;J

12 ScpL, 18 i i Dec., 1t'\91 .3 April, 1891

- April, 189/

9 Vet., 1899